
Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Korea Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Brazil Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Chile Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - United States Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Slovak Republic Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Spain Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - South Africa Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Italy Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Japan Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Ireland Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Iceland Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Denmark Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Netherlands Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Luxembourg Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Turkey Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Indonesia Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Structural reforms can make the difference as countries rebound from crisis, OECD says

The pace of reform has accelerated in those OECD countries where it is needed most, says the latest Going for Growth report. It identifies the specific action needed to help governments steer their economies out of the crisis, stimulate growth and create jobs.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Estonia Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Poland Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - China Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Greece Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - New Zealand Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Sweden Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Germany Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Norway Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Canada Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - United Kingdom Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - European Union Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Portugal Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - India Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Czech Republic Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Israel Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Australia Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Mexico Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Austria Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Slovenia Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Belgium Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economy: Further reform needed to raise growth prospects in Poland

Poland has been a strong performer across the OECD through the global economic crisis, growing much faster than most other countries and making impressive steps toward reducing the income gap with its European Union partners, according to the OECD’s latest economic survey.


Further reforms needed to sustain Korean growth and social cohesion

Korea recovered faster and more vigorously from the global crisis than most OECD countries, but strong economic growth alone will not be enough to address the fundamental challenges posed by its rapidly ageing population and rising inequality, according to the latest Economic Survey of Korea.


An analysis of productivity performance in Spain before and during the crisis: Exploring the role of institutions

The Spanish economy experienced significantly weaker labour productivity growth than other OECD economies and failed to catch up with the most advanced economies in the period 1996-2007. In recent years labour productivity growth has accelerated, but this recovery is likely to be due to cyclical and temporary factors.


Structural reforms to boost Turkey’s long-term growth

Turkey can achieve strong sustainable growth and job creation but further reforms in the labour market, education and product markets are required for such gains to materialise.


Economy: OECD’s Gurría urges Italy to maintain reform momentum

Italy has made a major effort to speed up long-overdue economic reforms but it is now essential to maintain the momentum, OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría said today in Rome.


OECD’s Gurría welcomes budget proposal and economic reforms announced by the Spanish Government

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría welcomes the Spanish government's budget and the economic policy measures announced yesterday.


Estonia must reform to ward against boom/bust cycles, OECD says

Estonia recovered forcefully from the global economic crisis but growth has since slowed, highlighting the need for further reforms that reduce exposure to external shocks and ensure against future boom/bust cycles, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Survey of Estonia.


Lanzamiento del Informe Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina 2013: Transformación de la Estructura Productiva y Papel de las PYMES en el Desarrollo Regional

Palabras de Angel Gurría,Secretario General OCDE, Lanzamiento del Informe Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina 2013: Transformación de la Estructura Productiva y Papel de las PYMES en el Desarrollo Regional


Spain has embarked on the path to recovery, but must continue with reforms, OECD says

Spain is immersed in a prolonged recession that has been compounded by the continuing crisis in the euro area. The path to recovery has been launched, but will require full implementation of reforms and some additional measures to restore confidence in the financial sector, redress public finances and bring down high unemployment, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Survey of Spain.


Health care reform and long-term care in the Netherlands

The Netherlands, as other OECD countries, faces the challenge of providing high quality health and long term care services to an ageing population in a cost-efficient manner.


Reforming policies for the business sector to harvest the benefits of globalisation in the Netherlands

The Netherlands has strongly benefited from globalisation, which boosted international trade, cross-border investment and economic growth over the latest decades.


The performance of road transport infrastructure and its links to policies

Despite the economic importance of the road transport sector, there is no systematic cross-country evidence on the sector’s efficiency.


Structural reforms more important than ever for a strong and balanced economic recovery

Structural reforms offer governments a powerful tool to boost economic growth, create jobs and bring about a strong and balanced economic recovery, according to the OECD’s latest Going for Growth report.