
Legalize Freedom Button

Show your support for freedom of thoughts and actions with the Legalize Freedom Button - Left Wing, Right Wing, Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, it just doesn't seem to matter much any more. They all are trying to pass more laws one way or another to dictate how we think, how we live, restricting how they think we should think and how they think we should live. It doesn't matter anymore if you agree with conservative or liberal ideals. Having different ideas, thoughts and attitudes is what use to make the United States terrific. We didn't use to have the politicians shoving their personal beliefs down our throats. We use to be able think and act for ourselves. We use to be able to be responsible for our own lives and our own decisions. Freedom use to be legal. Freedom of choice use to mean something. The freedom to choose anything is almost non-existent anymore. Left Wing, Right Wing, Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, it just doesn't matter any more, all of their beliefs that they try passing laws on telling us how to think, breath and live will only lead to one thing eventually... socialism and communism... UNLESS it is stopped before it is too late. Legalize Freedom! Enough is enough already!! Stop restricting us! Stop telling us how you say we should think! Stop telling us how we should live! Stop trying to protect us from us! Let us think for ourselves! Let us act for ourselves! Let us be responsible for our own lives! Let us be responsible for our own decisions! LEGALIZE FREEDOM!!


Martial Arts Therapy Button

This Button will help you show your passion and dedication to your martial arts discipline and that it truly is better than therapy - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's martial arts. Who needs therapy; when the martial arts are your outlet? There can be several reasons of why you do not need therapy when you use martial arts as therapy. In martial arts, whether it is taekwondo, karate, kung fu or jujutsu, there is a physical and mental level of discipline that is achieved that overflows into every area of your life, helping you to be able to have respect for others, maintain focus to achieve other goals and also to help overcome problems and situations. Then there is the physical release that martial arts bring whether it is working on your forms, during sparing or breaking boards. Another way that martial arts helps bring tension release and peace top the mind and body is the mental preparation and focus bring a single mind to the task at hand creating self-control, self-restraint and a mental readiness to handle potentially stressful situations and diffuse them easily.


Approach With Caution Button

WARNING: Approach With Caution Button - Let other people know that you need to be approached with caution with the "WARNING: Approach With Caution" 3D Industrial Metal Looking Sign Mega Cool Shirts, Sweatshirts, Clocks, Stickers, Mugs And More. Makes an excellent gift for those that are slighty tempermental too!




Rich Brown Bubble Butt Beauty - Copyright 2009 JiMmY RocKeR PhoToGRaPhY

Rich Brown Bubble Butt Beauty - Copyright 2009 JiMmY RocKeR PhoToGRaPhY


Google Toolbar Button Gallery

This is pretty cool to customize your Google toolbar. I just added the button to allow me to publish to my TypePad blogs with one click of the mouse.

Google Toolbar Button Gallery


Apple to switch its 'Subscribe' button to 'Follow' on Podcasts

Apple to switch its 'Subscribe' button to 'Follow' on Podcasts


Yellow Button Program Launcher for Mac OS X

Yellow Button launches Mac programs and opens folders and documents with a single click. Drag your favorite files and folders to the Yellow Button window.


Yellow Button Version History

Complete version history for Yellow Button program launcher for Mac OS X. Current version is 2.1.9


MacWise and Yellow Button Preparing for MacIntel

By now you have, no doubt, heard that Macs will be running with Intel processors next year. The phase-in will start in 2006 and by 2007, all Macs will be running on Intel chips.


Easy-Download Protector - Secure ClickBank Thank You Page or PayPal Buy Now Button From Product Theft

If you sell any product via ClickBank then the chances are that it's being stolen right this minute! That's crazy because it is easy to STOP Digital Theft. This is a simple solution for any ClickBank merchant or vendor.


Intel's AMD Antitrust Rebuttal: We're Not Bad, You're Just Stupid

Intel fired back at AMD in rebutting its antitrust lawsuit, saying the company has only itself to blame for not being competitive as a microprocessor supplier, with an inability to ship products on time, which helped to earn the...


