
3 cops hurt in chopper attack near Marine Drive

3 cops hurt in chopper attack near Marine Drive


Drive to check availability, black marketing of masks in Chandigarh


Punjab Govt extends application date for various recruitment drives


COVID-19 Lockdown: Taxi drivers in Amritsar rely on 'langar' for food


Punjab Health Minister launches sanitisation drive via drones in Mohali


Blame on Punjab drivers for corona infections misleading: Minister


Alert train driver averts accident near Pune, saves 20 migrants’ lives

An alert loco driver of a goods train saved the lives of at least 20 migrant workers by applying the emergency brakes and halting the train just 100 metres away from them near Pune on Friday evening. The migrants were walking on the tracks between the Uruli and Loni stations. The incident happened barely 14 hrs after 16 migrants were killed on Aurangabad tracks.


XUV-driven plasma switch for THz: new spatio-temporal overlap tool for XUV–THz pump–probe experiments at FELs

A simple and robust tool for spatio-temporal overlap of THz and XUV pulses in in-vacuum pump–probe experiments is presented. The technique exploits ultrafast changes of the optical properties in semiconductors (i.e. silicon) driven by ultrashort XUV pulses that are probed by THz pulses. This work demonstrates that this tool can be used for a large range of XUV fluences that are significantly lower than when probing by visible and near-infrared pulses. This tool is mainly targeted at emerging X-ray free-electron laser facilities, but can be utilized also at table-top high-harmonics sources.


Luminosity of extreme galaxy most likely driven by star formation

Astronomers are piecing together the reasons for these huge energy outputs, while sorting out why our own galaxy is so modest. The two primary suspects are bursts of star formation that produce many hot young stars, and processes associated with accretion of material onto a supermassive black hole at a galaxy's nucleus.

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Evolution of earliest horses driven by climate change

Paleontologists studying an extreme short-term global warming event have discovered direct evidence about how mammals respond to rising temperatures. In a study that appeared recently […]

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Thieving rodents hiding seeds drives continual rejuvination of tropical forests

By attaching tiny radio transmitters to more than 400 seeds, Patrick Jansen, scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and Wageningen University, and his colleagues found that 85 percent of the seeds were buried in caches by agoutis, common, house cat-sized rodents in tropical lowlands.

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En bloc TGN recruitment of Aspergillus TRAPPII reveals TRAPP maturation as unlikely to drive RAB1-to-RAB11 transition [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

M. Pinar and M. A. Penalva

TRAnsport Protein Particle (TRAPP) complexes regulate membrane traffic. TRAPPII and TRAPPIII share a core hetero-heptamer, also denoted TRAPPI. In fungi TRAPPIII and TRAPPII mediate GDP exchange on RAB1 and RAB11, respectively, regulating traffic across the Golgi, with TRAPPIII also activating RAB1 in autophagosomes. Our finding that Aspergillus nidulans TRAPPII can be assembled by addition of a TRAPPII-specific subcomplex onto core TRAPP prompted us to investigate the possibility that TRAPPI/TRAPPIII already residing in the Golgi matures into TRAPPII to determine a RAB1-to-RAB11 conversion as Golgi cisternae progress from early Golgi to TGN identity. By time-resolved microscopy we determine that the TRAPPII reporter Trs120/TRAPPC9 is recruited to existing TGN cisternae slightly before RAB11 arrives, and resides for~45 sec on them before cisternae tear off into RAB11 secretory carriers. Notably, the core TRAPP reporter Bet3/TRAPPC3 was not detectable in early Golgi cisternae, being instead recruited to TGN cisternae simultaneously with Trs120/TRAPPC9, indicating en bloc recruitment of TRAPPII to the Golgi and arguing strongly against the TRAPP maturation model.


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New Report Recommends Research to Improve Understanding of Relationship Between Fatigue and Crash Risk for Truck and Bus Drivers

Insufficient sleep can decrease a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) driver’s level of alertness, which may increase the risk of a crash, yet little is known about effective ways to minimize that risk, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Gene-Drive Modified Organisms Are Not Ready to Be Released Into Environment- New Report

The emerging science of gene drives has the potential to address environmental and public health challenges, but gene-drive modified organisms are not ready to be released into the environment and require more research in laboratories and highly controlled field trials, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


U.S. DRIVE Partnership Makes Significant Technology Advancements for Light-Duty Vehicles

The U.S. DRIVE Partnership – a government-industry partnership that fosters the development of precompetitive and innovative technologies for clean and efficient light-duty vehicles – has made significant progress in many technical areas including advanced combustion technologies, durability and cost of hydrogen fuel cells, and electric drive systems such as motors, power electronics, and batteries, says a new report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Academic Institutions Should Prepare Undergraduates for a Data-Driven Workplace, New Report Recommends

All U.S. undergraduate students should develop a basic understanding of data science to prepare them adequately for the workforce, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


National Academy of Medicine Launches Action Collaborative to Counter Opioid Epidemic -- Public-Private Partnership Will Coordinate Initiatives Across Sectors to Drive Collective Solutions

In recognition of the need for a national coordinated and collective response to the epidemic of opioid addiction in the U.S., the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), in partnership with the Aspen Institute, launched a public-private partnership made up of more than 35 organizations representing federal, state, and local governments, health systems, associations and provider groups, health education and accrediting institutions, pharmacies, payers, industry, nonprofits, and academia.


National Academy of Medicine Publication Outlines Use of Procurement Requirements to Drive Interoperability in Health Care

While health care has made great strides in recent years with the proliferation of electronic health records (EHRs), establishment of regional health information exchanges, and development of data exchange standards and interfaces, interoperability among health care technologies remains very limited, says a new National Academy of Medicine (NAM) special publication.


Increasing Women’s Representation in STEMM Fields Will Require Culture Change Driven by Systemic Actions by Higher Education Institutions, Funding Agencies, Congress

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine urges systemic action to change the culture in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine) to address the underrepresentation of women in these fields.


How To Reduce The Hard Drive Space That Internet Explorer's Temporary Internet File Use


Uber And Lyft Drivers Are Employees, Owed Back Pay, According to CA Lawsuit

Uber and Lyft drivers with Rideshare Drivers United and the
 Transport Workers Union of America conduct a ‘caravan protest’ outside the California Labor Commissioner’s office amidst the coronavirus pandemic on April 16, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. ; Credit: Mario Tama/Getty Images


California sued ride-hailing companies Uber and Lyft on Tuesday, alleging they misclassified their drivers as independent contractors under the state’s new labor law.

Attorney General Xavier Becerra and the city attorneys of Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco announced the lawsuit Tuesday. The labor law, known as AB5 and considered the nation’s strictest test, took effect Jan. 1 and makes it harder for companies to classify workers as independent contractors instead of employees who are entitled to minimum wage and benefits such as workers compensation.

California represents Uber and Lyft’s largest source of revenue. The companies, as well as Doordash, are funding a ballot initiative campaign to exclude their drivers from the law while giving new benefits such as health care coverage. The initiative is likely to qualify for the November ballot.

We dive into the suit and California’s saga with ride hailing companies. Plus, if you’re a driver, what do you think of Becerra’s claim? Would you prefer to be treated as an employee? And if you’ve been driving for a while, has the pandemic changed your outlook on Uber and Lyft’s treatment of its drivers? Call us at 866-893-5722. 

With files from the Associated Press.


Josh Eidelson, labor reporter for Bloomberg News; based in the Bay Area; tweets @josheidelson

Mike Feuer, City Attorney of Los Angeles

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


Brazil Project to Drive Streaming Firm's Near-Term Growth

The technical update on the asset, which Wheaton Precious Metals owns a production stream on, is explored in a CIBC report.


Can Uber lower fares and have its drivers make more money?

For the first time, Uber will guarantee drivers an hourly wage of $20 an hour in Los Angeles, or $26 during peak times.; Credit: David Ramos/Getty Images

Ben Bergman

To keep demand high during the slower winter months, the ridesharing service, Uber, has cut fares by 20 percent in 48 markets – including Los Angeles and Orange County.

The company says a trip from West Hollywood to downtown will now be around nine dollars, instead of $11.

When Uber lowered prices in the past to muscle out competitors like Lyft and taxi services, passengers loved it but drivers have complained it puts an unfair squeeze on them, complaining their already low take went even lower.

Uber stresses the fact cutting fares actually helps drivers because they get more business. In a blog post, the company points to data from Chicago where fares dropped 23 percent last month compared to December 2013 while drivers' income increased by 12 percent.

But drivers have been skeptical whether volume can make up for the price drop. The company's claim that New York city drivers earn a median of $90,766 a year has been refuted. Slate talked to New York UberX driver Jesus Garay in October:

“They say it doesn’t hurt the pocket of the drivers,” Garay says of the 20 percent fare cuts. “It does. Because it’s impossible with those numbers to be in business.”

The way drivers see it, ride volume can only increase so much in response to lower prices. Garay says that on average, a ride takes him 20 minutes from start to finish: five minutes to reach the pickup location, five to wait for the customer, and 10 to drive to the destination. For a trip of that length, Garay says he’ll make $10 or $11. “So if you’re busy, you’re going to make three rides in an hour,” he explains. 

Newly flush with a $40 billion valuation, Uber is now willing to put its money where its mouth is; For the first time, Uber will guarantee its partners – as it calls them -  an hourly wage of $20 an hour in Los Angeles, or $26 during peak times. (The guarantee comes with a few conditions: Drivers have to accept 90% of trips, average at least one trip per hour, and be online for 50 minutes of every hour worked)

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


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Sustainability drivers identified for smaller businesses in European protected areas

Tourism businesses operating in protected conservation areas in Europe engage in a high number of sustainable practices, a recent survey of over 900 small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) reveals. Reasons for their sustainable behaviour include cutting costs, improving company image and lifestyle choices.


Alien invasions are rising: study shows location- level factors are the main drivers of success for invading bird species worldwide

Invasions of alien species are rising at an alarming rate, largely due to growing global trade and transport routes. Preventing the successful establishment of alien species by better understanding the factors determining success is a step toward limiting the threat of future biological invasions. Statistical modelling using observed bird invasion data — including location, event and species-level factors showed which factors were key to successful establishment by the alien species.


Affluence drives unsustainable consumption of land and sea

The amount of land and ocean that a country uses in order to produce food and other commodities, or its land or ocean ‘footprint’, increases by over a third for each doubling of income, new research shows. Thus, as nations become richer, and lifestyles become more affluent, pressure on natural resources increases.


Economic benefits drive industrial ecology

New research suggests that the main driver for industrial ecology initiatives is financial gain, whilst regulation plays a smaller role. Policy does influence their development but this tends to be indirectly through initiatives such as pollution control and waste reduction targets, rather than through direct regulation to enforce or encourage industrial ecology.


Assessing human-driven damage to seafloor habitats

A new method of assessing human impacts on seafloor habitats suggests that over a third of habitats in the Baltic Sea have an ‘unfavourable’ status. The method is presented in a recent study which concludes that the tool can be effective in helping implement the EU’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).


Affluence drives unsustainable consumption of land and sea

The amount of land and ocean that a country uses in order to produce food and other commodities, or its land or ocean ‘footprint’, increases by over a third for each doubling of income, new research shows. Thus, as nations become richer, and lifestyles become more affluent, pressure on natural resources increases.


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