
IBM to Power New Generation Radio Telescope and Help Probe the Origins of the Universe

IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced today that the Victoria University of Wellington, on behalf of the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) Consortium, has selected IBM systems technology to help scientists probe the origins of the universe.


98% de la Generación Z prefiere comprar en una tienda física antes que online

La Generación Z, conocida también como la primera generación “digitalmente nativa” (aquellos nacidos entre 1995 y 2010), replanteará los nuevos hábitos de consumo. El estudio ‘Uniquely Generation Z’, publicado por IBM (NYSE: IBM) y la Federación Nacional de Retail -NRF por sus siglas en inglés- encontró que el 98% de los jóvenes de esta generación prefiere comprar en tiendas físicas antes que online.


Papel San Francisco garantiza la continuidad de operaciones aprovechando Servicios de IBM

Papel San Francisco garantiza la continuidad de operaciones aprovechando Servicios de IBM


DPstreet rompe las barreras de la moda urbana con IBM

La marca de moda urbana DPStreet, filial del corporativo GrupoDP, ha dado a conocer su intención de transformar el modelo comercial y de negocio apoyados en la habilitación de distintas estrategias digitales, una de las principales es una tienda virtual desarrollada por IBM (Digital Commerce) e implementada por Solemti S.A. de C.V., su asociado de negocios en el área digital.


BP lanza la primera App para facturar consumos en sus estaciones de servicio en México, desarrollada con tecnología de IBM

La compañía energética BP anunció el lanzamiento de su aplicación móvil BPme, desarrollada con capacidades de inteligencia artificial (IA) de IBM Watson, buscando mejorar constantemente la experiencia de los usuarios de las estaciones de servicio de BP en México.


IBM X-Force revela récord histórico de datos filtrados y vulnerabilidades en 2016

IBM Security dio a conocer los resultados de su informe 2017 IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index, cuyas conclusiones revelan que el número de registros comprometidos se ha incrementado un 566% en 2016, pasando de 600 millones a más de 4.000 millones. Estas filtraciones incluyen datos en los que los ciberdelincuentes tradicionalmente han puesto foco como tarjetas de crédito, contraseñas e información personal médica; sin embargo se hace notar un cambio en las estrategias de los ciberdelincuentes. En 2016, numerosas brechas de seguridad estaban relacionadas con datos no estructurados como archivos de email, documentos empresariales, de propiedad intelectual y códigos fuente.


IBM colabora con la UNAM en el desarrollo de las Carreras del Futuro

La seguridad se ha convertido en una cuestión central para los negocios y la sociedad. El cibercrimen costará a la economía mundial más de 2 billones de dólares en 2019, según el informe IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2017 de IBM Security, y no sólo los científicos informáticos y los investigadores serán parte del talento necesario para afrontarlo. Las nuevas carreras para la próxima generación requerirán un amplio conjunto de habilidades para ocupar roles que van desde diseñadores de productos, consultores de riesgo y formuladores de políticas. La industria necesita a gente de múltiples disciplinas, personas con habilidades creativas para la resolución de problemas e impulsar la colaboración.


IBM y Pfizer acelerarán la investigación inmuno-oncológica con Watson

IBM (NYSE: IBM) Watson Health y Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) anunciaron una colaboración que utilizará IBM Watson for Drug Discovery (IBM Watson para el descubrimiento de medicamentos) para ayudar a Pifizer en la investigación inmuno-oncológica, un enfoque para el tratamiento del cáncer que utiliza el sistema inmunológico del cuerpo para ayudar a combatir dicha enfermedad. Pfizer es una de las primeras organizaciones en todo el mundo en implementar Watson for Drug Discovery, y la primera en personalizar la herramienta cognitiva basada en la nube, aprovechando el aprendizaje automático de Watson, el procesamiento del lenguaje natural y otras tecnologías de razonamiento cognitivo para apoyar la identificación de nuevos medicamentos, combinación de terapias para estudio y estrategias de selección de pacientes en inmuno-oncología.


