
Podatność w aplikacji eWeLink firmy CoolKit Technology (Android & iOS)

W aplikacji eWeLink firmy CoolKit Technology wykryto podatność pozwalającą na ominięcie ekranu blokady (CVE-2023-6998).


Podatność w bibliotece class.upload.php

W otwartoźródłowej bibliotece class.upload.php wykryto podatność typu Stored XSS (CVE-2023-6551).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu PrestaShop Google Integrator

W oprogramowaniu PrestaShop Google Integrator firmy PrestaShow wykryto podatność typu SQL injection (CVE-2023-6921).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu TasmoAdmin

W otwartoźródłowym oprogramowaniu TasmoAdmin wykryto podatność open redirect (CVE-2023-6552).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu TCExam

W otwartoźródłowym oprogramowaniu TCExam wykryto podatność (CVE-2023-6554).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu Kofax Capture

W oprogramowaniu Kofax Capture wykryto podatność typu Stored XSS (CVE-2023-5118).


Podatności w oprogramowaniu routera Hongdian H8951-4G-ESP

W oprogramowaniu routera Hongdian H8951-4G-ESP wykryto 10 podatności różnego typu (od CVE-2023-49253 do CVE-2023-49262).


Podatności w terminalach płatniczych firmy PAX

W oprogramowaniu różnych modeli terminali płatniczych firmy PAX wykryto łącznie 5 podatności (CVE-2023-4818, CVE-2023-42134, CVE-2023-42135, CVE-2023-42136, CVE-2023-42137).


Podatność w aplikacji iZZi connect

W aplikacji iZZi connect firmy INPRAX wykryto podatność polegającą na możliwości odczytania zaszytych na stałe w kodzie aplikacji danych dostępowych (CVE-2024-0390).


Podatności w oprogramowaniu Comarch ERP XL

W oprogramowaniu Comarch ERP XL wykryto trzy podatności (CVE-2023-4537, CVE-2023-4538, CVE-2023-4539).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu Laragon

W otwartoźródłowym oprogramowaniu Laragon wykryto podatność RCE (CVE-2024-0864).


Podatności w oprogramowaniu BMC Control-M

W oprogramowaniu BMC Control-M wykryto 3 podatności różnego typu (od CVE-2024-1604 do CVE-2024-1606).


Podatności w oprogramowaniu CDeX

W oprogramowaniu CDeX wykryto 3 podatności różnego typu (od CVE-2024-2463 do CVE-2024-2465).


Podatność we wtyczce Apaczka do platformy PrestaShop

We wtyczce Apaczka do platformy PrestaShop wykryto podatność typu Files or Directories Accessible to External Parties (CVE-2024-2759).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu CraftBeerPi 4

W oprogramowaniu CraftBeerPi 4 wykryto podatność typu Improper Input Validation (CVE-2024-3955).


Podatności w oprogramowaniu Kioware for Windows

W oprogramowaniu Kioware for Windows wykryto 3 podatności różnego typu (CVE-2024-3459, CVE-2024-3460 oraz CVE-2024-3461).


Podatności w oprogramowaniu CemiPark

W oprogramowaniu CemiPark wykryto 3 podatności różnego typu (od CVE-2024-4423 do CVE-2024-4425).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu Ant Media Server

W oprogramowaniu Ant Media Server (Community Edition) wykryto podatność typu Incorrect Authorization (CVE-2024-3462).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu Online Shopping System Advanced

W oprogramowaniu Online Shopping System Advanced wykryto podatność typu Reflected XSS (CVE-2024-3579).


Podatności w oprogramowaniach przychodni medycznych

W oprogramowaniach Eurosoft Przychodnia, drEryk Gabinet i SimpleCare wykryto podatności polegające na stosowaniu tego samego, zakodowanego na stałe, hasła do bazy danych. Podatnościom przypisano identyfikatory CVE-2024-1228, CVE-2024-3699 i CVE-2024-3700.


Krytyczne podatności w oprogramowaniu MegaBIP

W oprogramowaniu MegaBIP wykryto 3 krytyczne podatności różnego typu i nadano im identyfikatory CVE-2024-1576, CVE-2024-1577 oraz CVE-2024-1659.


Podatność w oprogramowaniu 2ClickPortal

W oprogramowaniu 2ClickPortal wykryto podatność typu Reflected XSS i nadano jej identyfikator CVE-2024-5961.


