
Brainfluence : 100 ways to persuade and convince customers with neuromarketing / Roger Dooley

Dooley, Roger, 1952-


Marketing research : tools & techniques / Nigel Bradley

Bradley, Nigel, 1958-


Strategic marketing : creating competitive advantage / Douglas West, John Ford, and Essam Ibrahim

West, Douglas C


The old rules of marketing are dead : 6 new rules to reinvent your brand & reignite your business / Timothy R. Pearson

Pearson, Timothy R


Brand management : principles and practices / Kirti Dutta

Dutta, Kirti


E-marketing : capitalizing on technology / Brad Alan Kleindl

Kleindl, Brad Alan, 1955-


Brand sense : build powerful brands through touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound / Martin Lindstrom ; foreword by Philip Kotler

Lindström, Martin, 1970-


Neuromarketing : exploring the brain of the consumer / Leon Zurawicki

Żurawicki, Leon


Neuroelectrical brain imaging tools for the study of the efficacy of TV advertising stimuli and their application to neuromarketing / Giovanni Vecchiato [and three others]

Vecchiato, Giovanni, author


International marketing / Michael Czinkota, Ilkka Ronkainen, Catherine Sutton-Brady, Tim Beal, Nicole Stegemann

Czinkota, Michael R., author


Brand esSense : using sense, symbol and story to design brand identity / Neil Gains

Gains, Neil


Build your own brand / Doug Dvorak

Dvorak, Doug


The definitive book of branding / edited by Kartikeya Kompella


The brand gap : how to bridge the distance between business strategy and design : a whiteboard overview / by Marty Neumeier

Neumeier, Marty


Zag : the number-one strategy of high-performance brands : a whiteboard overview / by Marty Neumeier

Neumeier, Marty


Brands with character / [idea and concept by Basheer Graphic Books ; curated, edited and designed by Working Title & Co.]


Brandchild : remarkable insights into the minds of today's global kids and their relationship with brands / Martin Lindstrom with Patricia B Seybold

Lindström, Martin, 1970-


Married to the brand : why consumers bond with some brands for life : lessons from 60 years of research into the psychology of consumer relationships / by William J. McEwen

McEwen, William J


Value as a service : embracing the coming disruption / Rob Bernshteyn

Bernshteyn, Rob, author


Entertainment celebrity human brands : the complex role of celebrities' attributes and consumer-celebrity relationships upon consumers' aspirations and buying behaviour / Marcela Quartim de Moraes

Moraes, Marcela Quartim de, author


5 ways News Brands can take advantage of Linkedin

LinkedIn may have started out as a simple way to build professional connections and share contact details, but more users are looking to share articles that interest them, the Digital Media Europe conference heard today.

Isabelle Roughol, France editor for LinkedIn, told delegates that, compared to five years ago, there are five times as many people coming to the site for content than for jobs searches.

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Talking Social Strategy and Branding on iTunes

Podcasting is big business and currently there are 1 billion subscribers on iTunes listening to podcasts on the go.

Podcasting gives you another platform to share your social voice, ideas and thoughts, blog posts, ecourses and so much more.

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The 4 Essentials to Building Your Brand on Social Media

Whether you want to sell products, gain subscribers, persuade followers to a point or sway the hearts and minds of readers to your cause, they have got to know who you are in the first place.

Your ability to encourage any of these actions comes from your brand’s authority -- and one of the best ways to build that is through the savvy use of social media. In fact, recent research from Econsultancy shows that 71 percent of brands plan to invest more heavily in social media in the coming year to reach new followers and build brand reputation.

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How Image Tagging Can Help Your Brands Social Media Marketing

Visual marketing is an integral part of reaching customers today. For brands concerned with SEO, however, it brings a wide variety of challenges. Search engine algorithms look for specific words, which makes it difficult to challenge competitors by coming up with better photos and videos to dominate search rankings.

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5 Ways to Maintain Brand Cohesion

Running a successful social media campaign can be difficult, especially when your brand wants to run the same campaign across multiple networks. An infographic from MarketingInColor outlines the steps your brand needs to take to remain cohesive.

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4 big Hurdles Brands Face in Creating a Credible Social Media Presence

With more than 84% of brands carrying out social media marketing, the greatest challenge is to rise above all the clutter and establish your brands credibility. The effectiveness of social media marketing is highlighted by the fact that it is100 times more effective in sealing the lead-to-closure rate. Hence brands are vehemently using this channel to attain multiple business goals.

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Convert Casual Social Media Followers Into Brand Advocates

Despite being difficult to measure, the growing impact of social media on brands is undeniable.

In fact, analysts from Social@Ogilvy recently surveyed more than 5,500 social media users across 11 countries in an attempt to find out how brands should be using social to make a true impact on shoppers.

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Social Media Could Deal your Brand a Blow

Decide how you intend to use social media and to whom you will allow access, especially on Facebook. You do not necessarily need to completely sanitise all your social media profiles — because companies want to hire real people, and some companies specifically look for creativity and personality.

However, if you want to ensure a potential employer does not reject you on those grounds, make sure your online social profile depicts the type of employee a company would want to hire.

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What Brands Need to Know About Visual Social Media

Consider your brand across all visual touchpoints, suggests WebDAM. Include logos, typography, press kit, photography, and icons.

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Too Much Social Media Can Cause Phantom Phone Vibrations

On average people check social media every 6 and a half minutes,thats about 150 times a day.

