
Neoproterozoic-Cambrian stratigraphy of the Mackenzie Mountains, northwestern Canada, part II: archival stratigraphic data for the Backbone Ranges Formation and related units, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada (NTS 95-L and 105-P)

MacNaughton, R B. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8668, 2020, 26 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/327238
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_327238.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_327238.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8668, 2020, 26 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/327238" height="150" border="1" /></a>


High-resolution correlation between contrasting early Tonian carbonate successions in NW Canada highlights pronounced global carbon isotope variations

Greenman, J W; Rainbird, R H; Turner, E C. Precambrian Research vol. 346, 105816, 2020 p. 1-17, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105816
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200113.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200113.jpg" title="Precambrian Research vol. 346, 105816, 2020 p. 1-17, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105816" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Investigating the relationship between the elemental composition of coprolites and trophic level: a brief digest of Late Carboniferous coprolites from the Joggins Formation

Bingham-Koslowski, N; Grey, M; Ehrman, J M; Pufahl, P. The Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS), 47th Colloquium and Annual Meeting, program with abstracts/La Société Géoscientifique de l'Atlantique, 47th Colloquium and Annual Meeting, program with abstracts; 2021 p. 14
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200688.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200688.jpg" title="The Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS), 47th Colloquium and Annual Meeting, program with abstracts/La Société Géoscientifique de l'Atlantique, 47th Colloquium and Annual Meeting, program with abstracts; 2021 p. 14" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Eagle Foreland Basin tectono-sedimentary element, Yukon Territory, northwest Canada

Lane, L S; Hannigan, P K; Bell, K M; Jackson, K W; McNeil, D H. Geological Society Memoir vol. 57, M57-2016-32, 2021 p. 1-12, https://doi.org/10.1144/M57-2016-32
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20170141.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20170141.jpg" title="Geological Society Memoir vol. 57, M57-2016-32, 2021 p. 1-12, https://doi.org/10.1144/M57-2016-32" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Mackenzie-Peel Platform and Ellesmerian Foreland Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element, northwestern Canada

Fallas, K M; MacNaughton, R B; Hannigan, P K; MacLean, B C. Sedimentary successions of the Arctic region and their hydrocarbon prospectivity; by Drachev, S S (ed.); Brekke, H (ed.); Henriksen, E (ed.); Moore, T (ed.); Geological Society Memoir 2021 p. 1-13, https://doi.org/10.1144/M57-2016-5
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20160256.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20160256.jpg" title="Sedimentary successions of the Arctic region and their hydrocarbon prospectivity; by Drachev, S S (ed.); Brekke, H (ed.); Henriksen, E (ed.); Moore, T (ed.); Geological Society Memoir 2021 p. 1-13, https://doi.org/10.1144/M57-2016-5" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Cordilleran Foreland Tectono-Sedimentary Element, Canadian northern Interior Plains

Fallas, K M; Dixon, J; Hannigan, P K; MacLean, B C; MacNaughton, R B. Sedimentary successions of the Arctic region and their hydrocarbon prospectivity; by Drachev, S S (ed.); Brekke, H (ed.); Henriksen, E (ed.); Moore, T (ed.); Geological Society Memoir 57, 2021 p. 1-11, https://doi.org/10.1144/M57-2016-6
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20160131.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20160131.jpg" title="Sedimentary successions of the Arctic region and their hydrocarbon prospectivity; by Drachev, S S (ed.); Brekke, H (ed.); Henriksen, E (ed.); Moore, T (ed.); Geological Society Memoir 57, 2021 p. 1-11, https://doi.org/10.1144/M57-2016-6" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Regional and global correlations of the Devonian stratigraphic succession in the Hudson Bay and Moose River basins from onshore Manitoba and Ontario to offshore Hudson Bay

Re-release; Larmagnat, S; Lavoie, D. Sedimentary basins of northern Canada: contributions to a 1000 Ma geological journey and insight on resource potential; by Lavoie, D (ed.); Dewing, K (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 609, 2022 p. 185-213, https://doi.org/10.4095/326091
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_326091.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_326091.jpg" title="Sedimentary basins of northern Canada: contributions to a 1000 Ma geological journey and insight on resource potential; by Lavoie, D (ed.); Dewing, K (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 609, 2022 p. 185-213, https://doi.org/10.4095/326091" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Climax in Wrangellia LIP activity coincident with major Middle Carnian (Late Triassic) climate and biotic changes: mercury isotope evidence from the Panthalassa pelagic domain

