
Growth in World Contraceptive Use Stalling; 215 Million Women’s Needs Still Unmet

Satisfying the world’s unmet need for contraception would dramatically reduce population growth, easing pressure on natural resources.


Quorn introduces carbon footprint labels

Every company should have to do this– more useful information that consumers need.


Samsung introduces Smart Home for dogs

The tiny house movement goes to the dogs with this $30,000 dream house.


This is your contribution to melting Arctic ice

New research calculates how individual CO2 emissions affect the Arctic's shrinking summer sea ice.


China thinks it's a developing country now

The largest greenhouse gas emitter wants wiggle room when it comes to cutting emissions.


Beau Lake introduces an all-electric wood-topped instant classic runabout

Load up the Krug and the caviar and go for a spin.


BrightBuilt Home introduces line of healthy, net-zero modular designs

A mix of modern and traditional design elements that are appropriate for the Northeast make these very interesting houses.


Malaysia vows to send plastic waste back to countries of origin

Environment minister called waste importers 'traitors' who don't care about the country's long-term sustainability.


Ice cream trucks to be banned in central London

Concerns over air pollution have led city officials to crack down on these controversial vehicles.


Brooklyn Fashion and Design Accelerator welcomes its first entrepreneurs

A new collaborative space dedicated to sustainable fashion design is now open for production.


Old Chapel Is Made into a Giant Musical Instrument, Controlled with Laser Pointers (Video)

A Czech church was 3-D mapped and made into a one of a kind musical instrument, controlled by visitors' laser pointers.


Small wooden home sits like a modernist mountain in the countryside

Inspired by arthropods, this minimalist all-wood home features a spacious-feeling interior and energy-efficient, passive heating and cooling strategies.


Even in a crisis, children's screen time needs to be controlled

Excessive screen time is known to be harmful, and tough times don't justify letting those concerns slip.


Wild Progenitors of Domestic Fruit & Nut Trees in Central Asia Threatened with Extinction

There's a , and now trees in Central Asia have theirs as well. The


Deep Performance Dwelling built in Montreal for Solar Decathlon China 2018

It's urban, Passive House and prefab. What's not to love?


The 2018 Evolo Competition entries are wonders of drawing talent and imagination

It always amazes, how much work people do for this.


Why depressions in developing countries are so extreme

Boom-and-bust cycles are no coincidence.


IKEA introduces foldable furniture for the modern mobile lifestyle

This is, whether we like it or not, the future of furniture design.


Jake Dyson introduces lamp that adjusts for the daylight where you live

The LightCycle follows our circadian rhythms via your phone and GPS.


Green Materials Guide: An Intro to Green Flooring

We all walk on it every day, but don't often think of it. It's underfoot, and, for many of us, out of mind. But just because you trod on it doesn't mean you shouldn't pay close attention to the materials that make


'The Story of Water: Who Controls the Way We Drink?'

The latest video from The Story of Stuff dives into the world of privatized water systems and why this impinges on a basic human right.


Montreal to charge more for parking for bigger vehicles

But what is the best criterion?


General Motors and Cruise introduce the Origin Toaster-Car

It will be electric, autonomous and shared. Where have we heard that before?


Walmart Introduces Supercube Tractor Trailers to increase fuel economy, get trucks off the road

There are a lot of good ideas in this truck; will they catch on?


Controversial Energy East oil pipeline cancelled

It's that seventies show all over again as a Trudeau gets blamed but it's not his fault; it's simple economics.


Applications Open: Unreasonable Institute Looking For World-Saving Entrepreneurs

I wrote last year about the Boulder-based Unreasonable Institute's search for people who have great ideas, who think big, who want to change the world, and who seem like they can. Last year's fellowship was a great


Radio Nacional de España's Headquarters Are Solar Controlled (Photos)

Here's a building that saves up to 50% CO2 by controlling the sunlight with screens on its facade.


U.S. national parks waive entry fees to help people get outside

Social distancing doesn't mean you can't go for a solitary hike in the wilderness.


Ask Pablo: Do Solar Panels Contribute To The Heat Island Effect?

Image credit: Bernd Sieker, used under Creative Commons license. Dear Pablo: Does installing commercial rooftop solar PV (with the dark-colored PV cells) negate the effect of painting that same roof white to alleviate the "heat island" effect in


A Plug-In City rises in London at the Trampery on the Gantry

"Exuberant low cost studios for creatives and artists" are plugged into a giant structure in this revolutionary project.


Panasonic introduces solar LED lantern and charger for developing regions

Many areas of the world have scarce access to electricity. This new solar lantern will provide light and charging power for cell phones.


Solar-powered Sterile Box brings safer surgeries to developing countries

The technology could save countless lives.


Artist's intricate newspaper papercuts carve out a deeper story

These delicate works of art are made out of current and vintage newspaper broadsheets, and prompt us to look beyond the daily news cycle.


Geberit introduces a rim-free toilet

It's much easier to keep clean.


Our galaxy's central black hole has become suddenly ravenous

Astronomers are stunned and stumped by the brightest light seen in 24 years of observations of the black hole at the center of our galaxy.


Pandemic pantry: a list for eating well with humble ingredients

Social distancing and quarantines don't mean you have to live on canned soup alone.


20 ingredients for a frugal pantry

Nothing exotic here, but it's all practical, versatile, and nutritious.


High-income countries are driving the extinction of the world's primates

Consumer demand for meat, soy, palm oil, and more has resulted in 60% of primate species facing extinction.


Andrew Heintzman on the New Green Entrepreneurs (Podcast)

All over the world, inspired, creative, (and often obsessed) entrepreneurs are tightening bolts and swirling beakers, inventing the next generation of green technology. Andrew Heintzman is a venture capitalist with the aim of finding and funding these


Jeep introduces a big electric mountain bike

Bill Murray looks like he is enjoying the ride. Others might go a bit faster.


Rivian introduces 3 ton "electric adventure vehicles"

Is this really the future we want?


The mini-computer market just got a lot more crowded with this $15 64-bit entry

Smaller, faster, cheaper! Single board computer (SBC) innovations are jumpstarting a whole new wave of DIY devices.


Apple's new product launch: Introducing Apple Park

I have complained about this building forever, but will admit that Norman Foster has designed a masterpiece.


What we learned about Apple Park from the keynote intro

Like Kremlinology in the cold war, you take what you can get.


Cats with contraband become international prison trend

Cats at several prisons world wide have been used to smuggle drugs and other banned items.


France is being hit by a massive heat wave. Will it change the country and the culture?

The French consider AC to be unhealthy. Will they change their minds in the face of a changing climate?


Film awards stir controversy with angry bike anthem

The public has cast their votes, and if the winner is any indication, there are some angry bikers tired of fighting the battle for clean transportation.


Things of Intrinsic Worth shows how coal power damages Montana's ranching lifestyle

Things of Intrinsic Worth is a feature-length documentary which focuses on the ways coal mining is harming the livelihoods of Montana ranchers.


Summertime means heading to the shore, in both town and country

Katherine lives in rural Ontario. Margaret lives in New York City. The way they enjoy their summers is bound to be drastically different.


How climate change contributed to Colorado flood

It has become a familiar pattern. A natural disaster occurs and we can't help but wonder how it may have been influenced by climate change. Here's a look at how the Colorado rains and flood were connected to global warming.