
A bespoke microfluidic pharmacokinetic compartment model for drug absorption using artificial cell membranes

Lab Chip, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00263A, Paper
Jaime L. Korner, Elanna B. Stephenson, Katherine S. Elvira
A new type of pharmacokinetic compartment model using artificial cell membranes that predicts intestinal absorption three times more accurately than the current state of the art.
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Multiplexed homogeneous digital immunoassay based on single-particle motion analysis

Lab Chip, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00079E, Paper
Kenji Akama, Hiroyuki Noji
Homogeneous digital immunoassay is a powerful analytical method for highly sensitive biomarker detection with a simple protocol. By using this method, we demonstrated the simultaneous multiple protein detection.
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Hybrid paper and 3D-printed microfluidic device for electrochemical detection of Ag nanoparticle labels

Lab Chip, 2020, 20,1648-1657
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00276C, Paper
Charuksha Walgama, Michael P. Nguyen, Lisa M. Boatner, Ian Richards, Richard M. Crooks
A hybrid paper/plastic microfluidic device for detection of Ag nanoparticle labels at concentrations as low as 12 pM.
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3-Step flow focusing enables multidirectional imaging of bioparticles for imaging flow cytometry

Lab Chip, 2020, 20,1676-1686
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00244E, Paper
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Andreas Kleiber, Anuradha Ramoji, Günter Mayer, Ute Neugebauer, Jürgen Popp, Thomas Henkel
The control of the focus plane allows multi-directional imaging flow cytometry.
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Particle/cell separation using sheath-free deterministic lateral displacement arrays with inertially focused single straight input

Lab Chip, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00354A, Paper
Naotomo Tottori, Takasi Nisisako
We propose sheath-free microfluidic deterministic lateral displacement devices with inertially focused single straight input.
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[ASAP] Computational Protocol for Assessing the Optimal Pixel Size to Improve the Accuracy of Single-particle Cryo-electron Microscopy Maps

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b01107


[ASAP] SPREAD: A Fully Automated Toolkit for Single-Particle Cryogenic Electron Microscopy Data 3D Reconstruction with Image-Network-Aided Orientation Assignment

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b01099


[ASAP] Need for Cross-Validation of Single Particle Cryo-EM

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b01121


[ASAP] What Could Go Wrong? A Practical Guide to Single-Particle Cryo-EM: From Biochemistry to Atomic Models

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b01178


[ASAP] Retrospect and Prospect of Single Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy: The Class of Integral Membrane Proteins as an Example

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b01015


[ASAP] Live Analysis and Reconstruction of Single-Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy Data with CryoFLARE

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b01102


Islamist party mobilization: Tunisia's Ennahda and Algeria's HMS compared, 1989-2014 / Chuchu Zhang

Online Resource


Pain and the conscious brain / Luis Garcia-Larrea, MD, PhD, Research Director at the INSERM Head, Central Integration of Pain-Lyon Centre for Neurosciences, Vice-Director, Human Biology Department, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, University Hospitals o

Hayden Library - QP355.2.P35 2016


Modernist physics: waves, particles, and relativities in the writings of Virginia Woolf and D. H. Lawrence / Rachel Crossland

Hayden Library - PR149.S4 C76 2018


The mind of a poet: a study of Wordsworth's thought with particular reference to The prelude, / by Raymond Dexter Havens ..

Online Resource


Race, Ethnicity, and the Participation Gap: Vol [electronic resource]. Understanding Australia's Political Complexion

Pietsch, Juliet


Sociology Short Cuts: Crime and Deviance : Part 3: Crimes of the Powerful [electronic resource]


Sociology Short Cuts: Crime and Deviance : Part 2: Functions of Crime [electronic resource]


Sociology Short Cuts: Crime and Deviance : Part 4: Gender and Crime [electronic resource]


Sociology Short Cuts: Crime and Deviance : Part 6: Hate Crime [electronic resource]


Sociology Short Cuts: Crime and Deviance : Part 1: Moral Panics [electronic resource]


Sociology Short Cuts: Crime and Deviance : Part 5: Policing the Night [electronic resource]


Sociology Short Cuts: Crime and Deviance : Part 7: Situational Crime Prevention [electronic resource]


Sociological Methods in Action : Participant Observation [electronic resource]


Upregulation of epithelial metallothioneins by metal-rich ultrafine particulate matter from an underground railway

Metallomics, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0MT00014K, Paper
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Matthew Loxham, Jeongmin Woo, Akul Singhania, Natalie P. Smithers, Alison Yeomans, Graham Packham, Alina M. Crainic, Richard B. Cook, Flemming R. Cassee, Christopher H. Woelk, Donna E. Davies
Metal-rich ultrafine particulate matter (<0.1 μm diameter) from an underground railway induces a significant time-dependent upregulation of a battery of metallothionein genes in exposed mucociliary cultures of primary bronchial epithelial cells.
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Peptide bond cleavage in the presence of Ni-containing particles

