
Help me apply to jobs (New York, NY)

I have some mental illness/executive function/autism issues that make applying to jobs a particularly excruciating and time consuming, and I need someone to help look through listings, customize my resumes and cover letters and send them out.

We would meet at a cafe for a few hours each week to coordinate and figure out a strategy and a weekly schedule, and depending on what makes sense at the time, either we'd crank through applications together, or you'd go off and work through them on your own.

I can pay $40/hr plus a $500 bonus if one of the applications you work on leads to me accepting a job.


Someone to run a quick errand in Portland (Portland, OR)

I'm looking for someone to buy something at a grocery store and take it to a friend in the Garden Home neighborhood. I will Paypal you for all costs plus $25.

Please be someone with an active Metafilter history.


Someone to design and implement a simple, attractive static web page (bay area, california)

Forgive me for the following display of ignorance.

I'm looking for someone to develop a simple and attractive static website. I'm agnostic about the development framework. The functionality needed would be a simple landing page that functions as about/contact and a page that would act as a form where users could upload a file (~25MB .wav). The files would be automatically uploaded to Dropbox or Google Drive, etc. (whatever is easiest). I have no visual assets (logos, images, etc.). I have some examples of design I have in mind as models (Jekyll pages, etc.) that I can share with you.

I have never hired anyone for a project of this kind, so I don't know what common practice is re: contract pay, but I have a soft budget of ~1,000USD.

I don't yet have a domain registered anywhere.


Custom sewing work (US)

I'd like to have a set of women's pajamas with piping made from jersey knit Spoonflower fabric I designed. Here's the pattern: https://mccall.com/b6296. Please contact me for more info.


Designer for print + web publication (remote)

The Affecting Technologies group of the Center for Arts, Design + Social Research is looking to hire a designer or studio to work with us on designing a publication for print and web. The goal of the publication is to document the presentations, conversations, and projects from a recent convening we held in Sao Paulo, Brazil called Afetando Tecnologias / Maquinando Inteligencias (Affecting Technologies, Machining Intelligences). We would hope to create a durable, beautiful artifact together. Apply by 11:59 pm ET on 20th April 2020, or send us an email at affecting-tech-group@critical-computing.org with answers to the form. If you have questions, please write to us at affecting-tech-group@critical-computing.org. Portuguese and English applications warmly welcomed.

More information

O grupo Affecting Technologies (Afetando Tecnologias) do Center for Arts, Design + Social Research quer contratar um designer ou estúdio para trabalhar conosco na criação de uma publicação para impressão e web. O objetivo da publicação é documentar as apresentações, conversas e projetos de uma recente conferência realizada em São Paulo, no Brasil, chamada Afetando Tecnologias / Maquinando Inteligencias (Affecting Technologies, Machining Intelligences): http://www.iea.usp.br/eventos/afetando-tecnologias-maquinando-inteligencias. Esperamos criar juntos um material bonito e durável. Para se inscrever, preencha el formulário ou nos mande um e-mail com respostas para as perguntas em affecting-tech-group@critical-computing.org até 23h59 ET de 20 de abril de 2020.


Perform Record a Version of the Song "Down by the Bay" (Remote)

I wrote a book for my son's birthday that is a version of the song Down by the Bay. I would love to accompany the not-quite-a-book with an MP3 of the song that he can sing along with. If you can sing and play an instrument (guitar, piano, kazoo, whatever) and put together a fun/happy/lively recording of the song, I want you! I was thinking $50 CAD? But I don't really know what's reasonable here. Also, I would somewhat prefer a Canadian just because I know how to email/text money to a Canadian, but I'm not really sure how I would pay anyone else. But if you have a way for me to pay you (I dunno a web site where I can "checkout" or whatever) then I'm happy for whoever.


Move a WordPress blog to a new host (online)

I have a HostGator-hosted WordPress blog that is on an increasingly outdated version of PHP and WP. I would like to transfer it to a new host, ideally one that is cheaper and that lets me stop worrying about details like the PHP version. Setting up HTTPS would be good, too. The blog itself is a pretty standard WP installation without much in the way of plugins and with no custom code or complex theming, so hopefully the transfer will be simple.

