
Podatność w oprogramowaniu SOWA OPAC

W oprogramowaniu SOWA OPAC wykryto podatność typu Reflected XSS i nadano jej identyfikator CVE-2024-6050.


Podatność w oprogramowaniu Edito CMS

W oprogramowaniu Edito CMS wykryto podatność CVE-2024-4836 pozwalającą na pobieranie plików konfiguracyjnych.


Podatność SQL injection w oprogramowaniu MegaBIP

W oprogramowaniu MegaBIP wykryto kolejną podatność typu SQL Injection i nadano jej identyfikator CVE-2024-6527.


Podatność w oprogramowaniu Stackposts Social Marketing Tool

W oprogramowaniu Stackposts Social Marketing Tool wykryto podatność typu Cross-site Scripting i nadano jej identyfikator CVE-2024-7127.


Program CVE – pierwszy rok za nami!

CERT Polska od roku ma status CNA (CVE Numbering Authority), co pozwala na nadawanie identyfikatorów i publikowanie informacji o podatnościach w programie CVE. W ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy nadaliśmy 73 takie identyfikatory podatnościom, także tym odkrytym w ramach naszych działań badawczych.


Podatności w oprogramowaniu EZD RP

W oprogramowaniu EZD RP wykryto 3 podatności różnego typu (od CVE-2024-7265 do CVE-2024-7267).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu routerów KAON AR2140

W oprogramowaniu routerów KAON AR2140 wykryto podatność typu Command Injection (CVE-2024-3659).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu ConnX ESP HR Management

W oprogramowaniu ConnX ESP HR Management wykryto podatność typu Stored XSS i nadano jej identyfikator CVE-2024-7269.


Podatności w oprogramowaniu HyperView Geoportal Toolkit

W oprogramowaniu HyperView Geoportal Toolkit wykryto 2 podatności różnego typu (CVE-2024-6449 oraz CVE-2024-6450).


Podatności w oprogramowaniu MegaBIP

W oprogramowaniu MegaBIP wykryto 2 podatności różnego typu (CVE-2024-6662 oraz CVE-2024-6880).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu Redlink SDK

W oprogramowaniu Redlink SDK firmy Vercom S.A. wykryto podatność typu Resource Injection i nadano jej identyfikator CVE-2024-6051.


Mroczny rycerz powraca: Analiza złośliwego oprogramowania Joker

Zespół CERT Polska zaobserwował w ostatnich tygodniach nowe próbki złośliwego oprogramowania na urządzenia mobilne "Joker" w Google Play Store wycelowane między innymi w polskich użytkowników.


Podatność w oprogramowaniu terminali PAX POS

W oprogramowaniu terminali PAX POS bazujących na Androidzie wykryto podatność pozwalającą na eskalację uprawnień (CVE-2023-42133).


Google Small Business Program

The tech giant today announced a major new small business initiative called Let’s Put Our Cities on the Map. The aim is to help every business in every city in America get discovered across its services.

complete article


Banking industry has concerns about the small business bailout program

Many small businesses have shut their doors but the bills are still piling up. The Small Business Administration is launching a program to assist, but many lenders are voicing concerns about it, calling the S.B.A.s expectations unrealistic.

complete article


FinTechs Must Be Involved In Paycheck Protection Program Lending For Small Business

Small businesses drive the economy and create the lions share of jobs in the private sector economy. However, right now they are struggling mightily. Although it is recommended that companies have at least six months’ worth of revenue in the bank to weather economic disruptions such as the coronavirus, the reality is that most small companies don’t have enough cash to operate more than a couple of weeks.

For the service industry: restaurants, nail salons, haircutters, landscapers, athletic trainers, and others, the loss of weekly revenue is devastating for the owners and staff of small businesses. Most service workers live paycheck to paycheck and cannot go very long without being paid. We have already seen an enormous spike in unemployment claims, ending an era when the economy has basically been at full employment.

complete article


Googles new Small Business Advisors program aims to help SMBs grow

Google has beta-launched a program for small businesses (SMBs) to help them become better marketers on Google. Called Small Business Advisors (SBA), the program offers 50-minute individualized consulting sessions on a range of products from Google My Business to Ads and Analytics to YouTube.