Metallomics, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0MT00070A, Communication
Nina Ewa Wezynfeld, Tomasz Frączyk, Arkadiusz Bonna, Wojciech Bal
NiO nanoparticles and non-stoichiometric black NiO were shown to be effective sources of Ni2+ ions causing sequence-selective peptide bond hydrolysis. NiO nanoparticles were as effective in this reaction as their...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


[ASAP] Enhancing the Electrocatalytic Activity of Pd/M (M = Ni, Mn) Nanoparticles for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Media through Electrochemical Dealloying

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b05499


EU agrees first part of coronavirus economic rescue, but job not done yet

Finance ministers of the 19-nation region signed off on the details of cheap, long-term credit lines that will be made available by the European Stability Mechanism


BS-III compliant two-wheelers get nod for registration from Delhi's transport department

Transport department has agreed to register new models of two-wheelers compliant with BS-III emission norms launched in the capital prior to April 1.


ICMR partners India Post for delivery of COVID-19 testing kits to labs

"Indian Council of Medical Research has set a target of carrying out around 1 lakh tests across the country per day. For this crucial work, India Post with its vast network of 1,56,000 post offices has once again turned into a COVID warrior," the statement said.


Podcast: Saving wolves that aren’t really wolves, bird-human partnership, and our oldest common ancestor

Stories on birds that guide people to honey, genes left over from the last universal common ancestor, and what the nose knows about antibiotics, with Devi Shastri.  The Endangered Species Act—a 1973 U.S. law designed to protect animals in the country from extinction—may need a fresh look. The focus on “species” is the problem. This has become especially clear when it comes to wolves—recent genetic information has led to government agencies moving to delist the grey wolf. Robert Wayne helps untangle the wolf family tree and talks us through how a better understanding of wolf genetics may trouble their protected status.  [Image: Claire N. Spottiswoode/Music: Jeffrey Cook]


The places where HIV shows no sign of ending, and the parts of the human brain that are bigger—in bigger brains

Nigeria, Russia, and Florida seem like an odd set, but they all have one thing in common: growing caseloads of HIV. Science Staff Writer Jon Cohen joins host Sarah Crespi to talk about this week’s big read on how the fight against HIV/AIDS is evolving in these diverse locations. Sarah also talks with Armin Raznahan of the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland, about his group’s work measuring which parts of the human brain are bigger in bigger brains. Adult human brains can vary as much as two times in size—and until now this expansion was thought to be evenly distributed. However, the team found that highly integrative regions are overrepresented in bigger brains, whereas regions related to processing incoming sensory information such as sight and sound tend to be underrepresented.  This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Listen to previous podcasts. [Image: Misha Friedman; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


The South Pole’s IceCube detector catches a ghostly particle from deep space, and how rice knows to grow when submerged

A detection of a single neutrino at the 1-square-kilometer IceCube detector in Antarctica may signal the beginning of “neutrino astronomy.” The neutral, almost massless particle left its trail of debris in the ice last September, and its source was picked out of the sky by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope soon thereafter. Science News Writer Daniel Clery joins host Sarah Crespi to discuss the blazar fingered as the source and how neutrinos from this gigantic matter-gobbling black hole could help astronomers learn more about mysterious high-energy cosmic rays that occasionally shriek toward Earth. Read the research. Sarah also talks with Cornell University’s Susan McCouch about her team’s work on deep-water rice. Rice can survive flooding by fast internodal growth—basically a quick growth spurt that raises its leaves above water. But this growth only occurs in prolonged, deep flooding. How do these plants know they are submerged and how much to grow? Sarah and Susan discuss the mechanisms involved and where they originated. This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Download a transcript of this episode (PDF) Listen to previous podcasts. [Image: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


Odd new particles may be tunneling through the planet, and how the flu operates differently in big and small towns

Hoping to spot subatomic particles called neutrinos smashing into Earth, the balloon-borne Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) detector has circled the South Pole four times. ANITA has yet to detect those particles, but it has twice seen oddball radio signals that could be evidence of something even weirder: some heavier particle unknown to physicists’ standard model, burrowing up through Earth. Science writer Adrian Cho joins host Sarah Crespi to discuss the possibility that this reading could lead to a big change in physics. Next, host Meagan Cantwell asks researcher Ben Dalziel what makes a bad—or good—flu year. Traditionally, research has focused on two factors: climate, which impacts how long the virus stays active after a sneeze or cough, and changes in the virus itself, which can influence its infectiousness. But these factors don’t explain every pattern. Dalziel, a population biologist in the Departments of Integrative Biology and Mathematics at Oregon State University in Corvallis, explains how humidity and community size shape the way influenza spreads. This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Download a transcript of this episode (PDF) Listen to previous podcasts. About the Science Podcast [Image: Stuart Rankin/Flickr; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


Vacuum in Particle Accelerators: Modelling, Design and Operation of Beam Vacuum Systems

A unique guide on how to model and make the best vacuum chambers

Vacuum in Particle Accelerators offers a comprehensive overview of ultra-high vacuum systems that are used in charge particle accelerators. The book?s contributors ? noted experts in the field ? also highlight the design and modeling of vacuum particle accelerators.

