
Detection of drugs and their metabolites in oral fluid / Robert M. White, Sr. (Retired from RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC; RMW Consulting, Inc., Naples, FL, USA), Christine M. Moore (Immunalysis Corporation (now a part of Abbott), Pomona,

White, Robert M., author


Festival of the Imagination 1996 / [designed and edited by Jonathan Strahan]

Festival of the Imagination (1996 : Perth, W.A.)


The megaflow manifesto : a publication of Nomads of the Time Streams, the International Michael Moorcock Appreciation Society


A first course in linear algebra / Minking Eie, Shou-Te Chang (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)

Eie, Minking, 1952- author


Emerging trends, threats, and opportunities in international marketing : what executives need to know / Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen, and Masaaki Kotabe ... [et al.]


International marketing / Pervez Ghauri and Philip Cateora

Ghauri, Pervez N., 1948-


International marketing / Masaaki Kotabe, Al Marshall, Swee Hoon Ang, Kathleen Griffiths, Ranjit Voola, Robin E. Roberts, Kristiaan Helsen

Kotabe, Masaaki, author


International marketing / Michael Czinkota, Ilkka Ronkainen, Catherine Sutton-Brady, Tim Beal, Nicole Stegemann

Czinkota, Michael R., author


Global marketing management / Warren J. Keegan, Professor Emeritus, Lubin School of Business, Pace University, New York City and Westchester, Fellow, Academy of International Business, with Elyse Arno Brill

Keegan, Warren J


International marketing : an Asia-Pacific perspective / Richard Fletcher, Heather Crawford

Fletcher, Richard, 1940- author


International marketing / Masaaki Kotabe, Kristiaan Helsen

Kotabe, Masaaki, author


International marketing / Pervez N. Ghauri, Philip Cateora

Ghauri, Pervez N., 1948- author


International marketing research / V. Kumar

Kumar, V., 1957- author


Sri Lanka at crossroads : geopolitical challenges and national interests / Asanga Abeyagoonasekera

Abeyagoonasekera, Asanga, author


Transnational actors in war and peace : militants, activists, and corporations in world politics / David Malet and Miriam J. Anderson, editors


Review of ANAO's methodology to audit performance statement : report by the independent auditor / Australian National Audit Office

Australian National Audit Office, author


Bioinformatics and biomedical engineering: proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai, China, 18-20 September 2015 / editors: James J. Chou, Harvard Medical School, USA; Huaibei Zhou, Wuhan Unive

Online Resource


Bioinformatics and biomedical engineering: 4th International Conference, IWBBIO 2016, Granada, Spain, April 20-22, 2016, Proceedings / Francisco Ortuño, Ignacio Rojas (eds.)

Online Resource


Bioinformatics research and applications: 12th International Symposium, ISBRA 2016, Minsk, Belarus, June 5-8, 2016, Proceedings / Anu Bourgeois, Pavel Skums, Xiang Wan, Alex Zelikovsky (eds.)

Online Resource


Algorithms for computational biology: third International Conference, AlCoB 2016, Trujillo, Spain, June 21-22, 2016, Proceedings / María Botón-Fernández, Carlos Martín-Vide, Sergio Santander-Jiménez, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez

Online Resource


Information technology in bio- and medical informatics: 7th International Conference, ITBAM 2016, Porto, Portugal, September 5-8, 2016, Proceedings / M. Elena Renda, Miroslav Bursa, Andreas Holzinger, Sami Khuri (eds.)

Online Resource


Computational intelligence methods for bioinformatics and biostatistics: 12th International Meeting, CIBB 2015, Naples, Italy, September 10-12, 2015, revised selected papers / Claudia Angelini, Paola MV Rancoita, Stefano Rovetta (eds.)

Online Resource


Computational methods in systems biology: 14th International Conference, CMSB 2016, Cambridge, UK, September 21-23, 2016, Proceedings / edited by Ezio Bartocci, Pietro Lio, Nicola Paoletti

Online Resource


Algorithms for computational biology: 4th International Conference, AlCoB 2017, Aveiro, Portugal, June 5-6, 2017, Proceedings / edited by Daniel Figueiredo, Carlos Martín-Vide, Diogo Pratas, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez (eds.)

Online Resource


Bioinformatics research and applications: 13th International Symposium, ISBRA 2017, Honolulu, HI, USA, May 29-June 2, 2017, Proceedings / Zhipeng Cai, Ovidiu Daescu, Min Li (eds.)

Online Resource


11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics / Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Mohd Saberi Mohamad, Miguel P. Rocha, Juan F. De Paz, Tiago Pinto, editors

Online Resource


Information technology in bio- and medical informatics: 8th International Conference, ITBAM 2017, Lyon, France, August 28-31, 2017, Proceedings / Miroslav Bursa, Andreas Holzinger, M. Elena Renda, Sami Khuri (eds.)

Online Resource


Computational methods in systems biology: 15th International Conference, CMSB 2017, Darmstadt, Germany, September 27-29, 2017, Proceedings / Jérôme Feret, Heinz Koeppl (eds.)

