
Building Great User Experiences with Concurrent Mode and Suspense

At React Conf 2019 we announced an experimental release of React that supports Concurrent Mode and Suspense. In this post we’ll introduce best practices for using them that we’ve identified through the process of building the new facebook.com.

This post will be most relevant to people working on data fetching libraries for React.

It shows how to best integrate them with Concurrent Mode and Suspense. The patterns introduced here are based on Relay — our library for building data-driven UIs with GraphQL. However, the ideas in this post apply to other GraphQL clients as well as libraries using REST or other approaches.

This post is aimed at library authors. If you’re primarily an application developer, you might still find some interesting ideas here, but don’t feel like you have to read it in its entirety.

Talk Videos

If you prefer to watch videos, some of the ideas from this blog post have been referenced in several React Conf 2019 presentations:

This post presents a deeper dive on implementing a data fetching library with Suspense.

Putting User Experience First

The React team and community has long placed a deserved emphasis on developer experience: ensuring that React has good error messages, focusing on components as a way to reason locally about app behavior, crafting APIs that are predictable and encourage correct usage by design, etc. But we haven’t provided enough guidance on the best ways to achieve a great user experience in large apps.

For example, the React team has focused on framework performance and providing tools for developers to debug and tune application performance (e.g. React.memo). But we haven’t been as opinionated about the high-level patterns that make the difference between fast, fluid apps and slow, janky ones. We always want to ensure that React remains approachable to new users and supports a variety of use-cases — not every app has to be “blazing” fast. But as a community we can and should aim high. We should make it as easy as possible to build apps that start fast and stay fast, even as they grow in complexity, for users on varying devices and networks around the world.

Concurrent Mode and Suspense are experimental features that can help developers achieve this goal. We first introduced them at JSConf Iceland in 2018, intentionally sharing details very early to give the community time to digest the new concepts and to set the stage for subsequent changes. Since then we’ve completed related work, such as the new Context API and the introduction of Hooks, which are designed in part to help developers naturally write code that is more compatible with Concurrent Mode. But we didn’t want to implement these features and release them without validating that they work. So over the past year, the React, Relay, web infrastructure, and product teams at Facebook have all collaborated closely to build a new version of facebook.com that deeply integrates Concurrent Mode and Suspense to create an experience with a more fluid and app-like feel.

Thanks to this project, we’re more confident than ever that Concurrent Mode and Suspense can make it easier to deliver great, fast user experiences. But doing so requires rethinking how we approach loading code and data for our apps. Effectively all of the data-fetching on the new facebook.com is powered by Relay Hooks — new Hooks-based Relay APIs that integrate with Concurrent Mode and Suspense out of the box.

Relay Hooks — and GraphQL — won’t be for everyone, and that’s ok! Through our work on these APIs we’ve identified a set of more general patterns for using Suspense. Even if Relay isn’t the right fit for you, we think the key patterns we’ve introduced with Relay Hooks can be adapted to other frameworks.

Best Practices for Suspense

It’s tempting to focus only on the total startup time for an app — but it turns out that users’ perception of performance is determined by more than the absolute loading time. For example, when comparing two apps with the same absolute startup time, our research shows that users will generally perceive the one with fewer intermediate loading states and fewer layout changes as having loaded faster. Suspense is a powerful tool for carefully orchestrating an elegant loading sequence with a few, well-defined states that progressively reveal content. But improving perceived performance only goes so far — our apps still shouldn’t take forever to fetch all of their code, data, images, and other assets.

The traditional approach to loading data in React apps involves what we refer to as “fetch-on-render”. First we render a component with a spinner, then fetch data on mount (componentDidMount or useEffect), and finally update to render the resulting data. It’s certainly possible to use this pattern with Suspense: instead of initially rendering a placeholder itself, a component can “suspend” — indicate to React that it isn’t ready yet. This will tell React to find the nearest ancestor <Suspense fallback={<Placeholder/>}>, and render its fallback instead. If you watched earlier Suspense demos this example may feel familiar — it’s how we originally imagined using Suspense for data-fetching.

It turns out that this approach has some limitations. Consider a page that shows a social media post by a user, along with comments on that post. That might be structured as a <Post> component that renders both the post body and a <CommentList> to show the comments. Using the fetch-on-render approach described above to implement this could cause sequential round trips (sometimes referred to as a “waterfall”). First the data for the <Post> component would be fetched and then the data for <CommentList> would be fetched, increasing the time it takes to show the full page.

There’s also another often-overlooked downside to this approach. If <Post> eagerly requires (or imports) the <CommentList> component, our app will have to wait to show the post body while the code for the comments is downloading. We could lazily load <CommentList>, but then that would delay fetching comments data and increase the time to show the full page. How do we resolve this problem without compromising on the user experience?

Render As You Fetch

The fetch-on-render approach is widely used by React apps today and can certainly be used to create great apps. But can we do even better? Let’s step back and consider our goal.

In the above <Post> example, we’d ideally show the more important content — the post body — as early as possible, without negatively impacting the time to show the full page (including comments). Let’s consider the key constraints on any solution and look at how we can achieve them:

  • Showing the more important content (the post body) as early as possible means that we need to load the code and data for the view incrementally. We don’t want to block showing the post body on the code for <CommentList> being downloaded, for example.
  • At the same time we don’t want to increase the time to show the full page including comments. So we need to start loading the code and data for the comments as soon as possible, ideally in parallel with loading the post body.

This might sound difficult to achieve — but these constraints are actually incredibly helpful. They rule out a large number of approaches and spell out a solution for us. This brings us to the key patterns we’ve implemented in Relay Hooks, and that can be adapted to other data-fetching libraries. We’ll look at each one in turn and then see how they add up to achieve our goal of fast, delightful loading experiences:

  1. Parallel data and view trees
  2. Fetch in event handlers
  3. Load data incrementally
  4. Treat code like data

Parallel Data and View Trees

One of the most appealing things about the fetch-on-render pattern is that it colocates what data a component needs with how to render that data. This colocation is great — an example of how it makes sense to group code by concerns and not by technologies. All the issues we saw above were due to when we fetch data in this approach: upon rendering. We need to be able to fetch data before we’ve rendered the component. The only way to achieve that is by extracting the data dependencies into parallel data and view trees.

Here’s how that works in Relay Hooks. Continuing our example of a social media post with body and comments, here’s how we might define it with Relay Hooks:

// Post.js
function Post(props) {
  // Given a reference to some post - `props.post` - *what* data
  // do we need about that post?
  const postData = useFragment(graphql`
    fragment PostData on Post @refetchable(queryName: "PostQuery") {
      # ...  more fields ...
  `, props.post);

  // Now that we have the data, how do we render it?
  return (
      <h2>by {postData.author}</h2>
      {/* more fields  */}

Although the GraphQL is written within the component, Relay has a build step (Relay Compiler) that extracts these data-dependencies into separate files and aggregates the GraphQL for each view into a single query. So we get the benefit of colocating concerns, while at runtime having parallel data and view trees. Other frameworks could achieve a similar effect by allowing developers to define data-fetching logic in a sibling file (maybe Post.data.js), or perhaps integrate with a bundler to allow defining data dependencies with UI code and automatically extracting it, similar to Relay Compiler.

The key is that regardless of the technology we’re using to load our data — GraphQL, REST, etc — we can separate what data to load from how and when to actually load it. But once we do that, how and when do we fetch our data?

Fetch in Event Handlers

Imagine that we’re about to navigate from a list of a user’s posts to the page for a specific post. We’ll need to download the code for that page — Post.js — and also fetch its data.

Waiting until we render the component has problems as we saw above. The key is to start fetching code and data for a new view in the same event handler that triggers showing that view. We can either fetch the data within our router — if our router supports preloading data for routes — or in the click event on the link that triggered the navigation. It turns out that the React Router folks are already hard at work on building APIs to support preloading data for routes. But other routing frameworks can implement this idea too.

Conceptually, we want every route definition to include two things: what component to render and what data to preload, as a function of the route/url params. Here’s what such a route definition might look like. This example is loosely inspired by React Router’s route definitions and is primarily intended to demonstrate the concept, not a specific API:

// PostRoute.js (GraphQL version)

// Relay generated query for loading Post data
import PostQuery from './__generated__/PostQuery.graphql';

const PostRoute = {
  // a matching expression for which paths to handle
  path: '/post/:id',

  // what component to render for this route
  component: React.lazy(() => import('./Post')),

  // data to load for this route, as function of the route
  // parameters
  prepare: routeParams => {
    // Relay extracts queries from components, allowing us to reference
    // the data dependencies -- data tree -- from outside.
    const postData = preloadQuery(PostQuery, {
      postId: routeParams.id,

    return { postData };

export default PostRoute;

Given such a definition, a router can:

  • Match a URL to a route definition.
  • Call the prepare() function to start loading that route’s data. Note that prepare() is synchronous — we don’t wait for the data to be ready, since we want to start rendering more important parts of the view (like the post body) as quickly as possible.
  • Pass the preloaded data to the component. If the component is ready — the React.lazy dynamic import has completed — the component will render and try to access its data. If not, React.lazy will suspend until the code is ready.

This approach can be generalized to other data-fetching solutions. An app that uses REST might define a route like this:

// PostRoute.js (REST version)

// Manually written logic for loading the data for the component
import PostData from './Post.data';

const PostRoute = {
  // a matching expression for which paths to handle
  path: '/post/:id',

  // what component to render for this route
  component: React.lazy(() => import('./Post')),

  // data to load for this route, as function of the route
  // parameters
  prepare: routeParams => {
    const postData = preloadRestEndpoint(
        postId: routeParams.id,
    return { postData };

export default PostRoute;

This same approach can be employed not just for routing, but in other places where we show content lazily or based on user interaction. For example, a tab component could eagerly load the first tab’s code and data, and then use the same pattern as above to load the code and data for other tabs in the tab-change event handler. A component that displays a modal could preload the code and data for the modal in the click handler that triggers opening the modal, and so on.

Once we’ve implemented the ability to start loading code and data for a view independently, we have the option to go one step further. Consider a <Link to={path} /> component that links to a route. If the user hovers over that link, there’s a reasonable chance they’ll click it. And if they press the mouse down, there’s an even better chance that they’ll complete the click. If we can load code and data for a view after the user clicks, we can also start that work before they click, getting a head start on preparing the view.

Best of all, we can centralize that logic in a few key places — a router or core UI components — and get any performance benefits automatically throughout our app. Of course preloading isn’t always beneficial. It’s something an application would tune based on the user’s device or network speed to avoid eating up user’s data plans. But the pattern here makes it easier to centralize the implementation of preloading and the decision of whether to enable it or not.

Load Data Incrementally

The above patterns — parallel data/view trees and fetching in event handlers — let us start loading all the data for a view earlier. But we still want to be able to show more important parts of the view without waiting for all of our data. At Facebook we’ve implemented support for this in GraphQL and Relay in the form of some new GraphQL directives (annotations that affect how/when data is delivered, but not what data). These new directives, called @defer and @stream, allow us to retrieve data incrementally. For example, consider our <Post> component from above. We want to show the body without waiting for the comments to be ready. We can achieve this with @defer and <Suspense>:

// Post.js
function Post(props) {
  const postData = useFragment(graphql`
    fragment PostData on Post {

      # fetch data for the comments, but don't block on it being ready
      ...CommentList @defer
  `, props.post);

  return (
      <h2>by {postData.author}</h2>
      {/* @defer pairs naturally with <Suspense> to make the UI non-blocking too */}
      <Suspense fallback={<Spinner/>}>
        <CommentList post={postData} />

Here, our GraphQL server will stream back the results, first returning the author and title fields and then returning the comment data when it’s ready. We wrap <CommentList> in a <Suspense> boundary so that we can render the post body before <CommentList> and its data are ready. This same pattern can be applied to other frameworks as well. For example, apps that call a REST API might make parallel requests to fetch the body and comments data for a post to avoid blocking on all the data being ready.

