climate Human migration as a result of climate change: how should governments respond? By Published On :: Thu, 24 September 2015 9:54:32 GMT Human migration as a result of climate change is now a reality. People across Africa, Asia and Latin America are moving in response to unpredictable rainfall patterns. The governments of Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea and small island states, such as the Solomon Islands, have already had to resettle people because of rising seas. A recent policy brief, published by the Institute for Environment and Human Security of the United Nations University, examines this issue and makes recommendations for policy. Full Article
climate Migration: an opportunity to integrate human mobility and climate change adaptation policies By Published On :: Thu, 24 September 2015 9:54:32 GMT The migration, displacement and relocation of people needs to be properly addressed in climate change adaptation plans, says a UN report. Among the report’s recommendations, National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) should ensure that communities affected by climate change-induced hazards, such as flooding and drought, become more resilient. Migration can also be seen as an adaptation strategy in itself. Full Article
climate Time to act on climate change induced migration By Published On :: Thu, 24 September 2015 9:54:32 GMT A recent report presents a series of recommendations for how the EU could address the complex issue of climate change induced migration. There is now sufficient evidence to show that environment-related migration is occurring, and the time is right to put recommendations into practice, the report’s authors argue. Full Article
climate How best to address aviation's full climate impact? By Published On :: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 09:12:34 GMT International regulation does not address non-CO2 emissions from aviation, despite their climate-warming effects. This study reports the findings of the AviClim research project, which investigated the feasibility of including CO2 and non-CO2 species in international protocols. Of several trading scenarios assessed, the authors found that a global emissions trading scheme for both kinds of emissions would be desirable in both environmental and economic terms. Full Article
climate Water trading in the face of climate change By Published On :: Thu, 20 May 2010 15:10:49 +0100 Water trading is the buying and selling of access to water and can be an effective tool for water resource management, particularly in relation to the allocation of water among different users. A new tool that evaluates the long-term impacts of climate change on water trading has indicated that such a scheme could be effective in the future but will depend on factors including water demand and availability. Full Article
climate Action on air pollution benefits both climate and health By Published On :: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 11:59:07 +0100 Measures designed to reduce levels of methane and black carbon in the atmosphere could help bring climate change under control more quickly than CO2 targeting measures alone, according to a new study. The researchers also predict wider benefits for human health and food security from methane-targeted measures. Full Article
climate New climate change adaptation tool to manage water By Published On :: Thu, 24 May 2012 15:34:16 +0100 To identify the best policies to help Mediterranean communities adapt to the effects of climate change on water supply, a team of Spanish researchers have created a methodology that links science outputs to water management policy options. Full Article
climate Forest management for climate change adaptation must fit the context By Published On :: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 17:26:19 GMT Forest management could help adaptation to climate change through its effects on water supply. A long-term US-based study has analysed the impact of forested land use changes on water flow into streams and rivers. It indicated that converting forests from deciduous to pine trees could help water storage in extreme wet conditions, but may be unsuitable in droughts. As such, it recommends tailoring management decisions to the context. Full Article
climate New estimates of the physical and economic consequences in Europe of climate change By Published On :: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 09:12:12 +0100 Research into future climate scenarios suggest that by 2100, climate change could lead to annual damages in the EU from river flooding alone of €14 billion to €21.5 billion, with more people affected than today, and a reduction in household welfare. Full Article
climate Endangered species response to the dual threat of climate change and invasive species By Published On :: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 15:02:25 +0100 The joint threat posed by climate change and invasive alien species can have different effects on endangered native species, new research suggests. This European study predicts that the invasive zebra mussel may benefit from climate change, negatively affecting native mussel populations; but both invasive and native crayfish could suffer declines. Full Article