And that habit is creating phantom phone vibrations in some people.

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Social Media gives Customers Power over Brands

Not so long ago, customers were isolated. Their ability to voice their dissatisfaction with the service they received from business was severely limited.

The once feared television show Fair Go was just about their only option.

Today they can air their gripes instantly on Facebook, Twitter or other social platforms and build alliances with similarly disgruntled customers. They can take pictures wherever they go and record or even film their interactions.

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Fishbrain is a social network for fisherman

In an age of pervasive digital entrepreneurism, there is a social network for practically every subculture under the sun. Take Codias, for example — it is a network for political conservatives. There’s Sermo, a forum for doctors. And HoffSpace is an internet fan club dedicated to television star David HasselHoff. But one of the fastest-growing niche networks has nothing to do with politics, profession, or celebrity obsession. It is called Fishbrain, and it is a social network for fishermen.

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Branding Risks to Syndication Networks

Syndication represents a very useful way to expand your reach, build your audience, and contribute to your industrys thought leadership. The quality of your message influences the quality of your customer development and engagement results, but this is often not enough.

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How to Master Social Media and Build a Real Brand

Amy Porterfield is a social media and content creation mastermind and top speaker, trainer and consultant for young entrepreneurs and professionals looking to maximize their social media reach and engagement.

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Social media: should we really be questioning its value for brands?

Most organisations believe social media has a role to play in their marketing communications, but, equally, most would struggle to explain exactly what that role is. There’s little doubt that social media takes up a significant amount of consumer time and attention but without understanding the influence and quantifying the commercial benefits for brands and businesses, no marketing activity should be above question.

Like every other marketing activity, a social media strategy must be judged on its positive impact on business or brand metrics.

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Social media sentiment not predictive of offline brand outcomes

The conventional thinking is that social media conversations about brands are representative of broader consumer sentiment in the overall market. However a new study from Engagement Labs, appearing in the Journal of Advertising Research, finds online discussions and sentiment are not necessarily predictive of offline brand outcomes.

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4 Unexpected Social Media Platforms to Grow Your Brand Awareness

However, social media marketing efforts can span far beyond the core four: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. In fact, these popular platforms see such high users yet have such stringent algorithms that it can be hard to ensure your followers see your organic content, much less that your content helps you capture new consumers.

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Up Your Social Media Game By Answering These 8 Branding Questions

To excel at social media, you must be a social media expert, right? While this is true in some respects, having narrow social media knowledge can also be limiting. A social media-only focus can actually hold back your social media strategy from reaching its full potential. You are building more than a social media presence -- you are building a brand. Social media is not an end unto itself. Vanity metrics -- followers and likes -- may be early indicators of good content, but the true test of social media is business impact. Management will eventually stop paying for social media activity that does not lead to bottom line action.

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A Month-by-Month Look at the Most Engaging Brand Content on Social Media in 2018

Brands were more creative than ever in their social media posts this year and connected with audiences by raising awareness of social issues, according to social media analytics company Unmetric.

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Why Your Brand Needs to Invest in Social Media

There is no questioning the influence of social media in modern society, and our broader interactive process. But still, many businesses remain unsure whether it's right for them, whether they actually need to have a social media presence.

To be fair, it may not be for everyone - if, for example, you sell products aimed specifically at an older sector of the market, it could be that you would be wasting your time posting to a Facebook Page that no one's likely to read.

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Review of the AUSTRAC industry contribution levy arrangements / Darryn Abraham

Abraham, Darryn, author


Bioinformatics research and applications: 12th International Symposium, ISBRA 2016, Minsk, Belarus, June 5-8, 2016, Proceedings / Anu Bourgeois, Pavel Skums, Xiang Wan, Alex Zelikovsky (eds.)

Online Resource


Bioinformatics -- a student's companion / Kalibulla Syed Ibrahim, Guruswami Gurusubramanian, Zothansanga, Ravi Prakash Yadav, Nachimuthu Senthil Kumar, Shunmugiah Karutha Pandian, Probodh Borah, Surender Mohan

Online Resource


Bioinformatics research and applications: 13th International Symposium, ISBRA 2017, Honolulu, HI, USA, May 29-June 2, 2017, Proceedings / Zhipeng Cai, Ovidiu Daescu, Min Li (eds.)

Online Resource


Computational intelligence methods for bioinformatics and biostatistics: 13th International Meeting, CIBB 2016, Stirling, UK, September 1-3, 2016, Revised selected papers / Andrea Bracciali, Giulio Caravagna, David Gilbert, Roberto Tagliaferri (eds.)

Online Resource


Advances in bioinformatics and computational biology: 11th Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics, BSB 2018, Niterói, Brazil, October 30-November 1, 2018, Proceedings / Ronnie Alves (ed.)

Online Resource


Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics: 13th International Meeting, CIBB 2016, Stirling, UK, September 1-3, 2016, Revised Selected Papers / edited by Andrea Bracciali, Giulio Caravagna, David Gilbert, Roberto Tagliaferri

Online Resource


Advances in corporate branding / edited by John M.T. Balmer, Shaun M. Powell, Joachim Kernstock and Tim Oliver Brexendorf

Online Resource


Soar: How the Best Airline Brands Delight Customers and Inspire Employees / Shashank Nigam ; with Matthew Sharpe

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