
Kudos: McKenzie, OConnell, Haskett, Flierl, Beck, Bartos, Buckey, Cassidy, Cox, Henley, Julian, Kebe, Kim, Noonan, Parker, Reese, Schelby, Snapp, Wright

From Meris Longmeier:  Kudos to Randall McKenzie. The streamlined telework process is AMAZING! It was so quick to review and update the date for the telework agreements. A huge thank you for enriching the experience of that process for all library employees! From Tony Maniaci: THANK YOU to Christine OConnell for walking me through the mail merge […]


Kudos: OConnell, Hammons, Primeau, Ramey, Dotson, Larson, Flierl, Founds, Cramer, Leeper, McGurk, Drozd, Anderson, Davis, Hernandez, Davis, Aihara, Miyazaki

From Rocki Strader: Christine OConnell helped me get 24 letters DocuSigned by various writers and returned back to me. And she set them up so quickly that I was easily able to get the letters distributed on time. She was responsive to all my newbie questions about the process, and made my life much easier! Thanks, […]


Daily dose of inclusive Social Business. Discovery Channel Canada interviews IBM HA&AC Advocacy and Outreach Program Manager Peter Fay.

The Daily Planet team from the Discovery Channel Canada is hip. They highlight cool new technologies and explore interesting people, places and things. So, when their FutureTech team wanted to get a first-hand look at the New Mobile Workplace, they came to IBM.


Ashley Puckett Delivers A Dose Of Country “Medicine” On Debut Single Release

The Country Singer From Pittsburgh, PA Has Released The First Single From Her Forthcoming Full Length, Set For Late 2019 Release On MTS Records.


RAN Men’s U19: Bermuda Defeat Barbados

Bermuda continued competing in the Rugby Americas North [RAN] U19 tournament in Barbados, defeating the home team to advance to the next round, where they will match up against Trinidad & Tobago. Bermuda began their day by facing off against Barbados in the final pool game for the tournament. The team held a tight defense, […]

(Click to read the full article)


Bermuda Athletes Win 10 Medals In Barbados

Members of the Bermuda track and field team continued competing in the Barbados National Junior Championships at the Barbados National Stadium. A total of 10 medals were won on the day, which included 3 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze medals. Nevaeh Barclay won a bronze medal in the under 13 girls 100 meter dash […]

(Click to read the full article)


Bermuda Athletes Win Medals in Barbados

Members of Bermuda’s track and field team recently concluded competing in the Barbados National Junior Championships at the Barbados National Stadium after winning nine medals on the final day. Those nine medals included four silver and five bronze. Denver Tucker won Bermuda’s first medal of the day when he claimed the bronze while competing in […]

(Click to read the full article)


Randall & Quilter Acquires Barbados Insurer

Randall & Quilter Investment Holdings Ltd. [R&Q] announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary R&Q Re [Bermuda] Limited has completed the acquisition of the Barbados insurer, Distinguished Re Ltd, formerly known as the Saranac Insurance Company, Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Distinguished LLC. A spokesperson said, “Distinguished Re participated as a reinsurer of the capacity providers on […]

(Click to read the full article)


Národní umělec a „prostě chlapák“ dostal na rozkaz do postele i vlastní tetu. Dnes by Vejražka slavil 105 let

V pražských Košířích má svou ulici. Národní umělec Vítězslav Vejražka  (1915–1973). Články, které se čas od času objeví, zdůrazňují jeho mužnost. „Prostě chlapák,“ tak pojmenoval svůj medailón Týdeník Televize. Ve skutečnosti byl Vítězslav Vejražka placenou štětkou Státní bezpečnosti a na rozkaz se vyspal s každým, koho mu tajná policie předhodila. Včetně vlastní tety. Přečtěte si bizarní příběh herce, který by dnes slavil 105. narozeniny.




'Effects Achieved as I Had Hoped for This Dosage', by DoctorB (Phenibut)

Erowid Exp98591

  • Erowid : Experience :


IBM bate récord al liderar la lista de patentes de Estados Unidos por 25º año consecutivo

Los inventores de IBM (NYSE: IBM) recibieron un récord de 9,043 patentes en 2017, lo que marca el 25º año consecutivo de liderazgo en Estados Unidos y supera el hito de 100.000 patentes. Las nuevas patentes se otorgaron a un grupo diverso de más de 8,500 investigadores, ingenieros, científicos y diseñadores de IBM en 47 países, Latinoamérica incluida, región que contribuyó con cerca de 100 patentes al registro de 2017.


La infraestructura de IBM ayuda a empresas de Latinoamérica a mejorar resultados con tecnologías de nube, analítica, movilidad y social

Empresas y organizaciones como bancos, agencias de viajes, restaurantes, proveedores de salud y gobiernos municipales en toda América Latina están adoptando nuevas tecnologías de nube, movilidad y analítica que llevan a una mayor eficiencia, menores costos y un mejor servicio a sus clientes y ciudadanos.


IBM adquiere Red Hat, cambiando el panorama de la Nube y convirtiéndose en el proveedor de Nube Híbrida #1 del mundo

IBM y Red Hat, líder mundial de software de nube de código abierto, anunciaron un acuerdo en el que IBM adquirirá todas las acciones comunes emitidas y en circulación de Red Hat por USD$190.00 por acción en efectivo, lo que representa un valor total para la empresa de aproximadamente USD$34 mil millones.


IBM obtiene récord con 9.100 patentes en 2018. Encabeza la lista de Estados Unidos por 26º año consecutivo

Los inventores de IBM recibieron un récord de 9.100 patentes en 2018, marcando el 26º año consecutivo de liderazgo en patentes de la compañía en Estados Unidos. IBM lideró la industria en el número de patentes de Inteligencia Artificial (IA), computación en la nube, seguridad y computación cuántica.


IBM X-Force revela récord histórico de datos filtrados y vulnerabilidades en 2016

IBM Security dio a conocer los resultados de su informe 2017 IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index, cuyas conclusiones revelan que el número de registros comprometidos se ha incrementado un 566% en 2016, pasando de 600 millones a más de 4.000 millones. Estas filtraciones incluyen datos en los que los ciberdelincuentes tradicionalmente han puesto foco como tarjetas de crédito, contraseñas e información personal médica; sin embargo se hace notar un cambio en las estrategias de los ciberdelincuentes. En 2016, numerosas brechas de seguridad estaban relacionadas con datos no estructurados como archivos de email, documentos empresariales, de propiedad intelectual y códigos fuente.


IBM X-Force descubre que el número de datos filtrados se redujo en 2017 mientras cibercriminales se enfocaban en el ransomware

IBM Security anunció hoy los resultados de su informe 2018 IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index, en donde se muestra que la cantidad de registros infringidos cayó casi un 25% en 2017 a medida que los cibercriminales cambiaron el enfoque en el lanzamiento de ransomware y ataques destructivos que buscaban retener o destruir información a menos que la víctima pagara algún rescate.


Organizaciones beneficiadas e IBM, comparten resultados de servicios de consultoría en proyectos de impacto social

Después de un mes de haber iniciado la consultoria pro-bono de IBM denominada Corporate Service Corps (CSC), el día de hoy se hizo la entrega del resumen ejecutivo de cada uno de los proyectos de las organizaciones receptoras de este apoyo: Asociación Mexiana de Ayuda a Niños con Cáncer (AMANC), Fondo Unido México, Fundación Carlos Slim, el Patronato del Museo Nacional de Antropología.


Premian Banorte e IBM apps de estudiantes del Tec de Monterrey que transforman servicios bancarios dirigidos a los jóvenes

Tres proyectos que proponen mejorar la interacción y la experiencia de los jóvenes usuarios con servicios bancarios móviles, fueron reconocidos hoy por Banorte, IBM y el Tec de Monterrey como resultado del Reto Banorte en el marco de la Semana i, que la institución educativa llevó a cabo del 21 al 25 de septiembre en todo el país.


IBM y VON DER HEIDE unen esfuerzos para transformar las iniciativas de recursos humanos en resultados de negocio

IBM y VON DER HEIDE, compañía especializada en servicios de consultoría de Recursos Humanos, informan que han firmado una importante alianza para expandir su oferta de servicios de Employee Engagement y HR Analytics en toda América Latina. Por medio de las tecnologías de IBM, esta alianza le permitirá a VON DER HEIDE brindar a sus clientes una oferta de consultoría única en el mercado, para transformar estrategias de talento en resultados de negocio.


Servidores Linux de IBM, diseñados para acelerar inteligencia artificial, conocimiento profundo y analítica avanzada

IBM (NYSE: IBM) reveló hoy una serie de nuevos servidores diseñados para potenciar las cargas de trabajo cognitivas y elevar la eficiencia en el centro de cómputo. Con un nuevo chip, la línea basada en Linux incorpora innovaciones de la comunidad OpenPOWER que ofrecen mayores niveles de desempeño y mayor eficiencia de cómputo que los disponibles en cualquier servidor basado sobre x86.




Ošetřovné se zvyšuje. Spočítejte si na kalkulačce, kolik nově dostanete

Ze 60 na 80 procent denního vyměřovacího základu vzroste ošetřovné pro rodiče, kteří zůstali doma s potomky v souvislosti s uzavřením škol a školek kvůli koronavirové krizi. Senát novelu schválil v úterý 28. dubna 2020. Předlohu nyní dostane k podpisu prezident Miloš Zeman. Spočítejte si orientačně na kalkulačce, kolik dostanete.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Deviled Avocados ~ Raw Food Recipe

Super easy, this raw food mouthgasm takes just minutes from start to delicious eating. Avocados are in season right now, too, and at great prices. I've seen them locally for as low as $.88 each. These were $1.25 at a small area grocery store.

Full of the "good fat" ...

... they're also filling and incredibly satisfying. Have this for an easy breakfast that will keep you fueled until mid-day, as a light lunch, or as an anytime snack.  

Here's the recipe. You are literally minutes away from avocado heaven.

Deviled Avocados
serves 1 ~ $1.50 per serving

  • 1 avocado, chopped ($1.25)
  • 1tablespoon finely chopped celery ($.05)
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion ($.05)
  • 2 teaspoons mustard ($.05)
  • 2 teaspoons mayo  (use something like Veganaise or make your own) ($.10)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • Lettuce and optional tomato for serving
  • Coarsely chop the avocado, add the remaining ingredients, then stir gently until evenly incorporated. 
  • Store leftovers for up to a day or two in an air tight container.
nutritional information:       calories: 280       fat: 37 gr      carbs: 15 gr      protein: 3 gr


49.den prechod poiso faja dos cardos

Budicek 630 hodeny do seba jogurt zbalenie pinguin batoha a hor sa odchytit bus c.103 smer poiso.Na tury uz chodim s normalny batohom maly latkovy som odpisal odtrhli sa mi snorky je to provizorne zaviazane ale nic moc.Odchytavam bus na hlavne


Employer Policies and the Immigrant-Native Earnings Gap -- by Benoit Dostie, Jiang Li, David Card, Daniel Parent

We use longitudinal data from the income tax system to study the impacts of firms’ employment and wage-setting policies on the level and change in immigrant-native wage differences in Canada. We focus on immigrants who arrived in the early 2000s, distinguishing between those with and without a college degree from two broad groups of countries – the U.S., the U.K. and Northern Europe, and the rest of the world. Consistent with a growing literature based on the two-way fixed effects model of Abowd, Kramarz, and Margolis (1999), we find that firm-specific wage premiums explain a significant share of earnings inequality in Canada and contribute to the average earnings gap between immigrants and natives. In the decade after receiving permanent status, earnings of immigrants rise relative to those of natives. Compositional effects due to selective outmigration and changing participation play no role in this gain. About one-sixth is attributable to movements up the job ladder to employers that offer higher pay premiums for all groups, with particularly large gains for immigrants from the “rest of the world” countries.


Artwork as a selling tool: Condos seek sales boost from paintings and sculptures

Facing signs of a slowdown in South Florida real estate sales, developers are increasingly incorporating art into their sales pitches to sell multimillion-dollar single family homes and oceanfront condo towers. Here's a look at how it works.


Patients denied take-home doses at packed Brooklyn methadone clinic, sparking fears of coronavirus transmission

Patient Jessica Ellision recalled how she broke down and sobbed Monday when she finally received her medication after a three-hour wait — much of it in the crowded hallway where she feared the other patients might be infected. “It was so intense and so stressful, and you feel like you worked so hard not to be sick, but this is it now — this is how it happens,” said Ellison, 39, of the Bronx.


Grand jury examines evidence in 2019 overdose death of Angels pitcher Tyler Skaggs

A Texas grand jury has been hearing evidence that could form the basis for criminal charges related to the opioid overdose death of Angels pitcher Tyler Skaggs.


