
Customer Retention No Small Accident

Loyal customers are precious. Identifying the details and creating a system to make sure they are taken care of is key.

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Why Small Businesses Should Focus on Scaling Their Content Marketing

Having a small online marketing team doesn’t mean your company can not scale content marketing initiatives. It means you must know what the best strategies are and have your team focus on a few they can do well.

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12 Ways You Can Be Better at Content Marketing for Your Business

Small business owners can now compete on an (almost) level playing field with big brands, all through applying the principles and use of content marketing. Regardless of the size of the business, the goal is the same: to use relevant content to attract qualified customers or clients.

complete article


Ways To Simplify Content Marketing For Your Small

Content marketing is an important part of keeping a small business growing. It can help you to build credibility and authority, win you good positions in search engine results, and develop important relationships with your actual and potential customers.

The main problem for most small businesses is producing content at a consistent rate. There is so much to do when you’re trying to get a new business off the ground or take a semi-established small company to the next level.

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3 Steps To Creating A Killer Small Business Content Marketing Strategy

Small businesses generally face harsher circumstances when it comes to planning and launching a marketing campaign. They have less revenue and capital, which means they’re more limited in the strategies they can pursue. They have fewer resources, which means their teams are smaller and less experienced. And they generally have less data and first-hand experience with which to strategize in the first place.

One of the best marketing strategies for small businesses is content marketing, due to its approachability and affordability, but creating a content marketing strategy can still be an intensive and intimidating process.

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6 Proven Ways Content Marketing Benefits your Small Business

For small and local businesses, it can be hard to stand out against larger nationwide brands. However, content marketing can help your small business attract attention, and for relevant niches in your industry, too.

Content marketing is a marketing approach that involves creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to your prospective audience in the hopes of driving a consumer action, and it has numerous benefits for small businesses. It can give you the opportunity to not only expand your company, but also to build your reputation and establish a place as a trusted leader in the industry.

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How to make your small business ready for a potential cyber attack

In a technology climate riddled with ransomware and other threats, there’s no room for complacency.

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How to Link From Your Content to Build Leads and Connections

Whenever we create digital content, we reference other web pages, either for further reading or to give a credit. In most cases, we link out in order to create better content and provide the reader with more information on the subject.

But did you know that links can provide further value for your business? If you approach it strategically, linking out can actually bring leads and business contacts.

How to Link From Your Content to Build Leads and Connections


How to Create a User-Intent SEO Strategy

Behind every Google search, there is an intention. People are looking for something in particular when they are searching the web -- the answers to their problems, information about the services available to them or sources for the product they want. If you want your business to be discovered by users on the web, your content needs to be optimized for user intent.

Since Google can recognize user intent, it displays pages in search results that are most relevant to what the user is looking for. Because of this, understanding user intent and creating content with the user's intent in mind is essential to improving the relevance of your website pages and improving SEO.

complete article


To Create Truly Compelling Content Marketing, Make It a Team Activity

These days, content marketing is considered a crucial aspect of any company's advertising efforts. Yet, for a new startup with a limited budget, trying to find a way to craft compelling blogs, social media posts or infographics can seem overwhelming.

complete article


5 Small Business Trends to Pay Attention to in 2020

As an entrepreneur, you've likely had to embrace change lately so you not only continue to succeed, but you also find ways to dominate during unprecedented times. One of the best ways to gain a competitive edge is to stay on top of trends so you can create new opportunities and stay ahead of your competitors.

With that in mind, here are five trends all small business owners should embrace in 2020 and beyond.

1. Employee health and wellness must become a priority.
2. AI will continue to change the business world.
3. Mobile marketing will be used more creatively.
4. Younger consumers will declare World War Z.
5. It is time to go cashless.


10 Must-Have Content Marketing Tools For Small Business Owners

Customers go through a journey before they commit to a purchase. As a small business owner, it is your duty to engage and interact with them until they do so. And when they do, you continue to nurture them so they become your brand’s advocates.

With content marketing, you can convert random online searchers to website visitors, make them a part of your tribe and drive more sales by consistently providing them with valuable information.


Is Your Social Media Content Attracting Leads? 4 Ways to Bolster Your Strategy

Digital marketers often identify social media as one of the best forms of content marketing, but it can often feel like we’re just going through the motions. If the social media content isn’t attracting leads, what good is it? It’s likely you just need a quick boost in strategy to make sure your content is appealing to your target audience and getting inbound requests and messages.

