
Why do you eat what you eat? It's complicated

Rachel Herz explains the science behind our relationship with the food we eat in her new book, "Why You Eat What You Eat."


TED talk: The economic injustice of plastic

Watch Van Jones as he lays out the case against plastic pollution from a social justice perspective.


114,000 pounds of trash found at uninhabited islands

Divers scoured remote Pacific atolls to collect the garbage, some of which had entangled sea turtles.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Woman reunited with dog lost 12 years ago

A dog lost in Florida is found a dozen years later in Pennsylvania, and her owner and everyone else is in tears.


A veteran in hospice care is reunited with his dog one last time

Vietnam veteran gets his dying wish to spend the day with his beloved dog.


Homeless find refuge in a retrofitted bus

Shelterbus is a retrofitted coach bus that serves as a mobile emergency shelter for the homeless in Toronto.


How you can help people and animals impacted by Australia's devastating wildfires

Here's how you can donate or otherwise help the animals, residents and first responders affected by wildfires in Australia.


Ford C-MAX Hybrid rated at 47 mpg

The hybrid earned a 47 mpg rating in the city and on the highway.


Tata Nano is coming to the United States

Indian automaker Tata will be bringing the inexpensive Nano to the U.S. within three years.


Paleolithic campsites depicted in cave etchings

The world's oldest depiction of a campsite may have been unearthed outside a cave in Spain.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Top 5 retracted scientific papers from 2015

2015 was no stranger to shady science.

  • Research & Innovations


The history of Brooklyn's polluted canal

Video: Assignment Earth explains why residents and government authorities are determined to clean up and revive the Gowanus Canal.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Your unlimited caffeine consumption might be in jeopardy

The FDA is investigating potentially regulating added caffeine.


Imported hot sauces may contain lead

About 16 percent of hot sauces tested from Mexico and South America had lead in them. If you’re concerned about the lead in your hot sauce, try making your own.


Subway eliminated yoga mat chemical but Pillsbury, Sara Lee, and Wonder still use it

The Environmental Working Group’s food database turns up nearly 500 supermarket foods that contain azodicarbonamide.


A safe way to dispose of unwanted pills at home

When there’s no take back program for unneeded or expired medications, the Pill Terminator makes them unpalatable to people and animals.


Almond milk lawsuit is a reminder to be an educated food consumer

The makers of Almond Breeze are being sued for false advertising, and it's a reminder not to believe everything you read on a package.


What is genetically edited food?

The USDA says this method of tampering with a food's genes is not the same as genetically modifying it.


McDonald's just reinvented the straw (and it's pretty cool)

Smart people at McDonald's just solved the biggest milkshake problem of our time with Suction Tube for Reverse Axial Withdrawal (STRAW).


We tested these 5 microwave hacks

Which microwaves hacks are worth using, which aren't worth your time and which one is a party game changer?


Glyphosate residue found in FDA-tested honey

Weed killer glyphosate is being carried by foraging bees back to their hives — even organic bee hives.


Does beeswax-coated food storage really work?

Those food storage beeswax cloths and bags you've been noticing? They work.


The hottest planet ever detected rips molecules apart and acts like a star

KELT-9b's star-like qualities include melting iron and smashing hydrogen molecules, meaning this is not a habitable place.


Ocean of doubt: Polluted waters, broken communities in Louisiana

Alexandra Cousteau revisits Scott St. Pierre in Louisiana and learns how he and others are coping with the oil spill.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Cool roofs: Basking in reflected glory

The U.S. Energy Department wants you to save green by painting your roof white -- as long as it doesn't make your neighbors see red.

  • Remodeling & Design


'Monster' jump in global warming gases reported

A new analysis reveals that greenhouse gas emissions in 2010 surpassed even the worst-case scenario envisioned by scientists four years ago.

  • Climate & Weather


Woman who created safe haven for 97 dogs in her home during Hurricane Dorian gets help

When Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas, this rescuer opened her home to nearly 100 dogs.


How the Painted Turtle gives sick kids a complete summer camp experience

Newman’s Own gives all of its profits to charity, like the one that helps Kadin Hoven and his family escape the difficulties of chronic illness.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Big recycling oops: Products tainted with radioactive materials

Thousands of consumer products made from recycled materials confirmed radioactive.


IKEA's contamination woes continue with pork-tainted moose lasagna

Moose lasagna, a hot seller at European stores operated by the world-dominating purveyor of flat-pack furnishings, is found to contain trace amounts of pork.


Bird flu more common but less deadly than estimated

The H5N1 influenza virus, also known as "bird flu," may well be more prevalent and less deadly than health officials had thought, according to a new study publi

  • Research & Innovations


Bat flu? Human risk for newly detected disease unknown

Scientists have found a new influenza virus that infects bats. But don't pull out the hand sanitizer leftover from the H1N1, or swine flu, pandemic just yet. Wh


How to stay hydrated when you're sick

Are you sick? Staying hydrated is important. Here are some nourishing ways to get more fluid when you're feeling ill..


U.S. emergency rooms inundated with flu patients

Forty-one states are battling widespread influenza outbreaks early in virus' season.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


'Uncontacted' Amazon people treated for flu

Officials are worried that a group of people in the Amazon who had been living in isolation from the outside world may have contracted the flu.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Nontoxic treated wood used in Make It Right homes starts to rot

The treated lumber found in 30 of the New Orleans homes built by Brad Pitt's green rebuilding nonprofit, Make It Right, is prematurely decaying.

  • Remodeling & Design


8 brilliant, everyday things invented by kids

Who knew we have teenagers to thank for warm ears, frozen treats and easy adding?


10 companies started by college students

Silicon Valley may be the celebrated hub of innovation, but it's getting a run for the money these days on hundreds of college campuses across the country.


Guitars crafted from recycled Detroit rubble

Curt Novara uses salvaged wood from the Motor City’s abandoned homes to build one-of-a-kind guitars.


I harvested fruit in the middle of New York City

Urban foraging is a way to feed your stomach and see your city in a whole new light.

  • Wilderness & Resources


When stray cats domesticated me

Cats have been conquering the world alongside humans for millennia.


Getting a New Garden Started

Springtime is the best time of year to start a new garden.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Skating on fresh ice is a treat, especially when life gets complicated

Video shows two people skating on freshly frozen ice in Alaska, and one of them has a special reason to savor the adventure.


Behold, the most detailed map of the moon ever created

50 years worth of data went into making this stunningly detailed moon map.


How safe is cured, smoked or salted fish?

We've read about the harmful health effects of eating processed meats. But what about their fishy counterparts?


Lure invented that forces fish to bite

Could this technology be the end of fair sportsmanship in fishing?

  • Research & Innovations


Creature that weaves underwater silk enlisted to suture surgical wounds

Scientists are beginning to unravel the mystery of how caddisfly silk stays sticky underwater, and it could lead to the development of a wet Band-Aid.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Brain waves converted into music

Researchers have wedded the arts and sciences by transforming the human brain into a maestro that directs brain waves and signals.

  • Research & Innovations


Could lights illuminated by bioluminescent bacteria replace electric lighting?

Imagine your city illuminated at night by glow stick-like lighting generated entirely from living organisms.

  • Research & Innovations


Bees and fish 'talk' to each other in unprecedented interspecies experiment

Researchers working on the ASSISI project recently tested the limits of interspecies communication by constructing a makeshift robot translator.