I'm open to an hourly rate or a flat fee.


Looking for summarization of audio of 2-hour meeting (Anytown, USA)

My employer is used to meetings in person, but during the CoronApocalypse has begun taking meetings in Zoom like many others. I just got through with a 2-hour (actually 1:51) meeting and my employer would like a summary -- not a transcription, but a summary -- of what was said. The idea is that they would be able to look at this summary and recall the flow of the discussion, what people were communicating at different points, we do not need word-for-word.

Challenges: (1) Recorded via a voice dictation stood up next to a laptop.
(2) 4 voices doing most of the talking, with a few others occasionally coming in. Unfortunately the main voices interrupt and try to talk over each other, which went poorly over Zoom. Fortunately the voices are distinct, and I can let you know who's who so you can label them appropriately.
(3) Some technical jargon related to construction, land/soil shifting and the law regarding buildings.

Let me know your estimate for this work, and when we reach agreement I can send you an 80MB MP3 file through Dropbox or Google Drive.

Deadline: done by this Friday evening

We also have another meeting with the same people scheduled for next week.


„Der Vorgesetzte kann auch zum Killer Nummer eins werden“

Vorgesetzte machen sich meist ein Bild von Arbeitnehmern, die sich bei ihnen bewerben – und recherchieren dazu im Internet. Doch auch die Bewerber forschen vor Vorstellungsgesprächen über ihre mögliche Führungskraft. Experten warnen dabei vor einem Fehler.


Großbritanniens Elite-Schulen vor einer Pleitewelle

In Großbritannien sind seit Wochen die Schulen geschlossen, auch private Einrichtungen wie das berühmte Eton College. Für einige von ihnen wird es jetzt finanziell eng – auch weil nicht klar ist, ob überhaupt alle Schüler wieder kommen.


Last-Minute-Lernen in der Corona-Krise? So helfen Sie Ihrem Kind

Wegen der Corona-Pandemie wurden in diesem Jahr Abschlussprüfungen verschoben, was die Vorbereitung erschwerte. Dabei sind Abi und MSA ohnehin schon stressig genug. So helfen Sie Ihren Kindern beim Lernen auf den letzten Drücker.


Jetzt erfasst die Corona-Krise auch Akademiker-Jobs

Die Corona-Krise verschont keinen – auch nicht die vermeintlich sicheren Jobs von Hochschulabsolventen. Experten befürchten, dass fast 13 Millionen Arbeitsplätze von Akademikern in Europa wackeln. Das Risiko ist aber extrem ungleich verteilt.


Wegen Corona in Kurzarbeit – warum Sie das Taschengeld kürzen sollten

Viele Eltern leiden aktuell unter großen finanziellen und emotionalen Sorgen. Das spüren ihre Kinder – egal wie alt sie sind. Familien sollten daher offensiv über die Krise reden. Denn mit den richtigen Antworten können Kinder jetzt viel fürs Leben lernen.


Auf Jobsuche in der Corona-Krise – das müssen Sie beachten

Arbeitssuche ist zermürbend, die Corona-Krise verschärft das Problem noch. Die Arbeitsämter sind zwar geschlossen, doch der Betrieb läuft und auch die Fristen gelten weiterhin. Was Ihnen in dieser Situation an staatlicher Hilfe zusteht.


Warum sich die Generation Z niemals von Corona erholen wird

Mit der Coronavirus-Pandemie erlebt die junge Generation die erste Krise ihres Lebens. Sie wird sich damit für immer verändern. Im Berufsleben muss sich der Nachwuchs auf schmerzhafte Verluste einstellen – politisch droht der Gesellschaft dafür aber ein neuer Linksruck.


Colorizer Pro 1.0 by BenjaminSoma

Easily adjust the color of the lights on an Ableton Push or Novation Launchpad with this Max for Live patch. Refresh the lights on a timed interval or automatically whenever you press the pads. You ...


