
God's Plan For Mental Health

Mental health problems, it appears, have escalated dramatically in recent times. Does the Bible have anything to say about our minds, how we can protect them and solutions to mental ill-health? The answer is 'Yes!'. There is power in the gospel and the Word of God to heal our minds. God has given us a plan of wholeness and healing for our minds. Join us for valuable guidance from Philippians 4:6-9. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Ciudad Real Se Prepara Para Implementar La Zona De Bajas Emisiones Que Optimizará El Aire Y La Movilidad

El Ayuntamiento de Ciudad Real está reconsiderando el calendario para la implantación de la zona de bajas emisiones (ZBE) en la ciudad. Esta decisión responde a la necesidad de llevar a cabo un exhaustivo estudio jurídico del borrador de la ordenanza elaborada por la Concejalía de Movilidad. El objetivo es evitar «problemas jurídicos» como los […]

Artículo publicado en : Ciudad Real Se Prepara Para Implementar La Zona De Bajas Emisiones Que Optimizará El Aire Y La Movilidad


High Court rules Work Capability Assessment arguably unlawful

This is a press release from earlier this year about the judicial review that is due to be heard at the Royal Courts Of Justice on the 15th, 16th and 18th of January 2013. Lets pray it goes in our favour as it will open the floodgates for legal action over the WCA if it does. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The High Court has today granted permission to two disabled people to bring a claim for
judicial review against the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to challenge the
operation of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA).
WCAs are face to face interviews carried out by healthcare professionals (HCPs)
employed by Atos Healthcare (a private contractor), to assess disabled people’s
entitlement to Employment and Support Allowance (a sickness benefit that has replaced
the old Incapacity Benefit). Each existing recipient of Incapacity Benefit is now being
assessed for eligibility for ESA, at the rate of some 11,000 people per week. WCAs have
been the subject of serious criticism by all relevant stakeholders in civil society including
doctors and NGOs working on behalf of disabled people.
The present case concerns some of the problems with the system as experienced by
people with mental health problems. Although medically trained, Atos HCPs typically
have very limited knowledge of mental health. The interviews are often hurried, and rely
on applicants to explain the limitations on their ability to work.
This is a serious problem for people with mental health conditions who lack insight into
their conditions, whose conditions fluctuate in seriousness, or who cannot easily talk
about their disability. Such people are placed at a substantial disadvantage in navigating
the system. Even if they appreciate the need to get expert medical evidence for
themselves, they are often less able to navigate the system successfully and to obtain
the medical report that they need. The Equality Act 2010 requires the DWP to make
reasonable adjustments to avoid such disadvantage.
The reasonable adjustment to the process that the claimants seek is for medical
evidence to be sought by the Atos HCP and the DWP at the very outset of the claim.
This would ensure that very sick people for whom having to go through a WCA would be
extremely distressing are exempted from the process, and for those that do attend a
WCA, the assessment of fitness to work takes place in the correct medical context, so
that dangers associated with forcing people back to work are correctly identified.
At present, the DWP do not routinely ask for expert medical report from an applicant’s
community-based doctor. The judge has held that it is arguable that this failure is a
breach of the duty to make reasonable adjustments, and is therefore unlawful.
In granting permission to apply for judicial review, the judge stated:
“I consider that it is reasonably arguable that the reasonable adjustments
required by the [Equality Act 2010] include the early obtaining of independent
medical evidence where the documents submitted with the claim show that the
claimant suffers from mental health problems and that this has not been done, or
at least not done on a sufficiently widespread basis”.
The claimants, known as MM and DM, were granted anonymity by the court. Their
solicitor, Ravi Low-Beer of the Public Law Project said:
“The present system results in many thousands of unnecessary appeals at great
public expense, with a high success rate. What is not counted is the cost in
human misery for those people who should never have had to go through the
appeals process in the first place. This could be avoided if doctors were involved
in the assessments at the outset. The Government’s policy of by-passing doctors
is inefficient, unfair, and inhumane. We gain heart from the court’s finding that as
a matter of law, it is arguable that something has to change.”
For further information contact Ravi Low-Beer on 543 5944
or Adrian Lukes on 543 5946.
Public Law Project (PLP)
PLP is an independent, national legal charity which aims to improve access to justice for
those whose access is restricted by poverty, discrimination or other similar barriers. To
fulfil its objectives PLP undertakes research, policy initiatives, casework and training
across the range of public law remedies.
For more information on our work, events and publications:


Le ''droit au logement opposable'', cette fausse bonne idée, par Jérôme Dubus

Depuis une décennie, hiver après hiver, l'histoire bégaye : la France fait mine de découvrir la grave crise du logement à laquelle elle est confrontée. « SDF » qui nous renvoient le miroir de nos propres insuffisances ; « mal-logés » qui se réfugient...