Treat Code Like Data

But there’s one thing that’s still missing. We’ve shown how to preload data for a route — but what about code? The example above cheated a bit and used React.lazy. However, React.lazy is, as the name implies, lazy. It won’t start downloading code until the lazy component is actually rendered — it’s “fetch-on-render” for code!

To solve this, the React team is considering APIs that would allow bundle splitting and eager preloading for code as well. That would allow a user to pass some form of lazy component to a router, and for the router to trigger loading the code alongside its data as early as possible.

Putting It All Together

To recap, achieving a great loading experience means that we need to start loading code and data as early as possible, but without waiting for all of it to be ready. Parallel data and view trees allow us to load the data for a view in parallel with loading the view (code) itself. Fetching in an event handler means we can start loading data as early as possible, and even optimistically preload a view when we have enough confidence that a user will navigate to it. Loading data incrementally allows us to load important data earlier without delaying the fetching of less important data. And treating code as data — and preloading it with similar APIs — allows us to load it earlier too.

Using These Patterns

These patterns aren’t just ideas — we’ve implemented them in Relay Hooks and are using them in production throughout the new facebook.com (which is currently in beta testing). If you’re interested in using or learning more about these patterns, here are some resources:

  • The React Concurrent docs explore how to use Concurrent Mode and Suspense and go into more detail about many of these patterns. It’s a great resource to learn more about the APIs and use-cases they support.
  • The experimental release of Relay Hooks implements the patterns described here.
  • We’ve implemented two similar example apps that demonstrate these concepts:

    • The Relay Hooks example app uses GitHub’s public GraphQL API to implement a simple issue tracker app. It includes nested route support with code and data preloading. The code is fully commented — we encourage cloning the repo, running the app locally, and exploring how it works.
    • We also have a non-GraphQL version of the app that demonstrates how these concepts can be applied to other data-fetching libraries.

While the APIs around Concurrent Mode and Suspense are still experimental, we’re confident that the ideas in this post are proven by practice. However, we understand that Relay and GraphQL aren’t the right fit for everyone. That’s ok! We’re actively exploring how to generalize these patterns to approaches such as REST, and are exploring ideas for a more generic (ie non-GraphQL) API for composing a tree of data dependencies. In the meantime, we’re excited to see what new libraries will emerge that implement the patterns described in this post to make it easier to build great, fast user experiences.


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The victim, identified as Vijaykumar Darote, 62, had been living with his only son in a Koparkhairne high-rise for the past few years. On Monday afternoon, some unknown people came to Darote's house on the fifth floor of the building and when he opened the door, they pushed their way in and started beating him up with rods and utensils. When his son tried to intervene, they beat him up, too, and fled from the house.

ACP Pradeep Jadhav said, "We got a call from Darote's son who was present at the time of the brutal assault. He, too, is injured and has been admitted to a hospital. Darote had too many injuries because of which, he died by the time we brought him to the hospital. We are checking CCTV footage of the area and trying to find out the reason behind the murder. We have already started a search for the accused and will arrest them soon."

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"Today we said goodbye to my dearest bhuaji /aunt from #covid19 complications. She was my dad's little sister," Gurinder wrote alongside a family picture.

"God bless the #nhsheroes who made my dear aunts passing humane," she added.

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Is this Sonam Kapoor or Madhubala? Actress shares throwback picture leaving netizens confused

We love Bollywood throwback photos. They're fun, nostalgic and they give us a priceless glimpse back in history. Sonam Kapoor is the master of throwback pictures and moments. Her social media accounts are a treat for all the Bollywood buffs, especially people who are their fans and admirers.

Continuing the trend, Sonam posted a throwback picture of herself on her Instagram account. In the picture, the Neerja actress seems to channelize her inner Anarkali striking a perfect 'Pyaar Kiya Toh Darna Kya' look. Dressed in a red lehenga with golden dupatta, glass bangles and a big nosering, Sonam looks ethereal dressed exactly like Madhubala. Sharing the picture, she wrote, "Pyaar kiya to darna kya (sic)", with a heart emoji. Take a look:

View this post on Instagram

Pyaar kiya to darna kya ❤ï¸Â

A post shared by Sonam K Ahuja (@sonamkapoor) onApr 20, 2020 at 11:16pm PDT

Recently, she had shared a throwback picture of her 2018 wedding celebration. Sharing the picture, she wrote that she is missing her girl gang during the lockdown.

View this post on Instagram

Miss my girlies

A post shared by Sonam K Ahuja (@sonamkapoor) onApr 17, 2020 at 12:11am PDT

Sonam is currently spending her quarantine time in New Delhi with her husband Anand Ahuja and his family. She has been making full use of her free time by sharing adorable pictures of her quarantine time. The actress has been cooking and baking delicious cakes for her family. Recently, the actress shared a glimpse of the chocolate walnut cake she made on Instagram. Reacting to Sonam's post, her mother-in-law replied, "Amazing cakes beta. How to manage weight gain. Everybody is Loving them so much (sic)."

Before this, Sonam had shared a monochrome picture of herself with husband Anand Ahuja and penned a poetic note saying "every little thing gonna be alright". The 34-year-old actor took to Instagram and shared how she started her morning as she witnessed the rising sun and singing birds with her husband Anand. In the picture accompanying the post, The Zoya Factor star is seen planting a kiss on her hubby's forehead as she expressed her love.

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World Hypertension Day: Why and how you should reduce your salt intake

Representational Image

According to WHO, about 9.8 million people die every year due to hypertension-related complications. Hypertension is considered a silent killer producing heart disease, kidney failure and strokes. About 35 percent of world population above the age of 25 suffers from hypertension. One of the important strategies to lower hypertension in the population and its complications is reducing salt intake. Developed countries like Finland, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada have been actively campaigning for the reduction of salt intake in the population. In these countries, there has been a close association between government and NGO’s for this purpose. Finland was the first country to show an enormous health benefit by reducing salt in the diet. Not only the population’s health improves, there is also a great benefit in saving health expenditure related to heart revascularization and dialysis.

How does eating salt lead to or cause hypertension?

Eating salt increases the amount of salt in your blood, which ruins the balance of electrolytes and other vitamins and minerals in your body. This imbalance reduces your kidney's ability to filter out toxins from your body. It also reduces your kidney's ability to get rid of excess fluid from your body. This results in high blood pressure due to excess fluid in your body that exerts pressure on the blood vessels leading to the kidneys. 

How much is too much?

Dr Umesh Khanna, Senior Nephrologist and Secretary of Amar Gandhi Foundation said, “The WHO’s recommendation of salt intake from all sources is less than 5 grams per day. Salt or sodium is present in natural food, it is added while cooking and also used as a preservative for processed food. Considering the rapid economic growth that is happening in our country with urbanization and increased demand for processed food, it is imperative that we act at the earliest to control the salt intake of the Indian population.”

What happens when you reduce your salt intake?
“Salt or Sodium in various forms has been used as a preservative for several thousand years. It enhances the taste, prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms and can improve the texture of food, Taste is often a habit and high salt intake can saturate the taste buds. If you lower salt intake for 2 weeks you can start appreciating low salt intake and other tastes,” says Dr Umesh Khanna

What are the most common hidden sources of salt one should keep an eye out for?

Dr Umesh Khanna said, “Sodium in various forms is used as a flavouring, buffering, anticaking, leavening, thickening and stabilizing agent. The biggest culprit is in baked goods especially bread and instant noodles.”

How can a person start to reduce their salt intake?

Here are a few tips by Dr Umesh Khanna

Get used to low salt to allow the taste buds to recover: Not only does reducing your salt intake affect your blood pressure and other health parameters, it also helps you taste foods better.

Eat fresh food when possible: Since processed foods are packed with high levels of salt, switching to fresh and natural foods is the best way to reduce your daily salt intake.

Add less salt in cooking: With high amounts of salt added to food, your taste buds become immune to the level of salt and you will eventually need more salt in your food to bring out the taste you are looking for. Gradually reducing this amount will help you give up the high salt habit one step at a time. And since your taste buds will eventually become more sensitive to salt content in food, dishes made with low salt will start to taste as delicious as one with high salt content.

Do not add extra salt while at the table: A common practice in India is to provide a little bit of salt on the side of one’s plate while eating and to provide a salt shaker for one to spice up their soups. By stopping this practice, you can reduce your salt intake.

Use herbs and spices as flavouring agents: Ditch the salt and use herbs and other natural flavouring agents to your dishes that will help enhance the flavour while reducing your salt intake.

Dr Umesh Khanna, MD, DNB Nephrology, Lancelot Kidney & GI Center, Karuna Hospital & Asian Heart Institute. He is the Chairman, Mumbai Kidney Foundation, Trustee, Sapiens Health Foundation, Secretary, Mumbai Nephrology Group and the Secretary, Amar Gandhi Foundation

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World Hypertension Day: Regulating salt intake is key to prevent hypertension

Regulating salt consumption is key to prevent hypertension, which is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke and heart failure, say experts. According to World Health Organization (WHO), adults should reduce consumption of sodium to less than 2 grams a day, or the equivalent of about one teaspoon of table salt to reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Hypertension is a condition in which the blood vessels have persistently raised pressure. Hypertension is also referred to as high or raised blood pressure. Hypertension can also affect fertility in both males and females, says Rajalaxmi Walavalkar of Cocoon Fertility. Hypertension not only affects fertility but also is also known to cause trouble sleeping. Trouble sleeping leads to signs of premature ageing, like fine lines, uneven pigmentation and reduced elasticity.

"Hypertension can lead to cardiovascular diseases. The rise in blood pressure caused by eating too much salt may damage the arteries leading to the heart," Vijay D'Silva, Director at the Asian Heart Institute, said in statement.

According to a recent study, published in the journal Hypertension, about half of adults living in Asia are suffering from the high blood pressure.

While lifestyle factors, including diet and stress, are behind the high hypertension rates in Asia, one common problem is high salt intake, the study showed.

Asians not only tend to have diets high in sodium, but they are genetically more sensitive to sodium, the researchers said.

"Raised blood pressure due to high salt consumption is the biggest single contributing risk factor for non-communicable diseases and damage to your kidney," explained Bhupendra Gandhi of the NGO Amar Gandhi Foundation.

Previously, it was believed that eating high amounts of fruit and vegetables might help counteract the effect of high salt on blood pressure.

However, another study led by researchers from the Imperial College London and Northwestern University, showed that people eating higher amounts of salt had higher blood pressure -- no matter how healthy a person's overall diet.

"Anyone with hypertension is at an increased risk of infertility. A high salt diet leading to high blood pressure can result in delayed puberty and even impact reproductive health," Walavalkar noted.

Besides affecting the heart and fertility, hypertension can affect the skin too, the health experts said.

"High blood pressure can harden your arteries, which decreases the flow of blood and oxygen. An impairment of the flow of oxygen, to an organ such as your face, can cause your skin to dry and wrinkles faster which can make one look less youthful," said Amit Karkhanis - Medical Cosmetologist and founder of Dr Tvacha clinic.