climate Adaptation is a cost-effective way to protect against river flooding caused by climate change By Published On :: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 9:03:07 GMT The socio-economic costs and benefits of adaptation to river flooding caused by climate change have been assessed in a new study. According to the study, adaptation measures could save €53.1 billion every year in flood-related losses across Europe by 2080. Full Article
climate Equality is key to effective climate change adaptation By Published On :: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 9:23:19 GMT Climate change adaptation measures could improve the security of some groups of society at the expense of others, a new study concludes. Climate change adaptation policies should be based on genuine democracy and investment must be fairly distributed, to ensure that all at-risk groups benefit equally, its authors recommend. Full Article
climate Disease risk predicted by new climate change adaptation tool By Published On :: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT A tool to calculate the risk of food and waterborne diseases under current or future climate change conditions has been presented in a recent study. Free to use, the online tool can help guide climate change adaptation, such as improvements to water management, by estimating the likelihood of contracting four diseases under a range of environmental conditions. Full Article
climate Water management and spatial planning's resilience to climate change: key proposals By Published On :: Thu, 15 May 2014 9:23:19 GMT Eight key features for increasing the climate change resilience of water management and spatial planning projects are presented by new Dutch research. These include: focusing on the long term, integrating the projects with other sustainability measures and encouraging stakeholder participation. Full Article
climate Bathing water disease risk may increase under climate change By Published On :: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Climate change may increase the amount of pathogens entering bathing waters in some areas, finds a new study. The research, carried out in a lagoon in the Baltic Sea, found that, although higher temperatures can reduce microorganism populations, this is likely to be outweighed by contamination due to runoff caused by increased rainfall. The authors are currently developing a system for alerting local authorities and the public to potentially hazardous bathing water. Full Article
climate How vulnerable to climate change is agriculture in the Black Sea region? By Published On :: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 9:23:19 GMT The impacts of climate change in the Black Sea region are likely to affect agriculture in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, new research suggests. The number of days of plant growth was reduced in these countries as a result of reduced precipitation, increased temperatures and low capacity for irrigation to supplement water needs. A strong legal framework is necessary to deal with conflicting future demands for water, say the researchers. Full Article
climate Water demand for crops may rise in northern Germany under warmer climate By Published On :: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 9:23:19 GMT By 2070, there may be insufficient water for irrigation to ensure yields and profitability for some crops currently grown in northern Germany - if the IPCC´s worst case climate change scenario becomes a reality - new research warns. To reduce future demand for water under a changing climate, the study suggests that farmers grow different crops and change their management practices. Full Article
climate Recent changes in plant life cycles caused by a changing climate By Published On :: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 15:08:28 GMT Changes in the timing of biological events in plants, such as flowering, observed in recent decades are in response to ongoing climate change, according to recent research from Spain. These results can be used to improve modelling of the effects of future climate change on plants and crops in the region. Full Article
climate New method assesses vulnerability of amphibians to climate change By Published On :: Thu, 6 May 2010 12:31:38 +0100 New research has identified the areas in the Western hemisphere where climate change may have the greatest impacts on amphibians. Alongside traditional methods to predict shifts in geographical ranges, it mapped species with particularly restricted ranges and identified areas most likely to receive less precipitation in the future. Full Article
climate Temperate ponds will have more species as the climate warms By Published On :: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 18:07:18 +0100 Ponds are considered to be ideal early warning systems that can be used to assess the effects of climate change at the local level. A recent study suggests warmer temperatures are likely to significantly increase the number of species found in ponds in temperate areas, especially at high altitudes. However, despite an overall increase, some species would also become extinct. Full Article
climate Climate change will alter the structure of Europe's tree of life By Published On :: Thu, 5 May 2011 14:36:22 +0100 Climate change will cause widespread biodiversity loss in Europe, but is unlikely to wipe out entire groups of closely related species, according to a new study. The researchers made their predictions using cutting edge modelling techniques to assess the impact of climate change on the "tree of life". Full Article
climate Possible impact of climate change and fish farming on Atlantic salmon By Published On :: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 12:02:44 +0100 Urban planning policy has had a powerful influence on the amount of green space in cities, according to a recent UK study. It found that a change in planning policy in 2000 led to a decline in urban green space in nine cities between 2001 and 2006, although the amount of green space in all but one of the cities studied has increased overall since 1991. Full Article
climate Otters' conservation reveals need to adapt to climate change By Published On :: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 10:17:56 +0100 There is a need for conservation strategies to consider the changing factors that threaten endangered species, such as climate change. Focusing on the European otter, new research has indicated that climate change will change this important freshwater species' distribution, which may mean that existing conservation areas no longer offer protection. Full Article
climate Birds and butterflies fail to follow climate change temperature rise By Published On :: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 11:48:01 GMT As the climate changes, animal species are predicted to adapt by moving northwards so they can remain within their preferred temperature range. Now, researchers have found that bird and butterfly populations are not keeping up with changing temperatures and, on average, European bird and butterfly species lag around 212km and 135km, respectively, behind climate changes. Full Article
climate Risk of sleeping sickness in Africa spreads under climate change By Published On :: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 12:18:48 +0100 By 2090, up to 76.7 million more people in Africa could be at risk of infection by the parasite that causes sleeping sickness, according to recent research. The study predicted which areas of Africa would be at greatest risk in future. Full Article
climate Arctic microbes: Good or bad for mitigating climate change? By Published On :: Tue, 17 Apr 2012 14:58:54 +0100 The rapid loss of Arctic sea ice affects not only animals that live on the ice but also microbial communities that live within the ice. A recent study discusses how microbes are affected by climate change, in some cases providing an early warning of major environmental shifts but in other cases amplifying them. Full Article
climate Local management helps species adapt to climate change By Published On :: Thu, 2 Aug 2012 12:05:14 +0100 As the climate changes, habitat specialist species will be forced to either adapt to new conditions or move to more suitable habitat. Now, researchers from the UK have shown how conservationists can use local management practices to help these species expand into new areas with favourable conditions. Full Article
climate Important polar ecosystem could be altered by climate change By Published On :: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 11:31:10 GMT Climate change could alter the species diversity of an important type of polar bacterial community, according to laboratory tests. At temperatures similar to those forecasted using current climate warming rates, researchers observed an increase in toxin-producing bacteria that could alter freshwater polar ecosystems. Full Article
climate Invasive alien slug could spread further with climate change By Published On :: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 10:00:41 GMT A recent study sheds light on why some alien species are more likely to become invasive than others. The research in Switzerland found that the alien Spanish slug is better able to survive under changing environmental conditions than the native Black slug, thanks to its robust 'Jack-of-all-trades' nature. Full Article
climate Mangroves provide both climate change mitigation and adaptation services By Published On :: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 11:21:54 +0100 Rates of carbon storage by mangroves are substantially higher than previously thought, research suggests. Using new data, researchers have estimated that worldwide, mangroves bury 26.1 megatonnes of organic carbon per year, which is 42% more than the estimations made in 2008. Full Article
climate Effective climate change mitigation in the form of seagrass restoration projects By Published On :: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 9:23:19 GMT Seagrass restoration projects could effectively mitigate climate change, capturing up to 1337 tons of CO2 per hectare after 50 years, new research suggests. If a carbon tax system was in place, the researchers add, these schemes would likely provide returns at least equal to the initial investment needed, assuming the tax was set at an appropriate level. Full Article
climate The effects of climate change on seafloor ecosystems By Published On :: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Ocean warming driven by climate change will reduce the amount of food reaching marine life on the seafloor, a recent study suggests. This would result in a 5.2% global reduction in seafloor biomass by the end of the 21st century and biodiversity hotspots, such as cold-water coral reefs, will be particularly badly affected, say the researchers. Full Article
climate Alder tree decline in Europe: how does climate affect the spread of damaging pathogen? By Published On :: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 9:23:19 GMT Milder winters under climate change could increase the extent of alder tree (Alnus glutinosa) decline in Europe due to the increased spread of the pathogen Phytophthora alni, a recent study has found. However, this may be offset by hotter summers, which reduce the severity of the disease. Full Article
climate Risk perceptions are essential in communicating about climate change By Published On :: Thu, 17 September 2015 9:12:34 GMT Experts and members of coastal communities possess both differences and similarities in how they perceive the risks associated with changes in sea level. A new study, based on interviews with both, has found that future communication about the risks should focus on specific adaptation and mitigation strategies. Full Article
climate Vegetation of coast dunes not changing due to climate change By Published On :: Thu, 17 September 2015 9:12:34 GMT Scientists did not observe changes in plant communities in the coastal dunes of Scotland due to climate change in the past several decades. The region’s proximity to the ocean and its patchy make-up may prevent it from experiencing rapid changes in species distribution. Full Article
climate Localised adaptation makes some oysters more resilient to climate change than others By Published On :: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 09:12:34 GMT Olympia oysters (Ostrea lurida) have been shown to adapt to local environments that are as little as 20 km apart, and these adaptations can be passed on to offspring. In this study, oysters that originated from less saline areas tended to be more resilient to extremely low saline conditions than oysters from more saline areas. Since episodes of reduced salinity are a predicted effect of climate change in the San Francisco Bay area under study, the authors say their findings could be useful for future conservation and restoration efforts. Full Article
climate Climate change threatens early-flowering plants due to lack of snow By Published On :: Thu, 09 Jun 2016 09:01:15 GMT Among the ecological effects of climate change are changes to the timing of natural events, such as flowering. To understand why these phenological changes affect reproduction, this study manipulated conditions in a spring herb to prompt premature flowering. This exposed the flowers to frost, and resulting damage caused dramatic reductions in plant reproduction, suggesting that climate change may threaten plant survival. Full Article
climate Early warnings: climate change may force plant ranges to split, threatening genetic diversity By Published On :: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 09:01:15 GMT Signs that the ranges of sub-mountainous forest plants in France have contracted in response to global warming have been detected in a new study. This pattern is likely to induce a splitting of these species’ ranges across Europe under future climate change, which could have serious consequences for plant genetic diversity and the capacity of plant populations to adapt to warming climates, say the researchers. Full Article
climate Biodiversity scenarios should focus on land use as well as climate change By Published On :: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 09:01:15 GMT Biodiversity scenarios are a useful tool to help policymakers predict how flora and fauna will likely respond to future environmental conditions. Although changes to land use are a major driver of biodiversity loss, scenarios focus overwhelmingly on climate change, a new study shows. The researchers say this imbalance makes scenarios less credible, and make recommendations for developing more plausible projections. Full Article
climate New trait-based method predicts whether mammals can keep up with climate change By Published On :: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 09:12:34 GMT A new approach to modelling the spread of mammal populations under climate change has been developed. The method overcomes the problem of missing ecological data for most species by using information on species characteristics, or ‘traits’, associated with population demographic rates and individual movements to deduce which species move too slowly to escape climate change’s effects on their habitat. The model’s results suggest that around 30% of mammal species may not be able to disperse quickly enough to survive. Full Article
climate How will climate change and other environmental changes affect vegetation? By Published On :: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 10:12:34 +0100 Climate change and other environmental changes can have major impacts on plant communities. Researchers have assessed current methods of understanding the impact of these global changes on vegetation and outlined the implications for future research. Vegetation is highly dynamic and likely to respond in complex ways to environmental changes. Researchers should, therefore, use a variety of methods to predict vegetation change in order for findings to be useful for policymaking. Full Article
climate Diverse fish communities have greater resistance to climate change By Published On :: Thu, 08 Sep 2016 10:12:34 +0100 Marine fisheries play a key role in feeding human populations, but are faced with the twin threats of overexploitation and climate change. Using a comprehensive database of global reef-fish communities, a team of researchers has found that the greater the diversity of fish in an assemblage, the less vulnerable that assemblage is to climate change. The researchers suggest climate change mitigation efforts should include a focus on maintaining a wide range of species in at-risk communities. Full Article
climate How does climate change affect birds? New tool provides accurate measurements to support biodiversity targets By Published On :: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 10:12:34 +0100 A new long-term monitoring study is the first to demonstrate that climate changes are having divergent effects on populations of bird species across Europe and the United States. The study identifies broad-scale impacts on the abundance of common bird species over a 30-year period, to show that, overall, populations of bird species across both continents are being affected by changes in climate. The research adds to a growing body of evidence that climate change is affecting biodiversity either positively or adversely, depending on species’ climate preferences. Full Article
climate Better predictions of climate change impact on wildlife thanks to genetically informed modelling By Published On :: Thur, 24 Nov 2016 9:23:19 GMT The effects of climate change on the distribution of species can be predicted more accurately by considering the genetic differences between different groups of the same species, a new study suggests. The researchers found that a computer model which incorporated genetic information on different groups of a US tree species was up to 12 times more accurate in predicting tree locations than a non-genetically informed model. Full Article
climate Ocean acidification — caused by climate change — likely to reduce the survival rate of Atlantic cod larvae By Published On :: Thur, 15 Dec 2016 9:23:19 GMT The impact of ocean acidification — caused by increased carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions dissolving in sea water — on Atlantic cod larvae has been assessed in a new study. The researchers estimate that, under scenarios which might be reached at the end of the century, ocean acidification could double the mortality rate of cod larvae, reducing replenishment of juvenile fish into cod fisheries to 24% of previous recruitment. Full Article
climate Solar park impacts on microclimate, plants and greenhouse gas emissions By Published On :: Thur, 15 Dec 2016 9:23:19 GMT A UK solar park has been found to change the local microclimate, reports recently published research. Moreover, the microclimate coupled with management activities had an impact on greenhouse gas emissions and plant-community diversity and productivity under the solar panels. The study’s authors say their research provides a starting point for considering how to improve solar-park design in order to deliver co-benefits for biodiversity and farming, and minimise any negative environmental effects. Full Article
climate Review confirms climate change is threatening many ecosystem services By Published On :: Thur, 09 Feb 2017 9:23:19 GMT Climate change is having mixed — but mostly negative — impacts on ecosystem services, suggest data analysed by a new study. The research, which brings together the findings of over 100 other studies, found that 59% of reported impacts of climate change on ecosystem services are negative, while just 13% are positive. However, the method of research was shown to strongly influence whether impacts are reported as positive or negative, with expert opinion studies far more negative than other types of study. Full Article
climate High soil carbon in Natura 2000 sites brings potential for climate-smart conservation By Published On :: Thur, 09 Mar 2017 9:23:19 GMT Natura 2000 sites have, on average, 10% more carbon in their topsoil than non-protected areas, according to new research. They also generally have lower economic value for agriculture. The results suggest that there is significant potential to develop win-win biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation efforts within the EU. Full Article
climate Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: nature conservation and climate policy are mutually beneficial (Germany) By Published On :: Thur, 05 October 2017 9:23:19 GMT A new study has assessed the value of ecosystem-based approaches to mitigating climate changes and conserving biodiversity in Germany. The researchers highlight the trade-offs and synergies between climate adaptation and nature conservation and suggest that effective ecosystem-based climate policy requires improved coordination between different sectors, such as agriculture, forestry and energy. Full Article
climate Cantabrian brown-bear population: how climate change may endanger its long-term conservation, Spain By Published On :: Thur, 20 June 2019 11:23:19 GMT The impacts of climate changes can force animal- and, over a longer time period, plant species to shift their range. Forests in temperate regions, such as north-western Spain, will be increasingly exposed to drought over the next few decades, which is likely to cause geographical changes in their distribution and make-up1. New patterns of plant occupancy or plant extinction have a bottom-up effect on animal species dependent on them, which can significantly impact on isolated or endangered populations of animals. This study sought to assess the potential impact of climate change on the brown-bear (Ursus arctos) population in the Cantabrian Mountains. Full Article