
Karting circuit has plans for racing-themed hub

Buckmore Park is proposing a centre with racing simulators, a restaurant and bar and roof terrace.


Use of ch unit considered inappropriate (in certain circumstances)

Update: The title of this post was originally a knowing nod to the considered harmful cliché. I thought it might be amusing and get a bit of attention. However it was brought to my attention by a few people I respect that the title as written might be harmful in itself, so I changed it. However I believe that the subtle point I’m trying to make still stands:

When did we start using the ch unit to specify the maximum length for a line of text? Many places you look nowadays you'll see a variation on:

.prose {
  max-inline-size: 60ch;

Is it because of a direct reading of Bringhurst and people (like me) who’ve quoted him:

Anything from 45 to 75 characters is widely regarded as a satisfactory length of line for a single-column page set in a serifed text face in a text size. The 66-character line (counting both letters and spaces) is widely regarded as ideal. For multiple column work, a better average is 40 to 50 characters.

I get it: there’s all that talk of ’characters’. But that’s not what Bringhurst means literally. I’ll come back to that shortly.

Firstly let’s remind ourselves about the CSS ch unit. While ch sounds like it should equate to a number of characters or a character width, that’s not strictly the case. The ch unit specifically refers to the width of the zero ’0’ character within the selected font, or 0.5em if no ’0’ is present. So unless you have a line made up entirely of zeroes, or are using a monospaced font, a width of 66ch will probably not give you a line containing 66 characters. What’s more, the rendered width of that line will vary with the font design, sometimes significantly.

Two text blocks are set to 34 ch wide, but the use of a condensed font (top) and an expanded font (bottom) makes the rendered width narrower and wider respectively.

The important part of Bringhurst’s guideline is not the ’66-characters’ but the ’satisfactory length’. This is about readability, and readability is affected by the length of a line more so than the number of characters in it.

A consistent finding is that long line lengths on screen are least preferred or judged as least easy to read [my emphasis]

With that in mind, restricting your line length using rem would be a far more appropriate unit to use:

.prose {
  max-inline-size: 30rem;

This would give you a line length accessibly tied to text size, but independent of font design.

But is using ch harmful?

Bringhurst’s guideline includes this little caveat: a page set in a serifed text face in a text size. This enables him to equate the number of characters in a line with its length. So if you are using a fairly standard typeface for your text then you’ll probably be fine. However that ’standard typeface’ assumption is implicit anytime you use ch to set the width of a column of text. Using rem removes that assumption and gives you what you are probably really after – a consistent, predictable limit on line length.

It didn’t surprise me to find that Eric Meyer had written about this six years ago. I’ll leave you with an important observation from his post:

If you’re working with multiple typefaces, say one for headlines and another for body copy, be careful about setting ch measures and thinking they’ll be equivalent between the two fonts. The odds are very, very high they won’t be.

So is using ch harmful? At the risk of saying it depends, it might not be harmful, but it could be, and there is a far more reliable and appropriate unit to use by way of the rem when it comes to limiting line length in a column of text.

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Learning Circles: A Collaborative Technology-Mediated Peer-Teaching Workshop

This research study explores peer teaching and learning without a domain expert teacher, within the context of an activity where teams of second level students (~16 years old) are required to create a learning experience for their peers. The study looks at how participants would like to be taught and how they would teach their peers if given the opportunity and examines the support they require, their motivation levels, and if they actually learn curriculum content using this approach. An exploratory case study methodology was used, and the findings suggest that students want varied learning experiences that include many of the elements which would fall under the heading of 21st century learning, that with some support and encouragement they can create innovative learning experiences for their peers, and that they can learn curriculum content from the process.


Design and Development of an E-Learning Environment for the Course of Electrical Circuit Analysis


Social Networks in which Users are not Small Circles

Understanding of social network structure and user behavior has important implications for site design, applications (e.g., ad placement policies), accurate modeling for social studies, and design of next-generation infrastructure and content distribution systems. Currently, characterizations of social networks have been dominated by topological studies in which graph representations are analyzed in terms of connectivity using techniques such as degree distribution, diameter, average degree, clustering coefficient, average path length, and cycles. The problem is that these parameters are not completely satisfactory in the sense that they cannot account for individual events and have only limited use, since one can produce a set of synthetic graphs that have the exact same metrics or statistics but exhibit fundamentally different connectivity structures. In such an approach, a node drawn as a small circle represents an individual. A small circle reflects a black box model in which the interior of the node is blocked from view. This paper focuses on the node level by considering the structural interiority of a node to provide a more fine-grained understanding of social networks. Node interiors are modeled by use of six generic stages: creation, release, transfer, arrival, acceptance, and processing of the artifacts that flow among and within nodes. The resulting description portrays nodes as comprising mostly creators (e.g., of data), receivers/senders (e.g., bus boys), and processors (re-formatters). Two sample online social networks are analyzed according to these features of nodes. This examination points to the viability of the representational method for characterization of social networks.



Research suggests that the structure of trainee reactions is captured with as few as one or as many as eleven dimensions. It is commonly understood that reactions contain both affective and cognitive components. To date, however, training research focuses largely on affective reactions that range from pleasant to unpleasant (i.e., valence). Here, we expand and further refine the construct of affective trainee reactions by including reactions that are more and less activating versions of pleasantness (e.g., excitement and calm, respectively) and unpleasantness (e.g., stress and boredom, respectively). We develop and validate a new measure based on this model and argue that the structure of affective reactions has implications for better understanding learning and course reputation outcomes. Results from a short online training indicate that reactions were best explained by four factors: pleasant activation (e.g., excitement), pleasant deactivation (e.g., calm), unpleasant activation (e.g., stress), and unpleasant deactivation (e.g., boredom). The relationships between these reactions and training outcomes suggest what is most beneficial for course reputation outcomes (i.e., pleasant activating reactions) may not benefit learning; what is most beneficial for learning (i.e., pleasant deactivating reactions) may benefit course reputation outcomes but slightly less so.


Health Circumstances Demand a Longer, Deeper Timeout

Personal: I ran headfirst into a bit of a classic burnout two years ago. I’m still recovering from it. I’ve been trying to maintain a presence and not make this condition show too much, but I need to scale down the rest of my presence too for a while in order to reset and recharge.

I’ve been starting and re-starting writing this post way too many times now. I’ve decided to just post it as a stream of consciousness, readable or not as it may be, rather than my usual bar of having some sort of clear red thread with step-by-step logical coherence.

Two years ago, while moving from Stockholm to Berlin, I hit the infamous brick wall. I became incapable of most work that required any form of vehicular travel — I was literally limited to walking distance. Yes, it felt as ridiculous as it sounds, but it was just a matter of accepting the lay of the land and working with it. At the time, I was able to maintain some illusion of normality while starting to wind down and recover behind the scenes, thanks to being able to work remotely. I’ve since stopped working altogether — or so I thought, at least — and focusing on recharging.

When you drive a solar-powered rover too aggressively in Kerbal Space Program and the sun goes down, the batteries deplete quickly. You can’t start driving the rover again when the sun goes up from its state of depleted batteries, not even at its rated speed; you have to wait until the batteries have recharged, even if the circumstances (i.e. shining sun) should otherwise make you able to operate nominally. This is a little bit the state I’m in: I should nominally be fine, with most of the everyday load reduced significantly, but my batteries are still not recharging at the rate I had expected them to. (Yes, I’m impatient, which is admittedly part of the problem in the first place.)

So to all people who have written to me over this past time that I haven’t responded to: Please accept my apologies. It’s not out of malice or disinterest I haven’t responded, I’m simply getting done in a month what I used to get done in a day, and even that is a marked improvement. The “need to respond” queue is silly long by now, and includes conference invites and whatnot, that I would normally have responded to within minutes. It includes pings from near friends, that I had hoped to spend a lot more time with here in Berlin, as well as distant friends.

A close friend of mine pointed at a recent study about stress, a study looking at burnout symptoms in places with very good work-to-life balance, and the study concluded that the body doesn’t make a difference between obligations for work or obligations that are felt outside of work for any other reason than money. And she’s right: I’ve been feeling a pressure to shoot video, to code open-source projects, to participate in the community. I need to, bluntly speaking, drop all of these expectations for the foreseeable future. “Go off-grid” is a little too harsh, but I’ll need to turn off the expectation heartbeat on literally everything. I’ll do random things from time to time when I have the energy and desire for it, which unfortunately won’t be most of the time.

These recoveries basically take whatever damn time they please. I could have recharged batteries in six months, in a year, in ten years. I have honestly no idea and therefore I’m not setting any expectations, in either direction.

Time for a deeper and longer break.

I’d like to say “I’ll be back”, but I don’t think the person on the other side of this recovery is going to be the same person I am today. I am sure I will still want to change the world for the better, somehow. I just can’t tell today how I’ll be wanting to change the world tomorrow. So even though I’ll very likely be back doing something, it’ll very likely not be the exact same things I’ve done up until this point.


Vans "The Circle" BMX Shop Video Contest

VANS should already be known for to set up massive BMX events for the scene. In keeping with the current situation, things are going a little differently this time. With the video contest "The Circle" Vans would like to support the local BMX shops as well as their scene and riders. 10 BMX shops from Europe will take part, which will compete for a total of 20,000 euros in prize money. We are also invited with the kunstform BMX Shop Stuttgart and are really looking forward to the project! You can find the official press release from VANS below. We will of course keep you up to date.

Vans Europe are excited to announce a new initiative to support local BMX stores, their riders and their communities. The Circle is a brand new Vans BMX filming competition where 10 BMX shops from across the UK, Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Russia will go head to head for the chance to win up to €10,000 in prize money.

Filmed entirely at their local spots, The Circle will be a real chance for local BMX communities to showcase their crew of talent to viewers across the world – pros, ams, local heroes, creatives – everyone who contributes to their scene and makes their BMX circle what it is.

All full edits will be available to view on from November 6th for the public to vote on their “Fan Favourite”, before The Circle will culminate in a live one-hour online screening on 14th November.

Vans will bring together some of the most prolific names in the BMX world to judge the competition – including Dakota Roche, Alex Valentino, Peter Adam, Jon Taylor.
Keep your fingers crossed, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Related links:


Vans "The Circle" Meet The Teams Video

In post # 2 of the VANS "The Circle" series, it's our turn now. In our "Meet The Teams" video, Daniel Fuhrmann introduces the kunstform BMX Shop Stuttgart and the team of riders that will take part in the VANS video contest .

Have fun with the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Related links:


Vans "The Circle" Final Team Video

The VANS "The Circle" BMX Shop Online Video Contest is in full swing. Our video from Stuttgart is now also published on A huge thanks to Flawless Issues for the awesome track, David Schaller for filming and editing and of course to our team riders Felix Prangenberg, Miguel Smajli, Felix Donat, Artur Meister and Daniel Fuhrmann.

Have fun with the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!


Vans "The Circle" BMX Shop Video Contest

VANS is known for putting on awesome BMX events for the scene. After the Vans "The Circle" contest was a huge success last year, the contest is back in an even bigger version this year! With the video contest "The Circle" Vans would like to support the local BMX shops as well as their scene and drivers. 19 BMX shops from all over the world will take part, which will compete for a total of 20,000 euros in prize money. We are also a part of it with the kunstform BMX Shop Berlin and are really looking forward to the project! Our team riders Felix Prangenberg, Miguel Smajli, Robin Kachfi, Justin Rudd, Elias Bauer, Konsty Rudobashta and Paul Thölen are extremely motivated to go in! If you are curious to learn more about it check the interview with Thommy Ebeling and Daniel Fuhrmann on Dig BMX. You can find the official press release from VANS below. We will of course keep you up to date.

We're stoked to announce that Vans 'The Circle' is back for 2021 and this year it's even bigger and better than ever with 19 shops competing from around the globe, and the addition of a photography award to add some extra creative juice into the mix.

Filmed entirely at their local spots, The Circle will be a real chance for local BMX communities to showcase their crew of talent to viewers across the world – pros, ams, local heroes, creatives – everyone who contributes to their scene and makes their BMX circle what it is.

All full edits will be available to view on from October 13th for the public to vote.

Vans will bring together some of the most prolific names in the BMX world to judge the competition – including Dennis Enarson, Dan Lacey, Angie Marino, Calvin Kosovich.
Root for us, Your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Related links:


Vans "The Circle" 2021 - Vote for kunstform

The VANS "The Circle" BMX Shop Online Video Contest is in full swing. Our video from Berlin is now also published on A huge thanks to Happy Diving for the awesome track, Felix Prangenberg for filming and editing and of course to our team riders Paul Thölen, Miguel Smajli, Robin Kachfi, Justin Rudd, Konsty Rudobashta and Elias Bauer.

Have fun with the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!


U.S. identifies Beijing's mayor and current, past politburo members in Xi Jinping's inner circle

Chinese President Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and chairman of its Central Military Commission, has emerged in the past two years as the country's most powerful ruler since Mao Zedong.


Wege Prize’s Legacy of Advancing a Circular Economy Accentuates Earth Day’s Ideals

As Earth Day 2024 spotlights ways to eliminate plastics, the Wege Prize is shining a spotlight on its innovative student teams that have created real-world solutions recently.


ASSA ABLOY’s Rockwood Products Receive GreenCircle Certification

ASSA ABLOY announced the company’s latest GreenCircle Certifications and Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) for architectural door accessories, which include the following Rockwood Products: locking pull LP3301; MegaTek pulls; MezzoTek pulls; GeoMetek pulls; BandWidth pulls; vandal resistant pull; offset pull and push bar; pull plates including 105x70C, 107x70C, and 111x70C; as well as ASSA ABLOY glass solutions products 4-in. square and tapered door rails, and the PDU8000-3 panic device.


Security’s Critical Role in Tragic Circumstances

The security industry recognizes those who go above and beyond to help prevent and mitigate tragedies like the recent Highland Park shooting.  


Security’s Critical Role in Tragic Circumstances

Diversity is the key to solving the security talent crisis. 


The Complex Maze of Business Circumstances

Have you ever been to one of those corn mazes that pop up every October?


Safely operating a circular saw

When working with a circular saw, one moment of distraction or carelessness is all it takes for tragedy to strike.


Portable ground fault circuit interrupter

The Super-Safeway portable ground fault circuit interrupter is available in various voltages on 20A circuit and has earned the IP69K rating – the highest level of protection against the penetration of high-pressure, high-temperature water and dust.


Circuit breaker lockout

The STOPOUT Simple Circuit Breaker Lockout holds tightly onto a circuit breaker for a secure and solid lockout.


Circuit breaker lockout device

Available now in S3821, S3822 and S3823 models, Grip Tight Plus Circuit Breaker Lockout Devices allow workers to reliably lock out an even greater range of circuit breaker applications, including on multi-pole breakers, most tie-bar toggle breakers, and molded case or oversized breakers up to 600 volts.


PureCircle: Sweetener Solution

Sigma Syrup provides superior taste and overcomes solubility challenges encountered when using other stevia sweeteners in products, which are high in sweetness intensity, such as syrups and liquid tabletop sweeteners.


Air circulator

The non-oscillating Safety Yellow Air Circulator meets OSHA safety standards and has a hinged guard for easy cleaning.


PureCircle Zero Added Sugar Gourmet Ice Cream

The launch of the new ice cream – with the company’s name on the labels -- demonstrates PureCircle’s confidence in the great taste of its next generation non-GMO stevia sweeteners.  They are an important break-through. The capabilities of these sweeteners and the company’s unique expertise in formulating with them are what make possible the delicious ‘PureCircle’ ice cream.


Circana Research Highlights Global Opportunities to Support Consumer Pursuit of Well-Being

The report, “Tapping Into the Global Consumer Well-Being Opportunity,” reveals the complexity of personal well-being, with consumers turning to solutions as varied as physical activity, social media, food, pet ownership, beauty, and books, among many other products and services, to harmonize their physical, mental, and social well-being.


Circle K Offers Exclusive Gatorade Lightning Blast for Summer

In partnership with PepsiCo, a global leader in convenient foods and beverages, the thirst-stop destination will bring the storm with the exclusive and limited-edition flavor, Gatorade Lightning Blast. 


Ecore’s New Rubber Recycling Program Helps Customers Achieve Circularity

Ecore International has been upcycling rubber into high-performance surfaces for over 40 years. The firm announces the launch of its TRUcircularity program, which aims to eliminate rubber waste by recycling and reimagining every end-of-life rubber floor. 


Global Drain Technologies Debuts Circular Catch Basin for 10,000 Series FoodSafe Slot Drain

Designed for the food and beverage industries, this addition to GDT's FoodSafe product line offers enhanced cleaning efficiency and water flow, catering to the stringent hygiene requirements of food production facilities.


Research Intern 2021 - Devices, Circuits & Systems, Interns/Students, Cambridge, UK, Research

Research Internships 2021 – DCS

Arm is the industry's leading supplier of microprocessor technology providing efficient, low-power chip intelligence making electronic innovations come to life.  Through our partners, our designs power everything from coffee machines to the fastest supercomputer in the world. Do you want to work on technology that enriches the lives of over 70% of the world’s population?   Our internship programme is now open for applications! We want to hear from curious and enthusiastic candidates interested in working with us on the future generations of compute.

About Arm and Arm Research

Arm plays a key role in our increasingly connected world. Every year, more than 20 billion products featuring Arm technology are shipped.  Our engineers design and develop CPUs, graphics processors, complex system technologies, supporting software development tools, and physical libraries.

At Arm Research, we develop new technology that can grow into new business opportunities. We keep Arm up to speed with recent technological developments by pursuing blue-sky research programmes, collaborating with academia, and integrating emerging technologies into the wider Arm ecosystem.  Our research activities cover a wide range of fields from mobile and personal computing to server, cloud, and HPC computing. Our work and our researchers span a diverse range from circuits to theoretical computer science. We all share a passion for learning and creating.

About the devices, circuits and systems group and our work

We are looking for interns to join our Devices, Circuits and Systems Research team; we want to hear from candidates interested in delivering post-Moore scaling and pushing compute past the limits of power, cost, and performance. Our research activities cover a wide range of chip design challenges such as:

  • Delivering power to multi-GHz processors
  • Crafting performant and energy-efficient systems with emerging post-Moore memory and switching devices
  • 3D stacking
  • Designing microwatt sub-threshold microcontrollers
  • Realising 1 cent disposable printed electronics
  • Prototyping battery-less sensor nodes.





Intern, Research - Devices, Circuits, and Systems, Interns/Students, Austin (TX), USA, Research

rm is the industry's leading supplier of microprocessor technology providing efficient, low-power chip intelligence making electronic innovations come to life.  Through our partners, our designs power everything from coffee machines to the fastest supercomputer in the world. Do you want to work on technology that enriches the lives of over 70% of the world’s population?   Our internship program is now open for applications! We want to hear from curious and enthusiastic candidates interested in working with us on the future generations of compute.  

About Arm and Arm Research 

Arm plays a key role in our increasingly connected world. Every year, more than 20 billion products featuring Arm technology are shipped.  Our engineers design and develop CPUs, graphics processors, complex system technologies, supporting software development tools, and physical libraries. 

At Arm Research, we develop new technology that can grow into new business opportunities. We keep Arm up to speed with recent technological developments by pursuing blue-sky research programs, collaborating with academia, and integrating emerging technologies into the wider Arm ecosystem.  Our research activities cover a wide range of fields from mobile and personal computing to server, cloud, and HPC computing. Our work and our researchers span a diverse range from circuits to theoretical computer science. We all share a passion for learning and creating. 

About the devices, circuits and systems group and our work 

We are looking for interns to join our Devices, Circuits and Systems Research team; we want to hear from candidates interested in delivering post-Moore scaling and pushing compute past the limits of power, cost, and performance. Our research activities cover a wide range of chip design challenges such as: 

  • Delivering power to multi-GHz processors 

  • Crafting performant and energy-efficient systems with emerging post-Moore memory and switching devices 

  • 3D stacking 

  • Designing microwatt sub-threshold microcontrollers 

  • Realising 1 cent disposable printed electronics 

  • Prototyping battery-less sensor nodes  


Crystal structures and circular dichroism of {2,2'-[(1S,2S)-1,2-di­phenyl­ethane-1,2-diylbis(nitrilophenyl­methanylyl­idene)]diphenolato}nickel(II) and its ethanol solvate

A chiral nickel(II) Schiff base complex derived from 2-hy­droxy­benzo­phenone and (1S,2S)-1,2-di­phenyl­ethyl­enedi­amine shows a λ conformation of the central di­amine chelate ring. The substituents on the C&z-dbnd;N carbon atoms significantly affect the circular dichroism spectra.


Crystal structures and circular dichroism of {2,2'-[(1S,2S)-1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diylbis(nitrilophenylmethanylylidene)]diphenolato}nickel(II) and its ethanol solvate

The title compound, [Ni(C40H30N2O2)] (1), with an optically active Schiff base ligand derived from 2-hydroxybenzophenone and (1S,2S)-1,2-diphenylethylenediamine, was crystallized as the solvent-free and ethanol solvate forms (1 and 1·2C2H5OH). In both structures, the two phenyl groups on the stereogenic centers of the O,N,N,O-tetradentate ligand are axially oriented, and the conformation of the central diamine chelate ring is λ. The circular dichroism (CD) spectra of 1 and the analogous nickel(II) complex [Ni(C30H26N2O2)] (2) in solution show partially similar patterns in the 350–450 nm range, but are mirror images in the longer wavelength region (450–650 nm). In the latter region, the sign of CD for these complexes is sensitive to the substituents on the C=N carbon atoms (phenyl for 1 and methyl for 2) rather than the diamine chelate ring conformation.


Prediction of the treatment effect of FLASH radiotherapy with synchrotron radiation from the Circular Electron–Positron Collider (CEPC)

The Circular Electron–Positron Collider (CEPC) in China can also work as an excellent powerful synchrotron light source, which can generate high-quality synchrotron radiation. This synchrotron radiation has potential advantages in the medical field as it has a broad spectrum, with energies ranging from visible light to X-rays used in conventional radiotherapy, up to several megaelectronvolts. FLASH radiotherapy is one of the most advanced radiotherapy modalities. It is a radiotherapy method that uses ultra-high dose rate irradiation to achieve the treatment dose in an instant; the ultra-high dose rate used is generally greater than 40 Gy s−1, and this type of radiotherapy can protect normal tissues well. In this paper, the treatment effect of CEPC synchrotron radiation for FLASH radiotherapy was evaluated by simulation. First, a Geant4 simulation was used to build a synchrotron radiation radiotherapy beamline station, and then the dose rate that the CEPC can produce was calculated. A physicochemical model of radiotherapy response kinetics was then established, and a large number of radiotherapy experimental data were comprehensively used to fit and determine the functional relationship between the treatment effect, dose rate and dose. Finally, the macroscopic treatment effect of FLASH radiotherapy was predicted using CEPC synchrotron radiation through the dose rate and the above-mentioned functional relationship. The results show that the synchrotron radiation beam from the CEPC is one of the best beams for FLASH radiotherapy.


FilmWeek Flashback: ‘Circus Of Books’ Explores The Legacy Of Iconic Los Angeles LGBTQ Bookstore

Circus of Books storefront.; Credit: Netflix/Circus Of Books (2020)


The documentary “Circus of Books”  tells the story of two book stores, one in West Hollywood and the other in Silver Lake, operated by Karen and Barry Mason, who became accidental book sellers. They also became real pillars of the LGBTQ communties. Rachel Mason is the daughter of the masons and she’s also the filmmaker. Larry talked with Rachel about “Circus of Books” when it was first released on Netflix. Today on FilmWeek, we excerpt a portion of that conversation. 

This conversation aired during FilmWeek’s Saturday broadcast. 


Rachel Mason, director of the Netflix documentary ‘Circus of Books’ and daughter of Circus of Books owners Karen and Barry Mason; she tweets @RachelMasonArt

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


Pandemic Pomp and Circumstance: Graduation Looks Different This Year (Again)

; Credit: /Michelle Kondrich for NPR

Elissa Nadworny and Eda Uzunlar | NPR

In Jasmine Williams' family, graduating from the University of Michigan is a rite of passage. Her parents met on the campus, and her older sister graduated from the school a few years ago. She remembers sitting bundled up in the family section for that graduation. "It was overwhelming to feel so many people that proud," she says, "I remember sitting there watching her, and that was probably the first time I was like, 'OK, yeah, I like this. I can't wait to do this.'

This year, Williams' own graduation will look a bit different. The main undergraduate ceremony will be all virtual, though the university has invited students to watch that ceremony from the football stadium on campus known as the Big House. There will be no family members in attendance, and students will be required to have a negative COVID-19 test result to enter.

"I think it's hard not to downplay it when it's reduced to a Zoom," says Williams. But come Saturday, she's planning on donning her cap and gown and heading to the stadium with friends. "Knowing that we are going to the Big House to watch together as a class makes everything way more enjoyable for the weekend; to be able to at least get some remnants of what I witnessed years ago with my sister." Her family plans to host a streaming party from their home in Detroit.

As an academic year like no other comes to an end, colleges and universities are celebrating their graduates in a variety of ways. Some schools, like the University of Idaho and Virginia Tech are hosting multiple smaller, in-person ceremonies to comply with social distancing mandates. Others, like Iowa State, are hosting large ceremonies in football stadiums and outdoor arenas. There's also a handful that are doing virtual-only again, like the University of Washington and Portland State University. At some schools, including the University of Michigan and Emmanuel College in Boston, in-person events are restricted to just graduates; family and friends have to watch from a livestream.

For lots of students, the effort to be in-person is greatly appreciated. "You work hard those four years, you dream of that day, getting to graduate in-person and walk across the stage," says Jamontrae Christmon, a graduating senior at Tennessee State University in Nashville. For most of the year he assumed graduation would be virtual. He even sent out his graduation announcements to friends and family — and left the date off. Weeks later, he learned TSU would actually hold a May 1st in-person ceremony in the football stadium.

"I haven't been sleeping much this week at all. I'm just happy. Excited," says Christmon.

But planning for an event in an ongoing public health emergency has proven to be stressful. Steve Bennett, the chief of staff for academic affairs at Syracuse University, has worked to create commencement ceremonies that are as close to a normal year as possible.

"This may be the single most challenging special event that our team has put together, maybe ever," explains Bennett. "And it's because we keep having to plan towards a moving target."

Syracuse's plan for graduation is to have multiple smaller commencement ceremonies in their stadium; everyone in attendance has to be fully vaccinated or show proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test. According to state guidance, the stadium can only reach 10 % capacity, so graduates are limited to two guests per person. Despite the restrictions, the team that planned the ceremonies is determined to make it one that the class of 2021 deserves.

"The students have been through a lot this year. Graduating seniors lost a number of student experiences due to pandemic conditions that are important to them," says Bennett. That's why having the in-person component was essential. "It was really important to the university, given [the seniors'] commitment to us, that we have a commitment to them."

At California Lutheran University, in Thousand Oaks, Calif., graduation will be celebrated as a drive-in style event at the Ventura County Fairgrounds. Each graduate can bring one carful of people to the fairgrounds parking lot, which can accommodate up to 700 vehicles. Inspired by the city's drive-in concert events, there'll be a stage with speakers and a jumbo screen.

"That's ultimately what led us to our decision to have it at the fairgrounds. Since it's a drive-in and they're staying in their cars, they were allowed to bring family... that was just really important to us," says Karissa Oien, who works in academic affairs at California Lutheran University and is the lead organizer for the drive-in commencement. She's been planning the university's ceremonies for 13 years, and knows how important graduation can be — not just for students, but for those who helped them along the way as well.

"We wanted to have that moment again. Where the families can see their students cross the stage and be there with them."

Jamontrae Christmon, the graduating senior from Tennessee State University, will have his parents, an uncle and one of his sisters there with him at Hale Stadium. "It's just something about your parents being there," says Christmon, "you want to look into the audience and maybe see your parents and you hear them scream your name when they call your name to walk across the stage."

As the day gets closer, Christmon says he's been thinking about the moments of self-doubt he had along the way. "I could have easily said 'I'm not cut out for college' and just gave up, but I didn't." He says his family was a big part of that motivation.

"Not many in my family even attended college, let alone graduated. So this is a big deal," says Christmon. "To me it means I broke the cycle. And that's what they always wanted."

He expects his mother will cry, and likely, he will too.

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


Prescribers Should Restrict the Use of Non-FDA-Approved Compounded Bioidentical Hormones, Except for Specific Medical Circumstances

The use of compounded bioidentical hormone therapies (cBHTs) — an increasingly popular approach to relieve symptoms of menopause and male hypogonadism — should be limited to the small number of patients who cannot benefit from an FDA-approved hormone therapy product, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Industry and Government Should Begin Planning Carbon Dioxide Utilization in Circular Economy, Says New Report

As part of the shift to a net-zero carbon emissions economy, industry and government should begin planning for the deployment of carbon dioxide utilization systems to turn captured CO2 into useful products, such as aviation fuel and aggregates for construction.


Circle K brings new Godzilla movie to life with limited-edition food lineup

Circle K partners with Warner Bros., Legendary Pictures to bring Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire to life.


PureCircle clean taste solutions offer sweetness by category

PureCircle's new stevia solutions optimize taste performance and sugar reduction across food and beverage categories.


Baker Perkins TruBake HiCirc convection oven

The new TruBake HiCirc convection oven launched by Baker Perkins brings higher rates of convection, higher heat flux, and a broader range of product capability than its predecessors. 


PureCircle receives approval of stevia ingredients from bioconversion

PureCircle will offer three ingredients from bioconversion—Reb D, Reb M, and Reb AM—to food and beverage manufacturers across the European Union.


PM Profile: Grundfos launches next generation of circulator pumps

Grundfos announced the launch of the next generation of small circulators for the residential heating market with the introduction of the Grundfos Digital NEXT range — starting with the UPSe 15-58 in late 2022, followed by the release of the new, digital ALPHA 15-58 in early 2023.


Taco Comfort Solutions high efficiency circulator

The 0018e high-efficiency, Bluetooth-enabled circulator brings a new level of control to residential and light commercial hydronic systems.


F.W. Webb's hydronic panels, born of circumstance, succeed

Leave it to good old fashioned ingenuity. F.W. Webb recognized an opportunity during the pandemic that resulted in a new revenue stream and an influx of satisfied customers.


Circulator pump reliability in extreme conditions

On a military base in east-central Alaska — where the average winter temperature is 16° F with lows that fall well below minus 50° at times — dependable, low-maintenance winter heating systems are critical for the active-duty military families and Department of Defense civilians who live on the military post.


Taco Comfort Solutions ECM circulator pump

Taco Comfort Solutions has expanded its family of easy-to-use, high-efficiency ECM circulators with the addition of the 0026e.


John Siegenthaler: Variable speed circulators for boiler protection

 All boilers that burn hydrocarbon fuels such as natural gas, propane, oil or wood produce water vapor as a byproduct of combustion.


PM Profile: Canadian company brings first-ever recirculating shower to U.S. market

RainStick Shower co-founders Alisha McFetridge and Sean McFetridge share a longtime passion for water conservation. In 2019, the two began building the North American Market’s first water circulating shower. Supply House Times Chief Editor Natalie Forster sat down with Alisha McFetridge to dive into RainStick Shower’s backstory and plans for the future.


Water safety in DHW recirculation

Domestic hot water recirculation system design is a hot topic in our industry, for good reason.