
Proposed changes to U.K.'s FiT program met with backlash from small hydro sector

Changes to the United Kingdom's Feed-In Tariff program could have a negative impact on a number of generation sectors -- including small hydroelectric power -- according to a number of industry groups.


Rwanda leases 22 small hydroelectric plants to private consortium

On Aug. 27, Rwanda’s Ministry of Infrastructure government announced it has leased 22 small hydropower projects located in the northern and western provinces to private investors to spur the country’s hydroelectric energy program. According to energy experts at the ministry, the plants would add about 24.6 MW of hydroelectric energy to the national grid. 


The Crown Estate launches small-scale MHK leasing program

The Crown Estate, one of the largest property owners in the United Kingdom, has launched a program of offshore leasing for small-scale marine hydrokinetic (MHK) testing and demonstration projects less than 3 MW. 


Aquila Capital to become “the largest operator of small-scale hydropower plants in Europe”

On Nov. 11, Germany-based Aquila Capital announced it has signed an agreement with four Norwegian utility companies -- Statkraft AS, Agder Energi, BKK and Skagerak Energi -- to acquire all shares of Smakraft AS, Norway's largest small-hydro company.  


MHK risk assessment tool set for demonstration in London this month

Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult and consultancy firm Frazer-Nash, both based in the UK, will perform a live demonstration of their marine hydrokinetics (MHK) energy project risk assessment tool during the International Tidal Energy Summit pre-conference risk and reliability workshop in London on Nov. 23.


US$1.6 billion Northern Pass transmission line will deliver Canadian hydropower to the U.S.

The US$1.6 billion Northern Pass transmission line that could tap into 1,096 MW from Canada’s largest hydropower producer, HydroQuebec, was approved Dec. 7, by a 6-0 vote of New Hampshire’s Site Evaluation Committee [SEC].


Gilkes begins construction of three small hydroelectric plants in Scotland

Hydroelectric power developer Gilkes Energy has begun construction on a trio of small hydro projects, all of which are to be located on the Attadale Estate near Loch Carron, Scotland.


CC&L adds financing for B.C.'s 12-MW Hunter Creek small hydro plant

Infrastructure investment firm Connor, Clark & Lunn has announced it will help finance the 12-MW Hunter Creek hydroelectric project near Hope, British Columbia.


Chile will increase small hydropower generation with 3-MW Los Pinos hydropower plant

Chile's Schwager Energy and China-based Shenyang Yuanda Commercial & Investment Co. signed a memorandum of understanding on Nov. 3 to build the 3-MW Los Pinos run-of-the-river hydroelectric plant in southern Chile's Lagos region, according to BN Americas.


10-MW Langtang Khola small hydropower project in Nepal receives financing

A consortium of banks has agreed to finance about Rs 1.60 billion (US$23.7 million) for the 10-MW Langtang Khola hydropower project on the Langtang River located in the Rasuwa district in the Himalaya region of Nepal. 


Research shows virtual reservoirs can boost flexibility of small hydropower facilities

New research shows that small run-of-river (ROR) hydropower projects can provide just as much baseload stability as reservoir-based hydropower plants while being highly responsive to real-time grid and market changes. This means that as the U.S. seeks to expand renewable energy sources without compromising reliability, one option is more flexible (and profitable) hydropower that doesn’t involve dams.



Three ways utilities can partner with smart renewable cities to deliver on their objectives

Cities and renewable electricity have, respectively, become the habitat and energy of choice globally. The two are increasingly inseparable. Urbanization and electrification trends have turned cities and the grid into leading platforms for human activity, presenting unique opportunities for today’s utilities to partner with municipalities to achieve their smart city goals.


Companies explore how to make your home smart and 100% renewable-powered

Big Oil wants to put a box in your hall closet that works like a human brain, can cut the lights, stop the refrigerator and will know how you move about in the privacy of your home better than you do.