Reducing salt consumption in everyday life, cutting down on fried foods and processed foods, can not only curb the problem of hypertension but also save multiple organs from damage and pave way for a healthy life.

Also read: Mumbai Health: These 7 Lifestyle Changes May Help Lower Heart Disease Risk

(Edited by mid-day online desk, with inputs from IANS)

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World Hypertension Day: Expert tips on dealing with hypertension effectively

Representational Image

50 percent of people between the age of 60 to 69 years suffer from hypertension. This statistic only worsens as a person grows older reaching about 75 percent in those over the age of 70. In fact, the lifetime risk of developing hypertension is approximately 90 percent for men and women who were non-hypertensive at 55 or 65 years respectively – making hypertension a condition that requires our immediate attention.

While the condition affects one’s whole body, your heart is one organ that takes the worst beating. Dr Santosh Kumar Dora, Senior Cardiologist, Asian Heart Institute tells you how hypertension affects your heart and what you can do to deal with the condition.

How does hypertension affect your heart?

  • It can result in hardening and thickening of the heart arteries, leading to their narrowing and causing the heart to receive less blood supply.
  • It can also cause a heart attack. In fact, persons who present with an acute heart attack often have preexisting hypertension that evaded detection and treatment.
  • It can cause abnormal thickening of heart muscle, the presence of which is a strong predictor of future cardiovascular death.
  • High blood pressure puts more load on the heart and increases the amount of work that the heart has to do.

Eating right

Eating a heart-healthy diet is important for managing your blood pressure and reducing your risk of heart attack, heart disease, stroke and other diseases. Aim to eat a diet that's rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grain and high fibre foods, fat-free and low fat or 1 % dairy products etc. Avoid saturated and trans fats, excess salt and added sugar in your diet. DASH (Dietary approach to stop hypertension) diet pattern which contains low sodium, high potassium and rich in fruits and vegetables reduces by an average of 5.5 mm Hg for systolic and 3 mm Hg for diastolic blood pressure. For hypertensive patients, the reduction is 11.4 mm Hg for systolic and 5.5 for diastolic blood pressure. Low salt (< 1500 mg/day) further potentiates the reduction of blood pressure.

Maintain a healthy weight:

As your body weight increases, your blood pressure can rise. In fact, being overweight can make you more likely to develop high blood pressure than if you are at your desirable weight. You can reduce your risk of high blood pressure by losing weight. Even small amounts of weight loss can make a big difference in helping to prevent and treat high blood pressure. Studies conducted in obese hypertensive patients show a decrease in body weight by 1 kg resulted in a reduction of systolic and diastolic pressure by 1.2 and 1.0 mmHg, respectively.

Be physically active:

Physical activity not only helps control your blood pressure, it also helps you manage your weight, strengthen your heart and manage your stress level.

Even moderately intense physical activity, such as brisk walking, is beneficial when done regularly for a total of 30 minutes or longer at least 5 days a week. Hiking or stair-climbing, jogging, running, bicycling, swimming, fitness classes, team sports, dance classes are some of the activities which can help you stay fit. Studies say that regular dynamic physical exercise for at least 30 minutes daily for most days of a week leads to 5 to 9 mm Hg reduction of systolic blood pressure.

Say no to tobacco:

While smoking has not been conclusively proven to cause high blood pressure, each cigarette you smoke temporarily increases your blood pressure for many minutes after you finish. For your overall health and to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke, avoid all forms of tobacco as well as secondhand smoke. A study has shown that smoking cessation leads to a reduction of systolic blood pressure by 3.5 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by 1.9 mm Hg.

Avoid drinking:

Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure to unhealthy levels. Having more than three drinks in one sitting temporarily increases your blood pressure, but repeated binge drinking can lead to long-term increases. If you have high blood pressure, avoid alcohol or drink alcohol only in moderation.

Also read: World Hypertension Day: Why And How You Should Reduce Your Salt Intake

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Ghatkopar plane crash: Fifth victim identified; family is assured compensation

There's no doubt that the fifth victim of the Ghatkopar plane crash, architect Govind Dubey, 32, was in the place at the wrong time. But his family is not willing to accept mere bad luck as explanation for his death — they want to know whom to blame. After the family embarked on a sit-in at Rajawadi hospital, refusing to take Govind's body, MLA Jitendra Awhad assured them of compensation and investigation in the matter. With these assurances, the Dubeys finally claimed the body last evening.

Govind was merely passing by when the plane came hurtling down on him. He died on the spot with 100 per cent burns. Due to the extent of his injuries, he was identified only yesterday with the help of his half-burnt wallet. The last location update on his phone also confirms that he was at the spot. The architect hailed from Uttar Pradesh, from where his family has come to collect his body. To his brother's surprise, though, not a single government official has contacted them to assure compensation or action against the culprits.

Arvind Dubey, Govind's brother

“It has been over 24 hours since I lost my brother in the incident. It was my brother's bad luck that he at the spot when it happened. But isn't it the responsibility of the government to come forward to give us justice?” said Arvind Dubey, Govind's brother. He added, “We have decided to file a police complaint against the aircraft company for the accident. The government must conduct an inquiry and imprison the person at fault.”

“The victim comes from an economically weaker section. Hence, I have requested Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis to consider his case for compensation,” MLA Awhad told mid-day.

Also Read: Ghatkopar plane crash: Aircraft was 10 miles away when it went off radar

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Mumbai: Teens rescued by police after being lost in the jungle

A group of 22 people from Mumbai and Thane district went for a picnic at Tandulwadi Fort in Palghar district where they lost their way out of the jungle in the dark. They called up the police control for help and the local Safale police of Palghar district rushed to their rescue and escorted them out safely.

According to the Safale police sources, "A group of 22 people from Mumbai and Thane district visited Tandulwadi Fort situated in Safale Palghar district for a trek on Saturday where they decided to walk through the jungle around 7:30 pm but after sunset, they lost their way out of the jungle.

Fearing of being lost, they contacted the police control for help and senior inspector Sandeep Sanap from Safale police station despatched a team of officers to their rescue. Constable SU Solkhe, SB Bhavar, NL Dhongde reached the spot at around 9 pm and rescued the group. Their respective parents were contacted after which they were returned home safely," said Hemant Katkar PRO of Palghar district police.

Also Read: Six rescued, one missing as tugboat capsizes off Mumbai

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Microsoft to replace Surface Pro 4 units with flickering screens

Microsoft Surface Pro 4

After receiving complaints regarding a screen flicker defect in some Surface Pro 4 devices, Microsoft has offered to replace the eligible devices free of charge.

The faulty devices qualified for replacement should be up to three years from the time of original purchase, Microsoft Support said in a blog post late Friday.

"We will ship you a replacement device as soon as you return your existing device. Typically, it will take 5-8 business days for you to receive an exchange device from the date that you ship your current device back to us," the post added.

Users that have already paid for a screen-replacement will get a refund.

In February, Microsoft had said that it was monitoring the situation.

The tech giant has clarified that the replaced devices will be refurbished.

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Paytm introduces 'My Payments' feature, automates monthly expenses

One97 Communications Limited, the firm that owns digital payment major, Paytm, announced the unification of bank transfers for its customers with the new 'My Payments' feature on its app.

This will enable Paytm users to make recurring, high-value payment and other monthly expenses in an instant. Using the Paytm app, bank transfers can be done from and to any bank account, making it easier for customers to make payments at zero charge, a facility which even non-KYC Paytm users can avail.

With this new addition to its multilingual app, Paytm is aiming to process Rs 60,000 crore in monthly bank transfers alone by the end of this year. The company is also planning to invest Rs. 5000 crore in its core business, expecting to increase the number of transactions from one billion to two billion this year.

"We have now simplified these payments with 'My Payments' and are expecting six-fold growth owing to this rapid shift in consumer behavior in favor of going cashless. Our users understand that Paytm is more than just a digital wallet company and we will continue adding more such customer-centric features while educating users about the convenience they can experience by using Paytm every day," said Paytm Senior Vice President, Deepak Abbot.

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Rosalyn D'mello: Queens of the Italian night

On the ferry, leaving the island of Burano at dusk. pic courtesy/Rosalyn D'mello

Because the high chairs and tables extending onto the pavements are arranged like invitations; because the indigo sky greets us with its distinct hue, informing us that though the sun has set and it is past 8 pm, the evening has only just begun; because our feet, so tired from daytime explorations, miraculously find the strength to continue their march; because Mac's Ruby Red lipstick enhances our personalities, making spectacles of our skin tone; or maybe because we are not alone, by 9 pm, unfailingly and with impressive regularity, Mona and I become Queens of the Italian night. There are travellers who tuck themselves in early so they can restore their bodies for the future that awaits them when they awake. Not us.

We are nocturnal explorers, un-bound by the limitations of cartography. We find tentative destinations and then walk the streets like we own them, like they belong to us. We allow ourselves to get distracted by the sights we suddenly stumble upon; we make commentaries on street signs, we take pleasure in seducing policemen into smiling sheepishly at us, we keep ourselves open to conversations with strangers. During the day you could ostensibly call us tourists. We visit monumental sites; pay entry fees, download audio guides and take photographs of everything that impress us. But at night, we are uninhibited.

Because we come from a reality that is both condemned and celebrated as third world, we have few filters about what constitutes safe and unsafe European streets. We trust our intuitions that have been fine-tuned through years of navigating streets that ought to be friendlier towards women's presences, that could do much more to encourage women's loitering. Online guides tell us to be wary of specific areas, but because Napoli feels like a somewhat seamless city with one street urging you on to the next, one inviting façade leading you to explore another, we do not exercise too much restraint as we navigate a city that feels overwhelmingly familiar. We walk through gritty and un-pretentious streets, walk into dive bars and surprisingly cheap restaurants. On our first evening in Napoli, for example, we followed a cyber suggestion and found ourselves at an institution where every drink on the menu was priced at one euro. It was teeming with as many people as could be found in a single Mumbai local compartment, all elated and happy drunk. We had a few Apero-Spritzes and proceeded towards a jazz bar, stopping in between because we were lured by a boutique shop on a wayside street.

There we had excellent red wine, and the choicest green olives. The jazz bar was a bust; it turned out to be a pretentious speak-easy where the bartenders wore white coats like mixologist doctors. Yes, there was what sounded like Billy Holiday singing in the background, and plush red sofas and a superbly well stocked bar, but it was cosmetic, and expensive, and after a small moment of indecision, we decided to simply walk out and go elsewhere. It wasn't a disappointment because on the way we had encountered so much of the city's past by way of arcades, historic fountains, grand edifices and random ruins.

This behaviour of ours hasn't been confined just to Napoli. Even in Firenze and Venezia, our nightly excursion was the day's highlight. In those cities, more than in Napoli, night-time turned out to be the only time when we weren't part of a swarming mass of tourists; when we didn't have to wait in extensive, un-ending lines to get in somewhere. It was surreal, navigating the canals of Venice at 2 am, when the water-borne city feels like an abandoned ghost town, when there isn't a single tourist for miles. Our friends and us had no compunctions being the last to leave a bar. Our friends lived just around the corner, while we, for cost-effectiveness, had chosen an Airbnb in neighbouring Mestre. We were undaunted by the prospect of finding our way to the 24x7-hour ferry to Piazzale Roma, then taking the night bus home. There was something deeply thrilling about having the luxury of public transport at that hour.

