t Home supervision requirements By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 - 12:28 Home supervision requirements are a type of legal supervision order at home which is unique to the Scottish system of child legislation. Despite being the most common type of disposal used by the Children’s Hearing little is known about how HSRs work in practice or about its impact on young people and families. Using a multi-method approach that included secondary analysis of the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) dataset; documentary analysis of social work case files; and in-depth interviews; this research seeks to find out more about the nature, scope and outcomes of HSRs from the perspective of those who are affected the most by this type of compulsory intervention – young people, their parents and social workers. Full Article
t The trauma of parenting traumatised children By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 - 12:39 This article explores the impact of abandonment abuse and neglect, not only on children but, centrally, on the foster carers, adopters and kinship carers who parent children where it has been deemed that a return home to birth parents is not in their interests. (For purposes of simplicity we will refer to these carers as ‘parenting figures’.) In doing this we aim to provide parenting figures with support and understanding as well as reducing the feelings of isolation that is often integral to parenting ‘looked after’ children. Full Article
t Violent and aggressive children. Caring for those who care By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 - 12:44 The topic of domestic violence is an emotive one conjuring visions of child abuse by parents or carers, or marital violence, in general abuse by men of their wives or partners. According to published police statistics in Scotland for the years of 2012 – 13 male violence of women accounted for 80% of all domestic abuse, and in 2014 over 2,600 children in Scotland were identified as needing protection from abuse. This is particularly concerning since the NSPCC suggests that, for every child who has been identified, there are 8 other children who are at risk but who are ‘under the radar’. These statistics, highlighting the underlying nature of inter-family abuse relationships, i.e. the abuse of less powerful and more vulnerable family members by more powerful adults, undoubtedly account for the majority of the abuse situations within family homes. However this is, sadly, not the whole story. Understanding abuse within a family means recognising the impact of sibling aggression on every family member. It also needs to encompass the growing recognition of child to parent aggression and it is this latter aspect of inter-family relationships with which this article is primarily concerned. Full Article
t Personal Outcomes Network By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Monday, August 31, 2015 - 11:37 The Personal Outcomes Network is made up of several organisations working towards the development and implementation of a personal outcomes approach. This site has been developed to bring together a range of resources to support the development and implementation of a personal outcomes approach in health and social care, as well as other human services. Full Article
t Leading change in supervison: messages from practice By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Monday, August 31, 2015 - 12:00 This report describes the rationale, process and learning from a project led by IRISS which explored the topic of supervision with a group of six partners from across the social services sector. The purpose of this report is to share the learning gathered through the project to provide some evidence, inspiration, and pointers for those interested in improving supervision. Key points from the report can be used to prompt reflection and discussion with teams, to review current supervision practice and to help plan improvements. Full Article
t Evaluation of sixteen women's community justice services in Scotland By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, September 4, 2015 - 10:25 In 2013-15, the Scottish Government funded 16 projects proposed by criminal justice partners across Scotland to develop community services for women who offend. Developments were based on existing service provision and to ensure changes could be sustained locally at the end of the funding. Funding varied in amount and timeframes. Most of the projects were undertaken by local authority criminal justice social work1 (CJSW) departments with partner providers, including public and third sector agencies. The national evaluation examined how the 16 women’s community justice services (WCJSs) were implemented and to what extent they contributed towards positive outcomes for women. A further aim was to build local capacity for self-evaluation in WCJSs. Findings were drawn from two phases of interviews with practitioners and women, secondary documents, and quantitative data for 1,778 women who were in the WCJSs between April and December 2014. This included outcomes data for 406 women. Full Article
t What helps women who have learning disabilities get checked for cervical cancer? By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Monday, September 7, 2015 - 13:47 This is a paper produced as part of the PROP2 (Practitioner Research: Outcomes and Partnership) programme, a partnership between the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) at the University of Edinburgh and IRISS that was about health and social care in Scotland. This paper was written by Elaine Monteith from ENABLE Scotland who participated in the PROP2 programme. What this research paper explores: All women are asked to go to the doctor every few years to get a check for cancer but women who have a learning disability don’t go for these checks as often as other women. The paper explore what barriers there are for women attending for checks and also looks at what could be done to encourage women them to attend. Full Article
