
Tesla to reopen California factory despite county order

The electric car company told employees to report to work Friday, but a county official said Tesla did not meet the requirements for resuming production.


Tesla sues California county in factory closure fight, threatens to leave

Tesla said the county's position left it no choice but to take legal action to ensure Tesla and its employees can go back to work


Punjab allows distilleries to manufacture hand sanitizers


COVID-19 : Punjab distilleries begins manufacturing sanitisers


Fire breaks out in cardboard factory in outer Delhi’s Bawana

A fire broke out in a cardboard factory in outer Delhi’s Bawana on Sunday morning, Delhi Fire Service officials said. However, no one is trapped or in


Bond-valence analyses of the crystal structures of FeMo/V cofactors in FeMo/V proteins

The bond-valence method was performed on 51 crystal data sets from nitrogenase proteins, indicating the presence of molybdenum(III) in FeMo cofactors and vanadium(III) with more reduced iron complements in FeV cofactors.


Radiation damage in small-molecule crystallography: fact not fiction

Traditionally small-molecule crystallographers have not usually observed or recognized significant radiation damage to their samples during diffraction experiments. However, the increased flux densities provided by third-generation synchrotrons have resulted in increasing numbers of observations of this phenomenon. The diversity of types of small-molecule systems means it is not yet possible to propose a general mechanism for their radiation-induced sample decay, however characterization of the effects will permit attempts to understand and mitigate it. Here, systematic experiments are reported on the effects that sample temperature and beam attenuation have on radiation damage progression, allowing qualitative and quantitative assessment of their impact on crystals of a small-molecule test sample. To allow inter-comparison of different measurements, radiation-damage metrics (diffraction-intensity decline, resolution fall-off, scaling B-factor increase) are plotted against the absorbed dose. For ease-of-dose calculations, the software developed for protein crystallography, RADDOSE-3D, has been modified for use in small-molecule crystallography. It is intended that these initial experiments will assist in establishing protocols for small-molecule crystallographers to optimize the diffraction signal from their samples prior to the onset of the deleterious effects of radiation damage.


Structural insights into conformational switching in latency-associated peptide between transforming growth factor β-1 bound and unbound states

Transforming growth factor β-1 (TGFβ-1) is a secreted signalling protein that directs many cellular processes and is an attractive target for the treatment of several diseases. The primary endogenous activity regulatory mechanism for TGFβ-1 is sequestration by its pro-peptide, latency-associated peptide (LAP), which sterically prohibits receptor binding by caging TGFβ-1. As such, recombinant LAP is promising as a protein-based therapeutic for modulating TGFβ-1 activity; however, the mechanism of binding is incompletely understood. Comparison of the crystal structure of unbound LAP (solved here to 3.5 Å resolution) with that of the bound complex shows that LAP is in a more open and extended conformation when unbound to TGFβ-1. Analysis suggests a mechanism of binding TGFβ-1 through a large-scale conformational change that includes contraction of the inter-monomer interface and caging by the `straight-jacket' domain that may occur in partnership through a loop-to-helix transition in the core jelly-roll fold. This conformational change does not appear to include a repositioning of the integrin-binding motif as previously proposed. X-ray scattering-based modelling supports this mechanism and reveals possible orientations and ensembles in solution. Although native LAP is heavily glycosylated, solution scattering experiments show that the overall folding and flexibility of unbound LAP are not influenced by glycan modification. The combination of crystallography, solution scattering and biochemical experiments reported here provide insight into the mechanism of LAP sequestration of TGFβ-1 that is of fundamental importance for therapeutic development.