VPPs with smart inverters offer crucial flexibility to the changing grid

Energy generation and consumption is rapidly transforming into a decentralized, decarbonized, and digitized model due to a number of market forces. The declining costs of solar energy systems, as well as the increasing price of energy from the grid has led to grid parity. This has caused PV proliferation to accelerate to such an extent that in the past five years alone, PV installed capacity has increased by 300%. Simultaneously, the EV market is also on the rise and is expected to reach the electrification tipping point by 2030. This is due to support from governments trying to limit the effects of climate change, thus leading to automotive manufactures transitioning their fleets from standard petrol- and diesel-powered cars to EVs. As a result of the acceleration of both of these markets, EV charging has created demand patterns causing an even steeper and faster ramp-up in the evenings than the PV duck curve. , This is causing the grid’s balancing act to be increasingly complex. In order to support this new energy dynamic, advanced management software is required to ensure grid stabilization and to unlock the value of these energy resources.


Hydro Tasmania accelerating site investigations for pumped storage hydropower

Hydro Tasmania says it is accelerating detailed investigation of three key opportunities for pumped storage hydro development in the state as part of the Battery of the Nation initiative. Work has begun on a full feasibility assessment of pumped hydro development opportunities at Lake Cethana and Lake Rowallan in the northwest and near Tribute Power Station on the West Coast.


An Investigation into Low Temperature Tin-bismuth and Tin-bismuth-silver Lead-free Alloy Solder Pastes

Presentation by Jasbir Bath of Christopher Associates.


Smart Grid Evolution: A New Generation of Intelligent Electronic Devices

The idea of a “smart grid” has taken center stage — an evolution of advanced technologies that make the availability of a smarter, more efficient electrical power grid possible. These technologies aim to address the complex challenges facing grid systems today, which stem largely from its aging infrastructure and a use case model that has evolved over the years. With power systems over a century old, the field instrumentation on the grid is quickly reaching its life cycle limit, which adversely affects overall grid reliability and efficiency.


Transmission Tweak Promises Big Cost Benefits for Offshore Wind

Offshore wind development is being pushed further out into deeper waters, emphasizing longer, higher-capacity transmission systems. Most newer offshore wind farms from Europe to the U.S. are looking at hundreds of kilometers of transmission lines: the U.K. Crown Estate's Round 3 allocations, interconnection systems from Germany's North Sea to the U.K.'s National Grid Western Link, and the proposed Atlantic Wind Connector in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic.


Utilities, ISOs Reflect on Transmission in Light of EPA’s Clean Power Plan

On what effect the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan will have on transmission development in the country, including potentially a need for more transmission to transport added renewable energy, Frank Poirot, senior media specialist of transmission with Northeast Utilities (NYSE:NU) told TransmissionHub that increasing the grid's capacity to transmit power is one way to meet the growing need and enable renewable generation.


New Navy Smart Microgrid Project Will Test Vanadium Flow Battery Storage

The California Energy Commission (CEC) and U.S. Navy (USN) are teaming up to spur deployment of grid-integrated local renewable energy resources and advanced energy storage solutions. On December 1, Imergy Power Systems announced that its ESP30 series vanadium-flow batteries will be used in a CEC-sponsored Smart Microgrid project hosted by the Navy at its Mobile Utilities Support Equipment (MUSE) Facility in Port Hueneme, California.


Renewable Energy Review: Finance Mechanisms

Developers, manufacturers, investors and other renewable energy industry stakeholders need updates on the latest and greatest finance mechanisms available today. Since 2003, global consultancy Ernst & Young has released its Country Attractiveness Indices, which ranks global renewable energy markets by analyzing investment strategies and resource availability.


Even in the Off Season, Utilities Must Prepare the Smart Grid with Storage for Natural Disasters

Although the U.S. made it through a quiet 2014 Atlantic hurricane season this year, it doesn’t mean we’re out of the waters. Natural disasters are an ongoing threat to our infrastructure, and utilities need to be conscious of the present state and future of our power grid. Fortunately, in recent years many utilities across the country have recognized the importance of being prepared for major storms, and have been actively researching and implementing solutions to prepare for the next big one.