In fact, 90 percent of social media users have used the platform to communicate directly with a business before. So if none of your customers or followers are reaching out to you, it’s a telltale sign that something should be changed. Ideally, you’ll post a picture or video with a robust caption that offers value and the floodgates will open: direct messages, likes, comments and queries should start coming (or even just trickling at first) in, proving that your content struck a chord and inspired action. Not there yet? Here are four ways to bolster your strategy to attract those leads.

1. Focus your content on interesting stories
2. Do a poll asking what type of content people want most
3. Host a Q & A on Facebook or Instagram Live
4. Make sure you have a call to action in every post


Content Curation

With content marketing, small businesses use content in various formats to build stronger relationships with their customers, capture attention, improve engagement, and improve brand recognition. For small businesses, content marketing is a particularly cost effective marketing alternative that does not require a sizeable budget to run. In addition, content marketing delivers some of the highest overall Return on Investment (ROI) for every marketing dollar spent. And it is an integral part of a solid marketing strategy. This is because it helps to increase leads, generate more leads, get higher SEO rankings, and drive more traffic to your site.


What You Need to Know About Employee Retention Credits

With the tax filing deadline approaching, make sure your company is getting all the assistance available from government programs. For instance, that means checking that you've fully utilized the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), the refundable tax credit designed to make it easier for businesses to keep employees on the payroll.

The credit is getting extended as part of the American Rescue Plan Act, the $1.9 trillion relief package just signed by President Biden. Originally scheduled to end on June 30, ERC will continue through year end, giving business owners access to as much as $33,000 per employee in incentives.

How the credit works, depending on the time frame
First half of 2021:

Eligible employers can claim a refundable credit against the employer share of Social Security tax equal to 70 percent of a full-time employee's qualified wages paid--including certain health plan expenses--from January 1 through June 30, 2021. The maximum ERC amount available is $7,000 per employee per quarter or $14,000 for eligible wages paid in the first half of 2021.


Ascites: Fluid Retention

Title: Ascites: Fluid Retention
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 7/13/2009 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 4/28/2022 12:00:00 AM


Excellent Portents

 I'm still in New Zealand, and life is weird but good. 

Amanda and I are raising our small boy, and I love being swept along in his enthusiasms. Zombies was mostly replaced by Star Wars while I was away. Since I've been back, Star Wars has mostly been replaced by Tintin and Dinosaurs and Sea Monsters, and Tintin and Dinosaurs and Sea Monsters appear to be slowly transmuting into Greek Mythology and Asterix and Obelix. This morning he ate breakfast in character as Obelix, complaining about the lack of Roast Boar, and then lecturing me on all the Greek Heroes who battled monsters (his list consisted of Theseus, Perseus and Herakles. He got very excited when I told him about Odysseus.)

Hair prior to recent haircut. I look like a bush.

Hair after haircut. I look less like a bush. Ash and I are poring over The Seven Crystal Balls. Photo by Amanda

I've done one public event since I've been here -- the Auckland Writers Festival. Here's the video of the first event, in which Lucy Lawless interviewed me and Amanda.

I did another talk -- just me -- and a six hour long signing the following day. It was wonderful to meet the people, but I'm definitely out of practice at doing marathon signings. I kept thinking about the nine months I spent on Skye, during which time I probably interacted with a dozen people who were there, and that includes trips to the little shop in Uig and socially distanced walks with archaeologists on the hills. New Zealand has definitely done right by its people, and that just makes the losses around the world even harder.

Amanda's already vaccinated. I'm due to get vaccinated in a couple of weeks.

The Netflix Sandman is taking up a lot of my time right now.  (Today I received a first cut of episode 9, and a finished-except for music and VFX cut of episode 4 to watch.)

Here's the Sandman First Look Behind the Scenes release from Netflix. 

(I saw an earlier version of this in which I could be seen marvelling at a copy of The Sun newspaper with the headline TUG OF LOVE BABY EATEN BY COWS, because the determination of the team to make it Sandman is astonishing -- to the point where I sent an email to Allan Heinberg, showrunning, last week, while I was watching the Dailies, and I told him of an error I'd spotted. He pointed out right back that the error was in the panel in Sandman 10 they'd used as their reference. I told them not to fix it. That kind of fidelity can only be applauded.)

