
Costa Rica: Distribuir los beneficios del crecimiento más ampliamente

La economía de Costa Rica es sólida y continúa convergiendo hacia los niveles de vida de los países miembros de la OCDE.


Thailand is advancing in participatory and evidence-based regulatory reform

Reforming the public sector, long a priority for Thailand, involves several challenges. Among these, insufficient public participation in policy-making is undermining the efficient allocation of resources toward public needs and development goals.


Miracle or Mirage: What role can trade policies play in tackling global trade imbalances?

Global trade imbalances narrowed in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. They have remained at a lower level but are still of concern to policy makers because of the risks they pose to individual economies, as well as globally.


Structural policies to boost productivity and inclusion in Costa Rica

Owing to past structural reforms, Costa Rica has enjoyed robust GDP growth and productivity levels are gradually converging towards the OECD average.


To shorten or to lengthen debt maturity to lower debt servicing costs?

Low interest rates prevailing in many advanced economies in recent years have already helped to lower the debt servicing burden, but government debt and interest payments remain large in many OECD countries. Could a further reduction in interest payments be attained by "locking-in" current low interest rates?


Stabilisation policies to strengthen Euro area resilience

The euro area sovereign debt crisis highlighted important weaknesses in the euro area design. Fiscal policy did not build sufficient buffers before the crisis, which forced some countries to tighten fiscal policy too rapidly during the downturn to restore market confidence in sovereign borrowing.


Who are the beneficiaries of the structural funds and the cohesion fund and how does the cohesion policy impact firm-level performance?

This paper exploits a new database that is unique in its scale and scope containing detailed information on over two million projects carried out by one million firms that benefited from the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund in 25 EU member countries during the multi-annual financial framework 2007-2013.


To what extent do policies contribute to self-employment?

Using cross-country time series panel regressions for the last two decades, this paper seeks to identify the main policy and institutional factors that explain the share of selfemployment across European countries.


Dividing the pie in Brazil: income distribution, social policies and the new middle class

Brazil has made remarkable progress in reducing poverty and inequality. This reduction is explained by strong growth but also by effective social policies. Besides growth, public services and cash transfers have played the biggest role, the latter notably through the successful "Bolsa Familia" programme.


OCDE lança Índice para uma Vida melhor no Brasil ao lado de Pelé e às vésperas do pontapé inicial da Copa do Mundo

Hoje, a OCDE lança no Brasil, e na presença da lenda do futebol Pelé, o Índice para uma Vida Melhor totalmente em português. Este é o sexto idioma em que o site está disponível e a tradução permite que a OCDE alcance mais de 240 milhões de falantes de português ao redor do mundo.


Carbon pricing efforts are falling short, but even modest collective action can deliver significant progress, OECD says

Current carbon prices are falling short of the levels needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, but even moderate price increases could have a significant impact, according to new OECD research.


Symposium on New Science-Based Tools for Anticipating and Responding to Global Crises (Paris, 18 April 2012)

This event explored the prospects of providing innovative, actionable information and advice to policymakers and other stakeholders, based on the results of contemporary research on complex dynamic systems.


Guide to Improve the Regulatory Quality of State and Municipal Formalities and boost Mexico's competitiveness

This Guide provides concrete recommendations of high impact reforms to simplify the processes of business start ups, construction permits, property registration, procurement, and to upgrade regulatory transparency and efficiency in the management of formalities in Mexico.


Risk Management: Illicit Trade and the Illegal Economy

OECD Workshop on assessing the harms posed by illicit trade and the illegal economy for global supply chain integrity, economic growth, and market security.


Efficient Public Sectors for Better Governance

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría opens the Global Forum on Better Governance for Inclusive Growth held in Paris. The Forum will focus on public sector reforms worldwide and identify lessons learned, good practices and innovative solutions for advancing the governance reforms necessary to foster inclusive growth.


Accountability, Transparency, Participation: Key Elements of Good Governance

In collaboration with the Federal Government of Germany, the OECD organised four workshops at the International Regulatory Reform Conference (IRRC) 2013 in Berlin. The workshops focused on the use of cost-benefit analysis in governmental decision making, as well as on the role of key actors of regulatory governance in the regulatory policy cycle: Parliaments, regulatory agencies and audit offices.


Measuring Fiscal Decentralisation, Concepts and Policies

This book deals with two issues. The first concerns the various measurement of fiscal decentralization in general and their usefulness for policy analysis. The second and more specific issue concerns the taxonomy of intergovernmental grants and the limits of the current classifications.


Charting Illicit Trade: Sharing Data and Information

OECD Task Force on Charting Illicit Trade


The efficiency and equity of the tax and transfer system in France

Taxes and cash transfers reduce income inequality more in France than elsewhere in the OECD, because of the large size of the flows involved. But the system is complex overall. Its effectiveness could be enhanced in many ways, for example so as to achieve the same amount of redistribution at lower cost.


Cities: green policies can contribute to growth

Cities can generate growth and jobs while becoming greener – this is the message of the OECD’s new Green Growth in Cities report. Drawing on case studies of Paris, Chicago, Kitakyushu and Stockholm, the report identifies green policies that can respond to urban growth priorities and suggests how to implement and finance them.


Workshop: Accessibility to services in regions and cities - Measures and policies

This workshop is to discuss the policy relevance of inequalities in the access to services in regions and cities, including the institutional and territorial organization for service delivery.


Fiscal consolidation across government levels. Part 1: How much, what policies?

This paper provides an overview of fiscal consolidation efforts at the central and sub-central government level, both during the current and past consolidation episodes.


OECD Secretary-General to participate in public administration reform seminar in Madrid on Monday 15 July 2013

The Spanish government has launched a series of ambitious public administration reforms as part of wider efforts to promote economic competitiveness and strengthen trust in government and public institutions.


Deleveraging: challenges, progress and policies

In the run-up to the financial crisis, indebtedness of households and non-financial businesses rose to historically high levels in many OECD countries; gross debt of financial companies rose dramatically relative to GDP. Much of the debt accumulation appears to have been based on excessive risk-taking and exceptional macro-economic conditions and therefore not sustainable.


OECD participation in the 2013 World Water Week

The OECD participated in this annual event held in Stockholm (1-5 September 2013) where two major reports "Water Security for Better Lives" and "Water and Climate Change Adaptation: Policies to Navigate Uncharted Waters" were launched by the OECD's Secretary-General, Angel Gurría.


Regulatory improvement in the Municipality of San Luis Potosí, Mexico

The OECD and the Municipality of San Luis Potosí in Mexico launched a programme to improve municipal formalities according to the OECD Guide.


Policies for inclusive urbanisation in China

Urbanisation in China has long been held back by various restrictions on land and internal migration but has taken off since the 1990s, as these impediments started to be gradually relaxed. People have moved in large numbers to richer cities, where productivity is higher and has increased further thanks to agglomeration effects.


Ministerial meeting: Regions and Cities - Where Policies and People meet

Ministers responsible for regional, urban and territorial development from around the world will gather in Marseille, France on 5-6 December 2013 to share good practices and future opportunities in three areas: effective public investment strategies, inclusive growth in cities and regions, and new frameworks for fitting policies to places.


Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: Measuring OECD Responses

Strengthening OECD firewalls can only do so much to combat a phenomenon which thrives on weak governance. This report highlights that donor agencies can support this goal through their central role in linking OECD and developing countries, and using their aid to support governments willing to tackle these issues.


Local public finances and municipal reform in Finland

Finnish municipalities enjoy ample fiscal autonomy and provide or arrange the provision of a large share of public services. In recent years, their spending and debt has been increasing steadily, especially because of population ageing and increases in the cost of health care and social services.


Better policies for better lives: this time, in your region - Insights Blog

Better policies for better lives: this time, in your region - Insights Blog


Compact City Policies: Korea

Report finds that some Korean policies, such as urban regeneration, new town development or multi-modal transferring centres, have implicitly implemented compact city polices to a certain degree. However, there are still issues - including urban sprawl, unbalanced socio-economic levels and environmental challenges - which can be threats to urban competitiveness.


Implementation of OECD recommendations to improve business formalities in the Municipality of Hermosillo

The second progress report in the implementation of regulatory improvement actions shows a 52% progress for the Municipality of Hermosillo.


New tax and expenditure elasticity estimates for EU budget surveillance

This paper estimates the elasticities of government revenue and expenditure items with respect to the output gap for European Union (EU) countries. These elasticities are used by the European Commission, as part of the EU fiscal surveillance process, to calculate the semi-elasticity of the budget balance as a percentage of GDP with respect to the output gap.


