
Developing a Mobile Collaborative Tool for Business Continuity Management

We describe the design of a mobile collaborative tool that helps teams managing critical computing infrastructures in organizations, a task that is usually designated Business Continuity Management. The design process started with a requirements definition phase based on interviews with professional teams. The elicited requirements highlight four main concerns: collaboration support, knowledge management, team performance, and situation awareness. Based on these concerns, we developed a data model and tool supporting the collaborative update of Situation Matrixes. The matrixes aim to provide an integrated view of the operational and contextual conditions that frame critical events and inform the operators' responses to events. The paper provides results from our preliminary experiments with Situation Matrixes.


Let Me Tell You a Story - On How to Build Process Models

Process Modeling has been a very active research topic for the last decades. One of its main issues is the externalization of knowledge and its acquisition for further use, as this remains deeply related to the quality of the resulting process models produced by this task. This paper presents a method and a graphical supporting tool for process elicitation and modeling, combining the Group Storytelling technique with the advances of Text Mining and Natural Language Processing. The implemented tool extends its previous versions with several functionalities to facilitate group story telling by the users, as well as to improve the results of the acquired process model from the stories.


A Framework to Evaluate Interface Suitability for a Given Scenario of Textual Information Retrieval

Visualization of search results is an essential step in the textual Information Retrieval (IR) process. Indeed, Information Retrieval Interfaces (IRIs) are used as a link between users and IR systems, a simple example being the ranked list proposed by common search engines. Due to the importance that takes visualization of search results, many interfaces have been proposed in the last decade (which can be textual, 2D or 3D IRIs). Two kinds of evaluation methods have been developed: (1) various evaluation methods of these interfaces were proposed aiming at validating ergonomic and cognitive aspects; (2) various evaluation methods were applied on information retrieval systems (IRS) aiming at measuring their effectiveness. However, as far as we know, these two kinds of evaluation methods are disjoint. Indeed, considering a given IRI associated to a given IRS, what happens if we associate this IRI to another IRS not having the same effectiveness. In this context, we propose an IRI evaluation framework aimed at evaluating the suitability of any IRI to different IR scenarios. First of all, we define the notion of IR scenario as a combination of features related to users, IR tasks and IR systems. We have implemented the framework through a specific evaluation platform that enables performing IRI evaluations and that helps end-users (e.g. IRS developers or IRI designers) in choosing the most suitable IRI for a specific IR scenario.


Descriptional Complexity of Ambiguity in Symmetric Difference NFAs

We investigate ambiguity for symmetric difference nondeterministic finite automata. We show the existence of unambiguous, finitely ambiguous, polynomially ambiguous and exponentially ambiguous symmetric difference nondeterministic finite automata. We show that, for each of these classes, there is a family of n-state nondeterministic finite automata such that the smallest equivalent deterministic finite automata have O(2n) states.


Démocratie en vrac, vive la démocratie liquide…

J’ai commencé à bloguer en 2006, je ne compte plus le nombre de billets que j’ai pu faire sur la montée inexorable de l’abstention élection après élection. On a pu croire que la montée en puissance des réseaux sociaux aller faire émerger une démocratie...


Des dizaines de morts dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan après un attentat suicide

Des dizaines de morts dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan après un attentat suicide


Netanyahu s’est entretenu 3 fois avec Trump depuis sa réélection à propos de la "menace iranienne"

Netanyahu s’est entretenu 3 fois avec Trump depuis sa réélection à propos de la "menace iranienne"


No Comment : Tyrannosaure Rex, un mannequin pas comme les autres

No Comment : Tyrannosaure Rex, un mannequin pas comme les autres


L'aide militaire américaine à Israël va se poursuivre après un ajustement de l'aide à Gaza

L'aide militaire américaine à Israël va se poursuivre après un ajustement de l'aide à Gaza


Attention, votre airfryer pourrait produire une substance cancérigène dans vos aliments selon une étude - Yahoo Actualités

  1. Attention, votre airfryer pourrait produire une substance cancérigène dans vos aliments selon une étude  Yahoo Actualités
  2. 3 bonnes raisons de choisir un Airfryer en 2024  La Provence
  3. Nos 30 recettes rapides et faciles au Airfryer, du plat de résistance au dessert  Le Figaro
  4. Les air fryers sont-ils dangereux pour la santé ? Une étude lance l'alerte  Allo Docteurs
  5. Airfryer : attention aux acrylamides potentiellement cancérigènes  Pourquoi Docteur ?


