
Edison's open door: the life story of Thomas A. Edison, a great individualist / by Alfred O. Tate, his private secretary

Archives, Room Use Only - TK140.E3.T38 1938


Great inventors: the sources of their usefulness, and the results of their efforts.

Archives, Room Use Only - T39.G74 1864


The diary kept by Rasmus Petersen aboard the S.S. Great Northern from August 2, 1870 to January 4, 1871.

Archives, Room Use Only - HE8240.S76 P4813 1994


The decision of the great telegraph suit of Samuel F.B. Morse and Alfred Vail, vs. Francis O.J. Smith / in the Superior Court of the state of New York for the city and county of New York

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5118.M7 N49 1858


Overland explorations in Siberia, northern Asia, and the great Amoor River country: incidental notices of Manchooria, Mongolia, Kamschatka, and Japan: with map and plan of an overland telegraph around the world, via Behring's Strait and Asiatic Russia

Archives, Room Use Only - DK755.C65 1864


Great facts: a popular history and description of the most remarkable inventions during the present century / by Frederick C. Bakewell

Archives, Room Use Only - T19.B35 1860


On the application of the principle of the galvanic multiplier to electro-magnetic apparatus: and also to the development of great magnetic power in soft iron with a small galvanic element / by Prof. Joseph Henry ..

Archives, Room Use Only - QC611.H46 1831


Sehwag had a unique technique with great balance, says Latif


US unemployment rate surges to 14.7 pc, the worst since Great Depression


People more likely to opt for non-alcoholic drinks if availability greater


Ariadne: The Great American Nude

John Vanderlyn was among the first American painters to spend significant time studying in Paris, and while abroad around 1812 he created his masterpiece, "Ariadne Asleep on the Island of Naxos" (Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts). The painting was admitted to the Paris Salon that year—a triumph for a young American artist. But triumph turned to despair when Vanderlyn exhibited Ariadne back in the United States in 1815, where audiences considered the nude a shocking subject, and it failed to garner the public acclaim it deserved.

End Date: 
April 28th, 2010
Jun 4 2009 to Apr 28 2010
Teaser Image: 
Thursday, June 4, 2009 to Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Start Date: 
Thursday, June 4, 2009
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John Vanderlyn, Ariadne Asleep on the Island of Naxos, 1809–14, oil on canvas

John Vanderlyn was among the first American painters to spend significant time studying in Paris, and while abroad around 1812 he created his masterpiece, "Ariadne Asleep on the Island of Naxos" (Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts). The painting was admitted to the Paris Salon that year—a triumph for a young American artist. But triumph turned to despair when Vanderlyn exhibited Ariadne back in the United States in 1815, where audiences considered the nude a shocking subject, and it failed to garner the public acclaim it deserved.

Many artists and critics, however, realized Vanderlyn's great achievement, among them the engraver and aspiring painter Asher B. Durand. In 1831 Durand purchased Vanderlyn's great work, along with an unfinished copy that is now in the Historical Society collection. Durand created an engraving of Vanderlyn's unappreciated masterpiece that was hailed by some as a great achievement, but the American public was still unprepared to accept a nude figure as a subject for art, so the print met a fate similar to the painting that inspired it. But there the two artists' fates diverged: while Vanderlyn became embittered and eventually died in poverty, Durand went on to become an accomplished portraitist and a highly acclaimed landscape painter.

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Work resumes in Greater Noida’s Oppo mobile factory

Work resumes in Greater Noida’s Oppo mobile factory


What is the great urgency for environment notification, asks Congress

Draft has alarming clauses including the concept of post facto clearance, it says.


‘Disaster could have been of a greater magnitude’

The tank behaved like a pressure cooker, say experts


Great Sichuan earthquake of 2008 had little impact on of China’s wild takins

Data from a recent study of wild takins in the high-altitude forests of the Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve in southeast China has shown that the […]

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Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute to help create frozen repository of sperm and embryonic cells for Great Barrier Reef corals

Researchers at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and partnering organizations will build a frozen repository of Great Barrier Reef coral sperm and embryonic cells. Genetic banks composed of frozen biomaterials hold strong promise for basic and applied research and conservation of species and genetic variation.