Jin, X; Tomimatsu, Y; Yin, R; Onoue, T; Franceschi, M; Grasby, S E; Du, Y; Rigo, M. Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol. 607, 118075, 2023 p. 1-10, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118075
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20220607.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20220607.jpg" title="Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol. 607, 118075, 2023 p. 1-10, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118075" height="150" border="1" /></a>


The Paleoproterozoic Amer supergroup, Amer Fold Belt, Nunavut: stratigraphy, structure, correlations and uranium metallogeny

Jefferson, C W; Rainbird, R H; Young, G M; White, J C; Tschirhart, V L; Creaser, R A. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences vol. 60, 2023 p. 1005-1039, https://doi.org/10.1139/cjes-2022-0077
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20220600.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20220600.jpg" title="Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences vol. 60, 2023 p. 1005-1039, https://doi.org/10.1139/cjes-2022-0077" height="150" border="1" /></a>


The corrugated hills continental flood basalt: a c. 2.17 Ga flood basalt province related to breakup of the Superior craton

Van Rooyen, D; Sappin, A -A; Corrigan, D; Rayner, N; Houlé, M G. Special Publication of the Geological Society of London vol. 542, 2023 p. 1-35, https://doi.org/10.1144/sp542-2023-19
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20210414.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20210414.jpg" title="Special Publication of the Geological Society of London vol. 542, 2023 p. 1-35, https://doi.org/10.1144/sp542-2023-19" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Rapid postorogenic cooling of the Paleoproterozoic Cape Smith foreland thrust belt and footwall Archean basement, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada

Skipton, D R; St-Onge, M R; Kellett, D A; Joyce, N; Smith, S. The Geological Society of America, memoir 220; Geological Society of America, Memoir 220, 2023 p. 81-110, https://doi.org/10.1130/2022.1220(06)
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20210393.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20210393.jpg" title="The Geological Society of America, memoir 220; Geological Society of America, Memoir 220, 2023 p. 81-110, https://doi.org/10.1130/2022.1220(06)" height="150" border="1" /></a>


ComReg: Revenue for Ireland’s main parcel delivery service providers decreased by 1% last year

New figures published by the postal regulator, ComReg, reveals income for the seven main providers of parcel delivery services in Ireland including An Post, UPS and DHL in 2023 was down €7.7 million on the previous year.


parcelLab: Trending Late AI leverages the power of AI to predict potential delays before they occur

parcelLab, a global provider of post-purchase experience software, has announced the launch of "Trending Late AI," a new feature powered by artificial intelligence (AI)


Лидер DELAIN не готов возвращаться к CHARLOTTE WESSELS

В рамках недавней беседы у Martijn Westerholt'a спросили, что же привело к тому, что в 2021 году DELAIN развалились, на что он ответил:

«Ну, на самом деле, в феврале 21-го это был только результат. А началось всё ещё с конца 2019 года. Я перегорел, потому что в DELAIN именно я в основном заботился о большинстве происходящих событий, вместе с Charlotte, а остальные музыканты были своего рода наемниками и мало что делали в рабочих процессах, да от них и не ожидали этого. Никакой их вины в этом нет, просто именно так функционировал DELAIN. В определенный момент, когда я перегорел, мне действительно пришлось сделать шаг назад и взять паузу, поменьше ездить на гастроли. И тогда трое остальных парней в сущности сказали: «Хорошо, но мы хотим всё изменить, и всё должно быть по-другому. Лично мы хотим продолжать гастролировать, и мы вообще не хотим, чтобы ты больше гастролировал с нами. И мы так и поступим». Но это невозможно, потому что DELAIN это еще и обычная бизнес-компания - это моя работа, и это была работа Charlotte. А еще это моя ответственность. Если они поедут в тур без меня и что-то пойдет не так, тогда люди появятся у моего порога, а не у их. И Charlotte сказала: «Ладно, ребята, вы должны разобраться с этой проблемой. В противном случае я скорее уйду, потому что не хочу участвовать в таких масштабных переменах. Тогда я лучше займусь своими делами сама по себе». И в конце концов я предложил им совершить сделку: «Хорошо. Тогда выкупайте у меня DELAIN». Это могло бы стать проблемой, потому что они не писали большую часть музыки. Музыку писал я, мой соавтор Guus [Eikens], а с какого-то момента и Charlotte, хотя сначала Charlotte в большинстве своем занималась только текстами. Так что у меня были некоторые сомнения, но я подумал: «Ладно, если они хотят взять всё на себя, мне будет очень больно, но пускай, просто они должны будут купить бренд, а я тогда организую свой собственный проект». И мы начали вести переговоры на этот счет, но ничего не вышло. Оглядываясь назад, я чувствую облегчение. Я благодарен, что ничего не вышло, потому что многие люди говорили мне: «Эй, чувак, ты не должен отдавать имя так просто. Ведь это дело твоей жизни, и звучание DELAIN очень сильно изменится. И это будет проблемой». В общем, никакой сделки не вышло. Затем я собрал осколки, и мне пришлось думать, как двигаться дальше. В итоге мы пришли к тому, что мне пришлось задуматься: «Итак, проект, группа, надо объявить об этом». Примерно так всё и получилось. И самое забавное, что всё это произошло во времена COVID. Это стало для меня своего рода спасением в странном и грустном смысле, но благодаря локдауну появилась возможность и время, чтобы собрать осколки и понять, что делать дальше».

На вопрос о том, готов ли он снова работать с Charlotte в будущем, если такая возможность представится, Martijn сказал:

«Ну, так сказать, душевная боль еще не прошла, так что по состоянию на сейчас — нет. К тому же, если вы послушаете сольную музыку Charlotte [после DELAIN] и сравните её с моей музыкой, она совершенно другая. Она проделала отличную работу по созданию своего собственного звучания и своей собственной музыки, но, как вы можете слышать, они разные. И я считаю, что это комплимент в её адрес. Но это также показывает разницу в том, что мы делаем. Так что я отношусь к возможности нового сотрудничества довольно скептически. Но в то же время, как и во всем, что происходит в жизни, никогда не знаешь, как сложатся обстоятельства, никогда не стоит говорить «никогда», но конкретно сейчас я не представляю, что это произойдет в будущем».
#Delain #GothicMetal #Gothic_Metal #SymphonicMetal #Symphonic_Metal

Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3mSnqG5lsI


Al bijna 40 jaar lang hebben we een vertekend beeld van de planeet Uranus, en dat door stom toeval - Het Belang van Limburg

  1. Al bijna 40 jaar lang hebben we een vertekend beeld van de planeet Uranus, en dat door stom toeval  Het Belang van Limburg
  2. Waarom wetenschappers al 40 jaar lang fout beeld hebben van planeet door stom toeval  Het Nieuwsblad
  3. Voyager 2 onthult geheimen van het magnetische mysterie van Uranus  Business AM
  4. Mysterie Uranus ontrafeld: al 40 jaar lang hebben we een verkeerd beeld van de planeet  De Morgen


Social Media Fail of the Day: ISIS Creates Social Network ‘Khelafabook,’ Anonymous Reportedly Takes It Offline

Between threats from Anonymous and a new crackdown from Twitter, ISIS is having a tough time reaching out and recruiting new psychopaths online.

To circumvent the censorship, the Islamic militant group has reportedly created its own social network called “Khelafabook.”

The Facebook clone claims it is independent and not actually sponsored by ISIS (even though it has ISIS logos all over its homepage). It says its goal is to show the world that they don’t only “live in caves” and “carry guns,” and they vow to “will rule the world by Allah’s permission.”

Khelafabook was set up by a man in Mosul, Iraq, according to The Independent, and is hosted in Egypt. There’s also an associated Twitter account which is linked to from the site.

The site first popped up last week, but has already been taken offline “to protect the info and details of its members,” according to a message on the page.

After it was taken down, Twitter accounts associated with Anonymous appeared to claim responsibility, as Vocativ points out.

