
Final Fantasy VII Remake Memes

Поздравляю всех с выходом ремейка. Вот вам ещё одна порция смехуёчков про Номуру и про  главных героев концовки.

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Обзор обзоров российской прессы: Final Fantasy VII Remake

Как обычно, после большого инфоповода собираю ляпы из текстов российской игропрессы про оный повод. Сейчас - обзор ремейка фф7.

Сперва - по мелочи.

>Тецуя Номура, под чьим началом 13 лет клепали Kingdom Hearts III.

Нет, потому что после КН2 Номура с командой ушли делать Версус.

>Думать над очередностью прокачки особо не нужно, ведь развитие оружия довольно линейно.

Нет, это в фф13 всё было линейно, а тут полная свобода в выборе того, что учить. Спекаться можно в совсем разные билды.

побег от толпы полуголых усатых мужиков из него всё-таки вырезали.

Очень интересной запомнилась фф7 автору текста, хочу я сказать.
Возможно, поэтому он хочет её уничтожить концовкой?

>Но концовка — это самое ценное, что есть в игре. Без неё весь ремейк не имел бы смысла. Зачем браться за переделку одной из самых влиятельных игр в истории, ведь как бы хорошо не вышло, оригинал переплюнуть не удастся?

Вот это - худшая, самая вредная и губительная позиция. Без концовки в нём дохуя смысла. Без поебени про призраков это образцовый ремейк, который закрывает сюжетные дыры, даёт персонажам нужную глубину и превращает сеттинг из набора слайдов в целостный мир. Ему более чем удалось переплюнуть оригинал. В нём есть смысл. А вот с такой концовкой как раз возникают вопросы.

Дальше будет больше.

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Review 2020

В конце 2015-го я заглянул в Final Fantasy Record Keeper – поглядеть, что это за мобильная финалка такая. Ей тогда было полгода всего, сейчас же – пять лет, и всякая игра-как-сервис за это время растёт. Не стала исключением и Record Keeper – так что пора бы в ней вернуться ещё раз.

Во многом я хочу это сделать потому, что с 2015-го я не переставал в неё играть. На то есть целый ряд причин. Во-первых, она (почти) бессюжетная, аутентичная и посвященная знакомым боям из знакомых финалок – она не городит что-то своё, а ремикширует знакомое и хорошее. Во-вторых, она очень мало требует от игрока в плане инвестиций времени/денег: я стабильно каждый день выигрывал там три боя за десять минут, и этого мне хватало, чтобы тащить почти весь актуальный контент и даже не задумываться о том, чтобы занести разработчикам бабла. Я до сих пор не заплатил ни копейки и всем доволен. В-третьих, в ней такие длинные лоадинги, что играть на ночь идеально – за десять минут усыпляет. Ну и в-четвёртых, она продолжала постоянно обновляться. С обновлениями не только появлялись новые испытания, но и расширялись возможности бойцов, и менялась мета.
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Я копил лимит на написание этого поста целый месяц.
Ну, точнее, я старался заниматься более важными вещами - писал про сам ремейк, про то, что в нём ок или не ок, про критику в его адрес и проблемы с ней. Само собой, вопрос языка для меня в этой всей кутерьме даже не стоял. Как он не должен стоять для любого уважающего себя человека.

Я выдал свой хот-тейк на тему и решил, что вопрос можно закрывать.

Потому что - ну, я двадцать, блин, лет варюсь в фэндоме, для меня ситуация "позорные неучи требуют русик и жрут говно" довольно стандартная. Давайте напомню про Хроно Кросс, про фф10, про фф8 с пилоткой и про Адвент чилдрен, где "хисасибури да на, кураудо" превратилось в "Ну что, облако, давно не было? Давай по последней" (запись, увы, удалена). Всё это фанаты прожевали и проглотили - а какой выбор у них был-то? Без знания английского - никакого. Без знания английского вы обречены жрать говно. Если вы себя уважаете, учите английский. Точка. Спасибо за внимание.

Но нет. Видите ли, в чём проблема: люди слишком привыкли к тому, что русик есть почти на всё. А какого он качества, не так важно. Поэтому вдруг в ситуации, когда его нет, поднялось народное негодование.

Особенно оно вспыхнуло после того, как Софтклаб выпустил (и правда позорный, увы: ну куда вы Гоблина-то тащите?) ролик "Final Fantasy VII Remake в России". Вот топовые комментарии оттуда:

Бедный Софтклаб)) Решение о том, делать ли локализацию - не на них, но все шишки летят в них.

Но энивей, что можно сказать о реакции публики? Позорные обленившиеся люди не хотят учить язык, хотят, чтобы им всё принесли в русике. Скваря не принесла, люди говорят - мы недовольны, игру не купим.