No enterprises or agencies. Google told me in an email that the program is is open to small businesses in the United States with an active Google account.  Large businesses, marketing and SEO agencies are not eligible to participate. The cost is $39.99 per session. There’s no fee through the end of 2020.

Small business does not appear to be defined, so theoretically companies with up to 100 employees or even 499 employees (the U.S. Small Business Administration definition). As a practical matter, the program will likely be utilized by very small businesses with relatively few employees. Suspended accounts are not eligible to book an appointment and must get reinstated before gaining access to the program.


Programmer (blood) types

A lot gets said about evaluating technical skills when building teams, but I find that to be relatively straightforward - what's trickier is understanding how a person prefers to work and so how much effort (i.e. change) will be needed for the team to gel once that person is added. Consequently, I spend a lot more time thinking about this than any specific skill a person might have.

It's as if each of us has a personality blood-type. Just as transfusing blood among individuals without taking account of their body chemistry can result in serious health issues, so too mixing otherwise competent individuals without regard to group chemistry can greatly reduce everyone's effectiveness. This is true, even if these same individuals would be very effective in different groups.

Like one's actual blood type, there are multiple factors involved, but I find three especially important. So, to run with the metaphor let's call them 'A' factor, 'B' factor and 'Rh' factor:

  • A Factor: Knowledge Sensitivity: A person has this trait if I expect the effort needed for them to understand the Situational Context of the team will be a significant factor in the gelling process. Considerations include: current knowledge, learning preferences (online research, training, books, etc), learning-speed, learning-skill, open-mindedness and how (and how easily) they'll learn from their teammates.
  • B Factor: Environmental Sensitivity [1]. This stuff matters to most everyone, but some are more sensitive to it than others. If it looks like it'll be a prominent part of the gelling process, they have this trait.
  • AB: Person has both traits.
  • O: Person has neither. I don't expect the person will require radical shifts in team cohesion to gel with the group (though they still may cause such shifts over time).
  • Rh Factor (+ or -): Tendency toward taking social initiative[2]. This one's hard to define. To get a sense of what I mean, the next time you're in a casual group discussion (ideally of peers), note the people who tend to pick the topics of conversations, suggest lunch destinations and so on. These people have this trait. When work topics arise, they're the ones proposing new ideas and things that need focusing on in the first place. Incidentally, if you believe you have this trait, you might need to reign it in to get a sense of who else has it (and a good habit for you to develop regardless).

I see these factors as neither strengths nor weaknesses. Nor as (necessarily) fixed traits. A successful team may contain (or require) people exhibiting any combination of these traits. Adding people who learn quickly or who care a lot about how customers are acting toward the group or are passionate about their work environment [3] is just as important as having deeply experienced people who are agnostic to the details of the work environment. Even when people's quirks or lack of knowledge might seem to be burdensome, our work is a creative activity not a mechanical one. Taking the effort to incorporate people who have a particular genius or ability into my teams has paid off more often than it's been a liability.

It is also important to understand this is my thinking process after it becomes clear the person is a plausible fit for the team. That means they've already passed the no assholes rule, otherwise appear to have the skills the group needs and I believe will get along reasonably well with the rest of the team outside the context of the goal at hand.

Of course, I also consider many other non-skill traits to be important - e.g.: risk aversion; time flexibility; tolerance for ambiguity, tool/practice prejudices and social neediness are all relevant - but regardless of which ones dominate a particular gelling process, what I'm always after is a better understanding of how the person will complement the rest of the group. Most importantly, reflecting on why people work well together helps me to do my job better. Hope you find it useful for that too.

[1] More precisely: How sensitive the individual is to forces acting within or upon the group; this important topic will get a separate blog entry hopefully soon

[2] Leadership in the narrow sense of desire to influence direction of a group of people.

[3] Tool and process preferences is an entire - large - subcategory that can even be considered an entire trait all it's own. We do so love our tool and practice religions!


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Kino Urania [14.-20.11.2024.] [program]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Kino Urania [14.-20.11.2024.] [program]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 10:35 (GMT 1) Bogate projekcije Kinematografa u Kinu Urania čekaju na vas, a što je u ponudi pogledajte u tekstu niže...

