Of Exorcisms and Earthquakes (May 13, 2018)

What do an exorcism and an earthquake have in common? What about attempted suicide and mud? Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick connects all these together.


Pentecost: Christ Has Not Left Us (May 27, 2018)

Far from being a substitution at Pentecost, swapping Christ with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit makes Christ present to us for ever. Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick meditates on this and related themes.


Why Christianity Must Have Saints (June 3, 2018)

On the feast of All Saints, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses what it means to be a saint, both for us and for those we usually think of as 'saints,' as well as why saints are actually critical to Christianity.


No Love? No Church. No Christianity. (July 1, 2018)

St. Paul's famous Love Chapter in 1 Cor. 13 follows on the closing verses of 1 Cor. 12, which are about the gifts God gives the Church in her people. So what is love? Where do we get it? And how does that express itself in these gifts? What about love in daily life?


“Blessing”: Does It Actually Mean Anything? (July 8, 2018)

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick tells us we use the word 'blessing' all the time in religious talk. But does it mean anything other than just good religious vibes? And what about 'blessing' God Himself?


The Viking and the Fisherman (July 29, 2018).

With the feast of St. Olaf of Norway, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses the Gospel of Peter walking on the water and interprets both in the light of St. Paul's teachings on synergy with God.


Are You a Christian Lunatic? (Aug. 5, 2018)

The man who brings his son with seizures to Jesus tells Him that the boy is a lunatic, that he is being controlled by the moon. Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick asks, do we act like lunatics ourselves? Do we have to?


A Hedged Vineyard (Aug. 26, 2018)

Using the image of the vineyard placed in a hedge by a householder, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick preaches on all the elements of the placing of that vineyard, and then expands his thoughts on what it means to be separate from the world and why that is a positive experience for Orthodox Christians.


Is John 3:16 About My Salvation? (Sept. 9, 2018)

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick meditates on one of the best-loved verses of the Bible, looking at it in the context of the full secret conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus.


Christianity is Not a Fair Deal (Sept. 30, 2018)

Speaking on 2 Cor. 9:6-11, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses why Christianity isn't a fair exchange and also why we often can't see what God is giving us.


What We Own is Sacred Because We Are Sacred (Oct. 14, 2018)

With the teaching on the sacredness of icons of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick demonstrates how our theology about the blessedness of material reality also means that we have to dedicated what we own to God.


The Samaritan and St. Martin (Nov. 11, 2018)

On the feast of St. Martin of Tours, Fr. Andrew uses his story as well as the Gospel of the Good Samaritan to show how what we do and what we give depends a great deal on how we perceive our lives.


You Can't See Heaven If All You Look at is Earth (Dec. 9, 2018)

In Luke 13, Jesus heals a woman bent over for 18 years. Bringing in the commentary of St. Theophylact of Ohrid, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick talks about how this woman is an image of our own souls and how we perceive what is heavenly.


False Gods on the Theophany Icon (Jan. 6, 2019)

Springboarding off a blog post by Fr. Stephen De Young ('Theophany and the River Gods'), Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses what Theophany means in terms of God's defeat of false religion.


The Paralysis of Life on the Go (Apr. 29, 2018)

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick reflects on a major milestone in his own life—finally living in one home for more than 5 1/2 years—and uses that to explore how life on the go can actually be quite paralyzing.


The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand, So How Do I Repent? (Jan. 13, 2019)

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick unpacks the preaching of Christ and John the Forerunner—'Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand'—discussing what all of those terms really mean for everyday Christian life.


The Power of Remembering Jesus Christ (Feb. 10, 2019)

Memory is powerful. And to a significant degree, it makes us what we are, shapes how we experience life, and influences what we do and say. And the acts of remembering that we engage in further shape us. Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses all this in terms of St. Paul's admonition to St. Timothy to remember the risen Jesus Christ.


The Prodigal Gets It Both Right and Wrong (Feb. 24, 2019)

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses the parable of the Prodigal Son, how he asks to return as a servant but is instead given sonship, expanding on this theme in terms of the ways in the spiritual life what we desire from God is often not what He is offering.


Three Falls of Man and Return to Paradise (Mar. 10, 2019)

Looking at the Fall of Man as three distinct 'falls,' Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick uses the major themes of Forgiveness Sunday to discuss making the journey 'backwards' into Paradise.


The Annunciation and the Buffered Self (Mar. 24, 2019)

Speaking on the Forefeast of the Annunciation, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick describes the feast as being God's answer to the buffered, fenced-in selves that we ironically construct to protect ourselves even while desiring someone to reach out in love.


Henry David Thoreau and Mary of Egypt (Apr. 14, 2019)

On the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick compares her journey into the wilderness with a similar journey made in the 19th c. by Henry David Thoreau. What is it that each hoped for by making that journey?


The Struggle for Prayer (Apr. 21, 2019)

Using one of the major hymns for the feast of Palm Sunday, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick talks about the struggle to pray, how it works and why it's worth doing.


Christ is risen! The Paschal Homily on the Road (Apr. 28, 2019)

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick preaches the Paschal homily of St. John Chrysostom at the feast and adds a story about a time when he shared Chrysostom's words in a non-Orthodox setting.


St. Joseph of Arimathea: In the World but Not of It (May 12, 2019)

The details we know from St. Joseph of Arimathea's participation in his community, including its governance, show him to be a man who was fully in his world but not of it. Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses his example and how to apply it ourselves.


St Columba and the Water of Artbranan (June 9, 2019)

On the feast of St. Columba of Iona, Fr. Andrew shares a scene from his life in which a pagan's baptism changes a piece of the world. He also shares another incident from the saint's life in which he uses his prophetic gift to help two men into the Kingdom of Heaven.


The Saint is One Who Has Come Home (June 23, 2019)

On the Sunday of All Saints, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick asks the question: What does it mean to be a saint? And the answer he explores is: The saint is one who has come home. So what does that mean?


The Apostles Enthroned (June 30, 2019)

On the Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses their eschatological future as enthroned on twelve thrones, judging Israel, the nations and even angels, and explaining that we are also called to the same enthronement.


History is Necessary for Christianity (July 7, 2019)

Using St. Paul's comments about the Law of Moses in Gal. 3-4 especially in light of the Apostolic Council of Acts 15, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick argues that history is not just important for the Christian but actually necessary to Christian theology.


When God Showed Up at the Meeting (July 14, 2019)

With the Sunday of the Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick tells the story of how God showed up at the meeting and also meditates on what happens when we actually expect Him to show.


Which God Are You Sacrificing To? (July 21, 2019)

Using St. Paul's language about 'zeal not according to knowledge' (Rom. 10:2), Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick points out that our zeal is often for sacrificing to false gods, even when we may not see it that way, and gives direction on how to redirect that zeal for sacrifice toward the one true God Jesus Christ.


We Are Training Ourselves for Selfishness (Aug. 4, 2019)

Every day, we make hundreds of small choices that train us for selfishness. How does that affect our behavior, and how do we train ourselves to be like Christ instead? Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick explores some of our everyday experiences and what they mean for eternity.


Feed Your God or Be Fed By God (Aug. 11, 2019)

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick compares the account of the Prophet Daniel and the idol Bel (Baal) in the Old Testament to the Feeding of the 5000 in the New. What does it mean when we have to feed our gods?


The Acceptable Year of the Lord (Sept. 1, 2019)

With the Church New Year (the Indiction), Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses why the Church set Sept. 1 as its new year and also what time means for the Christian and how we use it for our growth in the knowledge of God.


Freedom from False Gods to Worship the One True God (Sept. 8, 2019)

Using the images of the Exodus, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick shows how the Hebrews were freed from slavery not just to the Egyptians but to their gods. And with that freedom, they worship the one true God by using the Ark of the Covenant within the Tabernacle, prefigurations of the Holy Theotokos, whose Nativity is being celebrated.


A Star of Hope (Sept. 29, 2019)

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick asks: Is it any wonder that, since the shaping of the world into order from formlessness and void in Genesis was begun with a light shining in the darkness, that the coming of Christ into this broken world of chaos and horror would also be begun with a star shining in the darkness?


The Visitation of God (Oct 6, 2019)

Speaking on the raising of the son of the widow of Nain, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick gives us the 'backstory' on what it means when God visits His people and about how we can be prepared for this visitation.


A Revelation at Hamatoura (Oct. 13, 2019)

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick preaches on the feast of St. Jacob of Hamatoura, who had been forgotten and yet made himself known again, telling what it means that God gives us saints and why He does so.


Christ the Cheerful Giver (Oct. 20, 2019)

'God loves a cheerful giver.' We might take that as an ironic thing to say, especially since we usually don't feel like giving -- especially our money. Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick opens up what this 'cheerfulness' is about and Who it comes from and why.


What Would Happen If God Just Showed Up? (Nov. 3, 2019)

Sometimes, we wish God would just show up so that He would remove all our doubts and we could believe in Him without question. But what are we really asking for? What would happen? Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses this question in light of the Gospel of the Rich Man and Lazarus.


The Reintegration of the Christian (Nov. 10, 2019)

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick highlights a passage from a speech by Patriarch John X of Antioch that emphasizes the integrative character of the Christian life, giving over all things to God and thus becoming whole, including some extra notes about how Orthodoxy is neither anti-intellectual nor elitist.


What Is Your Life, Anyway? (Nov. 17, 2019)

With the parable of the Rich Fool, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick explores where life really comes from and why feeling deep feelings about God is not the same thing as loving Him.


Leaving the City of Cain (Dec. 22, 2019)

Abraham is called by God out of Ur of the Chaldees, a descendant of the civilization founded by the first murderer Cain. Yet when he reached the Promised Land, he lived in tents. Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses why and how this relates to Christmas and to us.


Don't Feed Yourself to the Water Dragons (Jan. 12, 2020)

On the Eve of Theophany, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick charges straight ahead into dragon territory, discussing what it means to confront the dragons in the water and also asking: Why don't we seem to see dragons any more?


Sin is Exile from the Kingdom (Jan. 19, 2020)

Using the Gospel of the Ten Lepers, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses how leprosy put the lepers outside society, how their healing has a purpose beyond physical health, and how that relates to the Kingdom of God and the immortality of its citizens.


The First-Born (Feb. 2, 2020)

On the feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses Christ's role as the First-born and what it means for us to share in his inheritance.


The Idolatry of the Pharisee (Feb. 9, 2020)

With the parable of the Publican and Pharisee, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick shows how the Pharisee was actually an idolater. He adds further comments on the nature of idolatry and why it always turns back toward the self.


The Sin That Corrupts From Within (Feb. 16, 2020)

On the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses what sexual immorality does to a person, noting how its devastating corruption is inward and difficult to uproot.


Icons and Idols: Was God Invisible Before the Incarnation? (Mar. 8, 2020)

On the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses how idols are radically different from icons, based both on man's encounters with the visible God before and after the Incarnation and also on a thorough understanding of how idolatry actually works.


The Holy One and His Holy Ones (Mar. 15, 2020)

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick tells us that angels were present and involved at the giving of the Law to Moses. The Lord Jesus says that the 'sons of the resurrection' are 'sons of God' and 'equal to the angels.' So then what does it mean to be saved?


Prepare Now to Return to Church (Mar. 22, 2020)

In the time of social distancing and isolation away from corporate worship, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick says Christians must prepare now for their return to church. He gives five concrete ways to do that.