Podatność SQL injection w oprogramowaniu MegaBIP

W oprogramowaniu MegaBIP wykryto kolejną podatność typu SQL Injection i nadano jej identyfikator CVE-2024-6160.


Podatność w oprogramowaniu CRUDDIY

W oprogramowaniu CRUDDIY wykryto podatność typu OS Command Injection (CVE-2024-4748).


Podatności we wtyczce AdmirorFrames do platformy Joomla!

We wtyczce AdmirorFrames do platformy Joomla! wykryto 3 podatności różnego typu i nadano im identyfikatory CVE-2024-5735, CVE-2024-5736 i CVE-2024-5737.


Podatności w oprogramowaniu Concept Intermedia S@M CMS

W oprogramowaniu Concept Intermedia S@M CMS wykryto 3 podatności różnego typu (CVE-2024-3800, CVE-2024-3801 oraz CVE-2024-3816).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu SOWA OPAC

W oprogramowaniu SOWA OPAC wykryto podatność typu Reflected XSS i nadano jej identyfikator CVE-2024-6050.


Podatność w oprogramowaniu Edito CMS

W oprogramowaniu Edito CMS wykryto podatność CVE-2024-4836 pozwalającą na pobieranie plików konfiguracyjnych.


Podatności w urządzeniach Longse Technology

W oprogramowaniu urządzeń firmy Longse Technology wykryto 4 podatności (od CVE-2024-5631 do CVE-2024-5634).


Podatność SQL injection w oprogramowaniu MegaBIP

W oprogramowaniu MegaBIP wykryto kolejną podatność typu SQL Injection i nadano jej identyfikator CVE-2024-6527.


Podatności w otwartoźródłowym projekcie Phoniebox

W ramach badań własnych CERT Polska znalazł 2 podatności (CVE-2024-3798 oraz CVE-2024-3799) w otwartoźródłowym projekcie Phoniebox.


Podatność w oprogramowaniu Stackposts Social Marketing Tool

W oprogramowaniu Stackposts Social Marketing Tool wykryto podatność typu Cross-site Scripting i nadano jej identyfikator CVE-2024-7127.


Podatności w oprogramowaniu EZD RP

W oprogramowaniu EZD RP wykryto 3 podatności różnego typu (od CVE-2024-7265 do CVE-2024-7267).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu routerów KAON AR2140

W oprogramowaniu routerów KAON AR2140 wykryto podatność typu Command Injection (CVE-2024-3659).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu ConnX ESP HR Management

W oprogramowaniu ConnX ESP HR Management wykryto podatność typu Stored XSS i nadano jej identyfikator CVE-2024-7269.


Podatności w oprogramowaniu HyperView Geoportal Toolkit

W oprogramowaniu HyperView Geoportal Toolkit wykryto 2 podatności różnego typu (CVE-2024-6449 oraz CVE-2024-6450).


Podatności w oprogramowaniu MegaBIP

W oprogramowaniu MegaBIP wykryto 2 podatności różnego typu (CVE-2024-6662 oraz CVE-2024-6880).


Podatność w oprogramowaniu Redlink SDK

W oprogramowaniu Redlink SDK firmy Vercom S.A. wykryto podatność typu Resource Injection i nadano jej identyfikator CVE-2024-6051.


Podatność w oprogramowaniu terminali PAX POS

W oprogramowaniu terminali PAX POS bazujących na Androidzie wykryto podatność pozwalającą na eskalację uprawnień (CVE-2023-42133).


50. Google Alert - Iklan | Hot News Today

The latest information about Google Alert - Iklan from Hot News Today Blog ... again, viesearch com simplyukgadgets all about Unfortunately, as a loyal and committed ...


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Small Business Today: What Is in a name?

It is common knowledge around the Friedman household that when Emily was born, if she had been a boy instead of a girl, her name would have been Ted. Katie was also going to be named Ted and so was Jenni. When a boy was born to us in 1994, just a few short weeks after we moved to Ankeny, to no one’s surprise, we named him Ted.

Small Business Today: What Is in a name?


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Want to get really, really rich? Starting your own business is the best way. Want your upside to be unlimited? Starting your own business is the best way. Want to be free to chart your own course, to make your own decisions, to make your own mistakes -- to let the sky be the limit not just financially but also, and more important, personally?

Starting your own business is the best way.

