
Hieromartyr Apollinarius, bishop of Ravenna (75)

He was a disciple of St Peter, born in Antioch. St Peter took him to Rome (he was bishop of Antioch before being bishop of Rome, so Antioch is as much the 'see of Peter' as is Rome) and made him Bishop of Ravenna. In Ravenna, he healed the wife of the military governor of a grave illness, after which the governor and his household confessed Christ and were baptized. Apollinarius was able to form a house church in the governor's home, from which he labored for the Gospel for twelve years. Eventually, he was condemned to exile in Illyria for his faith, and began a life of missionary travel in the Balkans, travelling as far as the Danube. After twelve years of this work, he was driven back to Italy by the hostility of some of the pagans. He was received with joy by the people of Ravenna, which aroused the envy of the pagan elders, who denounced him to the Emperor Vespasian. When the elders asked permission to kill Apollinarius, the Emperor only gave them permission to drive him from the city, wisely saying 'It is not seemly to take revenge on behalf of the gods, for they can themselves be revenged on their enemies if they are angered.' But, in defiance of the Imperial decree, the pagan leaders attacked and killed Apollinarius with knives. His holy relics are preserved in Ravenna, in a church dedicated to him.


Venerable Apollinaria (5th c.)

She was a maiden of high rank, the daughter of a magistrate named Anthimus in the city of Rome. Filled with love for Christ, she prevailed on her parents to allow her to travel on pilgrimage to the Holy Land. In Jerusalem she dismissed most of her attendants, gave her jewels, fine clothes and money to the poor, and went on to Egypt accompanied only by two trusted servants. Near Alexandria she slipped away from them and fled to a forest, where she lived in ascesis for many years. She then made her way to Sketis, the famous desert monastic colony, and presented herself as a eunuch named Dorotheos. In this guise she was accepted as a monk.   Anthimus, having lost his elder daughter, was visited with another grief: his younger daughter was afflicted by a demon. He sent this daughter to Sketis, asking the holy fathers there to aid her by their prayers. They put her under the care of "Dorotheos", who after days of constant prayer effected the complete cure of her (unknowing) sister. When the girl got back home it was discovered that she was pregnant, and Anthimus angrily ordered that the monk who had cared for her be sent to him. He was astonished to find that "Dorotheos" was his own daughter Apollinaria, whom he had abandoned hope of seeing again. After some days the holy woman returned to Sketis, still keeping her identity secret from her fellow-monks. Only at her death was her true story discovered.


Hieromartyr Apollinarius, bishop of Ravenna (75)

He was a disciple of St Peter, born in Antioch. St Peter took him to Rome (he was bishop of Antioch before being bishop of Rome, so Antioch is as much the 'see of Peter' as is Rome) and made him Bishop of Ravenna. In Ravenna, he healed the wife of the military governor of a grave illness, after which the governor and his household confessed Christ and were baptized. Apollinarius was able to form a house church in the governor's home, from which he labored for the Gospel for twelve years. Eventually, he was condemned to exile in Illyria for his faith, and began a life of missionary travel in the Balkans, travelling as far as the Danube. After twelve years of this work, he was driven back to Italy by the hostility of some of the pagans. He was received with joy by the people of Ravenna, which aroused the envy of the pagan elders, who denounced him to the Emperor Vespasian. When the elders asked permission to kill Apollinarius, the Emperor only gave them permission to drive him from the city, wisely saying 'It is not seemly to take revenge on behalf of the gods, for they can themselves be revenged on their enemies if they are angered.' But, in defiance of the Imperial decree, the pagan leaders attacked and killed Apollinarius with knives. His holy relics are preserved in Ravenna, in a church dedicated to him.


Rolling Back the Darkness

In light of the tragic and senseless attack at a concert in Manchester, Fr. Gregory Hallam offers this commentary. Fr. Gregory is priest at St. Aidan's Antiochian Orthodox Church in Manchester, UK.


Understanding the Direction, Magnitude, and Joint Effects of Reputation When Multiple Actors' Reputations Collide

Despite the extensive research into the effects of reputation, virtually all of this research has examined the effect of one type of reputation on one or more specific outcomes. In this study we ask the question: How do the reputations of analysts, CEOs, and firms individually and jointly affect firm outcomes? To answer this question we focus on a context where reputations are particularly relevant - changes in analyst recommendations and the effect of those changes on stock market reactions. Our study makes contributions to the growing reputation literature by being one of the first studies to recognize and measure how the market accounts for multiple reputations. Further, we argue and find that the reputations of different actors interact with each other when determining particular firm outcomes. We find that different actor's reputations influence the reactions of observers.


A Rolling Stone Gathers Momentum: Generational Units, Collective Memory, and Entrepreneurship

We draw on the historiographical concepts of "generational units" and "collective memories" as a framework for understanding the emergence of entrepreneurially oriented cohesive groups within regions. Generational units are localized subgroups within generations that have a self-referential, reflexive quality, by virtue of the members' sense of their own connections to each other and the events that define them. Collective memories are shared accounts of the past shaped by historical events that mold individuals' perceptions. The two concepts provide a valuable point of departure for incorporating historical concepts into the study of entrepreneurial dynamics and offer a framework for understanding how entrepreneurs' historically situated experiences affect them. Our framework breaks new theoretical ground in several ways. First, we synthesize disparate literatures on generational units, collective memory, and organizational imprinting. Second, we specify mechanisms through which imprinting occurs and persists over time. We develop analytical arguments framed by sociological and historiographical theories, focusing on the conditions under which meaningful generational units of entrepreneurs may emerge and benefit from leadership and legacy building, technologies of memory, and institutional support that increases the likelihood of their persistence.


Jollibee Q3 profit: P3.0B (up 18% y/y)

Jollibee posted a Q3 net income of P2.98 billion, up 18% y/y from its Q3/23 net income of P2.53 billion, and down 6% q/q from its Q2/24 net income of P3.19 billion.


Quezon, Batangas collide in do-or-die Game 3 for MPBL South title

Given a life extension, the Quezon Huskers hope to complete their recovery when they tackle the Batangas City Tanduay Rum Masters in a Game 3 decider for the South Division crown at 7 p.m. Thursday


Freedombmx - HOW TO Nollie Barspin with Miguel Smajli

Freedombmx - HOW TO Nollie Barspin with Miguel Smajli

Our bro Miguel Smajli has filmed in cooperation with Freedombmx a short HOW TO video, in which Miguel will teach you the Nollie Barspin ! Enjoy the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: Freedombmx

subscribe to our youtube channel: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/kunstformbmxshop


Voters report nails and screws found near D.C. polling place on Election Day

The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating after an individual reportedly placed screws in the road near a ballot box in the 1300 block of 5th Street NE in the District of Columbia on Tuesday.


Catalogna: l’insostenibile follia dello status quo

Alessandro Sahebi

Cinismo e pugno di ferro. La ricetta di Mariano Rajoy per la Catalogna sembrerebbe, agli occhi di un osservatore esterno, avere avuto i suoi effetti: l'incarcerazione di sette ministri e la ritirata strategica di Carles Puigdemont in Belgio appaiono infatti ai più come il tramonto di una vicenda che per qualche giorno ha tenuto con il fiato sospeso l'intera Europa e i suoi assetti. Ciò nonostante la strategia del governo centrale spagnolo tutto può rivelarsi fuorché il frutto di un abile ingegno diplomatico e quella che sul campo di battaglia sembrerebbe poter essere letta come una travolgente vittoria potrebbe trasformarsi, in poco meno di due mesi, in un temibile autogol.

Da una parte ci siamo noi, che osserviamo. Ridiamo, confezioniamo meme e ci godiamo i quotidiani sviluppi di una storia che sembra essere stata scritta sul copione di una tragi- commedia politica di serie B. Dall'altra, tuttavia, c'è un popolo. Un popolo che l'1 ottobre ha visto la ragion di Stato trasformarsi in abuso (come ammesso dallo stesso governo spagnolo), un popolo che vede i suoi rappresentanti incarcerati ed esiliati, ricordati come i numerosi eroi politici catalani di epoca franchista. C'è un popolo che ha vissuto sulla propria pelle la pressoché totale ottusità di Madrid e dei suoi rappresentanti, il furto della propria autonomia. Le aziende non fuggono dalla Catalogna, lo sanno bene i catalani. Scappano le sedi centrali ma qualsiasi buon economista sa che il capitalismo globalizzato, oggi, non ha confini se si tratta di profitti. E lo sa bene l'Europa, silenziosamente imbarazzata i primi giorni delle violenze a Barcellona, ben più decisa nelle settimane successive.

Una presa di posizione fedele alla Spagna che a Bruxelles sanno bene di non poter tenere ciecamente se dalle urne, il 21 dicembre, i movimenti indipendentisti avranno la meglio. Mitizzazione del leader politico Puigdemont, assenza di ascolto e pugno di ferro in cabina elettorale potrebbero essere dei veri e propri boomerang per Mariano Rajoy e potrebbero riconfermare, nonostante tutto, le istanze indipendentiste dei catalani. A quel punto il nostro cinismo, la nostra ironia e il nostro pragmatismo non potranno fare altro che i conti con la loro volontà.

La follia dello status quo sta nell’ignorare totalmente il cambiamento. Lo Stato è un concetto pre-democratico messo in discussione dalle spinte locali da una parte, dall’europeismo dall’altra. Ripensare gli assetti non è una pazzia, la pazzia è pensare che non siano soggetti al corso della storia. In questa ottica essere in grado di assorbire gli shock senza chiudersi in una cieca visione ancorata al passato è una sfida che, soprattutto in quest'epoca di sconvolgimenti politici e sociali, l'Europa deve affrontare con coraggio e con la consapevolezza che nel corso della sua storia, lunga o corta che sia, ne incontrerà con certezza in continuazione.

La risposta, darwiniana se volete, è sapersi evolvere. Se non teniamo aperta la porta del cambiamento ci chiudiamo nello stagno delle nostre sicurezze. A quel punto i casi sono due: o la porta chiusa verrà sfondata, travolgendoci, o diventeremo stagno. E nello stagno tutto muore.



Functional traits help to explain half-century long shifts in pollinator distributions


Hollie Cook - Prince Fatty Presents Hollie Cook in Dub

Modern-day dub with authentic depth.


New bill would change recording requirements for site-controlling employers

Newly introduced legislation would mandate site-controlling employers to record all worker injuries and illnesses, regardless of who employs the worker.


Controlling VOC exposure in the workplace

Volatile organic compounds are common chemical contaminants found in offices and workplaces and are a source of odors, some of which can be a health hazard for workers.


MSHA seeks feedback on coal dust rule study; has ‘no intention of rolling back the protections’

Arlington, VA — The Mine Safety and Health Administration is seeking input on a study of its respirable coal mine dust rule, as outlined in the 2014 regulation, according to a Request for Information published in the July 9 Federal Register.


For airplanes, drone collisions a greater hazard than bird strikes: FAA study

Washington — A high-speed collision with a drone would leave an airliner with more structural damage than if a bird of similar weight struck the plane, according to a recent study from the Federal Aviation Administration’s Alliance for System Safety of UAS through Research Excellence.


Home-plate collision is most dangerous baserunning play in MLB: study

Winston-Salem, NC – Baserunning injuries in professional baseball occur most frequently during tag plays at home plate, concludes a new study from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.


U.S. military rolling out targeted mental health care for service members

Washington — A new approach to assisting military personnel who have mental health concerns “helps people get the specific care they need in a timely manner,” a military health care provider says.


NTSB: Speeding, ‘misinterpretation of requirements’ led to 2018 fatal train collision

Washington — A railway crew’s failure to operate within safe speed requirements and the Federal Railroad Administration’s interpretation of a safety regulation were factors in a fatal collision between a BNSF intermodal train and a work train in 2018, the National Transportation Safety Board has concluded.


2013 Industry Forecast: Controlling the Game

Winning a security project today is a bit like playing a game of chess. With every potential job, you face a wide variety of opponents (competitors) who have an even wider variety of moves (security offerings/competitive advantages), all aimed at putting your king into checkmate; in effect, freezing you out of the job.


Use ‘the four R’s’ to help prevent head-on collisions

You can help prevent a potential head-on collision before it occurs. NSC has developed a lifesaving method for drivers to use: the four R’s.


Collision avoidance system

OmniPro is a collision avoidance system with Visual Artificial Intelligence, which enables line-of-travel, crosswalk, and blind-spot alerting of pedestrians and vehicles.


Prevent deer collisions

Although motor vehicle-deer collisions can happen year-round, November is the month with the highest risk, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.


Deer-crossing warning signs reduce collisions: study

Bethesda, MD – Installing deer-crossing warning signs at common deer-vehicle collision sites increased driver safety behavior and decreased the number of collisions over a one-year period, according to Canadian researchers.


Collision warning system

Sentry Protection Products has upgraded its Collision Sentry Collision Warning System to feature a more focused, more intense warning light for increased visibility.


Florida bill aimed at rolling back child labor law restrictions

Tallahassee, FL — Recently introduced legislation in Florida would lift restrictions on the number of hours 16- and 17-year-olds can work, and when.


Legislation aimed at rolling back child labor restrictions advances in Florida

Tallahassee, FL — A bill that would roll back restrictions on the number of hours 16- and 17-year-olds can work, and when, is advancing in the Florida Legislature.


Group calls for collision-avoidance systems on all commercial trucks, buses

Washington – A group of safety advocates is calling for forward collision avoidance and mitigation braking systems, or F-CAM, to be required in all trucks and buses to help prevent deadly rear-end crashes.


Trolli Sour Electric Crawlers

The candy features two mouth-puckering flavors and vibrant colors zapped together in each soft and chewy gummi worm, offering an unexpected twist on the classic Trolli experience.


Does a full moon raise the risk of vehicle collisions with wildlife?

College Station, TX — Workers who drive at night, take note: Vehicle-wildlife collisions may be almost 50% more likely to occur during a full moon, results of a recent study suggest.


Collision avoidance system

Advanced is a proven telematics system to help fleet owners manage access to equipment via radio-frequency identification or a personal identification number. Only trained operators can log in to the equipment. Once logged in, a safety checklist is presented and must be completed to use the equipment.


Rolling scaffold

The Multi-Purpose Pro Scaffold can reach up to 18 feet with its stackable sections and features swiveling, heavy-duty casters that can maneuver on unfinished floors.


Controlling temperature from farm to fork protects product quality, brand name

Temperature is that one measurement that’s dictated by governmental regulations to prove that you have a kill step in your process. Beyond that, there are rules for keeping fresh food under a certain temperature to keep it safe both in transit and storage, and—just as important—maintain its quality so you don’t have to throw it out prematurely.


Focus On: Controlling Dust

Dust can occur during any stages of processing—here are products to help control it.


Controlling Combustion Beyond Dust Hazard Analysis

Nixon helps in guiding your facilities' assessment of agricultural and food processing risks through dust hazard analysis, NFPA 61 compliance, and leading options to address the risk of combustible dust explosions.


Experiences with XL (130L) rolling duffels-oversized fees or ok within weight?

I'm going to start a nomadic life soon. I'll need to carry a lot of stuff with me unless I decide to get a storage unit and pick a home base city. I'm hoping to get down to 2x100L bags or preferably a single 130-160L bag that I don't need to...


The Firehouse Follies: Keep Bloomington Weird!

Waldron Arts Center
Sunday, November 17, 2024, 2 – 4pm

KEEP BLOOMINGTON WEIRD! Help celebrate our unique community with comedy, satire and music – the audience becomes part of the show!

The Firehouse Follies is a worldwide showcase for the amazing talent we have in Bloomington and South Central Indiana. A live broadcast performance features audio theater plays and sketches by the Mighty Firehouse Art Players, music from Kid Kazooey and the Four-Alarm Orchestra, special musical guest Krista Detor, and poetry created by Indiana's Literary Champion, Tony Brewer. On Sunday, November 17, doors open at 1 p.m., because the Waldron Auditorium has a lounge with a full bar (and things for kids and nondrinkers), and the show is live on the air from 2-4 p.m. Plenty of free parking, so come and join us!

Broadcast and streamed live over WFHB, 91.3 FM and www.wfhb.org .

Will-call will be available for pick up at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater box office until 2:30pm on Saturday 11/16. After that, will-call will be available for pick up at the venue Waldron Auditorium (122 S Walnut St, Bloomington, IN 47404) when doors open for the event.

Online and Buskirk-Chumley Theater sales will end at 2:30pm on Saturday 11/16. If not sold out, tickets will be available for purchase at the door of the venue. Cash and check will be accepted.

Presenter: WFHB
Contact: BCT Box Office, boxoffice@buskirkchumley.org
Cost: $12 - $22
Ticket Phone: 812-323-3020
Ticket Web Linkbuskirkchumley.org…
Communities: Bloomington

  • 2024/11/17 (Sun)


The Firehouse Follies: Keep Bloomington Weird!

Waldron Auditorium
Sunday, November 17, 2024, 2 – 4pm

The Firehouse Follies is a worldwide showcase for the amazing talent we have in Bloomington and South Central Indiana. A live broadcast performance features audio theater plays and comedy sketches by the Mighty Firehouse Art Players, music from Kid Kazooey and the Four-Alarm Orchestra, special musical guest Krista Detor, and poetry created by Indiana's Literary Champion, Tony Brewer. The audience becomes part of the two-hour show at the Waldron Auditorium, starting at 2 p.m. November 17, so come and join us! Broadcast and streamed live over WFHB, 91.3 FM and www.wfhb.org

Presenter: WFHB
Contact: Richard Fish
Directed By: Richard Fish
Cast: TBA
Cost: $20 Adult, $15 Student, $10 Child
Ticket Phone: 812-323-3020
Ticket Web Linkbuskirkchumley.org…
Communities: Bedford, Bloomington, Brown County, Columbus, Franklin, French Lick/West Baden, Greencastle, Greene County, Greensburg, Greenwood, Indianapolis, Kokomo, Martinsville, Seymour, Spencer, Statewide, Terre Haute
More infowfhb.org…

  • 2024/11/17 (Sun)


Rolling Stones postpone tour as Jagger receives medical treatment

The Rolling Stones are postponing their latest tour so Mick Jagger can receive medical treatment.


First listen: Bob Dylan, 'The Rolling Thunder Revue: The 1975 Live Recordings'

Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder Revue occupies a mythic place in the history of rock tours. It was an experiment on a conceptually grand scale to create music on an intimate scale.


Dylan releasing 14-disc Rolling Thunder box set

The shows during Bob Dylan's 1975 Rolling Thunder Revue tour were considered some of the most dynamic and interesting of his career.


It's been 50 years since Rolling Stones founder Brian Jones died

July 3, 2019 is the 50th anniversary of the day that Brian Jones was pronounced dead. Jones founded the Rolling Stones, gave them their name and was their first business manager.


Theft of the blog: Yes, there is a real Bob Collins. This is what he’s like

Collins vowed to not write a goodbye post. We're not sure if's staying true to that, so here comes old friend Tom Weber "to sing a little on behalf of a friend who’s made immeasurable contributions to MPR and Minnesota."


Politics Friday: Should we stop trusting pre-election polling?

Is there really such a thing as a "shy Trump voter"? Who is contacted to take part in pre-election polls? And are they reliable or not?


Russian admiral says Kursk submarine sank due to collision with NATO sub

Admiral Vyacheslav Popov, the former commander of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy, said that the Kursk submarine (nuclear submarine K-141 Kursk) sank in 2000 as a result of the collision with a NATO submarine. The name of the Western submarine is known almost for sure, Popov said in an interview with RIA Novosti. The ex-commander-in-chief of the Northern Fleet suggested that the submarine that collided with the Kursk was tracking the sub. The Western submarine could not ensure the required level of safety under the conditions of the sea and other circumstances, so it came too close to the Kursk. According to the admiral, the sub was later found off the coast of Norway. Popov added that the manoeuvre of the Russian nuclear submarine could also lead to the "loss of contact." According to the admiral, he can reveal the name of the NATO submarine with almost 100 percent certainty, but said that he would not do it for a number of reasons.


5 Reasons Why You Can’t Stop Scrolling on Social Media

By Craig McPherson, freelance writer.

Think of this. You've got a serious deadline to cover and are working on it. After one hour of work, you turn back to social media for a "state of relaxation". But guess what? You keep on scrolling your favourite social media platform for hours and end up missing the deadline. Sounds familiar, right?