2008: Les traditionnelles augmentations de tarifs

Le premier janvier de chaque année est l'occasion des traditionnelles augmentation des prix. En 2008, cela va concerner le gaz, les timbres. Mais d'autres hausses de prix devraient suivrent. Lire tout l'article (source) Le lait : + 5 à 10 % Le gaz : +...


La loterie des notes au bac : un réexamen de l'arbitraire de la notation des élèves

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Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Predstavljanje knjiga "Suvremeni hrvatski haiku - Nova antologija" i "Dosje i druge priče"

Autor: knjizaraNOVA Naslov: Predstavljanje knjiga "Suvremeni hrvatski haiku - Nova antologija" i "Dosje i druge p
Postano: 13.11.2024. 14:09 (GMT 1) Društvo hrvatskih književnika i Klub knjižare Nova pozivaju Vas na predstavljanje knjiga "Suvremeni hrvatski haiku - Nova antologija" i "Dosje i druge priče".

Na predstavljanju sudjeluju: Nikola Đuretić, Tomislav Maretić i Mirko Ćurić.

Predstavljanje će se održati u Klubu knjižare Nova (Trg Ante Starčevića 4, Osijek) u subotu, 16. studenoga u 11 sati.

Radujemo se Vašem dolasku!


La Chine accueille les entreprises � capitaux �trangers pour approfondir la coop�ration mutuellement b�n�fique

La Chine promeut une ouverture de haut niveau du secteur financier et accueille les entreprises � capitaux �trangers pour approfondir la coop�ration mutuellement b�n�fique, a annonc� mardi � Beijing le vice-Premier ministre chinois He Lifeng. M....


La modernisation chinoise favorise un nouveau mod�le de d�veloppement humain

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Chine : les investissements ferroviaires en hausse de 10,9% au cours des dix premiers mois

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Implementing NSLookup In Java

NSLookup is a command line utility that, given an IP address, returns the corresponding host name and vice versa. This article explains how to write an NSLookup clone in Java.


Adding "Maven-Like" Dependency Management To NetBeans Projects with Ivy

When working with Maven projects from NetBeans, some very nice NetBeans features are lost, such as the ability to use the Matisse GUI Builder, developing JSF web applications visually and automatically generating JPA entities from existing database schemas. In this article we explain how to keep all the benefits of Maven without losing NetBeans functionality by integrating Ivy into NetBeans projeccts.


10 accorgimenti per migliorare il checkout e-commerce

68%. E’ la percentuale di visitatori che aggiungono almeno un prodotto al carrello senza concludere l’acquisto. Un numero alto, perché il carrello è usato come contenitore temporaneo, ma soprattutto perché il percorso di acquisto è spesso molto lungo e complicato. A Meet Magento presenterò alcuni suggerimenti per … Continua a leggere

L'articolo 10 accorgimenti per migliorare il checkout e-commerce proviene da Fucinaweb.


Minor League Baseball gets the fantasy treatment with launch of Futures Fantasy Baseball

Futures Fantasy Baseball ? a new fantasy baseball site for the minor leagues ? aims to grow the business of Minor League Baseball while capitalizing on the interest of fans in baseball?s next generation of superstars.


Tom Delay Indictment a Foregone Conclusion?

According to most of the comments that I've read (or at least those from the left) it seems that recent charges against Tom Delay are a foregone conclusion. So much for guilt until proven innocence. But that has never stopped the jury of public opinion before, nor will it now. It keeps the bloggers busy and sells newspapers. Here are just some of the comments:

"Now, that's what I call "Breaking News"! - Texas grand jury indicts Tom DeLay - Sep... It may be only a small first step, but it's a start. Here's the follow-up: Delay will step aside as Majority Leader. Temporarily. Let's hope it is more than temporary."

"Aww what a shame, poor Tom DeLay has been indicted. Pardon me a moment whilst I shed a tear and play a sonata on the world's smallest violin."

"Tom DeLay, House Majority Leader and probably the most powerful Republican in the country, has just been indicted on conspiracy charges. The dominos are beginning to fall."

Or could it be really be just a frivolous witch hunt as Delay has pleaded? Knowing how dirty the game of politics is played it would not surprise me.

"Kevin Madden, DeLay's spokesman, dismissed the charge as politically motivated. This indictment is nothing more than prosecutorial retribution by a partisan Democrat", said Madden citing prosecutor Ronnie Earle, a Democrat. Madden later added: "They could not get Tom DeLay at the polls. They could not get Mr. DeLay on the House floor. Now they're trying to get him into the courtroom. This is not going to detract from the Republican agenda."

