
Maternal & Early Childhood Issues: July’s Topic–Early Childhood Screenings

July 18th We continue our look at Early Childhood Screenings by talking with Kris Bowman of Ramsey Educational and Development Institute, or REDI. They administer the PA Early Intervention Program in Montgomery County. https://twitter.com/PAcatholic/status/1549094658478903299?s=20&t=bfxurJPODSGTJUaDird-pg https://fb.watch/elp1XOaQ3p/   July 15th As part of look at Early Childhood Screenings, we are looking to find out about screenings in PA for newborns suffering from their mothers’ drug addiction. We’d love to talk with the state task force created to help those children but haven’t had much help from the Wolf Admin. https://twitter.com/PAcatholic/status/1548004337758060544?s=20&t=bfxurJPODSGTJUaDird-pg https://fb.watch/elp7An1dbk/   July 14th Continuing our series for July on Early Childhood Screenings with a quick look at the first big test for the newborn, the blood test. https://twitter.com/PAcatholic/status/1547690893766930437?s=20&t=bfxurJPODSGTJUaDird-pg https://fb.watch/elpe8tHA1I/   July 13th Continuing our series on Early Childhood Screenings… it was a crisis in Michigan that sparked lawmakers here in Pennsylvania to put an emphasis on testing children for the presence of lead. https://twitter.com/PAcatholic/status/1547429183864840192?s=20&t=bfxurJPODSGTJUaDird-pg https://fb.watch/elpkHkI4mB/   July 12th  We wrap up the conversation with our friend Victoria about the tests, screenings and milestones designed for children after they come home from the hospital. It’s part of our July focus on Early Childhood Screenings. https://twitter.com/PAcatholic/status/1546897353843539968?s=20&t=bfxurJPODSGTJUaDird-pg https://fb.watch/elpDdGWIN8/ July 11th As part of our continuing look at Early Childhood Screenings for July, we talk with a young mother about all the tests that we went through. https://twitter.com/PAcatholic/status/1546491903083945984?s=20&t=bfxurJPODSGTJUaDird-pg    


Maternal & Early Childhood Series: Adoption Challenges in PA

The 4th installment of our series on Maternal and Early Childhood Issues looks at the role the Wolf Administration has played in curtailing Catholic adoption efforts in Pennsylvania. https://fb.watch/bBXX1F6m97/ A woman we’ll call Kelly talked with me about her adoption a number of years ago through Catholic charities. She learned details of what happened as she got older. Kelly says it could have worked out any better. Kelly’s story was a familiar one for decades, but one that is happening less and less in many states across the country, as officials have placed restrictions on adoption agencies that contradict their long-held beliefs. Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf several years ago joined Democratic governors in other states to require adoption agencies to place children with same-sex parents in order to get funding. That requirement by Governor Wolf would be in direct contrast with the long-standing Catholic belief that a marriage is between a man and a woman. It is that parental combination, Catholics believe, that is the best way to raise a child. The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference appealed to the Wolf Administration for a religious exemption. It was denied in 2018, basically causing most adoption efforts by Catholic organizations in PA to grind to a halt. Similar regulations have been shutting down Catholic adoption agencies across the U.S. ever since Boston Catholic Charities did so in 2006. The efforts by the PCC to remove this burden continued on both the state and federal level. We sent an appeal to the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington to grant us a religious exemption. We worked closely with U.S. Congressman Mike Kelly on getting federal relief. A number of state senators sent a letter to President Trump asking him to provide relief for our efforts. We’re hoping that a recent Supreme Court ruling involving foster care services by Catholic Charities in Philadelphia. Fulton vs. the City of Philadelphia started when the city said it would no longer contract with Catholic Social Services because CSS would not certify same-sex couples to be foster parents In response, two foster mothers—Sharonell Fulton and Toni Simms-Busch—and the CSS sued the city, arguing that severing the contract violated their religious freedom. Fulton and Simms-Busch, the mothers who are plaintiffs, claim it was their Catholic faith that inspired them to be foster mothers.After losing in two lower courts, they petitioned the Supreme Court, which first agreed to hear the case in February 2020. Over a year later  the Court ruled that the city’s refusal due to the agency’s same-sex couple policy violated the Free Exercise Clause. Great news and a big win for religious liberty. The PCC is hoping the principal will carry over into adoptions, but the damage may have already been done. In 2019 the Diocese of Greensburg closed its adoption and foster care program after 65 years because of the decision by the Wolf Administration. Adoptions were halted by Catholic agencies in other parts of the state.  Will the adoption work done by these organizations ever return to what it once was? We can only hope and pray.