Paris : Imaginons les Places de demain. Et si on s’occupait des rues d’aujourd’hui ?

A gauche, Barbès. A droite, la nouvelle Place du Panthéon. Aux mêmes heures !
C’est une vaste opération lancée depuis 2015 par la Mairie de Paris. «Donner plus de place à celles et ceux qui ont envie de vivre dans une ville plus pacifiée, avec moins de voitures et moins de stress» selon les mots d'Anne Hidalgo. Sept grandes places parisiennes vont être « réinventées » : ...


Cela "a détruit ma vie": Ghislaine Maxwell aurait aimé "ne jamais rencontrer Epstein"

Ghislaine Maxwell, condamnée en juin à vingt ans de prison pour trafic sexuel de mineures, a affirmé dans une interview diffusée lundi qu'elle aurait aimé "ne jamais avoir rencontré" Jeffrey Epstein, dont elle se dit convaincue "qu'il a été assassiné".

L'ex-mondaine britannique a été condamnée en juin à New York pour trafic sexuel de mineures pour le compte du financier américain décédé, accusé d'exploitation sexuelle de dizaines de mineures. "J'aimerais honnêtement ne l'avoir jamais rencontré", a-t-elle affirmé à propos de son ancien compagnon, dans l'entretien accordé depuis sa prison aux Etats-Unis à la chaîne britannique TalkTV. 

"Clairement (...) le fait que je travaille avec lui et que je passe du temps avec lui et que je le connaisse a détruit ma vie et blessé énormément de gens qui me sont chers et que j'aime", a-t-elle affirmé. Elle a souligné qu'elle ne "savait pas" qu'Epstein était "aussi horrible" même si "évidemment maintenant, quand on regarde en arrière, bien sûr que oui".

Le financier américain, accusé d'avoir, entre 2002 et 2005 au moins, fait venir des mineures dans ses résidences "pour se livrer à des actes sexuels avec lui", a été retrouvé pendu dans sa cellule le 10 août 2019. Si l'autopsie confirme un suicide par pendaison, Mme Maxwell se dit elle convaincue "qu'il a été assassiné".

Déjà dimanche, des extraits de l'interview avaient été publiés et Mme Maxwell y prenait la défense du prince Andrew, affirmant qu'une photo montrant le frère du roi Charles III avec une jeune fille qui l'a ensuite accusé d'agressions sexuelles était "un faux". 

L'Américaine Virginia Giuffre, aujourd'hui âgée de 39 ans, accuse le prince de l'avoir agressée sexuellement à trois reprises en 2001, quand elle avait 17 ans. Elle a affirmé l'avoir rencontré par l'entremise d'Epstein.

Andrew, ami de Ghislaine Maxwell et Jeffrey Epstein, a scellé avec elle en février 2022 un accord à l'amiable, en payant des millions de dollars, ce qui lui a permis d'éviter un procès au civil à New York, qui aurait été extrêmement embarrassant pour la famille royale britannique.

Le prince de 62 ans, tombé en disgrâce après ces accusations, a toutefois toujours contesté les accusations. Selon des journaux britanniques, il étudie désormais les options légales pour tenter d'annuler l'accord avec Virginia Giuffre.



La France a dï¿œtruit des stocks de masques pendant l'ï¿œpidï¿œmie du coronavirus

C'est surrᅵaliste. Les services de Matignon ont dᅵcouvert fin mars que des stocks de masques pᅵrimᅵs continuaient ᅵ ᅵtre brᅵlᅵs pendant l'ᅵpidᅵmie alors que certains...