We don't have enough information yet and only time will only tell. But when it comes to politics I live by one golden rule. No matter which side of the fence you may find yourself, we should remember that ALL politicians are self-serving. And most (if not ALL) politicians are first and foremost humans and therefore corruptible.

And speaking of that, I am reminded of the maxim "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". So no matter how all this turns out nothing will surprise me.

But the law also provides that everyone is entitled to be presumed innocent until otherwise found guilty. We should all remember that as we follow this story.

One more thing, even if Delay is found guilty does that automatically indict all Republicans? Hardly, otherwise Teddy Kennedy and the dems would have been banned long ago.

It will be interesting to watch how this unfolds.


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Kommentar zum Wahltermin: Zeichen der Stabilität in unruhigen Zeiten

Deutschland steckt in einer Regierungskrise, die schnell beendet werden sollte, meint Mario Kubina. Der parteiübergreifend gefundene Termin sorgt nun für Klarheit und bevorteilt weder SPD noch Union.


Nahost-Liveblog: ++ USA greifen Milizen im Jemen und Syrien an ++

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Zuspruch zu rechtsextremen Einstellungen in Westdeutschland steigt

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Marktbericht: DAX profitiert von Kurssprung bei Siemens Energy

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Bundestag soll über AfD-Verbotsantrag abstimmen

Eine Gruppe von Bundestagsabgeordneten hat Bundestagspräsidentin Bas einen Antrag auf ein Verbotsverfahren gegen die AfD übergeben. Angesichts der vorgezogenen Wahl unterstreicht Mitinitiator Wanderwitz die Dringlichkeit eines Verbots.


U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+

Earlier today, Standard & Poor's rating agency lowered the long-term rating of the U.S. government and federal agencies from AAA to AA+. With regard to this action, the federal banking agencies are providing the following guidance to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and bank and savings and loan holding companies (collectively, banking organizations. U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+


Correction: U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+

Earlier today, Standard & Poor's rating agency lowered the long-term rating of the U.S. government and federal agencies from AAA to AA+. With regard to this action, the federal banking agencies are providing the following guidance to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and bank and savings and loan holding companies (collectively, banking organizations. U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+ 


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Comments about the old and the new TTM

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TNP - Concerns with Store-Bought Supplements

Will your Parasite Cleansing, Colon Cleansing and Kidney Cleansing Work? This page contains advice on helping you make your parasite cleansing, colon cleansing and kidney cleansing experience simpler, less expensive and more effective.


TNP - Colon Cleanse Kit Recommendation

Recommendation for on a colon cleansing kit containing soluble and insoluble fiber, and herbal laxatives.


TNP - Parasite Cleanse Kit Recommendation

Recommendation on a Parasite Cleansing Kit containing a variety of herbs that make your body inhospitable to parasites and herbal laxatives.


British Maltese Biker Cross Men's Sleeveless Tee

British Union Jack Flag Maltese Biker Cross Muscle T-Shirt for those that are into British motorcycles and choppers like Triumph, Norton and BSA - British Union Jack Maltese Biker Maltese Iron Chopper Cross t-shirts, sweatshirts and other cool stuff for British bikers, chopper riders, motorcyclists and fans of British motorcycles and the freedom motorcycling brings. Excellent gift for fans or riders of Triumph, Norton and BSA or custom built choppers and motorcycles.


British Maltese Biker Cross Women's Raglan Hoodie

British Union Jack Flag Maltese Biker Cross Raglan Hoodie for those that are into British motorcycles and choppers like Triumph, Norton and BSA - British Union Jack Maltese Biker Maltese Iron Chopper Cross t-shirts, sweatshirts and other cool stuff for British bikers, chopper riders, motorcyclists and fans of British motorcycles and the freedom motorcycling brings. Excellent gift for fans or riders of Triumph, Norton and BSA or custom built choppers and motorcycles.


British Maltese Biker Cross Women's Tank Top

British Union Jack Flag Maltese Biker Cross Women's Tank Top for those that are into British motorcycles and choppers like Triumph, Norton and BSA - British Union Jack Maltese Biker Maltese Iron Chopper Cross t-shirts, sweatshirts and other cool stuff for British bikers, chopper riders, motorcyclists and fans of British motorcycles and the freedom motorcycling brings. Excellent gift for fans or riders of Triumph, Norton and BSA or custom built choppers and motorcycles.


