
National return to work strategy 2020-2030 : a national strategy to drive and leverage national action to improve return to work outcomes for workers with a work-related injury or illness / Safe Work Australia.


Understanding the Stolen Generations through their stories : from the inaugural Stolen Generation Summit Elder Abuse Prevention and Positive Aging Summit : a resource for the aged care workforce / ARAS.

Two Aboriginal Elders, one of whom had been removed from her family as a child, and the other who was affected by siblings and other family members being removed, provided consent to share their personal stories specifically for this resource, with the vision that people would be better informed and communication improved when delivering care. To respect their privacy, their stories have been de-identified.


Review of the Australian Qualifications Framework : final report 2019.


Skills and workforce development agreement / Australian Government Productivity Commission.

The National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development (NASWD) was agreed by the Australian, State and Territory governments in 2009 and updated in 2012. The NASWD sets out goals for skills attainment by Australians through the vocational education and training (VET) system and commitments to reforms to ensure that the system is accessible, produces high quality services and operates efficiently. This study will assess progress made by governments against the NASWD, and whether the agreement is still an effective long-term framework for government policy and cooperation.


Stigma & Resilience Framework : (National strategic framework to address HIV stigma and build resilience capacity for people living with HIV) / written and edited by Brent Allan and Kirsten Machon.

"The HIV resilience framework will be of relevance to a wide range of people involved at all levels of the HIV response. We hope it provides encouragement for government decision makers and policy developers to pursue consistent and enabling policy and legislative environments and work cooperatively between jurisdictions and across departments to achieve best practice. Our consultation suggests that consistent legislation with the goal of supporting strong health outcomes, making disclosure safe, and eliminating stigmatising laws is crucial to creating environments in which people with HIV feel safe to access testing, treatment, and care. The HIV resilience framework also contains valuable insights for those who have responsibility for HIV health program management and service delivery, providing guidance to help ensure that programs, services, interventions or strategies supporting people living with HIV are developed and delivered in a way that is mindful of the interlinked twin goals of building personal resilience and eliminating stigma and discrimination." --President's message (page 6).


Transition to Work Interim Evaluation Report.


A reproducible framework for 3D acoustic forward modelling of hard rock geological models with Madagascar / Andrew Squelch, Mahyar Madadi, Milovan Urosevic.

"A special challenge of hard rock exploration is to identify targets of interest within complex geological settings. Interpretation of the geology can be made from direct geological observations and knowledge of the area, and from 2D or 3D seismic surveys. These interpretations can be developed into 3D geological models that provide the basis for predictions as to likely targets for drilling and/or mining. To verify these predictions we need to simulate 3D seismic wave propagation in the proposed geological models and compare the simulation results to seismic survey data. To achieve this we convert geological surfaces created in an interpretation software package into discretised block models representing the different lithostratigraphic units, and segment these into discrete volumes to which appropriate density and seismic velocity values are assigned. This approach allows us to scale models appropriately for desired wave propagation parameters and to go from local to global geological models and vice versa. Then we use these digital models with forward modelling codes to undertake numerous 3D acoustic wave simulations. Simulations are performed with single shot and with exploding reflector (located on extracted geological surface) configurations" -- Summary.


2018-21 strategic workforce plan / Australian Maritime Safety Authority.


Mobile elevating work platforms (MEWP) guidelines.


The rise of network christianity : how independent leaders are changing the religious landscape / Brad Christerson and Richard Flory.

Pentecostalism -- History -- 21st century.


Alive at work : the neuroscience of helping your people love what they do / Daniel M. Cable.

Employee motivation.


Memory wise : how memory works and what to do when it doesn't / Dr Anne Unkenstein.



No longer newsworthy : how the mainstream media abandoned the working class / Christopher R. Martin.

Working class -- Press coverage -- United States.


The Royal School of Needlework book of embroidery : a guide to essential stitches, techniques and projects.



The no-nonsense guide to leadership, management and teamwork / Barbara Allan.

Library administration.


Wiley Major Reference Works


Betsy DeVos to Visit Manufacturer Where Hundreds of Teachers Work Second Jobs

U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos will hold a workforce event at a South Carolina drug manufacturer that employs hundreds of cash-strapped teachers in second jobs.


