
In the Green Room: Bryan Adams on Greenpeace and the Bryan Adams Foundation

Video: Learn about the Bryan Adams Foundation and what Bryan likes to do most when he's not playing music.

  • Arts & Culture


In the Green Room: Bryan Adams chats about Canadian forests

Video: Rock star Bryan Adams chats about his Canadian homeland and what they're doing to stave off deforestation.

  • Arts & Culture


Amsterdam's most beneficent tourist activity is fishing for plastic

Plucking litter from canals while sightseeing is one of the more singular ways to spend a couple hours in the Dutch city.


In Rotterdam, a wind turbine that's also an apartment complex (and an observation wheel)

The conceptual Dutch Windwheel takes the term 'mixed-use development' to dizzying new extremes.


How to know if you damaged your eyes during the eclipse

If you watched the Great American Eclipse of 2017, here's how you can tell if you hurt your eyesight in the process.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Popular pesticides cause major damage to bees, new study shows

Two decades after approving imidacloprid, the EPA is re-examining how it and similar pesticides affect bees.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Notre Dame rooftop bees appear to have survived the fire

Drone footage shows the Notre Dame beehives appear to be intact, and at least some bees are still alive.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


E=mc2 is Wrong - Einstein's Special Relativity Fundamentally Flawed

In 1905, Albert Einstein published 'On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies' now known as Special Relativity; this theory revolutionized geometry, math, physics, science and the classical perspective of the universe as understood since Newton's time. However, were there intrinsic errors in this theory?


Get The Fundamentals Right

To succeed in business on the Internet, or in the off-line world, requires an understanding of the fundamentals of business and using them to your advantage.


To Invest in a Qualified Business Plan is a Fundamental Strategy

Your Business Plan is your "road map" of your enterprise and shows you where you want to go. It is to become your checking list to follow up, the same way an orderly routined pilot does, before taking off his plane.


Alsco Indianapolis Renews Its Support to the Damar Foundation

Donation supports efforts to provide critical services to a wide range of people living with behavioral and developmental disabilities


Damage Control Creates A New Kind of Mouth Guard Technology

Circumflex Grip Technology gives the Grip Guard a custom mouth guard like fit


Damage Control Announces a Renewed Collaboration Agreement with Cub Swanson and the Killer Cub Brand

Killer Cub Mouthguard


Ontario Court Says Sexual Abuse Cases Are Exempt From General Damages Cap

Preszler Injury Lawyers Represented Plaintiff in Groundbreaking Case


Damian Sanders, Pioneer of Professional Snowboarding, Set to Release the XBAR, a Revolutionary New Exercise Device

Damian Sanders, one of the true pioneers of professional snowboarding, will soon release his revolutionary fitness product on Kickstarter, the XBAR.


Former Ghanaian Olympic Athlete Kenny Andam's Prolific Sports, Inc. Executes a Joint Venture Partnership with Super X Sports of Thailand

Prolific Sports, Inc., a Nevada based sports management company with offices in Los Angeles has recently embarked on their global expansion business model with major focus on Africa and Asia.


Daniel Clifford Adams, DMA, Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who

Dr. Adams has been endorsed by Marquis Who's Who as a leader in the fields of music and higher education


Damage Control Mouthguards Releases a New Product for Active Lifestyle Athletes

Custom Fit Protection for Active Lifestyle Sports


Dr. Adam Basner Launches Redesigned Website for The Plastic Surgery Center of Maryland

Board-certified plastic surgeon helps patients achieve life-changing results through breast, body, and face procedures, non-surgical treatments


AAA Public Adjusters Shares How To Prevent Damage From Wildfires

Tips for the home and landscaping to prevent damage from wildfires


Adam T. Halasi-Kun Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who

Mr. Halasi-Kim has been endorsed by Marquis Who's Who as a leader in the field of management


James Frederick Adams Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who

Dr. Adams has been endorsed by Marquis Who's Who as a leader in the fields of psychology and academic administration


The King's College to Host Western Civilization Challenge Bowl with the James Madison Program at Princeton, the Abigail Adams Institute at Harvard and Grove City College

On January 25 and 26, 2019, The King's College will host the 2nd Annual American History and Western Civilization Challenge Bowl™, sponsored by the American Heritage Education Foundation.


Adam F. Cocuzza has been Inducted into the Prestigious Marquis Who's Who Biographical Registry

Following the success of his shop Say Cheese, Mr. Cocuzza established Nitro Bar in 2019


Washington Wheat Sides with Federal Report to Preserve the Snake River Dams

Wheat industry encouraged to submit comments on Environmental Impact Study


Entrepreneur Adam Bremen Launches Keto Krisp Bars After Losing 50 Pounds From His Wheelchair

Life's too short to eat shi#ty tasting bars!


