
World Corporate Top R&D Investors: Shaping the future of technologies and AI

This report brings together data on patents, trademarks and scientific publications of the world’s top corporate R&D investors to shed light on the role of these key players in shaping the future of technologies, artificial intelligence in particular.


More competition essential for future of mobile innovation, says OECD

OECD countries must ensure mobile markets remain open and competitive in order to sustain innovation and meet rising demand for data services, according to a new OECD report.


Digital economy: Why a brighter future could be in our pocket

The digital economy is here, and growing every day, sometimes in surprising ways. As ministers gather for major meetings in Paris and Cancun, government leaders should be in no doubt about the key role they must play in securing the digital economy’s future as a driver of productive and inclusive progress.


Digital economy: Securing the future, OECD Observer No. 307

Browse the last issue of the OECD Observer on Digital economy: Secure the future.


Webinar: The Future of Open Government Data in Mexico

The OECD organised a webinar "The Future of Open Government Data in Mexico: Challenges and Experiences in OECD countries". The webinar was open to everyone and seeked to help the Mexican Government to prioritise the definition and implementation of strategic actions that contribute to the continuity and maturity of OGD policy in the short and medium term.


Seminar on pension foresight: Envisaging retirement income plans of the future

21 June 2017, Paris: Co-organised by the International Network for Pensions, Aging, and Retirement Research (INPARR), the OECD and IOPS, this seminar provided a window into the latest thinking and research that sheds light on where pension plans and designs are headed in the future and challenges to their future sustainability and efficiency.


Supporting ageing workforce key to tackling future US economic challenges

Providing American seniors with better work incentives and opportunities will be crucial for the United States to meet the challenges of its rapidly ageing population. By 2028, more than one in five Americans will be aged 65 and over, up from fewer than one in six today, according to a new OECD report.


Will future pensioners work for longer and retire on less? (Policy Brief)

This policy brief analyses the impact of reforms in recent decades on pension systems, including comparisons of the pensions people starting work today can expect compared to the pensions of people who retired recently.


Can we anticipate future migration flows?

This edition of Migration Policy Debates brings key lessons learnt from the joint EASO-OECD conference “From panic to planning: unpacking the policy toolbox to anticipate migration trends” (Paris, June 2016) and presents lessons for improving information systems to reinforce the preparedness of reception and management systems.


Environment: a source of future economic growth in Portugal

Despite Portugal’s economic and political challenges, it is still committed to improving the environment. The government sees green investment in its stimulus package and green tax reform as part of the solution to the national budget deficit.


Future Flood Losses in Major Coastal Cities

Climate change combined with rapid population increases, economic growth and land subsidence could lead to a more than 9-fold increase in the global risk of floods in large port cities between now and 2050.


Cities need new finance options and better governance to tackle future water risks

Rapid population growth, ageing infrastructure and new weather risks are straining the ability of cities in OECD countries to provide clean water and to protect against floods and droughts, according to a new OECD report. Cities will need large-scale investment and more effective tariffs and taxes to pay for upgrades to water systems.


Multi-level governance and robust water allocation regimes needed to secure Brazil’s future water needs

The recent droughts in Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo states have exposed the need to shift from crisis management to effective risk governance of the country’s water resources, according to a new OECD report.


COP21 was decades in the making, so how do we make future decades work for climate? Insights blog

Given the years of preparation – and for some OECD colleagues, a life’s work – my hope was for an enduring, ambitious text, helping us to avoid climate catastrophe. My expectation was far less grand, more closely aligned to the reality of getting 195 countries to adopt an agreement with legal force.


Event: Financing Climate Futures - what role for cities and regions?

12 September 2018, San Francisco - Cities and regions are critical financial actors in the global response to climate change, and particularly in the infrastructure. This expert panel will discuss how national and sub-national governments, as well as private actors, can scale up subnational financial flows to transition to low-carbon, resilient and inclusive cities, presenting the findings from OECD and World Bank studies.


Event: High-level Discussion on Financing Climate Futures

On 25 September 2018 in New York, the OECD, UN Environment and the World Bank Group hosted a high-level panel discussion on their joint initiative “Financing Climate Futures: Rethinking Infrastructure”. The project is being undertaken with the support of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.


OECD, UN Environment and World Bank call for a radical shift in financing for a low-carbon, climate-resilient future

The OECD, UN Environment and World Bank Group today called on leaders of G20 countries to do more to enable a radical shift of investment into low-carbon, climate-resilient infrastructure as a way to limit the impact of climate change.


Joint OECD-GGGI Workshop: Green growth development paths for a better future

Surrounding the 2012 GG-SD Forum, a joint OECD-GGGI (Global Green Growth Institute) workshop took place on 22 November. The workshop featured a discussion among experts and policy makers from developing countries with the aim of sharing evidence and experience on how to create an enabling framework and design policy options for overcoming key challenges and prioritizing inclusive green growth opportunities.


Green Growth in Africa Workshop January 15-18 2013: Concepts, Tools and Strategies for Building Greener Economies and a Sustainable Future

Information on and background documents for the Green Growth African Regional Workshops, 15-18 January 2013. The workshops presented conceptual issues and policy tool kits on implementing green growth policy measures and strategic environmental assessments.


Investing in a sustainable future

Investment strategies almost never consider external costs to the environment when calculating potential returns. But incorporating environmental risk and sustainability into investor mindsets is possible– and urgent.


Financing our Future: Sustainable Development Financing Strategy - OECD ProgBlog

As discussions to develop a set of sustainable development goals (SDGs) build momentum, attention is starting to shift towards not only what the world should try to achieve, but also how to go about it.


A development agenda for our future

In the coming months, the international community will gather three times and on three different continents, to build a sustainable development agenda for generations to come.


Webinar - Decarbonizing Development: Three Steps to a Zero-Carbon Future

On 28 May 2015, the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) webinar will examine how proper planning can help lay the foundation for both a stable climate and good development path; explore how countries can create the right enabling environment so that the needed technology, infrastructure and financing are available; and discuss how countries can carefully manage the transition, given vital political economy considerations.


We need leaders to act in service of future generations

More than any other leader in modern history, Nelson Mandela understood that a society must bridge divides and work together to thrive. He also firmly believed that we must strive to leave our children with a safer, more peaceful and more prosperous world than the one we inherited. He said that “there can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children”.


The Dutch labour market: preparing for the future

The well performing labour market has delivered low unemployment and relatively stable wage developments.


Promoting longer working lives is vital to improving Poland’s future prosperity

Encouraging more people to work later in life would help Poland meet the challenges of a rapidly ageing population. The percentage of old to younger groups (defined as share of over 65s to people aged 20-64) is projected to nearly triple from 22% in 2012 to 63% in 2050, according to a new OECD report.


Promoting longer working lives is vital for Denmark’s future prosperity

Encouraging more people to continue to work later in life would help Denmark meet the challenges of its rapidly ageing population. The ratio of the population aged 65 and over to the working-age population is projected to increase from 30% in 2012 to 43% in 2050, according to a new OECD report.


Seminar: The intangible resources for the future of Trentino - The case of language skills (Trento, Italy)

The seminar was organised by IPRASE, provincial institute for research and educational experimentation, instrumental body of the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Autonomous Province of Trento and the OECD LEED Trento Centre. The seminar represented a first public reflection on the Trentino Multilingualism Plan within a national and international comparison framework, in view of future prospects.


What future for work in a digitised world?

The digital revolution, globalisation and rapid population ageing are changing profoundly the types of jobs needed and the way we work, and may lead to even more dramatic changes over the coming decades. Will the many unemployed ever find a job again with the skills they have today in new world of work? Where are new jobs being created and what do they look like?


Back to the future of work

Back to the future of work, policy discussion at the Forum on the Future of Work and Labour Ministerial, 14 and 15 January 2016.


Mark Keese speaks to the Worklife Hub about OECD’s new initiative on the Future of Work.

Openness to change and a continuous questioning of the way we work are the keys to being prepared for the Future of Work. This advice comes from Mark Keese, Head of the Employment Analysis and Policy Division at the OECD, and we catch up with Mark following the OECD's Future of Work Forum in January 2016.


Policy brief on the Future of Work: Automation and independent work in a digital economy

OECD analyses have begun to understand the relationship between digitalisation, jobs and skills, the magnitude of potential job substitution due to technological change, the relationship between globalisation and wage polarisation, as well as the changes to the organisation of work.


Soft skills for the future

The demand for soft skills is increasing, and recent evidence suggests that the supply does not seem to keep up. The benefits from further development of these skills go beyond better labour market outcomes, as soft skills have been shown to contribute to overall well-being.


Does the year you graduate influence your future pay cheque?

New research points to the role of field-of-study mismatch in explaining the long-term effects of cyclical labour market shocks. It suggests that policy effort ought to be directed not just towards the NEETs, but also towards youth who find employment during recessions, given their higher risk of prolonged field-of-study mismatch and lower wages if mismatch is accompanied by overqualification.


Some well-known (and some lesser-known) facts about digitalisation, deindustrialisation and the future of work

The OECD has just released a new working paper by Thor Berger and Carl Frey which provides a systematic overview of the literature examining the impact of digitalisation on labour markets. The paper highlights some well-known as well as some lesser-known facts about digitalisation, deindustrialisation and the future of work.


Policy Brief on the Future of Work: Skills for a Digital World

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are profoundly changing the skill profile of jobs. Skill development policies need to be overhauled to reduce the risk of increased unemployment and growing inequality.


Policy Brief on the Future of Work: Basic Income as a Policy Option

Recent debates of Basic Income proposals shine a useful spotlight on the challenges that traditional forms of income support are increasingly facing, and highlight gaps in social provisions that largely depend on income or employment status. Reforms towards more universal income support would need to be introduced in stages, requiring a parallel debate on how to finance a more equal sharing of the benefits of economic growth.


Going Digital: the Future of Work for Women

This policy brief discusses the possible impact of digitalisation on women and men, and proposes a range of policies to ensure that technological change supports a closing, and not a widening, of gender gaps.


Supporting ageing workforce key to tackling future US economic challenges

Providing American seniors with better work incentives and opportunities will be crucial for the United States to meet the challenges of its rapidly ageing population. By 2028, more than one in five Americans will be aged 65 and over, up from fewer than one in six today, according to a new OECD report.


EU-OECD Forum – Making Adult Learning Work for the Future

For everyone to benefit from the changes in technology, globalisation and population ageing, adult learning systems must be ready to support people in acquiring the skills needed for this changing world of work. The EC and the OECD have joined up to discuss how to make adult learning work for the future in your country, by organising three webinars in September and October, and a forum on the 8th of November in Vienna.


Cities need new finance options and better governance to tackle future water risks

Rapid population growth, ageing infrastructure and new weather risks are straining the ability of cities in OECD countries to provide clean water and to protect against floods and droughts, according to a new OECD report. Cities will need large-scale investment and more effective tariffs and taxes to pay for upgrades to water systems.


Education reform: a priority for a better future

Greece needs to look beyond its short-term difficulties and start to prepare for a brighter future. It is at the crossroads, but can succeed, provided that it undertakes and implements relentlessly the right reforms. The reform of education is in fact the key to Greece’s future prosperity.


The Dutch labour market: preparing for the future

The well performing labour market has delivered low unemployment and relatively stable wage developments.


More competition essential for future of mobile innovation, says OECD

OECD countries must ensure mobile markets remain open and competitive in order to sustain innovation and meet rising demand for data services, according to a new OECD report.


Education will fortify Indonesia's future (OECD Education Today Blog)

The Indonesian education system is immense and diverse. It reflects aspects of its past, with a diverse ethnic and religious heritage, and a struggle for national identity.


Young people are our future: invest in their skills (OECD Education Today Blog)

More than 35 million 16-29 year-olds across OECD countries are neither employed nor in education or training (NEET) – and around half of all NEETs are out of school and not looking for work. These young people are likely to have dropped off the radar of their country’s education, social and labour market systems.


Future Shock (OECD Education Today Blog)

Education occurs in many forms; it’s not the same as schooling.


The OECD-Singapore Conference on Higher Education Futures (Singapore, October 14-15 2015)

The OECD-Singapore Conference on Higher Education Futures will explore forward-looking themes in the global higher education landscape. The Conference will bring together some 500 participants from over 40 countries, representing senior government officials, higher education administrators, academics and practitioners, for an engaging exchange of ideas and best practices.


Spain’s future prosperity depends on skills (OECD Education Today Blog)

Spain is emerging from a challenging period. The good news is that the economy has returned to moderate growth and unemployment rates are falling. Yet Spain’s progress along the path to inclusive growth may well falter if steps are not taken today to boost skills outcomes.


Korea’s future prosperity depends on skills (OECD Education Today Blog)

The Korean economy has seen significant growth in the past decades. However, much of the economic growth has been supported by intensive labour resource utilisation. Korean workers work the second longest hours among OECD countries. This is not sustainable in the long-term because Korea’s working age population is projected to decline from 2017 onwards.