Backing Tracks 1.0 by UdoRBrauna

Use arrangement view in Live to prepare your gig (backing tracks, instruments, etc). Using arrangement view to trigger your tracks is more comfortable, because you can have tempo changes in every song...


Note Length Calculator BPM to ms or Hz 1.0 by AbletonExpert

This device will calculate the note length in (milliseconds and Hz) based on the BPM input. Useful for timing decay, delay, envelope loops, etc.. to your music. 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64...


Wenn Nobelrestaurants in der Corona-Krise zum Lieferdienst werden

Edle Restaurants satteln in der Corona-Krise um und liefern vorbereitete Menüs nach Hause. An ähnlichen Lieferdiensten sind bereits mehrere Food-Start-ups gescheitert. Denn das Geschäft ist kompliziert.


So versorgen Sie Ihre AirPods mit Power

Sie möchten Ihre AirPods laden – und das möglichst schnell und unkompliziert? Lesen Sie hier, worauf zu achten ist.

  • Webwelt & Technik


So verdient Google an den Steuermilliarden im Kampf gegen Corona

Der Tech-Konzern besteht in der Virus-Krise auf die Bezahlung von Rechnungen in Millionenhöhe. Das trifft große Anzeigenkunden wie Reiseanbieter besonders. Um ihre Schuld zu begleichen, überweisen sie einen Teil ihrer Hilfskredite direkt an Google.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Diese Sofortbildkameras bringen das Polaroid-Zeitalter zurück

Trotz des Durchbruchs von digitalen Fotos sind Polaroids weiterhin beliebt. Denn mit den Sofortbildkameras halten Sie ihre Bilder gleich in der Hand. Hersteller entwickeln die Geräte immer weiter – und machen jetzt sogar das Handy zum mobilen Drucker.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Dieser OLED-Fernseher sorgt für einen Farbenrausch

Mit dem OLED GX ist LG ein echter Hingucker gelungen. Im Test beeindruckte vor allem das Design des nur daumendicken Fernsehers. Auch die Bildschirmtechnik spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Bei günstigen Plattenspielern zählt vor allem das Weglassen

Die Vinyl-Schallplatte hat sich einen festen Platz im Musikmarkt zurückerobert. Das Angebot an Plattenspielern ist riesig. Der Test zeigt, dass bei neuen Modellen oft weniger mehr ist.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Für Wein-Start-ups ist die Corona-Krise ein Glücksfall

Wein erweist sich in Corona-Zeiten als krisenfest. Davon profitieren vor allem Gründer und ihre Internetshops. Dabei halten typische Käufer eigentlich nicht viel vom Online-Shopping. Das könnte sich nun ändern.


Saving the World

In times like these, who will be our saviour?


Coronavirus Victims: Students From 3 States Remember Their Teachers

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit MARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST: Nearly 70,000 people have died from COVID-19 in the U.S. Some of them worked in schools - teachers, coaches, counselors. Today we remember three of those people as seen through the eyes of their students. ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: Paula Pryce-Bremmer was a guidance counselor at Careers in Sports High School in New York City. She was 51 years old. Michael Westbrook was 54. He was the band director at Hardin-Jefferson High School in Sour Lake, Texas. And Ron Hill was a coach and substitute teacher at Mount Vernon Presbyterian School in Fulton County, Ga. He was 63 years old. (SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC) BRITT WHITSTEIN: My name is Britt Whitstein (ph). I graduated from Mount Vernon Presbyterian High School in 2017. Coach Hill was one of my varsity basketball coaches. Coach Hill had a way of changing your perspective without you even knowing it. Because he believed in me, I did things in high school and even going into college that I


One New York School Plans To Hold Its Graduation Ceremony At A Drive-In Movie Theater

