
MacDermid, Inc. v. Deiter

(United States Second Circuit) - In plaintiff's suit against its former employee for unauthorized access and misuse of a computer system and misappropriation of trade secrets in violation of Connecticut laws, district court's dismissal of the complaint for lack of personal jurisdiction is reversed and remanded where the foreign defendant's use of a computer in Connecticut satisfied the jurisdictional requirement of both the Connecticut long-arm statute and due process.


Next Week on Lift Every Voice: Deitrick Haddon

Deitrick Haddon takes the hot seat.


Tennis: USC Upstate Signs Shelby Madeiros

University of South Carolina announced the signing of Shelby Madeiros, with the Bermudian tennis player set to join the team next fall. The school’s announcement said, “USC Upstate head women’s tennis coach Tim McLane has announced the signing of Shelby Madeiros out of Bermuda. “We are really excited to have Shelby [Madeiros] joining USC Upstate […]

(Click to read the full article)


Madeiros Helps Berry College Win Opener

Lizzy Madeiros and her Berry College Equestrian teammates recently traveled to Auburn Alabama to compete in the first show of the season. Maderios and her Berry College teammates finished first out of 14 teams. Maderios competed in two classes, finishing second while competing in the Limit Over Fences Class and finishing third competing in the […]

(Click to read the full article)


Equestrian: Madeiros Wins Hunt Seat Class

Lizzy Madeiros and her Berry College Equestrian teammates recently hosted their Fall Classic over two days, which included their first home shows of the season with one Hunt Seat Show on the first day and two Western Shows on the second day. On the first day, Madeiros and her Hunt Seat teammates won, coming out […]

(Click to read the full article)


Deicing Planning Guidelines and Practices for Stormwater Management Systems, second edition

The first edition of this report, in 2009, provided a comprehensive industry reference for the management of airport deicing runoff. The second edition has been wholly updated to reflect the latest industry practices. The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 14: Deicing Planning Guidelines and Practices for Stormwater Management Systems, second edition , explores a wide array of practices designed to provide for the practical, cost-effective control of runoff from aircraft and ...





28.den madeira

Hodeny do seba cokoladovy puding a smer zastavka rodoeste oproti praca do esmeraldo.Rano nieco pred 800 to v uliciach zije ako keby aby nebol ziadny virus. Tetulky zametaju ulice ludia chodia hore dole. Len tie otvorene obchodiky a kaviarnicky chybaju


29.den madeira

Co dnes No zas nist.Teda az na jednu vec opat idem do obchodu bo vm mi slubila ze so mnou bude varit zemiakove placky.Kupene ingrediencie mimo smotany tu som nenasiel ale nasiel som kinder cokoladky ktorym som neodolal.Sibacka sa blizi


30.den madeira

Este k vcerajsku nabehla mi posledna vyplata z amazonu ale kedze som zabudol heslo na vyplatnu pasku neviem ci to je vratane aj danoveho priznania.Ako si tak zacinam robit ranajky zrazu z pod chladnicky vybehla mys a smerovala dalej do domu.Jedl


31.den madeira

Dnes mesiac na ceste a furt prakticky na tom istom mieste ak neratam noc vo viedni a noci v porte.Asi by to chcelo neaky suhrn. Spisem ho zajtra bo ma prsat a tak nebude i tak o com pisat.I ked nevim ci ma aj zmysel este pisat zapisky bo kazdy de


32.den madeira

Po budicku sledujem co je nove na leteckom poli. A kuknime let do lisabonu 5.5 za 35 ota s tap. Nevaham ani minutu registrujem sa do tap miles programu a kupujem to na priamo cez aerolinku za 47 5 zlava za mile co mi dali az 200. Tarif je


33.den madeira

Ako bolo vcera dohodnute s vm tak sa aj stalo. Spolocne corn flaks ranajky.Po ranajkach nazad do postele a len driemanie.Vonku je dnes pekne slnecno tak spakovanie sa smer mesto.Dnes je tez zakaz nevyhnuteho vychadzania ale v uliciach sok.


34.den madeira cristo rei

Na ranajky spravena omeleta z cukiny a fazule. Po jedle zbalenie rozpadajuceho batuzku voda salam syr eps chleba paprika susene hrusky a smer cca 8km vzdialeny cristo rei v casti a mi ukazali dve odlisne trasy nakoniec s


35.den madeira

Po dlhom case na ranajky vajicka.Po jedle trosku surfovania na nete a potom smer mesto a oddych pri mori oproti lanovke co ide na monte.Ludi v meste normalne ruska sa tu furt moc nenosia i ked postupne ich nositelov pribuda. Dnes som videl 5ludi.