Cijena ulaznica za redovite repertoarne iznose 4,50 EUR/33,90 kn, dok uz predočenje studentske ili umirovljeničke iskaznice karte možete kupiti po cijeni od 3,70 EUR/27,88 kn. Ulaznica za školske projekcije (grupe manje od 30 učenika) je 3,30 EUR/24,86 kn, a za grupe veće od 30 učenika cijena ulaznice je 2,70 EUR/20,34 kn. Za obiteljsku srijedu i dječje matineje ulaznice iznose 3,70 EUR/27,88 kn za sve gledatelje.

*Prije izdavanja ulaznica napomenite imate li studentski ili umirovljenički popust. Izdane ulaznice ne mogu se stornirati. Popust vrijedi uz predočenje važećih iskaznica.

Ulaznice možete rezervirati klikom info[at]kinematografi-osijek[dot]hr

Premijerni naslov kojeg biste ovog tjedna obvezno trebali staviti na svoju kino listu je novi spektakl Ridleya Scotta Gladijator 2 koji je oduševio filmsku kritiku i uz velika očekivanja publike sa svojim prikazivanjem počinje 14.11.

Drugi premijerni naslov je hrvatska ratna drama Proslava koji ukazuje na okolnosti koje za posljedicu imaju pojavu ekstemizma u društvu.

U nedjelju 17.11. CICAE, međunarodna mreža art kina, čiji je dugogodišnji član i kino Urania, obilježava Europski dan Art kina.

Suočeni s rastućim antidemokratskim osjećajima, populizmom i polarizacijom, sve većim nasiljem i predrasudama protiv manjina, disidenata, filmskih i kulturnih profesionalaca, mi – globalni arthouse pokret – stojimo ujedinjeni u našoj predanosti obrani ideala slobodno i otvoreno društvo i dijalog pun poštovanja koji prevazilazi granica i kultura.

Kao neovisna kina, mi – zajedno s našom raznolikom publikom diljem svijeta – svakodnevno radimo na rasvjetljavanju demokracije, jednakosti i slobode. Čvrsto stojimo uz one čiji se glasovi ušutkavaju, bilo kada i bilo gdje.

Arthouse kina dugo su bila, i ostat će, portali u svjetove izvan našeg. Služeći kao ključna kulturna središta u svojim lokalnim zajednicama, oni pružaju jedinstveni prostor za otkrivanje, otvarajući prozore za nove priče, perspektive i susrete.

Pozivamo donositelje političkih odluka i zajednice posvuda da…

• zaštitite slobodu govora i umjetničko izražavanje, kao temelj živog kulturnog krajolika.

• poštuju i uvažavaju različita mišljenja i perspektive, identitete i načina života i potiču kulturu uključenosti i empatije.

• potiču dijalog i razmjenu među zajednicama, kulturama i granicama, kako bismo izgradili razumijevanje, poštovanje i uvažavanje svjetova izvan našeg.

• osiguraju sigurnost audiovizualnih umjetnika i kulturnih djelatnika koji promiču i štite našu zajedničku kulturnu baštinu.

• podržavaju i zaštite bitna kulturna mjesta, kao što su nezavisna kina, kao središta slobodne kulture i društva.

Wim Wenders, kao veleposlanik Europskog dana Art kina poziva Vas na potpisivanje peticije ukoliko ste suglasni s gore navedenim ciljevima.

Ostali filmski naslovi u ovotjednom programu su filmovi iz revije Film Biography- Dražen, biografsko politički film The Apprentice: Priča o Trumpu, intrigantan triler Konklava, psihološki triler Izolacija, a u dječjem programu Divlji robot i obiteljska avantura Izumitelj, o znatiželjnom i svojeglavom izumitelju i umjetniku Leonardu da Vinci-ju.

Last chance to see u ovom filmskom tjednu u Kino klubu kina Urania: uz Zelena granica pogledajte i kontroverzni Klub Zero.

Nabavite na vrijeme i ulaznice za naše predstave!

U utorak, 19.11.2024. u 19 sati Dragan Marinković Maca nas očekuje sa svojim stand up-om Macaglu, a ulaznice su u online prodaji i na blagajni kina Urania.

U srijedu, 20.11.2024. u 19 sati ponovo će na programu biti Pračovjek- komedija bez filtera. Ulaznice možete kupiti online ili na blagajni kina Urania.

Obje predstave Anđelke Stević Žugić Što me opet snađe koje će se održati 9. i 10.12.2024. u 19 sati su također rasprodane pa četvrti nastup ugovoramo za 7. veljače 2025. u isto vrijeme. Ulaznice za predstavu 7.2.2025. mogu se rezervirati i kupiti na blagajni kina Urania.