IDC reconoce liderazgo de IBM en consultoría de movilidad empresarial

IBM anunció que fue nombrada líder en el informe 2013 IDC MarketScape, que analiza a los proveedores de consultoría en movilidad empresarial a nivel mundial. El informe cita al recientemente anunciado Customer Experience Lab y la iniciativa Mobile First de IBM como ejemplos de su liderazgo en Consultoría en Movilidad Empresarial.

  • Services and solutions


Presenta Foro Soluciones para Habilitar la Transformación de la Empresa Digital en la Era Cognitiva

Durante la cumbre Business Connect 2017 en la Ciudad de México, IBM presentó a la Transformación Digital como una de las áreas de mayor crecimiento para los negocios en 2017 y mostró cómo las soluciones cognitivas (de analítica avanzada, de nube, de engagement), están transformando la forma en la que trabajamos y vivimos.

  • Services and solutions


Habilita IBM el Crecimiento de las Organizaciones en una Era más Inteligente

Habilita IBM el Crecimiento de las Organizaciones en una Era más Inteligente


IBM mantiene liderazgo en mercado de infraestructura de aplicaciones y middleware, con 29.1% de participación

La participación de mercado de IBM (NYSE: IBM) en infraestructura de aplicaciones y de middleware es un 29.1 por ciento, lo que amplía la posición de liderazgo de la compañía por 14° año consecutivo sobrepasando a la competencia por más del doble, de acuerdo con la firma de análisis del mercado de TI Gartner, basado en los ingresos totales nivel mundial para 2014.


Impulsa IBM ejes de cambio para la transformación de las empresas: datos, interacción y nube

Las estrategias de negocio con las que organizaciones líderes están transformando su negocio para obtener mayores eficiencias se basan en tecnologías para mejorar el manejo de la información, la interacción con clientes y modelos de negocio en la nube. Estas tecnologías son impulsadas por IBM, reconociendo las necesidades de las compañías mexicanas.


IBM expande la plataforma IBM Watson para la nueva generación de desarrolladores y despliega la mayor oferta de APIs cognitivas

IBM anunció la expansión de la mayor y más diversa oferta de APIs, tecnologías y herramientas cognitivas para los desarrolladores que están creando servicios, productos y aplicaciones que se integran con IBM Watson.


IBM anuncia nueva gerente general en América Latina

IBM anunció hoy que Ana Paula Assis ha sido nombrada gerente general para IBM América Latina. Ana Paula será responsable por la estrategia de negocios de la compañía y el desarrrollo de sus profesionales, y trabajará con los clientes y el mercado para ayudar a acelerar la transformación digital y la adopción de inteligencia artificial y nuevos modelos cognitivos en la región.


IBM México nombra nuevo Presidente y Gerente General

IBM México anunció hoy el nombramiento de Eduardo Gutiérrez como Presidente y Gerente General de la compañía en el país. El directivo mexicano sucederá a Antonio Martins, quien ha sido nombrado Presidente de IBM Brasil.


IBM to Make up to US$5 Billion Available to Accelerate Smart Infrastructure Initiatives Around the World

IBM announced today it is making up to €2.2 billion ($3 billion) available to finance IT initiatives in key economic stimulus projects in Europe and Asia-Pacific through IBM Global Financing, IBM’s lending and leasing business segment. Today’s announcement follows the availability of up to €1.5 billion ($2 billion) announced by IBM on April 30 to help jump start US economic stimulus programs.


Servidores Linux de IBM, diseñados para acelerar inteligencia artificial, conocimiento profundo y analítica avanzada

IBM (NYSE: IBM) reveló hoy una serie de nuevos servidores diseñados para potenciar las cargas de trabajo cognitivas y elevar la eficiencia en el centro de cómputo. Con un nuevo chip, la línea basada en Linux incorpora innovaciones de la comunidad OpenPOWER que ofrecen mayores niveles de desempeño y mayor eficiencia de cómputo que los disponibles en cualquier servidor basado sobre x86.


IBM CEO Study: CEOs are re-balancing operational control with organisational openness

A new IBM study of more than 1,700 Chief Executive Officers from 64 countries and 18 industries worldwide reveals that CEOs are changing the nature of work by adding a powerful dose of openness, transparency and employee empowerment to the command-and-control ethos that has characterised the modern corporation for more than a century.