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit AILSA CHANG, HOST: For the high school class of 2020, this senior year has been a series of disappointing cancellations due to the pandemic - first, classes, then prom and now graduation. Some schools are trying out video conference graduation ceremonies, and then there are the schools that are trying something a little different. NPR's Tovia Smith reports. TOVIA SMITH, BYLINE: For the millions of high school seniors who've been robbed of their capstone year, their last season on varsity teams, senior prom, awards night, it's been hard to let go of graduation, too. KEN FREESTON: To not have one just doesn't seem right to us. VINCE DIGRANDI: Absolutely. They've earned it. That's where I'm coming from. SMITH: In North Salem, N.Y., Superintendent Ken Freeston and Principal Vince DiGrandi started brainstorming last month for ways to get their seniors some pomp despite the circumstance, and they called a nearby venue. DIGRANDI: John, where we're at is


School Counselor Gives Life Lessons On YouTube From Her Kitchen

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit DAVID GREENE, HOST: Let's visit the kitchen of an elementary school counselor in Ohio. Her name is Marie Weller, and she has turned to YouTube to help kids stranded away from school during this pandemic. NPR's Cory Turner has been visiting with her. CORY TURNER, BYLINE: In Delaware, Ohio, just north of Columbus, she's known as Mrs. Weller. And if I had to describe her in a word, it would be joyful. MARIE WELLER: (Laughter). TURNER: Once Ohio closed its schools, Mrs. Weller started going through counseling videos she could share with her kids remotely, but she says many of them were just too... WELLER: Boring. So I started thinking - well, I'm bored and can't imagine that the kids aren't. TURNER: And this is the magical moment when Mrs. Weller took her talents to YouTube. (SOUNDBITE OF THE IRISH ROVERS' "WHAT'S COOKING IN THE KITCHEN") TURNER: Weller set up a smartphone in her kitchen, surrounded herself with puppets - of course she has puppets -


Federal Rules Give More Protection To Students Accused Of Sexual Assault

New federal regulations on how schools – from kindergarten all the way through college — must respond to cases of sexual assault and harassment are drawing swift and mixed reactions. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced what she called historic changes Wednesday to Obama-era guidelines that she said will make the process fairer and better protect accused students. While some welcome the changes to Title IX as long overdue, survivors' advocates are panning the new rules as a throwback to the days when sexual assault was seldom reported or punished, and schools are protesting they can't possibly implement them by summer, as required. Among the most significant changes are new regulations aimed at beefing up protections for accused college students, by mandating live hearings by adjudicators who are neither the Title IX coordinator nor the investigator, and real-time cross examination of each student by the other student's lawyer or representative. "Cross examination is an important


A Few Schools Reopen, But Remote Learning Could Go On For Years In U.S.

May 7 is the date that Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, a Democrat, declared it was safe to open up schools. The state has had fewer than 500 reported cases of the coronavirus as of this week. But according to the state's Office of Public Instruction, just a few school districts in small towns have taken the governor up on the offer. That gap — between a state executive proclaiming schools OK to open and the reality of tiny groups of students gathering in just a few schools — shows the logistical challenges educators and state officials around the country face in any decision to reopen. Willow Creek School in Three Forks, Mont., is opening its doors and expects a few dozen of its 56 students to show up. Troy, a northwestern Montana town, is holding limited and voluntary "study hall" visits, focusing on special education students, as well as some outdoor activities. The town of Glasgow says it will open its schools on a limited basis to students without devices. Libby, a town of fewer than 3


News Brief: COVID-19 Testing, Georgia Shooting, Montana Schools

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit NOEL KING, HOST: Is it time for states to reopen their economies? President Trump really wants it to happen. But the question is whether or not it's safe. DAVID GREENE, HOST: And there is a way to answer that. You test people - right? - for COVID-19. But are states testing enough people? Well, a Harvard analysis conducted exclusively for NPR suggests the answer broadly is no. KING: NPR science reporter Rob Stein has the details of that analysis. Good morning, Rob. ROB STEIN, BYLINE: Good morning, Noel. KING: So what does it show us? STEIN: It's based on estimates of the size of each state's outbreak, how much testing they're doing and how much testing they'd need to do to keep their outbreaks from, you know, spinning out of control. The Harvard analysis found nine states do seem to be doing at least the bare minimum amount of testing they'd need to reopen. But the other 41 states, plus the District of Columbia, are still not doing enough testing