Maternal & Early Childhood Issues: Morning Star Helps With Relationships

Our series on Maternal & Early Childhood Issues continues today with a look the work being done by Morning Star Pregnancy Services in Harrisburg to help kids build a foundation for strong relationships and avoid problems down the road. https://fb.watch/bECfSEse06/ We’ve all had our fair share of relationships that have not gone well over the years, whether they were romantic or just friendly in nature. Wouldn’t it be nice to have gotten some advice before sailing on those waters and crashing into the rocks? The folks at Morning Star Pregnancy Services in Harrisburg are offering just such advice to teenagers and also actually to moms and dads through a program called Unfiltered Truth. Leslie Moyer is the Director of Educational Programs at Morning Star. She works with Ann Deegan from an established curriculum called “Real Essentials” to present different lessons to try to teach kids to build a foundation for strong relationships. Leslie Moyer : “So what are people expecting and what are your boundaries and do you have boundaries and how do you make sure the person knows?” The program is –not- lecture based. Moyer says that would never work. They have discussions so the kids will take ownership of the concepts they are presented and make them their own.  They are getting a lot of positive feedback. Moyer :  “I believe it was woman, she said I wish I’d had this when I was younger. I needed to know about those relationship red flags, the break up skills, which is two lessons that we do. I needed that two years ago when I was in a really bad relationship.” One of the lessons is on living together, which is something that many young people see as the go-to route for couples in love. Ann Deegan : “So many people are living together and so we talk about what are the benefits and what it really looks like and what are some of the myths surrounding living together and why it isn’t a good thing to do. Most of the classes have been with high school students. Moyer says they’re hoping to get more time with middle school kids to help them build their skills by the time they get to high school. There are also classes for adults. Deegan  : “The focus isn’t just on mothering skills, like taking care of a baby. The focus is on what do your relationships look like? And what do you want to pass on to your children? What is the legacy? What do you want to pass on to your children and have your children receive from you?” There is also the goal of having kids take a more deliberate and thoughtful approach to having sex. It may prevent many problems down the road, not the least of which being an unwanted pregnancy. Moyer shares a recurring sentiment that she hears from returning clients. Moyer  : “Over and over again I will hear ‘I would not change the fact that I had my child. But I wish I had waited. I wish I had waited just a little bit longer. I wish I was married. I can’t tell you how many times I hear that.”


Key trends & developments in international mediation

As the profile of businesses engaged in disputes is now more diverse than ever, there is a need for dispute resolution mechanisms that are culturally responsive as well as internationally robust. Mediation is one mechanism that offers a flexible and confidential forum for business to resolve their differences in an effective and efficient way. Interest in mediation to resolve cross-border disputes has increased dramatically in recent years due to increasing access to the Internet and the growing number of smaller enterprises doing business internationally. Nadja Alexander is Professor of Law at SMU School of Law. She also heads the Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy as its Director, and a prominent mediator, educator, consultant and writer. In a recent study, Prof Alexander had identified some of the top trends impacting the nature and practice of international mediation. She discusses these key trends and developments in this podcast.


Toastmasters International

11/14/2024 - 6:00 PM - Venue: Rawlings Library


HeroClix 'Learn to Play' and Tournaments

11/14/2024 - 5:00 PM - Venue: Chaos Games and More


AGU honors journalists Nadia Drake and Zack Savitsky for excellence in science journalism


PROCESS EXPO 2013 doubles international exhibitors

Food Processing Suppliers Association attributes the success to work with its strategic partner Messe Düsseldorf.


PROCESS EXPO, International Dairy Show draw record attendance

More than 19,000 people attended the events, which were held simultaneously at McCormick Place in Chicago Nov. 3-6. The Food Processing Suppliers Association (FPSA) and the International Dairy Foods Association say they will again co-locate these events in 2015.


Record attendance marks successful PROCESS EXPO and International Dairy Show

Dairy companies and students were honored for innovation and new products.


Housing and registration now open for industry mega event - co-location of PROCESS EXPO, International Dairy Show and InterBev Process

The Food Processing Suppliers Association (FPSA), the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and NürnbergMesse today announced that registration and housing are now open...