This Teacher Is Suing Her District Over Working for Free, Buying School Supplies

School districts have "unconscionably and impermissibly shifted operating costs of the classrooms directly on the financial backs of our teachers," the lawsuit alleges.


Directions for preparing aerated medicinal waters, by means of the improved glass machines made at Leith Glass-Works.

Edinburgh : printed for William Creech, 1787.


The diseases of sedentary and advanced life : a work for medical and lay readers / by J. Milner Fothergill.

London : Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1885.


Edinburgh and District Water Bill. St. Mary's Loch scheme. Speeches of Bailie Lewis, convener of works committee, Edinburgh and District Water Trust, at the meetings of town council, on 30th May and 1st June, 1871.

[Edinburgh] : [publisher not identified], [1871]


Electrical-psychology, or, The electrical philosophy of mental impressions, including a new philosophy of sleep and of consciousness / from the works of J.B. Dods and J.S. Grimes ; revised and edited by H.G. Darling.

London : John J. Griffin, 1851.


Elements of pathology and therapeutics being the outlines of a work, intended to ascertain the nature, causes, and most efficacious modes of prevention and cure, of the greater number of the diseases incidental to the human frame : illustrated by numerous

Bath : And sold by Underwood, London, 1825.


The works of that famous chirurgeon Ambrose Parey / translated out of Latin ; and compared with the French, by Th. Johnson ; together with three tractates concerning the veins, arteries, and nerves: exemplified with large anatomical figures. Translated

London : Printed by Mary Clark, and are to be sold by John Clark, at Mercers Chappel at the Lower End of Cheapside, MDCLXXVIII. [1678]


The head of a Turk, surmounted by an eagle holding thunderbolts, and surmounting a strapwork panel announcing the manners and fashions of the Turks. Process print, 1873, after a woodcut, 1553.


How does my brain work? / by Stacey A. Bedwell.

[Poland] : [Stacey A. Bedwell], 2016.


the little book of work affirmations - a mini zine of positive affirmations to help you survive capitalism



Resilient & resisting: the sex work edition


The Wildcat experiment : an early test of supported work in drug abuse rehabilitation / by Lucy N. Friedman.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1978.


Identifying on-the-job behavioral manifestations of drug abuse : a guide for work supervisors / [Harold Reinich].

New York : Experimental Manpower Laboratory at Mobilization for Youth, Inc., [1971]


Drug-related social work in street agencies : a study by the Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence / Nicholas Dorn and Nigel South.

Norwich : University of East Anglia : Social Work Today, 1984.


Evaluation of the 'progress' pilot projects "from recovery into work" / by Stephen Burniston, Jo Cutter, Neil Shaw, Michael Dodd.

York : York Consulting, 2001.


Collection 03: Gaye Chapman picture book artwork, 2005-2015


Differential network inference via the fused D-trace loss with cross variables

Yichong Wu, Tiejun Li, Xiaoping Liu, Luonan Chen.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1269--1301.

Detecting the change of biological interaction networks is of great importance in biological and medical research. We proposed a simple loss function, named as CrossFDTL, to identify the network change or differential network by estimating the difference between two precision matrices under Gaussian assumption. The CrossFDTL is a natural fusion of the D-trace loss for the considered two networks by imposing the $ell _{1}$ penalty to the differential matrix to ensure sparsity. The key point of our method is to utilize the cross variables, which correspond to the sum and difference of two precision matrices instead of using their original forms. Moreover, we developed an efficient minimization algorithm for the proposed loss function and further rigorously proved its convergence. Numerical results showed that our method outperforms the existing methods in both accuracy and convergence speed for the simulated and real data.


Universal Latent Space Model Fitting for Large Networks with Edge Covariates

Latent space models are effective tools for statistical modeling and visualization of network data. Due to their close connection to generalized linear models, it is also natural to incorporate covariate information in them. The current paper presents two universal fitting algorithms for networks with edge covariates: one based on nuclear norm penalization and the other based on projected gradient descent. Both algorithms are motivated by maximizing the likelihood function for an existing class of inner-product models, and we establish their statistical rates of convergence for these models. In addition, the theory informs us that both methods work simultaneously for a wide range of different latent space models that allow latent positions to affect edge formation in flexible ways, such as distance models. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the methods is demonstrated on a number of real world network data sets for different statistical tasks, including community detection with and without edge covariates, and network assisted learning.