t Harnessing knowledge for innovative and cost-effective practice: the role of the intermediary By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Tuesday, September 22, 2015 - 14:07 Explores how the Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) promotes the delivery of cost effective social services in Scotland that will support the achievement of positive outcomes for people accessing support. It identifies a number of principles that underpin the work of IRISS and suggests how these facilitate innovative evidence-informed practice. The approach to evidence-informed practice comprises four pillars of activity. The first pillar focuses on improving awareness and access to evidence and is exemplified by the Learning Exchange, the IRISS Insights series, and audio and video recording. The second pillar refers to strengthening the evidence base and is discussed in the context of work on self-directed support. Improving skills and confidence to use evidence forms the third pillar and is represented by work on data visualisation and peer support for self-evaluation. The final pillar is embedding evidence in organisations, through co-production, creating spaces to test and challenge evidence, and through the development of evidence-based products. Supporting people to share knowledge, learn from each other and to collectively produce new knowledge and solutions is an innovative approach but also one which should be cost-effective. Pre-print. Published in Evidence and Policy, 2014 (10)4 as Embedding research into practice through innovation and creativity: a case study from social services Full Article
t With a little help from my friends: The ‘Circle of Friends’ approach By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Sunday, September 27, 2015 - 22:33 This is a paper produced as part of the PROP2 (Practitioner Research: Outcomes and Partnership) programme, a partnership between the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) at the University of Edinburgh and IRISS that was about health and social care in Scotland. This paper was written by Raymond Brennan from ENABLE Scotland who participated in the PROP2 programme. This research is an attempt to understand the difficulties people with learning disabilities face around friendships and relationships. Recent evidence produced in the ‘Keys to Life’ highlights the impact social isolation has on people with learning disabilities. This research is concerned with the experiences parents and children have when choosing their options of schooling, and if the ‘Circle of Friends’ approach would make the option of mainstream school less daunting. Full Article
t Short breaks in 2015, an uncertain future By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 - 10:28 Short breaks are among the most fundamental services for supporting families with disabled children. By providing breaks from caring and positive experiences for children and young people, they allow parent carers to focus on relationships with other children, or to have time to themselves or with their partner, leading to lower levels of psychological distress, higher levels of life satisfaction and better health. As a result, fewer parent carers reach ‘breaking point’ and fewer children require access to emergency provision or enter the looked after system. This report, commissioned by Every Disabled Child Matters, looks at the current provision of short breaks to families of disabled children in England. Full Article
t People affected by dementia programme. Individual awards pilot projects: Argyll & Bute and Edinburgh. Evaluation report By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 - 10:37 This evaluation report is based on feedback from people living with dementia and carers who received an Individual Award from the Life Changes Trust. The Individual Awards Pilot Scheme was run in Argyll & Bute and Edinburgh in 2014-15 and aimed to provide a small amount of additional financial empowerment to a number of individuals whose lives have been affected by dementia, to help improve their well-being and quality of life. A secondary aim of the pilot scheme was to find out what people would spend the Award on when given relatively broad choice, and what benefit that might bring in the short and medium terms. Full Article
t Better Breaks - A summary of projects funded between Apiril 2014 and March 2015 By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Thursday, November 5, 2015 - 15:28 The Better Breaks funding programme is focused on improving the range and availability of short break opportunities for disabled children and young people, particularly those with multiple support needs, including short break opportunities that families can enjoy together, or which allow parents and siblings to have time away from their caring responsibilities. This is the summary report. Full Article
t ‘I’ve been thinking’: How does completing life story work affect people with dementia? By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 20, 2015 - 12:14 This is a paper produced as part of the PROP2 (Practitioner Research: Outcomes and Partnership) programme, a partnership between the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) at the University of Edinburgh and IRISS that was about health and social care in Scotland. This paper was written by iain Houston from Alzeimer Scotland who participated in the PROP2 programme. What this research paper explores: An explorative case study investigating how completing a life story project affected a person with dementia. Full Article
t Impact of antiretroviral therapy on liver disease progression and mortality in patients co-infected with HIV and hepatitis C: systematic review and meta-analysis By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 20, 2015 - 12:29 Systematic review produced by the EPPI-Centre in 2015.This systematic review aimed to evaluate the effect of HAART and ARV monotherapy on liver disease progression and liver-related mortality in individuals co-infected with HIV and hepatitis C, including in patients with haemophilia. Full Article