Nakon 13 rasprodanih Dejtova u kinu Urania, s novom predstavom Astroklikeri dolazi nam i Sandra Silađev 13.12. u 19 sati, a predstava je rasprodana.

Proslavite rođendan u kinu Urania ili istražite VR svijet u našem VR Game Room-u možete te isprobajte neke od najpopularnijih VR igrica.

Posebne pogodnosti i povoljnije cijene možete iskoristiti uz studentsku i umirovljeničku iskaznicu te na dječjim matinejama i obiteljskim srijedama, uz grupne popuste i poklon vouchere

Četvrtak, 14. studenog 2024.
16:30-20:00 VR Game Room
17:00 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
19:00 Resonance Cinema: Svjetski dan dijabetesa- Sigurno u dugi- edukcijska projekcija
20:00 Kino klub: Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA
20:45 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA

Petak, 15. studenog 2024.
16:30-20:00 VR Game Room
16:30 Film Biography: The Apprentice: Priča o Trumpu (120 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
18:45 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA
20:00 Kino klub: Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA
21:21 Konklava- Conclave (120 min)

Subota, 16. studenog 2024.
10:30-12:00 i 16:30- 20:00 VR Game Room
11:00 Dječja matineja: Divlji robot- The Wild Robot (101 min) SINK
17:00 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
18:45 Young local authors: NK Olimpija- premijera filma
20:00 Kino klub: Klub zero- Club zero (110 min)
20:00 Izolacija- Izolacija (82 min)
21:30 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA

Nedjelja, 17. studenog 2024.
10:30-12:00 i 16:30- 20:00 VR Game Room
11:00 Dječja matineja: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
17:00 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA
18:45 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA
20:00 Kino klub: Zelena granica- Green border (152 min)
21:21 Izolacija- Izolacija (82 min)

Ponedjeljak, 18. studenog 2024.
12:00-20:00 VR Game Room
17:15 Izolacija- Izolacija (82 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
18:45 Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA
20:00 Kino klub: Zelena granica- Green border (152 min)
20:15 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA

Utorak, 19. studenog 2024.
12:00-20:00 VR Game Room
16:15 Konklava- Conclave (120 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
19:00 Stand up Dragana Marinkovića Mace- Macaglu
20:00 Kino klub: Klub zero- Club zero (110 min)
21:00 Film Biography: The Apprentice: Priča o Trumpu (120 min)

Srijeda, 20. studenog 2024.
12:00-20:00 VR Game Room
16:30 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
19:00 Monodrama Pračovjek- komedija bez filtera, 16+
20:00 Kino klub: Zelena granica- Green border (152 min)
21:00 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: CineStar Osijek [14.-20.11.2024.] [program] [nagradno darivanje]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: CineStar Osijek [14.-20.11.2024.] [program] [nagradno darivanje]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 21:00 (GMT 1)

Uronite u mračni svijet paranormalnih istraživanja s mlađim Hellboyem, smještenim u 1955. godinu, u rane dane B.P.R.D.-a (Biro za paranormalna istraživanja i obranu). Hellboy (Jack Kesy) se pridružuje istraživačici Bobbie Jo Song u misiji transporta opasnog pauka. No, kada pauk pobjegne, njihov lov kroz divljinu Apalačkih planina vodi ih do Toma Ferrella (Jefferson White), vještca koji se vraća nakon dugo vremena kako bi ispravio svoje grijehe. U njihovoj potrazi nailaze na Coru Fisher, djevojku koju je Tom davno napustio. Zajedno se suočavaju s nizom zlih sila koje prijete njenoj duši. Dok mračna magija i zlokobna stvorenja preplavljuju ovu atmosferičnu priču, Hellboy mora iskoristiti svoje vještine i nadnaravnu snagu kako bi porazio sile tame. Za sve ljubitelje Hellboy stripova i filmova, ova avantura donosi mješavinu horora, akcije i okultnih tema, te vraća omiljenog junaka u novom, mračnijem svjetlu.

[Nagradno darivanje]

Portal Osijek031 daruje 1x2 ulaznice za film "Hellboy: Izopačena sjena". Nagradno darivanje možete pronaći na našoj Facebook stranici.

