
Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Turkey Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Secretary-General of the OECD to attend Informal Meeting of OECD Ministers of Education in Istanbul, on 2-3 October 2013

Mr. Angel Gurría will be in Istanbul on 2- 3 October 2013, to attend the Informal Meeting of OECD Ministers of Education taking place under the overall theme Fostering skills and employability through education. The Secretary-General will deliver opening remarks on “Kick-starting a global skills revolution”, alongside Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Minister of National Education Nabi Avci.


Government at a Glance 2013: Information by country

These country notes contain indicators which compare the political and institutional frameworks of national governments as well as revenues and expenditures, employment, and compensation. They include a description of government policies on integrity, e-government and open government.


Turkey: Macroeconomic stability and structural reform key to strong and inclusive growth, OECD says

Turkey’s economy will grow stronger in the coming years, but remains overly dependent on domestic consumption funded by foreign finance, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Turkey.


OECD: “İddialı reformlar hem güçlü hem kapsayıcı bir büyüme süreci başlatabilir”

OECD’nin yayınladığı en son Büyümeye Geçiş raporuna göre kapsamlı bir reform gündemi doğrultusunda kararlı ve sistemli adımların atılması hükümetlere, zayıf talebi canlandırmak, sağlıklı ekonomik büyümeyi canlandırmak, iş olanakları yaratmak ve kazanımları toplumun her kesimine ulaştırmak için fırsatlar sunmaktadır.


Turkey: Challenging times call for pushing ahead with economic reform

Turkey’s economy has proven remarkably resilient in the face of a challenging global economic context. However, further action can be taken to raise productivity and advance the shift to a more balanced, sustainable and stronger growth path that will boost living standards for the entire population, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Turkey.


Turkey’s foreign bribery enforcement framework needs to be urgently strengthened and corporate liability legislation reformed

In view of Turkey’s continued failure to implement key aspects of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and to enforce its foreign bribery laws, the Working Group on Bribery will send a high-level mission to Ankara in 2020, unless Turkey takes concrete action by October 2019.


Health care reform and long-term care in the Netherlands

The Netherlands, as other OECD countries, faces the challenge of providing high quality health and long term care services to an ageing population in a cost-efficient manner.


Reforming policies for the business sector to harvest the benefits of globalisation in the Netherlands

The Netherlands has strongly benefited from globalisation, which boosted international trade, cross-border investment and economic growth over the latest decades.


Green Growth Knowledge Platform 2013 annual conference

The GGKP’s second annual conference will be held at the OECD Headquarters in Paris on 4-5 April 2013. The discussion will be framed around two headline themes: Greening global value chains and Measurement and reporting for green growth.


Reforming for the future: Building a stronger, fairer Greek economy

We understand how much Greek society has endured these past six years. Reform isn’t easy at the best of times, but it can be even more challenging in the face of a weak economy while at the same time trying to correct a budget deficit. But all crises come to an end. Growth does return. Now is the time to maintain the momentum of Greece’s reform drive, said OECD Secretary-General.


Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) 2015 Annual Conference

Third Annual Conference on the theme of "Fiscal Policies and the Green Economy Transition: Generating Knowledge – Creating Impact" held at the University of Venice from 29 through 30 January 2015. The press release is available.


Competition policy in developing countries: Helping markets perform better

Competition policy is vital for creating opportunities for small business and big industry alike. It benefits consumers by reducing prices and increasing the choice of goods and services. This joint World Bank Group-OECD event showcased countries whose pro-competition reform efforts serve as examples for their regional and international peers and introduced tools to guide the design of new and improved policies.


The quantification of structural reforms in OECD countries: a new framework

This document describes and discusses a new supply side framework that quantifies the impact of structural reforms on per capita income in OECD countries.


How is competition assessment supporting reforms in Greece?

Many laws and regulations set the rules for how businesses enter, operate and exit a market and competition assessments help to ensure that these regulations are not overly or inadvertently restrictive for businesses and consumers. This article looks at the tangible contributions competition assessment is making to reforms underway in Greece.


Rethinking Antitrust Tools for Multi-Sided Platforms 2018

This report investigates how competition agencies can respond to the challenges posed by the multi-sided nature of platform markets, which are particularly common in the digital economy.