Butter Mountain?

Fr. John presents his second homily on Psalm 67.


White Button Mushroom Shows Promise in Slowing Prostate Cancer Progression


The Bellybutton, the Beast, and the Beatbox (from Camp St Raphael)

Fr Joseph offers an "audio snapshot" of life at Camp St Raphael - 2011, Session One. (Oh, and for him to hear it, that fat lady will need to sing a little louder.)


Camp St. Sava: Talking about Miracles and the Butterfly Circus

Elissa recounts her week at Camp St. Sava, the official Orthodox summer camp of the Serbian Orthodox Church's Western American Diocese.


Bread, Peanut Butter and Forgiveness


Bread and Peanut Butter and the Forgiveness of Sins

Fr. Lawrence Farley reminds us that the man who trusts God and does what is pleasing to him, such as giving alms to the poor, will experience His favor when his own time of need comes.


Press the Jesus Reset Button

Great Lent. Romans 13: 11 - 14: 4, Matthew 6: 14- 21 Cheesefare Sunday - Forgiveness Sunday


Scots teenager lands butterfly youth champion role

Harris McCutcheon, 17, is representing Scotland on a new Butterfly Conservation panel.


'I'm nursing a blister on my right buttock cheek'

Comedian Paddy McGuinness is attempting to cycle from Wrexham to Glasgow over five days.


The Rhythm Section: Are you ready to see Blake Lively kick some butt

The movie seems like an intense, gripping thriller with a determined female protagonist


Leeds player Junior Firpo gets 3-game ban for alleged headbutt

Leeds defender Junior Firpo has been suspended for three games for allegedly headbutting a Millwall opponent in an off-the-ball incident during a midweek game in England's second-tier Championship.


Populations of grassland butterflies decline almost 50 % over two decades

By http://www.eea.europa.eu/

Grassland butterflies have declined dramatically between 1990 and 2011. This has been caused by intensifying agriculture and a failure to properly manage grassland ecosystems, according to a report from the European Environment Agency (EEA).

The fall in grassland butterfly numbers is particularly worrying, according to the report, because these butterflies are considered to be representative indicators of trends observed for most other terrestrial insects, which together form around two thirds of the world’s species. This means that butterflies are useful indicators of biodiversity and the general health of ecosystems.
Seventeen butterfly species are examined in 'The European Grassland Butterfly Indicator: 1990–2011’, comprising seven widespread and 10 specialist species. Of the 17 species, eight have declined in Europe, two have remained stable and one increased. For six species the trend is uncertain.
Butterflies examined in the report include the Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus), which has declined significantly, the Orangetip (Anthocharis cardamines), which seems to be stable since 1990, and the Lulworth Skipper (Thymelicus acteon), which shows an uncertain trend over the last two decades.
Hans Bruyninckx, EEA Executive Director, said: "This dramatic decline in grassland butterflies should ring alarm bells – in general Europe’s grassland habitats are shrinking. If we fail to maintain these habitats we could lose many of these species forever. We must recognise the importance of butterflies and other insects – the pollination they carry out is essential for both natural ecosystems and agriculture." more...


Towards a Global Butterfly Indicator

UNEP-WCMC, Dutch Butterfly Conservation, and EU BON recently convened a workshop of 14 global experts from the field of butterfly monitoring, specifically the tropics and subtropics. The workshop has catalysed the process for the development of global butterfly monitoring guidelines and the creation of a new specialist butterfly monitoring group.

Hosted by GEO BON (Group on Earth Biodiversity Observation Network) at the offices of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) in Leipzig, Germany, the meeting took place on 8th and 9th December 2014. The global experts attending the meeting shared their significant experience and knowledge from the tropics, sub-tropics and deserts; including countries such as Papua New Guinea, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, USA, South Africa, Malaysia, and Liberia.

