
The 10 most important things to look for when choosing a music distributor

I’ve been researching the distributor space lately and watching with interest as more pop up and margins get squeezed. It’s got to a place now where you can actually distribute music for free. But what else should you be looking for other than a pipeline? I’ve spoken to a lot of artists and record labels...

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Woman, 70, wins triathlon world championship title

Judy Orme won the 2024 World Triathlon Championships in her 70-74 age group category in Spain.


One year after the UAW strike, Michigan is worse off

Six weeks of labor action led to a year of job losses


Bringing Store ratings on Search to more countries

Google's Store Ratings have been helping US merchants highlight the high quality experiences other shoppers have had right from Search, and we're now bringing store ratings to English-language shopping searches in Australia, Canada, India and the United Kingdom.


8 conseils de traductrice pour survivre au confinement






Comme nous tous, vous êtes confiné à la maison pour donner une chance aux hôpitaux du pays d’affronter la menace du COVID-19, mais contrairement aux traducteurs qui besognent chaque jour devant leur ordinateur, vous n’avez pas l’habitude de travailler seul chez vous…


Pas de panique ! Pour vous aider à affronter ces moments difficiles, voire à tirer parti de la crise, je me propose de vous livrer quelques astuces de pro.

1. Garder le rythme

Pour mieux supporter l’isolement social, il faut s’imposer un rythme de travail. Cette période de confinement à durée indéterminée, que nous imposent des circonstances exceptionnelles, nous prive d’une part de contrôle, ce qui généralement est source d’angoisse. Afin d’éviter de ruminer devant le décompte morbide des contaminations ou de compter les jours de bagne, reprenez la main en vous imposant des horaires et un rythme régulier : lever à heure fixe, liste d’objectifs et de tâches à exécuter, pause déjeuner, etc.


Dans le même esprit, sachez vous déconnecter de votre travail en fin de journée. Pour préserver votre santé mentale et physique, il faut clairement définir le temps consacré à chacune de vos activités et vous y tenir pour qu’aucune n’empiète trop sur les autres. Plutôt que la perfection, visez l’équilibre : soyez indulgent avec vous-même !




Quand on travaille de chez soi, il est tentant de consacrer du temps à des tâches domestiques ou personnelles pendant ses heures de bureau. Pour rester productif et garder un rythme de travail régulier (voir conseil précédent), résistez à la tentation de lancer une machine, d’appeler une copine ou de vous épiler les sourcils en journée et reportez ces activités sur un créneau de temps libre.


La meilleure façon de s’organiser sans se disperser consiste à diviser son emploi du temps en plages horaires à consacrer à chaque type d’activité (travail, enfants, sport, prendre des nouvelles de proches, etc.). Lorsque vous vous attelez à une tâche, faites-le pleinement : essayez de vous concentrer sur ce que vous êtes en train de faire, sans penser au reste de votre liste.


Bien sûr, c’est compliqué de maintenir une barrière étanche, mais si vous avez des difficultés à tout caser, sachez qu’il vaut mieux revoir la durée des plages horaires que de les superposer (et donc de jongler avec les tâches). Le multitasking est un leurre : il est scientifiquement prouvé que l’être humain est plus performant lorsqu’il se concentre sur une seule chose à la fois.



3. bannir le pyjama (ET LE JOGGING !)

Ce n’est pas parce qu’on travaille de chez soi sans sortir de la journée qu’il faut renoncer à prendre soin de son apparence. Tenue, coiffure et, pourquoi pas, soyons fous, maquillage, sont autant de signaux envoyés à votre cerveau : vous n’êtes pas en vacances et votre activité professionnelle est maintenue malgré les circonstances. Si vous ne me croyez pas, fiez-vous à la sagesse de Karl Lagerfeld :


© La voix du Nord (photo AFP)

4. bouger

Le risque n° 1 du travailleur à domicile est le TMS (trouble musculo-squelettique), lié à la sédentarité et aux mauvaises postures. En ces temps difficiles où vous travaillez depuis votre canapé, vous risquez de ressentir des douleurs dans le bas du dos, des raideurs au niveau de la nuque et des épaules, une fatigue oculaire, etc. En plus de tenter, dans la mesure du possible, de vous aménager un coin bureau ergonomique, pensez à faire des pauses pour vous étirer et reposer vos yeux, ainsi qu’à entretenir votre forme physique. 


Bouger chaque jour évite de s’ankyloser, maintient la concentration et diminue le stress : c’est donc une activité indispensable en cas de confinement. Si vous ne vous sentez pas capable de courir un marathon sur votre balcon, commencez par vous tenir debout autant que possible (lorsque vous êtes au téléphone par exemple) et essayez le circuit training qui combine étirements, exercices de renforcement musculaire et cardio et peut se pratiquer sans matériel sur le tapis du salon. 



5. veiller à son hygiène de vie

Comme le dit l’adage : « un esprit sain, dans un corps sain ». Pour tenir sur la durée, en plus de faire du sport, veillez à bien vous alimenter, boire régulièrement (de l’eau !) et dormir suffisamment. Le confinement est à la fois source de stress et d’oisiveté, le cocktail idéal pour nous pousser à ouvrir le frigo toutes les 5 minutes et à nous gaver d’infos ou de séries jusqu’à pas d’heure. Là encore tout est question de rythme (prendre ses repas et se coucher à heures fixes) et d’organisation (prévoir des menus, utiliser son réveil, bannir l’ordinateur de sa chambre…).



6. rester CONNECTÉ

Nous avons de la chance d’être confinés chez nous au 21e siècle. Certes, vos collègues ne sont pas à vos côtés pour partager un jambon beurre ou discuter autour de la machine à café, mais vous pouvez les joindre à tout moment par email, par SMS ou en visioconférence. La technologie vous permet également d’organiser des apéros ou des pauses-café entre copains, de continuer de participer à vos cours de yoga, de partager vos idées et vos créations… même mon grand-père de 92 ans utilise Skype depuis sa maison de retraite : le monde est plus que jamais connecté.


Internet est notre fenêtre sur le monde : des voisins créent des groupes de soutien et organisent la solidarité sur Facebook, les artistes improvisent des concerts (Jean-Jacques Goldman est sorti de son silence pour l’occasion), les musées se visitent gratuitement, la BNF vous donne accès à des centaines de milliers de livres en support numérique, les professeurs font la classe à la maison, Open Culture, mais aussi Canal +, Netflix et consorts mettent à disposition des banques de films et de séries, l’Opéra et la Philharmonie de Paris proposent des spectacles et des concerts gratuits… Bref, les possibilités sont infinies et donnent le tournis.