For the the time being they’ll have to look elsewhere to share their terrorist pancake recipes.


Adele Shares Her Gym Face and It's All Too Relatable


Car buyer payouts over loan scandal could be delayed

Regulators want to give more time to car dealers potentially facing a deluge of mis-selling claims.


Freeland looking to expand arsenal

Rockies left-hander Kyle Freeland plans to expand his arsenal and attack hitters in every quadrant of the strike zone this season.


Disease modifying therapies for relapsing multiple sclerosis


Intentional relationships open doors

Three boys who sell fish become “men of peace” for the DreamAsia+ team in three of the poorest Muslim communities in the Philippines.


Elazağı trip – God’s timing

Two OMer's plan a trip out to eastern Turkey to share the gospel with the lost, as their plans keep changing along the way.


‘Emilia Pérez’ movie review: Karla Sofia Gascón, Zoe Saldaña’s narco-musical melange is an acquired taste

The feverish Cannes-winning spectacle dazzles with audacity but stumbles under the weight of its own ambition


Equity Share Related Enquiry

Respected Members I have a genuine question regarding Equity Shares in the Secondary Markets in India .Mr. A and his wife Mrs A have DEMAT account since 2007 and both of them have invested in BSE and NSE listed companies' equity shares over the years since 2007 .


GST basics for a freelancer

Hello everyone,I've recently transitioned into freelancing in IT (software development & support) after a decade in a salaried role. I've learned that I may need to register for GST and apply for an LUT. Could anyone guide me on the key steps I should take? I currently have one US-ba


Video: Man Uses Pipe To Cross Collapsed Bridge In Telangana

A video has shed light on the plight of villagers in Kalluru of Nirmal-Kuntala district in Telangana where a man is crossing a stream, Sudda Vagu, by sliding through a pipe from one end to the other.


3 Street Dogs, Including One Pregnant, Thrashed To Death In Telangana

A horrific case of animal cruelty has come to light from Telangana, where a group of three men trap and mercilessly thrash four street dogs with sticks, killing three of the canines, one of whom was...


India Women To Host WI, Ireland For White-Ball Series In December-January

Indian Women's team will host West Indies and Ireland for limited-overs series starting December 15, the BCCI announced here on Wednesday.


WATCH Video | Lava Meets Snow! Iceland's Baffling Viral Video Sparks AI Debate

A stunning video of lava flowing over snow in Iceland has gone viral, captivating viewers worldwide. Captured by Icelandic photographer Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove, the mesmerizing footage showcases a steady stream of lava swiftly moving across a pristine snow-covered landscape at Sundhnúkagígar


Correlation between organic residuals of green synthesized nanoparticles and resistive switching behavior

RSC Adv., 2024, 14,36340-36350
DOI: 10.1039/D4RA04381B, Paper
Open Access
Trung Bao Ngoc Duong, Phu-Quan Pham, Anh Thuy Tran, Dat Tan Bui, Anh Tuan Thanh Pham, Tien Cam Thi Nguyen, Linh Ho Thuy Nguyen, Thuy Dieu Thi Ung, Nam Vu Hoang, Ngoc Kim Pham
The analog characteristics and RS mechanism of ZnO-based memristors.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


The Relationship Between Change Management Consulting and Valentine's Day

If you've made a New Year's resolution but have not read this blog entry yet, there may still be hope. Most people have probably broken their New Year's resolutions by Valentine's Day. How can you prevent this from happening to you?

Digging up a study from the University of Washington, there are some key suggestions for succeeding with one's resolutions:

- Have a strong initial commitment to make a change. - Have coping strategies to deal with problems that will come up. - Keep track of your progress. The more monitoring you do and feedback you get, the better you will do.

As it turns out, these are the same types of principles that apply to change management consulting projects in the business world. Although style of change management tactics in organizations also plays a role (e.g., leading people to a goal versus spreading gasoline around a organization and coercing people by insinuating that a fire is going to happen), many change management initiatives fail to work out because:

- organizations get distracted, - do not use project management methods to manage processes (e.g., date, milestone, & issue tracking), - or ignore the importance of using a microscope on activities early on in the process of change.