OECD and the Municipality of Metepec launch tramitesmetepec.mx, the new on-line registry for formalities

The tramitesmetepec.mx website organises formalities by “life events”, facilitating the search of information for citizens and entrepreneurs, and reducing the cost of regulatory compliance.


Efficiency and contestability in the Colombian banking system

Despite progress in the past decade, financial markets in Colombia remain relatively small and shallow. In particular the banking system suffers high intermediation costs, which limit constrains access to finance by households and firms.


Improving water safety and global prosperity: Preparedness, participation and return

In January of this year I visited the Mexican state of Tabasco– a state crossed by rivers and facing the Gulf of Mexico. The state’s population has doubled over the past 30 years and its economy relies heavily on oil and natural gas resources. It has its challenges as well: unemployment, poverty and a lack of resources.


Making Colombia’s tax policy more efficient, fair and green

Colombia needs a comprehensive tax reform that boosts revenues and shifts the tax burden to support more inclusive and green growth. Tax loopholes and exemptions that reduce the tax base and favour mainly the rich should be reduced significantly.


Regulatory improvement in the Municipality of Torreon, Mexico

Launch of the OECD programme for regulatory improvement in the Municipality of Torreon, Mexico.


Implementing the OECD Guide to Improve the Quality of State and Municipal Regulations, San Luis Potosi, Mexico

The Municipality of San Luis Potosi scores an 87% progress in implementing the OECD Guide to Improve the Quality of State and Municipal Regulations.


Improving public sector efficiency for more inclusive growth in Latvia

This working paper explores avenues to improve public sector efficiency in Latvia, a catching-up and ageing economy where spending needs are large.


The Territorial Approach to Food Security and Nutrition Policies

The FAO, OECD and UNCDF launched a joint multi-year initiative to assess Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) policies from a territorial perspective. This joint initiative will assess, scale up, and pilot innovative policy approaches and governance mechanisms to improve food security and nutrition in rural areas, in both emerging and developing countries.


Adjusting fiscal balances for the business cycle: new tax and expenditure elasticity estimates for OECD countries

This paper re-estimates the elasticities of government revenue and expenditure items with respect to the output gap for OECD countries. These elasticities are used by the OECD to calculate cyclically adjusted fiscal balances. The study updates the earlier 2005 study using the most recent datasets and tax codes, the coverage being confined in this paper to 35 countries, the 34 OECD member states and Latvia.


Public spending efficiency in the OECD: benchmarking health care, education and general administration

This paper uses data envelopment analysis (DEA) to assess the efficiency of welfare spending in a sample of OECD countries around 2012, focussing on health care, secondary education and general public services.


Raising public spending efficiency in Switzerland

Despite having low government spending, Switzerland scores highly in various public policy outcomes, including health, education and transportation. But, as the population grows and ages, efficiency of public spending will have to rise to maintain low tax rates.


Illicit Trade’s Deadly Margins - Insights Blog

Blog examining how corruption can have a negative impact on citizens health, and underlines the difficulties of controlling trade networks and examines how illicit trade continues to evolve.


National Urban Policies and Habitat III

The OECD has been selected to co-lead one of the ten policy units contributing Habitat III taking place in Quito, Ecuador from 17-20 October 2016.


Cities will become inequality traps without better housing, transport policies

Governments should rethink city housing, transport and other urban systems to ensure that fast-growing cities do not become inequality traps, according to a new OECD report showing that a majority of cities have higher levels of inequality than the national average.


Mejorar la coordinación entre los distintos niveles de gobierno en Colombia permitirá a una inversión pública más eficiente

La inversión pública en Colombia ha aumentado sustancialmente en los últimos años hasta alcanzar casi el 4% del PIB, una cifra superior a la media OCDE de 3.2%. Sin embargo, según indica un nuevo informe de la OCDE, para hacer frente a la brecha en infraestructuras y para superar las desigualdades territoriales será necesario que el país mantenga y amplíe sus esfuerzos en materia de inversión.


Network of Senior Officials from Centres of Government (CoG)

The Centres of Government meetings review issues on how to make the centre of national government work more effectively. They are held annualy by a member of the network.