La Semaine politique : la France a dᅵtruit ses masques, un ex-collaborateur de Vᅵran a cherchᅵ ᅵ en vendre (et quelques autres infos)

Vous n'avez pas eu le temps de lire Le Canard enchaᅵnᅵ, Mediapart, Le Monde, Arrᅵt sur images et tous les autres titres de presse ? On s'en charge pour vous.


Titres de sᅵjour : pour ᅵviter les files d'attente, les prᅵfectures ont inventᅵ l'inscription en ligne (qui ne fonctionne quasiment jamais)

Des files d'attente, la nuit, devant les prᅵfectures, pour tenter d'obtenir un rendez-vous afin de demander ou de renouveler un titre de sᅵjour. C'ᅵtait la rᅵalitᅵ au dᅵbut des annᅵes...


Où le brouillard, la lumière

Départager LFI et le RN. Nous sommes tombés bien bas. N'y a-t-il que des raisons politiques ? N'est-ce pas aussi une culture qui le permet ? Culture marquée par une déroute de la raison, supplantée par le relativisme, le subjectivisme et l'émotivisme. Comment changer ?


Quitter l’Eglise ?

Alors qu'une fois encore des révélations aussi pénibles qu'indignes sont faites, cela pourrait-il ne pas nous toucher ? Pour certains, tout cela ne change rien. L'important, ce sont les fins dernières et la sanctification personnelle. Pour d'autres, cela change tout, ce qui est le cas du Fr. Philippe Lefebvre, qui a développé un propos qui peut être aussi perturbant que (re)fondateur.


A constant temperature control system for indoor environments in buildings using internet of things

The performance of a building's internal environment, which includes the air temperature, lighting and acoustics, is what determines the quality of the environment inside the building. We present a thermal model for achieving thermal comfort in buildings that makes use of a multimodal analytic framework as a solution to this challenge. In this study, a multimodal combination is used to evaluate several temperature and humidity sensors as well as an area image. Additionally, a CNN and LSTM combination is used to process the image and sensor data. The results show that heating setback and interior set point temperatures, as well as mechanical ventilation based on real people's presence and CO<SUB align=right>2 levels, are all consistently reduced when ICT-driven intelligent solutions are used. The CNN-LSTM model has a goodness of fit that is 0.7258 on average, which is much higher than both the CNN (0.5291) and LSTM (0.5949) models.


Application of digital twin virtual design and BIM technology in intelligent building image processing

Intelligent digital virtual technology has become an indispensable part of modern construction, but there are also some problems in its practical application. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the design of intelligent building image processing systems from many aspects. Starting from image digital processing methods, this paper studies the digital twin virtual design scene construction method and related algorithms, converts the original image into a colour digital image through a greyscale algorithm, and then combines morphological knowledge and feature point extraction methods to complete the construction of a three-dimensional virtual environment. Finally, through the comparison of traditional image processing effects with smart building images based on digital twins and BIM technology, the results show that the optimised image processing results have higher clarity, sharper contrast, and a sensitivity increased by 5.84%, presenting better visual effects and solving the risk of misjudgement caused by inaccurate image recognition.


E-recruitment adoption among job-seekers: role of vividness and perceived internet stress in shaping their intentions

Drawn from technology acceptance model, this study establishes a theoretical framework for the analytical interpretation of factors affecting job-seekers intention to use e-recruitment websites. Using the data obtained from 379 respondents in India, ten hypotheses derived from the experimental model are evaluated using a structural equation modelling technique. Vividness, perceived usefulness (PU), and attitude have been shown to have a significant positive impact on the behavioural intentions (BIs) of job-seekers, although perceived ease of use (PEOU) did not. Furthermore, perceived internet stress (PIS) is observed to be a significant antecedent PEOU; and PEOU is of PU. Such findings broaden our knowledge of e-recruiting in various ways and offer qualitative insights into the potential impact of website functionality on the attractiveness of job-seekers.