Portanova centar, Svilajska 31 a, Osijek, 060 32 32 33, Cijena 1,71kn/min za pozive iz fiksne mreže s PDV-om. Cijena 2,92kn/min za pozive iz mobilne mreže s PDV-om.
BLITZ-CINESTAR d.o.o., Branimirova 29, 10000 Zagreb
OIB 24146311117; MB 1734067,

Moja CineStar srijeda

Ostvarite pogodnost kupovine ulaznica SRIJEDOM po povoljnijoj cijeni!

Mogućnost kupovine ulaznica i za IMAX i 4DX projekcije po povoljnijoj cijeni!

Ulaznice možete kupiti na blagajnama CineStar kina, Cinematima, putem iCineStar aplikacije ili ONLINE kupovinom.

Dodaci (4DX, 3D, eXtreme, VIP i LOVEBOX sjedala, te dodataci za filmove čija je dužina trajanja veća od 120 min, 140 min i više) se naplaćuju u punoj cijeni na povoljniju cijenu kino ulaznice unutar usluge Moja Cine Srijeda.

Prilikom korištenja Stars Club 2x Bonus kartice u svrhu plaćanja usluge Moja Cine Srijeda bilježe se bodovi na kartici.

Pogodnost Moja Cine Srijeda ne vrijedi:
- blagdanima i praznicima
- za pretpremijene projekcije
- za Gold Class projekcije
- za Spektakle u CineStaru (opera, balet, koncerti)
- za dokumentarne filmove u regularnim dvoranama, IMAX-u i Gold Class-u
- za ostale sadržaje koje CineStar odredi

Blitz-CineStar zadržava pravo da određene filmove i projekcije koje prikazuje srijedom, izdvoji iz akcije Moja Cine srijeda. Tada se ulaznica naplaćuje po punoj cijeni.

Za sva pitanja obratite nam se na:

Tekući CineStar raspored je uvijek dostupan u tjednom pregledniku najava, pri vrhu naslovnice portala i u mjesečnom pregledu - Najave 031


AIT Domains Reseller Program Shows Positive Initial Results


Data Integration Company Dataddo Joins LinkedIn Marketing Partner Program for Reporting & ROI

Customers can use Dataddo’s optimized LinkedIn connectors to reliably and securely bring LinkedIn performance data into analytics tools and databases. []


iPhone programming

Did some more iPhone programming. The other day I took some of the maze drawing code and put it into a new MazeParts class. This class will be handling the drawing of the floor and walls of the maze. It will make the renderer file cleaner and easier to work with. Today I rewrote the floor drawing code to use translation calls instead of rebuilding vertex and texture buffer data for each floor tile. Next I will do something similar to draw the walls. I also added a setting to my info.plist file to hide the status bar.


Online Programs

Online programs give students a shot at degrees away from campus By SAMIRA JAFARI Associated Press Writer November 27, 2005 As a young bride working a full-time job in a small north Alabama town, getting a college degree seemed almost...


Programa: A1 Sitemap Generator v12.0.0 update #3 [Win 7/8/10/11]

Categoría: Programas:Utilidades:Varios
Genera automáticamente mapas de sitio para tu web.


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Benefits of Mobile Learning Programs for Your Employees

Employee training is a non-negotiable factor in reaching your business goals. An organization cannot grow if its workers aren't growing themselves – and there's no better stimulus for professional development than workplace education. Today's difficult economy motivates many enterprises to cut down on employee training expenses, but they're clearly unaware of the value of employee education to the health of an organization.

The National Center of the Educational Quality of the Workforce reveled in a recent study that a 10% increase in workforce education level results in an 8.6% percent gain in total productivity. ( This statistic proves that employee productivity is directly connected to the amount of training they receive. Employers who want to grow and efficiently operate their businesses simply must invest in employee training.

Fortunately, today's ever-present mobile devices offer many interesting opportunities for flexible and cost-effective worker education. Here are some key benefits of mobile learning for your employees and organization.

Employees find it easy to learn on mobile

To put it simply, employees like to use their mobile devices and once they see that learning can be as easy as glancing at a smartphone or tablet in a free minute, they'll be motivated to do it on a regular basis. Mobile learning allows learners to access content from any device and any corner of the world. Some mobile learning apps work in offline, so access to the internet is not even an issue. Mobile learning provides a great user experience and it's definitely user-friendly.