International Molded Fiber Association Unveils Speakers for September Conference

Lineup includes keynote speaker Francisco Garcia, COO & Co-Founder of E6PR and Co-Founder of ENTELEQUIA, the largest compostable packaging company in Mexico. 


Graphic Packaging International Hosts Plastic to Paperboard Multipacks Webinar

The free webinar on Mar. 25 will examine the transition from plastic to paperboard for multipacks.


Process Expo University expands internationally

The Food Processing Suppliers Association (FPSA) announced PROCESS EXPO UNIVERSITY has expanded to include international speakers from Canada and Latin America.


Alternative processing technologies on program at PROCESS EXPO

The Food Processing Suppliers Association (FPSA) today released the details of four sessions of the educational program at PROCESS EXPO 2015 to be presented by speaker Dr. Tatiana Koutchma of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Guelph Food Research Center and www.novelfoodsciences.com.


Berry Launches Recyclable Alternative to Colored PET Pill Bottles

ClariPPil™ bottles offer enhanced sustainability (reduced carbon footprint and improved recyclability versus a PET container solution) together with excellent functionality, product protection, and aesthetics.


New Machine Advances Debuting at PACK EXPO International 2022

From bagging equipment to robotic palletizing, the latest innovation in packaging equipment is debuted at PACK EXPO International. Here are just a few of the new machinery advances being demonstrated in Chicago.


Colbert Packaging Expands Capacity with New Eterna Equipment Additions

Adding new blanking die cutters streamlines production and boosts capacity.


CASE STUDY: International PaperBox selects BOBST to Boost Productivity and Precision

As the business looked to enhance its folding, gluing and die-cutting capacity, International PaperBox added a BOBST EXPERTCUT and EXPERTFOLD to its machine park.


Registration Now Open for Destinations International Fall 2024 Conferences: Advocacy Summit, Social Inclusion Summit and Business Operations Summit

Registration Now Open for Destinations International Fall 2024 Conferences: Advocacy Summit, Social Inclusion Summit and Business Operations Summit dbreisch@desti… Wed, 07/10/2024 - 18:22

3 min read

Registration Now Open for Destinations International Fall 2024 Conferences: Advocacy Summit, Social Inclusion Summit and Business Operations Summit

Premier events offer essential knowledge and skills to help destination organizations lead with innovation and inclusivity

Media Contact: 
Tim Smith 

Washington, D.C., USA (July 10, 2024) – Destinations International (DI), the world’s leading resource for destination organizations, convention and visitors bureaus (CVBs), and tourism boards, has opened registration for its three remaining major events in 2024: the Advocacy Summit, which will take place in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, from October 22-24; and the Social Inclusion Summit and Business Operations Summit, which both will take place in Spokane, Washington, October 28-30.  

Destinations International continues to provide training and development specially designed to help destination organizations anticipate transformation and thrive in a continually evolving environment. Each summit will look at current challenges and opportunities and offer the opportunity to explore, learn, and network among industry peers. Attendees will benefit from comprehensive sessions that address the most pressing issues facing the sector today, from enhancing stakeholder engagement and impactful advocacy, to advancing social inclusion, to embracing advancements in technology and innovation in business operations.

“Destinations International is committed to providing our members with the essential information they need to help their organizations and communities thrive,” said Don Welsh, president and CEO of Destinations International. “Our outstanding fall summits focus on the most pressing and timely issues facing destination organizations today and offer an unprecedented opportunity to learn from experts and network with peers. I’m confident that attendees will leave each summit with new insights and actionable strategies to take back to their organizations.”

Summit overviews:

2024 Advocacy Summit (Rio Grande, Puerto Rico – October 22-24, 2024) 
Under the theme “Advocate as Catalyst,” the summit will help destination organizations better serve as essential community assets promoting the local community as an attractive travel destination while also enhancing its public image as a dynamic place live and work. Through interactive discussions, case studies and practical exercises, attendees will develop skills, identify tools and gain knowledge to support powerful advocacy. This year, the event offers three immersive workshops to explore the rich Taíno heritage of Puerto Rico; survey the intersection of ecotourism and conservation against the unique backdrop of El Yunque National Forest, the only tropical rainforest in the U.S. National Forest System; and learn about the development of eco-cultural tourism attractions at Carabali Rainforest Adventure Park. 
(Click here for more information and to register)