Still not convinced? Here are 15 more reasons why you should start your own small business today:

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A healthy economy means many small businesses are thriving -- but they're also having a hard time hanging onto employees. A good 24% of small businesses lost at least one employee in 2018, while 11% of small businesses lost 10% of their workforce, according to Bank of America. Not only that, but 58% of businesses had trouble finding qualified candidates for open roles, and 25% said it took more time to fill open positions in 2018 than it did in 2017.

And there lies the problem with a strong job market: When employment is plentiful, workers have more options to choose from, so getting them to join or stay with your team becomes more challenging for companies across the board, but particularly for small businesses with limited resources.

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Why Todays Best Business Leaders Look to Stoicism

Ask entrepreneurs to name their biggest challenge, and you’ll hear plenty of answers: decision-making, prioritizing, staying positive, maintaining momentum. The list goes on. As you may already know, starting and running a business is not for the faint of heart. Now ask those same entrepreneurs whether they have a framework for managing these challenges, and they might have a tougher time answering.

But what if I told you that there is a school of philosophy dating back to ancient Greece that can help you handle all of these obstacles on a daily basis and, as a bonus, may even enrich your quality of life?

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Ein Video von einer depressiven Kuh. Muss man mehr sagen?


The Holy Spirit Pt21: The Gifts Of The Spirit - Are These For Today?

So, are the gifts of the Holy Spirit for use in the Church today and in the lives of Christians in this present age? Can we know this for sure from the Bible? In this introduction to our sub-series on 'The Gifts of the Spirit', David seeks to answer the question: are these gifts for today? Why not share this very important message with others - it's available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Vijesti :: Iz prodaje se povlači himalajska sol u mlincu

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Iz prodaje se povlači himalajska sol u mlincu
Postano: 13.11.2024. 12:15 (GMT 1) Državni inspektorat Republike Hrvatske izvijestio je o opozivu proizvoda Kotanyi Himalajska sol, 88g, L426651, rok trajanja 24.03.2029., L429757, najbolje upotrijebiti do 19.06.2029., L418800 najbolje upotrijebiti do 11.11.2028. zbog utvrđenih čestica plastike nastalih prilikom mljevenja soli.

Proizvod nije u skladu s Uredbom 178/2002 o utvrđivanju općih načela i uvjeta zakona o hrani, osnivanju Europske agencije za sigurnost hrane te utvrđivanju postupaka u područjima sigurnosti hrane.

Podaci o proizvodu:
Proizvođač: KOTANYI GmbH, A-2120 Wolkersdorf, PF 66 Austrija
Obavijest se odnosi isključivo na proizvod sa gore navedenim podacima

Proizvođač poziva sve potrošače koji eventualno posjeduju spomenute proizvode da im se obrate na e-mail adresu: info.hr@kotanyi.com.

Foto: Pixabay.com/Ilustracija


Impressionen vom SeoDay 2019

Hat leider etwas gedauert mit meinem SeoDay-Recap, zum Ausgleich wird er etwas anders. Den Formalkram schenke ich mir, dafür gibt es ein paar Eindrücke von der Veranstaltung. In Form von Text, Bild und Video. Der SEO-Day 2019 fing auf jeden Fall gut an. Ich wurde mit offenen Armen empfangen. Noch vor Betreten des Stadions. Christian ...

Weiterlesen ...

Der Beitrag Impressionen vom SeoDay 2019 erschien zuerst auf SOS Seo Blog.


Today Is That Day . . . (Open This NOW!!!)

I've heard the cries from the team and I can't hold them
back any longer. It's time to do all over again, and it's
time to do it even better.

Let's take it up a notch with a team Co-op!

I am excited about this month's, but this month is


I already now the exact formula for HUGE success in running
a team co-op, and this month I get to push the envelop even

Just read this email and you'll see what I mean!

Ok guys, it's time to quit playing around.

Our business is growing by leaps and bound.

So, it's time to pull together as a team and do it again!

The best way to do this is through a massive advertising
campaign and the best time to do it is NOW.

Let me give you a little history behind why I started the
team co-op:

I've spoken to and helped trained 100s of people over the
past year and I know not all of you on the team have the
expertise to run your business online at the same level that
I and a couple of our team leaders can.

Month's back we started a co-op to help bridge this gap in
marketing expertise so that every member of our team that
has the drive, but maybe not the marketing skill at this
time can get in on the action too.

How will the co-op work?

Each member of the co-op will purchase a share.

Our team leaders will locate and investigate the best places
to run our advertisements and then we will place the ads.

Once the ad runs, each member of the team who purchases a
share in the co-op will receive their EQUAL share of the
traffic produced.