  • Energy & Utilities


IA et Publicité : IBM lance Advertising Accelerator with Watson pour améliorer la performance des campagnes publicitaires

A l’occasion du CES de Las Vegas, IBM annonce le lancement d’Advertising Accelerator with Watson, une solution unique de prédiction d’audiences pour annonceurs.


Le Mayflower Autonomous Ship traversera l’Atlantique à l’aide des systèmes d’IA d’IBM

A l’occasion de l’anniversaire des 400 ans de la traversée du navire marchand Mayflower, le nouveau Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) partira le 16 septembre 2020 de Plymouth au Royaume-Uni, pour rejoindre Plymouth dans le Massachussetts aux Etats-Unis. Sans équipage à bord, il sera le premier navire autonome de grande taille à traverser l’Atlantique. Cette traversée unique entremêlant passé, présent et futur propulsera le monde dans l’ère du navire autonome.


IBM and the City of Melbourne launch a personalised, interactive online experience for fashionistas at Melbourne Spring Fashion Week Opening Night

Melbourne, Australia - 18 August 2014: IBM (NYSE: IBM) and the City of Melbourne today launched a new interactive online experience for this year’s Melbourne Spring Fashion Week (MSFW) to enhance the iconic event and help shoppers hunt down the best retail bargains. The launch of the experience signifies the beginning of a three-year partnership between the City of Melbourne and IBM as the Official Innovation and Technology Partner for MSFW.


IBM to deliver essential business and operational support systems for NBN Co

IBM Australia (NYSE: IBM) has been awarded a multimillion dollar contract with NBN Co Limited to implement and manage the core business and operational support systems required to operate Australia’s National Broadband Network (NBN).


IBM serves real time interactive data to fans at the Australian Open

IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Tennis Australia today announced new and expanded data driven experiences that will enhance Australian Open 2015 for fans on site and around the world. IBM SlamTracker has been redesigned with new point-by-point data visualisations, commentary and statistics that include player and ball movement data for the first time ever at the Australian Open. IBM CrowdTracker, new for 2015, will provide fans with live match, venue and social information via and the official Australian Open apps.

  • Media & Entertainment


University of Melbourne joins as founding member of IBM Q Network Hub to Accelerate Quantum Computing

IBM Q Network to explore practical applications of quantum computing for business and science with University of Melbourne, JPMorgan Chase, Daimler AG, Samsung, JSR Corporation, Barclays, Hitachi Metals, Honda, Nagase, Keio University, Oak Ridge National Lab, and Oxford University.


Australian Federal Government signs a $1B five-year agreement with IBM

The Australian Federal Government today announced that it has awarded IBM (NYSE: IBM) a new AU$1B, five-year Whole of Government agreement to be a major technology partner with the Australian government.


IBM CEO Study: CEOs are re-balancing operational control with organisational openness

A new IBM (NYSE: IBM) study of more than 1,700 Chief Executive Officers from 64 countries and 18 industries worldwide reveals that CEOs are changing the nature of work by adding a powerful dose of openness, transparency and employee empowerment to the command-and-control ethos that has characterised the modern corporation for more than a century.

  • Services and solutions


INPEX selects IBM to manage operation critical apps in Australia

INPEX selects IBM to manage operation critical apps in Australia


Woodside Energy and IBM to leverage current and emerging technologies like AI and Quantum computing to realise vision of an “Intelligent Plant”

Woodside Energy and IBM will work together to re-imagine the way work is done using next-generation technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing to help Woodside realise its vision of an “intelligent plant”.