Blue Copper (Lycaena helle); Credit: Chris van Swaay

Butterfly populations have been monitored in Europe for over 35 years. This monitoring has used standardized protocols, produced long-term datasets, and has resulted in indicators tracking the changes in butterfly populations. These data are proving to be very valuable for informing decision-makers on biodiversity changes and are used at local, national and regional levels to inform conservation management decisions and policies. As a result of the success of schemes in Europe, butterfly monitoring is growing and is now being implemented in countries outside of Europe including North America and Israel using similar protocols.

However, the protocols for butterfly monitoring in temperate regions are not applicable in regions with high numbers of butterfly species such as the tropics. In these biomes methodologies such as fruit-bait traps, counts of puddling butterflies, and timed counts have been used. The aim of this meeting, therefore, was to agree a standard set of methodologies that could be applied globally and from which data could be aggregated through an Essential Biodiversity Variable into a Global Butterfly Indicator.

The main agenda items and points of discussion were an overview of current butterfly monitoring, structured by continent and habitat, with emphasis on the different protocols; steps to process count data into indicators and trends; essential variables required to measure changes in butterfly populations; compatibility of different protocols and the logistics of creating a global indicator; whether the entire species diversity should be measured or just a portion; and agreement on a standard set monitoring protocols.

This workshop has catalysed the development of a number of products, including: global butterfly monitoring guidelines; the development of a Global Butterfly Indicator; and a suite of scientific journal articles on butterfly monitoring in different regions of the world. The development of an Essential Biodiversity Variable (EBV) ‘butterfly population abundance’ that will facilitate the harmonisation of butterfly monitoring data from different habitat types and regions is also being developed. A new butterfly monitoring specialist group has also been established to provide support for practitioners working in the field of butterfly monitoring and to continue momentum from this workshop.

The standardization of monitoring protocols that can be implemented in any country is crucial for the robust estimation of butterfly populations globally to assess progress towards the 2020 targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). These guidelines can also provide the foundation for developing scenarios for the future of butterfly populations under different policy and management options. The outcomes of this meeting provide a clear path to increased harmonization among the efforts of global butterfly experts in different regions and towards the establishment of a Global Butterfly Indicator.

We would like to thank GEO BON and EU BON for funding this meeting.

Participants of the butterfly monitoring experts meeting at iDiv, Leipzig, Germany, December 2014


Manuscript at the click of a button: Streamlined conversion of metadata for GBIF and DataONE into scholarly manuscripts

Data collection and analysis are at the core of modern research, and often take months or even years during which researchers remain uncredited for their contribution. A new plugin to a workflow previously developed by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and Pensoft, and tested with datasets shared through GBIF and DataONE, now makes it possible to convert metadata into a manuscript for scholarly publications, with a click of a button.

Pensoft has currently implemented the feature for biodiversity, ecological and environmental data. Such records are either published through GBIF or deposited at DataONE, from where the associated metadata can be converted directly into data paper manuscripts within the ARPHA Writing Tool, where the authors may edit and finalize it in collaboration with co-authors and peers and submit it to the Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) with another click. Until now, the GBIF metadata have been exported into an RTF file. The new feature will be also part of future Pensoft projects, including the recently announced Research Ideas & Outcomes (RIO) Journaland the forthcoming Ecology and Sustainability Data Journal.

Metadata can be directly downloaded from the repository site (example with ONEMercury from DataONE) and then imported via the ARPHA Writing tool; Credit: ONEMercury, a tool by DataONE

The concept of the data paper was introduced in the early 2000's by the Ecological Society of America in order to solve issues of handling big data and to make the metadata and the corresponding datasets discoverable and citable. It was then brought to the attention of the biodiversity community in 2011 as a result of a joint GBIF and Pensoft project and later implemented in the routine publishing process in all Pensoft journals.

Since then, Pensoft has been working with GBIF, and subsequently DataONE to automate the process of converting metadata into a human-readable data paper format. The novel workflow means that with only a couple of clicks, publishers of datasets on either GBIF, DataONE or any other portal storing metadata in the same format, may submit a manuscript for peer-review and open access citable publication in BDJ.