Calcium-ligand variants of the myocilin olfactomedin propeller selected from invertebrate phyla reveal cross-talk with N-terminal blade and surface helices

Olfactomedins are a family of modular proteins found in multicellular organisms that all contain five-bladed β-propeller olfactomedin (OLF) domains. In support of differential functions for the OLF propeller, the available crystal structures reveal that only some OLF domains harbor an internal calcium-binding site with ligands derived from a triad of residues. For the myocilin OLF domain (myoc-OLF), ablation of the ion-binding site (triad Asp, Asn, Asp) by altering the coordinating residues affects the stability and overall structure, in one case leading to misfolding and glaucoma. Bioinformatics analysis reveals a variety of triads with possible ion-binding characteristics lurking in OLF domains in invertebrate chordates such as Arthropoda (Asp–Glu–Ser), Nematoda (Asp–Asp–His) and Echinodermata (Asp–Glu–Lys). To test ion binding and to extend the observed connection between ion binding and distal structural rearrangements, consensus triads from these phyla were installed in the myoc-OLF. All three protein variants exhibit wild-type-like or better stability, but their calcium-binding properties differ, concomitant with new structural deviations from wild-type myoc-OLF. Taken together, the results indicate that calcium binding is not intrinsically destabilizing to myoc-OLF or required to observe a well ordered side helix, and that ion binding is a differential feature that may underlie the largely elusive biological function of OLF propellers.


The flavin mononucleotide cofactor in α-hydroxyacid oxidases exerts its electrophilic/nucleophilic duality in control of the substrate-oxidation level

The Y128F single mutant of p-hydroxymandelate oxidase (Hmo) is capable of oxidizing mandelate to benzoate via a four-electron oxidative decarboxylation reaction. When benzoylformate (the product of the first two-electron oxidation) and hydrogen peroxide (an oxidant) were used as substrates the reaction did not proceed, suggesting that free hydrogen peroxide is not the committed oxidant in the second two-electron oxidation. How the flavin mononucleotide (FMN)-dependent four-electron oxidation reaction takes place remains elusive. Structural and biochemical explorations have shed new light on this issue. 15 high-resolution crystal structures of Hmo and its mutants liganded with or without a substrate reveal that oxidized FMN (FMNox) possesses a previously unknown electrophilic/nucleophilic duality. In the Y128F mutant the active-site perturbation ensemble facilitates the polarization of FMNox to a nucleophilic ylide, which is in a position to act on an α-ketoacid, forming an N5-acyl-FMNred dead-end adduct. In four-electron oxidation, an intramolecular disproportion­ation reaction via an N5-alkanol-FMNred C'α carbanion intermediate may account for the ThDP/PLP/NADPH-independent oxidative decarboxylation reaction. A synthetic 5-deaza-FMNox cofactor in combination with an α-hydroxyamide or α-ketoamide biochemically and structurally supports the proposed mechanism.


Factors influencing estimates of coordinate error for molecular replacement

Good prior estimates of the effective root-mean-square deviation (r.m.s.d.) between the atomic coordinates of the model and the target optimize the signal in molecular replacement, thereby increasing the success rate in difficult cases. Previous studies using protein structures solved by X-ray crystallography as models showed that optimal error estimates (refined after structure solution) were correlated with the sequence identity between the model and target, and with the number of residues in the model. Here, this work has been extended to find additional correlations between parameters of the model and the target and hence improved prior estimates of the coordinate error. Using a graph database, a curated set of 6030 molecular-replacement calculations using models that had been solved by X-ray crystallography was analysed to consider about 120 model and target parameters. Improved estimates were achieved by replacing the sequence identity with the Gonnet score for sequence similarity, as well as by considering the resolution of the target structure and the MolProbity score of the model. This approach was extended by analysing 12 610 additional molecular-replacement calculations where the model was determined by NMR. The median r.m.s.d. between pairs of models in an ensemble was found to be correlated with the estimated r.m.s.d. to the target. For models solved by NMR, the overall coordinate error estimates were larger than for structures determined by X-ray crystallography, and were more highly correlated with the number of residues.