CDC Guidance For Reopening Schools, Child Care And Summer Camps Is Leaked

No field trips. No game rooms. No teddy bears. These are some of the CDC's guidelines for reopening schools, childcare centers and day camps safely in places where coronavirus cases are on the decline. The guidance, which also covers restaurants, churches and other public places, was obtained by The Associated Press , which reports that the White House tried to keep it from coming to light. The New York Times quoted Mark Meadows, the chief of staff, as being concerned that the guidelines were "overly prescriptive." The CDC does not have authority to enforce its guidance, which is intended for public information only; the actual policy decisions are up to state and local governments. Schools are closed through the end of the school year throughout much of the country, with the exception of Montana, which welcomed a handful of students back this week. Child care protocols are different in different states. But millions of parents need child care so they can work, and socialization and


Students Call College That Got Millions In Coronavirus Relief 'A Sham'

A for-profit college received millions of dollars from the federal government to help low-income students whose lives have been upended by the coronavirus outbreak, but that same school, Florida Career College (FCC), is also accused of defrauding students. A federal class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of students in April calls FCC "a sham" and alleges that, long before the pandemic, the college was targeting economically vulnerable people of color. The plaintiffs say the vocational school enticed them with false promises of career training and job placement — but spent little on instruction while charging exorbitant prices and pushing students into loans they cannot repay. The lawsuit comes as thousands of colleges across the country are receiving federal emergency relief in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Through the CARES Act, FCC has been allotted $17 million. The law requires that at least half of that money goes directly to students, but makes few stipulations for the rest


Small, Private Colleges Get Boost From Coronavirus Relief Funds

When Congress allocated money for higher education in the coronavirus rescue package, it set aside nearly $350 million for colleges that had "significant unmet needs." Most of that money has now been allotted by the U.S. Department of Education to small, private colleges that serve just a fraction of U.S. college students. Meanwhile, public colleges — which serve more than 70% of all college students — are facing a steep drop in state funding . The 20 institutions that received the most amount of money from the unmet-need fund serve less than 3,000 students combined, and about half are religious schools — including Bible colleges and seminaries — several of which serve less than 100 students. Don't see the graphic above? Click here. Lawmakers designed this unmet-need fund to give priority to any higher education institution that has received less than $500,000 through the CARES Act's other pots of funding. As a result, a school like Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, which serves 47


So reagiert Palmer auf die Forderungen zum Parteiaustritt

„Der Landesvorstand erwartet, dass Boris Palmer unsere Partei verlässt“, teilte der Vorstand der Südwest-Grünen mit. Zuletzt sorgte der Tübinger OB mit einer Wortwahl zum Umgang mit älteren Corona-Patienten für Empörung.


Union legt deutlich zu – Grüne nur noch in einer Altersgruppe vor CDU/CSU

Die Corona-Krise scheint das Zutrauen in die Unionsparteien zu steigern: In einer neuen Umfrage kommen CDU und CSU erstmals seit Jahren wieder auf 40 Prozent. Die SPD hingegen verliert deutlich. Die Grünen liegen nur noch in einer Altersgruppe vor der Union.


Bill Gates, der neue „Superschurke“ für Verschwörungstheoretiker

Weltweit kursieren inzwischen wilde Theorien, Microsoft-Gründer Bill Gates sei für den Ausbruch des Virus verantwortlich. Seinen Ursprung nahmen die Anschuldigungen in den USA. Doch längst haben sie auch Deutschland erreicht.


Diese Urlaubsorte steuert die Lufthansa bald wieder an

Ab Juni will die Lufthansa-Gruppe ihren in der Corona-Krise minimierten Flugplan wieder ausbauen und zu beliebten Ferienzielen fliegen. Kunden zeigen wachsendes Interesse. Einschränkungen wird es an Bord trotzdem geben.