36.den madeira

Ranajky opat vybavene vajickami tentoraz aj s fazulou.Ono sa ide dnes cvicit von treba energiu resp neake tie podporne vetry ked budem potrebovat podvihnut.Jasne ze rano zas octavia aj s jej prijebanymi problemami co mavaju deti na zakladnej sko


37.den madeira

Z ubytka vykopanie okolo 1100 a smer cvicisko.Cestou tri zaujimavosti.Chodim okolo polikliniky. Ludia sa vybavuju medzi dverami. Obsluhuje ich sestricka odena v plasti rukaviciach navlekoch na topankach ruske a ochrannym plexisklom na hlave.


38.den madeira

Nuz rano sa poberam klasicky na hradzu oproti cvicisku.Tu este vychutnane slnko.Odtial pokracujem k budke rodoeste pri pekarni na nabreznej ceste. No ta zavreta na budke vycapene ze je otvorene len cez tyzden od 930 do 1900 co mi je hovno platne


39.den madeira

Sunka a vajicka z toho moze vzist len hemendex.Plny energie na cvicisko pri lanovke.Dnes ma byt krasny den.No ten mi je pokazeny hned po prichode k predajni listkov horarios company na bus pri lanovke.Chlapik vravi ze tu sa nepredavaju


42.den madeira

Silne ranajky vo forme omelety s cukinou a slaninou. Cili papricka nesmela chybat. Cele to posypane syrom tak de luxe ranajky.Rucne preprate ukoristene kratase a zvesenie oprateho pradla.Zimna ciapka neako nezniesla pracku a je taka divna ale poho


43.den madeira

Rano si robim cholesterolovu bombu. Hranolky vajicko slanina.Po velmi vydatnych ranajkach teda smer cvicisko treba to dostat z tela von.V meste velke prekvapenie. Strasne moc ludi ma rusky.Na bilbordoch odfoteny rozny ludia rozneho veku s ru


45.den madeira

Dnes sa ide po case opat na cvicisko tak vydatne ranajky slanina vajicka cuketa.Vonku nadherne slnecno na cvicisku opat latino chlapci. Inak vymakany.Davam si klasiku zhyby robim vsak len raz vytiahnutie a pomale spustanie.Par ludi sa slni


46.den madeira

Vcera som pred spankom este zacal pozerat film mama mia no nedopozeral som ho bo prisli do toho dolezitejsie veci.Cornflakes s mliekom a smer cvicisko.Neviem ci som to spominal ale ako som si dal oprat veci tak sa mi zbehol opasok cul ho ledvaj


47.den madeira

Dnes bude velmi kratky zapisok.Po ranajkach smer cvicisko.Vonku je krasne slnecno.Zastavujem sa v papiernictve medzi dvermi vravim co chcem no na moje prekvapenie mi tetula vravi ze zosit format a5 nemaju. Sa pytala este kolegu. No neviem n


48.den madeira

Dnes asi este kratsi zapisok ako vcera.Cvicenie sa nekonalo davam si pauzu nech sa zregeneruje telo. Inak pocitovo mam viac sily vacsiu vydrz a uplne taky stastnejsi som. A to spravilo len male cviceniePred obedom vybehnutie omrknut ine papiernic


50.den madeira

Dnes je opat krasne rano 1000. Smer cvicisko.Latinak akurat koncil bol tu este chvilu jeden chlapik a neskor dosla fajn baba.Ta robila len cviky na brucho podobne tim co robim na ubytku.Dnes som vynechal bicykel nech si koleno este oddychne


51.den madeira

Po ranajkach smer cvicisko. Dva dni po sebe robit tie iste cviky je blbost no co uz.Na plac prichadzalo stale viac a viac ludi. Tolko som tu este nezazil.S vytahanimi rukami smer supermarket.Takze ruska su neni povinne bo dost ludi ich nemalo


52.den madeira

Zdrave ranajky salat syr hriby do seba hodene okolo 1100 kedze som isiel neskoro spat.Po jedle dokukanie prvej serie a smer mini prechadzka do parku santa catarina.Vonku opat genialne pocasie.Najskor som sa chcel v parku zvalit do travy al