And in the meantime, all of the writing time, and a lot of the meeting time (because the people I am meeting are in countries on the other side of the world it's either early in my morning or very late at night), has been taken up by two other projects I haven't talked about yet, although they've been 90% of what I've been doing for the last 18 months. But let's leave them for the next blog entry. It'll give me an incentive to write one.


***** Jet Airways' Insolvency: Potential Buyer Of Aircraft Gets Relief From ... (rank 13)

The National Company Law Tribunal on Tuesday granted relief to Ace Aviation Ltd., the potential buyer for Jet Airways Ltd.'s grounded aircraft. The court has allowed an application that allows them to purchase the debt-ridden airlines' aircraft, based on an agreement reached between Ace and the monitoring committee of Jet Airways.


Absence of Attentiveness

From 1989 to 1994 there was a show with a prescient title and approach, a show that gave rise to people including Jon Stewart and Marc Maron: “Short Attention Span Theater.” It presented bits and clips, standup and skits. Quick takes in keeping with the short attention spans that were existing then and arguably shrinking even more so now.

Market research firm MIDiA has recently conducted its annual survey of independent labels and distributors to create what it describes as “the definitive view of the independent music economy.” Modesty notwithstanding, it has sliced, diced and riced data from 5,500 companies in that space—which represents $10.6-billion of recorded music revenue—so its assessment is undoubtedly substantive, especially as it adds in financials from major labels and artist distribution platforms, thereby achieving, it claims, 93% of all recorded music revenue on a global basis.

The big labels, of course, make big money. Universal Music Group reported its Q3 2024 earnings last week, which has it that for the first nine months of 2024 the company had revenues of €8,396 million, which is a 6.3% increase over the same period in 2023. Focusing just on the Recorded Music category, the revenues were €6,335 million, up 4.9% year-over-year—and last year wasn’t at all bad.

Read more at Glorious Noise...


Rétention de sûreté: Sarkozy insiste

Le chef de l'Etat a demandé au président de la Cour de cassation de trouver le moyen juridique de contourner la censure du Conseil constitutionnel. Celui-ci a limité l' application immédiate de la loi sur la rétention de sûreté pour les criminels déjà...


Alg�rie : des livres chinois attirent l'attention des lecteurs lors du Salon international du livre d'Alger

Le stand chinois a attir� un large public, en particulier de jeunes visiteurs d�sireux de d�couvrir la culture et la langue chinoises lors de la 27e �dition du Salon international du livre d'Alger (SILA), a constat� sur place Xinhua. Selon Liu...


Contents Under Pressure Ringer T

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Ringer T - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Women's Raglan Hoodie

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Women's Raglan Hoodie - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Women's Tank Top

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Women's Tank Top - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Value T-shirt

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Value T-shirt - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Organic Cotton Tee

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Organic Cotton Tee - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Men's Sleeveless Tee

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Men's Sleeveless Tee - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Dog T-Shirt

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Dog T-Shirt - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Jr. Raglan

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Jr. Raglan - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Jr. Hoodie

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Jr. Hoodie - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Fitted T-Shirt

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Fitted T-Shirt - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure White T-Shirt

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure White T-Shirt - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Baseball Jersey

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Baseball Jersey - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Ash Grey T-Shirt

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Ash Grey T-Shirt - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Jr. Baby Doll T-Shirt

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Jr. Baby Doll T-Shirt - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Long Sleeve T-Shirt

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Long Sleeve T-Shirt - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Golf Shirt

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Golf Shirt - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Jr. Spaghetti Tank

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Jr. Spaghetti Tank - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Women's T-Shirt

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Women's T-Shirt - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Sweatshirt

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Sweatshirt - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Large Coffee Mug

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Large Coffee Cup - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Hooded Sweatshirt

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Hooded Sweatshirt - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Throw Pillow

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Throw Pillow - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Tile Coaster

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Tile Coaster - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Beer Stein

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Beer Stein - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Tile Box

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Tile Box - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Coffee Mug

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Coffee Cup - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Wall Clock

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Wall Clock - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure BBQ Apron

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure BBQ Apron - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Contents Under Pressure Teddy Bear

WARNING: Contents Under PressureTeddy Bear - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.