Target Propagation in Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Networks have been widely used to process sequence data, but have long been criticized for their biological implausibility and training difficulties related to vanishing and exploding gradients. This paper presents a novel algorithm for training recurrent networks, target propagation through time (TPTT), that outperforms standard backpropagation through time (BPTT) on four out of the five problems used for testing. The proposed algorithm is initially tested and compared to BPTT on four synthetic time lag tasks, and its performance is also measured using the sequential MNIST data set. In addition, as TPTT uses target propagation, it allows for discrete nonlinearities and could potentially mitigate the credit assignment problem in more complex recurrent architectures.


Expectation Propagation as a Way of Life: A Framework for Bayesian Inference on Partitioned Data

A common divide-and-conquer approach for Bayesian computation with big data is to partition the data, perform local inference for each piece separately, and combine the results to obtain a global posterior approximation. While being conceptually and computationally appealing, this method involves the problematic need to also split the prior for the local inferences; these weakened priors may not provide enough regularization for each separate computation, thus eliminating one of the key advantages of Bayesian methods. To resolve this dilemma while still retaining the generalizability of the underlying local inference method, we apply the idea of expectation propagation (EP) as a framework for distributed Bayesian inference. The central idea is to iteratively update approximations to the local likelihoods given the state of the other approximations and the prior. The present paper has two roles: we review the steps that are needed to keep EP algorithms numerically stable, and we suggest a general approach, inspired by EP, for approaching data partitioning problems in a way that achieves the computational benefits of parallelism while allowing each local update to make use of relevant information from the other sites. In addition, we demonstrate how the method can be applied in a hierarchical context to make use of partitioning of both data and parameters. The paper describes a general algorithmic framework, rather than a specific algorithm, and presents an example implementation for it.


A Unified Framework for Structured Graph Learning via Spectral Constraints

Graph learning from data is a canonical problem that has received substantial attention in the literature. Learning a structured graph is essential for interpretability and identification of the relationships among data. In general, learning a graph with a specific structure is an NP-hard combinatorial problem and thus designing a general tractable algorithm is challenging. Some useful structured graphs include connected, sparse, multi-component, bipartite, and regular graphs. In this paper, we introduce a unified framework for structured graph learning that combines Gaussian graphical model and spectral graph theory. We propose to convert combinatorial structural constraints into spectral constraints on graph matrices and develop an optimization framework based on block majorization-minimization to solve structured graph learning problem. The proposed algorithms are provably convergent and practically amenable for a number of graph based applications such as data clustering. Extensive numerical experiments with both synthetic and real data sets illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. An open source R package containing the code for all the experiments is available at


Optimal Bipartite Network Clustering

We study bipartite community detection in networks, or more generally the network biclustering problem. We present a fast two-stage procedure based on spectral initialization followed by the application of a pseudo-likelihood classifier twice. Under mild regularity conditions, we establish the weak consistency of the procedure (i.e., the convergence of the misclassification rate to zero) under a general bipartite stochastic block model. We show that the procedure is optimal in the sense that it achieves the optimal convergence rate that is achievable by a biclustering oracle, adaptively over the whole class, up to constants. This is further formalized by deriving a minimax lower bound over a class of biclustering problems. The optimal rate we obtain sharpens some of the existing results and generalizes others to a wide regime of average degree growth, from sparse networks with average degrees growing arbitrarily slowly to fairly dense networks with average degrees of order $sqrt{n}$. As a special case, we recover the known exact recovery threshold in the $log n$ regime of sparsity. To obtain the consistency result, as part of the provable version of the algorithm, we introduce a sub-block partitioning scheme that is also computationally attractive, allowing for distributed implementation of the algorithm without sacrificing optimality. The provable algorithm is derived from a general class of pseudo-likelihood biclustering algorithms that employ simple EM type updates. We show the effectiveness of this general class by numerical simulations.