Tax reform can create jobs

High unemployment rates, in the wake of the financial and economic crisis, have governments scrambling to create jobs. A new OECD report suggests that well-targeted tax reforms can encourage employers to hire more people and the jobless to look for employment.


Fourth meeting of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes

We no longer talk about commitments to change; today, we are making change happen. We are implementing the now universally accepted international standard of transparency and exchange of information, said OECD Secretary-General.


New head of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is appointed

Ms. Monica Bhatia has been appointed Head of the Secretariat of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes. She will take up her duties on 1 April 2012.


Tax: OECD updates OECD Model Tax Convention to extend information requests to groups

The OECD has updated Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention, which sets out the international standard on exchange of information. The standard provides for information exchange on request, where the information is “foreseeably relevant” for the administration of the taxes of the requesting party, regardless of bank secrecy and a domestic tax interest.


Guatemala: commits to international exchange of tax information

Guatemala has signed the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters allowing it to be removed from the list of countries that have not yet substantially implemented the internationally agreed tax standard.


Fiscal and Taxation Reforms for a More Inclusive Growth in China

The fiscal and taxation reforms will be more than ever necessary in China to ensure that growth becomes more inclusive. So far, China has had a major success in reducing the poverty. But additional tax reforms will be needed to reduce further inequality in disposable income and across regions, as well as to help reduce the rural-urban divide.


Global Forum on tax transparency shifts focus to effectiveness of information exchange

The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (referred to as "the Global Forum"), has released its peer review reports for Belize, Finland, Iceland, Nauru, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and Turkey.


OECD reports new developments in tax information exchange

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria has presented a report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors that highlights measures to ensure that all taxpayers pay their fair share.


Job opportunity: Tax Policy Analyst, Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information (ID 08667)

The Global Forum is looking for a Tax Policy Analyst


Tax administration: OECD publishes new comparative information on OECD and other advanced and emerging economies

This fifth edition describes institutional setups, organisational arrangements and reforms, aspects of strategic management and human resource management, resources for tax administration, important areas of operational performance, the use of technology, and elements of the legislative and administrative framework for tax administration across the 52 economies covered by the series.


OECD reports to G8 on global system of automatic exchange of tax information

The OECD has presented to G8 leaders the steps needed to create a fairer and more transparent global tax system.


Global Forum on Tax Transparency: New reports review jurisdictions’ information exchange

The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes has released peer review reports assessing the tax systems of 13 jurisdictions for information exchange.


The Fight Against Tax Fraud and Tax Evasion: Towards a New Global Standard on Automatic Exchange of Tax Information

Vast amounts of money are kept off-shore and go untaxed. The more we do to combat tax fraud and evasion, the more resources we will have to finance growth-enhancing public investment, restore the health of public finances, and put the euro area economy back on a sustained and long-term recovery, said OECD Secretary-General.


Reform R&D tax systems to boost innovation and help young firms, says OECD

Most OECD governments use tax incentives to encourage businesses to invest in research and development (R&D) to boost innovation and drive economic growth. Others, like China, India and South Africa, are doing the same. But reforming these incentives would give countries a better return on their investment and support young innovative firms that play a crucial role in job creation, according to a new OECD report.


Global Forum moves towards automatic exchange of tax information and transparency

The international community has taken new steps to strengthen transparency and boost the comprehensive exchange of information between governments worldwide.


The Swedish Tax on Nitrogen Oxide Emissions: Lessons in Environmental Policy Reform - Environment Policy Paper No. 2

This case study describes the approach taken to reduce NOx emissions from combustion plants, the challenges encountered and the social, environmental and economic impacts. It concludes by discussing the wider lessons that are raised for other governments seeking to develop similar policy responses.


OECD delivers new single global standard on automatic exchange of information

Offshore tax evasion remains a serious problem for countries and jurisdictions worldwide, with vast amounts of funds deposited abroad and sheltered from taxation when taxpayers fail to comply with obligations in their home countries.


Tax: OECD’s Gurría welcomes international progress towards automatic exchange of information

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría has welcomed moves by more than 40 countries – reinforced by EU leaders - to commit to a detailed timetable to step up the fight against tax evasion.


Countries commit to automatic exchange of information in tax matters

Bank secrecy for tax purposes is coming to an end as countries and major financial centres commit to automatic exchange of information between jurisdictions.