Online Resource


Advanced computational methods in life system modeling and simulation: International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation, LSMS 2017 and International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment, ICSEE 2017, Nan

Online Resource


Computational intelligence methods for bioinformatics and biostatistics: 13th International Meeting, CIBB 2016, Stirling, UK, September 1-3, 2016, Revised selected papers / Andrea Bracciali, Giulio Caravagna, David Gilbert, Roberto Tagliaferri (eds.)

Online Resource


Bioinformatics and biomedical engineering: 6th International Work-Conference, IWBBIO 2018, Granada, Spain, April 25-27, 2018, Proceedings. / Ignacio Rojas, Francisco Ortuño (eds.)

Online Resource


Bioinformatics and biomedical engineering: 6th International Work-Conference, IWBBIO 2018, Granada, Spain, April 25-27, 2018, Proceedings. / Ignacio Rojas, Francisco Ortuño (eds.)

Online Resource


Research in Computational Molecular Biology: 22nd Annual International Conference, RECOMB 2018, Paris, France, April 21-24, 2018, Proceedings / edited by Benjamin J. Raphael

Online Resource


Algorithms for computational biology: 5th International Conference, AlCoB 2018, Hong Kong, China, June 25-26, 2018, Proceedings / Jesper Jansson, Carlos Martín-Vide, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez (eds.)

Online Resource


Computational methods in systems biology: 16th International Conference, CMSB 2018, Brno, Czech Republic, September 12-14, 2018, Proceedings / Milan Češka, David Šafránek (eds.)

Online Resource


Computational intelligence methods for bioinformatics and biostatistics: 14th International Meeting, CIBB 2017, Cagliari, Italy, September 7-9, 2017, revised selected papers / Massimo Bartoletti [and 6 more] (eds.)

Online Resource


Research in computational molecular biology: 23rd Annual International Conference, RECOMB 2019, Washington, DC, USA, May 5-8, 2019, Proceedings / Lenore J. Cowen (eds.)

Online Resource


Algorithms for computational biology: 6th International Conference, AlCoB 2019, Berkeley, CA, USA, May 28-30, 2019, Proceedings / Ian Holmes, Carlos Martín-Vide, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez, editors

Online Resource


Advances in Computational Intelligence: 15th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2019, Gran Canaria, Spain, June 12-14, 2019, Proceedings, Part I / edited by Ignacio Rojas, Gonzalo Joya, Andreu Catala

Online Resource


Advances in Computational Intelligence: 15th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2019, Gran Canaria, Spain, June 12-14, 2019, Proceedings, Part II / edited by Ignacio Rojas, Gonzalo Joya, Andreu Catala

Online Resource


Computational methods in systems biology: 17th International Conference, CMSB 2019, Trieste, Italy, September 18-20, 2019, Proceedings / Luca Bortolussi, Guido Sanguinetti (eds.)

Online Resource


Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics: 13th International Meeting, CIBB 2016, Stirling, UK, September 1-3, 2016, Revised Selected Papers / edited by Andrea Bracciali, Giulio Caravagna, David Gilbert, Roberto Tagliaferri

Online Resource


Computational intelligence methods for bioinformatics and biostatistics: 15th International Meeting, CIBB 2018, Caparica, Portugal, September 6-8, 2018, Revised Selected Papers / Maria Raposo, Paulo Ribeiro, Susana Sério, Antonino Staiano, Angelo Cia

Online Resource


Product lifecycle management for digital transformation of industries: 13th IFIP WG 5.1 International Conference, PLM 2016, Columbia, SC, USA, July 11-13, 2016, Revised selected papers / Ramy Harik, Louis Rivest, Alain Bernard, Benoit Eynard, Abdelaziz Bo

Online Resource


Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing: Fourth International Conference, 2017 / Francisco J. Martínez-López, Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad, Kusum L. Ailawadi, María Jesús Yagüe-Guillén, editors

Online Resource


Cross-cultural personal selling: agents' competences in international personal selling of services / Anna Antczak, Barbara A. Sypniewska

Online Resource


Product lifecycle management and the industry of the future: 14th IFIP WG 5.1 International Conference, PLM 2017, Seville, Spain, July 10-12, 2017, Revised selected papers / José Ríos, Alain Bernard, Abdelaziz Bouras, Sebti Foufou (eds.)

Online Resource


Advances in national brand and private label marketing: Fifth International Conference, 2018 / Francisco J. Martínez-López, Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad, Alexander Chernev, editors

Online Resource


Product lifecycle management to Support Industry 4.0: 15th IFIP WG 5.1 International Conference, PLM 2018, Turin, Italy, July 2-4, 2018, Proceedings / Paolo Chiabert, Abdelaziz Bouras, Frédéric Noël, José Ríos (eds.)

Online Resource


Advances in national brand and private label marketing: sixth International Conference, 2019 / Francisco J. Martínez-López, Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad, Anne Roggeveen, editors

Online Resource