Los médicos extranjeros en la trinchera contra el coronavirus ahora temen ser deportados de EE.UU

Miles de profesionales médicos extranjeros en un limbo inmigratorio


The UK’s most inspiring cycle trails to get your dose of daily exercise

THANKFULLY, the Government is still encouraging us to get out and exercise - as long as we keep the two-metre distance rule.


75,000 Americans at risk of dying from overdose or suicide due to coronavirus despair, group warns

As many as 75,000 Americans could die because of drug or alcohol misuse and suicide as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, according to an analysis conducted by the national public health group Well Being Trust.


Young Actors Theatre presents new play, 'Love Over Dose,' at the Anthenaeum

The play is the theater program's way of countering anti-drug programs that haven't worked — the kind where adults shake fingers at students.



Tully: From Luke Messer, a welcome dose of sanity

Senate candidate Luke Messer airs a new TV ad. It's refreshing because it doesn't demean the opposition and doesn't aim to anger primary voters.



Coronavírus: por que alguns pacientes já recuperados voltam a ter teste positivo para covid-19, segundo OMS

Infectologista da organização explica que células mortas expelidas do pulmão fazem exames darem positivo mais de uma vez — mas não necessariamente quer dizer que a pessoa voltou a ficar infectada pelo coronavírus.


Os 6 casos envolvendo aliados ou família de Bolsonaro que ficam em evidência com mudança de comando da PF

Ex-juiz da Lava Jato, Moro anunciou sua demissão do governo e acusou o presidente Bolsonaro de tentar interferir em investigações.


Coronavírus: as lições dos países que estão saindo do isolamento

Enquanto em alguns países ainda é impensável abrir empresas e escolas, outros já começaram a retomar a atividade, embora atentos a possíveis surtos.


Coronavírus: o mapa interativo que mostra as medidas e tipos de isolamento adotados na América Latina

Mapa interativo mostra medidas que países vizinhos vêm tomando desde primeiros casos registrados de covid-19 para restringir movimento dos cidadãos.


6 momentos dos ataques de Bolsonaro contra a imprensa

Presidente reagiu mal a reportagens ou perguntas sobre o assassinato de Marielle Franco, baixo crescimento do PIB e denúncias contra seus filhos.


Coronavírus: as histórias de três casamentos celebrados pela internet no isolamento

Pandemia fez casais mudarem seus planos, mas nem por isso cerimônias deixaram de ser inesquecíveis.


Coronavírus: estudo com coquetel de remédios tem bons resultados contra a covid-19, mostra The Lancet

Em estudo clínico randomizado controlado, pessoas que receberam as substâncias interferon beta 1-b, lopinavir-ritonavir e ribavirin tiveram tempo menor para alta e desaparecimento do vírus, na comparação com o grupo controle.


Timeline: Barbados

A chronology of key events


Country profile: Barbados

Key facts, figures and dates


Beta 3 of iOS 13.5, iPadOS 13.5, MacOS Catalina 10.15.5 Released for Testing

Apple has released the third beta versions of iOS 13.5, iPadOS 13.5, and MacOS Catalina 10.15.5. Separately, watchOS 6.2.5 beta 3 and tvOS 13.4.5 beta 3 are also available for testing. The third beta versions of iOS 13.5 and iPadOS 13.5 are actually reversioned from iOS 13.4.5 and iPadOS 13.4.5, so if you were testing ... Read More


Beta 4 of iOS 13.5 & iPadOS 13.5 Released for Testing

Apple has released the fourth beta versions of iOS 13.5 and ipadOS 13.5. Additionally, Apple also released the fourth beta builds for watchOS 6.2.5 and tvOS 13.4.5. As of writing, macOS Catalina 10.5.5 beta 4 is not yet available for testing, but presumably will arrive soon as well. iOS 13.5 beta 4 and ipadOS 13.5 ... Read More


AT#109 - Travel to Barbados



AT#577 - Travel to Barbados

Hear about travel to Barbados as the Amateur Traveler talks to Jane and Duncan from about the time they spent on the island recently.


Cruise Ship Condos

If you love to travel and have a few million spare dollars, you can buy a condo on any of several luxury cruise ships and live there year-round, taking your home with you as you sail around the world.