Towards a set of guidelines for software development in start-ups

Software start-ups generally use development practices that are adapted to their agile and innovative environment. However, these practices, although consolidated, may not be the best ones for a specific context. This paper aims to present a set of guidelines for software development in start-ups. It also aims to show the results of three studies to validate and refine the proposed guidelines: a confirmatory survey, a focus group, and an expert panel. The participants were actors from both the industry and the academia. The results revealed that the guidelines obtained a positive perception from the participants of both contexts. Based on their approval, we can infer that those guidelines can increase the quality of products generated by start-ups and the chances of success for these organisations. Besides, the need for some improvements has been identified, and they will be implemented in the next version of the guidelines.


The Pentagonal E-Portfolio Model for Selecting, Adopting, Building, and Implementing an E-Portfolio


From Requirements to Code: Issues and Learning in IS Students’ Systems Development Projects


Fostering Digital Literacy through Web-based Collaborative Inquiry Learning – A Case Study


A Virtual Education: Guidelines for Using Games Technology


Evaluating the Acceptability and Usability of EASEL: A Mobile Application that Supports Guided Reflection for Experiential Learning Activities

Aim/Purpose: To examine the early perceptions (acceptability) and usability of EASEL (Education through Application-Supported Experiential Learning), a mobile platform that delivers reflection prompts and content before, during, and after an experiential learning activity. Background: Experiential learning is an active learning approach in which students learn by doing and by reflecting on the experience. This approach to teaching is often used in disciplines such as humanities, business, and medicine. Reflection before, during, and after an experience allows the student to analyze what they learn and why it is important, which is vital in helping them to understand the relevance of the experience. A just-in-time tool (EASEL) was needed to facilitate this. Methodology: To inform the development of a mobile application that facilitates real-time guided reflection and to determine the relevant feature set, we conducted a needs analysis with both students and faculty members. Data collected during this stage of the evaluation helped guide the creation of a prototype. The user experience of the prototype and interface interactions were evaluated during the usability phase of the evaluation study. Contribution: Both the needs analysis and usability assessment provided justification for continued development of EASEL as well as insight that guides current development. Findings: The interaction design of EASEL is understandable and usable. Both students and teachers value an application that facilitates real-time guided reflection. Recommendations for Practitioners: The use of a system such as EASEL can leverage time and location-based services to support students in field experiences. This technology aligns with evidence that guided reflection provides opportunities for metacognition. Recommendation for Researchers: Iterative prototyping, testing, and refinement can lead to a deliberate and effective app development process. Impact on Society: The EASEL platform leverages inherent functionality of mobile devices, such as GPS and persistent network connectivity, to adapt reflection tasks based on lo-cation or time. Students using EASEL will engage in guided reflection, which leads to metacognition and can help instructors scaffold learning Future Research: We will continue to advance the application through iterative testing and development. When ready, the application will be vetted in larger studies across varied disciplines and contexts.


Delving into the Specificity of Instructional Guidance in Social Media-supported Learning Environments

Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the variations in student participation patterns across different types of instructional activities, learning modes, and with different instructional guidance approaches. In the current study, different variables, modes of learning (guided versus unguided), and types of guidance (social versus cognitive) were manipulated in a series of microblogging-supported collaborative learning tasks to examine to what extent and in which aspects instructional guidance affects the effectiveness and student perception of microblogging-supported learning. Background: Despite the overwhelming agreement on the importance of instructional guidance in microblogging-supported learning environments, very few studies have been done to examine the specificity of guidance, such as how to structure and support microblogging activities, as well as what types of guidance are appropriate in what learning contexts. Methodology: This semester-long study utilized a case-study research design via a multi-dimensional approach in a hybrid classroom with both face-to-face and online environments. Tweets were collected from four types of activities and coded based on content within their contextual setting. Twenty-four college students participated in the study. Contribution: In response to the call to improve social media learning environments under-scored in contemporary education, the current case study took an initial step aiming at deepening the understanding of the role of instructional guidance in microblogging-supported learning environments. Findings: This study showcases that with instructor facilitation, students succeeded in being engaged in a highly participatory and interactive learning experience across a variety of tasks and activities. This study indicates that students’ perspectives of social media tools rely heavily on what instructors do with the tool and how the instructional activities are structured and supported. Instructors’ scaffolding and support is instrumental in keeping students on task and engaging students with meaningful events, thus ensuring the success of microblogging-based learning activities. Meanwhile, students’ perception of usefulness of instructional guidance is closely related to their own pre-perception and experience. Recommendations for Practitioners: When incorporating social media tools, it is important to examine learner’s prior knowledge and comfort level with these tools and tailor the design of instructional activities to their attributes. It is also vital to monitor student progress, adjust the type and amount of guidance and scaffolding provided as they progress, and eventually remove the scaffolding until students can demonstrate that they can perform the task successfully without assistance. Recommendation for Researchers: Due to many other potential factors in place that could potentially influence student learning, no conclusive remarks can be made regarding the superiority of either one type of guidance approach. Future researchers should continue to develop robust research methodologies to seek ways to better operationalize this variable and strive to understand its effect. Future Research: Future replication studies in other settings, with a larger sample size, and different populations will certainly provide further insights on the effects of instructional guidance in microblogging-based learning. Alternative coding methods may also shed light on differences in student interaction in terms of content diversity and depth of learning when analyzing the tweets. Advanced data collection techniques may be explored to ascertain the completeness of data collection.


Educational Continuity in Emergencies: The Role of Offline Digital Libraries in Under-Connected Communities

Aim/Purpose: This article explores the critical need for adaptable educational models in times of crisis, focusing on strategies to overcome infrastructural and digital inequalities exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Background: By examining a case study of an offline digital library project implemented in South Sudan, this paper seeks to examine the impact of an offline digital educational solution for low-resource and crisis situations. Methodology: The authors utilize a mixed-methods approach, integrating both qualitative interviews and quantitative data analysis, to evaluate the use and impact of the SolarSPELL Initiative’s offline digital libraries in South Sudan. Contribution: This study contributes to our understanding of digital and information literacy within crisis contexts, highlighting the vital role of localized, offline content. Findings: The findings demonstrate that offline digital solutions can effectively mitigate educational disruptions by providing an accessible means to continue education during emergencies. Recommendations for Practitioners: Recommendations for practitioners include the adoption of robust offline digital learning solutions to promote educational continuity. Recommendation for Researchers: The authors recommend that researchers continue investigating the potential of offline digital educational solutions for low-resource and crisis situations. Impact on Society: Ultimately, this article finds that offline digital libraries, when paired with skill-building, are a viable means to lessen digital disparities and promote educational continuity in times of crisis and beyond. Future Research: The study suggests further exploration into the long-term impacts of such interventions on learning outcomes.


Intelligent traffic congestion discrimination method based on wireless sensor network front-end data acquisition

Conventional intelligent traffic congestion discrimination methods mainly use GPS terminals to collect traffic congestion data, which is vulnerable to the influence of vehicle time distribution, resulting in poor final discrimination effect. Necessary to design a new intelligent traffic congestion discrimination method based on wireless sensor network front-end data collection. That is to use the front-end data acquisition technology of wireless sensor network to generate a front-end data acquisition platform to obtain intelligent traffic congestion data, and then design an intelligent traffic congestion discrimination algorithm based on traffic congestion rules so as to achieve intelligent traffic congestion discrimination. The experimental results show that the intelligent traffic congestion discrimination method designed based on the front-end data collection of wireless sensor network has good discrimination effect, the obtained discrimination data is more accurate, effective and has certain application value, which has made certain contributions to reducing the frequency of urban traffic accidents.