The book reviews vacuum requirements, identifies sources of gas in vacuum chambers and explores methods of removing them.



Chiral separations with crosslinked cellulose derivatives attached onto hybrid silica monolith particles via thiol-ene click reaction

Anal. Methods, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0AY00772B, Paper
Yuhong Zhou, Qian Liang, Zhilun Zhang, Zhaodi Wang, Mingxian Huang
Hybrid silica monolith containing vinyl groups was synthesized by a sol-gel method and then ground and treated, yielding silica particles with 3-5 μm in particles size and 10-20 nm in...
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In situ imaging of intracellular human telomerase RNA with molecular beacon-functionalized gold nanoparticles

Anal. Methods, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0AY00461H, Paper
Tao Xie, Ziyan Fan, Ruilong Zhang, Xiaohe Tian, Guangmei Han, Zhengjie Liu, Zhongping Zhang
We develop molecular beacon-functionalized gold nanoparticles for in situ human telomerase RNA imaging in live cells.
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Au nanoparticle preconcentration coupled with CE-electrochemiluminescence detection for sensitive analysis of fluoroquinolones in European eel (Anguilla anguilla)

Anal. Methods, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0AY00264J, Paper
Longhua Guo, Meihua Liu, Yuechun Yin, Lifen Chen, Zhitao Chen, Jing-Jing Liu, Bin Qiu
In this work, a novel method based on gold nanoparticle preconcentration coupled with CE for electrochemiluminescent detection of ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, ofloxacin, and norfloxacin in European eels was developed. The addition...
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Colorimetric speciation analysis of chromium using 2-thiobarbituric acid capped silver nanoparticles

Anal. Methods, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0AY00160K, Paper
Kamal Mousapour, Salahaddin Hajizadeh, Khalil Farhadi
Colorimetric determination of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) based on 2-thiobarbituric acid capped silver nanoparticles.
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Simultaneous aptasensor assay of ochratoxin A and adenosine triphosphate in beer based on Fe3O4 and SiO2 nanoparticle as carriers

Anal. Methods, 2020, 12,2253-2259
DOI: 10.1039/D0AY00311E, Paper
Xiluan Yan, Mengmeng Jiang, Yuting Jian, Jing Luo, Xinxin Xue, Xin Chen, Xiangjuan Zheng, Fanrong Ai
In this work, a chemiluminescence (CL) method based on dual aptasensors using Fe3O4 and SiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) as carriers is developed for the simultaneous detection of ochratoxin A (OTA) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in beer.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Stochastic Differential Equations, Backward SDEs, Partial Differential Equations [electronic resource] / by Etienne Pardoux, Aurel Rӑşcanu

Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2014


Data mining and data warehousing : principles and practical techniques / Parteek Bhatia

Bhatia, Parteek, author


Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining : 22nd Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2018, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, June 3-6, 2018, Proceedings. Parts I-III / Dinh Phung, Vincent S. Tseng, Geoffrey I. Webb, Bao Ho, Mohadeseh Ganji, Lida Rashidi (eds.)

Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (22nd : 2018 : Melbourne, Vic.)


Cloud Computing - CLOUD 2019 : 12th International Conference, held as part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2019, San Diego, CA, USA, June 25-30, 2019 ; proceedings / Dilma Da Silva, Qingyang Wang, Liang-Jie Zhang (eds.)

CLOUD (Conference) (12th : 2019 : San Diego, Calif.)


70% Highway projects resume after partial lifting of lockdown

As the ministry of home affairs (MHA) made way for lifting curbs on certain sectors to get economic activity restarted, construction activity is still crawling, though it has started across various districts.


Case studies in implementing cross-asset, multi-objective resource allocation / Spy Pond Partners LLC, High Street Consulting Group LLC, Burns & McDonnell

Barker Library - TE7.N275 no.921


Particle damping technology based structural control / Zheng Lu, Sami F. Masri, Xilin Lu

Online Resource


Stalin's guerrillas : Soviet partisans in World War II / Kenneth Slepyan

Slepyan, Kenneth


Report on the 2007 Western Australian Museum, Department of Maritime Archaeology, Batavia land sites National Heritage listing archaeological survey / edited by Corioli Souter with contributions by Ross Anderson and [four others]


Stats: Dhawan-Rahul partnership steady India's ship

Statistical highlights on Day four of the opening cricket Test between India and Sri Lanka at Eden Gardens, in Kolkata on Sunday.