Mobile learning delivers key data whenever needed

It's clear that mobile devices are constantly on, connected to the web and within easy reach of employees, helping them to access relevant information at any time. Mobile learning is great for just-in-time (JIT) training – it can be refresher modules on product specifications, pricing details, and other kinds of time-sensitive information. By having all this information at their fingertips, employees can easily boost their performance, improving their decision making processes and ensuring better customer satisfaction. Additionally, mobile learning empowers people – just as stated in the 2012 report Mobile Learning: Driving Business Results by Empowering Employees in the Moment: "Putting learning in the palm of people’s hands — exactly what they need, when they need it — can have an immediate positive effect on the bottom line". (

Mobile devices can quickly distribute learning

The mobile age brings greater mobility of your staff and this impacts the ways in which enterprises train their employees. Investing in training opportunities onsite is rapidly diminishing. Many employees frequently travel or work on the move – this means that they spend lots of time without access to laptops or desktop computers. mLearning is a great solution here because it allows companies to easily spread learning materials to employees, full of practical knowledge about many areas of business. The power of mobile learning lies in the fact that it connects employees to all the knowledge and expertise they need, exactly when and where they need it. It addresses any potential learning need at any time.

Mobile learning is flexible

This is a key benefit brought by mobile learning. Flexibility offered by mobile learning solutions can be interpreted in different ways. First, there's the flexibility of time and space, where workers can choose the location and time of learning themselves. Moreover, they're also free to choose the device for their learning, as long as it can correctly display learning materials. The learning itself is also more flexible because it can integrate a wide variety of formats, including podcasts or videos.

Mobile learning helps to save time

This kind of learning will fit into the busiest schedules. It requires less time than instructor-led training or long eLearning programs. Instead of taking an entire course, learners can access training modules themselves to learn exactly what they need to know. This reduces the time which needs to be dedicated to training, minimizing productivity losses. Employees should be equipped with appropriate skills and knowledge as quickly as possible – and this is something that only mLearning can offer. Learners can consume small amounts of content every time, and study it whenever they like.

Improved completion rates and higher retention

Already in 2007, the Mobile Learning and Student Retention Report showed that mLearning brings higher retention rates. ( And no wonder – with its bite-sized or micro-learning approach, mLearning offers a learning environment which makes it easier for learners to initiate learning and motivates them to complete it, fostering their knowledge retention.

Mobile performance support

Today, mobile learning is recognized as a beneficial approach for providing performance support intervention. It's safe to say that mobile devices are a part of every employee's work environment. Delivering performance support solutions directly into their mobile devices, employers are facilitating easy access to information while at work and improving the probability of its usage and retrieval.

Higher engagement in mobile

The 2010-2011 Horizon Report has already shown us the value of mobile learning in fostering learner engagement with the learning materials. ( Mobile learning experiences are more immersive and countless statistics reveal that a higher number of learners complete courses through mLearning than through traditional training or even cutting-edge eLearning solutions.

Well-defined learning path

Mobile devices offer an excellent measure to help learners see and update their learning path, showing learning as a continuous process. Many employees organize their lives through their mobile devices and by integrating links to these apps, mLearning solutions help learners to save time and accurately plan their learning. This is also relevant to alleviating the impact of the so-called Forgetting Curve which defines the exponential nature of forgetting. According to experts, we tend to forget 80% of what we've learned during the last 30 days. A short training period once a year cannot be expected to hold real impact over employee performance for a long time. Having regular access to a variety of mLearning materials works against the Forgetting Curve and helps employees to make the most from the learning opportunity.

Mobile learning is a solution which brings lots of benefits to companies that decide to invest in learning programs organized on mobile devices. It improves knowledge retention rates, boosts learners' engagement with materials, empowers employees to develop new job skills and appeals to all those talents who are constantly looking for non-traditional learning opportunities to help them grow. mLearning creates a swift learning process which is bound to positively affect employee productivity at an enterprise.

Guest Blog Contributor By-line:
Carol Williams is a team member at Honeybells - a fruit shipping firm from Florida. She has an intense background in mLearning which she combines with her passion for anything tech and mobile related.


Yellow Button Program Launcher for Mac OS X

Yellow Button launches Mac programs and opens folders and documents with a single click. Drag your favorite files and folders to the Yellow Button window.


