
Pharmacy informatics / [edited by] Philip O. Anderson, Susan M. McGuinness, Philip E. Bourne


Ansel's pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems / Loyd V. Allen Jr., Nicholas G. Popovich, Howard C. Ansel

Allen, Loyd V


Chinese herbal formulas : treatment principles and composition strategies / Yifan Yang ; foreword by Jeremy Ross

Yang, Yifan


Standard for the uniform scheduling of medicines and poisons


Pharmacology for nurses : a pathophysiologic approach / Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman Holland, Jr., Carol Q. Urban

Adams, Michael, 1951-


American drug index 2014 / [Norman F. Billups, Shirley M. Billups]


The Druid king / Norman Spinrad

Spinrad, Norman


Daughters of the storm / Kim Wilkins

Wilkins, Kim, author




Schaum's outlines : complex variables : with an introduction to conformal mapping and its applications / Murray R. Spiegel, Ph.D., Seymour Lipschutz, Ph.D. [and two others]

Spiegel, Murray R., author


Boyce's elementary differential equations and boundary value problems / William E. Boyce (Edward P. Hamilton Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Richard C. DiPrima (formerly Eliza Ricketts Founda

Boyce, William E., author


Fundamentals of statistics : informed decisions using data / Michael Sullivan, III (Joliet Junior College)

Sullivan, Michael, III, 1967- author


Statistics : informed decisions using data / Michael Sullivan, III (Joliet Junior College)

Sullivan, Michael, III, 1967- author


Statistics for managers using Microsoft Excel / David M. Levine (Department of Statistics and Computer Information Systems, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, City University of New York), David F. Stephan (Two Bridges Instructional Technology),

Levine, David M., 1946- author


E-marketing : applications of information technology and the internet within marketing / Cor Molenaar

Molenaar, Cor


Market-led strategic change : transforming the process of going to market / Nigel F. Piercy

Piercy, Nigel


Marketing research : within a changing information environment / Joseph F. Hair, Jr., Robert P. Bush, David J. Ortinau

Hair, Joseph F


Zag : the number-one strategy of high-performance brands : a whiteboard overview / by Marty Neumeier

Neumeier, Marty


The business of children's entertainment / Norma Odom Pecora

Pecora, Norma Odom


Former Top Gear Crew to launch DriveTribe Social Network

The former Top Gear crew seem to be embracing the internet in a whole new way. Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond have announced that their new social network, DriveTribe, will be launching this autumn.

Details are scarce, but each of the founders shared a quote of what they would like to see from this new venture.

complete article


Social Media is Transforming Marketing

Everyone realizes the importance of social media marketing. Businesses are tapping benefits of using networks created on social sites to sell products.

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is using social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and many of the social media tools to create awareness about products. It is an approach where business can reach their customers. Many customers interact with brands through social media. A company that has a high social media-marketing plan can thus tap into the opportunity and increase their customer base.

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4 Simple Blogging Platforms You Should Know About

Nowadays, creating a blog is a really easy thing to do, as there are services for all tastes and objectives. In addition, today’s major platforms offer numerous features, giving users the options to provide any kind of service.

Among the many tips necessary to launch a successful blog, choosing the right platform is important. WordPress, Medium and other platforms are quite well-known, but there are several other free options you should know about.

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JSON vs. XML: The battle for format supremacy may be wasted energy

Back in the late 90s, when standards were proprietary and communication protocols complicated, two data formats appeared on the horizon. The first was the extensible markup language, born as an extension of an existing markup language standard (XML), and designed (by an open committee) with the purpose of storing and defining documents and data through the optional use of a schema.  The other, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), born out of a programming language, was almost the exact opposite – a serialization format with requirements so simple they fit on the back of a business card. XML exploded in application development and communication platforms in the 2000s due in large part to the sheer demand for a human readable, vendor-neutral data format that was easy to read, write and share. As applications and platforms evolved and efficiency grew in priority, APIs evolved to become leaner, and JSON overtook XML as the preferred data interchange format among developers across many technology stacks.

JSON vs. XML: The battle for format supremacy may be wasted energy


How to Create Powerful Social Network Platform in 8 Steps

How did Mark Zuckerberg change the world? He built a global community that brings people closer together. The origins of Facebook are available to the general public. Everyone is familiar with the story of building social network platform that will greatly impact human relations and economy. Mark's vision of community opened a door to many variations of social media network platforms that today exist. Jack Dorsey created Twitter in March 2006. Rome may not have been built in a day, but Twitter was built in just two weeks, says Jack.

A few years later Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger built a pared - down photo app today known as Instagram.

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Techmeme Brings Its Aggregation Formula to a Daily Podcast

Techmeme, the online aggregator of record for technology industry news, is adding some audio in the form of a podcast: the Techmeme Ride Home.

Beginning today, the site’s new podcast will appear at 5 p.m. every weekday. Over 20 minutes, host Brian McCullough (from The Internet History podcast) will summarize the day’s top tech news and commentary from around the web and social media.

Plain-vanilla news aggregation is unusual in podcasts. Even in tech, podcasts tend to be personality-driven, more often involving hosts providing commentary on the big news of the week rather than just the news itself. McCullough thinks Techmeme can offer something different.

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4 Unexpected Social Media Platforms to Grow Your Brand Awareness

However, social media marketing efforts can span far beyond the core four: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. In fact, these popular platforms see such high users yet have such stringent algorithms that it can be hard to ensure your followers see your organic content, much less that your content helps you capture new consumers.

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4 Reasons Why Podcasting Is a Strong, Authentic Platform for Your Business

You have none of the usual constraints of traditional forms of media in terms of length, deadlines, format or language.

Plus -- and this is no small plus -- podcast listeners are some of the most loyal consumers of any form of media available today. If they listen once, they're likely to come back, again and again.

There are multiple reasons for that, and multiple ways to do it well, which we'll explore below.

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With Social Media Disinformation, What — and Who — Should We Be Afraid Of?

As social medias influence over politics and elections has risen, so too has our collective anxiety about it. Over the last three years in particular, the use of megaplatforms like Facebook and Twitter as vectors for misinformation has been the subject of congressional hearings and not a few columns on the websites of some of our finer magazines. And as we gear up for elections in 2019 — and, assuming we make it through this year, in 2020 — the anxiety is gearing up, too. On Monday, in anticipation of the European Parliamentary elections in May, the Mozilla Foundation, an influential internet-advocacy non-profit, released an open letter to Facebook, co-signed by 32 civil rights and transparency groups, demanding that the social network implement measures designed to increase transparency, facilitate research, and combat misinformation.

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Parliamentary code of conduct, formal business, closing the gap statement, Indigenous Australian languages : first report of 2019 / Procedure Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Procedure Committee, author, issuing body


Review of ANAO's methodology to audit performance statement : report by the independent auditor / Australian National Audit Office

Australian National Audit Office, author


Compliance by former Ministers of State with the requirements of the Prime Minister's Statement of Ministerial Standards / The Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Finance and Public Administration References Committee, author, issuing body


Introduction to bioinformatics / Arthur M. Lesk, The Pennsylvania State University

Hayden Library - QH507.L47 2014


Life out of sequence: a data-driven history of bioinformatics / Hallam Stevens

Hayden Library - QH324.2.S726 2013


Basic bioinformatics / S. Ignacimuthu

Hayden Library - QH324.2.I39 2013


Bioinformatics and biomedical engineering: proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai, China, 18-20 September 2015 / editors: James J. Chou, Harvard Medical School, USA; Huaibei Zhou, Wuhan Unive

Online Resource


Application of clinical bioinformatics edited by Xiangdong Wang, Christian Baumgartner, Denis C. Shields, Hong-Wen Deng, Jacques S Beckmann

Online Resource


Bioinformatics and biomedical engineering: 4th International Conference, IWBBIO 2016, Granada, Spain, April 20-22, 2016, Proceedings / Francisco Ortuño, Ignacio Rojas (eds.)

Online Resource


Evolutionary bioinformatics / Donald R. Forsdyke

Online Resource


Bioinformatics research and applications: 12th International Symposium, ISBRA 2016, Minsk, Belarus, June 5-8, 2016, Proceedings / Anu Bourgeois, Pavel Skums, Xiang Wan, Alex Zelikovsky (eds.)

Online Resource


Focus on bio-image informatics / Winnok H. De Vos, Sebastian Munck, Jean-Pierre Timmermans [editors]

Online Resource


Information technology in bio- and medical informatics: 7th International Conference, ITBAM 2016, Porto, Portugal, September 5-8, 2016, Proceedings / M. Elena Renda, Miroslav Bursa, Andreas Holzinger, Sami Khuri (eds.)

Online Resource


Computational intelligence methods for bioinformatics and biostatistics: 12th International Meeting, CIBB 2015, Naples, Italy, September 10-12, 2015, revised selected papers / Claudia Angelini, Paola MV Rancoita, Stefano Rovetta (eds.)

Online Resource


Structural bioinformatics tools for drug design: extraction of biologically relevant information from structural databases / Jaroslav Koča [and six more]

Online Resource


Frontiers of bioinformatics: unsolved problems and challenges / organized by Samuel Karlin, David Eisenberg, and Russ Altman

Online Resource


Translational bioinformatics and its application / Dong-Qing Wei, Yilong Ma, William C.S. Cho, Qin Xu, Fengfeng Zhou, editors

Online Resource


Computational biology and bioinformatics: gene regulation: gene, RNA, protein, epigenetics / editor, Ka-Chun Wong, Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

Hayden Library - QH324.2.W66 2016


Bioinformatics -- a student's companion / Kalibulla Syed Ibrahim, Guruswami Gurusubramanian, Zothansanga, Ravi Prakash Yadav, Nachimuthu Senthil Kumar, Shunmugiah Karutha Pandian, Probodh Borah, Surender Mohan

Online Resource


Bioinformatics research and applications: 13th International Symposium, ISBRA 2017, Honolulu, HI, USA, May 29-June 2, 2017, Proceedings / Zhipeng Cai, Ovidiu Daescu, Min Li (eds.)

Online Resource


Systematic: how systems biology is transforming modern medicine / James R. Valcourt

Hayden Library - QH324.2.V346 2017


11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics / Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Mohd Saberi Mohamad, Miguel P. Rocha, Juan F. De Paz, Tiago Pinto, editors

Online Resource