7. gérer le stress et la charge mentale

La résilience est la capacité de l’être humain à surmonter les épreuves douloureuses en puisant en lui les forces nécessaires et en choisissant de se concentrer sur les éléments positifs de sa situation. Certaines personnes ont la chance de posséder naturellement cette forme d’élan vital, qui pousse à accepter ce que l’on ne contrôle pas et à affronter une situation dans le présent plutôt que de ressasser au conditionnel, mais nous pouvons tous cultiver un tel état d’esprit. 


Pour accroître votre résilience et, par là même, votre résistance au stress, commencez par être bienveillant, avec les autres comme avec vous-même, accueillez vos émotions, faites preuve de générosité, d’empathie, de gratitude. Il y a toujours des situations pires que la vôtre et tellement de choses à apprécier, même en ce moment : un rayon de soleil printanier, un service rendu, une conversation avec une personne qui compte pour vous… Découvrez ce qui vous fait du bien et pratiquez cette activité régulièrement pour vous détendre et relativiser.

8. faire feu de tout bois

Le confinement n’a pas besoin d’être une tragédie : c’est aussi une formidable occasion de changer ses méthodes de travail, de se former, d’innover… Lorsque l’université de Cambridge a fermé ses portes en 1666 à cause d’une épidémie de peste, Isaac Newton a été contraint de rester chez lui pendant plus d’un an. C’est en se promenant dans son jardin qu’il aurait vu la fameuse pomme tomber d’un arbre qui lui a inspiré l’idée de la gravitation universelle. Il a aussi réalisé de nombreuses expériences dans sa chambre qui seront à l’origine de sa théorie sur la composition chromatique de la lumière. Son confinement lui fut tellement bénéfique que les historiens considèrent cette année comme miraculeuse (annus mirabilis) pour l’avancement des travaux et la créativité du scientifique. Alors, détendez-vous : ne vous appesantissez pas sur ce qui vous freine et vous limite, pour mieux vous concentrer sur les opportunités qu’offre cette période d’introspection.


Haut les cœurs ! Nous sortirons un jour de ce confinement forcé pour reprendre le cours normal de nos vies… En attendant, prenez soin de vous, de vos proches et de chacun de nous…


Bon courage à tous !



Pour aller plus loin :



Professionnelle accréditée en commerce international ayant travaillé plusieurs années en tant que conseillère auprès de PME, Gaële Gagné est devenue traductrice indépendante en 2005. Aux commandes de Trëma Translations, elle traduit de l'anglais vers le français et partage ses connaissances en marketing et gestion d'entreprise avec ses collègues traducteurs par le biais d'un blog intitulé Mes petites affaires et de formations dispensées via le CI3M.

Et maintenant ?


Abonnez-vous au flux

Consultez d'autres articles :

Nous ne sommes pas que des cerveaux !
Série de l'été : prendre le temps de s'organiser
Créer un site web pour votre entreprise de traduction
Nouveaux traducteurs : 10 conseils pour bien démarrer
Travailler pendant les vacances (de vos enfants)


Trados Studio – Powershell Trilogy Part 1

It’s been 11-years since I have written about the PowerShell Toolkit that was originally created by the development team in SDL.  Back then I was able to fumble my way through setting it up, editing a few files, and automating the creation of a project in Trados Studio.  In all the time since then it’s … Continue reading Trados Studio – Powershell Trilogy Part 1


« Gladiator II » : bis repetita, triste cirque

L'infatigable Ridley Scott se repose pourtant sur ses lauriers avec cette suite inutile et empatee de son propre classique sorti en 2000. Spectaculaire mais vain.


Document Retrieval Using SIFT Image Features

This paper describes a new approach to document classification based on visual features alone. Text-based retrieval systems perform poorly on noisy text. We have conducted series of experiments using cosine distance as our similarity measure, selecting varying numbers local interest points per page, and varying numbers of nearest neighbour points in the similarity calculations. We have found that a distance-based measure of similarity outperforms a rank-based measure except when there are few interest points. We show that using visual features substantially outperforms textbased approaches for noisy text, giving average precision in the range 0.4-0.43 in several experiments retrieving scientific papers.


A Petri Nets based Approach to Specify Individual and Collaborative Interaction in 3D Virtual Environments

This work describes a methodology that supports the design and implementation of software modules, which represent the individual and collaborative three-dimensional interaction process phases. The presented methodology integrates three modeling approaches: Petri Nets, a collaborative manipulation model based on the combination of single user interaction techniques taxonomy, and object-oriented programming concepts. The combination of these elements allows for the description of interaction tasks, the sequence of interaction processes being controlled by Petri Nets with the codes generated automatically. By the integration of these approaches, the present work addresses not only the entire development cycle of both individual and collaborative three-dimensional interaction, but also the reuse of developed interaction blocks in new virtual environment projects.


Security and Privacy Preservation for Mobile E-Learning via Digital Identity Attributes

This paper systematically discusses the security and privacy concerns for e-learning systems. A five-layer architecture of e-learning system is proposed. The security and privacy concerns are addressed respectively for five layers. This paper further examines the relationship among the security and privacy policy, the available security and privacy technology, and the degree of e-learning privacy and security. The digital identity attributes are introduced to e-learning portable devices to enhance the security and privacy of e-learning systems. This will provide significant contributions to the knowledge of e-learning security and privacy research communities and will generate more research interests.


Modeling Quality Attributes with Aspect-Oriented Architectural Templates

The quality attributes of a software system are, to a large extent, determined by the decisions taken early in the development process. Best practices in software engineering recommend the identification of important quality attributes during the requirements elicitation process, and the specification of software architectures to satisfy these requirements. Over the years the software engineering community has studied the relationship between quality attributes and the use of particular architectural styles and patterns. In this paper we study the relationship between quality attributes and Aspect-Oriented Software Architectures - which apply the principles of Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) at the architectural level. AOSD focuses on identifying, modeling and composing crosscutting concerns - i.e. concerns that are tangled and/or scattered with other concerns of the application. In this paper we propose to use AO-ADL, an aspect-oriented architectural description language, to specify quality attributes by means of parameterizable, and thus reusable, architectural patterns. We particularly focus on quality attributes that: (1) have major implications on software functionality, requiring the incorporation of explicit functionality at the architectural level; (2) are complex enough as to be modeled by a set of related concerns and the compositions among them, and (3) crosscut domain specific functionality and are related to more than one component in the architecture. We illustrate our approach for usability, a critical quality attribute that satisfies the previous constraints and that requires special attention at the requirements and the architecture design stages.