Synchrotron X-ray diffraction investigation of the surface condition of artefacts from King Henry VIII's warship the Mary Rose

Synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) measured on the XMaS beamline at the ESRF was used to characterize the alloy composition and crystalline surface corrosion of three copper alloy Tudor artefacts recovered from the undersea wreck of King Henry VIII's warship the Mary Rose. The XRD method adopted has a dynamic range ∼1:105 and allows reflections <0.002% of the height of major reflections in the pattern to be discerned above the background without smoothing. Laboratory XRD, scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive spectroscopy, synchrotron X-ray fluorescence and X-ray excited optical luminescence–X-ray near-edge absorption structure were used as supporting techniques, and the combination revealed structural and compositional features of importance to both archaeology and conservation. The artefacts were brass links believed to be fragments of chainmail and were excavated from the seabed during 1981 and 1982. Their condition reflects very different treatment just after recovery, viz. complete cleaning and conservation, chemical corrosion inhibition and chloride removal only, and distilled water soaking only (to remove the chlorides). The brass composition has been determined for all three at least in the top 7 µm or so as Cu(73%)Zn(27%) from the lattice constant. Measurement of the peak widths showed significant differences in the crystallite size and microstrain between the three samples. All of the links are found to be almost chloride-free with the main corrosion products being spertiniite, sphalerite, zincite, covellite and chalcocite. The balance of corrosion products between the links reflects the conservation treatment applied to one and points to different corrosion environments for the other two.


Structure variations within RSi2 and R2Si3 silicides. Part II. Structure driving factors

Most articles dealing with R2TSi3 compounds are only interested in one specific composite or in a series of composites with varying T elements while keeping R fixed (or vice versa). The present work gives an overview of the complete range of 2:1:3 silicides, similar those of Hoffmann & Pöttgen (2001) and Pan et al. (2013). In contrast to the work of Hoffmann & Pöttgen (2001), reasons for formation of the different symmetries and superstructures are discussed. Here, crystallographic properties are in[the] focus, whereas physical and magnetic properties are omitted because those are given by Pan et al. (2013). READS LIKE AN ABSTRACT, please re-write and remove references if possible. Should be two sentences max.


The Carina Nebula, a local supernova factory, is ramping up production

A local supernova factory has recently started production, according to a wealth of new data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory on the Carina Nebula.

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From Star Wars to science fact: Tatooine-like planet discovered

Although cold and gaseous rather than a desert world, the newfound planet Kepler-16b is still the closest astronomers have come to discovering Luke Skywalker's home world of Tatooine.

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Rising seas, development are altering prehistoric artifacts in the Chesapeake’s tidal zone

As a coastal archaeologist and expert in prehistoric and historic settlement sites in the Chesapeake Bay region, Darrin Lowery of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History and University of Deleware, is carefully watching the effects of coastal erosion and rising sea levels on coastal archaeological sites.

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New study proves the remora’s sucker disc is in fact a highly modified dorsal fin / Q&A with taxonomist David Johnson

The remora's sucker disc is "one of the most remarkable and most highly modified skeletal structures among vertebrates."

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“Star Wars” Roundup: From Science Fiction to Science Fact

Pulverized planet dust might lie around double stars » A planet like Star War’s Tatooine, which orbits twin suns, would have likely suffered from more […]

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Scientists in awe of huge olfactory bulb found in turkey vulture brain

With its homely featherless head, undertaker’s charcoal coloring and association with death and decay, the turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) tops few lists as a favorite […]

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This Squirrel Appreciation Day we have a few surprising squirrely facts for you

Flying through the air? Check. Surviving snake bites? Check. One of the most adorable creatures on earth? Absolutely! Do you think you know everything about […]

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Five fun turtle and tortoise facts from the Smithsonian’s National Zoo

People often use the words turtle and tortoise interchangeably, but these reptiles have distinct differences: Turtle shells are typically more flattened and not as deeply […]

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Bond-valence analyses of the crystal structures of FeMo/V cofactors in FeMo/V proteins

The bond-valence method has been used for valence calculations of FeMo/V cofactors in FeMo/V proteins using 51 crystallographic data sets of FeMo/V proteins from the Protein Data Bank. The calculations show molybdenum(III) to be present in MoFe7S9C(Cys)(HHis)[R-(H)homocit] (where H4homocit is homocitric acid, HCys is cysteine and HHis is histidine) in FeMo cofactors, while vanadium(III) with a more reduced iron complement is obtained for FeV cofactors. Using an error analysis of the calculated valences, it was found that in FeMo cofactors Fe1, Fe6 and Fe7 can be unambiguously assigned as iron(III), while Fe2, Fe3, Fe4 and Fe5 show different degrees of mixed valences for the individual Fe atoms. For the FeV cofactors in PDB entry 5n6y, Fe4, Fe5 and Fe6 correspond to iron(II), iron(II) and iron(III), respectively, while Fe1, Fe2, Fe3 and Fe7 exhibit strongly mixed valences. Special situations such as CO-bound and selenium-substituted FeMo cofactors and O(N)H-bridged FeV cofactors are also discussed and suggest rearrangement of the electron configuration on the substitution of the bridging S atoms.


A genetic interaction map centered on cohesin reveals auxiliary factors in sister chromatid cohesion [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

Su Ming Sun, Amandine Batte, Mireille Tittel-Elmer, Sophie van der Horst, Tibor van Welsem, Gordon Bean, Trey Ideker, Fred van Leeuwen, and Haico van Attikum

Eukaryotic chromosomes are replicated in interphase and the two newly duplicated sister chromatids are held together by the cohesin complex and several cohesin auxiliary factors. Sister chromatid cohesion is essential for accurate chromosome segregation during mitosis, yet has also been implicated in other processes, including DNA damage repair, transcription and DNA replication. To assess how cohesin and associated factors functionally interconnect and coordinate with other cellular processes, we systematically mapped genetic interactions of 17 cohesin genes centered on quantitative growth measurements of >52,000 gene pairs in budding yeast. Integration of synthetic genetic interactions unveiled a cohesin functional map that constitutes 373 genetic interactions, revealing novel functional connections with post-replication repair, microtubule organization and protein folding. Accordingly, we show that the microtubule-associated protein Irc15 and the prefoldin complex members Gim3, Gim4 and Yke2 are new factors involved in sister chromatid cohesion. Our genetic interaction map thus provides a unique resource for further identification and functional interrogation of cohesin proteins. Since mutations in cohesin proteins have been associated with cohesinopathies and cancer, it may also identify cohesin interactions relevant in disease etiology.


Relativistic correction of atomic scattering factors for high-energy electron diffraction

Relativistic electron diffraction depends on linear and quadratic terms in the electric potential, the latter being neglected in the frequently used relativistically corrected Schrödinger equation. The quadratic electric potential term modifies atomic scattering amplitudes in particular for large-angle scattering and backscattering. The respective correction increases with increasing scattering angle, increasing atomic number and increasing kinetic energy. Conventional tabulations for electron scattering and its large-angle extrapolations can be amended in closed form by a universal correction based on the screened Coulomb potential squared.


Slave Ship Artifacts Recovered

In an excerpt from “60 Minutes” on Sunday, Nov. 1 2016, Scott Pelley follows National Museum of African American History and Culture director Lonnie Burch […]

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  • National Museum of African American History and Culture


Mistletoe facts from a Smithsonian botanist

When you’re caught under the mistletoe, the tradition is to kiss the person next to you. But this holiday season you may want to wow them first with some cool mistletoe facts from Smithsonian botanist Sylvia Orli.

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  • National Museum of Natural History


Aspherical scattering factors for SHELXL – model, implementation and application

A new aspherical scattering factor formalism has been implemented in the crystallographic least-squares refinement program SHELXL. The formalism relies on Gaussian functions and can optionally complement the independent atom model to take into account the deformation of electron-density distribution due to chemical bonding and lone pairs. Asphericity contributions were derived from the electron density obtained from quantum-chemical density functional theory computations of suitable model compounds that contain particular chemical environments, as defined by the invariom formalism. Thanks to a new algorithm, invariom assignment for refinement in SHELXL is automated. A suitable parameterization for each chemical environment within the new model was achieved by metaheuristics. Figures of merit, precision and accuracy of crystallographic least-squares refinements improve significantly upon using the new model.


Hackintosh(factory reset) HELP


Tolerance factor and phase stability of the garnet structure. Corrigendum

An error in an equation in the paper by Song et al. [Acta Cryst. (2019), C75, 1353–1358] is corrected.