The process is simple, yet it brings a lot of benefits. Publishing data does not only mean a citable publication and, thus, credit to the authors and the repository itself, but it also provides the option to improve your work and collect opinion though peer-review. BDJ also shortens the distance between "narrative (text)" and "data" publishing.

"Metadata descriptions (e.g., data about the data) are of primary importance for data dissemination, sharing and re-use, as they give essential information on content, scope, purpose, fitness for use, authorship, usage rights, etc. to any potential user. Authoring detailed metadata in repositories can seem a tedious process, however DataONE users will now benefit from direct export of already created metadata into data paper manuscripts and have even better exposure of their work through discoverability mechanisms and scholarly citations," commented Dr Amber Budden, DataONE Director for Community Engagement and Outreach

"It is great to reap the fruits of a process that started back in 2010. The automated streamlining of biodiversity data between repositories and publisher is an elegant feature that makes publishing a data paper an easy and rewarding process to crown scientists data collection efforts and ensure its use and re-use," added Prof. Lyubomir Penev, Managing Director of Pensoft.

More detailed information on how data authors could use the workflow can be found on the Pensoft blog.


Chavan V, Penev L (2011) The data paper: a mechanism to incentivize data publishing in biodiversity science. BMC Bioinformatics. 12(Suppl 15):S2. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-12-S15-S2

The work has been partially supported by the EC-FP7 EU BON project (ENV 308454, Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network) and the ITN Horizon 2020 project BIG4(Biosystematics, informatics and genomics of the big 4 insect groups: training tomorrow's researchers and entrepreneurs), under Marie Sklodovska-Curie grant agreement No. 542241.



Butterfly monitoring: an important biodiversity loss indicator made easier to measure

Butterfly monitoring at local, national, regional, and global levels is the topic of the first of the GEO BON Technical Series reports produced to provide stakeholders with practical guidance for biodiversity conservation.

The report is jointly produced by GEO BON, EU BON, UNEP-WCMC, the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and Dutch Butterfly Conservation, as a follow up of a joint workshop, which took place in December 2014, to catalyse the process for the development of global butterfly monitoring guidelines and the creation of a new specialist butterfly monitoring group.

The report titled "Guidelines for Standardised Global Butterfly Monitoring" provides a suite of standard field protocols that can measure butterfly population change over various spatial and temporal scales, and that can be applied in any part of the world.

The importance of butterfly monitoring programmes lies in the fact that they provide information about population trends and changes that can be then used as indicators of biodiversity and environmental change outside of the butterfly context.

The guidelines are intended for scheme coordinators, i.e. people wishing to establish butterfly monitoring in any part of the world. The guidelines explain how to set up butterfly monitoring that can provide consistent and comparable results between sites and between years, consistent with international standards.


The ambition behind this new publication is that butterfly populations around the world are well monitored, thereby providing vital information on how these insect populations and other parts of biodiversity are changing. This information is important for feeding into local, national, regional, and global decision-making to help reduce biodiversity loss as well as raising awareness of butterflies and biodiversity in general.


Original Source:

Van Swaay, C., Regan, E., Ling, M., Bozhinovska, E., Fernandez, M., Marini-Filho, O.J., Huertas, B., Phon, C.-K., Kőrösi, A., Meerman, J., Pe’er, G., Uehara-Prado, M., Sáfián, S., Sam, L., Shuey, J., Taron, D., Terblanche, R., and Underhill, L. (2015). Guidelines for Standardised Global Butterfly Monitoring. Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network, Leipzig, Germany. GEO BON Technical Series 1, 32pp.