British Maltese Biker Cross Women's T-Shirt

British Union Jack Flag Maltese Biker Cross Women's T-Shirt for those that are into British motorcycles and choppers like Triumph, Norton and BSA - British Union Jack Maltese Biker Maltese Iron Chopper Cross t-shirts, sweatshirts and other cool stuff for British bikers, chopper riders, motorcyclists and fans of British motorcycles and the freedom motorcycling brings. Excellent gift for fans or riders of Triumph, Norton and BSA or custom built choppers and motorcycles.


Jesus Is My Happiness Women's Raglan Hoodie

This Women's Raglan Hoodie can help you share the message of peace, love, hope, and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior - Is Jesus your happiness? Does Jesus make you smile? Does Jesus fill you with happiness? Does having Jesus within you and Jesus' arms around you bring you peace and security? Does the knowledge of Christ in your heart and life bring you joy? Whatever the reason is that Jesus Christ's salvation, love, peace, grace and mercy does for you, you know it is great, warm, wonderful, full of His love and makes you smile. The fish with a smiley face in the middle can mean several things to different people. It can mean "Jesus is my happiness", it can mean "Jesus the hope of glory" or "There is true happiness only through Jesus", "With Jesus, don't worry only be happy". Whatever it is to you, you can help share the message of peace, love and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior with the Christian fish symbol and the classic smiley face in the middle.


Jesus Is My Happiness Men's Sleeveless Tee

This Men's Sleeveless Tee can help you share the message of peace, love, hope, and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior - Is Jesus your happiness? Does Jesus make you smile? Does Jesus fill you with happiness? Does having Jesus within you and Jesus' arms around you bring you peace and security? Does the knowledge of Christ in your heart and life bring you joy? Whatever the reason is that Jesus Christ's salvation, love, peace, grace and mercy does for you, you know it is great, warm, wonderful, full of His love and makes you smile. The fish with a smiley face in the middle can mean several things to different people. It can mean "Jesus is my happiness", it can mean "Jesus the hope of glory" or "There is true happiness only through Jesus", "With Jesus, don't worry only be happy". Whatever it is to you, you can help share the message of peace, love and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior with the Christian fish symbol and the classic smiley face in the middle.


Jesus Is My Happiness Women's Tank Top

This Women's Tank Top can help you share the message of peace, love, hope, and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior - Is Jesus your happiness? Does Jesus make you smile? Does Jesus fill you with happiness? Does having Jesus within you and Jesus' arms around you bring you peace and security? Does the knowledge of Christ in your heart and life bring you joy? Whatever the reason is that Jesus Christ's salvation, love, peace, grace and mercy does for you, you know it is great, warm, wonderful, full of His love and makes you smile. The fish with a smiley face in the middle can mean several things to different people. It can mean "Jesus is my happiness", it can mean "Jesus the hope of glory" or "There is true happiness only through Jesus", "With Jesus, don't worry only be happy". Whatever it is to you, you can help share the message of peace, love and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior with the Christian fish symbol and the classic smiley face in the middle.


Jesus Is My Happiness Women's T-Shirt

This Women's T-Shirt can help you share the message of peace, love, hope, and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior - Is Jesus your happiness? Does Jesus make you smile? Does Jesus fill you with happiness? Does having Jesus within you and Jesus' arms around you bring you peace and security? Does the knowledge of Christ in your heart and life bring you joy? Whatever the reason is that Jesus Christ's salvation, love, peace, grace and mercy does for you, you know it is great, warm, wonderful, full of His love and makes you smile. The fish with a smiley face in the middle can mean several things to different people. It can mean "Jesus is my happiness", it can mean "Jesus the hope of glory" or "There is true happiness only through Jesus", "With Jesus, don't worry only be happy". Whatever it is to you, you can help share the message of peace, love and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior with the Christian fish symbol and the classic smiley face in the middle.


Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross Men's Sleeveless Tee

The Ace Iron Maltese Cross Men's Sleeveless Tee is for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings - The Playing Card Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone else who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings


Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross Women's Raglan Hoodie

The Biker Iron Maltese Cross Women's Raglan Hoodie is for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings - The Playing Card Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone else who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings


Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross Women's Tank Top

The Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross Women's Tank Top is for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings - The Playing Card Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone else who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings


Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross Women's T-Shirt

The Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross Women's T-Shirt is for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings - The Playing Card Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone else who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings


3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Men's Muscle Tee

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Men's Sleeveless Tee - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.


3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Women's Raglan Hoodie

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Women's Raglan Hoodie - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.


3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Women's Tank Top

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Women's Tank Top - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.