A Framework to Evaluate Interface Suitability for a Given Scenario of Textual Information Retrieval

Visualization of search results is an essential step in the textual Information Retrieval (IR) process. Indeed, Information Retrieval Interfaces (IRIs) are used as a link between users and IR systems, a simple example being the ranked list proposed by common search engines. Due to the importance that takes visualization of search results, many interfaces have been proposed in the last decade (which can be textual, 2D or 3D IRIs). Two kinds of evaluation methods have been developed: (1) various evaluation methods of these interfaces were proposed aiming at validating ergonomic and cognitive aspects; (2) various evaluation methods were applied on information retrieval systems (IRS) aiming at measuring their effectiveness. However, as far as we know, these two kinds of evaluation methods are disjoint. Indeed, considering a given IRI associated to a given IRS, what happens if we associate this IRI to another IRS not having the same effectiveness. In this context, we propose an IRI evaluation framework aimed at evaluating the suitability of any IRI to different IR scenarios. First of all, we define the notion of IR scenario as a combination of features related to users, IR tasks and IR systems. We have implemented the framework through a specific evaluation platform that enables performing IRI evaluations and that helps end-users (e.g. IRS developers or IRI designers) in choosing the most suitable IRI for a specific IR scenario.


Descriptional Complexity of Ambiguity in Symmetric Difference NFAs

We investigate ambiguity for symmetric difference nondeterministic finite automata. We show the existence of unambiguous, finitely ambiguous, polynomially ambiguous and exponentially ambiguous symmetric difference nondeterministic finite automata. We show that, for each of these classes, there is a family of n-state nondeterministic finite automata such that the smallest equivalent deterministic finite automata have O(2n) states.


A Comparison of Different Retrieval Strategies Working on Medical Free Texts

Patient information in health care systems mostly consists of textual data, and free text in particular makes up a significant amount of it. Information retrieval systems that concentrate on these text types have to deal with the different challenges these medical free texts pose to achieve an acceptable performance. This paper describes the evaluation of four different types of information retrieval strategies: keyword search, search performed by a medical domain expert, a semantic based information retrieval tool, and a purely statistical information retrieval method. The different methods are evaluated and compared with respect to its appliance in medical health care systems.


An Ontology based Agent Generation for Information Retrieval on Cloud Environment

Retrieving information or discovering knowledge from a well organized data center in general is requested to be familiar with its schema, structure, and architecture, which against the inherent concept and characteristics of cloud environment. An effective approach to retrieve desired information or to extract useful knowledge is an important issue in the emerging information/knowledge cloud. In this paper, we propose an ontology-based agent generation framework for information retrieval in a flexible, transparent, and easy way on cloud environment. While user submitting a flat-text based request for retrieving information on a cloud environment, the request will be automatically deduced by a Reasoning Agent (RA) based on predefined ontology and reasoning rule, and then be translated to a Mobile Information Retrieving Agent Description File (MIRADF) that is formatted in a proposed Mobile Agent Description Language (MADF). A generating agent, named MIRA-GA, is also implemented to generate a MIRA according to the MIRADF. We also design and implement a prototype to integrate these agents and show an interesting example to demonstrate the feasibility of the architecture.


Thomas repeint en Sky la trilogie classique

Dans la douzième étape, entre Bourg-Saint-Maurice et l’Alpe d’Huez (175,5 km), nouvelle victoire du maillot jaune Geraint Thomas (Sky), qui se comporte de plus en plus en leader. Il s’agissait de la plus belle étape de montagne, avec trois grands cols hors catégorie.

Alpe d’Huez (Isère), envoyé spécial.
Tout de nerfs et de cernes, le peloton s’étirait déjà en lambeaux et nous voyions clairement à travers depuis un moment. Devant, derrière, un peu partout, un dialogue spumescent et ...


Pakistan: retour progressif de l'électricité après une panne géante

Une gigantesque panne d'électricité a affecté lundi une large partie du Pakistan, dont ses plus grandes villes Lahore et Karachi, avant que les autorités n'annoncent en soirée le retour progressif du courant.

Les coupures d'électricité sont fréquentes au Pakistan, englué depuis des années dans de graves problèmes budgétaires et énergétiques, et dont le système de distribution est complexe et vétuste.

La panne a été causée par un dysfonctionnement survenu à 07H30 locales (02H30 GMT) à la suite de mesures d'économies prises sur le réseau.

"Nous espérons que le courant sera rétabli partout dans le pays d'ici ce (lundi) soir", a déclaré dans un communiqué vidéo le ministre de l'Energie, Khurram Dastagir Khan.

La nuit avançant, il a assuré sur Twitter que l'électricité commençait à être rétablie progressivement.

Le ministère a tweeté que le courant était revenu dans le centre d'Islamabad et à Gujranwala, à quelque 200 km au sud-est de la capitale.

M. Khan a également retweeté le message d'un usager qui se félicitait qu'il y ait à nouveau "de la lumière à Lahore", la deuxième ville la plus peuplée du pays, avec plus de 10 millions d'habitants.

La panne a été causée par une variation de la fréquence électrique sur le réseau national, au redémarrage des unités de production électrique lundi matin.

Ces unités sont temporairement éteintes la nuit en hiver pour économiser du carburant, a expliqué M. Khan à la presse.

La plupart des hôpitaux, industries et institutions gouvernementales sont équipées de générateurs. Mais les ménages et petits commerces n'ont souvent pas les moyens de s'offrir un tel équipement.

Dans le nord du Pakistan, les températures devaient tomber lundi soir en dessous de 0°. Le chauffage au gaz est le plus répandu, mais n'est pas non plus toujours très fiable, les délestages étant fréquents en raison d'une pénurie de gaz.

Les réseaux de téléphonie mobile ont été également perturbés par la panne, selon un tweet du régulateur pakistanais des télécoms.

L'économie pakistanaise est déjà chancelante avec une inflation galopante, une devise nationale - la roupie - en chute libre et des réserves de change au plus bas. Une telle coupure d'électricité ne fait qu'accroître la pression sur les petits commerces.

A Rawalpindi, ville voisine de la capitale, Muhammad Iftikhar Sheikh, 71 ans, un vendeur d'électroménager, a déploré ne pas pouvoir tester ses appareils devant les clients.