Wyse 60 Programmable Keys Using MacWise Terminal Emulation for Mac OS X

MacWise allows a host computer to control the functionality of special keys on the keyboard. The keys can be re-programmed by the host. Information for host programmers.


Programming MacWise Fkeys with a Host Basic Program

MacWise supports standard Wyse and Viewpoint fkey programming from the host. You can program the fkey title and command for each fkey..


RecordForAll Received Industry Nomination for Best Sound Program for 2007

The Shareware Industry Awards Foundation has announced that RecordForAll is nominated for Best Sound Program or Utility for the year 2007. Since 1992, the Shareware Industry Awards have been honoring and acknowledging the very best software. The Shareware Industry Awards are selected by a group of industry professionals that nominate and vote based on a programs merits. The award winners will be announced July 15, 2007 at the annual Software Industry Conference, held this year in Denver Colorado.

RecordForAll is desktop application for recording and editing audio files and was designed specifically for podcasters. With RecordForAll, podcasters have the ability to easily record new audio files from scratch, or edit and enhance existing audio files. RecordForAll has reduced the learning curve, making audio recording easy even for beginners.

RecordForAll allows podcasters to layer, synchronize and transition multiple audio tracks making it easier for podcasters to create transitional effects between show segments or insert advertisements into their podcasts. Simply put, RecordForAll is an all-in-one recording studio that assists users in recording, editing and mixing their podcasts.

RecordForAll version 1 requires Windows XP or 32 bit Vista running on a Pentium-class computer. RecordForAll costs $39.95, and may be purchased securely online at RecordForAll can also be purchased as part of a podcasting bundle that includes FeedForAll for only $ 69.95. You can download a free fully-functional 30-day trial from the same web address.

For more information contact, NotePage, Inc. at PO Box 296, Hanover, MA 02339. Phone: 781-829-0500. Fax: 781-582-1869. E-mail: . Internet:

Additional information on the 2007 Software Industry Conference can be found at


Two Transport Biosecurity Projects Approved Under Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Research Program

Farmscape for October 30, 2024

Two research projects approved through the Swine Health Information Center's Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Research Program will focus on reducing the risk of swine transport vehicle contamination at hog processing plants and at deadstock disposal sites.
The Swine Health Information Center’s Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Research Program, funded in collaboration with the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research and Pork Checkoff, has approved funding for research intended to help improve transport vehicle biosecurity where the transport trailer interfaces with the harvest facility and at the deadstock disposal site.
SHIC Associate Director Dr. Lisa Becton says two projects will be conducted by the University of Minnesota.

Quote-Dr. Lisa Becton-Swine Health Information Center:
The first project is quantifying trailer contamination rates at the harvest plant interface.
The goal of this project is to gather and analyze data on viral contamination rates in trailers and this will be looking at a 12-month period over time at the plant interface.
It's going to assess the rates of PED, PRRS and Senaca Valey Virus and the goal is to understand what are the epidemiology factors related to trailers and unloading for the ability to either increase or decrease contamination rates, to understand what happens at that interface and then determine what are things that we can do to mitigate those risks.
The second project is going to be assessing viral contamination of mortality disposal structures at wean to harvest farms.
It's going to describe what the current procedures are for disposal and assess viral contamination in the environment around those containers but also to assess what is happening at these disposal structures such as compost and dead box and to detect and test what could be a decontamination strategy.
Again, the goal is to help identify risks and to develop a strategy to mitigate those risks.

Dr. Becton says the two projects will be conducted over a 12 month span to take into account seasonal changes and how those changes can drive the risk of disease introduction.
Information on this work can be found at
For more visit Farmscape.Ca.
Bruce Cochrane.

       *Farmscape is produced on behalf of North America’s pork producers


Google Selects SpaceChain Into Its Startups Program

SpaceChainamp;nbsp;today announced it has been accepted into the Google for Startups program. The Google program is designed for early-stage companies such as SpaceChain to help build a sustainable, successful business over the long-term by providingamp;nbsp; the support, services and technology to do so. Under the Google for Startups program, SpaceChain will be able to strengthen its position in leading data and transactional integrity with space infrastructure. Google'samp;nbsp;extensive resources will open multiple opportunities for SpaceChain to explore more advanced processing applications onboard LEO satellites systems as well as future payload launches.