Initial population trends from a 5-year butterfly monitoring scheme


CLIMBER: Climatic niche characteristics of the butterflies in Europe


Assessing impacts of land abandonment on Mediterranean biodiversity using indicators based on bird and butterfly monitoring data


A regionally informed abundance index for supporting integrative analyses across butterfly monitoring schemes


Guidelines for Standardised Global Butterfly Monitoring


New NJ law mandates panic buttons for hotel housekeepers

Trenton, NJ — Calling it the first state law of its kind, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) on June 11 signed a bill intended to help protect hotel housekeeping and room service workers against assault and harassment.


New Illinois law requires panic buttons for hotel, casino staff working alone

Springfield, IL — Beginning July 1, hotels and casinos in Illinois will be required to have anti-sexual harassment policies that include, for certain workers, access to a safety button or notification device that alerts security staff.


Mayday: Firefighter deaths spur advisory on portable radio emergency alert buttons

Washington — A new NIOSH safety advisory highlights the importance of training firefighters and dispatchers on the use of portable radio emergency alert buttons during mayday events.


Washington L&I releases employer guidance on panic buttons for hotel workers

Tumwater, WA — The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries has published guidance on a new state law intended to protect workers in the hospitality industry from sexual harassment and assault.


Butterfly valve lockout device

The S3920 Butterfly Valve Lockout device is wedge-shaped and slides smoothly between the butterfly valve handle and the lever in an open, de-energized position.


Butterball Farms: Savory Flavor

Few flavors evoke a rich and savory flavor more than garlic herb butter. Consumers crave its extraordinary flavor and smooth, creamy texture from steakhouses and fine dining. 


Butter Buds: Versatile, Full Flavor

Butter Buds® Inc., a global leader in dairy and non-dairy concentrates, introduces its latest ingredient innovation, Cheese Buds® 32X Cheddar.


Butter Buds: Big Chocolate Flavor

Milk Buds Plus serves up rich dairy taste, delivering a fatty mouthfeel and flavor masking, ideal for a variety of confectionery products, beverages and bakery fillings.


Wesson Plant Butters

Wesson Plant Butters expand the home cooking possibilities with a 100% plant based, dairy and preservative free, vegan option.


Voyage Foods Peanut Butter (Made Without Peanuts)

Voyage Foods, helmed by a dynamic team of food scientists on a mission to accurately and sustainably recreate the world's favorite foods, will be launching its first product—peanut butter (made without peanuts)—to consumers this fall, followed by chocolate without cacao and coffee without the coffee bean in 2022.


Butter Buds: All Flavor—No Allergen

According to Mintel’s US 2022 Trending Flavors and Ingredients in Dairy report, more than half (57%) of American adults now consume dairy alternatives as part of their diet. Health consciousness, growing lactose intolerance and the preference for vegan diets have all contributed to the popularity of dairy alternatives. 


SunButter Jammies

Jammies fill the void of nut allergen-free crustless sandwiches and give consumers and retailers an option that is school-friendly, travel-friendly, and tastebud- friendly.


Butterfly Separates Bolthouse Farms’ Fresh Produce and Premium Fresh Beverage Businesses

Bolthouse Fresh Foods will carry on the century-old legacy of Bolthouse Farms as a leading supplier of fresh carrots to retailers across North America, with nearly 700 million pounds of carrots sold annually. 


PB2 Crunchy Powdered Peanut Butter

With 70% fewer calories and 85% less fat than traditional peanut butter, PB2 Crunchy delivers a slew of functional benefits, including 5g of plant-based protein per serving.


Tattooed Chef Oat Butter Bars

Each Non-GMO Project Verified Oat Butter Bar contains 12-14g of plant-based pea protein, no added sugars, no soy, and no gluten. They are available in four flavors.


ONE Brands Reese's Peanut Butter Lovers, Hershey's Cookies 'n' Crème Protein Bar

Candy fanatics and protein enthusiasts alike can now enjoy the smooth taste of iconic Reese's peanut butter in a new, better-for-you format with 18g of protein and 3g of sugar.


Betterine Butter Alternative

Betterine is an alternative to butter and margarine that’s 100% free of dairy products, chemicals, and additives. It can be used in to achieve results without compromising taste or texture.