Высококачественная и недорогая плитка от «CeramTrade»

На сегодняшний день напольная плитка имеет большую востребованность при ремонте многих объектов. Дело в том, что когда она будет выбрана правильно, то непременно будет служить долго. Уже давно подобный вид керамической плитки используется во время ремонта из-за присутствия ряда следующих плюсов: • Экологичность. • Прочность. • Влагостойкость. • Износоустойчивость. • Практичность. Когда я затеял ремонт у себя в квартире, то сразу поразмыслил о том, что превосходно было бы положить керамическую плитку на кухне. Я принял такое решение для создания нового дизайна. Когда я предложил это своей супруге, то она со мной сразу согласилась. Мне было нужно только лишь отыскать подходящую компанию, где я мог бы купить качественную, но в то же время недорогую керамическую плитку. Также, мне нужно было, чтобы фирма обладала огромным списком продукции, из-за того что я планировал выбрать плитку к уже имеющемуся дизайну. По какой причине я выбрал именно эту фирму Нужно подметить, что в Интернете я подобрал подходящую компанию быстро. Можно сказать, практически сразу же натолкнулся на официальный сайт компании «CeramTrade». Чтобы определить, подходит она для меня или нет, я принялся просматривать портал. Хотелось бы подметить, что на сайте имеется большой ассортимент плитки, произведенной в различных странах популярными производителями. Любой товар сделан с учетом европейских стандартов, которые демонстрируют гарантию качества. Достоинством работы компании является то, что она выполняет доставку не только по Москве и области, но и в разные регионы. Для этого компания использует услуги проверенных транспортных компаний. В случае если вас интересует керамогранит – это то, что Вы искали! Каким образом купить плитку и оформить доставку В данной фирме приобрести плитку очень просто. Я нашел подходящий для меня вариант, а затем по номеру телефона связался с менеджером и расспросил все вопросы, связанные с приобретением и доставкой. Еще, я уточнил подходящий метод оплаты. После оплаты товар доставили на мой адрес. У меня этот процесс отнял три дня. Если у покупателя есть возможность, то он может лично забрать товар со склада. После покупки керамической плитки в данной компании и окончания ремонта я был очень рад, что подобрал как раз эту фирму. Дело в том, что я получил не только товар по достаточно доступной цене, но еще и отличного качества. В дальнейшем я хочу купить настенную плитку в Москве, и уже точно решил, что обращусь только лишь в данную фирму!


247B, Notes 3: pseudodifferential operators

In contrast to previous notes, in this set of notes we shall focus exclusively on Fourier analysis in the one-dimensional setting for simplicity of notation, although all of the results here have natural extensions to higher dimensions. Depending on the physical context, one can view the physical domain as representing either space or time; we […]


Great Western National Parks Itinerary and Pictorial

There was a time – before I sank my teeth into the board game hobby and before I took on the demands of being a stepmom to three children - that I planned frequent trips for my friends circle. Each month would see us jet setting off to a different part of the United States (or a different part of the world) in search of adventure and great cuisine. I would pour myself into the research project that proper trip planning requires and create a custom itinerary for our group, working to ensure we caught all the highlights of our destination. This post is about the one I worked up for our last trip to some of the great Western National Parks in the United States.  I share it here with the hope that you might find the itinerary useful in planning your trip out west.


--> Full Photo Gallery – Come and Explore 



Depart for Butte, Montana

Pick up rental car


Lunch (& ice cream) at Matt’s Place (Butte)

Transfer to Grand Teton National Park (4.5 hrs)

Grand Teton National Park Visitors Center (open till 7pm)


Stop for photos @ Mormon Row Historic District (Antelope Flats Road, Grand Teton National Park, WY)

Dinner @ Peaks Restaurant, Signal Mountain Lodge

Check in @ Colter Bay Village



5:45am Sunrise excursion to Schwabacher's Landing

• Roughly four miles north of Moose off of the main highway. The 1.5 mile gravel access road is currently closed to vehicles due to sequestration; 20 min walk is therefore required to reach the trailhead. The trail follows along the water, heads northwest then turns north to follow a trail along a smaller stream. Five minutes of hiking you should come to a large beaver dam that creates a pond. Circle around the water on the maze of paths that travel north through the woods for 5 more minutes and it will lead to an opening with the classic view. A log bench marks the area, and if you are arriving for sunrise, a photographer usually will also mark the spot.

Breakfast @ Ranch House

8am Assemble in lobby to depart for morning tour

Sightseeing in Grand Teton NP:

• Lake Jenny- Hidden Falls, Inspiration Point, & Cascade Canyon Hike

o Starts with a boat ride ($12; service from 8am) across beautiful Jenny Lake to where the trail starts. The half mile hike to Hidden Falls is short and easy. Half mile further to Inspiration Point. The hike from the boat dock to Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point is like a traffic jam after 9am. Option to continue onto Cascade Canyon where the crowds thin and moose and other wildlife are abundant.