"Les clients n'achètent jamais sans essayer d'abord", pestait-il. Du coup, "on est tous assis là, à ne rien faire".

Dans les écoles, les cours ont souvent eu lieu dans la pénombre, pour celles ne disposant pas d'éclairage sur batterie.

A Karachi (sud), où les températures étaient plus élevées, un commerçant a indiqué à l'AFP craindre que son stock entier de produits laitiers ne soit perdu, sans réfrigération.

Et Khurrum Khan, un imprimeur de 39 ans, voyait les commandes s'empiler, sans pouvoir y répondre. Les problèmes d'électricité sont "une malédiction permanente dont nos gouvernements n'ont pas réussi à se débarrasser", regrettait-il.

Une panne similaire en janvier 2021 avait plongé l'essentiel de ce pays de 220 millions d'habitants dans le noir pendant plusieurs heures, après qu'un dysfonctionnement technique dans le sud eut déclenché une réaction en chaîne dans plusieurs centrales électriques.

Les coupures d'électricité sont un problème récurrent au Pakistan. Mais la situation s'est encore détériorée ces derniers mois, la situation financière dramatique du pays aggravant un peu plus ses difficultés d'approvisionnement énergétique.

Les ménages ont été touchés, mais l'industrie également, notamment le textile, qui représente environ 60% des exportations pakistanaises.


Elon Musk se défend au tribunal d'accusations "scandaleuses" sur des tweets de 2018

Elon Musk a tenté de montrer lundi au tribunal que ses fameux tweets de 2018, sur sa volonté de sortir Tesla de la Bourse, n'avaient rien de trompeurs ou de frauduleux, contrairement aux accusations d'investisseurs qui disent avoir perdu des millions de dollars à cause du milliardaire.

Le patron de Tesla -- et de Twitter, depuis fin octobre -- a assuré qu'il n'avait "jamais" cherché à tromper les investisseurs, et que l'accusation de fraude était "scandaleuse".

Il avait créé la stupeur le 7 août 2018 en affirmant qu'il voulait retirer son groupe automobile de la Bourse au prix de 420 dollars par action, puis en assurant que le financement était "sécurisé".

"Je ne disais pas que c'était fait, je disais simplement que je l'envisageais, que j'y pensais. Et qu'à mon avis le financement était sécurisé", a déclaré Elon Musk à la barre, dans le tribunal de San Francisco où a lieu le procès.

La semaine dernière, le principal avocat des plaignants, Nicholas Porritt, avait accusé le dirigeant d'avoir "menti" et d'être responsable des pertes des investisseurs.

Le titre avait bondi dans la foulée des tweets très inhabituels (et le Nasdaq avait temporairement suspendu le cours de l'action Tesla), avant de décliner les jours suivants. Des articles de presse avaient fini par révéler que le patron n'avait pas vraiment les fonds.

Tesla était restée cotée en Bourse.

A travers ses questions, Nicholas Porritt a cherché à montrer qu'Elon Musk n'avait pas réalisé les consultations appropriées, et ne disposait pas ni des éléments nécessaires, ni de l'autorité pour faire une annonce aussi fracassante, surtout sur Twitter, et surtout pendant que les marchés étaient ouverts.

- "M. Tweet" -

L'avocat a mis en avant des échanges acerbes le 12 août 2018 entre le milliardaire et Yasir Al-Rumayyan, le directeur du fonds souverain saoudien, qui s'était engagé "catégoriquement" et "sans hésitation" à financer l'opération, selon Elon Musk.

"Le financement n'était pas vraiment sécurisé, n'est-ce pas?", a demandé M Porritt.

Yasir Al-Rumayyan a fait du "rétropédalage", a rétorqué le patron de Tesla.

Il a assuré qu'il avait de toute façon la possibilité de vendre ses actions de son autre fleuron, SpaceX, "l'entreprise non cotée la plus valorisée des Etats-Unis".

"Cela m'aurait brisé le cœur (de les vendre), mais je l'aurais fait si besoin", a-t-il déclaré, évoquant comment il avait dû se séparer d'actions de Tesla pour racheter Twitter l'année dernière.

Costume sombre, chemise blanche et cravate, il est apparu hésitant, ne se souvenant pas de nombreux emails et détails, et répondant souvent à côté des questions pour répéter à l'envie les messages qu'il voulait faire passer au jury.

Au point de faire perdre patience à l'avocat des investisseurs. "Nous avons passé toute une journée ensemble à Austin, vous vous en souvenez M. Tweet?!", a lancé Nicholas Porritt, avant de corriger pour "M. Musk".

- "Karma" -

L'accusation est aussi revenue sur le prix proposé par Elon Musk, 420 dollars par action. Aux Etats-Unis, les chiffres 4 et 20 accolés sont associés à la consommation de cannabis. Quand le milliardaire a proposé de racheter Twitter au printemps dernier, il a choisi un prix de 54,20 dollars par action.

"Avez-vous arrondi à 420 en guise de blague à l'attention de votre petite amie?", a demandé Nicholas Porritt.

"Ce n'était pas une blague, cela représentait une prime de 20% au-dessus du prix de l'action", a répondu Elon Musk, reconnaissant cependant qu'il y a "un certain karma autour de 420".

"Pas sûr que ce soit un bon ou un mauvais karma à ce stade", a-t-il encore plaisanté.

Son avocat Alex Spiro l'a ensuite aidé à dresser le portrait d'un immigré parti de rien, venu aux Etats-Unis - "là où les grandes choses sont possibles" - après une enfance "malheureuse" en Afrique du Sud, selon les mots du milliardaire.

"On m'a traité de fou à de nombreuses reprises", a déclaré Elon Musk après avoir énuméré les entreprises qu'il a cofondées.

Mais "à ce stade je crois que j'ai levé plus d'argent que quiconque dans l'histoire", s'est-il vanté, attribuant sa réussite à son "honnêteté" à l'égard des investisseurs.

Le procès doit durer trois semaines. Dans une précédente décision liée à cette affaire, un juge avait estimé que le fameux tweet de 2018 pouvait être considéré comme "faux et trompeur".

Le gendarme boursier américain, la SEC, avait de son côté obligé Elon Musk à céder la présidence du conseil d'administration, à payer une amende et à faire pré-approuver par un juriste ses tweets directement liés à l'activité de Tesla.