Andorra commits to automatic exchange of information in tax matters

Andorra has become the 48th signatory to an OECD Declaration that commits countries to end bank secrecy for tax purposes.


OECD releases full version of global standard for automatic exchange of information

Taking an important step towards greater transparency and putting an end to banking secrecy in tax matters, the OECD today released the full version of a new global standard for the exchange of information between jurisdictions.


The post-2015 agenda must steer a transformational shift towards sustainable development

As the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approach their expiry date, we must focus our efforts on ensuring a brighter, more inclusive and sustainable future for all. We face a plethora of common issues: growing inequalities; changing consumption patterns and population dynamics; increasing natural resource scarcity; and ongoing illicit financial flows.


Major new steps to boost international cooperation against tax evasion: Governments commit to implement automatic exchange of information beginning 2017

The new OECD/G20 standard on automatic exchange of information was endorsed today by all OECD and G20 countries as well as major financial centres participating in the annual meeting of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes in Berlin. A status report on committed and not committed jurisdictions will be presented to G20 leaders during their annual summit in Brisbane, Australia on November 15-16.


Colombia needs a comprehensive tax reform to boost investment and diversify the economy, OECD says

The Colombian economy has done remarkably well over the last decade, consistently ranking among the fastest-growing countries in Latin America, but a comprehensive tax reform that promotes investment and diversifies the economy is now needed to put the country on a path toward stronger, sustainable and inclusive growth, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Colombia.


Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) 2015 Annual Conference

Third Annual Conference on the theme of "Fiscal Policies and the Green Economy Transition: Generating Knowledge – Creating Impact" held at the University of Venice from 29 through 30 January 2015. The press release is available.


Moving Beyond the Flat Tax - Tax Policy Reform in the Slovak Republic

The Slovak Republic was among the fastest growing OECD economies in the last decade. It is broadly recognised that the 2004 tax reform contributed to this success. Ten years after this fundamental reform, however, the time has come to re-evaluate some of the key characteristics of the Slovak tax system.


Strengthening the international community’s fight against offshore tax evasion: Australia, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia and New Zealand join multilateral agreement to automatically exchange information

In a boost for international efforts to strengthen co-operation against offshore tax evasion, seven new countries have joined the agreement to exchange information automatically under the OECD/G20 standard.


New report compares performance, best practices and trends in 56 tax administrations

Tax administrations continue to face the challenges of improving their performance while reducing costs, decreasing compliance burdens for taxpayers tackling non-compliance. Improving taxpayer services, while making non-compliance harder, is helping revenue bodies increase their efficiency and allowing governments to finance important programmes that will further benefit their citizens.


OECD launches report on greater co-operation and information sharing between government agencies to counter financial crimes

Vast amounts are lost to illicit financial flows, including tax evasion, money laundering, bribery and corruption. These crimes threaten the strategic, political and economic interests of both developed and developing countries. In a world of limited resources and increasing complexity, it is essential for government authorities to work closely together in a “whole of government” approach to best address these challenges.


Healthcare costs unsustainable in advanced economies without reform

Healthcare costs are rising so fast in advanced economies that they will become unaffordable by mid-century without reforms, according to a new OECD report.


G20 finance ministers endorse reforms to the international tax system for curbing avoidance by multinational enterprises

G20 finance ministers endorsed the final package of measures for a comprehensive, coherent and co-ordinated reform of the international tax rules during a meeting on 8 October, in Lima, Peru.


8th Meeting of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes

Keeping tax transparency high on the agenda of Governments and taking steps to ensure a worldwide level playing field will top the agenda during the 8th meeting of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, in Bridgetown, Barbados on 29-30 October 2015.


BEPS implementation and beyond: Developed and developing countries gather at the OECD to tackle reforms to the international tax system

In-depth discussions took place this week as the international community continues to make progress on the international tax agenda. Officials from more than 100 countries drawing from tax authorities, ministries of finance, development agencies, as well as regional and international organisations, business and civil society came together in a series of meetings hosted by the OECD.


Greenland takes key step in implementing automatic exchange of financial account information

On 17 December 2015 Greenland signed the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement‎, re-confirming its commitment to implement automatic exchange of financial account information in time to exchange in 2017.