Steve Shu Managing Director S4 Management Group Email: sshu@s4management.com Web: http://www.s4management.com



Hi All I’m a newcomer here ! Please could anyone explain do alcoholics mean to dupe us into a loving relationship. When they must know it’s never going to work while their drinking. i know everyone...

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Greiving The Relationship

Hi All Im greiving the relationship five months on. Ive done over a month no contact as I couldn’t let the drinker go ! Then he was being nasty feeding back stuff through another friend so I...

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Basic Christian: blog Bible Study - Genesis - Revelation (PDF)

The complete Through the Bible blog Bible Study in PDF format.


The CalvaryChapelAbuse.com website - Sue says -- January 4, 2012 at 7:48 pm, 4 years ago I read "Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola and it was a very freeing book - Also another book that's really helped me heal is "The Subtle Power of

Reaching4Truth says: January 3, 2012 at 3:01 pm -- Hanna, you said: "I still keep my hopes up that we will find a church, but as I have said before..in our town it is all about who can have the biggest church, who can draw the largest crowd, who can own more hotels and claim more territory on the monopoly board. People have no idea what the Pastor is purchasing in terms of real estate and investments, and they don't really even care because they trust him completely." -- This is not just a phenomenon in your town, but is widespread everywhere. Because in this era, pastors have been given celebrity status and encouraged to build their kingdoms, their resume, on ideas borrowed from the business realm. Over time they've been seduced by numerous voices from without and within the evangelical world, to produce measurably "effective" and "successful" ministries.. Pursuing and inculcating worldly business values and methodologies and wrongly applying them to the church and the realm of ministry. And basically it turns out to be an abandonment of their allegiance to the Lord in exchange for the approval of men and the respect of men, both in the church and in the world. -- Pastors and ministry leaders have been seduced by things appealing to their pride to pursue accomplishments and a measure of renown - respectability - for themselves. To be someone that others in the community (church and beyond) look up to and speak well of. -- Through many avenues and means, Christian pastors and ministry leaders have received worldly advice dressed up in acceptable Christian language, and coming from trusted "christian" sources. I employ the quotes because to look at the nature of what has come to be accepted as wise Christian insight and counsel, through resources such as Leadership Journal and Christianity Today, just to name two among a plethora of resources with a large readership among pastors, is to find, if one compares the "wisdom" offered from such sources, they wander quite a distance from sound spiritual wisdom or true compatibility with the word of God. -- Our pastors have been drinking from poisoned wells, even from what have been in the past trusted Christian sources. But, minus the requisite discretion and discernment that is expected of those we trust, a scourge has set upon the churches. Having listened to and consulted the voices of so many Pied Pipers in the business realm, there is very little left now of truly Holy Spirit-inspired leadership. We have been in the business of exchanging the truth of God for a lie for so long that we can barely distinguish the difference. Church and ministry leaders, in their efforts to win the worldly (yes I mean "worldly") to Christ through clever means, have drunk deeply from the wells of "vain philosophy and empty deceit". And we are sadly observing the results of that exchange. -- Clever wolves have entered in, and/or risen up from our midst, and had their effect upon the churches. I have observed with great sadness and sobriety the Christian establishment being given over to a host of clever lies and the spirit of the world. -- And hero worship has had a lot to do with it. A WHOLE lot to do with it. I think it's for lack of (or for need of) a hero in our lives that we (pastors and their flocks) have become worshippers of admired Christian men, inclined to enshrine them in a sort of "holy glow" - a sort of spiritual 'static' where we assume they will always and forever continue in a faithful path, as if they can do no wrong and, like their Lord, were immaculately conceived of the Holy Spirit. -- We have been, the whole lot of us - pastors and others alike - led onto deceptive paths because of having given our unquestioning trust to men with feet of clay. I believe we have entered a time of the Lord cleaning house, and waking His people up from a long slumber, a longer slumber than we would guess, wherein the enemy has now effectively infiltrated the mustard tree and overspread the churches. -- Jesus was careful to warn us that these days would come, and tremendous deception all around us was given as a key sign of the nearness of His return. He led with "See to it THAT NO MAN DECEIVES YOU." It was much more a matter of having our eyes/hearts exercised to recognize cleverly cloaked deception and delusion than it was ever a call to make an idol of earthly Jerusalem, for instance. JESUS is to be our focus; ALWAYS JESUS. We were instructed not to put our trust in man, but only IN HIM. -- So… pastors are to blame, for having wandered from the scriptures as their sole source of spiritual light, life and guidance, and succumbing to spiritual blindness… but so are we. We are living in a time of strong hero worship, leading to strong delusion, with sobering effect. The sooner we return our affection to the LORD and away from faulty leaders, the better for all of us. -- Chuck Smith is simply one example of what hero worship - the desire to elevate a hero in our midst (besides Jesus) can lead to. By giving our indiscriminate trust to men we admire, we forget that they can be just as prone to sin and error as the rest of us. The mercy of God is a great need in all of our lives, and our relationship with Him is to be first and foremost. I need these reminders as much as the next person. --- Lord, I'm thankful for your MERCY and your GREAT, GREAT kindness to us. Help us wind our way out of this mess we find ourselves in and into singlehearted allegiance to You and affection for your word. Clean us up and restore the broken places? and rekindle our love for YOU.