Risk-based operation of plug-in electric vehicles in a microgrid using downside risk constraints method

To achieve the benefits as much as possible, it is required to identify the available PEV capacity and prepare scheduling plans based on that. The analysis revealed that the risk-based scheduling of the microgrid could reduce the financial risk completely from $9.89 to $0.00 and increases the expected operation cost by 24% from $91.38 to $112.94, in turn. This implies that the risk-averse decision-maker tends to spend more money to reduce the expected risk-in-cost by using the proposed downside risk management technique. At the end, by the help of fuzzy satisfying method, the suitable risk-averse strategy is determined for the studied case.


Undertaking a bibliometric analysis to investigate the framework and dynamics of slow fashion in the context of sustainability

The current study has outlined slow fashion (SF) research trends and created a future research agenda for this field. It is a thorough analysis of the literature on slow fashion. Numerous bibliometric features of slow fashion have been discussed in the paper. This study comprises 182 research articles from the Scopus database. The database was utilised for bibliometric analysis. To identify certain trends in the area of slow fashion, a bibliometric study is done. For bibliometric analysis, the study employed R-software (the Biblioshiny package). Here, VOSviewer software is used to determine the co-occurrence of authors, countries, sources, etc. The study has outlined the gap that still exists in the field of slow fashion. Here, the research outcome strengthens the domain of slow fashion for sustainable consumption. The study findings will be useful for policymakers, industry professionals, and researchers.


Trends and development of workplace mindfulness for two decades: a bibliometric analysis

This systematic literature study employed bibliometric analysis to identify workplace mindfulness-related methods and practices in literature published from 2000 to 2020 by leading nations, institutions, journals, authors, and keywords. We also assessed the impact of workplace mindfulness research papers. Scopus analysis tools provided a literature report for 638 Scopus articles used in the study. Using VOSviewer, leading nations, institutions, articles, authors, journals, and keyword co-occurrence network maps were constructed. PRISMA was used to identify 56 publications to recognise workplace mindfulness literature's significant achievements. The research's main contribution is a deep review of neurological mindfulness and psychological measuring tools as workplace mindfulness tool categories. The study is the first to use the PRISMA technique to capture the essential contributions of workplace mindfulness papers from 2000 to 2020.


Nexus between artificial intelligence and marketing: a systematic review and bibliometric analysis

Although artificial intelligence provides a new method to gather, process, analyse data, generate insights, and offer customised solutions, such methods could change how marketers deal with customers, and there is a lack of literature to portray the application of artificial intelligence in marketing. This study aims to recognise and portray the use of artificial intelligence from a marketing standpoint, as well as to provide a conceptual framework for the application of artificial intelligence in marketing. This study uses a systematic literature review analysis as a research method to achieve the aims. Data from 142 articles were extracted from the Scopus database using relevant search terms for artificial intelligence and marketing. The systematic review identified significant usage of artificial intelligence in conversational artificial intelligence, content creation, audience segmentation, predictive analytics, personalisation, paid ads, sales forecasting, dynamic pricing, and recommendation engines and the bibliometric analysis produced the trend in co-authorship, citation, bibliographic coupling, and co-citation analysis. Practitioners and academics may use this study to decide on the marketing area in which artificial intelligence can be invested and used.


Insights from bibliometric analysis: exploring digital payments future research agendas

Along with amazing advancements in the field of digital payments, this article seeks to provide a summary of research undertaken over the last four decades and to suggest areas in need of additional study. This study employs a two-pronged technique for analysing its data. The first is concerned with performance analysis, and the second with science mapping. The study uses the apps VOS viewer and R-studio to do bibliometric data analysis. From 1982 until May 2022, the most trustworthy database, Scopus, is used to compile a database of 923 publications The findings of this study identify the scope of current research interest, which is explored with critical contributions from a variety of authors, journals, countries, affiliations, keyword analysis, citation analysis, co-citation analysis, and bibliometric coupling, as well as a potential research direction for further investigation in this emerging field.


Effective Adoption of Tablets in Post-Secondary Education: Recommendations Based on a Trial of iPads in University Classes


Secure E-Examination Systems Compared: Case Studies from Two Countries

Aim/Purpose: Electronic examinations have some inherent problems. Students have expressed negative opinions about electronic examinations (e-examinations) due to a fear of, or unfamiliarity with, the technology of assessment, and a lack of knowledge about the methods of e-examinations. Background: Electronic examinations are now a viable alternative method of assessing student learning. They provide freedom of choice, in terms of the location of the examination, and can provide immediate feedback; students and institutions can be assured of the integrity of knowledge testing. This in turn motivates students to strive for deeper learning and better results, in a higher quality and more rigorous educational process. Methodology : This paper compares an e-examination system at FUT Minna Nigeria with one in Australia, at the University of Tasmania, using case study analysis. The functions supported, or inhibited, by each of the two e-examination systems, with different approaches to question types, cohort size, technology used, and security features, are compared. Contribution: The researchers’ aim is to assist stakeholders (including lecturers, invigilators, candidates, computer instructors, and server operators) to identify ways of improving the process. The relative convenience for students, administrators, and lecturer/assessors and the reliability and security of the two systems are considered. Challenges in conducting e-examinations in both countries are revealed by juxtaposing the systems. The authors propose ways of developing more effective e-examination systems. Findings: The comparison of the two institutions in Nigeria and Australia shows e-examinations have been implemented for the purpose of selecting students for university courses, and for their assessment once enrolled. In Nigeria, there is widespread systemic adoption for university entrance merit selection. In Australia this has been limited to one subject in one state, rather than being adopted nationally. Within undergraduate courses, the Nigerian scenario is quite extensive; in Australia this adoption has been slower, but has penetrated a wide variety of disciplines. Recommendations for Practitioners: Assessment integrity and equipment reliability were common issues across the two case studies, although the delivery of e-examinations is different in each country. As with any procedural process, a particular solution is only as good as its weakest attribute. Technical differences highlight the link between e-examination system approaches and pedagogical implications. It is clear that social, cultural, and environmental factors affect the success of e-examinations. For example, an interrupted electrical power supply and limited technical know-how are two of the challenges affecting the conduct of e-examinations in Nigeria. In Tasmania, the challenge with the “bring your own device” (BYOD) is to make the system operate on an increasing variety of user equipment, including tablets. Recommendation for Researchers: The comparisons between the two universities indicate there will be a productive convergence of the approaches in future. One key proposal, which arose from the analysis of the existing e-examination systems in Nigeria and Australia, is to design a form of “live” operating system that is deployable over the Internet. This method would use public key cryptography for lecturers to encrypt their questions online. Impact on Society : If institutions are to transition to e-examinations, one way of facilitating this move is by using computers to imitate other assessment techniques. However, higher order thinking is usually demonstrated through open-ended or creative tasks. In this respect the Australian system shows promise by providing the same full operating system and software application suite to all candidates, thereby supporting assessment of such creative higher order thinking. The two cases illustrate the potential tension between “online” or networked reticulation of questions and answers, as opposed to “offline” methods. Future Research: A future design proposition is a web-based strategy for a virtual machine, which is launched into candidates’ computers at the start of each e-examination. The new system is a form of BYOD externally booted e-examination (as in Australia) that is deployable over the Internet with encryption and decryption features using public key cryptography (Nigeria). This will allow lecturers to encrypt their questions and post them online while the questions are decrypted by the administrator or students are given the key. The system will support both objective and open-ended questions (possibly essays and creative design tasks). The authors believe this can re-define e-examinations as the “gold standard” of assessment.