53.den madeira

Dnes horsie pocasie zatiahnute.Vcera som nakonec kukal mh az do 1.00 co sa podpisalo na mojom neskorom vstavani az o 1100.Na cvicisku len jeden clovek neskor zacali prichadzat dalsi.Bicykel uz uplne vypusteny.Pri poslednom cviku ruckov


54.den madeira

Opat som siel spat okolo 0100 a budicek nieco okolo 1100Uz dlho sa neozvala octavia s jej skolkarskima problemami. Cul zas riesila jedneho holandana ktory sa jej lubil aj sa k niecomu schylovalo ked bola u nho ale jak vacsina sikmookych mentalne zaost


Inverness boss John Hughes offers Anthony Stokes an exit from Celtic exile by Ronny Deila

JOHN HUGHES has told Anthony Stokes a loan move to Inverness could help him save his Celtic career.


Coronavírus: 'O assassino do meu filho não merece morrer de covid-19 na cadeia'

Mãe na Argentina diz temer que o assassino asmático do filho não sobreviva ao covid-19 na cadeia.


AT#447 - Travel to the Island of Madeira

Hear about travel to the island of Madeira as the Amateur Traveler talks to Jörgen Abrahamsson who is a tour guide from Tue Nordic in this small Portuguese possession.



CBD News: Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of the Celebration of the International Year of Biodiversity by the Kingdom of Cambodia, Banteay Kdei Temple, Siem Reap Province, Cambodi


Diagnostica dei batteri delle acque con una guida alle ricerche batteriologiche e microscopiche / del Alessandro Lustig.

Torino : Rosenberg & Sellier, 1890.


Esperienze e riflessioni sopra la carie de'denti umani, coll'aggiunta di un nuovo saggio su la riproduzione dei denti negli animali rosicanti / di Francesco Lavagna.

Genova : G. Bonaudo, 1812.


Cybele, accompanied by Bacchus and Ceres, is carried on a chariot drawn by lions, surrounded by ancillary deities and followers; representing the element earth. Engraving by C. Dupuis, 1721, after Louis de Boullogne the younger.

Paris (rue de la Vannerie a l'image St. Michel) : Dupuis graveur du Roy, [1721]


Tibet: worshippers in a temple kneeling before statues of the Dalai Lama and the deity Manippe. Engraving by N. Parr, 17--, after J. Grueber.

[London?], [between 1700 and 1799?]


Rassegna trimestrale BRI marzo 2018: La volatilità ritorna sulla scena in seguito alle tensioni dei mercati azionari

Italian translation of the BIS press release about the BIS Quarterly Review, March 2018


Calo e ripresa dei mercati: Rassegna trimestrale BRI

Italian translation of the BIS press release about the BIS Quarterly Review, March 2019


Definire il futuro dei pagamenti: Rassegna trimestrale BRI

Italian version of BIS Press Release - BIS Quarterly Review, 1 March 2020 - Definire il futuro dei pagamenti: Rassegna trimestrale BRI


National Patterns of Codeine Prescriptions for Children in the Emergency Department

Owing to genetic variability in its metabolism, codeine can lead to fatal toxicity or inadequate treatment in pediatric subpopulations and several guidelines have recommended against its use in children. Little is known about codeine prescribing for children in the United States.

There has been a small decline in pediatric codeine prescriptions overall in emergency departments, but no change in prescription for children who have cough or upper respiratory infection, despite professional recommendations against this practice. Substantial numbers of children are being prescribed codeine annually. (Read the full article)


Madeira vice-president eyes fiscal independence from Lisbon

Pedro Calado, vice-president of Madeira’s regional government, tells Sebastian Shehadi about the island's capacity for more upmarket tourism and its ongoing struggle to gain financial independence from Portugal. 


Madeira looks to keep tax advantage

On top of EU access, an impressive quality of life, talented labour and a thriving tourism sector, Madeira offers a white-listed preferential tax regime that is conducive to long-term, productive investments. Sebastian Shehadi reports.


Rethinking the design of rural roads -- by Rika Idei

Re-examining the design of rural road projects will make them more effective in improving the lives of the people living nearby.


Deintegration in the European Union and Lessons for Asia

Brexit reminds us of the limitations of regional integration.


Tramadol vs. Codeine

Title: Tramadol vs. Codeine
Category: Medications
Created: 5/3/2017 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 12/20/2019 12:00:00 AM


Gene Deitch dead: Tom and Jerry director and Oscar-winning illustrator dies aged 95

Oscar-winning illustrator and film director Gene Deitch has died at the age of 95.