
Hannah Montana

Don't know who Hannah Montana is? Ask any pre-teen girl! From her article in First Things, Frederica reflects on the popularity of this entertainment phenomenon.


In the Midst of the Montecito Mud: Virtue

Fr John Finley, speaking at St Paisius/Yuma, Arizona, speaks about the recent California mudslides and how the wonders of God, His goodness, and the changing of human hearts may be found in times of loss and trial.


Living the Life of the Gospel, Archbishop Gabriel (Chemodakov) of Montreal

Today's sermon is by Archbishop Gabriel (Chemodakov) of Montreal, who visited our parish on the eve of our patronal feast day (St. Jonah).


Apr 29 - St. Basil, Bishop Of Ostrog In Montenegro


St Basil, bishop of Ostrog in Montenegro


St Basil, Bishop of Ostrog in Montenegro


St. Basil, Bishop of Ostrog in Montenegro


St. Basil, Bishop of Ostrog in Montenegro


St Basil, Bishop of Ostrog in Montenegro


St Basil, bishop of Ostrog in Montenegro (Serbia) (1671) - April 29th

As a monk, he was known for his very severe asceticism. Against his will, he was made Bishop of Zahum, where he served his flock faithfully for many years, "keeping it from the cruelty of the Turks and the guile of the Latins" (Prologue). When his monastery was destroyed by the Turks he moved to Ostrog, where he reposed. His body has remained whole, incorrupt, healing and wonderworking to this day. Innumerable miracles have been worked at his grave; both Christians and Muslims seek out his relics for healing from sicknesses and sufferings.   (A story heard from a parishioner at St Basil of Ostrog Church in Illinois: while the Saint's relics remain intact, reputedly his shoes wear out from time to time and need to be replaced.)


St Basil, bishop of Ostrog in Montenegro (Serbia) (1671) - April 29th

As a monk, he was known for his very severe asceticism. Against his will, he was made Bishop of Zahum, where he served his flock faithfully for many years, "keeping it from the cruelty of the Turks and the guile of the Latins" (Prologue). When his monastery was destroyed by the Turks he moved to Ostrog, where he reposed. His body has remained whole, incorrupt, healing and wonderworking to this day. Innumerable miracles have been worked at his grave; both Christians and Muslims seek out his relics for healing from sicknesses and sufferings.   (A story heard from a parishioner at St Basil of Ostrog Church in Illinois: while the Saint's relics remain intact, reputedly his shoes wear out from time to time and need to be replaced.)


Introduction to Orthodox Awareness Month

Eddie Ryan, the Social Media Student Leader of Orthodox Christian Fellowship, interviews two SAB members about Orthodox Awareness month.


Orthodox Awareness Month Closeout

Eddie Ryan discusses what happened with Orthodox Awareness Month with two SAB members.


Catechizing From the Barber's Chair in Beaumont

It's not often that one gets scalped by a Christian, rarer still is when a priest willingly airs his failures (of "Biblical proportion"). Protestants may cheer this episode as much as the Orthodox, but with both sides on differing sides. This episode of the Orthodixie podcast eavesdrops on some arguments concerning Scripture and Tradition at St Michael's in Beaumont, Texas.


Soteriology, Hesychasm And Huneycutt In Beaumont

The words: soteriology, hesychasm, and vlachos were spoken recently in Beaumont, Texas—not to mention so-dzo, so-dzentai, huneycutt, and so-dzenestitai. (Most holy Theotokos, save us!)


Episode 75: Monty Python and the Holy Podcast

The guys decided it was time to discuss a classic: Monty Python and the Holy Grail. They discuss how love demands honoring people’s quirks, how each of us desires to be the hero in our own stories, and how a little bit of laughter goes a long way in dealing with life. They close with their Top 5 Reimagined Myths.


June is Holiness Month!

Fr Thomas expounds on the innate connection between belief in Christ and the reception of the Holy Spirit, in whom we are called to be truly holy humans. (John 7:37-52, 8:12) Pentecost Sunday, June 4, 2023.


Black History Month

Dr. John Mark Reynolds talks about the importance of celebrating Black History Month. He also addresses what happens, what goes wrong, when the church is co-opted by *anything,* even good things.


National Parenting Month

Phew I made it! Time to kick off National Parenting Month. First is a book review of Parenting Toward the Kingdom and the outline of topics that will be discussed this month. Happy Parenting!


McGuinness named October's Player of the Month

Cliftonville striker Caitlin McGuinness is named October's player of the month by the Northern Ireland Football Writers' Association.


Watch: McCartan's goal of the month winner from own half

Shay McCartan's late winner from inside his own half has been named October's goal of the month by the Northern Ireland Football Writers' Association.


'We've lived in hospital since our son was born 17 months ago'

Teena Thomas and Sebastian Paul have not spent a single night at home since their son was born in June 2023.


Sculptor strives for fitting Monty Python statue

A fundraising drive for a Terry Jones memorial statue in Colwyn Bay nears its £100,000 target.


Stormont's £800k flags report 'still on shelf' three years on

An academic who co-chaired the flags commission says he is "disappointed" by the lack of progress.


Stormont co-options remove democratic choice - report

Under co-option, parties can fill vacancies in the assembly and councils without holding a by-election.


Junction closed after third fatality in six months

An accident blackspot in Cornwall is closed after a third fatal crash in the last six months.


Controversial parking charges to come in next month

The plans to bring in charges led to protests in some areas and outside council meetings.


'Eyesore' fly-tipped waste in lay-by for months

The "disgusting huge white trailer has been there for ages now", reports one resident.


Egremont poppy boy

Royal Guards fan 6 year old Frank Gates is preparing for Remembrance Day.


Black bin collections 'may be cut to once a month'

A leaked document outlines potentially radical changes to bin collections in Bristol.


Thibault de Montaigu, lauréat du prix Interallié pour « Cœur »

Un arriere-grand-pere heroique, un pere fantasque... Avec << Coeur >>, l'ecrivain raconte le destin flamboyant de ses aieux dans un livre aussi intime que romanesque et recompense par le jury de l'Interallie.


No Comment : des slackliners se balancent entre des montgolfières à 2 500 mètres d'altitude

No Comment : des slackliners se balancent entre des montgolfières à 2 500 mètres d'altitude


L'intérêt pour l'actu remonte mais la méfiance est toujours là

Regain d'intérêt pour l'actualité, méfiance toujours vive, place croissante des réseaux sociaux: ce sont quelques-uns des enseignements du baromètre annuel sur la confiance des Français dans les médias publié lundi par le journal La Croix.

. Actu: le rebond

Fait marquant de ce baromètre réalisé depuis 1987: le regain d'intérêt pour l'actualité. 76% des sondés (1.500 majeurs interrogés par internet ou téléphone selon la méthode des quotas) disent la suivre "avec un grand intérêt", contre 62% l'an passé.

"C'est le cinquième plus haut niveau en 35 ans", a souligné Jean-Christophe Ploquin, rédacteur en chef de La Croix, lors d'une conférence de presse. Cette proportion est cependant moindre chez les moins de 35 ans (66%).

En outre, quatre sondés sur dix disent s'intéresser davantage à l'actu qu'il y a quelques années. Cela coïncide avec "une actualité riche en 2022" (Ukraine, présidentielle en France...) après la période du Covid, a commenté Guillaume Caline, de l'institut Kantar Public, qui réalise ce baromètre.

C'est toutefois à nuancer par le fait qu'un sondé sur cinq (21%) s'y intéresse moins qu'avant, et même un sur trois (33%) chez les moins de 35 ans.

Et la moitié des sondés (51%) ressent "souvent de la lassitude" envers l'actualité, la fameuse "fatigue informationnelle" pointée par plusieurs études récemment.

. Trop ou pas assez ?

Le Mondial de football au Qatar (pour 48% des sondés), la mort de la reine d'Angleterre (43%) et la pénurie de carburant (40%): voilà les trois sujets dont les médias ont trop parlé en 2022.

A l'inverse, 51% jugent que les médias n'ont pas assez parlé du débat sur la fin de vie. Selon M. Caline, cela montre "l'intérêt des Français pour les sujets susceptibles de les toucher directement".

Le traitement de la guerre en Ukraine suscite des avis partagés: 41% pensent que les médias en ont parlé au juste niveau et 38% qu'ils en ont trop parlé.

. La télé centrale

Journaux télé, radio, chaînes info, sites internet, quotidiens papier, réseaux sociaux: chaque jour, les Français utilisent en moyenne près de 4 canaux pour s'informer.

Mais, dans cette "multiplicité des sources d'info", la télé "garde une place centrale", selon M. Caline. Ainsi, les JT sont le canal que les sondés privilégient pour s'informer au quotidien, quel que soit l'âge (35% sur l'ensemble du panel).

Chez les 18-24 ans, les réseaux sociaux arrivent deuxièmes, alors que cette place est occupée par les chaînes info dans toutes les autres classes d'âge.

. Méfiance, toujours

Même si le jugement est moins sévère que l'an dernier, la perte de confiance reste une tendance de fond. Plus de la moitié des sondés (54%) pense que, "la plupart du temps, il faut se méfier de ce que disent les médias sur les grands sujets d'actualité".

Pour autant, "ce réflexe de méfiance" existe surtout quand on considère les médias "de manière globale", en tant qu'"institution", a pondéré M. Caline: "Pris isolément, c'est bien moins négatif".

Ainsi, parmi les sondés qui s'informent via les JT, 73% leur font confiance. Cette proportion est aussi de 73% pour la radio, 66% pour les quotidiens nationaux mais seulement 46% pour les émissions d'actualité et de divertissement à la télé et 40% pour les influenceurs.

Par ailleurs, l'image des journalistes reste dégradée: 59% des sondés pensent qu'ils ne résistent pas aux pressions politiques et 56% à celles de l'argent.

. Jeunes et réseaux

Les réseaux sociaux "ont fait leur trou" comme source d'information, "notamment chez les plus jeunes", a noté M. Ploquin. Toutes générations confondues, 35% des sondés les utilisent quotidiennement dans ce but.

Paradoxalement, seuls 36% de ceux qui s'informent sur les réseaux leur font confiance.

Et le rapport à cette source d'information met en évidence "un fort clivage générationnel", selon M. Caline.

Ainsi, après 35 ans, 6 sondés sur 10 pensent que la diffusion sur les réseaux d'informations par "des personnes qui ne sont pas des médias ou des journalistes" est une mauvaise chose.

Une proportion qui s'inverse chez les plus jeunes: la moitié des moins de 35 ans juge au contraire que c'est une bonne chose.


Implementing a Robotics Curriculum in an Early Childhood Montessori Classroom


Montage: Expanding the Concept of Informing through Cinematic Concepts

In his “Theses on the Philosophy of History”, Walter Benjamin suggests that all cultural treasures “owe their existence not only to the efforts of the great minds and talents who have created them, but also to the anonymous toil of their contemporaries. There is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism”. The most obvious and prominent examples of cultural treasures in Benjamin’s discourses can be found in monumental architectural works, and history has shown that rulers have really been interested in such splendor stone statements. Benjamin’s discourse challenges a dominant idea that seeks to give an ambitious image of these architectural works with the purpose of confirming and endorsing a splendid cultural past so that it can give shape to an integrated and arbitrary cultural geography. This theoretical study, which has been conducted using library resources, employing the discourse and method of “cinematic thinking”, attempts to review the role of these monumental architectural works in estab-lishing and shaping national cultural geography. This process is an effort to open boundaries of theorization in area of art and architecture, with the help of ideas that moving cinematic images leave in place.


Prison officer to The Voice star: 'I felt like Hannah Montana'

Hollie Peabody returns to work in the prisons service after getting to the semi-finals of The Voice.


Drive home an MG EV with up to 20 months of free instalments

SAIC MOTOR MALAYSIA is wrapping up the year with a remarkable promotion for the MG4 EV and MG ZS EV, offering exclusive deals to make electric vehicle (EV) ownership more accessible. In honour of MG’s 100th anniversary, buyers can enjoy up to 20 months of free instalments, offering savings of up to RM26,000, making this an ideal time to join the MG family.

Here’s a breakdown of the promotion:

MG ZS EV: 20 months of free instalments worth RM26,000

MG4 EV Lux: 12 months of free instalments worth RM16,000

MG4 EV Standard: 8 months of free instalments worth RM8,500

This limited-time offer provides substantial savings and financial ease for MG’s new EV owners. Interested buyers can experience the MG4 EV, MG ZS EV, and other models with test drives at their nearest MG Motor Authorised Dealer Showrooms.

For more details, visit or contact the MG Careline at 1800-28-3636.


JFC 9-month income gets boost from Compose Coffee acquisition

Higher system-wide sales and contributions of recently acquired South Korean value coffee brand boosted earnings of Asian food conglomerate Jollibee Foods Corp. by nearly a quarter in the nine months ending September.