Charting the Growth and Structure of Early ChatGPT-Education Research: A Bibliometric Study

Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this article is to provide an overview and analysis of the emerging research landscape surrounding the integration of ChatGPT into education. The main problem appears to be that this is a new, rapidly developing research area for which there is no comprehensive synthesis of the current literature. The aim of the article is to fill this gap by conducting a timely bibliometric study to map publication trends, influential works, themes, and opportunities, thus representing the growth and structure of ChatGPT educational research. Background: This article addresses the issue of the lack of a comprehensive synthesis of the new research on ChatGPT in education by conducting a bibliometric analysis. Specifically, the authors use statistical and network analysis techniques to examine the patterns of publication, citation, and keywords and map the growth, contributions, themes, structure, and opportunities in this evolving field. The bibliometric approach provides a comprehensive, evidence-based overview of the current state of the literature to uncover trends and gaps and help researchers improve their understanding of appropriate and effective applications of ChatGPT in educational contexts. Methodology: The authors used bibliometric analysis as the primary method to summarize the new research on ChatGPT in education. We searched the database of the Web of Science Core Collection to find 51 relevant documents from 2023 that included ChatGPT in the title and were classified as ‘educational research.’ The sample consisted of these 51 documents, including articles, early access articles, editorials, reviews, and letters. Statistical techniques examined publication, citation, and keyword patterns. Network analysis visualized citation and co-occurrence networks to reveal intellectual structure. The multifaceted bibliometric approach allowed a comprehensive study of the sample from a productive, conceptual, and intellectual perspective. Contribution: This article conducts comprehensive bibliometric analysis of this emerging research area and synthesizes publication, citation, and keyword data to map the growth and structure of the literature. The results reveal important trends, such as the rapid growth of publications since the release of ChatGPT, initial authorship patterns, the focus on higher education applications, and distinct research clusters around pedagogical, ethical, and assessment issues. Visualizing citation networks identifies seminal studies while mapping co-occurrence clarifies conceptual relationships between topics. The comparative analysis highlights the differences between document types, topics, and time periods. Knowledge mapping highlights gaps in the literature, such as lack of focus on K-12 contexts, and highlights opportunities for further research. Findings: Key findings from this bibliometric analysis of the emerging research land-scape surrounding ChatGPT integration in education include the following: • Since ChatGPT was released in late 2022, the number of releases has increased significantly, indicating rapid growth in this emerging space. • The most cited authors initially came primarily from Anthropic, but over time, the citations spread throughout the research community. • The topics focused primarily on higher education applications, with a clear focus on pedagogical strategies, ethical risks, and implications for assessment. • Citation networks visualized seminal studies, while the co-occurrence of keywords clarified conceptual connections. • Gaps such as applications in the K-12 context were uncovered, and opportunities for further research were highlighted. • The literature is rapidly evolving and requires ongoing monitoring of the development of this field. In general, the analysis presents the productivity, contributors, themes, struc-ture, and opportunities in this emerging area around the integration of ChatGPT in education based on current scientific evidence. The key findings focus on the growing early interest, gaps and developments that can provide insight for researchers and educators. Recommendations for Practitioners: Practitioners should carefully integrate ChatGPT into education based on new evidence, carefully assess contextual applicability, and proactively develop guidelines for ethical and equitable implementation. Ongoing advice, impact monitoring, and research partnerships are crucial to informing best practices. Educators must be vigilant for risks such as privacy, student well-being, and competence impairment while staying abreast of advances in knowledge to dynamically adapt integration strategies. The introduction should empower diverse learners through measured, integrative approaches based on continuous contextual analysis and ethical principles. Recommendation for Researchers: This article recommends that researchers conduct more studies in under-researched contexts, use multiple methods to capture nuanced impacts, increase focus on responsible integration strategies, develop tailored assessments, conduct interdisciplinary collaborations, monitor long-term adoption, mix with interactive explain and publish open access technologies, help guide adoption pathways through actionable studies, and synthesize the exponentially growing literature through updated systematic reviews. Impact on Society: The rapid publication growth and prevailing optimism suggest that the integration of ChatGPT into education will accelerate, increasing the need for rigorous research that guides ethical, responsible innovations that avoid risks and improve outcomes in all educational contexts. The findings have broader implications for guiding adoption trajectories through ongoing evidence synthesis and expanded investigations in under-researched areas to address knowledge gaps. Ultimately, continued monitoring and updated guidance are critical to ensure that ChatGPT’s educational penetration progresses carefully by maximizing benefits and minimizing harms in rapidly evolving AI-powered learning ecosystems. Future Research: Based on the basic mapping provided by this paper, recommended research directions include longitudinal impact studies, research tailored to under-researched contexts such as K-12, qualitative research to capture stakeholder perspectives, development and testing of AI-calibrated assessments as well as explorations that combine conversational and interactive learning technologies, updated systematic reviews, and co-designed implementation research that explain pedagogical strategies that ethically unlock learning potential while mitigating risks in diverse educational environments. Such multilayered tracking can provide critical insights to guide context-specific, responsible ChatGPT integration and monitor impact within rapidly evolving AI-powered education ecosystems.


