
VoIP System Users Can Be Targeted In Attacks


Skype Trojan Can Log VoIP Conversations


RFID Chip Implants Linked To Cancer In Animals


Feds At DefCon Alarmed After RFIDs Scanned


ScanGuard Antivirus Insecure Permissions

Scanguard versions through 2019-11-12 on Windows has insecure permissions for the installation directory, leading to privilege escalation via a trojan horse executable file.


Wapiti Web Application Vulnerability Scanner 3.0.2

Wapiti is a web application vulnerability scanner. It will scan the web pages of a deployed web application and will fuzz the URL parameters and forms to find common web vulnerabilities.


Wapiti Web Application Vulnerability Scanner 3.0.3

Wapiti is a web application vulnerability scanner. It will scan the web pages of a deployed web application and will fuzz the URL parameters and forms to find common web vulnerabilities.


Planes, Gate, And Bags: How Hackers Can Hijack Your Local Airport


CandidATS 2.1.0 Cross Site Request Forgery

CandidATS version 2.1.0 suffers from a cross site request forgery vulnerability.


GitHub Blasts Code-Scanning Tool Into All Open-Source Projects


netABuse Insufficient Windows Authentication Logic Scanner

netABuse is a scanner that identifies systems susceptible to a Microsoft Windows insufficient authentication logic flaw.


Yes, You Can Remotely Hack Factory, Building Site Cranes. Wait, What?


Exploiting CAN-Bus Using Instrument Cluster Simulator

Whitepaper called Exploiting CAN-Bus using Instrument Cluster Simulator.


LastPass Stores Passwords So Securely Users Cannot Access Them


California Man Arrested For DDoS'ing Candidate's Website


Nmap Port Scanner 7.80

Nmap is a utility for port scanning large networks, although it works fine for single hosts. Sometimes you need speed, other times you may need stealth. In some cases, bypassing firewalls may be required. Not to mention the fact that you may want to scan different protocols (UDP, TCP, ICMP, etc.). Nmap supports Vanilla TCP connect() scanning, TCP SYN (half open) scanning, TCP FIN, Xmas, or NULL (stealth) scanning, TCP ftp proxy (bounce attack) scanning, SYN/FIN scanning using IP fragments (bypasses some packet filters), TCP ACK and Window scanning, UDP raw ICMP port unreachable scanning, ICMP scanning (ping-sweep), TCP Ping scanning, Direct (non portmapper) RPC scanning, Remote OS Identification by TCP/IP Fingerprinting, and Reverse-ident scanning. Nmap also supports a number of performance and reliability features such as dynamic delay time calculations, packet timeout and retransmission, parallel port scanning, detection of down hosts via parallel pings.


nullscan 1.0.0

nullscan is a modular framework designed to chain and automate security tests. It parses target definitions from the command line and runs corresponding modules and their nullscan-tools afterwards. It can also take hosts and start nmap first in order to perform a basic portscan and run the modules afterwards. Also, nullscan can parse a given nmap logfile for open tcp and udp ports and again run the modules afterwards. All results will be logged in specified directories with a clean structure and an HTML report can subsequently be generated.