2024 Social Inclusion Summit (Spokane, Washington – October 28-30, 2024)
The summit offers a series of impactful sessions and immersive experiences designed to engage community partnerships and create a welcoming environment where people of all abilities and backgrounds feel welcome, valued and understood. Through a lens of accountability, attendees will learn actionable strategies to deepen community relationships and enhance workplace culture, ultimately creating welcoming experiences for visitors. Sessions include: Fostering Community Connections for Impact; Advocacy Strategies for Engaging Local Government; and Establishing Accountability in Social Inclusion. This summit is for leaders of all abilities and backgrounds who specialize in, or have an interest in, community engagement, human resources, culture development, marketing, and inclusion and belonging.
(Click here for more information and to register)

2024 Business Operations Summit (Spokane, Washington – October 28-30, 2024)
The Business Operations Summit is a cross-functional gathering of destination organization professionals in finance, human resources, operations and technology. This year’s summit will leverage the latest advancements in finance, digital platforms and talent management, offering valuable knowledge and practical solutions to help destination organization leaders navigate the complexities of modern business operations. Join us to explore how finance, technology, and HR can drive innovation and excellence in your organization.
(Click here for more information and to register)

Please check destinationsinternational.org for latest updates on these and all Destinations International events and information.


About Destinations International 
Destinations International is the world’s largest and most trusted resource for destination organizations, convention and visitors bureaus (CVBs) and tourism boards. With more than 7,500 members and partners from over 750 destinations, the association represents a powerful forward-thinking and collaborative community around the world. For more information, visit www.destinationsinternational.org.  

Show Header?


NAB Statement on Introduction of Journalism Competition and Preservation Act


NextGen TV Demo Shows How Journalists Can Use Technology to Fight Misinformation


NAB Statement on Requests for FCC Investigations of Broadcast Stations for Journalism Content

“Local broadcasters carry the mantel of investigative journalism, shining a light on government corruption, questioning those in power and ensuring consumers have a powerful voice to fight back against injustice. It is concerning that some public officials – typically those whose actions have been called into question – would ask the federal government to step in and censor broadcasters in violation of the First Amendment. The Federal Communications Commission must reject such unconstitutional attacks on free speech. It is a slippery slope, and one that our nation’s founders clearly sought to prevent.”


Study Finds Technology Platforms’ Market Power, Economic Practices Disadvantage Local Broadcast Journalism

Washington, D.C. -- Radio and television stations are not adequately compensated for their news content on technology platforms because of an imbalance in market power, according to a new study released today by BIA Advisory Services. The study found that each year broadcasters lose nearly $2 billion in value that they generate for two of the largest technology platforms through publication of their valuable content – particularly local news.


NAB Statement on Recent Incidents Involving Broadcast Journalists

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to recent incidents of violence involving broadcast journalists, the following statement can be attributed to NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith:


NAB Statement on Introduction of Local Journalism Sustainability Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In response to yesterday's introduction of the Local Journalism Sustainability Act in the Senate, the following statement can be attributed to NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith:


NAB Launches New Ad Campaign Emphasizing the Importance of Trusted, Local Broadcast Journalism

Washington, D.C. -- The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) today launched new spots underscoring the importance of fact-based broadcast radio and television journalism at a time when misinformation is running rampant on social media.


NAB Statement on Inclusion of Local Journalism Sustainability Act in Build Back Better Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In response to passage by the House of Representatives of the Build Back Better reconciliation package that includes provisions in the Local Journalism Sustainability Act, the following statement can be attributed to NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith:


Testimony of Joel Oxley at Congressional Hearing on Journalism Competition and Preservation Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Hubbard Broadcasting Senior Vice President and General Manager Joel Oxley testified today before the Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Competition Policy, Antitrust, and Consumer Rights at a hearing titled "Breaking the News – Journalism, Competition, and the Effects of Market Power on a Free Press."


NAB Statement on Legislative Revisions to Journalism Competition and Preservation Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to recent revisions to the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act, the following statement can be attributed to NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt:


NAB Statement on Senate Judiciary Committee Passage of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In response to passage by the Senate Judiciary Committee of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act, the following statement can be attributed to NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt:


NAB Statement on Senate Introduction of Journalism Competition and Preservation Act

In response to the introduction of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) in the Senate, the following statement can be attributed to NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt:


NAB Statement on Senate Judiciary Committee Passage of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to passage by the Senate Judiciary Committee of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act, the following statement can be attributed to NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt:


Sonic Producer - A more affordable alternative to making beats

When I first started getting into recording my own music, I tried every way to find the best free solutions in recording software. I can remember like yesterday, scouring the internet for the most mediocre of recording programs. I would download and use them, but still the results were always limited, and probably because of the times. Now why did I choose to do this? well the reason back then was because I didn't know anything about recording my music, and especially not by way of direct, digital methods, so I didn't want to waste any money at this time.

I can now honestly say that I am a proud owner of Ableton Live, which I use religiously, and would recommend to absolutely anyone. However, the program is a little pricey AND it requires months of experimentation just to get the basics down. Is this recording program worth all the money and effort? yes it is, but a lot of people want something that they can use immediately, without having to spend hundreds of hours devoting their time to reading through training manuals, and investing just as much time by way of trial and error.

I recently found a great solution to this problem. Though this is a guitar
instructional blog, I have no problem talking about recording software or anything related, because recording your own music also benefits the expansion of learning and recording musical art, well....duh!

There is a beat creation program that is now available called Sonic Producer. This beats program, mainly assists a musician in creating music of a hip hop or rap flavor, which you would think would only benefit those who are interested in hip hop music or similar styles. I beg to differ.

I have a drum set, yet I do not have the space, amount of mics, equipment, nor acoustic set up to facilitate the process of recording live drums. This is great if you have a drummer to work with, but if you are an independent guitar player such as myself, and you want an easy solution, then a recording program like Sonic Producer is the way to go.

I do have Ableton Live which is in my opinion the most phenomenal recording program ever to grace the face of the planet, and is pretty much the cream of the crop for beats, but I know that it isn't the cheapest solution. With the release of Sonic Producer, I can seriously say that this is the cheapest solution for creating backing tracks to compose to or jam over that I have ever seen. Sonic Producer contains thousands of samples to work off of, and if you are more traditional, you don't just have to work with new age hip hop beat sounds. Yes, it can deliver exactly what you want, no matter what your style is. Its 30 bucks!!! my God!!

I can't believe this, because anything of this high caliber is always in the multi-hundred dollar price range. I'm really thrilled, because though it can't do what a program such as Reason or Ableton can do, it isn't that far away from the quality of these programs.

I look at it this way, and from the perspective of a mainly lead guitar player - the drums and bass are the bones of the song, and the rhythm guitar is the meat. What's the candy of this operation? lead guitar of course! It doesn't matter what your deal is, you gotta have the bones to make this music thing work. Sure, you can turn the bones into the candy of your masterpiece, but you still gotta have 'em!

There is nothing tastier than creating raw beats to either practice guitar over, or to recording with. How do you think I practice or find inspiration? I gotta have beats and bass!! with my recording program, it takes me five minutes to get a good, basic backing track down. Sometimes I just practice over a set of drum beats, but a lot of times it amounts to a complete song.

I also like the fact that Sonic Producer is so easy to use, and it the necessity of it easily fits in with other plugins or bits of recording software.

If you feel that rhythmic backing tracks are what is lacking in your arsenal, then definitely check out Sonic Producer.


Speed Picking - Alternate and Economy

Its typical for any guitar player to want to isolate techniques and work on each one separate from another. For instance, we tend to work on sweep picking, and then when we're finished doing that we'll move on to something like alternate picking. Here's the rub - most professional sounding guitar players will combine such techniques. There are two strong reasons for this. One, it makes playing the advanced stuff on the guitar easier, and two, it gives a guitar player more room for expression.

So in this lesson we're going to work with an outstanding exercise that I use to warm up with personally, that combines two techniques. What are they? alternate picking and economy picking, but with more focus on alternate picking.

One more thing before we get started - I truly believe in the power of limiting yourself to working with just two exercises per technique. One big and one small, and I'll show you exactly how we're going to do that. We're going to build a small exercise, and then gradually turn it into our larger exercise.

Watch the video, then consult the tab.


Inquiry into Child Poverty in Northern Ireland: Barnardo’s; Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People; Ulster University

Room 30, Parliament Buildings

  • Public Accounts Committee


SOA Governance First Steps - Part 1 of 3

Even for organizations that are banking on SOA, SOA governance remains a largely informal process. Bad idea, say experts Cathy Lippert, Mark Dutra, and Bruce Bailey.


SOA Governance First Steps - Part 2 of 3

Wikis and spreadsheets are great tools - but not for SOA governance. Experts Cathy Lippert, Mark Dutra, and Bruce Bailey talk about the importance of maintaining and carefully managing an inventory of SOA assets.


SOA Governance First Steps - Part 3 of 3

What's the connection between a well-managed inventory of SOA assets, project delivery, and high-level architecture? Experts Cathy Lippert, Mark Dutra, and Bruce Bailey explain.


By Any Other Name: IT Governance and Architecture - Part 1 of 3

Experts Eric Stephens and Tim Hall discussion why it's important to revived the dormant conversation about IT governance.


By Any Other Name: IT Governance and Architecture - Part 2 of 3

Balancing functional, technical, operational requirements to meet the challenge of defining appropriate governance "guardrails."


By Any Other Name: IT Governance and Architecture - Part 3 of 3

Bringing IT architecture out of the ivory tower to make governance a less intimidating, more collaborative process.


Taking Charge: Meeting SOA Governance Challenges - Part 1

What are we talking about when we talk about SOA Governance? Why does is matter?


Taking Charge: Meeting SOA Governance Challenges - Part 2

Some things never change: Exploring the most persistent SOA Governance challenges.


Taking Charge: Meeting SOA Governance Challenges - Part 3

The most common SOA Governance mistakes and why organizations make them.


Taking Charge: Meeting SOA Governance Challenges - Part 4

Cloud, mobile, IoT - what new challenges face SOA Governance in the rapid evolution of enterprise IT?


OracleDevLive Preview | Ophelia Hernandez on Continuous Deployments to Oracle Cloud

Oracle Developer Live — Simplifying Modern App Dev
August 3 & 5 | Register Here

In this short preview I talk with Ophelia Hernandez about her upcoming DevOps session at Oracle Developer Live next week on automating continuous deployments to the cloud.

YouTube Video

Continuous Deployments: Automating Software Releases to OCI Platforms: This session will introduce OCI’s new DevOps platform that enables developers to automate software deployments to OCI platforms. With OCI DevOps, you can accelerate feature delivery to customers and gain the confidence to quickly recover from errors.

Ophelia Hernandez
Director, Software Development, Cloud Native Services, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: Ophelia Hernandez is a director of software development at Oracle. A passionate engineering leader excited about the future of the cloud and DevOps, she enjoys solving difficult technical problems, mentoring, guiding career development, and team building. With more than 10 years of experience leading teams, Ophelia has built high performing global teams from scratch and is always looking for ways to become a better leader. Outside of work, she enjoys her four dogs, two cats, and one daughter and is an avid boxer, hiker, and world traveler.

Jonathan Schreiber
Senior Principal Product Manager, Cloud Native Services, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: Jonathan Schreiber is a senior principal product manager for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), working to empower developers on Oracle Cloud. During his time at Oracle, he contributed to the team that launched Cloud Shell, and now he is excited to bring the OCI continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform to developers. Prior to Oracle, Jonathan spent 10 years working in engineering and product management roles for San Francisco startups. His experience spans from ad tech at Federated Media to content marketing platforms at Chute. He started his career in the twilight of the dotcom era at TiVo, making websites with toothpicks and string

On demand sessions from all previous Oracle Developer Live conferences

Oracle Developer Relations

#OracleDevLive on Twitter

Podcast Host: Jim Grisanzio, Oracle Developer Relations


Cesar Hernandez: Sharing with the Community

Jim Grisanzio from Java Developer Relations talks with Cesar Hernandez, a Java Champion, a teacher, and long time contributor to multiple Open Source projects from Guatemala. The conversation ranged from how Cesar blew up his dad's computer to start his computer science career, teaching Java to university students, the benefits of Java technology, and participating at Java User Groups and conferences. And most importantly, Cesar talked about his passion for sharing everything he knows with the community.

Cesar Hernandez https://x.com/CesarHgt
Jim Grisanzio https://x.com/jimgris

Duke's Corner Java Podcast https://dukescorner.libsyn.com/


The Future of Refrigerants: Essential Guide to Eco-Friendly Alternatives and the Transition Process