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Smithsonian scientists help build first frozen repository of Great Barrier Reef coral

Researchers from the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology and other partnering organizations spent two weeks at the end of November collecting sperm and embryonic cells during spawning from two species of coral and have built the first frozen repository for the Great Barrier Reef.

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Great Barrier Reef coral Acropora tenuis

  This photo shows developing embryonic cells of the coral species Acropora tenuis, from the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Researchers from the Smithsonian Conservation […]

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Tiny new Peruvian opossum comes from a great big family

Tiny as a mouse with a ‘prout brown’ body and three black stripes on its back Monodelphis gardneri from Peru bears little resemblance to its much larger cousin the North American opossum.

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Paleo-detectives energize great whale mystery: how & when baleen evolved

A bizarre change occurs in the mouth of a humpback whale during its development in the womb. Several dozen tooth buds sprout in a row […]

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Study of bacteria inside guts of wild Canada geese shows greater danger than earlier studies exposed

In the early 20th century, Canada geese were considered endangered in the U.S. So in the 1950s and 1960s, birds from the Midwest were released […]

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Great Cats curator Craig Saffoe discusses his work caring for the National Zoo’s seven frisky lion cubs

What does it take to care for a pride of lions? Go behind the scenes with Great Cats Curator Craig Saffoe as he works with animal keepers and veterinarians to prepare the National Zoo's frisky lion cubs for their public debut. For more about the Zoo's growing pride and to watch them on live webcams:

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What is it like to be curator of Great Cats at the National Zoo?

What is it like to be the curator of Great Cats at the National Zoo? We interviewed Craig Saffoe to hear firsthand.

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The great night heron mystery at the National Zoo

Each year, a mysterious group of night herons flock to Smithsonian’s National Zoo. Then, they vanish. In episode three of our series, we go behind […]

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Report Finds Immigrants Come to Resemble Native-Born Americans Over Time, But Integration Not Always Linked to Greater Well-Being for Immigrants

As immigrants and their descendants become integrated into U.S. society, many aspects of their lives improve, including measurable outcomes such as educational attainment, occupational distribution, income, and language ability, but their well-being declines in the areas of health, crime, and family patterns, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Federal Regulatory Agencies Need to Prepare for Greater Quantity and Range of Biotechnology Products

A profusion of biotechnology products is expected over the next five to 10 years, and the number and diversity of new products has the potential to overwhelm the U.S. regulatory system, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


New Report Calls for Greater Oversight of Precursor Chemicals Sold At the Retail Level to Reduce Threats from Improvised Explosive Devices

Policymakers’ efforts to reduce threats from improvised explosive devices (IEDs) should include greater oversight of precursor chemicals sold at the retail level – especially over the Internet – that terrorists, violent extremists, or criminals use to make homemade explosives, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Minority-Serving Colleges and Universities Are Positioned to Serve as a Greater Resource for Meeting U.S. STEM Workforce Needs, But Increased Attention and Investments Are Needed

Higher education leaders, policymakers, and the private sector should take a range of actions to strengthen STEM programs and degree attainment in the nation’s Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Doing the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of People

Latest COVID-19 Conversations webinar discusses implementing crisis standards of care.


A great debate

Larry Mantle

I thoroughly enjoyed the VP debate and its fast paced back-and-forth.  Democrats had to love Joe Biden's energy and willingness to challenge Paul Ryan on almost every point.  Republicans had to love Ryan's poise and discipline in how he handled himself, even as Biden was dismissing him throughout the 90-minutes.

Both of our "AirTalk" political strategists, Democrat Darry Sragow and Republican Jonathan Wilcox, agreed that Biden's performance fired up the Democratic base and provided tremendous relief after the President's flat performance the week before.  However, they also agreed that it wasn't likely to have much effect on the small number of undecided voters still out there.

The passionate performances of the VP candidates certainly sets a higher bar for the next Presidential candidates debate.  Will Obama and Romney up their games on Tuesday?  I suspect most of us will be tuning in to see.

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


New research predicts which trees are at greatest risk of beetle outbreak

An early-warning system developed by researchers could help forest managers in Europe predict which trees are at greatest risk of bark- beetle infestation. The study looked at the probability of bark-beetle outbreaks on two important conifer-tree species in Slovenia: the Norway spruce (Picea abies) and silver fir (Abies alba). It found that high temperatures, and extreme weather linked to climate change — including droughts and ice storms — weakened trees, making them more vulnerable to attack by bark beetles.


Multi-species mixtures for greater productivity and environmental resilience

A recent study has revealed that grassland plots planted with a mixture of several agricultural plant species produced a greater yield than plots planted with a single species. The findings provide valuable evidence for scientists, farmers and policymakers who strive to increase the productivity of grassland, while reducing input of nitrogen fertilisers.


Multi-species mixtures for greater productivity and environmental resilience

A recent study has revealed that grassland plots planted with a mixture of several agricultural plant species produced a greater yield than plots planted with a single species. The findings provide valuable evidence for scientists, farmers and policymakers who strive to increase the productivity of grassland, while reducing input of nitrogen fertilisers.


Greater focus needed on carbon sequestration in the world’s soil

The world’s soils have the potential to store about 3000 megatonnes of carbon per year by the end of the 21st century, according to a new study. It suggests that restoring carbon to cropland and peat soils through practices such as afforestation and no-till farming could help solve global problems of food insecurity and climate change.


GHG emissions from shale greater than conventional gas, coal or oil

Over a 20-year time period, the greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint of shale gas is greater than that of coal, oil or conventional gas, according to a recent study. Methane emissions make up most of this footprint. This suggests that substituting conventional fossil fuels with shale gas may not have the desired effect to mitigate climate warming in the short-term.


Greater emphasis of cost savings could reduce home energy use

New insights into energy saving behaviour in the home could help inform measures to ensure the EU meets energy efficiency targets. A new study shows that younger and more educated households have more positive attitudes towards energy conservation, and suggests that greater emphasis of the financial benefits associated with energy savings could help reduce energy use in households that are less-motivated to save energy for environmental reasons.


Greater participation and technological innovation may improve waste management in Naples

A participatory approach to waste management has been tested in Naples, Italy, a city which has experienced ongoing problems with the collection of municipal waste. This study tested a toolkit, which uses stakeholder engagement to improve waste-management decision-making. Residents and other stakeholders supported the use of a technological innovation to develop biomass fuel from municipal waste.


Paleogeography and geological history of Greater Antilles / [by] K.M. Khudoley and A.A. Meyerhoff

Khudoleĭ, K. M


Sustainable agriculture assessments need greater clarity

A new study has revealed the diversity in terminology and choice of indicators across eight major frameworks used to assess the environmental impacts of agriculture. The researchers call for further work to quantify and express uncertainty surrounding chosen reference values.


Constituent materials more important than weight or class for environmental impact of shipbreaking, but valuation methods differ greatly

When broken down, ships can release hazardous substances into the environment. This study investigated the environmental impact of shipbreaking in one of Europe’s few ship recycling yards, based in Portugal. The results reveal large differences between assessment methods and show that environmental impact depends on composition rather than size or class.


Greater recognition of ecosystem services needed for food security

Global food security under a changing climate is possible if the vital role of healthy ecosystems is recognised, according to a recent study. The researchers suggest that an ecosystem-based approach must be integrated with other measures to tackle food security under climate change, to protect ecosystems and supply the essential services on which humanity depends.


Soil nitrogen increased through greater plant biodiversity

Increased plant biodiversity improves grassland soil quality by boosting its nitrogen levels, even in the absence of nitrogen-fixing plants, recent research has found. Previous research has shown that grasslands with higher biodiversity had higher levels of carbon and nitrogen. However, in the case of nitrogen it has been suggested that this was purely a result of increased numbers of nitrogen-fixing legumes, such as clover. This study was the first to show that, even without legumes, increased numbers of grassland species increased both carbon and nitrogen soil stocks.


Top predators maintain regulating role in human- dominated landscapes – but human activity is greatest limiting factor on other species

Large carnivores play important roles in ecosystems by regulating populations of herbivores and other species. Understanding how human activities affect the role of predators, particularly within human-modified systems such as agricultural landscapes, is therefore important. This study investigated how predator and prey populations were distributed in Transylvania, Romania, and assessed them in relation to human activities. The research highlights how relationships between large carnivores and people need to be considered as part of biodiversity conservation efforts, especially considering the successful recovery of several large carnivore populations within the EU.