Stock market response to mergers and acquisitions: comparison between China and India

This research delves into the wealth effect of shareholders from bidding firms created by mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in China and India, two of the world's most populous nations. The study reveals that on average, M&A deals create wealth for shareholders of the acquiring firms, as determined by abnormal percentage returns in a five-day event window. Regarding the further classification of acquiring firms based on industry, the abnormal percentage returns vary in different sectors in both countries. In China, shareholders benefit in seven out of ten industries, while in India, they gain in five out of nine industries. Moreover, the stock markets' responses vary depending on the type of M&A in each country. Cross-industry M&A deals in China generate higher gains for shareholders than within-industry deals, whereas, in India, within-industry M&A deals generate higher gains.


Building the Hydra Together: Enhancing Repository Provision through Multi-Institution Collaboration

In 2008 the University of Hull, Stanford University and University of Virginia decided to collaborate with Fedora Commons (now DuraSpace) on the Hydra project. This project has sought to define and develop repository-enabled solutions for the management of multiple digital content management needs that are multi-purpose and multi-functional in such a way as to allow their use across multiple institutions. This article describes the evolution of Hydra as a project, but most importantly as a community that can sustain the outcomes from Hydra and develop them further. The data modelling and technical implementation are touched on in this context, and examples of the Hydra heads in development or production are highlighted. Finally, the benefits of working together, and having worked together, are explored as a key element in establishing a sustainable open source solution.


Beyond The Low Hanging Fruit: Data Services and Archiving at the University of New Mexico

Open data is becoming increasingly important in research. While individual researchers are slowlybecoming aware of the value, funding agencies are taking the lead by requiring data be made available, and also by requiring data management plans to ensure the data is available in a useable form. Some journals also require that data be made available. However, in most cases, “available upon request” is considered sufficient. We describe a number of historical examples of data use and discovery, then describe two current test cases at the University of New Mexico. The lessons learned suggest that an instituional data services program needs to not only facilitate fulfilling the mandates of granting agencies but to realize the true value of open data. Librarians and institutional archives should actively collaborate with their researchers. We should also work to find ways to make open data enhance a researchers career. In the long run, better quality data and metadata will result if researchers are engaged and willing participants in the dissemination of their data.


Building a Community of Curatorial Practice at Penn State: A Case Study

The Penn State University Libraries and Information Technology Services (ITS) collaborated on the development of Curation Architecture Prototype Services (CAPS), a web application for ingest and management of digital objects. CAPS is built atop a prototype service platform providing atomistic curation functions in order to address the current and emerging requirements in the Libraries and ITS for digital curation, defined as “... maintaining and adding value to a trusted body of digital information for future and current use; specifically, the active management and appraisal of data over the entire life cycle” (Pennock, 2006)[7]. Additional key goals for CAPS were application of an agile-style methodology to the development process and an assessment of the resulting tool and stakeholders’ experience in the project. This article focuses in particular on the community-building aspects of CAPS, which emerged from a combination of agile-style approaches and our commitment to engage stakeholders actively throughout the process, from the construction of use cases, to decisions on metadata standards, to ingest and management functionalities of the tool. The ensuing community of curatorial practice effectively set the stage for the next iteration of CAPS, which will be devoted to planning and executing the development of a production-ready, enterprise-quality infrastructure to support publishing and curation services at Penn State.


Action-Guidance: An Action Research Project for the Application of Informing Science in Educational and Vocational Guidance


Guiding Students Learning Project Team Management from Their Own Practice


Information Quality: The Relationship to Recruitment in Pre-Tertiary IT Education


Degrading Grades - Do Graduate Grades Provide a Useful Guide to Potential ICT Employers?


Towards Building Secure Software Systems


Multi-Criteria Spatial Analysis of Building Layouts


Valuing IS/IT Resources as an Antecedent of Absorptive Capacity: An RBV Perspective


Requirements Elicitation – What’s Missing?


Proposal of an Instructional Design for Teaching the Requirement Process for Designing Information Systems


A Framework for Information Security Management Based on Guiding Standards: A United States Perspective


Evaluation of a Suite of Metrics for Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE)