
Se mantiene la restricción para motos en Bogotá pero con excepciones


Puente festivo sin elecciones, ¿cómo avanza el plan retorno? Conozca las restricciones.

Este es el Personaje del Día de Orlando Villar


Paro taxistas, puente de reyes, restricciones

La Luciérnaga se enciende para hablar del posible paro de taxistas. Además, le contamos cómo se prepara Bogotá para recibir el puente de reyes. Asimismo, el curioso cartel publicado por la policía de Santa Marta que se convirtió en un meme.


inflación, Manizales y restriccione

La Luciérnaga se enciende para hablar de la inflación que sigue en aumento, Además, le contamos sobre la irresponsabilidad del alcalde de Manizales que se fue de vacaiones en plena emergencia ecologica por el nevado de Ruiz. También, ¿cuales restricciones del covid-19 se levantaron?La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor, análisis y opinión de Caracol Radio que acompaña desde hace más de 30 años a sus oyentes en el regreso a casa.


Adiós UltraAir, restricción parrillero y final Liga Femenina

La Luciérnaga se enciende para hablar de Ultra Air, esta va a liquidación pues la Superintendencia de Sociedades anunció que la decisión se tomó ante la imposibilidad de la aerolínea de conseguir capital para reactivar la operación. También, la Alcaldía levantó restricción de parrillero hombre en Bogotá. La medida estaba rigiendo desde hace un año en la ciudad, sin embargo, tras nuevas disposiciones desde mañaña los moteros podrán moverse con acompañante en cualquier horario. Asimismo, América de Cali e Independiente Santa Fe definen al nuevo campeón de la Liga Femenina 2023. Las bogotanas llegan con la ventaja luego del 2-0 que consiguieron en el partido de ida disputado en El Campín. 
La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que acompaña desde hace más de 30 años a sus oyentes en el regreso a casa.


Delitos electorales, no hay Paz Total y adicciones

Escuche el programa de este lunes 6 de noviembre. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que acompaña desde hace más de 30 años a sus oyentes en el regreso a casa.


Contradicciones del gobierno, diálogos de paz y nueva sede de compensar

Escuche el programa de este lunes 18 de marzo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.


Crecimiento económico, contradicciones como las de Petro y día del profesor

Escuche el programa de este miércoles 15 de mayo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.


Contradicciones del gobierno, muy mal con la seguridad y escasez de dinero

Escuche el programa de este martes 21 de mayo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.


Regresamos al seguro social, contradicciones del gobierno y Colombia es un país de toros

Escuche el programa de este miércoles 29 de mayo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.


Tiradera a los feminicidios, contradicciones de gobierno y de puente, pero no olvidemos tantos problemas

Escuche el programa de este viernes 31 de mayo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.


Vergüenza el secuestro de nuestros soldados, contradicción sobre reactivación económica y lo malo, lo bueno y lo excelente de los olímpicos

Escuche el programa de este lunes 12 de agosto. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.


Contradicciones en las comunicaciones del Gobierno, es necesario subir el precio del Diesel y congresistas no les alcanza el salario y por e

Escuche el programa de este miércoles 21agosto La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.


Presidente Petro propone imprimir billetes para reparar a las victimas del conflicto, Jurisdicción Agraria y ¿para qué junta directiva de Ec

Escuche el programa de este miércoles 28 de agosto. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.


“Los videojuegos son creados para generar adicción”: Educadora de niños


Caño Cristales: ruta de viaje, presupuesto y restricciones para el ingreso


Abordando la adicción al cigarrillo y al alcohol

La adicción al cigarrillo y al alcohol impacta profundamente la vida de las personas, afectando sus relaciones familiares, laborales y sociales. En nuestro encuentro "En Familia", conversamos estas problemáticas, sus consecuencias en la salud y cómo encontrar apoyo para superarlas.


Regresa el FICCI de manera presencial


¿Cómo combatir la adicción del celular?


Pico y placa en Bogotá: así serán las nuevas restricciones


El afiche del FICCI 2023 fue creado con inteligencia artificial


Nuevas restricciones que tendrán los vehículos de carga en Chía: ¿En qué consiste?

El alcalde del municipio, Leonardo Donoso, explicó en 6AM las razones por las cuales se adoptó esta media y algunas de las excepciones 


Las contradicciones en la Comisión de Acusaciones sobre la campaña Petro presidente

La Comisión había reconocido expresamente la capacidad legal y constitucional del Consejo Electoral para conocer de la campaña del Pacto Histórico.


¿Se acaban las excursiones en los páramos? Directora de la CAR explica la nueva restricción

Sandra Santafe, directora regional de la CAR para Bogotá-La Calera, explicó las razones por las que se tomó la decisión de prohibir las excursiones turísticas en los páramos de Sumapaz y Cruz Verde.


Bucaramanga se prepara para la final: Restricciones, movilidad y puntos para ver el partido

Jaime Andrés Beltrán, mandatario de la capital santandereana, compartió en 6AM cuáles serán las estrategias que se adoptarán durante la final del Fútbol Profesional Colombiano


ABC completo de restricción de agua en Bogotá: fechas y como serán turnos en barrios

Natasha Avendaño, gerente del Acueducto, junto al alcalde Galán, anunciaron las nuevas medidas para entender el comportamiento de falta de lluvias en el Sistema Chingaza


Bermuda To Host ICC Americas Tour This Month

[Updated] The island will host the ICC Americas Select Team for a four-match tour later this month, with the Bermuda Cricket Board announcing a schedule featuring matches against the Bermuda select team as well as the Somerset and St George’s teams. The tour kicks off on September 11th and 12th with back-to-back T20 encounters between the ICC […]


BCB Announces Team For ICC Americas Tour

The Bermuda Cricket Board announced the Senior Men’s National Select Team for the ICC Americas Select Tour. A spokesperson said, “The series kicks off on Wednesday, September 11, with the Bermuda Select Team facing the ICC Americas Select Team at 3:30 PM at the National Sports Centre. The Bermuda National Select Team will include top players […]


BCB Announce Somerset Team For ICC Americas

The Bermuda Cricket Board [BCB] announced the Somerset Cricket Club Select Team for the ICC Americas Select Tour. A spokesperson said, “Somerset Cricket Club will face the ICC Americas Select Team at noon on Sunday, September 15th at Somerset Cricket Club. “The Somerset Cricket Club Select will include top players such as Dominic Sabir, Kamau […]


BCB Announce St George’s Team For ICC Match

The Bermuda Cricket Board [BCB] announced the St. George’s Cricket Club Select Team for the ICC Americas Select Tour. A spokesperson said, “St. George’s Cricket Club will face the ICC Americas Select Team at 2:30 PM on Saturday, September 14th at Wellington Oval. “The St. George’s Cricket Club Select will include top players such as […]


Cricket: ICC Americas Tour Series Numbers

With only two matches completed in the ICC Americas Select Tour, we take a look at the batting and bowling numbers over the two matches that saw the ICC Americas select team defeat the Bermuda select team twice. Sanjay Krishnamurthi from the Americas Select Team scored the most runs for the two games with 99, […]


BCB Announces ICC Americas Qualifier Team

The Bermuda Cricket Board [BCB] announced the Senior Men’s National Team for the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Americas Sub-Regional Qualifier. A spokesperson said, “The tournament will run from December 6 – 16, 2024 with a total of 8 matches. “The Bermuda Senior Men’s National Team, led by Captain Mr. Terryn Fray of Bailey’s Bay […]


The Healing Process of Remorse and Self-Forgiveness * Wicca-Spirituality.com


Although often confused with guilt and shame, remorse is actually a much higher calibrating "emotion." It's the 21st Century alternative to feeling bad about yourself, and making others around you feel bad too.

It not only feels better and helps you move forward in your life, but it is healing for the Earth... and as we ride the 2012 Transition, Mother Earth needs all the help we can give her!

This article explains how it works, and why you are worthy of forgiveness.


Remorse is a method to heal yourself, and others, after making a mistake.

After all, anything that brings a feeling of remorse is a mistake -- just a mistake. Did you know that's the origin of the word "sin"? "Sin" was an archery term; it means missing the mark. That leaves a lot more possibility for positive growth, doesn't it!

So you don't need to berate yourself for eternity. There is nothing to berate yourself for if you didn't know any better, or if you did the best you could.

And I believe we always do the best we can, with what we have in the moment.

We're not perfect. Sometimes we do things we're not proud of. But, in the moment, that was undoubtedly the best that we could do.

Maybe you gave in to your meaner impulses. If you could have held yourself to a higher ideal in that moment, you would have done so. What would you have to gain, by not?

Maybe you didn't know how to do better. You can only work with what you know.

God does not expect you to know what you do not yet know!

For whatever reason -- fatigue, stress, anxiety, confusion, distraction, etc -- maybe you didn't do the best you hoped for. Maybe it wasn't as good as you could have done another day.

But you obviously did the best you could in that moment.

Why would anyone do less than that?

God doesn't need you to burn in hell for it, not even the hell of your own harsh thoughts. She only wants you to learn from the process, and to use it to grow. That's what remorse is all about.


There are four parts to the process of remorse.

The first part is a pang in your Heart. There is an energy there, call it an emotion if you like, that signals you are not happy with your actions.

From here, many people get derailed into guilt, instead of continuing the process of remorse.

The second part is the most important, the core of remorse...

You accept that you made a mistake. And you make an unemotional, practical assessment of your actions.

When your actions and choices don't live up to your ideals or ethics... you figure out how you could do better, discover what was moving in you (probably subconsciously) that caused that action, and -- here's the critical bit -- resolve to do better next time.

Remorse is calm and determined. Rather than destroying your self-respect, remorse enhances it. It provides you with the opportunity to grow, to live up to your ideals.

It recognises that within you there is a perfect being, capable of the best.

And that there is always another opportunity to try.

Contrast that with shame, which says that you are worthless and hopeless. There's just nowhere good to go, from there!

Remorse doesn't take the mistake personally. It sees an action as wrong, but not you as a person.

Remorse knows that people can't accurately, honestly be judged in terms of "wrong" and "bad."

The next step is always making amends. You must undo the error, to the best of your ability. And apologise, if it won't make things worse.

We must be clear -- this step has nothing to do with being forgiven by another person. Whether they forgive you or not is about them and their process, and is not about you.

To seek someone's forgiveness when they aren't ready to give it can be a further harm.

You fix the mistake if you can. That is the only purpose of this step.

Inherent in this process is self-forgiveness. You see a mistake, you acknowledge it, you figure out what went wrong, you fix it if you can, and you determine to not make that mistake again.

When you've done all that, forgiveness is a lot easier.

You can forgive yourself, because you know you aren't a bad person who intentionally did wrong... and because you are doing your best not to slip up that way in the future.

No one is perfect. No one is expected, by the Divine, not to make mistakes. On the contrary, that's often how we learn and grow.

That's all the Divine wants of you. Not perfection. But learning and growing from your slip-ups.

So you can accept that you did the best you were able to, at the time. And forgive yourself, for being human and humanly fallible.


If you get stuck in guilt, look for the underlying shame. Shame is like Velcro to guilt. It tells you that you deserve to feel terrible guilt, that you are not worthy of forgiveness or compassion or kindness.

But shame LIES.

You are worthy of forgiveness, because you are not a flawed person.You are Divinity tasting life as a mortal individual -- nothing else.

It doesn't matter what your family or coworkers or boss thinks of you. It doesn't matter how you've been treated by others -- that's nothing to do with YOU, that's all about the (human) blindness of others.

You are infinitely worthy and loveable!

And when others can't see that it's only because they haven't realised that they are infinitely worthy and loveable. When people get tied down, in their minds, into one little frail animal body and one small human life, all kinds of such misconceptions arise!

But it's not the truth.

The truth is that you are eternal -- learning and growing and polishing yourself on challenge after challenge, life after life.

The soul that is truly you is infinitely worthy and Divine. The body and mind you think of as you are only a costume that put on for a while, and then point aside, to go home for dinner and a bath, a good rest, to get up and come play again.

So how do you as a mere mortal forgive yourself?

The same way you forgive anyone... With compassion for your human frailty: you really are doing our best with what you have. With perspective: understanding that this life is a playground and schoolroom, and not the life-or-death struggle it seems. With determination to not make the same mistake again.

With Bright Blessings,


Chipotle’s new CEO Scott Boatwright will make millions leading the chain—but only half as much as ex-CEO Brian Niccol

Chipotle’s new chief executive is Scott Boatwright, a familiar face and name, given that he’s served as the interim CEO since August following former CEO Brian Niccol’s surprise decision to lead a turnaround at Starbucks. And while Boatwright, 52, will get a significant pay boost in his new…


Travel to the ancient beauty of Machu Picchu, Peru

Our group sat in a circle at a 15th century Inca site. We each held three coca leaves glued together with llama fat and concentrated on protection, prosperity and a balanced life. A young shaman named Lucas alternately prayed in Quechua and explained things to us in Spanish, both translated by our guide Wilfredo Huillca. The shaman added quinoa, corn, confetti and other symbolic items to Pachamama, the Andean earth mother. Fortunately, modern rituals substitute animal cookies for alpaca sacrifices.[...]


News24 | ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan faces sexual misconduct probe

The governing body of the International Criminal Court on Monday announced an external investigation into alleged misconduct by chief prosecutor Karim Khan, who has denied the allegations.


The ICC response to Russia’s war gives hope for justice

The ICC response to Russia’s war gives hope for justice Expert comment NCapeling 19 March 2023

The ICC’s arrest warrants against Putin and Lvova-Belova show the commission of international crimes is not without consequences.

Warrants of arrest for Russian president Vladimir Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, commissioner for children’s rights in the president’s office, have been issued because the Pre-Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has reasonable grounds to believe they have committed war crimes.

Following an independent investigation and evidence-gathering by the ICC prosecutor Karim Khan in his first new case since taking office, the pair are accused of committing two different war crimes – the unlawful deportation of children from Ukraine to Russia, and the unlawful transfer of children from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.

The focus on those two war crimes is likely due to clear evidence that deportation and forcible transfer of thousands of Ukrainian children have occurred, as the Russian government was overt about its policy of taking Ukrainian children to Russia and placing them in camps or putting them up for adoption by Russian families.

Furthermore, in line with the Office of the Prosecutor’s policy on children, crimes against children are prioritized given their particularly vulnerable status.

Jurisdiction and enforcement

The ICC does not have jurisdiction over crimes committed fully in Russia by Russian nationals, as Russia is not a party to the Rome Statute which created the ICC.

However, it does have jurisdiction over war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide committed in Ukraine irrespective of who committed them, pursuant to two declarations lodged by Ukraine in 2014 accepting the Court’s jurisdiction over its territory from November 2013.

Making the warrants public enables the ICC to reclaim itself as a key avenue for ensuring accountability for international crimes, following a wave of criticism and disenchantment about its work

Although a prosecution has been initiated, it is ultimately for the judges of the ICC to decide on the accused’s fate. But the chances of Putin getting arrested or tried for these offences are slim.

The ICC lacks enforcement or police powers and depends on state cooperation to execute arrest warrants. Also, because it cannot try individuals in their absence, a trial or conviction cannot occur without Putin and Lvova-Belova being in custody.

But by issuing and unsealing these arrest warrants, the ICC is relying on the symbolic function of international criminal law – it is publicly naming and shaming Putin and Lvova-Belova for the commission of serious atrocities, and it is sending a message to other leaders and the international community that such actions are not without consequence.

The arrest warrants also give victims some form of vindication or recognition for their suffering and hope for justice in the future. And making the warrants public enables the ICC to reclaim itself as a key avenue for ensuring accountability for international crimes, following a wave of criticism and disenchantment about its work in Africa and delays in advancing its investigation on Afghanistan.

International courts gearing into action

This ICC case is the latest in a series of ongoing cases related to Russia’s war in Ukraine before different international courts and tribunals. Others include at least four cases before the European Court of Human Rights for events that occurred before Russia was excluded from the Council of Europe, such as the MH17 flight case and the annexation of Crimea.

They showcase an important feature of the global legal system and its judicial architecture that cannot be underestimated – the ability to quickly swing into action in response to violations of international law

Two cases have also been brought by Ukraine against Russia before the International Court of Justice – in 2017 and 2022 – with hearings scheduled for June. An unprecedented number of states parties have sought to intervene in one or more of these cases.

Each case must be considered on its own merits and the decisions cannot be prejudged. But they showcase an important feature of the global legal system and its judicial architecture that cannot be underestimated – the ability to quickly swing into action in response to violations of international law. In this case, the response was prompted by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine in breach of the United Nations Charter and fundamental principles of international law.

A starting point for a bigger case

The ICC prosecutor already has a broader investigation into other international crimes committed in Ukraine since 21 November 2013. So this is likely to be just the starting point of a much bigger case against Putin and other senior Russian officials for international crimes committed in the context of the war in Ukraine and within the ICC’s jurisdiction.

These potentially include other war crimes such as the indiscriminate or disproportionate targeting of civilians, crimes against humanity, and genocide.


Freedom Challenge climbs Machu Picchu

Forty women climb Machu Picchu to raise awareness about human trafficking during a five-day Freedom Challenge trek in Peru.


ICC confirms probe into alleged misconduct by war crimes prosecutor

AMSTERDAM — The International Criminal Court's governing body will launch an external probe into its chief prosecutor Karim Khan over alleged sexual misconduct, it said in a statement on Monday, confirming a previous report by Reuters. "An external investigation is ... being pursued in order to ensure a fully independent, impartial and fair process," the statement said, also calling upon all parties to cooperate fully. Khan said in a statement that he would stay on in his key function of overseeing investigations into alleged war crimes, including in the Israel-Gaza conflict, while any issues relevant to the investigation would be handled by deputy prosecutors. Khan has previously denied allegations of misconduct that were reported to the court's governing body last month. At that time, he asked the court's own internal oversight body to investigate them. ICC judges are reviewing Khan's May request for arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, his defense chief and Hamas leaders. Khan said the misconduct allegations aligned with a misinformation campaign against his office. The ICC is a permanent court that can prosecute individuals for war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and the crime of aggression in member states or by their nationals.


Ex-Philippine President Duterte says ICC should 'hurry up' on drug war investigation

Manila, Philippines — Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said the International Criminal Court (ICC) should 'hurry up' with its probe of his war on drugs, remaining firm in his defense of the brutal campaign as he said the investigation should start immediately. "I'm asking the ICC to hurry up, and if possible, they can come here and start the investigation tomorrow," Duterte said in a congressional inquiry on his war on drugs. "If I am found guilty, I will go to prison." According to police data, more than 6,200 people died in anti-drug operations under Duterte's presidency, during which police typically said they had killed suspects in self-defense. Human rights groups believe the real toll to be far greater, with thousands more users and small-time peddlers killed in mysterious circumstances by unknown assailants. "I assume full responsibility for whatever happened in the actions taken by law enforcement agencies of this country to... stop the serious problem of drugs affecting our people," said Duterte, who served as president from 2016 to 2022. The ICC last year cleared the way for an investigation into the several thousand deaths and other suspected rights abuses. The Philippines withdrew from the ICC in March 2019. Appeals judges at the ICC subsequently ruled prosecutors still had jurisdiction over the alleged crimes because they occurred when the Philippines was an ICC member.


Duterte dares ICC to begin probe immediately: 'Baka mamatay na ako'

MANILA, Philippines — Former President Rodrigo Duterte has challenged the International Criminal Court (ICC) to immediately begin its investigation into alleged crimes against humanity committed during his administration’s anti-drug campaign, saying he might die before the probe even begins. During a House quad committee hearing on Wednesday, Gabriela Party-list Rep. Arlene Brosas asked Duterte if he would cooperate with the investigation, including that of the ICC. In response, Duterte said the ICC is welcome to start its probe as soon as tomorrow (Thursday). “ICC, Ma’am?  I am asking the ICC to hurry up, and if possible, they can come here […]...

Keep on reading: Duterte dares ICC to begin probe immediately: 'Baka mamatay na ako'


PCB asks ICC to explain India Champions Trophy refusal

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) said on Tuesday it has asked the sport’s governing body to explain India’s refusal to send a team to Pakistan for the Champions Trophy next year.

The International Cricket Council (ICC) informed the PCB last week that India would not tour Pakistan for the eight-team tournament, leaving the fate of the event hanging in the balance.

Pakistan had previously rejected the option of a hybrid arrangement that would allow India to play their matches at neutral venues, for example in the United Arab Emirates.

“The PCB has responded to last week’s ICC letter seeking clarifications for the Indian Board’s decision not to travel to Pakistan for next year’s Champions Trophy,” Sami-Ul-Hasan told AFP.

Deteriorating political ties have meant the bitter rivals have not played a bilateral cricket series for over a decade — squaring off only in ICC multi-nation events.

Pakistani media reported on Tuesday that the PCB would be unwilling to accept security reasons for India’s refusal to visit.

New Zealand have toured Pakistan three times in the past two years, with England visiting twice and Australia once in the same period.

Pakistan also visited India for last year’s ODI World Cup and the PCB had expected the gesture to be reciprocated for the Champions Trophy.

The Champions Trophy is slated to be played across three venues — Lahore, Rawalpindi and Karachi — from February 19 to March 9 next year.

But a final schedule due to be announced this week has been postponed over the stand-off — which PCB chairman Mohsin Naqvi termed disappointing.

“Almost every country wants the tournament to be played in Pakistan and it will be disappointing if they don’t come,” Naqvi, who is also the interior minister, said last week.

“I don’t think anyone should make this a political matter. We’ll give every team as many facilities as we can.” Naqvi said Pakistan would consider pulling out of events in India as a response.

“Pakistan has shown great gestures to India in the past, and we’d like to say clearly India shouldn’t expect such friendly gestures from us every time”.

India is due to host the women’s ODI World Cup and Asia Cup next year and will co-host the Twenty20 World Cup with Sri Lanka in 2026.


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National chief says ICC should probe disappearances of children from residential schools

The national chief of the Assembly of First Nations says the International Criminal Court should investigate the disappearance of Indigenous children from Canadian residential schools.


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Team India Will Not Travel To Pakistan For Champions Trophy 2025: BCCI Tells ICC

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ICC Postpones Countdown Event For 2025 Champions Trophy Amidst India-Pakistan Tensions

The International Cricket Council (ICC) has made the decision to call off a significant event that was slated to celebrate the countdown to the 2025 Champions Trophy in Pakistan. This development comes amid the logistical challenges faced in organizing the tournament,