I always remember the feminist Shilpa Phadke when I've had a successful late-night out. She speaks frequently about the significance of the feminist claim to 'fun'. "Fun in public spaces cannot be quantified or sometimes even explained," she says. "How does one communicate the pleasure of asphalt under your feet; the rush of finding the bus you want at a traffic signal and managing to jump into it… the exhilaration of wandering in your city at night laughing with your friends. This is not simply fun, it's belonging to your city and having it belong to you." I could argue there's something similarly exhilarating about doing all of that as two women in a foreign land. When our male friends in Venice caringly offered to let us crash in their spare bedroom because it was past midnight, we politely declined. "Are you sure you want to go back so late?" they asked. "Yes," Mona replied. "Because we can!"

Deliberating on the life and times of Everywoman, Rosalyn D'Mello is a reputable art critic and the author of A Handbook For My Lover. She tweets @RosaParx Send your feedback to mailbag@mid-day.com

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Longest-running photography event introduces Mumbai's lensmen to its latest work

A frame from the series, Music for Everyone. Pic/Yuyang Liu

The town of Siem Reap in Cambodia is a fascinating blend of history, modernity and culture. While the magnificent temple complex of Angkor Wat is no more than 6 km away from the picturesque location, it is also home to artisan collectives and Cambodian Cultural Village that gives a glimpse of the country's diverse cultural heritage. Since 2005, the city has also been the venue for Angkor Photo Festival & Workshops (APFW), a non-profit cultural association founded by noted names in photography from across the world - including members of Magnum Photos - to nurture Asia's photographic community by providing an affordable and self-sustainable platform for professional training.

From the series, Two Eyes Good, Four Eyes Bad. Pic/Rebecca Chew

Over the years, emerging photographers from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia, Japan and Cambodia among other Asian countries have attended tuition-free professional workshops, worked on a photo story inspired by their surroundings and showcased their project at the end of the festival. The APFW alumni community is a thriving one, where collaborations and creative exchange is common. Photographers from Mumbai, too, have participated in the festival, and to introduce emerging lensmen from the city to its upcoming edition in December, APFW alumni will conduct an interactive session this Saturday. The session, being held in Mumbai for the first time, is part the Angkor Hangover series of events organised across Asia.

From the series, Bokator, on young Cambodians trying to resurrect a traditional form of martial arts. Pic/Zishaan A Latif 

"The mentors are people whose work I admire. And when a group of 30 individuals with eclectic practices and realities specific to their countries come to learn from them, they also learn from each other," says freelance photographer and filmmaker Aishwarya Arumbakkam, who participated in the festival in 2016 and is one of the organisers of the Mumbai session. Multimedia projections by photographers from the 2016 batch are also a part of the evening.

From the series, Ahp. Pic/Aishwarya Arumbakkam

While applications are shortlisted on the basis of merit, freelance photographer and alumna Karen Dias explains that to keep the programme accessible and inclusive, there is no upper age limit for applicants. Fellow alumnus of the 2009 batch, Zishaan Akbar Latif, recalls, "As a budding photographer, you are terrified of showing your work, but you realise that others are in the same boat, too. Being in that quaint part of the world at a workshop that's different from its uptight counterparts helps you loosen up," he shares.

APFW organising committee member Andrea Fernandes, who has been associated with the festival for five years, sums up its nature, "This event is initiated by alumni and this is the direction we want the festival to go in - where every person associated can have a space to speak about their work and collaborations."

ON: May 12, 5 pm to 7 pm
AT: Trilogy by the Eternal Library, Raghuvanshi Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel.
CALL: 8080590590

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How to manage your expenses so you are never broke

Representational picture

Are you someone that likes living life on the edge, from salary to salary, buying something as and when you set eyes on it, without worrying about your savings, and a "dekha jayega" attitude? That may seem cool -- but it's also a short cut to financial disaster. Walnut App CEO and Co-Founder Patanjali Somayaji lists five ways to ensure you don't go broke. Ever.

Download a money management app to track your expenses
If you have never been the type to track your expenses, now is a good time to start. You can download an app that tracks your spends and set a budget, keep a watch on your upcoming credit card and utility bill payments, as well as see how much you owe or have to get from others. This is the first step to getting your finances streamlined.

Make a plan and set goals for yourself
Set short-term (a few months ahead) and long-term (a year and beyond) goals. It could be anything from taking up a new hobby like learning the guitar, to buying a new phone/laptop/camera, getting married, buying a new house or being debt-free by a certain date, and so on. Based on the plan, break it down into quarterly and monthly goals so you know how much to save, how much is safe to spend and so on. Having a plan will give you an overview and much better control of your finances.

Set up an emergency fund
Once you're tracking your spends and have set goals, you know how much money you need to allocate to each of them. You would also get an estimate of your spending pattern and expenses for each month. Based on this, have an emergency fund in place that will take care of at least 6-8 months' worth of living expenses so that in case of a mishap or a loss of job, you don't go broke, and have something to fall back on. You can set it up so that a certain percentage of your salary/income each month is automatically transferred to this fund. It could be in a different bank account, a fixed deposit, or even a liquid fund -- and most importantly, it should be accessible easily and quickly when needed urgently.

Set limits for your spend categories
Take a look at your spends in greater detail to understand where the money goes each month. Assign limits to each of these categories for the month and see how you're doing at the end of the month. This will give you an idea of your lifestyle and if you're spending more than you earn, as well as where you can cut down on unnecessary spends.

Stay debt-free
Credit cards can be extremely useful -- for regular spends as well as during emergencies, and over time, with a good payment history, can boost your credit score too. However, if you're the type of person who cannot pay off credit card bills in full each month or who just pays the minimum amount due, stick to using your debit card or cash, or even a Line of Credit, which has a lower interest rate. Revolving credit on a credit card can be dangerous for your finances, and it can take you several years to repay the entire outstanding amount.

There will always be changes in situations, your current needs and requirements as well as your cash flow, so every 3-6 months, you should re-look at your plan and goals, and modify as needed to stay on top of your finances.

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Elections 2019: Netas appeal to citizens to vote

With Saturday evening marking the last day of campaigning, most candidates spent Sunday at their office, after a month of being on the field to woo voters. Most of them held meetings with party workers.

Speaking to mid-day, Shiv Sena-BJP candidate from Mumbai North West constituency, Gajanan Kirtikar said, "I am really happy with the support we have got during campaigning and it will work in my favour because the Shiv Sena-BJP has delivered on the promises that were made. The added advantage for Shiv Sena-BJP is that we have a very good force of party cadres on ground and their efforts will help us achieve success. I would also appeal to voters to come out in large numbers and cast their votes."

While many candidates interacted with party workers and people from the constituency, many also studied voting patterns to understand where they stand, instead of having a relaxing day at home. Shiv Sena workers have been assigned various tasks including interacting with voters in their localities and requesting them to come out and vote in large numbers.

Mumbai North West Congress-NCP candidate Sanjay Nirupam said, "There has been a good response to our campaigning and all I can say is that people should come out in large numbers and exercise their right of voting." Other candidates such as Rahul Shewale (Mumbai South Central), Eknath Gaikwad (Mumbai South Central) and Gopal Shetty (Mumbai North) spent the Sunday in their offices similarly.

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Elections 2019: No guidance at booths, claim furious citizens

One of the major issues faced by the voters of the Mumbai North West constituency was that most of their names were missing from the voters' list, and they did not get much guidance at the polling booths. Those who did not find their names on the list, had to return without casting their votes, and they even complained that the officials posted at the polling stations could not address their queries.

The fight in the constituency is between sitting MP and Shiv Sena – BJP candidate Gajanan Kirtikar and Congress NCP candidate Sanjay Nirupam. Due to the scorching summer heat, most people preferred to vote in the early morning and evening hours. Long queues were spotted outside polling stations at Jogeshwari East, Goreagaon, Dindoshi, Andheri East and Versova.

The Pathak family whose names were missing from the list

Missing names

A family of three — senior citizen Parashar Pathak, his wife Anju Pathak and daughter Silky Pathak had landed at the Gyan Kendra School in Andheri West early to cast their votes, however they were shocked to find their names missing from the list. Speaking to mid-day, Silky said, "My mother had a doctor's appointment, so we decided to first cast our votes and then head to the clinic. But we were shocked to see that our names were missing. The officials at the polling station could not help us in any way, and after wasting two hours we left."

Shilpa Ajgaonkar from Goregaon East, who faced the same problem, said, "Though my husband's name was there on the voters' list, my name was missing. I had no option but to return after two hours without voting because even the polling officials could not help." Forty-six-year-old Genevieve Da Silva said that the election officials at the entrance of the St Anthony High School told her that her name was not there on the electoral roll. However, her husband, Clinton, could vote.

Goregaon East resident Shilpa Ajgaonkar's name was missing from the list

Senior citizens enthusiastic

Even though senior citizens of the North West constituency showed a lot of enthusiasm this time, many of them said that the facilities at the polling centres could have been better. A residents' association in Juhu had arranged for a pick-up and drop facility for senior citizens and even wheelchairs were available at polling stations.

Speaking to mid-day, Juhu resident Shankar Adnani, 82, said, "We are happy that adequate arrangements had been made for senior citizens at our centre and we did not face any difficulty in reaching the polling booth." However a youngster, who voted at the Gyan Kendra School polling station in Andheri West, said, "At the Gyan Kendra school, ramps for senior citizens were kept only at one place. Some of them, who had to vote at the adjacent building, were made to sit on chairs, which were then carried to the booth."

First-time voter Devangshi Haria from Four Bungalows

No ink applied

Meanwhile, first-time voter Muskan Gupta, who cast her vote at the Gyan Kendra School, said that an official at the booth forgot to mark her finger with ink. "I have cast my vote but the official in-charge might have forgotten to ink my finger. Even I was not aware of the exact process."

First-time voters
Four Bungalows resident and a first-time voter Devangshi Haria said, "I always wanted to vote and I am happy that I could do it this time. More youngsters should come out and vote because this is the process of nation building." Versova resident Mahesh Babaji Padyal, who is also a first-time voter, said, "I have been waiting to cast my first vote since over a year now and finally I could do it. I feel happy that my vote will play an important role in deciding the fate of the candidate, who will represent us in the Lok Sabha."

First-time voter Mahesh Babaji Padyal from Versova

Kurla resident Rita Vishwakarma was a happy mother on Monday since both her children — 19-year-old son Chandraprakash Vishwakarma and 22-year-old daughter Komal Vishwakarma — voted for the first time. As no one had explained them the voting process, the brother-sister duo said they figured it out themselves.

Muskan Gupta, whose finger was not inked

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Netizens salute Mumbai Police, call them best in the country!

Mumbai Congress president Milind Deora on Monday took to Twitter to congratulate the Election Commission for peacefully conducting the 2019 Lok Sabha elections in the metropolis. In a statement, Deora, the Congress' Mumbai South Lok Sabha candidate also appreciated the efforts of the Mumbai police and other security personnel deployed for poll duty and heaped praises on them.

"The voters are the real heroes of this election and I thank them for strengthening our democracy today. On behalf of the Mumbai Congress, I congratulate the Election Commission for peacefully conducting elections in Mumbai," he said.

Also Read: Elections 2019: This how Mumbai police helped senior voters at booths

"I also appreciate and thank Mumbai Police and other security personnel for maintaining law and order in the city," he added. Deora also thanked his party workers, stating they "demonstrated their commitment to the values of the Congress". He also said that the media kept a close vigil on the proceedings of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections in Mumbai.

On April 29, 2019, Over 12.79 crore voters came out and cast their votes in order to decide the fate of 945 candidates. On the other hand, the Mumbai Police's Twitter handle which is well known for their quirky yet remarkable tweets, on the voting day, shared an impactful message of senior citizens of Mumbai setting an example for the youth of the city with their active voting. Mumbai Police on Twitter shared a heartwarming post of senior citizens at different polling booths.

Mumbai Police personnel posted at various polling booths across Mumbai on April 29, 2019, earned kudos for lending a helping hand to senior citizens and differently-abled people who had come out in numbers to cast their votes in the six Lok Sabha constituencies in the city and suburbs that went to polls.

The Mumbai police personnel were seen helping the elderly voters at the polling booths by holding their hand and offering them assistance as they walk towards the polling booths to cast their valuable votes. In the Fort area in South Mumbai, which falls under Mumbai South Parliamentary constituency, police personnel of Mata Ramabai Ambedkar Marg police station were seen assisting senior citizens to their polling booths.

Similar scenes were witnessed in areas that fall under the rest five constituencies that cover the island city as well as distant suburbs. Many Mumbaikars who exercised their franchise to vote clicked photos of the goodwill gesture of Mumbai Police and shared them on social media.

"Fighting all the odds for an able democracy! Our salute to all the specially abled voters for not compromising on their duty! Let's not make any excuses." Mumbai Police tweeted from their official tweeter handle at Mumbai Police.

In another tweet, Mumbai police said, "Raising the bar for the youth, senior citizens across the city are turning out at large numbers at polling booths to vote. It is our pleasure to help them in every little way we can."

A heavy contingent of over 40,000 security personnel, including local police, QRTs, Central forces, was posted on election duty in Mumbai.

Over 17,000 officers of Mumbai Police cast their vote via postal ballot, to ensure they do not miss fulfilling their duty towards democracy while being on duty for its people.

See Photos: Elections 2019: Politicians, Bollywood celebs, Industrialists cast their vote in Mumbai

Here's how netizens lauded Mumbai Police for their selfless service during the Lok Sabha polls in Mumbai:

The results of the Lok Sabha Elections 2019 will be announced on May 23, 2019. You can log on to eci.gov.in for more information.

With inputs from PTI

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Ben is Back Movie Review - Exploring addiction with rare sensitivity

Ben is Back

U/A: Drama
Director: Peter Hedges
Cast: Julia Roberts, Lucas Hedges, Courtney B. Vance, Kathryn Newton

A family drama that makes substance abuse look like the enemy of humanity it is, this Peter Hedges directed film dramatically shifts its moods from celebration to welcoming to fearful – all in the span of a few minutes.

When Ben(Lucas Hedges) shows up skulking around at his home driveway in a hooded wind-breaker the audience is unsure as to his antecedents. Then his mother Holly(Julia Roberts), his teenage sister Ivy(Kathryn Newton) and two half-siblings (Mia Fowler and Jakari Fraser) arrive home and we see the trepidation tinted welcome he receives. When his step-father Neal(Courtney B Vance) rushes home after receiving Ivy's urgent message, we understand there's further gravity to the situation.

Director Peter Hedges opens up his pages slowly allowing us to experience in some measure as to what the family is going through. Eventually it becomes imminently clear that Ben's return for Christmas from a rehab program he was recently inducted into, is unexpected and ill-advised.

Check out the trailer here:

While 'Ben is Back' is not exactly a dense suspense drama it draws up intensity from a construct that questions the integrity of it's lead character. Since it's a story about an addict and his struggle with addiction the question that haunts his family and himself is 'Will he use again?' He has sworn and swears again that he won't but he has lied before and given his track record should his family believe him? It's a tough ask. But then what about love, compassion and forgiveness? Can a mother really abandon her child to the vagaries of a habit that could eventually destroy him? The film deals with all these questions and more and the answers that it comes up with are neither easy nor universally applicable.

As Holly takes on the onus of keeping Ben in her sights, she uncovers secrets that test her mothering skills –throughout an increasingly harrowing day and night exposing her to an underbelly that she never opened her eyes to in the past.

There are times when the plotting seems contrived and questionable but by and large Peter Hedges does a good job plying a pathway that has hurdles at every turn. The dramatic tension though is not sharp enough and that's one of the reasons why you feel rather ambivalent about this tale. Performances are universally good though!

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Mary Queen Of Scots Movie Review - The War of the Queens

Mary Queen Of Scots

U/A: Biography, Drama, History
Director: Josie Rourke
Cast: Taylor Russell, Logan Miller, Deborah Woll, Jay Ellis, Tyler Labine

Director Josie Rourke and writer Beau Willimon's attempt to give two warring Queens, the widowed Mary Queen Of Scots (Saoirse Ronan) and Queen Elizabeth I (Margot Robbie) of England, a larger voice in their historic confrontation, makes for fairly compelling viewing. This is a tapestry of discontent woven with a rare female gaze and allows for greater involvement in the royal proceedings.

Mary, following untimely widowhood, returns to her native Scotland to assume her throne. Her half-brother James Moray (James McArdle) is not enthused and his peace-keeping allegiance to the Protestant regime in England may have well become meaningless. Mary's cousin, Elizabeth I, monarch of England is also wary of Mary's far more valid claim to her own throne. So the intrigue and betrayals begin. And it's the men on both sides who play out the deceit in bloody fashion.

Check out the trailer here:

This is largely a biopic on Mary, Queen of Scots beginning with her return to the throne, subsequent precipitous marriages, the power struggle with her brother and several other aspirants to the throne and eventually her tragic death on the orders of her cousin. So there's more than enough drama to be had. Unfortunately, clarity is not a strong point here. Framed largely as per the version put forward by John Guy's biography of the Queen, the film has some controversial moments but fails to concretize the reasoning for her eventual beheading.

We get to meet Mary's ladies-in-waiting, her attempts to solidify her claims to the throne of England, her fight with the clergy who are largely protestant, her brother James' attempts to undercut her authority, John Knox's(David Tenant) outrage at having to know-tow to a female ruler and Elizabeth's helplessness and insecurity in having to deal with a more beautiful, younger claimant to her monarchy. Most of the narrative gives vent to Mary's life story but towards the end the focus shifts to Elizabeth's, thus creating a dichotomy that is a little difficult to empathize with. This filmed drama is largely faithful to the established record, has authentic fashionably period costuming and make-up and intensely committed performances from the two leads as well as their co-actors in crucial roles. So it's a vividly engaging experience even if not an entirely lucid one!

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Citizens must do their BEST amid challenges

The fight against Coronavirus is a constantly evolving one and is mainly reactive at the present moment in many contexts.

The BEST authorities are putting into place a plan which reduces the number of conductors in the few big, reds plying the city.

This is because, as a report stated in this newspaper, a few from the BEST workforce have contracted the Coronavirus. They are now going to run buses, some being already operational in this manner, with a driver and no conductor. The commuters will have to pay at the end of the journey.

It is important that the few passengers we see in buses today, follow rules whether there is a conductor or not. Maintain social distance in the bus, even if there is no conductor to enforce this.

Adults must know that the distancing is mandated for their safety and the security of their family too, so one surely does not and should not need somebody literally telling them to observe social distancing.

Ride in the bus wearing a mask, and do not slip it off your face or hang it around the neck during the journey. Do get on at the proper stop and follow correct etiquette even while alighting. Do pay the correct fare for the journey you took.

We must recognise that this is special, though necessary, service for workers and those providing essential services, thus necessitating commuting during these times.

The report also cited a BEST Kamghar Sanghatna official opposed to keeping conductors out, saying this was a ruse to start one-man operations amid Coronavirus.

Dialogue must ensure that there is transparency and talks within the Undertaking which is facing so many challenges — Coronavirus or not. May all do the BEST for Mumbai.

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Reassure, engage and create- with children to ensure their mental well being amid lockdown

Social distancing and lockdown may have impacted each one of us mentally, emotionally and psychologically but it is the children and teenagers who have had to cope with sudden closure of schools, cancellation of exams and a prohibition of face-to-face interaction with their friends and teachers.

Anusha Manjani, Manager, Counseling Services at Akanksha Foundation, says, "Children are acutely aware of the sudden changes and panic in the environment around them. Younger children can feel confused, uneasy and scared; older children express feelings of anxiety, sadness and helplessness."

She added, "The uncertainty and chaos of the pandemic impacts all aspects of children's lives- it is not just a threat to their physical health- but to their learning, their home environment, their interaction with peers, their emotional well-being. Moreover, economic hardships, the overcrowding in homes, the lack of access to resources in low income communities can lead to higher incidence of neglect, violence and abuse- making staying at home itself a risk to some children's safety."

In such a time, it is crucial that children have support of their parents and teachers to help them in having a routine and structure to their day. Anusha says, "Parents and teachers can be key caregivers and anchors during this time to support the mental well-being of children- by reassuring them of their safety, creating a space to share feelings and using art, play, fun learning activities to engage with them."

Akanksha Foundation has started a helpline number called 'The Listening Space' for all the stakeholders such as students, teachers and parents to express themselves or just discuss about what's happening. While younger children have more questions about whats happening outside, older  children are venting out their frustration, their anxiety about their parents etc.

Parents and teachers are also coming up with interactive tasks and new ways of learning. Worksheets are sent to the students everyday and once the child solves it and shares it, the teacher reverts with the corrections as well. 

It is not just academics that are taken care of amid lockdown, things such as maintaining gratitude journals and 'doing a good deed everyday' are also being imbibed in the children to maintain their mental and emotional health.

A creative snakes and ladders

"At Akanksha, teachers, counsellors, social workers and parents are working together to support the children- whether it is checking in for the child's well being, spreading awareness of safety measures, encouraging learning through low-cost tech or doing parent-child activities- we are keeping the lines of communication and connection open and strong to navigate these difficult times together," says Anusha.

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BMC starts mobile dispensaries to curb spread of novel Coronavirus

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has started mobile dispensaries to curb the spread of COVID-19. Currently they will move about in the areas most affected by the disease such as Worli, BDD chawls, Lower Parel, Currey Road etc.

It was decided to start mobile dispensaries to prevent the spread by reaching out to people and detecting patients. While the service began on Wednesday in the severely affected G South ward, the doctors will move to other areas later. More than 600 COVID-19 positive patients have been found in G South Ward.

A doctor, a nurse and an assistant will be available in the mobile dispensary. It will be stocked with medicines for cold, cough and fever, and in case of a suspicious patient of COVID-19, a thermal scanner has also been placed in the vans. The vans will provide the service from 10 am to 7 pm.

After their check-ups, people will be treated with pills for minor fever etc. But if a suspected patient of COVID-19 is found, she or he will be hospitalised. The mobile dispensaries aim to find such patients in red zones to help curb the spread of the disease.

The mobile dispensaries were launched at the NSCI club in the presence of Mayor Kishori Pednekar. In all five mobile dispensaries have been started.

Mayor Pednekar told mid-day, "Medicines for cold, cough and fever are available in these dispensaries. If a suspect patient is found during the check-up, he will be taken to the OPD of a COVID-19 deisgnated hospital and examined immediately."

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Rishi Kapoor Passes Away: Raj Thackeray pens heartfelt note for the first 'Chocolate boy' of Bollywood

Saddened by the news of the passing away of veteran Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief and politician Raj Thackeray paid rich tributes to the late actor. On Thursday, the MNS leader took to social media to pay homage and penned a heartfelt note calling Rishi Kapoor the first 'Chocolate boy' of the Bollywood film industry.

Titled 'A fearless tweet takes a bow!', Thackeray began his note saying that the country lost two exemplary artists back to back, mentioning the demise of Irrfan Khan and and Rishi Kapoor in a span of two days.

Talking about Rishi Kapoor's entry into the Bollywood Industry, Raj Thackeray said that although Kapoor made his debut at a time when the film industry had a strong group of young actors including Amitabh Bachchan, Vinod Khanna, Rajesh Khanna, Shatrughan Sinha, and Dharmendra, he managed to become the voice of the youth and remained so to date.

Raj Thackeray's post

A heartfelt trubute penned by Raj Thackeray for the late actor, Rishi Kapoor

The MNS chief said that Rishi Kapoor did full justice to the Kapoor legacy. Throwing light on Rishi Kapoor's acting skills and his persona, Raj Thackeray said that looking at his effortless performances, one felt that there was no camera in front of him.

Raj also heaped praises on the late Rishi Kapoor for always speaking his heart out and taking a stand. "My family and I have a deep affection for Rishi Kapoor. His performances and his forthright conduct is something, I wholeheartedly appreciate. Be it a social cause, political debate or any current happenings, he was very articulate and forthright in his thoughts and words. One could see his true core reflect in his tweets. Even if there was a huge uproar on any of his tweets, he held his own and never refrained from taking a stand," Raj wrote.

While concluding his heartfelt tribute, Raj offered his condolence to Rishi Kapoor's family and said, "A deeply passionate person who loved his craft. I offer my humble and heartfelt tribute to this exceptional artist who leaves behind a legacy that will be etched in the ethos of our Indian film industry for eternity."

Besides Raj, Maharashtra Tourism Minister Aaditya Thackeray also paid homage to Rishi Kapoor. He said, "A friend of the family for decades and 3 generations. Our heartfelt condolences to the Kapoor family."

Rishi Kapoor, who was diagnosed with cancer back in 2018, was admitted at Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital in Mumbai around three weeks ago and he passed away on Wednesday morning at 8:45am in the hospital.

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COVID-19 in Mumbai: Dense population, tiny homes in slums defeat cops' efforts

Amid the rising number of COVID-19 cases in Mumbai, Deputy Municipal Commissioner (Zone IV) on Wednesday wrote to Addl CP West Region Manoj Kumar Sharma, demanding stricter implementation of rules in the containment zones between Bandra and Andheri, especially the slum areas in the belt.

These include Nehru Nagar (Juhu police station), Samta Nagar and Junaid Nagar (DN Nagar), CD Barfiwala Road and Juhu Galli (DN Nagar), Gaondevi Dongri, Gilbert Hill and Dhangarwadi (DN Nagar), Versova Village (Versova), Kranti Nagar, Anand Nagar, and Behraum Baug (Oshiwara). The municipal authority observed "that there is no fall in the rate of positively tested patients and are rather increasing. It appears that existing lockdown measures are inadequate," the communication said.

It asked local authorities to ensure that the localities, local pockets and chawls are strictly sealed and locked down to have effective control on spreading Coronavirus in these localities.

"This office has frequently informed senior inspectors of respective police stations regarding containment of areas in their respective jurisdictions on a day to day basis as and when positive cases are traced in particular localities," the letter read.

Sharma told mid-day that "the police have already increased patrolling in these areas and deployed more number of officials."

'Lack of individual toilets'

DCP Abhishek Trimukhe said, "We have barricaded these designated red zones and are ensuring that there is limited access. Only the government ration shops and medicine shops are allowed to be kept open. All other shops in red zones will remain closed. However, the main challenge in these slum pockets is that there are no independent toilets within the red zone itself. There needs to be a toilet facility otherwise people will keep venturing out of their homes to use the toilet. How can we keep denying people the need to use the toilet?"

Cops make the rounds of slum areas every day

He pointed out: "There is a heavy space constraint in these slum areas, as opposed to building societies, where containment is very good. The lanes are very narrow in some slum pockets and the population density is high."

Identification system required

Trimukhe said that the police had asked BMC to have some sort of identification procedure for people who are residents of these red zones. "Since the population of these areas is very high, a designated identification system would make it easier to identify and segregate people," he said adding that community meetings have been held with residents to explain the guidelines to them.

'Can't sit inside tiny homes all day'

Senior PI of Oshiwara police station Dayanand Bangar echoed Trimukhe's concerns. "People are always saying that they are either going to get medicines or buy milk but the biggest problem is that of common toilets," he said.

"Residents of these slum areas, who live in a 10x10 house, cannot sit at home all day," he said, adding that in areas like Kranti Nagar, there is zero growth of COVID-19 cases. "Even though this is a red zone, there are currently no positive patients here.

Seven people, who had gone for treatment, and are now back."

No. of containment zones in city

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Health Minister Rajesh Tope: All Maharashtra citizens will get free health cover

Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope announced that all citizens will be covered under the state government's health scheme, and Maharashtra will be the first state to provide free and cashless insurance protection to its people. Speaking to reporters after a Maharashtra Day event in Jalna on Friday, Tope said 85 per cent of the state's population was covered under the Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana (MJPJAY) at present and the cover will be extended to the remining 15 per cent.

A memorandum was signed to include government, semi- government employees and white ration card holders in the scheme in a bid to prevent private hospitals from overcharging patients, he said. "The government has signed a MoU with the General Insurance Public Sector Association (GIPSA) for treatment of COVID-19 patients at private hospitals in Pune and Mumbai," he said.

Similarly, different packages will be designed for all diseases, to standardise treatment fees at all hospitals, the minister said. Earlier, 496 hospitals were covered in the scheme, but now over 1,000 hospitals will come under it, he said. As per the Disaster Management Act and Epidemic Act, the state government has capped the fees of COVID-19 treatment at private hospitals, the minister said.

Hospitals that don't have tie-ups with the GIPSA will also have to standardise their treatment fees, he added.

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Homoeopathy, ayurveda not alternatives to good sense, say scientists

Amid the panic around COVID-19, alternative medicine is being desperately promoted as a treatment, especially to boost immunity. At such a juncture, scientists from the country have issued a public statement on such cures and immunity boosters with a scientific explanation that there is no evidence suggesting successful use of any of these treatments in COVID-19. They have cautioned that these are not alternatives to other precautions that need to be taken such as social distancing, washing hands, etc.

The statement reads, "As of now, no scientific studies show that any substance boosts the immune system specifically against COVID-19, be it modern medicines like hydroxychloroquine or homoeopathic solutions like Arsenicum Album D30 or ayurvedic preparations. These so-called remedies and/or immunity boosters may give people a false sense of security. Some people may wrongly assume that they won't be affected by COVID-19 anymore, leading to risky behaviours such as not using a masks, not washing hands, or not following physical distancing protocols. Such unintentional violation of guidelines may have disastrous results."

While there are several social media posts, there have been instances when even people from government have backed such practices. For example AYUSH ministry supporting homoeopathic and ayurvedic products as defence against COVID-19 and the TN government issuing a circular about the efficacy of a herbal powder. Explaining the need for such a statement, Aniket Sule, scientist at Tata Institute of fundamental Research, said, "There are lots of social media forwards suggesting unproven treatments to fight COVID-19. We want to caution people that there is no scientific evidence to suggest that they work against COVID-19."

The statement concludes, "Colloquially, many people use the word "immunity" when they actually just mean "good health". While a healthy diet and exercise improves a person's general health (and the capacity of their immune system), this cannot make him/her immune to COVID-19. The most severe cases of COVID-19 are made worse by an overreaction of the immune system. So trying to boost general immunity or trying to interfere with its regulation using untested methods, may be risky. Claims such as benefits of drinking cow urine, exposing people to UV light or injecting with disinfectants, are not supported by scientific evidence, and are harmful to the human body. Similarly, while some supplements such as garlic may be harmless, others such as zinc or Datura seeds, if taken in excess, are toxic."

Busting hoaxes

'The Hoaxbusters' — a group from the Indian Scientists' response to COVID-19 has issued new set of slides answering several questions around COVID-19 at https://indscicov.in/

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No new jobs, promotions, extra expenses for state government

In view of the financial hit the state is likely to take owing to the pandemic, the state government has taken several austerity measures.

New schemes, construction, purchases by the state have been barred while new jobs will not be created. Employees will not be transferred and promoted this financial year.

A resolution issued by the chief secretary on Monday said that the current schemes will have to run on 33 per cent grant instead of 100 per cent. Health, medical education, relief and rehabilitation, food and civil supplies departments will get priority in state funding.

'Review schemes'
The departments have been asked to review current schemes and work on them with a limited budget.

However, there will be no cut in essential spendings like salaries and pension payments.

Pending bills to be paid
Buying gizmos, furniture and hiring offices have not been allowed. The expenses on event management have been curtailed. The pending bills will be paid using whatever the finances are available.

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Lockdown 3.0: Mumbai Police's coronavirus twist to Ludo leaves netizens in splits

On day 1 of the extended lockdown till May 17, Mumbai Police on Monday took to Twitter to share the importance of staying home amid the COVID-19 crisis. Giving a novel twist to one of the popular games during coronavirus lockdown, Mumbai Police latest meme inspired by Ludo struck a chord with netizens.

While sharing the Ludo-inspired meme, Mumbai Police said, "At times, it's better to not try your luck. Staying at home is your best bet against novel coronavirus. #GameOfLife #TakingOnCorona." The latest post by Mumbai Police urged people to stay home and not to try their luck by venturing out amid the coronavirus crisis.

In the post, one can see tokens of all the four players inside the house with the COVID-19 virus occupying the place on the path of the Ludo board. While sharing the coronavirus twist Ludo game post with their followers, Mumbai Police sent a strong message showing how staying at home can be the only safe bet the COVID-19 epidemic.

Mumbai Police also put a hard hitting caption on the picture which read, "The safest place to be is IN #TakingOnCorona." Since being shared online, the post has garnered over 600 likes and about 5,000 re-tweets. Even Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra retweeted the post with heart emoticons of various colours. Besides Parineeti, hundreds of users lauded Mumbai Police's unique take on creating awareness on the importance of being home amid lockdown.

One user commented, "Best example for current situation," while another user said, "So creative my god!." A third user wrote, "Kudos to ur creative team!!!." Lauding the Mumbai Police a fourth user said, "We will prefer to staying at home only."

Here's how netizens reacted to Mumbai Police's twist to Ludo game:

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Armed cops arrive to capture tiger on the loose. What happens next is hilarious!

Spotting a tiger during a walk is not an encounter you would wish to experience. With stories of wild animals being spotted in unusual places during the lockdown, seeing a tiger on the loose is the last thing you want and which might lead to chaos! This is exactly what happened when few people in countryside Kent in England called the police for help saying that they had spotted a tiger in the neighbourhood.

Armed policemen and a helicopter arrived at the scene to locate the tiger but to their surprise, they found that it was just a sculpture that looked like a real tiger!

Picture/Martha Simpson-Twitter

The incident was narrated by Twitter user Martha Simpson. She said that the tiger sculpture that armed cops with a helicopter came to hunt for, was made by her grandmother. She also shared the pictures of the incident in which the police officers were investigating the sculpture.

Simpson was quoted by the Guardian as saying that her 85-year-old grandmother Juliet built the sculpture using chicken wires and resin 20 years ago. She said that her son called her on her phone to tell her about the armed police coming at her doorstep with their helicopters. "Ten of them! By then I could see the helicopter above, and I thought, goodness me. So then I walked up the road and saw the police Land Rover. I went up and said: 'Do you want to be introduced to this tiger?'" she was quoted by the Guardian.

Simpson went on to say that tiger’s sculpture never bothered anyone before this incident apart from dogs, adding that the police left after looking into the matter and establishing that the sculpture did not pose any risk to the public.

But the sculpture that created a buzz attracted some attention from netizens.

A person, who has visited the spot calls it a 'great scuplture' and said that  he visits the spot regularly for walks with his dogs.

What do you think about the post?

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In other districts, tokens to be issued to buy booze

Even as tipplers lined up outside liquor stores across the state on Tuesday, there were hectic parleys both in the corridors of Mantralaya and the BMC.

While for the state government, the main concern was how to raise revenue during the lockdown while ensuring that the infection rate does not explode, the civic body's sole concern was to keep the city's climbing COVID-19 count under check.

As reports flooded in about overcrowding outside liquor stores, the BMC commissioner made up his mind and issued an order late on Tuesday evening, directing all non-essential shops and establishments to shut with immediate effect.

The state agreed that this was the right decision for the hotspot of Mumbai, and decided to keep liquor stores open in the rest of the state. It is even contemplating a cess on liquor like in Delhi state, top sources in the political and bureaucratic machinery told mid-day.

Delhi imposed a Coronavirus cess on liquor sales at state-run shops from Tuesday. The cess is 70 per cent of the maximum retail price of all categories of liquor sold through standalone shops. The Maharashtra government's cess is expected to be less than that of Delhi, as the state's taxes on alcoholic beverages are already the highest in the country.

A retailer from Sion said a New Delhi-like cess is not advisable. "Even with the cess or surcharge, liquor in Delhi will still be cheaper than in Maharashtra. The taxation is so heavy that spurious liquor is made here or cheaper stuff is smuggled from neighbouring states," he said.

The high that didn't last
As per official data, the state has been consuming an average of 87 crore litres of alcohol (country liquor, Indian made foreign liquor, beer and wine) every year. The government earned R15,428 crore last year through liquor production and sale. The state has lost at least R3,000 crore in revenue in the current financial year.
Figures obtained by mid-day showed that the state sold 16.10 lakh litres and earned R62.55 crore on Monday and Tuesday. The figures are from 17 districts that sold liquor on the two days (including Mumbai city and suburbs). Nine other districts had disallowed sales, and two couldn't open stores.

"The excise department earns maximum revenue from production units. Liquor sale in the state touched R11-12 crore on Monday. A cess is a matter of policy for the government," said excise commissioner Kantilal Umap.

Some officials are of the opinion that the government could earn additional revenue through Value Added Tax (VAT) and GST if restaurants and permits room that serve food and alcohol were also allowed to open in the coming days. Owners of permit rooms and restaurants have sought permission to dispose of their stock in retail to get some liquidity and add to the revenue. But at least in Mumbai, the BMC order has put paid to these hopes.

Earlier in the day...
Before the BMC commissioner's order, the State Excise Department released a new set of guidelines for all liquor shops, which includes a form that customers will have to fill in with their personal details and take a token.

This order – an attempt to streamline crowds and enforce social distancing – apply to other districts, where liquor shops will continue to operate.

The forms to be filled by people include name, mobile number, details of the brand and the number of bottles the person wishes to buy.

The excise department said not more than 50 tokens can be issued per hour. With wine shops in the state allowed to be open from 10 am to 6 pm, assuming there will be 50 customers per hour, a wine shop can service a maximum of 400 customers per day. If more customers come, they will be issued tokens for the next day.

Wine shops that do not have printers to print the forms can put their stamp on a plain paper which has the details of the customer and mention the token number.

Inputs by Vishal Singh

Amount (in crores) of revenue from liquor sales lost by the state

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Buyers say tokens reduce wait time to get alcohol

At a time alcohol sales have been barred in Mumbai, its sales in 18 districts of Maharashtra on Wednesday yielded Rs 43.75 crore. A few buyers claimed the token system introduced to reduce crowds helped them get their tipple faster.

After seeing the crowds in Mumbai that gathered to buy their favourite drink without caring about social distancing, the State Excise Department had released a new set of guidelines for all liquor shops, which included a form that customers would have to fill in with their personal details and take a token. The excise department said not more than 50 tokens can be issued per hour. Assuming there will be 50 customers per hour, a wine shop can supply a maximum of 400 customers per day. If more customers come, they will be issued tokens for the next day.

All alcohol vendors have been asked to sell liquor only through this token system. mid-day spoke to a few buyers outside the BMC limits about their experience.Some of them said the system helped as they did not have to stand in queues for a long time.

Was asked to wait till 11 am
Suresh Jadhav from Thane, who bought liquor from J K Wine Shop on Bhiwandi-Kalyan Road, said he was asked to take a token. It was number 72 and he was asked to come at 11 am. Jadhav said, "When I reached the store at the given time, there was not much crowd. Due to the token, I did not have to stand in line for long."

Munna Pandey, another Thane resident, who went to the same shop, said he took a token and was asked to come at 1 pm. "When I reached the shop at 1 pm, there were 15 to 17 people standing in front of me. I wrote my name, the name of the brand and my mobile number in the form. I took a total of 4 bottles. It took me about half an hour to get my liquor," Pandey said.

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Aurangabad train accident: Maharashtra government to pay Rs 5 lakh compensation to kin of victim

The Maharashtra government on Friday announced a compensation of Rs 500,000 to the next of kin of all the migrants who were run over by a goods train near Aurangabad. Expressing deep anguish over the incident which killed 16 migrants, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray said that all the expenses for the treatment of all those injured in the mishap will be borne by the state government. "We are in constant touch with the Centre to make arrangements for running as many trains as possible for the migrants to return to their homes. I appeal to them not to give up hopes," Thackeray urged.

The Chief Minister said that the victims were working for a steel company in Jalna and were proceeding along the railway lines, apparently to their homes in neighbouring Madhya Pradesh. At night they slept on the railway tracks but early Friday a goods train ran over them, killing 16 and injuring many others.

Thackeray said in the past 4-5 days around 100,000 migrants have reached home safely and more trains are being organized, including from Mumbai, to send the other stranded workers to their respective states.

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'She does not like my sense of humour...'

Dear Diana,
I am a happy-go-lucky person who loves to make people laugh. Even when things go wrong, instead of fretting, I prefer to let go. My girlfriend, however, finds this habit of mine irritating. She just does not know how to laugh aloud. She's always serious and focussed. This is causing a lot of tiffs between us. She finds my sense of humour atrocious. I mean no harm to anyone, so I do not know why she can't chuckle along with me? We have had a lot of discussions, but she feels I go overboard. I call her Miss Stiff Upper Lip and she gets so annoyed that she stops talking to me for days. I just want to see her happy and laughing. My girl tells me she has always been like this so she can't be like me. I have told her to loosen up, but she is adamant. What do I do? How do I tell her that I am trying hard to please her? Why does she find me offensive? She also tells me that she often feels that I have inhaled laughing gas.
— Waman

Dear Waman,
Laughter can go a long way in maintaining a happy relationship. Your girl is the opposite of you. She does not feel the need to have a sense of humour or is perhaps unwilling to let go around you and be relaxed and fun-loving. You have told her to be relaxed, but it cannot be an overnight change. You need loads of patience as she will take time to be like you. At the same time, try to find out what has made her so serious. Is there something on her front that is troubling her? Make her feel comfortable and tell her it is alright to let go sometimes and have a good time with you.


Lunchbox actress Nimrat Kaur: Can't imagine I am talking about Irrfan Khan in past tense

Actress Nimrat Kaur worked with Irrfan Khan in the much-feted film "The Lunchbox" that went on winning several award and accolades internationally. The news of his sudden demise came as shock to her.

"It is a personal loss for everyone at this point in time. For everyone who watched his movies or worked with him and met him personally, this is absolutely shocking. I think the face of Indian cinema will not be the same without Irrfan Khan. He was a one-man army. Every film and film stars are on one side and his films are on the other. My heart goes out to his family at this point in time, when we all are suffering under a specific situation. Losing a loved one is always painful but I think this (the COVID-19 lockdown) is worse. I cannot imagine I am talking about Irrfan in the past tense," Nimrat told IANS.

Nimrat worked with Irrfan in "The Lunchbox", the directorial debut of Ritesh Batra, which released in 2013. The film screened in several prestigious international festivals, and notably won the Critics Week Viewers Choice Award at the 66th Cannes Film Festival.

Sharing her memory of working with Irrfan in the film Nimrat said: "We did not have many scenes together but we got a chance to converse extensively during the premiere of the film at the Cannes Film Festival. I was quite overwhelmed by the response to the film, the way it was celebrated and what it became overnight! I remember I asked him, ‘how do you handle so much appreciation, adulation when a film meets a great success like this?' he smiled and told me, ‘sock up to good times and don't be shy of celebration. This is the gift that God has given us. The bad time is around the corner.'

"This moment does not come very often in life. So take it as a gift after all the struggle we have gone through.' He always said to embrace the good time because that's when we celebrate life," recalled Nimrat.

Irrfan had been admitted in Mumbai's Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani hospital with a colon infection on Tuesday and passed away on Wednesday. The actor has been ailing ever since he was diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumour a while back and has been under medical attention for the same. He even went abroad for treatment.

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Nikkhil Advani remembers Rishi Kapoor and Irrfan Khan, says 'there will be jashan in heavens tonight'

April has turned out to be the most devastating month of the year. On April 29, the world lost an actor par excellence, Irrfan Khan. And today, the world has lost another gem of an actor who could do any role with ease, Rishi Kapoor. He passed away at 8:45 IST in hospital after a two-year battle with leukemia.

Filmmaker Nikkhil Advani, who directed both of them in D-Day, took to his Twitter account to recount the experience he had working with this legendary star. Sharing an anecdote on Twitter, Advani wrote- "No one treated me with the respect an actor gives a director more than you did, that too being who you were. You were my friend sir. I'm sitting, remembering and just chuckling, laughing. Waiting for your booming voice to say "boy... make me one more drink!" (sic)

Have a look right here:

And then came a picture that could surely leave you teary-eyed. It was a scene from the film that had both Rishi Kapoor and Irrfan Khan in the same frame. Sharing this priceless moment that the world will never see again, he wrote- "At least one thing is for sure. There will be jashan in the heavens tonight." Have a look right here:

The entire Bollywood industry is currently in shock as it has lost two legends who went too soon. We shall never forget their contribution to Hindi Cinema!

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Janhvi Kapoor pens a heartfelt note for Rishi Kapoor, writes he has left a void in the world

Rishi Kapoor's death will always be remembered as one of the most devastating news the Hindi film industry woke up to. He passed away today morning at 8:45 am in hospital after two years of battle with leukaemia. Tributes from the industry have been pouring in since morning and his presence will always be felt.

Coming to the tributes, Janhvi Kapoor wrote a heartfelt note on the actor and all his fans will surely get teary-eyed. Sharing a classic photo of the actor from his early days in Hindi Cinema, the actress wrote - "An icon. In every way. You've left a ceaseless void in this industry and world- somehow even for those who never had the chance of really knowing you. But you have also left with us a plethora of legendary work and innumerable stories of your candour, humour and zest for life that'll remain with us forever. Rest in peace." (sic)

Have a look right here:

Kapoor was an actor par excellence and also very witty and full of life in his real life. He was always honest and humorous and lived his life on his own terms. His contribution to Hindi cinema was, is, and will always be etched in people's hearts.

An unforgettable career that spanned over five decades, the man and his legacy will always continue to shine and scintillate. His last rites will be performed at the Chandanwadi Crematorium in Kalbadevi, Mumbai.

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Sonakshi Sinha answers awkward questions thrown by netizens on Instagram

A bored Sonakshi Sinha asked netizens to throw her some awkward questions. A fan asked her if she was single? The actor replied, "Double. Hehe (sic)!" The actor then shared a mirror selfie to make the puzzled fan understand her reply. The interactive session brightened up her day as well as that of the fans. Like father Shatrughan Sinha, Sona, too, knows how to entertain with witty one-liners. Have a question, will answer, she says.

On the professional front, Sonakshi Sinha was last seen in Dabangg 3, opposite Salman Khan. Saiee Manjrekar was also a part of this comedy film. Now, the actress will be next seen in Bhuj: The Pride of India.

Bhuj: The Pride of India stars Ajay Devgn, Sanjay Dutt, Sonakshi Sinha, Sharad Kelkar, Ammy Virk and Pranitha Subhash. The film is directed by Abhishek Dudhaiya. In the film, Ajay will be seen playing Indian Air Force pilot Vijay Karnik, while Sonakshi will essay the character of Sunderben Jetha Madharparya, who is a social worker and a farmer women, who convinced 299 other women from Madhapur to help build a runway during the India-Pakistan war of 1971.

Speaking about her personal life, Sonakshi recently made headlines for dating Notebook actor Zaheer Iqbal. In a candid chat, Zaheer said, "Sonakshi and I laughed after reading the dating rumours. It was my first rumour so I didn't know how to react to it. People have seen all of us. Sonakshi and I chill together and someone must have seen that and might have started the rumour. Well, I'm sure that's how it started."

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Urvashi Rautela shares a high-intensity exercise regimen for enthusiasts to stay fit during the lockdown

After the lockdown started, everyone has seen fitness bloggers actively posting home exercise videos, seeking to encourage the rest of us to budge on the couch and do a squat. Bollywood celebrities, who won't be left behind when it comes to fitness fever, have taken to social media to give us all the big workout goals. Like most of us, during this time away from offering ourselves inane reasons for not exercising, celebrities quickly turned their homes into gyms to keep themselves lean and mean. while in the midst of this Bollywood Star, Urvashi Rautela focuses solely on her wellbeing and fitness, and her Instagram posts are real proof of this.

Quarantined or not, Urvashi has to maintain her Greek god bod. She is one of the fittest celebrities in Bollywood and there is no denying that. The actress has also become famous for her intense fitness sessions. Her workout routines are easy to follow during the quarantine period. And though she's at home, she manages to interact with her followers either through her heavy weight lifting exercise videos or by sharing some of Backwalkover videos.

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What hurts the most in life? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #love #UrvashiRautela

A post shared by URVASHI RAUTELA 🇮🇳Actor🇮🇳 (@urvashirautela) onApr 29, 2020 at 12:11am PDT

On the work front, Urvashi Rautela will be next seen in an untitled film which is the remake of 2017's super hit Tamil film Thiruttu Payale 2. Helmed by director Susi Ganeshan, the film also stars Akshay Oberoi and Vineet Kumar. Urvashi Rautela will be essaying the role of a girl next door in the untitled.

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Irrfan Khan's son Ayaan shares rare picture with father, pens heartfelt note for him

Versatile Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan passed away at the age of 53 on Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 11:11 am due to colon infection. The actor was undergoing treatment for Neuroendocrine cancer and was admitted at Mumbai's Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital due to a colon infection. The actor's last rites were performed on the same day in the presence of his family, close relatives and friends. Irrfan is survived by his wife Sutapa and sons – Babil and Ayan.

Soon after news of Irrfan's death broke on the internet, social media was flooded with messages from fans and celebrities expressing their grief. Son Ayaan also mourned the loss of his father by sharing beautiful memories of his father through his childhood pictures.

In the picture, Irrfan is seen riding a bike with Ayaan sitting in front. He captioned the black and white picture, "The flesh we roam this earth in is a blessing, not a promise (sic)". In another photo, the father-son duo looks handsome.

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The flesh we roam this earth in is a blessing, not a promise.

A post shared by ayAAn khan (@arkane_7) onMay 1, 2020 at 9:36am PDT

Earlier, Irrfan's elder son Babil had shared has posted a video of the late actor indulging in pani puri after a shoot. "When you're on diet for so long and then the shoot ends and you can have pani puri," Babil captioned the video posted on Instagram.

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When you’re on diet for so long and then the shoot ends and you can have pani puri.

A post shared by Babil Khan (@babil.i.k) onMay 1, 2020 at 6:42am PDT

Earlier, Babil had shared a heartfelt note on his Instagram handle. In the note, Babil thanked everybody for their support and condolence messages as his family faced with the most difficult challenge. He wrote: "I'm deeply grateful for all the condolences you beautiful friends are pouring in for me. Although I hope you understand that right now I’m not being able to reply because my vocabulary is dizzy. I will get back to each one of you but just not right now. Thank you so much. I love you (sic)."

On April 28, the Piku actor was admitted to Mumbai's Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani hospital with a colon infection and was in the Intensive Care Unit. In 2018, Irrfan was diagnosed with neuroendocrine tumour and was undergoing treatment for the same.

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Amitabh Bachchan pens emotional note on granddaughter Navya's graduation day

Amitabh Bachchan's granddaughter Navya graduated from college in New York on Wednesday, and the former took to social media to pen a congratulatory message. Big B shared how they celebrated Navya's big day at his Jalsa home since the graduation ceremony has been stalled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Grand daughter Navya .. the most important day in the life of a young student - Graduation Day .. ! She graduated from College in New York, but ceremony and presence got cancelled because of corona and lockdown.

"She could not go .. we too had all planned to be with her on this important occasion .. but she though wanted to wear that Graduation gown and cap .. so staff stitched her an impromptu gown and cap .. and she wore it and celebrated at home in Jalsa .. So proud of you Navya.. God bless .. such a positive and happy attitude. Love you," Big B wrote.

Along with the post, he shared a video in which Navya is seen wearing a home-made graduation gown and cap.

Earlier in the day, Navya's mother Shweta Bachchan too took to social media to wish her.

"Class of 2020 - Navya finished college today and since she and everyone else graduating this year won't get a ceremony we decided to DIY one. With a chart paper cap and a gown hand stitched from scraps of black tenting. I threw on a Fordham ( her college ) sweatshirt over my PJ's!! Congratulations baby I love you and am proud of you! Go forth and conquer x ( I'm not crying you're crying)," Shweta posted.

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STAY IN-TERTAINED | Konkona Sensharma: Loving regional cinema

"I have been defeated by housework," says Konkona Sensharma, who seems exhausted with the never-ending chores. "Household work is taking up more time than I thought. It's an endless repetition and gets boring," adds Sensharma.

While most are using this time to discover world cinema on OTT platforms, Sensharma has been exposed to it since childhood. "I was introduced to world cinema very early in life. My grandfather had started the culture of film society with Satyajit Ray. So, they had a lot of screenings on the projector. My mum [Aparna Sen] would get a lot of cassettes home to watch it with her friends." Taking a break from noir films, it seems the actor is indulging in mainstream and regional entertainment these days. She says, "I love regional cinema and I will have to recommend Angamaly Diaries." She expresses her love for Jon Hamm's Mad Men. "The series takes you back in time and gives you an understanding of their attitude towards homosexuality and women," she adds, before recommending The Wire for its "tight script".

Stills from Angamaly Diaries and Mad Men

She adds Phoebe Waller-Bridge's Fleabag to her list purely for its "wicked and witty narrative". "Usually, female characters are [showcased as] earnest and moralistic. They don't write about them being witty and wicked. I loved the irreverent and irresponsible character," says Sensharma.

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Giorgia Andriani opens up on her bond with Arbaaz Khan: He is always fun

Arbaaz Khan tied the knot with Malaika Arora in 1998 and have a son, Arhaan Khan together. The duo shocked everyone when they announced the news of their separation in 2016. It was in 2017 that they were granted the divorce and two years from then, both, Malaika and Arbaaz seem to have moved on with their lives. On one hand, where Malaika Arora is reportedly in a relationship with Arjun Kapoor, Arbaaz Khan is happy in the company of Giorgia Andriani.

In a recent interview, Giorgia Andriani opened up about the speculations surrounding her wedding with Arbaaz. Speaking to Bollywood Hungama, she said, "People may assume whatever they want. But I am quite serene as a person, so if and when that (marriage with Arbaaz) will happen, I would definitely let everybody know. I don't have any problem with that. In the meantime, they can think whatever they want. I don’t own anybody's mind."

About Arbaaz, Giorgia says, "He's got a wit. He is always fun. Even if you have some things going in your mind, he is a really nice person to talk to, have fun and make jokes."

The Italian-model is currently spending her quarantine time with her beau. When asked if she got to know Arbaaz better during the lockdown, Giorgia said, "We have already spent a lot of time together in the past so I had already known him very well."

Arbaaz and Giorgia are quite active on social media and often share updates from their daily lives for their fans. Recently, Giorgia, who seemed quite bored, shared a fun video in which she can be seen giving Arbaaz a clean shave! "Being a barber or being barbaric!? What say?" wrote Giorgia along with the video. The video began with a glimpse of Arbaaz resting on a couch in the balcony, which was accompanied by this description: "Dinbhar sona, complete coma."

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Being a barber or being barbaric!? What say? 🤷🏻‍♀ï¸Â #Quarantine #Mood #Fun #BoredInTheHouse

A post shared by Giorgia Andriani (@giorgia.andriani22) onApr 21, 2020 at 6:33am PDT

On the work front, Giorgia will soon make her Bollywood debut with Welcome to Bajrangpur co-starring Shreyas Talpade, Sanjay Mishra, and Tigmanshu Dhulia.

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Mahabharat: The iconic 'Cheer Haran' scene leaves netizens in awe!

In the recent episode of Mahabharat, which is clearly enjoying a fantastic or should we say a historic re-run on television, the viewers got to witness what became the reason for the Mahabharat- The Cheer Haran of Draupadi! For all those who saw this iconic moment on television or rather experienced and felt it, the memories can never get wiped out, and for those who witnessed it for the first time, were left in awe and had goosebumps!

Taking to their Twitter accounts, the netizens couldn't stop hailing the way the scene was staged, the actors performed, and the manner in which the entire drama unfolded. A user wrote about Roopa Ganguly, who played Draupadi, that nobody can become a better Draupadi than her.

Have a look right here:

Another user wrote- "GOOSEBUMPS while watching Shri Krishna protecting Draupadi during Cheer Harana. My blood boiled to see how everyone stood mute & did nothing to protect her dignity." (sic):

Someone else stated- "Nitish Krishna was just 23 years old when he casted to play Krishna's role in this epic seriel. just like Ramayana this show had aleo broken many recored and people used to leave all important work to watch this. wonderfully played role by him big salute." (sic):

It was time for another appreciation tweet, a user wrote- "Shree Krishna was the only man who saved Draupadi Chirharan. Vidur and vikran(young brother of Duryodhan) was the other two men who tried to stop Chirharan. Also, Rupali nailed it. No one can play the role of Draupadi better than her." (sic):

We are slowly gearing towards the episodes that will give us an insight into how the entire battle of the Mahabharat unfolded and the sheer audacity and scale that the makers managed to bring on the screen back when there was barely any technology and visual effects at their disposal. Some more goose-flesh moments await the viewers!

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