t How do we ensure that training and information support contributes to positive outcomes for carers? By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 20, 2015 - 12:37 This is a paper produced as part of the PROP2 (Practitioner Research: Outcomes and Partnership) programme, a partnership between the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) at the University of Edinburgh and Iriss that was about health and social care in Scotland. This paper was written by Alan Gilmour from Glasgow City Community Health Partnership who participated in the PROP2 programme. This research aimed to gain an understanding of how training and information support contributes to positive outcomes for carers. It provided a range of information to answer specific questions such as: • Do carers feel that their needs are identified appropriately at different stages of their journey? • Does training contribute to the carer’s outcomes? • What are the barriers to carers engaging in training? Full Article
t SCIE report 68: SCIE learning together - reflections from the South West project By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 20, 2015 - 14:09 Report 68 published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in November 2014. This report will help readers to understand the Learning Together methodology. Full Article
t Self-neglect policy and practice: building an evidence base for adult social care By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 20, 2015 - 14:21 Report 69 published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in November 2014. This research, commissioned by the Department of Health (DH), set out to identify what could be learned about current policy and practice in self-neglect, experienced as a highly challenging aspect of contemporary adult social care. Full Article
t Resilience and wellbeing in people living with dementia in relation to perceived attitudes in their communities By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 20, 2015 - 14:28 This is a paper produced as part of the PROP2 (Practitioner Research: Outcomes and Partnership) programme, a partnership between the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) at the University of Edinburgh and Iriss that was about health and social care in Scotland. This paper was written by Geraldine Ditta from Alzheimer Scotland who participated in the PROP2 programme. People living with dementia are at risk of becoming socially isolated and disconnected from their local communities. Reactions from others on being told someone has dementia can have a significant impact on the person with dementia’s sense of self. This study sought to explore the perceptions of people with dementia in relation to attitudes within their communities and how they subsequently respond. Semi-structured interviews were carried out to examine how they feel about their lives with dementia. Full Article
t Mental Capacity Act (MCA) resource By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 20, 2015 - 14:29 This report shows commissioners and providers of care how to embed the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) into care and support planning across the board. Full Article
t Community-led care and support: a new paradigm By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 20, 2015 - 14:37 Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) Report 71 from SCIE Roundtable held on 12 February 2015. The aim of the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) roundtable discussion was to identify, celebrate, support and learn from community-led activity. Full Article
t Leading the Care Act By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 20, 2015 - 14:49 Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) Report 72 from SCIE Roundtable held on 5 March 2015. This roundtable session explored the kind of leadership required to make the Care Act a success. Full Article
t Can yoga create calm in people with dementia? By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 20, 2015 - 14:53 This is a paper produced as part of the PROP2 (Practitioner Research: Outcomes and Partnership) programme, a partnership between the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) at the University of Edinburgh and Iriss that was about health and social care in Scotland. This paper was written by Sarah Duff from Alzheimer Scotland who participated in the PROP2 programme and is a research study exploring the experience of group yoga classes and music with those affected by dementia Full Article
t Technology changing lives: how technology can support the goals of the Care Act By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 20, 2015 - 15:00 Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) Report 73 from SCIE roundtable discussion held on 26 March 2015. This report considers the potential of technology to transform how health and social care services are delivered. Full Article
t Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland (CCPS) By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 27, 2015 - 09:31 CCPS is the Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland. Their mission is to identify, represent, promote and safeguard the interests of third sector and not-for-profit social care and support providers in Scotland, so that they can maximise the impact they have on meeting social need. Full Article
t Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 27, 2015 - 09:42 The Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) draws on research and practice, from across the world, to provide a comprehensive, up-to-date resource on all aspects of dementia. Full Article
t Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR) By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 27, 2015 - 09:54 The core purpose of the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR) is to carry out high quality, internationally recognised research in relation to crime and criminal justice. Full Article