New version of Site Search Engine - a free Windows program that creates a site specific search engine

Version 1.10. The new check box 'Empty list' can help if you don't like having all the pages indexed to show up when the search string is empty.


New version of Secure HTML - a free Windows program that creates password protected Web pages

Version 1.6. The new command line parameter -s (Silent - no errors or warnings) has been added.


Vodafone verhoogt aandeleninkoopprogramma naar EUR 520 mln

Vodafone Group heeft het budget voor zijn lopende aandeleninkoopprogramma verhoogd met EUR 20 miljoen, tot een totaal van EUR 520 miljoen. De aandeleninkoop is in augustus begonnen en zal deze maand worden afgerond, aldus de operator.


Library of Congress Audio Archives Program

Michael Taft and Marcia Segal from the American Folk Life Center, Library of Congress will be in Utah on October 13, 2004 to discuss the The Save Our Sounds project and related digital issues. This Fall Caucus program will be from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in room 3211 Wilkinson Center on the campus of Brigham Young University and is sponsored by CIMA, the Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists. There will be no charge to the event and lunch will be on your own from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m.


Effective Parish Assessment Program Part 1

Doctors know the tests to administer to assess our personal health. Financial planners know how to assess our financial health. However, our parishes lack similar empirical and validated tools to help them. After over 20 years of working with over 500 Orthodox Christian parishes and completing strategic plans that cover over 26% of Orthodox Christians in the U.S., the Orthodox Ministry Services (OMS) team has developed the Effective Parish Assessment (EPA). The EPA is a reliable and easy way for you to assess your parish’s health and effectiveness in the 6 Pillars and 30 Building Blocks of operational excellence. OMS is providing the Effective Parish Assessment Program for free to selected Cohort Effective Parishes with the support of Leadership 100 and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Tune in to these TWO programs and find out if your parish is eligible, and how you can apply, to participate in this dynamic free and helpful parish improvement program. We also welcome your calls and questions. If your parish is an innovator with Clergy and Lay Leaders committed to operational excellence and the best possible parish health and effectiveness, these programs are for you. Join my fellow OMS Team members as over 2 programs we describe in more detail the 6 Pillars, 30 Building Blocks, the Effective Parish Assessment Program, and how it can benefit your parish.


Effective Parish Assessment Program Part 2

In Part 2 of a two-part show, Bill and colleagues Nick Chakos, Steve Tibbs, and Dr. Mitch Owens continue their exploration of the 6 Pillars and 30 Building Blocks of effective and healthy parishes, and how the Effective Parish Assessment works to provide invaluable information to Orthodox Christian parishes


Using Google Alerts to Find New Affiliate Programs in Your Niche

Google Alerts is a free service offered by Google that will alert you to new content Google finds on the web that contains keywords you specify. Google Alerts is most commonly recommended as a way to monitor your brand – and your competition's brand – online. But I also use Google Alerts as a way…

The post Using Google Alerts to Find New Affiliate Programs in Your Niche appeared first on Sugarrae.


Three Ideal Types of Parish Music Programs (w/Dn. Michael Abrahamson)

In this episode, Fr. Anthony talks with Dn. Michael about three ideal types of parish music; choir, kliros, and congregational. They discuss their attributes, what is required to sustain them, and the way each brings glory to God in its own way. Enjoy the show!


Christ is Risen! KPXQ Radio Program Segment

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! This is the anthem of Pascha, and since it was in fact Holy Week and Pascha last week, we have decided to "go lite" this program hour and air a 20-minute interview segment we did last month with local Phoenix evangelical drive-time radio program host Andrew Tallman in lieu of a full study hour. So enjoy, and next week we'll tackle another topic. A blessed Bright Week to all.


Steve and Bill Host a Protestant Radio Program

Steve and Bill got invited to fill in for the vacationing Andrew Tallman, the afternoon drive time talk show host on 1360 KPXQ, the Phoenix area SALEM evangelical radio station. It is a two-hour show from 5 to 7pm, so we are posting the first hour of the program this week and the second hour next week.


New Distance Learning Program at the IOCS!

John Maddex interviews Dr. Costas Athanasopoulos of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies about the school's new Distance Learning Program.


Project Mexico School-Buddies Program

Bobby Maddex interviews Valerie Yova of Project Mexico about the ministry's school-buddies program.