A genetic interaction map centered on cohesin reveals auxiliary factors in sister chromatid cohesion

Su Ming Sun
Apr 16, 2020; 0:jcs.237628v1-jcs.237628


California Biotech Partners for Manufacture of COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate

Source: Streetwise Reports   05/06/2020

Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings' arrangement is explained and commented on in an H.C. Wainwright & Co. report.

In a May 4 research note, H.C. Wainwright & Co. analyst Ed Arce reported that Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (ARCT:NASDAQ) formed a partnership with Catalent Inc. (CTLT:NYSE), which "raises the profile of LUNAR-COV19 as a leading vaccine candidate."

Arce reviewed Catalent's contribution to the partnership. The global contract development and manufacturing organization is to manufacture Arcturus' messenger RNA (mRNA) LUNAR-COV19 for protection against SARS-CoV-2 to be used first for human clinical trials and potentially, eventually commercially.

As for timing, Arce noted, San Diego, Calif.-based Arcturus intends to transfer its vaccine technology to Catalent this month and expects Catalent to manufacture the first batches of LUNAR-COV19 by June 2020. "Critically, Arcturus continues to anticipate initiation of Phase 1 testing of LUNAR-COV19 in the summer of 2020," Arce highlighted.

Catalent is to produce the vaccine at its biomanufacturing facility in Madison, Wisc. "This facility utilizes Catalent's flex-suite, a current good manufacturing practice manufacturing suite, that can produce batches at multiple scales and support Arcturus' proprietary mRNA manufacturing process," explained Arce.

Obtaining the vaccine from one facility domestically versus multiple entities worldwide should result in several benefits, Arce continued. They include easy development and production, accelerated delivery and improved costs. Arcturus believes Catalent can produce millions of doses of LUNAR-COV19 mRNA in 2020 and, if need be, hundreds of millions of doses each year subsequently for use globally.

Arce pointed out that LUNAR-COV19 differentiates itself from other similar vaccine candidates in that the technology and delivery platform behind it deliver an "extraordinarily low dose (perhaps 2 micrograms)" in "a potential single shot."

H.C. Wainwright has a Buy rating and a $62 per share price target on Arcturus, the stock of which is currently trading at about $42.12 per share.

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1) Doresa Banning compiled this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an independent contractor. She or members of her household own securities of the following companies mentioned in the article: None. She or members of her household are paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None.
2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: None. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees.
3) Comments and opinions expressed are those of the specific experts and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security.
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5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases.
6) This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice.

Disclosures from H.C. Wainwright & Co., Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc., First Take, May 4, 2020

Investment Banking Services include, but are not limited to, acting as a manager/co-manager in the underwriting or placement of securities, acting as financial advisor, and/or providing corporate finance or capital markets-related services to a company or one of its affiliates or subsidiaries within the past 12 months.

I, Ed Arce, certify that 1) all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about any and all subject securities or issuers discussed; and 2) no part of my compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation or views expressed in this research report; and 3) neither myself nor any members of my household is an officer, director or advisory board member of these companies.

None of the research analysts or the research analyst's household has a financial interest in the securities of Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (including, without limitation, any option, right, warrant, future, long or short position).

As of April 30, 2020 neither the Firm nor its affiliates beneficially own 1% or more of any class of common equity securities of Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc.

Neither the research analyst nor the Firm has any material conflict of interest in of which the research analyst knows or has reason to know at the time of publication of this research report.

The research analyst principally responsible for preparation of the report does not receive compensation that is based upon any specific investment banking services or transaction but is compensated based on factors including total revenue and profitability of the Firm, a substantial portion of which is derived from investment banking services.

The firm or its affiliates received compensation from Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. for non-investment banking services in the previous 12 months.

The Firm or its affiliates did receive compensation from Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. for investment banking services within twelve months before, and will seek compensation from the companies mentioned in this report for investment banking services within three months following publication of the research report.

H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC managed or co-managed a public offering of securities for Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. during the past 12 months.

The Firm does not make a market in Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. as of the date of this research report.

H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC and its affiliates, officers, directors, and employees, excluding its analysts, will from time to time have long or short positions in, act as principal in, and buy or sell, the securities or derivatives (including options and warrants) thereof of covered companies referred to in this research report.

( Companies Mentioned: ARCT:NASDAQ, )


Nutrition Facts on Food Labels and Guidelines for Fortifying Food Should Be Updated, Report Says

Government authorities in the United States and Canada should use the current Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) to update nutrition information on food and dietary supplement labels so that consumers can compare products more easily and make informed food choices based on the latest science, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.


Report Calls for Improved Methods to Assess Earthquake-Caused Soil Liquefaction

Several strong earthquakes around the world have resulted in a phenomenon called soil liquefaction, the seismic generation of excess porewater pressures and softening of granular soils, often to the point that they may not be able to support the foundations of buildings and other infrastructure.


Public Safety During Severe Weather and Other Disasters Could Be Improved With Better Alert Systems and Improved Understanding of Social and Behavioral Factors

Our ability to observe and predict severe weather events and other disasters has improved markedly over recent decades, yet this progress does not always translate into similar advances in the systems used in such circumstances to protect lives.


New Report Examines Factors Used in Social Security’s Process for Determining Disability in Adults

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine examines to what extent and in which ways health care utilization -- such as in-patient hospitalizations, emergency department use, and hospital readmission -- reflects disease severity, disability, and ability to perform gainful activity.


NAS, NAE, and NAM Presidents Highlight Facts on Vaccine Safety in Light of Measles Outbreaks

The current measles outbreaks in the United States and elsewhere are being fueled by misinformation about the safety of vaccines.


Want a job in LA? Be a nurse, don't work in manufacturing

Tom Rachal (R) receives a free meningitis vaccine from Dr. Wayne Chen at the AIDS Healthcare Foundation pharmacy on April 15, 2013 in Hollywood, California. Los Angeles County's unemployment rate is 7.9%, down from 9.2% a year ago, and once again it was healthcare that added the most jobs: 22,000.
; Credit: Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

Ben Bergman

If you want a job in Los Angeles County, you’re best off being a nurse or a hotel worker and you’re less likely to find employment in manufacturing. 

We’re getting our first look at the employment numbers for 2014, which show mostly good news: California’s unemployment has fallen to 7 percent, the lowest rate in five and a half years. (The final numbers come out in March)

The state’s job growth outpaced the rest of the country for the third straight year, though it slowed slightly towards the end of the year.

California added jobs at a 2.2 percent annual rate last year, outpacing the nation’s 1.8 percent rate. 

Los Angeles County fared the worst as far as seasonally adjusted year-to-year job gains among California's major metropolitan areas, according to The Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp.:

  • San Jose/Silicon Valley +4 percent
  • San Francisco Bay Area + 3.8 percent 
  • San Diego +3.3 percent
  • Inland Empire +1.9 percent
  • Orange County +2.3 percent
  • Ventura +2 percent
  • Los Angeles +1.7 percent

Los Angeles County's unemployment rate is 7.9 percent, down from 9.2 percent a year ago, and once again it was health care that added the most jobs: 22,000.

"Part of it is demographic, and part of it was the Affordable Care Act, which is helping more individuals take advantage of health care," said Robert Kleinhenz, Chief Economist at the L.A. County Economic Development Corp.

Aside from an aging population needing more health care, Kleinhenz adds that more people can afford to get medical treatment because of the improvement in the economy. 

With more money in their pockets, more people have also been traveling, which made leisure and hospitality the second-best area for job growth in the county, with 11,300 new jobs.

What's not doing well? 

Manufacturing, especially in non-durable goods – which includes food and clothing – lost the most jobs in L.A. County in 2014: 6,700 jobs. The only other sector that shed jobs was the government, which lost almost 3,800 jobs positions last year.

Kleinhenz also pointed to wholesale trade, which lost 300 jobs year-to-year in but saw job growth in the Inland Empire. 

"Some parts of the goods movement may be moving into the Inland Empire, where we have seen in recent years quite a bit of warehouse building taking place,” said Kleinhenz. 

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org.


California Biotech Partners for Manufacture of COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate

Source: Streetwise Reports   05/06/2020

Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings' arrangement is explained and commented on in an H.C. Wainwright & Co. report.