Texas Senator Seeks to Dismantle What He Helped Create: The Renewable Portfolio Standard

Sen. Troy Fraser (R-Horseshoe Bay) has filed a bill that would eliminate Texas’ Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) – a policy that has catapulted Texas to world leadership in wind energy and strengthened Texas’ energy diversity. In addition to terminating the RPS at the end of the year, SB 931would make it more difficult to build renewable energy infrastructure. The argument behind the bill is that because Texas has achieved its RPS goals it’s time to move on. Sounds reasonable, right? Well…


New World Bank Report: Chinese Clean-tech SMEs Embrace Opportunities

The World Bank indicated in its new report "Building Competitive Green Industries: The Climate and Clean Technology Opportunity for Developing Countries" that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries are set to undergo significant growth and create more jobs in the field of clean technology. Anabel Gonzalez, senior director for the World Bank's Global Practice on Trade and Competitiveness, said developing home-grown clean-tech industries will help developing countries more effectively increase the adoption of low-cost clean energy and drive sustainable economic development.


Asia turns to Australia for smart cities solutions

Developers across Asia are seeking innovative solutions to help them create more liveable and environmentally sustainable cities, opening up opportunities for Australian designers, constructors and building operators.

  • 2019 Latest from Austrade


Three ways utilities can partner with smart renewable cities to deliver on their objectives

Cities and renewable electricity have, respectively, become the habitat and energy of choice globally. The two are increasingly inseparable. Urbanization and electrification trends have turned cities and the grid into leading platforms for human activity, presenting unique opportunities for today’s utilities to partner with municipalities to achieve their smart city goals.


Small Missouri utility proposes big pivot to clean energy in latest resource plan

Missouri’s smallest investor-owned utility is charting a dramatically different course two years after being acquired by new owners.


The best blenders for smoothies, soups, and everything in between


Today's lesson in Cooking as a Grown-Ass adult: Blenders are used for more than frozen margs in summer and collecting dust in winter.

Hot soup without a stove, coffee without a coffee maker, and whipped cream without a hand mixer are just a few of the tasks these multitasking appliances can tackle. Similar to the way the mystical Instant Pot replaces a sauté pan or slow cooker, blenders can expand your meal possibilities tenfold without the clutter of multiple machines. Read more...

More about Tech, Food, Kitchen, Mashable Shopping, and Blenders
IMAGE: Amazon


Vitamix Professional Series 750

This classic Vitamix annihilates fruits and nuts and has presets to make just about anything.

  • Power: 1,560 watts
  • Container size: 64-ounce
  • Automated settings: smoothies, hot soups, frozen desserts, purées, self-cleaning
  • App-connected: No
$598.95 from Amazon

IMAGE: Amazon


Ninja Mega Kitchen System (BL770)

Expand to pizza or cookie dough with this food processing bowl — just ignore the noise.

  • Power: 1,500 watts
  • Pitcher size: 72-ounce
  • Automated settings: dough, blend, crush, single serve
  • App-connected: No
$149.99 from Amazon

IMAGE: Amazon


Calphalon Auto-Speed Blender

Novices and experts alike will appreciate the auto-adjusting speeds, screen, and long warranty.

  • Power: 1,100 watts
  • Container size: 67.6-ounce
  • Automated settings: smoothie, dip, milkshake, frozen drink
  • App-connected: No
$159.99 from Amazon

IMAGE: NutriBullet


NutriBullet Balance

Track fitness goals and nutrition facts with the Bluetooth smart scale and Balance app.

  • Power: 1,200 Watts
  • Container size: 32-ounce
  • Automated settings: None
  • App-connected: Yes
$149.94 from NutriBullet

IMAGE: Amazon


Vitamix A3500

Walk-away convenience and the touchscreen are life-changing, but iPads can be bought for cheaper.