t Scottish Consortium for Learning Disabilities (SCLD) By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 27, 2015 - 10:06 SCLD brings together some of the most respected practitioners and thinkers from across the learning disability sector who work alongside people who have learning disabilities and their families and carers.The team at SCLD is focused on delivering real change through influencing policy, identifying and sharing evidence and good practice and challenging public attitudes. SCLD aims to be a knowledge hub – offering support, information and new ideas about learning disability in Scotland. Full Article
t British Association of Social Workers (BASW) By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 27, 2015 - 10:49 BASW is the largest professional association for social work in the UK, with offices in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. BASW promote the best possible social work services for all people who may need them, while also securing the well being of social workers. Full Article
t British Institute of Learning Disabilities By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 27, 2015 - 10:55 British Institute of Learning Disabilities services help develop the organisations who provide services, and the people who give support. Full Article
t Capability Scotland By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 27, 2015 - 14:06 Capability Scotland campaigns with, and provides education, employment and care services for disabled children and adults across Scotland. Full Article
t Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 27, 2015 - 14:16 Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland aims to improve the quality of life for people in Scotland affected by chest, heart and stroke illness, through medical research, influencing public policy, advice and information and support in the community. Full Article
t Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, November 27, 2015 - 14:21 The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Full Article
t Sharing practice to improve outcomes for care leavers. Evaluation report on an inter-authority learning exchange By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Monday, November 30, 2015 - 09:44 Evaluation report for the inter-authority learning exchange between Shetland Islands, Falkirk and Glasgow Councils throughcare and aftercare teams. In February 2014 a member of the Throughcare and Aftercare team from Shetland, spent two weeks in each host authority as a means of developing and sharing practice, experience and learning. The report describes the planning process, in-situ experience, and post-exchange learning of participants, it also report highlights the positive learning outcomes and benefits achieved for all participating local authorities. The report identifies ideas for future applications of such a learning and practice exchange model to improve practice for looked after young people and care leavers. Full Article
t Respite care Scotland 2015 - An offical ststistics publication for Scotland By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Thursday, January 14, 2016 - 11:47 This publication presents information on support to carers and in particular respite care services provided or purchased by local authorities in Scotland over the financial years 2007 / 2008 to 2014 / 2015. Full Article
t A review of respite / short break provision for adult carers of adults in the Highland Partnership area By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, April 15, 2016 - 10:35 As part of the implementation of the Equal Partners in Care (EPiC) Highland Carer’s Strategy 2014-2017 it was agreed to undertake a review of respite for Adult Carers of Adults (aged 16+). Independent consultants were commissioned by NHS Highland through Connecting Carers to undertake this work. There are four groups of people – totalling an estimated 200 people - with whom conversations have taken place during the review: Carers and staff from carer support organisations – more than 75 carers have given their views Health and social care workforce – we have met with just over 50 people who have given their views and shared our initial findings with more than 60 others Respite providers – we have met with staff from 15 organisations that are providers of respite Those staff responsible for overseeing the commissioning, planning and administration of respite. Full Article
t Creative Breaks, A summary of projects funded between September 2014 and October 2015 By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, July 29, 2016 - 09:21 The Short Breaks Fund helping to make breaks better and brighter for unpaid carers and cared-for people in Scotland. Launched in 2010 for one year, the fund has now been running for five years and has proved to be a lifeline for many carers. During the past five years the Scottish Government, through Shared Cared Scotland has distributed 12,547,409 to 697 projects to deliver innovative, tailor made breaks to groups and individuals. Full Article
t Short break support is failing family carers: reviewing progress 10 years on from Mencap’s first Breaking Point report By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 - 14:46 In 2006 Mencap produced a comprehensive review of short break provision. Now, 10 years on, they are revisiting the support available for family carers to see whether recent policy initiatives and investment have delivered the much-needed change. A total of 264 family carers responded to their survey on short breaks provision and experiences of caring. They also sent Freedom of Information requests to all 152 local authorities in England that provide social care services. This report looks at short breaks provision in a climate of cuts to central and local government budgets. It examines the extent to which these cuts have impacted on the lives of people with a learning disability and their family carers. It also looks at the state of affairs for family carers of children and young people across the full spectrum of learning disability; from people with mild and moderate learning disabilities, to people with severe and profound disabilities. Full Article
t A research agenda for respite care. Deliberations of an expert panel of researchers, advocates and funders By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, February 3, 2017 - 16:20 ARCH, the National Respite Network and Resource Center in the United States of America identified that evidence-based research on respite care has, to large extent, been lacking. Across ages, needs and settings, respite is based upon the premise that providing caregivers periodic relief from daily, ongoing caregiving responsibilities will directly benefit them in terms of their physical health, immediate and long-term psychological health, and social-emotional relationships with family members. These benefits are assumed to result in secondary benefits for care receivers and even larger societal benefits in the form of cost benefits or improved employee productivity. Some research studies point to the merits of these assumptions. However, evidence-based research supporting this premise - or going beyond it to demonstrate how to best provide respite care that results in maximum benefits - has not been available. This report presents the findings of an expert panel composed of academics, researchers, service providers, advocates, policymakers and administrators representing a range of age groups, disabilities and professional disciplines. Over a period of 18 months the panel explored the current status of respite research, proposed strategies to overcome barriers to research, and developed a plan to encourage rigorous research in key areas. Full Article
t ISBA 2016: The 10th international short break conference report By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 - 10:42 The 10th international short break conference took place in Edinburgh from 13 to 15 September 2016. This conference report explores the barriers experienced in accessing short breaks and how these have been overcome. Full Article
t The Outdoors - A Natural Place for Young People with Autism, End of Project Report By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 - 10:02 This End of Project Report describes an innovative Transition to Work Programme for young people with autistic spectrum diagnoses and is the result of a pilot programme developed by Lothian Autistic Society (LAS) and Scottish Outdoor Education Centres (SOEC) and made possible through funding from Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). The pilot had the twin aims of developing employability skills and exploring the therapeutic value of the outdoors. Full Article
t Rethinking Respite for People Affected by Dementia By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Friday, April 27, 2018 - 12:16 The ‘Dementia: More Than Just Memory Loss’ report, was published in 2016, and set out some of the key issues affecting people with dementia in Wales, in particular: • A widespread lack of knowledge and understanding of dementia amongst professionals and the wider public. • A lack of flexibility to effectively meet the needs of people living with dementia and their carers. • A lack of co-operation between services creates unnecessary difficulties and barriers for people living with dementia and their carers. The authors of the report called for a range of actions to address this, and there has been some progress, however, despite a range of changes across society at a policy, practice and community level, there is still a long way to go to transform services and drive the cultural change needed to effectively meet the needs of people affected by dementia. The author of this report has consistently focused on the importance of meaningful outcomes for people with dementia and their carers, to ensure that their lives have value, meaning and purpose. This is fundamental to ‘Rethinking Respite’ and to delivering the Welsh Government’s vision of ‘a dementia friendly nation that recognises the rights of people with dementia to feel valued and to live as independently as possible in their communities as outlined in the new Dementia Action Plan for Wales. Full Article
t Understanding and Responding to the Needs of Carers of People with Dementia in the UK, US and Beyond By lx.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 - 16:50 This research compares the different approaches to supporting carers of people with dementia across the UK, US and beyond. Carried out by the University of Birmingham, this work explores the role and experience of carers in different national contexts, highlighting good practice examples and making policy and practice recommendations. Unsurprisingly perhaps, the report highlights just how much we have in common with other countries in trying to make available effective, personalised supports against a backdrop of increased demand and diminishing resource. Interestingly, the report explores the language of ‘respite’ which it suggests has ‘negative overtones’ and proposes a more creative approache to service provision is needed. Full Article
t F&S waren in het Olympisch dorp (NRC, ma, 12-08-24) By www.foksuk.nl Published On :: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Full Article
t F&S zitten in het nieuwe kabinet (NRC, di, 13-08-24) By www.foksuk.nl Published On :: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Full Article
t F&S zijn normaal heel streng (NRC, wo, 14-08-24) By www.foksuk.nl Published On :: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Full Article
t F&S weten niet of ze volgend jaar weer meedoen (NRC, do, 15-08-24) By www.foksuk.nl Published On :: Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Full Article
t F&S vrezen voor cultuur (NRC, za, 17-08-24) By www.foksuk.nl Published On :: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Full Article
t F&S willen nu echt regulering (NRC, ma, 19-08-24) By www.foksuk.nl Published On :: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Full Article
t F&S vinden het eigenlijk wel milieubewust (NRC, di, 20-08-24) By www.foksuk.nl Published On :: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Full Article
t F&S vinden het doodeng (NRC, wo, 21-08-24) By www.foksuk.nl Published On :: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Full Article