  • Christian Church History Study
  • 4. 1881 A.D. to Present (2012) - Corrupt modern bible translations and compromised Seminaries and Universities


An epic film - Luther: The Movie (2003) - Martin Luther, the brilliant man of God whose defiant actions changed the world (sparked the Protestant reformation) {An excellent movie about God and mankind and the relationship between the two. It also well doc

Luther: The Movie, DVD --> Joseph Fiennes (Shakespeare in Love) stars as Martin Luther, the brilliant man of God whose defiant actions changed the world, in this epic film that traces Luther's extraordinary and exhilarating quest for the people's liberation. Regional princes and the powerful Church wield a fast, firm and merciless grip on 16th-centur Germany. But when Martin Luther issues a shocking challenge to their authority, the people declare him their new leader - and hero. Even when threatened with violent death, Luther refuses to back down, sparking a bloody revolution that shakes the entire continent to its core. Approx. 2 hours 4 minutes.

  • Christian Church History Study
  • 3. 1522 A.D. to 1880 A.D. - Indigenous Bible translations and Church Doctrines era - The Reformation


Wikipedia: Family name, Last Name - In Ireland, the use of surnames have a very old history - Ireland was the first country in Europe to use fixed surnames - As noted in the Annals, the first recorded fixed surname was Ó Cleirigh which recorded the d

In England, the introduction of family names is generally attributed to the Normans and the Domesday Book of 1086. Documents indicate that surnames were first adopted among the feudal nobility and gentry, and only slowly spread to the other parts of society. Some of the early Norman nobility arriving in England during the Norman Conquest differentiated themselves by affixing 'de' (of) in front of the name of their village in France. This is what is known as a territorial surname, a consequence of feudal landownership. In medieval times in France, such a name indicated lordship, or ownership, of the village. But some early Norman nobles in England chose to drop the French derivations and call themselves instead after their new English holdings. -- True surnames, in the sense of hereditary appellations, date in England from about the year 1000. Largely they were introduced from Normandy, although there are records of Saxon, surnames prior to the Norman Conquest. By the end of the twelfth century hereditary names had become common in England. But even as late as 1465 they were not universal. During the reign of Edward V (between April and June, 1483) a law was passed to compel certain Irish to adopt surnames as **a method to track and control them more: "They shall take unto them a Surname, either of some Town, or some Colour, as Black or Brown, or some Art or Science, as Smyth or Carpenter, or some Office, as Cooke or Butler." (ramsdale.org/surname.htm)

  • Christian Church History Study
  • 2. 313 A.D. to 1521 A.D. - Revised Rome and the Holy Roman Empire


{Basic Christian: blog Bible Study} The Apostle Paul - When Paul became a Christian, his very thorough [Jewish] education was enormously helpful - He was able to assimilate Christian doctrines rapidly and relate them accurately to the Scripture teaching h

The Apostle Paul - The apostle Paul was one of the most famous citizens of the Roman Empire and without question one of the most influential individuals in history. He was used by the Lord in his missionary and evangelistic activities to set in motion a great deal of the organization known as the Christian Church, the Body of Christ on earth, to the extent that billions of human beings have been directly or indirectly affected by his ministry. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he wrote the foundation documents for the Christian way of life, the Word of God which has changed the lives of millions. -- Paul's Education: Paul was educated by his mother until the age of five. From age five to ten he studied with his father in the Hebrew scriptures and traditional writings. At the same time, being a Roman citizen and living in a Greek and Roman environment, he received a thorough education in the Greek language, history, and culture. He was sent to Jerusalem at about the age of ten to attend the rabbinical school of Gamaliel, who was the son of Simeon the son of Hillel. Gamaliel was a most eminent rabbi who was mentioned both in the Talmud and in the New Testament (Acts 5:24-40; 22:3). Gamaliel was called Rabban - one of only seven teachers so called. He was a Pharisee, but he rose above party prejudice. He composed a prayer against the Christian "heretics". He lived and died a Jew. At this time, Herod was dead, and the Romans had complete control of Judea, hence, there was Roman money, language, and culture. The Jews, therefore, were inclined to cling more closely to their religion as the center of unity. [Refer to the topic: Judean History] There were two great rabbinical schools, those of Hillel and Schammai. Hillel, the grandfather of Gamaliel, held that tradition was superior to the Law. The school of Schammai despised traditionalists, especially when there teachings clashed with the writings of Moses. The religious school of Gamaliel (Hillel) was chiefly oral and usually had a prejudice against any book but Scripture. They used a system of Scriptural exegesis, and Josephus in his writings expressed the wish to have such a power of exegesis. When school was in session, learned men met and discussed scriptures, gave various interpretations, suggested illustrations, and quoted precedents. The students were encouraged to question, doubt, even contradict. -- When Paul became a Christian, his very thorough education was enormously helpful. He was able to assimilate Christian doctrines rapidly and relate them accurately to the Scripture teaching he had received. From his education, both from Gamaliel and in the desert from the Lord Jesus Christ, Paul developed a divine viewpoint attitude toward human history. Paul knew that the existence of God can easily be perceived by anyone, that man can become aware of God, but that many men's deliberate sin halted this good beginning by immoral activities which accompanied their idolatry. Therefore, Paul had an intense hatred of idolatry of any kind. Paul's teaching shows that the only reality is God. Idolatry distorts man's conception of the world and external nature. Idolatry is the enemy of mankind. Paul knew the law of growth of human nature. As a Roman, Tarsian, Hebrew, and culturally Greek, he knew of the many distortions of the life of his society. As a nation becomes unhealthy, development is halted. Societies errors as to the nature of God and the true relation of God to man prevented nations from getting rid of their besetting evil. The books of Acts is the chief authoritative record for the ministries of Paul and the other apostles. For a brief outline of Paul's ministry, see the Chronological Table of Paul's Ministry. The most thorough, accurate, and interesting secular work on Paul is The Life and Epistles of St. Paul, by Conybeare and Howson.

  • 1. 0 A.D. to 312 A.D. - Birth of Jesus and the early Church Age
  • Christian Church History Study


Basic Christian: (2009-2010) blog Bible Study - Genesis - Revelation (RSS)

The complete Basic Christian: Through the Bible blog Bible Study in RSS feed.


(F4F) Fighting for the Faith: About Any Word From God - Sermon Review "Vision 20/20" by Bob Guiglione of Calvary Chapel of Delaware County

Sermon Review "Vision 20/20" by Bob Guiglione of Calvary Chapel of Delaware County.


SpiritualEyes Blog Via RevelationsRadioNetwork.com: The Godhead and the Deity of Christ -- The Download link is near the bottom of the page -- (Mp3)

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Basic Christian: blog Bible Study - Genesis to Revelation - The blog Bible Study is dedicated in the name of Jesus, Christ, God, Son, and Savior (PDF)

The Bible study is dedicated in the name of Jesus, Christ, God, Son, and Savior. May the Lord Jesus Christ be honored by our devotions, our study and in our fellowship. May all the people be blessed and grow in the grace and knowledge of the love and presence of God our creator and our savior. Amen!


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