  • Power: 1,500 watts
  • Container size: 64-ounce
  • Automated settings: smoothies, hot soups, dips and spreads, frozen desserts, self-cleaning
  • App-connected: Yes
$565 from Amazon

IMAGE: Amazon


Breville Control Grip Immersion Blender

Dressing, soup, merengue, and whipped cream can achieve the perfect texture with 15 trigger speeds and an ergonomic handle.

  • Power: 280 watts
  • Pitcher size: 42-ounce
  • Automated settings: None
  • App-connected: No
$83.95 from Amazon

IMAGE: Amazon


Oster Blend-N-Go

A pre-gym smoothie always feels rushed, but this blending pitcher doubles as a sport bottle.

  • Power: 400 watts
  • Pitcher size: 20-ounce
  • Automated settings: None
  • App-connected: No
$19.99 from Amazon

IMAGE: Amazon


Hamilton Beach Wave Crusher (58163)

This classic blender is great for newbies and triples as a personal blender and food processor — but you get what you pay for.

  • Power: 700 watts
  • Container size: 40-ounce
  • Automated settings: milkshake/easy clean, purée/smoothie, dice/salsa, crush ice/grate
  • App-connected: No
$59.99 from Amazon

IMAGE: Amazon


PopBabies Personal Blender

USB charging makes this great for going off the grid or for work.

  • Power: 175 watts
  • Container size: 14-ounce
  • Automated settings: None
  • App-connected: No
$36.99 from Amazon

IMAGE: NutriBullet



Though it only has one speed, you'll get two different blade options included with the set.

  • Power: 600 watts
  • Cup size(s): Two 18-ounce, one 24-ounce
$59.99 from NutriBullet

IMAGE: Amazon


Nutri Ninja with FreshVac Technology

Get the most nutrients and best flavors from your produce with this blender's FreshVac pump.

  • Power: 1,100 watts
  • Cup size(s): Two 24-ounce
$56.99 from Amazon

IMAGE: NutriBullet


Magic Bullet

A cheap, reliable blender that isn't too feature-heavy.

  • Power: 250 watts
  • Cup size(s): One 12-ounce, two 18-ounce
$39.99 from NutriBullet

IMAGE: Amazon


Homgeek Personal Mini Blender

With two slim sports bottles, this compact blender is a solid choice.

  • Power: 300 watts
  • Cup size(s): Two 20-ounce
$23.99 from Amazon

IMAGE: Amazon


Cozibot Travel Blender

Just because you're far from an outlet doesn't mean you need to skip your smoothie.

  • Power: 65 watts
  • Cup size(s): One 13-ounce
$34.96 from Amazon


Cobie Smulders sings social distance 'Let's Go to the Mall' parody

The coronavirus pandemic has many of us nostalgic for a simpler time — maybe when we were teenagers and/or watching our favorite early oughts sitcoms. 

Actress Cobie Smulders seems to be feeling that itch, and sensed we are too. The former How I Met Your Mother actress decided to recreate her character Robin Scherbatsky's hit song from the series, "Let's Go to The Mall."

For those who need a refresher, "Let's Go to The Mall" was released during Robin's short career as a pop star (under the name Robin Sparkles) in her homeland of Canada. While it has all the flair of an '80s banger — jelly bracelets, worshipping the mall — it was released in the '90s because apparently that's when '80s culture reached CanadaRead more...

More about How I Met Your Mother, Cobie Smulders, Movies Tv Shows, Social Distancing, and Entertainment


RBI: Anti-Money Laundering, Combating of Financing of Terrorism Standards

The Reserve Bank of India on Sept. 22, 2011, issued a letter to financial institutions regarding anti-money laundering and the combating of financing of terrorism standards.


RBI: Anti-Money Laundering, Combating of Financing of Terrorism Standards

The Reserve Bank of India on Sept. 22, 2011, issued a letter to financial institutions regarding anti-money laundering and the combating of financing of terrorism standards.


