
Regulatory management practices in OECD countries

This paper provides analysis of the regulatory governance of network sector regulators in electricity, gas, telecommunications, rail, airport and ports within the OECD as it stood in 2013.


Regulations in services sectors and their impact on downstream industries: the OECD 2013 REGIMPACT indicator

This document presents the new 2013 set of the OECD Regulatory Impact (REGIMPACT) indicator. It measures the impact of regulatory barriers to competition in non-manufacturing sectors on all industries, through intermediate inputs.


Insolvency regimes and productivity growth: a framework for analysis

This paper develops an analytical framework to identify the policies relevant for firm exit and the channels through which they shape aggregate productivity growth.


Insolvency regimes and productivity growth: a framework for analysis

This paper develops an analytical framework to identify the policies relevant for firm exit and the channels through which they shape aggregate productivity growth.


Does Fiscal Decentralisation Foster Regional Convergence?

Across the OECD, GDP per capita is converging. In contrast, regional disparities – or differences in GDP per capita across jurisdictions – are rising, mainly as a result of widening productivity differences. Fiscal decentralisation could help reduce them again. According to new OECD research, assigning more ownsource revenue to sub-national governments dampens regional GDP disparities and underpins regional convergence.


Inefficient insolvency regimes: a barrier to creative destruction?

A key recent OECD work, the "Future of Productivity" implies that inefficient firms increasingly linger as opposed to exit the market, despite their inability to adopt new technologies.


How do product market regulations affect workers? Evidence from the network industries

Knowing who gains and loses from regulatory reform is important for understanding the political economy of reform. Using micro-level data from 26 countries, this paper studies how regulatory reform of network industries, a policy priority in many advanced economies, influences the labour market situation of workers in network industries.


Regulation, institutions and aggregate investment: new evidence from OECD countries

This paper investigates the relationship linking investment (capital stock) and structural policies.


Regulation, institutions and productivity: new macroeconomic evidence from OECD countries

Empirical research on the drivers of multi-factor productivity (MFP) is abundant at the firm- and industry level but surprisingly little research has been conducted on the determinants of MFP at the macroeconomic level.


Financial re-regulation since the global crisis? An index-based assessment

How has policy responded since the crisis: with re-regulation or continued liberalisation?


Insolvency Regimes, Zombie Firms and Capital Reallocation

This paper explores cross-country differences in the design of insolvency regimes and their potential links with two inter-related sources of labour productivity weakness: the survival of "zombie" firms (firms that would typically exit in a competitive market) and capital misallocation.


Slovenia: Boost investment and productivity through better skills and regulation

The Slovenian economy is rebounding after a long downturn, experiencing stronger growth, declining unemployment, healthier public finances and renewed income convergence with more advanced European economies. Further reforms are now needed to increase investment, boost productivity, improve living standards and ensure that all Slovenians benefit from inclusive growth, according to a new report from the OECD.


Achieving strong and balanced regional development in India

While India’s per capita income is converging towards that of the richer countries, inequality has drifted up.


Do government transfers reduce poverty in China? Micro evidence from five regions

This paper estimates urban and rural poverty rates across five Chinese administrative regions (Shanghai, Liaoning, Guangdong, Henan and Gansu) in 2014 using representative household level data from the China Family Panel Studies survey.


Aggregate multi-factor productivity: measurement issues in OECD countries

This paper analyses for 34 OECD countries the extent to which the calculation of aggregate multi-factor productivity (MFP) is sensitive to alternative parameterisations.


Deepening regional integration within the Southern African Development Community (SADC)

Deepening regional integration within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) will raise potential growth for all member countries.


Reducing regional disparities in productivity in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom displays large regional disparities in productivity compared to most other OECD countries, with a large gap between London and most other regions.


Thailand is advancing in participatory and evidence-based regulatory reform

Reforming the public sector, long a priority for Thailand, involves several challenges. Among these, insufficient public participation in policy-making is undermining the efficient allocation of resources toward public needs and development goals.


Network service deregulation and manufacturing exports in Greece

Network sectors (energy, transport and communications) have undergone a process of liberalisation in Greece in more than a decade.


Sectoral and regional distribution of export shocks: What do two hundred thousand UK firm observations say?

This study explores the impact of export shocks on firms and re-aggregates results to derive distributional effects on sectors and regions.


Design of insolvency regimes across countries

This paper explores cross-country differences in the design of insolvency regimes, based on quantitative indicators constructed from countries’ responses to a recent OECD policy questionnaire.


Regulatory framework for the loan-based crowdfunding platforms

In a growing number of OECD countries policymakers are designing specific regulations for lending-based crowdfunding platforms.


Multi-level governance and robust water allocation regimes needed to secure Brazil’s future water needs

The recent droughts in Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo states have exposed the need to shift from crisis management to effective risk governance of the country’s water resources, according to a new OECD report.


Governance: The Chicago Tri-State metro area is a powerful region – policy makers must work together to maintain a global pole position and fully realise the region’s potential

Chicago is at a tipping point: despite economic strengths, it faces considerable challenges to compete in the “Premier League” of world-class cities, warns the OECD’s review of the Chicago Tri-State Metropolitan Region.


Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in the Czech Republic and other countries

The aim of this workshop was to present recent developments in implementing Regulatory Impact Assessment in the Czech Republic as well as to enable an exposure to different approaches in some leading OECD countries.


Guide to Improve the Regulatory Quality of State and Municipal Formalities and boost Mexico's competitiveness

This Guide provides concrete recommendations of high impact reforms to simplify the processes of business start ups, construction permits, property registration, procurement, and to upgrade regulatory transparency and efficiency in the management of formalities in Mexico.


OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation: Central and Southern Denmark

This book examines regional innovation in central and southern Denmark, looking at its role in the economy, its governance and policy context and regional strategies for innovation driven growth.


Building Resilient Regions after a Natural Disaster

This publication is the follow-up to the forum held in March 2012. It offers proposals to counter the effects of the earthquake shock, to secure the sustainability of the local economy.


Reform of Regulatory Enforcement and Inspections in OECD Countries

This report summarises the results of the survey on regulatory enforcement and inspections conducted among OECD countries in 2012. The report draws some general conclusions from this survey and provides theoretical background on the topic. It also suggests some recommendations for organising and reforming inspections.


Mexico must improve water governance, financing and regulation, says OECD Secretary General Angel Gurría

Mexico’s river basins are under severe water stress. The quality of rivers, lakes and aquifers is declining and floods, droughts, and hurricanes are more frequent. These are some of the alerts signaled in OECD’s Making Water Reform Happen in Mexico.


OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation: Wallonia, Belgium 2012

This publication looks at regional innovation in Wallonia, Belgium, by examining the political context, governance issues and the role of innovation in the economy, along with regional innovation strategies to promote growth.


Workshop: Accessibility to services in regions and cities - Measures and policies

This workshop is to discuss the policy relevance of inequalities in the access to services in regions and cities, including the institutional and territorial organization for service delivery.


Regional Development Policy Newsletter: Autumn 2013

Newsletter on regional development for autumn 2013.


Measuring regulatory performance at sub-national level: Benefits and challenges

This workshop served to discuss how benchmarking and measuring regulatory performance can help advance a regulatory policy at the sub-national level.


Workshop on competition assessment in Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA)

The OECD, in co-ordination with Mexico's Ministry of Economy and COFEMER, organised a workshop to train federal officials to understake competition assessment as part of the RIA framework.


Regulatory improvement in the Municipality of San Luis Potosí, Mexico

The OECD and the Municipality of San Luis Potosí in Mexico launched a programme to improve municipal formalities according to the OECD Guide.


Regulatory Reform in the Middle East and North Africa: Implementing Regulatory Policy Principles to Foster Inclusive Growth

This report assesses progress in the implementation of regulatory policy within the MENA region and highlights good practices from Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority and Tunisia.


Insights Blog: Why should the Middle East and North Africa care about regulatory reform?

The report "Regulatory Reform in the Middle East and North Africa" assesses progress in the implementation of regulatory policy within the MENA region and highlights good practices from Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority and Tunisia.


Governments can do more to regain trust, says OECD report

The global economic crisis has undermined trust in government. Today only four out of ten citizens in OECD countries say they have confidence in their national authorities. Not surprisingly, trust declined in the countries hit hardest by the crisis, such as Ireland, Greece, Slovenia and Portugal.


Regions and Innovation: Collaborating Across Borders

This report examines cross-border collaboration on innovation, building on case studies of cross-border areas that include the following countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom and Ireland.


The role of parliaments in promoting better regulation

The OECD and the Scrutiny Committee on Law Implementation of the French Senate co-organised a conference on 5 December 2013 on “Law evaluation and better regulation: the role for parliaments” at the Luxembourg Palace in Paris.


Ministerial meeting: Regions and Cities - Where Policies and People meet

Ministers responsible for regional, urban and territorial development from around the world will gather in Marseille, France on 5-6 December 2013 to share good practices and future opportunities in three areas: effective public investment strategies, inclusive growth in cities and regions, and new frameworks for fitting policies to places.


Improved multi-level governance key to tackling widening regional inequalities and ensuring inclusive recovery

The economic crisis has hit certain regions and cities harder than others in the OECD area, calling for better regional policies across levels of governments to foster an inclusive and sustainable recovery, according to two new OECD reports.


Regional Development Policy Newsletter, Spring 2014

This is the spring 2014 edition of the regional development policy newsletter.


6th Expert Meeting on Measuring Regulatory Performance: Evaluating Stakeholder Engagement in Regulatory Policy

Workshop held in The Hague on 17-18 June 2014 to evaluate stakeholder engagement in regulatory policy


OECD Framework for Regulatory Policy Evaluation

The OECD Framework for Regulatory Policy Evaluation assists countries in systematically evaluating the design and implementation of regulatory policy, against the achievement of strategic regulatory objectives.


OECD launches interactive website on regional well-being

Life expectancy, air quality, safety and other indicators of well-being can vary dramatically within countries, depending on which region you live in. Looking beyond national averages is vital to get an accurate picture of quality of life and to guide local government policy.


Poorer regions struggling to catch up in advanced economies, says OECD

Living standards continue to diverge within many economically advanced countries as poorer regions struggle to catch up with richer ones. Half of the 34 OECD countries have seen the income gap between their best-off and worst-off regions widen since the 2008 crisis, according to new OECD research.


Improving Risk Regulation: From crisis response to learning and innovation

Jointly organised by the OECD, Duke University and IRGC, this international conference will identify, evaluate and discuss the relevance and effectiveness of new approaches to improving risk governance, both as they result from responding to and learning from crises, and as deliberate innovations in how regulatory power is exercised and shared.


Workshop: Elaboration and evaluation of regulatory impact assessment (RIA) at sub-national level

This workshop provided practical information and learning through case studies, group exercises and presentations from government officials with extensive experience in applying regulatory impact assessment (RIA) systems.