Ок. Ну, ваше право. Можете ещё письмо им написать. Или поставить 0 на метакритике с комментариями "no russian language", авось да заметят. Я такое никогда осуждать не буду: ок, у людей есть позиция, они её выражают, это их дело.

Но потом появляются те, кто считает, что это я их позицию должен выражать.

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RiteAid BonusCash rewards for Apr 5-11, 2020 ... 20% ROI on Xbox, GameStop, Apple, Google, Netflix, Nike, Panera, Fandango, AMC, & Regal GC's

It's a bumper crop of BonusCash at your local Rite-Aid this week, with not 1, 2, 3, but 4 gaming GC's, and 1 of those gives you even more options!

  • Nike, GameStop, Netflix ... $5 BonusCash when you buy $25 of these items.*
  • Google Play, AMC Theatres, Apple AppStore/iTunes, Fandango, XBOX, Panera Bread, Regal Theatres ... $6 BonusCash when you buy $30 of these items.*

FYI, "GameStop" is a big win, because not only can you purchase (additional) XBOX, PSN, Nintendo, and Steam credit there, but you order the GC credit from their website, and get a redemption code instantly after checkout.
For those who are new to the "Rite-Aid wellness+ reward BonusCash" program, you'll receive the $$$ amount when you purchase the minimum amount specified. Gift-cards within the same bullet-point share the same "limit 2 offers per customer", but you can earn rewards on the other bullet-point lines as well. For example, you can purchase $25 each of GameStop & Netflix (or $50 of GameStop) ... and still be able to purchase another $60 mix of Google & Apple & XBOX, and can stagger your 4 GC purchases throughout the week.

Screenshot of 2 separate GC offers (bullet points) included here:


Small print (at bottom of weekly ad) and BonusCash T&C's included here:

FYI ... the limit of "2 offers per customer" is tracked by your "wellness+ rewards" account, so you'll need to limit yourself to 2 offers per line item throughout the week, and not just "2 per transaction" or "2 per day". At the time of purchase, your printed receipt will indicate how many of the "limit 2" you've met, but neither the website nor register will indicate ...

  • if you've met the limit of 2 items per BonusCash group with the current transaction, or
  • if the transaction you're about to complete exceeds the limit of 2 per week, or
  • when your BonusCash rewards will expire.

Luckily the mobile RiteAid app (and website) list your individual accumulation & cashing out on a per transaction basis, so that's a good way to keep tabs on the expiration dates, since you only get 30 days to spend the BonusCash once earned. Good luck!

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    Final Fantasy Remake - Double 10 Dollar Rewards for Preorder?

    Not sure if it was a glitch or intentional, but I got a notice this morning saying that my copy of Final Fantasy Remake Standard Edition had shipped.  That made me happy enough, as I was afraid it might be delayed - had it pre-ordered on Amazon but it shifted to delivery unknown earlier in the week so I canceled it.  But, back on topic - about 3 hours later I got a message that I had a 25 dollar reward.  I did not have anywhere near that many points before so I looked for where they came from.  When I clicked on the Final Fantasy VII Remake purchase, this is what it said:


    Total Points: 1142

    My Best Buy Visa Purchase Bonus - 83

    $10 Dollar Certificate for Final Fantasy VII Preorder - 500

    $10 Dollar Certificate for Final Fantasy VII Preorder - 500

    Base Points - 59


    Did this happen to anyone else?  Considering I preordered it when I still had Gamers Club - so got it for 51.23 ... this has been an especially Cheap Ass Gamer type of purchase.


    P.S.  Sigh, I really miss Gamers Club.  Hate spending 64.04 on new releases (that includes local tax).


    The Wayfinder: YA Fantasy

    The post The Wayfinder: YA Fantasy appeared first on Fiction Notes.

    READ A FREE HEARTLAND TALES SHORT STORY: CLICK HERE The Wayfinder was my first published novel, 2000 Greenwillow/Harpercollins. I remember where I was when I heard the news that someone wanted to publish this manuscript. I was with my oldest daughter, Sara, at a local mall. I had to use a pay phone to call Continue Reading

    The post The Wayfinder: YA Fantasy appeared first on Fiction Notes.


    Fanfiction: Teen Wolf: It seems wasted now by DaaroMoltor

    Posted by: ninetydegrees

    Fandom: Teen Wolf
    Characters/Pairings: Stiles/Derek
    Rating: Teen And Up
    Length: 48,544 words

    Summary: It's been months. Months of lonely days and lonelier nights.
    And Stiles can't understand what he did wrong.

    Why is it the BEST THING EVER: I found it to be one of the best stories I've read in this fandom because the author uses several well-loved tropes and treats them with the utmost respect and thoughtfulness. The author's take on them felt incredibly satisfying and believable, but still gave space for other possibilities at several points in the story. It could have gone differently and it would have been right too. I found the story raw, intense and beautiful. There is so much you can do with this fandom and these characters and this fic is a perfect example of that. It's made me fall in love with fanfiction all over again.

    Fanwork Links:



    How to Install FANime Kodi

    Below is a guide for installing the add-on for Kodi. This is a 3rd party add-on so please do not post questions about this add-on in the official Kodi forums.

    Add-On Offers:

    • Anime

    It is becoming more and more important to protect yourself online. This can easily be done using


    4 Day Cruise to Cozumel Jan 711 2010. Carnival's Fantasy

    I had not had a real vacation since April 2009 and I was going crazy for warm weather. Jason knew how badly I wanted to get away and gave me one of the best Christmas presents a girl could ask for a CRUISE I'm apologizing now for the lack of detail


    Global Behaviors and Perceptions at the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic -- by Thiemo R. Fetzer, Marc Witte, Lukas Hensel, Jon Jachimowicz, Johannes Haushofer, Andriy Ivchenko, Stefano Caria, Elena Reutskaja, Christopher P. Roth, Stefano Fiorin, Margarita G

    We conducted a large-scale survey covering 58 countries and over 100,000 respondents between late March and early April 2020 to study beliefs and attitudes towards citizens’ and governments’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most respondents reacted strongly to the crisis: they report engaging in social distancing and hygiene behaviors, and believe that strong policy measures, such as shop closures and curfews, are necessary. They also believe that their government and their country’s citizens are not doing enough and underestimate the degree to which others in their country support strong behavioral and policy responses to the pandemic. The perception of a weak government and public response is associated with higher levels of worries and depression. Using both cross-country panel data and an event-study, we additionally show that strong government reactions correct misperceptions, and reduce worries and depression. Our findings highlight that policy-makers not only need to consider how their decisions affect the spread of COVID-19, but also how such choices influence the mental health of their population.


    Joe Castiglione, a childhood Yankees fan turned longtime Red Sox broadcaster, talks about the great rivalry that is currently on pause

    Joe Castiglione saw his first baseball game in the Bronx.


    Dutch won't allow fans in stadiums until vaccine found

    Sporting events in the Netherlands will have to take place without fans in attendance until there is a vaccine for coronavirus, Health Minister Hugo de Jonge said.


    Editorial: Want football fans to take transit? Build a people mover to the new Inglewood stadium

    Inglewood can help solve the first-mile last-mile problem of public transit in a big way.


    Quiet Kawhi Leonard speaks loudly with backpack initiative for Clippers fans

    Fans attending the Clippers game Friday will each receive a backpack with a note from Leonard to use the bag as an agent of change for a good cause.


    Markazi: Clippers' Patrick Patterson connects with fans through movie nights

    Clippers forward Patrick Patterson, who is working toward becoming a film producer, is spending part of the shutdown hosting online movie nights.


    LeBron James changes his stance, says he would play games without fans

    Lakers star LeBron James revises his stance on playing game without fans, saying he'd do so if it's in the best interest of the franchise and the NBA.


    Cameo videos let NBA stars connect with fans during self-isolation

    Athletes, entertainers and others have an alternative way to connect with fans thanks to their cellphone and Cameo, a social media company.


    USC will bar fans from home athletic events for foreseeable future

    As the NCAA, its member universities, and the conferences they represent contemplate how to proceed with college athletics amid the threat of coronavirus, USC will continue for the foreseeable future without fans present.


    USC coach Andy Enfield knows fan atmosphere in NCAA tournament will be missed

    USC coach Andy Enfield knows the importance of fans' roles in events such as the NCAA tournament, which will be absent this year due to NCAA precaution on the coronavirus.


    Andrelton Simmons has a fan in Arte Moreno, but will he stay with the Angels?

    Angels shortstop Andrelton Simmons' long-term future with the franchise remains up in the air heading into the final year of his contract.


    What's new for fans at Dodgers and Angels spring training games

    At the Dodgers spring training site in Glendale, Ariz., a new road connects to entertainment options. The Angels' site in Tempe has lots to do too.


    Angels manager Joe Maddon gets warm welcome from Chicago Cubs players and fans

    The Chicago Cubs greeted Angels manager Joe Maddon with hugs before Monday's Cactus League game. Maddon, of course, led the Cubs to the 2016 World Series title.


    'Fresh Air' Remembers Bollywood Icon Irrfan Khan

    One of India's most beloved film stars, Khan, who died April 29, became internationally known for his work in films like Slumdog Millionaire and Life of Pi. Originally broadcast in 2012.


    Irrfan Khan Dies; Indian Actor Appeared In Crossover Hit 'Slumdog Millionaire'

    The versatile actor vaulted to international stardom after playing a police inspector in the 2008 film. Khan, 54, was adored in India despite not being a Bollywood heartthrob.


    Bollywood and Hollywood Actor Irrfan Khan Dies After A Long Illness

    Indian actor Irrfan Khan, 54, who leaped from small parts in Bollywood films to featured roles in Hollywood blockbusters such as Slumdog Millionaire and Jurassic World, has died after a long illness.


    'Fresh Air' Remembers Bollywood Icon Irrfan Khan

    One of India's most beloved film stars, Khan, who died April 29, became internationally known for his work in films like Slumdog Millionaire and Life of Pi. Originally broadcast in 2012.


    Kings showed this fan they had a lot of bite

    For one night, the hapless Kings show it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog that matters.


    Frustrated Kings fans keep perspective: 'We saw some really cool stuff happen'

    Kings fans gathered in L.A. to watch the team's Stadium Series game against the Colorado Avalanche. It's been rough lately but they recall better years.


    Elliott: Forty years later, 'Miracle on Ice' still has a lot of meaning to players and fans

    The 1980 U.S Olympic hockey team gathered in Las Vegas to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the 'Miracle on Ice,' and the stories remained riveting.


    NHL recommends players limit contact with fans over coronavirus concerns

    The NHL has sent a memo to teams advising them to tell players to limit close interaction with fans in response to concerns about the coronavirus.


    Coronavirus: Fans are still allowed at many sporting events. But are they showing up?

    Is the coronavirus outbreak keeping local fans from attending Lakers, Clippers and other professional teams' games? Seems like it depends on the team.


    Columbus Blue Jackets to play games without fans present

    Columbus became the first NHL team to say it will play in an empty arena, announcing on Wednesday that it will abide by a mandate from the state of Ohio.


    As leagues and teams begin to shut door on fans because of coronavirus, will NHL follow?

    As the coronavirus outbreak has worsened in the past week, sporting events and teams such as San Jose Sharks and Columbus Blue Jackets have started to shutter their doors to the general public.


    San Jose Sharks to play games without fans

    The San Jose Sharks will play their next three home games at SAP Center as scheduled, but those games will be closed to the general public.


    Kings turn to video game simulations to keep fans engaged amid coronavirus shutdown

    The Kings have found a way to stay connected with fans amid the coronavirus shutdown by replicating its schedule through video games.


    Elliott: Kings vs. Ducks virtual showdown will feature fan favorites from the past

    As the Kings and Ducks wait out the NHL's coronavirus shutdown, the teams will renew their rivalry with an EA SPORTS NHL 20 simulated game.


    Joe Castiglione, a childhood Yankees fan turned longtime Red Sox broadcaster, talks about the great rivalry that is currently on pause

    Joe Castiglione saw his first baseball game in the Bronx.


    Dodgers fans cheer Mike Fiers, who blew the whistle on the Astros' sign stealing

    Oakland A's pitcher Mike Fiers is a hero to some, but others believe he waited too long to go public with the Astros' sign-stealing scheme.


    Granderson: How far should Dodgers fans go to troll the cheating Astros?

    The Houston Astros cheated and Mike Fiers shined the brightest light on their scheme, LZ Granderson writes.


    Dodgers head trainer Brandon McDaniel to stream workouts for fans twice a week

    Among the challenges during the COVID-19 crisis is staying fit. Dodgers athletic trainer Brandon McDaniel is offering help by streaming workouts twice a week.


    Plaschke: Celebrating the life of an L.A. sports fan who lost his battle with COVID-19

    Paul Martinez loved his L.A. sports teams. His death due to complications related to coronavirus is a loss that extends beyond his family and friends.


    MLB reverses ticket policy, clearing way for teams to offer refunds to fans

    Major League Baseball has informed teams they no longer need to advise fans to hold on to tickets for games affected by the coronavirus shutdown.


    New Do: Kelly Osbourne shows off her quarantine hair, asking fans if she should keep it

    Kelly Osbourne is the latest celebrity notable to show off how her professionally-untouched tresses are faring during the lockdown. “Can’t lie I’m really starting to like what’s happening with my hair! It’s about 20 different shades of purple and blue,” the 35-year-old TV personality and singer bragged.


    A fantastic deal beckoned a family to Disney World. Was it too good to be true?

    Our Disney World trip was so close I could taste the character breakfast. But there was fine print.


    Joe Castiglione, a childhood Yankees fan turned longtime Red Sox broadcaster, talks about the great rivalry that is currently on pause

    Joe Castiglione saw his first baseball game in the Bronx.


    UCLA bars fans from attending home athletics events through April 10

    The UCLA women's basketball team could open the NCAA tournament in an empty venue after the school said fans may not attend home athletics events for a month.


    NCAA tournament will be played without fans over coronavirus concerns

    The NCAA has decided to hold the men's and women's basketball championships without fans because of concerns over the coronavirus.


    UCLA's gymnastics and women's basketball teams will have to adjust to home games without fans

    The UCLA women's basketball and gymnastics teams will perform in an empty Pauley Pavilion after moves made by the school and the NCAA to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.