In a May 4 research note, H.C. Wainwright & Co. analyst Ed Arce reported that Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (ARCT:NASDAQ) formed a partnership with Catalent Inc. (CTLT:NYSE), which "raises the profile of LUNAR-COV19 as a leading vaccine candidate."

Arce reviewed Catalent's contribution to the partnership. The global contract development and manufacturing organization is to manufacture Arcturus' messenger RNA (mRNA) LUNAR-COV19 for protection against SARS-CoV-2 to be used first for human clinical trials and potentially, eventually commercially.

As for timing, Arce noted, San Diego, Calif.-based Arcturus intends to transfer its vaccine technology to Catalent this month and expects Catalent to manufacture the first batches of LUNAR-COV19 by June 2020. "Critically, Arcturus continues to anticipate initiation of Phase 1 testing of LUNAR-COV19 in the summer of 2020," Arce highlighted.

Catalent is to produce the vaccine at its biomanufacturing facility in Madison, Wisc. "This facility utilizes Catalent's flex-suite, a current good manufacturing practice manufacturing suite, that can produce batches at multiple scales and support Arcturus' proprietary mRNA manufacturing process," explained Arce.

Obtaining the vaccine from one facility domestically versus multiple entities worldwide should result in several benefits, Arce continued. They include easy development and production, accelerated delivery and improved costs. Arcturus believes Catalent can produce millions of doses of LUNAR-COV19 mRNA in 2020 and, if need be, hundreds of millions of doses each year subsequently for use globally.

Arce pointed out that LUNAR-COV19 differentiates itself from other similar vaccine candidates in that the technology and delivery platform behind it deliver an "extraordinarily low dose (perhaps 2 micrograms)" in "a potential single shot."

H.C. Wainwright has a Buy rating and a $62 per share price target on Arcturus, the stock of which is currently trading at about $42.12 per share.

Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-news

1) Doresa Banning compiled this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an independent contractor. She or members of her household own securities of the following companies mentioned in the article: None. She or members of her household are paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None.
2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: None. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees.
3) Comments and opinions expressed are those of the specific experts and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security.
4) The article does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. This article is not a solicitation for investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on Streetwise Reports.
5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases.
6) This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice.

Disclosures from H.C. Wainwright & Co., Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc., First Take, May 4, 2020

Investment Banking Services include, but are not limited to, acting as a manager/co-manager in the underwriting or placement of securities, acting as financial advisor, and/or providing corporate finance or capital markets-related services to a company or one of its affiliates or subsidiaries within the past 12 months.

I, Ed Arce, certify that 1) all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about any and all subject securities or issuers discussed; and 2) no part of my compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation or views expressed in this research report; and 3) neither myself nor any members of my household is an officer, director or advisory board member of these companies.

None of the research analysts or the research analyst's household has a financial interest in the securities of Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (including, without limitation, any option, right, warrant, future, long or short position).

As of April 30, 2020 neither the Firm nor its affiliates beneficially own 1% or more of any class of common equity securities of Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc.

Neither the research analyst nor the Firm has any material conflict of interest in of which the research analyst knows or has reason to know at the time of publication of this research report.

The research analyst principally responsible for preparation of the report does not receive compensation that is based upon any specific investment banking services or transaction but is compensated based on factors including total revenue and profitability of the Firm, a substantial portion of which is derived from investment banking services.

The firm or its affiliates received compensation from Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. for non-investment banking services in the previous 12 months.

The Firm or its affiliates did receive compensation from Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. for investment banking services within twelve months before, and will seek compensation from the companies mentioned in this report for investment banking services within three months following publication of the research report.

H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC managed or co-managed a public offering of securities for Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. during the past 12 months.

The Firm does not make a market in Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. as of the date of this research report.

H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC and its affiliates, officers, directors, and employees, excluding its analysts, will from time to time have long or short positions in, act as principal in, and buy or sell, the securities or derivatives (including options and warrants) thereof of covered companies referred to in this research report.

( Companies Mentioned: ARCT:NASDAQ, )


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