What are the advantages of having an ad co-op?

The advantage of this is that we will be able to leverage
the experience and knowledge of those who are doing well as
an entire team.

I personally sponsored 85 team members so far, and I want to
use my knowledge and track record of success to help give
you a jump-start towards doing the same.

Think what happens when we combine my track record of
success with a much larger budget in a way that everyone on
the team can take advantage of?

Well that's what the co-op is all about - shared success.

I want everyone on our team to have the opportunity to
achieve financial freedom through their business.

This ad co-op is a powerful step in that direction. (And
really . . . it get's better ever single month)

Two other big benefits of the ad co-op . . .

1. Spreading risk: By doing our advertising as a team no one
will be at the mercy of one bad ad. What I mean is . . . If
you're out there placing ads alone and you spend $80 on one
ad that just tanks your $80 in the whole. On the other hand,
if you put you ad dollars into our co-op your risk will be
spread over several ads so you will have more upside
potential and less overall risk.

2. Your prospects will love the fact that we have an
advertising co-op and many will be happy to have the option
to simply have us do all their advertising for them. This
will be a great benefit to point out while prospecting.

The specifics for this month:

What I'll do first is re-evaluate my best ad spots from
last month and then our team leaders and I will simple turn
the traffic back on and start generating traffic from these
sources immediately.

The benefit of doing this is that we already know that these
ad spots have a track record for success, so we know that
these ads will do well.

This means we'll get a higher response rate per dollar spent
from the outset. (Using our team co-op funds effectively and
efficiently is the key to our success)

Here is where it gets exciting!

This aspect of the co-op will be partially known as a
"Perpetual Co-op"

Here's why . . .

In my marketing of our business I have found that I generate
the best quality of leads and new team members through
people that join my business by buying one of my information
products first and then being exposed to the business.

These people have raised there hand and said that they are
interested in improving how they promote their network
marketing business using the power of the Internet by the
simple fact that they purchased from me.

When these people subsequently join they are business
builders and not just business lookers. Further, in
promoting an Info Product online I have been able to
generate lists of targeted subscribers that know and trust

Who better to shoot a quick email to invite them to join our

When I send email like this to my own lists generated by
promoting a front end product I have my highest conversion
ratio of lead to sign up compared against any other online
method I have ever used.


Because in this model instead of borrowing someone else's
list of subscriber for a one time ad I'm able to create my
own list that I can develop a relationship with and market
to whenever I want.

That's true leverage. (And it works big time!)

As a team we can do far more advertising than I can
personally do as one person and hence we can recruit many
more high quality team members than I can as one person
using this method.

The largest benefits of this is that the sales that are
generated will ADD to the initial co-op marketing budget.

That's why I call this portion of the co-op a "Perpetual Co-

To make it simple:

It means more leads, better leads, and higher conversions
for everyone involved.

Let's take this to the next level!

As you can see, your team leaders are out here working hard
for you. I've personally never been involved in a co-op as
extensive as ours and this has already set us apart from the
rest of the crowd.

I am proud to be able to serve the team in such a fashion.

Everyone who participates in the ad co-op will get one share
as I discussed earlier and we will disperse the traffic
equally via a URL rotator so everyone will get an equal
amount of traffic per share.

When leads fill out your opt in page you just follow up via
email or phone with your prospect and when they sign up
under you, you get the credit!

That's using leverage if you asked me!

The reason that I am putting this co-op together is I want
to insure our team's success. As I said before I want to
help as many as I can attain financial freedom here with
Success University

Guys and gals I'm throwing out all the stops!

My heart is beating so fast just thinking of what's to come!

I will only ever see success in our future and you have my
word that I will NEVER give up on you as long as you don't
give up on your dreams.

There is absolutely NO reason why we cannot be the fastest
growing team here at Success University for years to come!

In order to make this co-op run successfully I am looking I
am putting a cap on the number of shares.

This month we will take no more than 50 shares at $80
share. Each participant may purchase up to but NO MORE THAN
THREE shares this month up until that cap is met.

This will keep results consistent and targeted by limiting
our shares in this way.

Get your share now to share in our team's success.

You may use a tracking link this month to track your
progress if you like. Also you may purchase up to 3 shares
but NO more! (Just reminding you . . .)

Use the links below to reserve your share!


[Team Exclusive] IMPORTANT!!!

I will leave our team co-op window for enrolment until all
available shares are sold or for one week at the most!


To Your Success!