Investigating Factors Contributing to Student Disengagement and Ownership in Learning: A Case Study of Undergraduate Engineering Students

Aim/Purpose: Despite playing a critical role in shaping the future, 70% of undergraduate engineers report low levels of motivation. Student disengagement and a lack of ownership of their learning are significant challenges in higher education, specifically engineering students in the computer science department. This study investigates the various causes of these problems among first-year undergraduate engineers. Background: Student disengagement has become a significant problem, especially in higher education, leading to reduced academic performance, lower graduation rates, and less satisfaction with learning. The study intends to develop approaches that encourage a more interesting and learner-motivated educational environment. Methodology: This research uses a mixed methods approach by combining quantitative data from a survey-based questionnaire with qualitative insights from focus groups to explore intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, instructional practices, and student perceptions of relevance and application of course content. The aim of this method is to make an all-inclusive exploration into undergraduate engineering students’ perspectives on factors contributing to this disengagement and the need for more ownership. Contribution: Inculcating passion for engineering among learners seems demanding, with numerous educational programs struggling with issues such as a lack of interest by students and no personal investment in learning. Understanding the causes is of paramount importance. The study gives suggestions to help teachers or institutions create a more engaged and ownership-based learning environment for engineering students. Findings: The findings revealed a tangled web influencing monotonous teaching styles, limited opportunities and applications, and a perceived gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world engineering problems. It emphasized the need to implement more active learning strategies that could increase autonomy and a stronger sense of purpose in their learning journey. It also highlights the potential use of technology in promoting student engagement and ownership. Further research is needed to explore optimal implementation strategies for online simulations, interactive learning platforms, and gamification elements in the engineering curriculum. Recommendations for Practitioners: It highlights the complex interplay of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors and the need to re-look at instructional practice and emphasize faculty training to develop a more student-centered approach. It also stresses the need to look into the relevance and application of the course content. Recommendation for Researchers: More work needs to be done with a larger, more diverse sample population across multiple institutions and varied sociocultural and economic backgrounds. Impact on Society: Enhancing learners’ educational experience can result in creating a passionate and competent team of engineers who can face future obstacles fearlessly and reduce the production of half-baked graduates unprepared for the profession’s challenges. Future Research: Conduct long-term studies to assess the impact of active learning and technology use on student outcomes and career readiness. Investigate scaling up successful strategies across diverse engineering programs. See if promising practices work well everywhere.


Emerging Research on Virtual Reality Applications in Vocational Education: A Bibliometric Analysis

Aim/Purpose: This study explores the subject structure, social networks, research trends, and issues in the domain that have the potential to derive an overview of the development of virtual reality-based learning media in vocational education. Background: Notwithstanding the increasingly growing interest in the application of virtual reality in vocational learning, the existing research literature may still leave out some issues necessary for a comprehensive understanding. This study will point out such areas that need more exploration and a more comprehensive synthesis of the literature by conducting a bibliometric analysis. It will be interesting to keep track of the changing concepts and methodologies applied in the development of VR-based learning media in vocational education research. Methodology: This review was carried out using bibliometric methodology, which can highlight patterns of publication and research activity in this hitherto little studied area. The results of the study have the potential to lead to evidence-based priority in VR development, which will tailor work for vocational contexts and set the compass against the growing worldwide interest in this area. The study provides a descriptive analysis of publications, citations, and keyword data for 100 documents published between the years 2013 and 2022 from the Scopus database, which is conducted to illustrate the trends in the field. Contribution: This study also counts as a contribution to understanding the research hotspots of VR-based learning media in vocational education. Through bibliometric analysis, this study thoroughly summarized the relevant research and literature laying a knowledge foundation for researchers and policy makers. Additionally, this analysis identified knowledge gaps, recent trends, and directions for future research. Findings: The bibliometric analysis revealed the following key findings: 1. A growing publication trajectory, with output increasing from 7 articles in 2013 to 25 articles in 2022. 2. The United States led the contributions, followed by China, and Germany. 3. The most prominent authors are affiliated with American medical institutions. 4. Lecture proceedings include familiar sources that reflect this nascent domain. 5. Citation analysis identified highly influential work and researchers. 6. Keyword analysis exposed technology-oriented topics rather than learning-oriented terms. These findings present an emerging landscape with opportunities to address geographic and pedagogical research gaps. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study will be beneficial for designers and developers of VR-based learning programs because it aligns with the most discussed and influential VR technologies within the literature. Such an alignment of an approach with relevant research trends and focus can indeed be very useful for the effective application and use of VR-based learning media for quality improvements in vocational students' learning. Recommendation for Researchers: In fact, in this bibliometric review of VR integration within vocational classrooms, a future call for focused research is presented, especially on teaching methods, course design, and learning impact. This is a framework that seeks to establish its full potential with effective and integrated use of VR in the various vocational curricula and settings of learners. Impact on Society: From the findings of the bibliometric analysis, it is evident that virtual reality technologies (VR) have significantly led to transformation within educational media. There is no denying that the growing interest and investment in the integration of virtual reality into vocational education has been well manifested in the substantive increase in publications in the last decade. This shows what the innovation driving factor is in the United States. At the same time the rapid contributions from China signal worldwide recognition of the potential of VR to improve technical skills training. This study points the way for more research to bridge critical gaps, specifically how VR tools can be used in vocational high school classrooms. Furthermore, research should be aligned to meet specific needs of vocational learners and even promote international cross-border partnerships, pointing out the potential of virtual reality to be a universally beneficial tool in vocational education. The examination of highly cited articles provides evidence of the potential of VR to be an impactful pedagogical tool in vocational education. The findings suggest that researchers need to move forward looking at the trajectory of VR in vocational education and how promising it is in defining the future for innovative and effective learning methodologies. Future Research: This study is an exceptionally valuable contribution, a true landmark in the field of dynamic development, and one that denotes very meaningful implications for the future course of research in the dynamically developing field of bibliometric analysis of VR-based learning media for vocational education. The increase in the number of publications emanates from growing interests in the application of virtual reality (VR) technologies in vocational education. The high concentration of authorship from the USA, along with the ever increasing contributions from China, spotlights the increasing worldwide recognition of the impact of immersive technologies in the enhancement of training in technical skills. These are emerging trends that call for research to exemplify the diverse views and global teamwork opportunities presented by VR technologies. The study also highlights critical areas that need focused attention in future research endeavors. The fact that the embedding of VR tools into classrooms in vocational high schools has been poorly researched points to the major gap in pedagogical research within authentic educational settings. Therefore, further investigations should evaluate teaching methods in VR, lesson designs, and the impacts of VR in specific vocational trades. This supports the need for learner-centered frameworks that are tailor-made to the needs of vocational learners. This calls for more direct and focused investigations into identified research gaps noting a growing dominance in the field of health-related research with the most cited articles in this field, to integrate virtual reality into additional vocational education contexts. In this way, the gaps present an opportunity for researchers to make significant contributions to the development of interventions responsive to the unique needs of vocational learners; this will contribute to strengthening the evidence base for the worldwide implementation of VR within vocational education systems. This was recommended as the intention of such a bibliometric analysis: supporting the potential of VR as a pedagogical tool in vocational contexts and providing grounding for a strong and focused future research agenda within this burgeoning area of educational technology.