Little Richard ist im Alter von 87 Jahren gestorben

Little Richard gilt als Wegbereiter des Rock 'n' Roll, erlangte in den 50ern mit Hits wie „Tutti Frutti“ weltweite Bekanntheit. Nun ist der amerikanische Musiker im Alter von 87 Jahren verstorben.


Das sind Deutschlands Corona-Hotspots

Während deutschlandweit Corona-Beschränkungen gelockert werden, müssen drei Landkreise auf die Notbremse treten. Besonders hoch sind die Infektionszahlen in einer Fleischfabrik - die Kritik an den dortigen Arbeitsbedingungen wird lauter.


Demonstration vor dem Reichstag – Attila Hildmann abgeführt

In Berlin, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, München und Köln gab es am Samstag erneut Proteste gegen die Einschränkungen wegen der Corona-Epidemie. Vor dem Reichstag nahm die Polizei 30 Personen vorläufig fest. Unter den Teilnehmern war auch Vegankoch Attila Hildmann.


Boris Palmer soll wohl nicht aus der Partei ausgeschlossen werden

Innerhalb der Grünen-Partei rumort es - auch wegen eines Streits um neuerliche Aussagen Boris Palmers. Ein Parteiausschluss, wie von einigen gefordert, scheint dem Tübinger Oberbürgermeister aber nicht zu drohen.


Trump und Corona – ist das wie Bush und Irak?

Der US-Außenminister behauptet, China habe das Corona-Virus aus einem Forschungslabor in Wuhan entweichen lassen. Dafür gebe es „enorme Beweise“. Doch die könnten auf einer ebenso plumpen Fälschung beruhen wie die „Beweise“, die 2003 den Irak-Krieg gerechtfertigt haben.


Verschwörungstheoretiker sind keine harmlosen Spinner

Früher gab es pro Dorf ein paar einsame Sonderlinge. Heute sind sie dank sozialer Medien vernetzt. Sie reden von „querdenken“. In Wahrheit suchen sie einfache Antworten auf komplexe Fragen – und sind schnell dabei, für alles einen Schuldigen zu finden.


Sharing feelings and creative opportunities during lockdown

I worked with a group of young creative / technical folks (mostly POC) to create an emotional mapping site. Tag a location and share how you're feeling — and check out the three opportunities for funded creative 'residencies'.

A big inspiration was Queering the Map.



Red Ticket: A Story of Collapse

1993 was the most brutal of the post-collapse years in Moscow, and it was also the year I moved there without really knowing any better. I woke up in a society where few institutions functioned, mobsters in tracksuits flourished, and chewing gum was worth more than money. Red Ticket is my memoir about Russia after it lost the Cold War (remember when we used to say that?), and about social and personal collapse.

1. When Everything Is Easy- I move to Russia to make things harder.

2. Hussein | 3. Pay Stove - I meet the man who will save my life the next day. A mysterious woman gives me a gift.

4. Smokers' Paradise | 5. The Attack - I finally get to use the condoms. Things in the dorm take a dark turn.



Pictures and Stories

An editor friend of mine and I have been trying to keep occupied during the lockdown by collaborating on short (sometimes very short) fiction based around reader-submitted photos. These are the tales we have so far.



Leah Senior shares baroque "Evergreen" music video

Enchanting singer and instrumentalist Leah Senior has just shared her charming new track "Evergreen," via Flightless Records, label of King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard. This joyful tune comes after a long wait from Senior, whose last full length album, Pretty Faces, came in 2017. "Evergreen" also comes with an exciting announcement, the release of a new album The Passing […]

The post Leah Senior shares baroque "Evergreen" music video appeared first on EARMILK.


Album Review: The Wrecks — Infinitely Ordinary

The Wrecks set out to write their debut album almost three years ago, but it wasn't always smooth sailing. Between changing labels, rewriting new songs, and shifting their sound forward, the process became an Odyssey of reflection, growth, and self-discovery. On the eve of the album's release, frontman Nick Anderson took the time to share […]

The post Album Review: The Wrecks — Infinitely Ordinary appeared first on EARMILK.