Maya Bank issues 50,000 credit cards in 3 months

Digital lender Maya Bank, in partnership with Landers Superstore, has issued over 50,000 credit cards in just three months, making it one of the fastest growing credit cards in the country.


URC nets P8.02 billion in 9 months

Lower profits in its sugar and renewables business weighed down the performance of Gokongwei-led food and beverage firm Universal Robina Corp. in the nine months ending September.


Banks’ earnings up 6.4% to P290 billion in 9 months

Earnings of Philippine banks rose by 6.4 percent to P290 billion from January to September compared to last year’s P273 billion, according to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.


India's August retail inflation stays below 4% for second consecutive month

Soaring vegetable prices undermine expectations for a dovish approach in the upcoming monetary policy meeting


Malaysian PM Anwar Ibrahim likely to visit Pakistan next month

This would be the first visit by a Malaysian prime minister to Pakistan in five years


'Long-term plan': Punjab proposes 3-month wedding ban to tackle smog

Brides attend a mass-wedding ceremony in Karachi. — AFP/FilePunjab govt has prepared "long-term plan" about smog: AGPSays task force has been formed in all districts to combat smog. People to be asked to contract marriages in October, he says.

After shutting schools,...


Pakistan spinner Noman Ali wins ICC Men's Player of the Month

Noman Ali celebrates after taking the wicket at the Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium in Rawalpindi, on October 26, 2024. — AFP

KARACHI: Pakistan spinner Noman Ali has been named the ICC Men’s Player of the Month for October 2024, edging out South African pacer Kagiso...


TomTom Reaches Mapping Milestone: 1.5 Billion Updates in a Single Month

TomTom Reaches Mapping Milestone: 1.5 Billion Updates in a Single Month


Belmont with Kentucky Derby and Preakness winners could be the best of these Triple Crown races

Horse racing history of all kinds is being made Saturday in the final Triple Crown race of the year.


Titanium Monthly Membershp (ID: MASS Titanium Monthly Membership)

Titanium Monthly Membershp

Price: $1,296.00

Description: To receive Gold, Gold Plus, Diamond, or Titanium membership you must first apply and be accepted to the program and then purchase the 'Home Study System' for 3 payments of $499 USD (30 days apart). With your Home Study System you receive 3 free months of Gold Membership. *Do not purchase any MASS products without first applying to become a member at:?
If you purchase memberships without having your application approved, you will not be allowed to join the program.

Required For Titanium Membership: Must gross at least $25,000 USD per month to apply.


  • All the benefits of Gold AND Gold Plus AND Diamond membership (listed below) PLUS:
  • Group Zoom video coaching with Marty Fort every?3 weeks discussing high level music academy?concepts and business ventures outside of the?music academy industry. Seven-figure sessions for seven-figure (& aspiring seven-figure) thinkers!
  • Block out two ZIP CODES as long as you’re a Titanium member.?
  • One free seat at the annual Advanced Academy (sometimes as presenter, sometimes as auditor). ?No need to participate in contests or pay full rate. Bring guest for discounted rate of 4 payments of $199, each 30 days apart.
  • Elite Closed / Private Titanium Facebook Group with DIRECT answers to some questions from Marty (not his staff).
  • Two 911 Fifteen minute calls with Marty every year.

Titanium members ALSO receive all Diamond, Gold Plus, and Gold level benefits:

A. Live monthly Gold and bi-monthly Gold Plus member group coaching call where you can ask me questions about your business.

B. Audio archive of our monthly Q&A calls

C. CDs of the call of the month.

D. The MASS Resource Directory. Full of important info for Academy owners.

E. Special MASS members only monthly newsletter and special reports mailed to your home.

F. Chance to compete in the MASS School of the Year contest and win $1,000 in cash and a full day consultation visit with Marty Fort.

G. Members only Facebook page.

H.?Unlimited MP3 downloads of the Gold and Gold Plus audio archive, including Office Staff Training calls.

I. Block out seven of your most hated competitors.

J. Get an even more reduced rate for annual conference registrations.

K.? Monthly Office Staff Training call where you and your staff can ask questions of Marty Fort and his office staff.

L.? One monthly semi-private (2-3 schools) coaching call with Marty Fort to get personalized coaching for your school.

M.? Closed Diamond Facebook page just for Diamond members to discuss advanced topics.

N.? Wholesale printing and shipping pricing of the MASS manuals as they are updated for as long as you are a current member.

The MASS Gold, Gold +, Diamond & Titanium membership fees are non refundable.