Live Webinar | The Fast Lane to Smart Content Governance: How Data-Centric Security Can Help You Survive (and thrive) in a Remote Work World


Live Webinar | The Fast Lane to Smart Content Governance: How Data-Centric Security Can Help You Survive (and thrive) in a Remote Work World


Live Webinar | The Fast Lane to Smart Content Governance: How Data-Centric Security Can Help You Survive (and thrive) in a Remote Work World


NCUA: Craftsman Credit Union, Detroit, Closes

The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services liquidated Craftsman Credit Union of Detroit and appointed the National Credit Union Administration as liquidating agent.


DSM to Make Biofuel by July as US Considers Cutting Renewable Fuel Standard

Royal DSM NV, the world’s largest vitamin manufacturer, expects to begin producing cellulosic ethanol in the U.S. by July as the government considers reducing the amount of renewable fuel that oil companies will be required to buy.


News and information on small hydropower projects from around the world

The latest news on global small hydroelectric facilities from July-August 2014


Buffett Testing Smart Grid Technology for Home Energy Management

Warren Buffett wants to tell you the best time to wash your clothes. Or at least his energy company in the U.K does. Buffett’s Northern Powergrid Holdings Co. is working with Siemens AG to test a so-called smart grid that has the ability to control when consumer appliances will be used in the home.


Chile will increase small hydropower generation with 3-MW Los Pinos hydropower plant

Chile's Schwager Energy and China-based Shenyang Yuanda Commercial & Investment Co. signed a memorandum of understanding on Nov. 3 to build the 3-MW Los Pinos run-of-the-river hydroelectric plant in southern Chile's Lagos region, according to BN Americas.


Spotlight on Journalism Fellowships

EWC Journalism Programs Expand Offerings, Participation

A strong growth area at the East-West Center in recent years has been the Center’s journalism fellowships and exchanges. Since 2005, the range of EWC programs for journalists has doubled, to 10 programs serving about 100 participants per year, with many more attending the biennial international media conferences.


Spotlight on Seminars: Hong Kong Journalism Fellows Explore Post-Olympics China

Spotlight on Seminars: Hong Kong Journalism Fellows Explore Post-Olympics China

Hong Kong Journalism Fellows interview Tibetan monks at the Gedan Songzanlin Lamasery in Shangri-La, Yunnan, China.


Audio: An Inside Perspective on North Korea: A conversation with Prof. Hazel Smith


Audio: An Inside Perspective on North Korea: A conversation with Prof. Hazel Smith

Click the audio icon to listen to an interview about North Korean security and food issues with Prof. Hazel Smith of England’s Warwick University, a recent visiting fellow at the East-West Center in Honolulu.



EWC Community Saddened by Sudden Passing of Larry Smith

The East-West Center community has been saddened to learn of the sudden passing of former Education Director and longtime community supporter Larry Smith, who suffered a fatal heart attack over the weekend, shortly after arriving in New Delhi to attend a conference.


AIFMD update: ESMA updates AIFMD Q&As and delays opinion on the extension of the AIFMD passport to non-EU entities

Updated AIFMD Q&As The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published an updated version of its Q&A paper on the application of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD). This publication was released on...


The end of an era – is this the end of “smash and grab” adjudications?

A new approach A recent ruling by Coulson J represents a significant departure from the line of cases which paved the way for “smash and grab” adjudications. Since ISG v Seevic (2014) and Galliford Try v Estura (2015) an employer that fa...


Black-Pepper Salmon With Dill Smashed Potatoes

From Gourmet 2009. -- posted by Vicki Kaye


Grilled Shrimp and Sausage Skewers With Smokey Paprika Gaze

from Bon Appetit. A delicious glaze. Make it often. -- posted by Vicki Kaye


Coronavirus - 'If we don't think big, we will fail small': a combined industry vision for unity and intervention - UK

As Bruce Dear writes, “COVID-19 poses a threat of unparalleled potency to our real estate markets and economy. So our industry and government must unite behind a grand, generous and visionary response to match the scale of this once in a cent...