
Ricardo Brennand, Brazilian Entrepreneur and Collector, Dies at 92

He amassed a vast trove of art and artifacts and built a castle-like repository so the public could see it, partly because his family wasn’t happy with his collecting.


[Women's Cross Country] Cross Country Runner Tavia Hart Is Named A.I.I. Runner of the Week

Haskell Women's Cross Country runner Tavia Hart comes out runner of the week after second meet of the season.


[Cross Country] Haskell Invitational Rescheduled

The collegiate races for the Haskell Invitational have been rescheduled for October 11 at 4pm.


[Cross Country] 2019 Cross Country Schedule is Released

The 2019 Haskell cross country schedule has been released and the Indians will compete at seven regular season meets before postseason action begins. The Purple and Gold will also play host to the Association of Independent Institutions conference meet as the defending champions on the men's side.



[Cross Country] X.C. Competes in First Meet on 8/31/19

On Saturday August 31, 2019, both Women's and Men's Cross Country competed in their first meet of the season at Baker University.


[Cross Country] Cross Country Travels to Bearcat Open 9/6/19!

Tomorrow, September 6, 2019, Haskell XC will compete in Bearcat open against Northwest MIssouri State!


[Cross Country] Women's & Men's Cross Country Improve their Stats in Second Meet of the Season

Both Women's and Men's Cross Country improved their overall standings this weekend at the bearcat Open.


[Cross Country] Haskell Cross Country Gets Ready for Meet at Rim Rock

Haskell Cross Country travels to Rim Rock meet at KU on Saturday October 5th, 2019. 


[Cross Country] Cross Country Treads through the Mud at Rim Rock Classic

Both Men's and Women's Cross Country were put the the test at the Rim Rock Classic XC Meet with unpleasant weather. 


[Cross Country] Cross Country Prepares for Haskell Invitational on 10/12/19

This week Cross Country is training for their first home meet on Saturday October 12, 2019 at 9:15 & 10:00 am during Homcoming Weekend!


[Cross Country] Cross Country is at the Starting Line

Men's and Women's Cross Country is ready to run today!


[Cross Country] Women's Cross Country finishes off Haskell Invitational.

Women's Cross Country Pictured, Chantel Yazzie crossing the finish line as Haskell's first Women's Cross Country runner to cross at the Haskell Invitational. 


[Cross Country] Cross Country Runs Well Last Meet Before A.I.I. Championship Meet

Haskell Cross Country teams traveled to Mount Mercy in Iowa this past Saturday and performed well a week before A.I.I. Championship Meet on Saturday 11/9/19.


[Cross Country] A.I.I. Cross Country Championship Meet Concludes with Two of Haskell Runners ...


[Cross Country] Dorian Daw & Max Tuckfield from Haskell XC Are Set To Run!

At 10:30 AM PST Dorian and Max will be off running!


[Cross Country] Haskell Runs National Championships Meet with 335 Other Runners


[Men's Basketball] Central Christian College Men's Basketball Falls Short to Haskell

Final Score: 71-53


Allegro design entry DHL, pin swaps , export without exporting constraints, back annotate.


I have a new customer that uses Allegro Design entry HDL for the schematic and have a few questions.

1. How do you get pin/gate swaps into the symbols in the schematic ?

2. How do you transfer them to the pcb editor ?

3. How do you back annotate the swaps from the pcb editor to the schematic ?

4. How do you stop the export/Import physical from updating the constraints in the pcb file ? 


Genus Synthesis Solution – Introduction to Stylus Common UI

The Cadence® Genus  Synthesis Solution, Innovus  Implementation System, and Tempus  Timing Signoff Solution have a lot of shared functionality, but in the past, the separate legacy user interfaces (UIs) created a lot of differences.

A new common user interface that the Genus solution shares with the Innovus and Tempus solutions streamlines flow development and simplifies usability across the complete Cadence digital flow. The Stylus Common UI provides a next-generation synthesis-to-signoff flow with unified database access, MMMC timing configuration and reporting, and low-power design initialization.

This webinar answers the following questions:

  • What is the Stylus Common UI and why did Cadence develop it?
  • How does someone invoke and use the Stylus Common UI?
  • What are some of the important and useful features of the Stylus Common UI?
  • What are key ways the Stylus Common UI is different from the Legacy UI?

If you want to learn more about Stylus UI in the context of Genus Synthesis Solution, refer to 45-minute recorded webinar on https://support.cadence.com (Cadence login required).

Video Title: Webinar: Genus Synthesis Solution—Introduction to the Stylus Common UI (Video)

Direct Link: https://support.cadence.com/apex/ArticleAttachmentPortal?id=a1O0V000009MoGIUA0&pageName=ArticleContent

Related Resources

If interested in the full course, including lab content, please contact your Cadence representative or email a request to training_enroll@cadence.com. You can also enroll in the course on http://learning.cadence.com.​

Enhance the Genus Synthesis experience with videos: Genus Synthesis Solution: Video Library

For any questions, general feedback, or future blog topic suggestions, please leave a comment. 


সুস্থ থাকুন, আমরা পাশে আছি ! প্রথম জন্মদিনে পাঠকদের বার্তা Moneycontrol Pro-র


১ বছর পূর্ণ Moneycontrol Pro-র, সাবস্ক্রাইবারদের আরও উন্নত পরিষেবা দেওয়াই লক্ষ্য


কীভাবে হবে জীবনে আর্থিক উন্নতি, Moneycontrol Pro-তে রইল তার সুলুক-সন্ধান


Moneycontrol Pro-র বর্ষপূর্তি, পাঠকদের উদ্দেশে ওপিনিয়ন টিমের কিছু কথা


News18 Urdu: Latest News Central

visit News18 Urdu for latest news, breaking news, news headlines and updates from Central on politics, sports, entertainment, cricket, crime and more.


Controlling The Kernel - Its All About DRM


X360 VideoPlayer ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow

This Metasploit module exploits a buffer overflow in the VideoPlayer.ocx ActiveX installed with the X360 Software. By setting an overly long value to 'ConvertFile()',an attacker can overrun a .data buffer to bypass ASLR/DEP and finally execute arbitrary code.


BarcodeWiz ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow

BarcodeWiz ActiveX Control versions prior to 6.7 suffers from a buffer overflow vulnerability.


Dassault Systèmes Introduces SOLIDWORKS 2020, Designed for the 3DEXPERIENCE.WORKS Portfolio, Accelerating the Product Development Process for Millions of Users

•Customers can seamlessly extend their design to manufacturing ecosystem to the cloud with the integrated 3DEXPERIENCE.WORKS portfolio, enabling new levels of functionality, collaboration, agility and operational efficiency •Latest release of 3D design and engineering portfolio features hundreds of enhancements, new capabilities and workflows to accelerate and improve product development •Over six million SOLIDWORKS users can innovate products faster with better performance and streamlined...


Wiimote-Controlled SNES Emulator On iPad


Telerik ASP.NET AJAX RadEditor Control 2014.1.403.35 XSS

Telerik ASP.NET AJAX RadEditor Control versions 2014.1.403.35 and 2009.3.1208.20 suffer from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability.


Citrix Application Delivery Controller / Gateway Remote Code Execution / Traversal

Citrix Application Delivery Controller and Citrix Gateway directory traversal remote code execution exploit.


SuiteCRM 7.11.11 Broken Access Control / Local File Inclusion

SuiteCRM versions 7.11.11 and below suffer from an add_to_prospect_list broken access control that allows for local file inclusion attacks.


Plantronics Hub SpokesUpdateService Privilege Escalation

The Plantronics Hub client application for Windows makes use of an automatic update service SpokesUpdateService.exe which automatically executes a file specified in the MajorUpgrade.config configuration file as SYSTEM. The configuration file is writable by all users by default. This module has been tested successfully on Plantronics Hub version 3.13.2 on Windows 7 SP1 (x64). This Metasploit module has been tested successfully on Plantronics Hub version 3.13.2 on Windows 7 SP1 (x64).


QRadar Community Edition CSRF / Weak Access Control

QRadar Community Edition version suffers from cross site request forgery and weak access control vulnerabilities.


Sentrifugo 3.2 File Upload Restriction Bypass

Sentrifugo version 3.2 suffers from a file upload restriction bypass vulnerability.


Centraleyezer Shell Upload

Centraleyezer suffers from a remote shell upload vulnerability.


CentOS Control Web Panel Privilege Escalation

CentOS Control Web Panel version suffers from a privilege escalation vulnerability.


CentOS Control Web Panel Authentication Bypass

CentOS Control Web Panel version suffers from an authentication bypass vulnerability.


CentOS Control Web Panel User Enumeration

CentOS Control Web Panel version suffers from a user enumeration vulnerability.


CentOS-WebPanel.com Control Web Panel Remote Command Execution

CentOS-WebPanel.com Control Web Panel (CWP) version suffers from a remote command execution vulnerability.


CentOS-WebPanel.com Control Web Panel User Enumeration

CentOS-WebPanel.com Control Web Panel (CWP) versions through suffer from a user enumeration vulnerability.


CentOS-WebPanel.com Control Web Panel Cross Site Scripting

CentOS-WebPanel.com Control Web Panel (CWP) version suffers from a reflective cross site scripting vulnerability.