Signal Mountain Summit Road . The scenic Signal Mountain Road is a five mile, 1,000 foot climb of switchbacks to an observation area at the top of Signal Mountain. Set far apart from the next highest mountain peak, Signal Mountain provides breathtaking views of the Tetons’ towering peaks, the flat glacial plains below, Jackson Lake and the Snake River beyond. From Lake Jenny, travel N on the Grand Teton Road and take a right onto Signal Mountain Road.

Lunch @ Signal Mountain Lodge (Trapper’s Grill or Leek’s Pizza)

Afternoon at leisure at Colter Bay Village (horseback riding, kayaking, canoe rentals, etc)


Dinner @ Ranch House or Chuckwagon



Breakfast @ Ranch House

Transfer to Yellowstone National Park (1.5 hrs)

Optional brief stop at West Thumb for photos (keep bear spray handy)

Sightseeing in the Upper Geyser Basin:

• Old Faithful

• Black Sand and Biscuit Basin Trails (1/2 mile easy boardwalk trail each)

• Geyser Hill Loop Trail (1.3 miles easy boardwalk trail)

• Morning Glory Pool


Lunch @ Old Faithful Inn Deli

Sightseeing in the Midway and Lower Geyser Basin:

• Despite its small size Midway possesses two of the largest hot springs in the world. Grand Prismatic Spring, nearly 370 feet in diameter, sits upon a large mound surrounded by small step-like terraces. The other feature, Excelsior Geyser, erupted nearly 300 feet high before the 1900s. It is now a dormant geyser and is considered a hot spring, discharging more than 4050 gallons of boiling water per minute. Other colorful springs include Turquoise and Indigo springs, known for their pale and dark blue colors. Across the Firehole River from Excelsior and Grand Prismatic springs are a series of small isolated, pristine springs and mud pots. The Rabbit Creek drainage possesses some colorful and unusual features and most are unnamed. Caution should be exercised while exploring this vicinity since the ground is unstable and trails are not maintained.

• The Lower Geyser Basin encompasses nearly 12 square miles, with most of the thermal features widely scattered in small groups. We will visit the Fountain Group, White Dome Group, & White Creek Group at minimum and venture onto the Firehole Lake Group and the Imperial Group if there is time. The Lower Geyser Basin possesses a large variety of thermal features, including mud pots, geysers, pools, springs, and fumaroles. Great Fountain Geyser is one of the grand geysers in the Lower Geyser Basin. It erupts from a large, terraced platform with massive bursts exploding up to 150 feet high. White Dome Geyser does not have spectacular eruptive displays, but it does have one of the largest pink and white streaked cones in the Park.


Check in @ Old Faithful Inn

Dinner @ Old Faithful Lodge Cafeteria



Breakfast @ Old Faithful Inn

Traverse the Fishing Bridge Sightseeing in Hayden Valley:

• Wildlife Viewing

• Sulphur Caldron

• Mud Volcano Interpretive Trail (3/4 mile, easy)

Sightseeing in Canyon Area:

• South Rim Drive

o Picnic Lunch at Artist Point

• North Rim Drive

o walk from Inspiration Point to Grandview Point

o Brink of the Lower Falls Trail (1/2 mile, steep/moderate)  Especially scenic, this trail branches off of the North Rim Trail at the Brink of the Upper Falls parking area

• Canyon Visitor Center


Check in @ Canyon Lodge

Dinner @ Canyon Lodge Dining Room



6am Depart for wildlife viewing in Lamar Valley (snacks in the car)

9am Breakfast @ Roosevelt Lodge

Sightseeing in Northern Yellowstone:

• Tower Falls

o Stop at Tower General Store to pick up Picnic Lunch supplies

• Undine Falls

o Scenic pullout on the right

• Gibbon Falls

• Mammoth Springs (2 hrs)

o Lower Terraces including:

Opal Terrace

Liberty Cap

Palette Spring

Minerva Terrace

Cleopatra Terrace

Jupiter Terrace

Main Terrace

Canary Spring


o Upper Terraces including:

Prospect Terrace

New Highland Terrace

Orange Spring Mound

Bath Lake

White Elephant Back Terrace

Angel Terrace

• Fort Yellowstone, time permitting

• Optional stop @ Norris Geyser Basin, time permitting


Check in @ Three Bears Lodge

Dinner @ Taqueria Las Palmitas ($) or Madison Crossing Lounge ($$)

Ice cream @ Espresso West



Breakfast @ Woodside Bakery in West Yellowstone (world famous cinnamon rolls)

Check out & transfer to Butte (2.5 hrs)


Lunch on the road

Depart for home from Butte airport


NEWS: We'll be at Yaoi Generation 2017!

Bonjour! Je serai l'invité d'honneur à Yaoi Generation.

October 21st, Lausanne, Switzerland

This is the event's first year and I think it will be very special! I am not able to visit abroad often, so if you are able to come, I hope we can meet!

I look forward to seeing everyone soon! <3 -Hamlet


It’s Morally Intolerable for the Privileged to Profit from this Emergency

Societies gripped by cataclysmic wars, depressions, or pandemics can become acutely sensitive to...


1964 Porsche 904 Carrera GTS Coupe


The Book Of Eli If You Tolerate This

A lot of people didn't like this movie because of the religious overtones throughout the movie. I'm not one who's particularly religious but I thought this was a brillian movie and a welcome change to the post apocalyptic genre


Early superannuation withdrawals frozen as hacking fallout revealed - Daily Telegraph

  1. Early superannuation withdrawals frozen as hacking fallout revealed  Daily Telegraph
  2. Calls for better superannuation protection  Busselton Dunsborough Mail
  3. AFP investigating 'sophisticated' theft of $120,000 from 150 super accounts  Sydney Morning Herald
  4. Is your super payout at risk? Thousands drained by fraudsters in COVID scam
  5. Police confirm up to 150 victims of early super access fraud  The New Daily
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


Laid bare: How the Dean Laidley story reveals cultural change - Sydney Morning Herald

  1. Laid bare: How the Dean Laidley story reveals cultural change  Sydney Morning Herald
  2. Dean Laidley police photo leak: Fourth officer suspended
  3. 'Gross stupidity': Fresh investigation into Dean Laidley photo leak  Yahoo Sport Australia
  4. Vic watchdog to probe leaked Laidley pics  AFL
  5. IBAC to investigate leaked Laidley photos  Yass Tribune
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


F&S leggen ene krans namens de veteranen (NRC, ma, 04-05-20)


Counteracting the “Sameness” of Frugal Living

One complaint people often make when they settle into a more frugal lifestyle is that their life begins to take on a feeling of “sameness,” in that each day feels more similar to the others than it did before they made frugal changes to their life. (This same shock is being felt by people under stay at home orders, too, for similar reasons.) I’ll give you a great example of this. Many people settle into a routine of eating out […]

The post Counteracting the “Sameness” of Frugal Living appeared first on The Simple Dollar.


Beanie Feldstein’s Quarantine Craft Is Made of Her Favorite Childhood Memories (Literally)

It was inspired by her current habit of wearing old sweatshirts and sweatpants left behind by childhood friends. READ MORE...


Velocity, mass, momentum and energy of an accelerated object in relativity

Analytical derivation of relativistic velocity, mass, momentum and kinetic energy of an accelerated object. For Special relativity the momentum of an object of rest mass m0 and velocity u is expressed by equation (1) which is infinite when u equals c. Is it physically meaningful that the momentum of an object becomes infinite while its...


Generations Working Together

On 8 February 2019, Michelle from Iriss had a conversation with Kate Samuels from Generations Working Together about the work it does to promote and support intergenerational practice.

She also chatted to Keith Mitchell and Natalie Stewart from Glasgow's Golden Generation; and Charlotte Craig from Impact Arts about their intergenerational work.

Generations Working Together is holding its annual conference on 6 March in Glasgow. You can book a place on their website.

Transcript of episode

Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes