
Colorado Republican Chair Ken Buck in the hot seat after revelations over election results

Colorado Republican Chairman Ken Buck is facing criticism from within his own party after revelations that he pressured another party official to submit incorrect election results — and then spent party money to defend the move. At least two party executives say they were surprised to learn Buck — who’s also a U.S. representative — […]


Senior IT Officer (Project Management) (3 Vacancies)

ADB has a vacancy for the position of Senior IT Officer (Project Management) (3 Vacancies) in the Information Technology Department . The deadline for submitting applications is on 22 May 2020.


Azərbaycan və Asiya İnkişaf Bankı (1999-2019): 20 illik tərəfdaşlıq

Bu nəşrdə Azərbaycanda şaxələndirilmiş, inklyuziv və dayanıqlı artım naminə Asiya İnkişaf Bankı (AİB) və Azərbaycan Hökuməti arasında əməkdaşlığın və birgə səylərin xülasəsi təqdim edilir.


How can a State-Owned Enterprise be eligible to bid for ADB projects?

This video defines State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and guides borrowers on how to assess their viability to participate as bidders under ADB funded projects.


Secunderabad Cantonment Board to soon have mixed land use zones

HYDERABAD: The Secunderabad Cantonment area may soon have mixed land use zones for the overall development of its civilian areas. This is being proposed as part of the master plan for the area to be implemented between 2014 and 2021 and it will allow usage of land for all purposes like residential, commercial and recreational. As of now, there is no master plan for the Secunderabad Cantonment area and the civilian areas have been developing in a haphazard manner. With an intention to chalk up a master plan along with a development strategy plan and an investment plan, the Secunderabad Cantonment Board (SCB) had recently approached the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development […]


New capital: Can Naidu play Quli?

HYDERABAD: With Telangana now a reality, control over Hyderabad remains the major contentious issue which is as yet unresolved. It is said that the infrastructure required for the new capital of residual Andhra Pradesh will be completed within 3-4 years. If so, then one wonders as to why Hyderabad needs to play host to Andhra administration for the coming decade? The only plausible explanation for this inordinate delay in parting ways stems undoubtedly from the desire to undertake an exhaustive evaluation of the options available before making the crucial move. The initial gloom which this ‘pockmarked dawn’ ushered in for the city, even while the rest of Telangana rejoiced at […]


Realty sector saw significant change during 2005-14: Report

MUMBAI: Indian real estate market witnessed a significant change in the last decade mainly backed by opening up of FDI in the sector and shift in preference to high-rises over traditional low-rise structures, according to a report. The opening up of the sector to foreign direct investment in 2005 initiated the entry of new avenues for funding, and capital inflow witnessed a spike, property consultant CBRE said in its report titled ‘Inflection Point: Ten years of organised real estate in India (2005-2014)’. Restrictive legislations till 2004 provided limited scope of funds for the sector. However, opening up of the sector to FDI in 2005 opened up new avenues for investment, […]


What A Government That Means Business Can Do For Real Estate

The dust has settled on the elections drama and the BJP is now firmly in the driver’s seat. By and large, this is being seen as the best possible news for the Indian real estate sector – and rightly so. Narendra Modi has the business mind-set, background and also determination which are called for to bring India’s entire economy back on track. What the real estate sector now awaits is his policy approach to the issue of housing in India. Now, as the country stands poised on the verge of a major change in economic climate, it is a good time to reflect on why boosting the housing sector is […]


Want A Truly Custom Audio Experience Everywhere You Go? Personi-Fi Can Make It Happen

The desire to get things ‘my way’ is innately human. From suggested playlists on Spotify to personalized recommendations on Netflix, consumers love it when things are tailored to their own preferences. The concept of personalization isn’t new but the...


Hyundai Motor Company and HARMAN International launch the world’s first road noise cancellation system into production

Stamford, Connecticut – February 03, 2020 – HARMAN International, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. focused on connected technologies for automotive, consumer and enterprise markets, has launched the world’s first active road...


Best Noise-Canceling Headphones of 2020


Quantum supremacy: What can we do with a quantum computer?

Quantum computers could be used to crack open chemistry's most elusive problems or help to create new medicines


Tactical voting campaign says maths can solve the UK's political mess

A site designed to help voters who want to stop Brexit has come under fire for its recommendations, but the group behind it say it is backed by statistics


Grand unified game theory can represent all two-player games

Game theory helps calculate the probabilities of an outcome in adversarial situations, and we use several games as models – but now there’s one that can cover many situations


What is MRP and can it predict the result of the UK general election?

A statistical technique called multi-level regression and post-stratification (MRP) correctly predicted the last UK election when other polls failed. This is how it works


Does tapping a beer can prevent it foaming over? Scientists found out

A rigorous randomised trial has put to bed the idea that tapping or flicking a can of beer makes bubbles come to the top and prevents the liquid fizzing out


Heat can quantum leap across a totally empty vacuum

Even a total vacuum is full of strange quantum fluctuations, which have now been caught making heat leap across empty space for the first time


Tiny graphene sheets can start or stop ice crystals growing in water

Graphene particles that seed ice formation in water only need to be 8 square nanometres to kick-start the freezing process – any smaller and they can stop ice forming


Metallic hydrogen would be the ultimate fuel - if we can make it

The universe’s most common element could also be its most wondrous. Two different groups of researchers say they've made it - but can either claim withstand scrutiny?


Strange particles found in Antarctica cannot be explained by physics

A NASA science balloon picked up two high-energy particles and a new analysis reveals that they can't be explained by the standard model of particle physics


Your decision-making ability is a superpower physics can't explain

In a universe that unthinkingly follows the rules, human agency is an anomaly. Can physics ever make sense of our power to change the physical world at will?


Even a computer the size of the universe can’t predict everything

Fundamental limits on space and time mean that the motion of three black holes is impossible to predict, even with the most powerful computer that could ever be built


Correlation or causation? Mathematics can finally give us an answer

Are shark attacks and ice cream sales linked? Do drugs work? Being able to distinguish cause and effect is crucial. Now we have the maths to do it reliably


Maserati and Bowers & Wilkins Bring the Power of Sound to the 41st Cannes Yachting Festival

In September, the 41st Cannes Yachting Festival brought together some of the world’s most dazzling vessels in a luxurious, iconic setting. As the official car of the Cannes Yachting Festival for the second consecutive year, Maserati, together with the...


Africans scale back funerals to curb COVID-19

Across Africa, centuries-old cultural traditions are being foregone in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has seen governments impose restrictions on gatherings and other practices around death and burial. Francesca Lynagh reports.


For cancer patients, a chance to create a musical legacy

A recording studio in Virginia offers musicians battling cancer a chance to leave behind a musical legacy for their friends and family. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).


Here's how we can learn from other animals to create a better Earth

The exhibition Animalesque celebrates what we share with Earth's other species – and offers hope for reforming our relationship with the natural world


Seminal fluid, not just sperm, can influence offspring's survival

It’s not just about the sperm: the semen of male fish carries unidentified substances that influence how quickly the offspring develop and even how well they can swim


This is how jellyfish can sting you without even touching you

Upside-down jellyfish release tiny balls of stinging cells that can move through water on their own and survive for days – leaving a network of mucus that can sting you


Greenwood review: Can humanity survive a tree apocalypse?

It’s 2038 and Earth's trees are dead, bar some firs on a tiny island. The tale of what happened is an epic combining sci-if, mystery and an exposé of capitalism, says Sally Adee


This desert ant can run at the equivalent of 600 kilometres per hour

Desert ants zigzag around the searing sand at high speed but they always manage to find their way home. A new book explains their amazing abilities


Brazilian toads that eat scorpions can survive the venom of 10 stings

Brazil’s yellow cururu toads eat scorpions, and they can survive five times the dose of scorpion venom that would kill a mouse – the same as 10 stings


World’s highest mammal discovered at the top of a Mars-like volcano

The highest dwelling mammal – a mouse – has been discovered at 6700 metres above sea level, where conditions are so harsh they have been compared to Mars


Whale sharks can live for at least 50 years – and probably longer

The age of a whale shark can be determined by dating the rings of growth in their cartilage, a method that has confirmed that these animals can live for at least 50 years


Bats can learn to copy sounds and it may teach us about human speech

Pale spear-nosed bats can learn to alter their calls to mimic different sounds – a rare skill that could help us understand the biology of human speech and language


Don’t give up, we can survive even a Hothouse Earth

Bad news on the climate should lead neither to despair nor unfounded optimism. Instead, we need to roll up our sleeves and prepare for life on a drastically changing planet


Falling rocks can explode so hard that only nuclear weapons beat them

If big rocks fall far enough they can explode with more energy than any non-nuclear bomb – and the ensuing shockwave can snap large trees half a kilometre away


Weird rocks in Australia are a missing piece of the Grand Canyon

Some rocks in Tasmania, Australia, look out of place. Now an analysis suggests they were once part of the rocks that form the Grand Canyon in the US


Shallow Mexican seabed traps tsunamis so they strike land repeatedly

A tsunami kept pinging back and forth for three days after being triggered by the 8 September 2017 Mexico earthquake, posing even more risk to human life


Dinosaur extinction lines up closely with timing of volcanic eruptions

Many people assume an asteroid triggered the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs, but geologists say massive volcanic eruptions occurred at the same time


Cannabis plant evolved super high (on the Tibetan Plateau)

An analysis of pollen suggests cannabis evolved on the Tibetan Plateau, not far from a cave that was frequented by our ancient Denisovan cousins


Huge hidden canyon under Greenland ice sheet may have flowing water

A valley longer than the Grand Canyon hidden beneath the Greenland ice sheet may carry running water. How quickly it flows may affect how the ice melts


Volcano behind huge eruption that kick-started mini ice age identified

A mini ice age that lasted 125 years started in the 6th century. Now we may have identified the volcano that kicked it all off


Inside the powerful fire clouds that pack a volcanic punch

This rare image shows massive pyrocumulonimbus clouds that form above fires and can funnel as much smoke into the lower stratosphere as moderate volcanic eruptions


Volcanoes and Wine: Why a match made in hell tastes like heaven

From Etna to Vesuvius, Santorini to Stromboli, volcanoes have long been linked to excellent wines. New book Volcanoes and Wine explores this unlikely terroir


Underwater internet cables can detect offshore earthquakes

Undersea fibre-optic cables for transmitting data can also be used to detect earthquakes and find fault lines offshore


Half a million people at risk from volcano eruption in the Philippines

Taal volcano, situated on an island in a lake, began erupting dramatically on Sunday, prompting an evacuation order for 450,000 people in the surrounding area


I scanned thousands of research images by eye to expose academic fraud

Elisabeth Bik is on a mission to detect duplicate images in scientific papers, exposing either genuine mistakes or signs of fraud. But her work isn't always appreciated, she says


Efforts to stop prisoners reoffending can be useless or even backfire

Efforts to prevent prisoners from reoffending are often lacking in scientific rigour and can even fly in the face of available evidence


Covid-19: The science of uncertainty can help us make better choices

As the coronavirus outbreak continues, why do some people stockpile and others shrug? The psychology of uncertainty explains what's going on, says Rachel McCloy