'CSR, sustainability and firm performance linkage' current status and future dimensions - a bibliometric review analysis

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability are gaining worldwide recognition. The question of whether CSR and sustainability programs benefit an organisation's financial success is still being debated. This study aims to verify this phenomenon by examining the current literature pattern on this relationship using bibliometric and systematic review analysis. It further provides a taxonomy for understanding this association. VOSviewer is used to obtain comprehensive dataset mapping and clustering in the field. The manuscript offers promising insights regarding academia by assessing the pattern of publication trends, the most influential author in the area, and analysing the methodological and theoretical underpinnings of CSR, sustainability and firm performance linkage. The outcome of this study provides exploratory insights into research gaps and avenues for future research.


Development and validation of scale to measure minimalism - a study analysing psychometric assessment of minimalistic behaviour! Consumer perspective

This research aims to establish a valid and accurate measurement scale and identify consumer-driven characteristics for minimalism. The study has employed a hybrid approach to produce items for minimalism. Expert interviews were conducted to identify the items for minimalism in the first phase followed by consumer survey to obtain their response in second phase. A five-point Likert scale was used to collect the data. Further, data was subjected to reliability and validity check. Structural equation modelling was used to test the model. The findings demonstrated that there are five dimensions by which consumers perceive minimalism: decluttering, mindful consumption, aesthetic choices, financial freedom, and sustainable lifestyle. The outcome also revealed a high correlation between simplicity and well-being. This study is the first to provide a reliable and valid instrument for minimalism. The results will have several theoretical and practical ramifications for society and policymakers. It will support policymakers in gauging and encouraging minimalistic practices, which enhance environmental performance and lower carbon footprint.


Finding a balance between business and ethics: an empirical study of ERP-based DSS attributes

Numerous scandals due to unethical decisions occur despite the growing use of decision support systems (DSS). Several scholars recommend incorporating ethical attributes along with business requirements in DSS design. However, little guidance exists to indicate which ethical attributes to include and the importance ethical attributes should be given in comparison to business requirements. This study addresses this deficiency by identifying ethical requirements to integrate in DSS design drawn from the business ethics literature. This study conducted a large-scale empirical survey with information technology decision-makers to examine the relative importance of DSS fit with ethical and business requirements as well as the appropriate balance of those requirements on perceived DSS performance. The results show that decision makers perceive better DSS performance when the ethical and business requirements align with its organisation's beliefs than from ethical or business requirements alone.


Intellectual property management in technology management: a comprehensive bibliometric analysis during 2000-2022

Presently, there are many existing academic studies on the development, protection and operation of intellectual property management (IPM). Therefore, provides a comprehensive econometric analysis in order to provide scholars, with a clearer understanding of the evolution and development of IP management research during 2000 to 2022. The study is aiming to help scholars to better discern the expanding IPM research field from a multidimensional perspective. The database used for this analysis is the Web of Science Core Collection database. After retrieval through keywords and using a variety of tools such as CiteSpace, VOSviewer, Bibliometrix and HistCite, 1033 documents were refined to conduct the econometric analysis, and produce graphs. The findings indicate that the US is a highly active country/region in the field IP management research, and its expanding IP management research is branching out into other disciplines. The study also presents the future directions and possible challenges for IPM in technology management.


National ICT policy challenges for developing countries: a grounded theory informed literature review

This paper presents a review of the literature on the challenges of national information and communication technology (ICT) policies in the context of African countries. National ICT policies have been aligned with socio-development agendas of African countries. However, the policies have not delivered the expected outcomes due to many challenges. Studies have been conducted in isolation to highlight the challenges in the policy process. The study used grounded theory informed literature review to holistically analyse the problems in the context of African countries. The results were categorised in the typology of the policy process to understand the challenges from a broad perspective. The problems were categorised into agenda setting, policy formulation, legal frameworks, implementation and evaluation. In addition, there were constraints related to policy monitoring in the policy phases and imbalance of power among the policy stakeholders. The review suggests areas of further research.


Mobile wallet payments - a systematic literature review with bibliometric and network visualisation analysis over two decades

The study aims to review the literature on mobile wallet payment and align research trends using a systematic literature review with bibliometric and network visualisation analysis over two decades. It uses bibliometric analysis of the literature research retrieved from the Web of Science database. The study period was from 2001 to 2021, with 1,134 research papers. It also provides the indicators like citation trends, cited reference patterns, authorship patterns, subject areas published on the mobile wallet, top contributing authors, and highly cited research articles using the database. Furthermore, network visualisation analysis, like the co-occurrence of author keywords and keywords plus terms, has also been examined using VOSviewer software. The bibliometric analysis shows that the Republic of China dominates mobile wallet payment, and India is a significant contributor. Furthermore, the constructions of the network map using a co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling shows an interesting pattern of mobile wallet payment.


Towards Egocentric Way-Finding Appliances Supporting Navigation in Unfamiliar Terrain


Organisational Paradigms and Network Centric Organisations


Public Perceptions of Biometric Devices: The Effect of Misinformation on Acceptance and Use


A Contribution to Defining the Term ‘Definition’


Retrofitting Generic Graduate Attributes: A Case-Study of Information Systems Undergraduate Programs


Web Triad: the Impact of Web Portals on Quality of Institutions of Higher Education - Case Study of Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Integrating Industrial Practices in Software Development through Scenario-Based Design of PBL Activities: A Pedagogical Re-Organization Perspective


Information Retrieval Systems: A Perspective on Human Computer Interaction


A Principled Methodology for Information Retrieval on the Web


Uniting Idaho:  A Small Newspaper Serves Hispanic Populations in Distributed Rural Areas


The Theory of Infoledge: A Logical, Mathematical, and Geometrical Interpretation


An Evolving Road Map: Student Perceptions and Contributions to Graphic Organizers within an Academic Wiki


The Development of Students Geometrical Thinking through Transformational Processes and Interaction Techniques in a Dynamic Geometry Environment