Adamson & Cleveland, LLC, Offers Free, Pocket-Sized Copies of U.S. Constitution

Reading the Constitution can help us to understand our rights as citizens, Norcross personal injury law firm says.


First Choice Restoration Talks About Saving Water Damaged Documents

What to Do When Documents and Photos Get Wet


Partnership Agreement between "Baladna" and "Widam"

Partnership Agreement between "Baladna" and "Widam" To Supply the local Market with Veal Meat for the First Time


Scott Adams on Whether Management Really Matters

The Dilbert creator talks with HBR senior editor Dan McGinn.


Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant on Resilience

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg talks about returning to work after her husband’s death, and Wharton management and psychology professor Adam Grant discusses what the research says about resilience. In this joint interview, they talk about how to build resilience in yourself, your team, and your organization. They’re the authors of the new book, "Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy."


We haven't even begun to grasp how much damage the pandemic will do

Four relatively narrow policy topics hint at the difficulties ahead: small-business relief, education, city and state solvency, and employment.


Public Invited to Open Houses on Plan for Glen Canyon Dam Operations

Beginning Nov. 7, the public will have an opportunity to attend public meetings on the development of a long-term plan that will determine the timing and volume of water flows from Glen Canyon Dam. Those flows affect hydroelectricity production, beach recreation, native fish and other river-related plants and animals, as well as archeological sites in Grand Canyon National Park and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/public-invited-to-open-houses-on-plan-for-glen-canyon-dam-operations.htm


Heavy Monsoonal Rain Causes Trail Damage to Grand Canyon Trails

Recent heavy monsoonal rainfall has caused damage to portions of the South Kaibab Trail approximately one-half mile below Cedar Ridge and to the North Kaibab Trail below Supai Tunnel. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/heavy-monsoonal-rain-causes-trail-damage-to-grand-canyon-trails.htm


UPDATE Crews Repair South Kaibab Trail After Monsoonal Rain Damage

Recent heavy monsoonal rainfall caused damage to portions of the South Kaibab Trail approximately one-half mile below Cedar Ridge closing the trail to livestock use. Trail crews have completed work to remove debris from the trail. The trail is now open to livestock as well as foot traffic. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/update-crews-repair-south-kaibab-trail-after-monsoonal-rain-damage.htm


Recent Storms Cause Significant Damage to Tuweep Area Roads

Heavy rains caused major road damage in the Tuweep area of Grand Canyon National Park. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/storms-damage-tuweep-roads.htm


Interior Proposes Adaptive Management Framework for Glen Canyon Dam

The U.S. Department of the Interior has released a proposed framework for adaptively managing Glen Canyon Dam over the next 20 years with the goal of creating certainty and predictability for power and water users while protecting environmental and cultural resources in Grand Canyon National Park and the Colorado River ecosystem. The draft environmental impact statement (EIS) is available to the public for review and comment for 90 days. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/interior-proposes-adaptive-management-framework-for-glen-canyon-dam.htm


Interior Department Releases Final Environmental Impact Statement for Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management

The U.S. Department of the Interior today released the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for a Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan (LTEMP) for Glen Canyon Dam operations. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/final-eis-glen-canyon-adaptive-management.htm


Damaged Grand Canyon Water Pipeline Fixed, North Rim to Open as Scheduled

Repairs to the damaged water pipeline serving Grand Canyon National Park’s North Rim were completed ahead of schedule this week, allowing lodging for those with prior reservations, campgrounds, and other services to open May 15 as normally scheduled. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/north-rim-open-2017.htm


Silvies Valley Ranch, OR: using artificial beaver dams to restore incised streams

The Silvies Valley Ranch is an example of using local innovation to combat the global problem of incised streams on rangelands. Incised channels reduce the flow between water in the channel and water in the surrounding soils, which reduces the vegetation available for wildlife habitat and cattle forage. One of the ranch owners, Scott Campbell, a doctor of veterinary medicine, believes that stream incision is related to the decline of beaver populations; thus, the ranch’s approach to restoration includes efforts to mimic beavers’ influence on the system. He is using an extensive network of low-rise dams made from locally available materials (dirt, gravel, rock, and logs), commonly referred to as “artificial beaver dams” (ABDs). Campbell said that the ABDs on the ranch successfully increased stream connectivity to their floodplains and increased the quantity and forage quality of wet meadows on the property, with no changes in where cattle were grazing. The experiences of this landowner exemplify a unique approach that provides a model for others facing similar challenges to doing restoration on private land. The transformation taking place on the Silvies Valley Ranch has garnered the attention of neighboring ranch owners, some of whom are beginning to experiment with similar restoration technologies. Campbell would like to continue installing structures, but has encountered numerous roadblocks in the permitting process. He has since taken an active role in building legislative support for the ABD technology being used on the ranch, and in facilitating its adoption in other places. This case study—based on interviews with stakeholders involved in the Silvies Valley Ranch project—highlights the social benefits and challenges experienced by one rancher using ABDs as a restoration tool, and provides insights for improving their use in the future. It is part of a larger interdisciplinary study that explores the potential of different beaver-related restoration approaches for achieving watershed restoration and livestock production goals on rangelands in the Western United States.


Liberated rivers: lessons from 40 years of dam removal

In recent decades, dam removal has emerged as a viable national and international strategy for river restoration.


A field guide to predict delayed mortality of fire-damaged ponderosa pine: application and validation of the Malheur model.

The Malheur model for fire-caused delayed mortality is presented as an easily interpreted graph (mortality-probability calculator) as part of a one-page field guide that allows the user to determine postfire probability of mortality for ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.).


Growth of Bear-Damaged Trees In A Mixed Plantation of Douglas-Fir and Red Alder

Incidence and effects of tree damage by black bear (Ursus americanus altifrontalis) in a 50-year-old, coast Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. menziesii) plantation are described. Bears girdled or partially girdled 35 dominant or codominant Douglas-fir trees per acre, but only in that portion of the plantation that had been interplanted at age 4 with red alder (Alnus rubra Bong). No red alder were damaged. Bears damaged Douglas-fir in this stand on at least four occasions between 1929 (planting) and 1991. Fully girdled Douglas-fir (six per acre in 1976) died within 2 to 14 years. Of the 29 per acre partially girdled trees, 17 percent died in the 16 years of observation, compared to 9 percent of nondamaged trees. Crosssectional growth of surviving damaged trees exceeded that of matched, nondamaged trees by about 30 percent at three heights on the bole: 6 ft, 4.5 ft, and immediately above the damaged area. Death of six large Douglas-fir trees per acre reduced live stand volume of this species for about 6 years after bear damage until growth of the remaining trees compensated for the volume lost to mortality. Confirmation of the stimulating effects of bear damage on subsequent tree growth is needed at other locations.


A ravenous river reclaims its true course: the tale of Marmot Dam's demise.

Removing dams that are outdated, unsafe, or pose significant economic or environmental costs has emerged in the last 10 years as a major river restoration strategy.


Natalia Damini Does An IG Live For WAKS (96.5 Kiss FM)/Cleveland, Tomorrow At 2p (ET)

CONCORE ENTERTAINMENT star NATALIA DAMINI will perform her new hit PACEMAKER (f/ PETEY PABLO) on an IG LIVE TOMORROW with iHEARTMEDIA Top 40 WAKS (96.5 KISS FM)/CLEVELAND at 2p (ET) for the … more


Natalia Damini Did An IG Live For WAKS (96.5 Kiss FM)/Cleveland, As Part Of The Social Kisstance Series

CONCORE ENTERTAINMENT star NATALIA DAMINI performed her new hit PACEMAKER (f/ PETEY PABLO) on an IG LIVE this past TUESDAY (NET NEWS 5/4) with iHEARTMEDIA Top 40 WAKS (96.5 KISS … more


WDZH (98.7 The Breeze)/Detroit's Kim Adams Honors Nurses

ENTERCOM AC WDZH (98.7 THE BREEZE)/DETROIT Middayer KIM ADAMS has teamed up with D.A. ALEXANDER AND COMPANY to surprise, honor and show appreciation to nurses in celebration of National … more


Queen & Adam Lambert Release 'You Are The Champions' For WHO Covid-19 Solidarity Fund

QUEEN’s BRIAN MAY and ROGER TAYLOR in the U.K. and singer ADAM LAMBERT in L.A. have connected virtually to record a new version of QUEEN’s classic anthem, “We Are The … more


E-cigarette users experience vascular damage similar to that of smokers of combustible cigarettes

Research Highlights: Young adults using e-cigarettes experienced arterial stiffness and blood vessel damage similar to those who smoke traditional cigarettes. There was no evidence that using e-cigarettes reduced the cardiovascular injury associated...


Adam Todd celebrates 21st birthday with parade

CEDAR RAPIDS — Adam Todd, adjusting like many Iowans to a social-distanced lifestyle since the novel coronavirus hit, celebrated a milestone 21st birthday with a drive-by parade Friday...