Branch and Bound for Piecewise Linear Neural Network Verification

The success of Deep Learning and its potential use in many safety-critical applicationshas motivated research on formal verification of Neural Network (NN) models. In thiscontext, verification involves proving or disproving that an NN model satisfies certaininput-output properties. Despite the reputation of learned NN models as black boxes,and the theoretical hardness of proving useful properties about them, researchers havebeen successful in verifying some classes of models by exploiting their piecewise linearstructure and taking insights from formal methods such as Satisifiability Modulo Theory.However, these methods are still far from scaling to realistic neural networks. To facilitateprogress on this crucial area, we exploit the Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MIP) formulation of verification to propose a family of algorithms based on Branch-and-Bound (BaB). We show that our family contains previous verification methods as special cases.With the help of the BaB framework, we make three key contributions. Firstly, we identifynew methods that combine the strengths of multiple existing approaches, accomplishingsignificant performance improvements over previous state of the art. Secondly, we introducean effective branching strategy on ReLU non-linearities. This branching strategy allows usto efficiently and successfully deal with high input dimensional problems with convolutionalnetwork architecture, on which previous methods fail frequently. Finally, we proposecomprehensive test data sets and benchmarks which includes a collection of previouslyreleased testcases. We use the data sets to conduct a thorough experimental comparison ofexisting and new algorithms and to provide an inclusive analysis of the factors impactingthe hardness of verification problems.


Learning Causal Networks via Additive Faithfulness

In this paper we introduce a statistical model, called additively faithful directed acyclic graph (AFDAG), for causal learning from observational data. Our approach is based on additive conditional independence (ACI), a recently proposed three-way statistical relation that shares many similarities with conditional independence but without resorting to multi-dimensional kernels. This distinct feature strikes a balance between a parametric model and a fully nonparametric model, which makes the proposed model attractive for handling large networks. We develop an estimator for AFDAG based on a linear operator that characterizes ACI, and establish the consistency and convergence rates of this estimator, as well as the uniform consistency of the estimated DAG. Moreover, we introduce a modified PC-algorithm to implement the estimating procedure efficiently, so that its complexity is determined by the level of sparseness rather than the dimension of the network. Through simulation studies we show that our method outperforms existing methods when commonly assumed conditions such as Gaussian or Gaussian copula distributions do not hold. Finally, the usefulness of AFDAG formulation is demonstrated through an application to a proteomics data set.


Robust Asynchronous Stochastic Gradient-Push: Asymptotically Optimal and Network-Independent Performance for Strongly Convex Functions

We consider the standard model of distributed optimization of a sum of functions $F(mathbf z) = sum_{i=1}^n f_i(mathbf z)$, where node $i$ in a network holds the function $f_i(mathbf z)$. We allow for a harsh network model characterized by asynchronous updates, message delays, unpredictable message losses, and directed communication among nodes. In this setting, we analyze a modification of the Gradient-Push method for distributed optimization, assuming that (i) node $i$ is capable of generating gradients of its function $f_i(mathbf z)$ corrupted by zero-mean bounded-support additive noise at each step, (ii) $F(mathbf z)$ is strongly convex, and (iii) each $f_i(mathbf z)$ has Lipschitz gradients. We show that our proposed method asymptotically performs as well as the best bounds on centralized gradient descent that takes steps in the direction of the sum of the noisy gradients of all the functions $f_1(mathbf z), ldots, f_n(mathbf z)$ at each step.


High-dimensional Gaussian graphical models on network-linked data

Graphical models are commonly used to represent conditional dependence relationships between variables. There are multiple methods available for exploring them from high-dimensional data, but almost all of them rely on the assumption that the observations are independent and identically distributed. At the same time, observations connected by a network are becoming increasingly common, and tend to violate these assumptions. Here we develop a Gaussian graphical model for observations connected by a network with potentially different mean vectors, varying smoothly over the network. We propose an efficient estimation algorithm and demonstrate its effectiveness on both simulated and real data, obtaining meaningful and interpretable results on a statistics coauthorship network. We also prove that our method estimates both the inverse covariance matrix and the corresponding graph structure correctly under the assumption of network “cohesion”, which refers to the empirically observed phenomenon of network neighbors sharing similar traits.


GADMM: Fast and Communication Efficient Framework for Distributed Machine Learning

When the data is distributed across multiple servers, lowering the communication cost between the servers (or workers) while solving the distributed learning problem is an important problem and is the focus of this paper. In particular, we propose a fast, and communication-efficient decentralized framework to solve the distributed machine learning (DML) problem. The proposed algorithm, Group Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (GADMM) is based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) framework. The key novelty in GADMM is that it solves the problem in a decentralized topology where at most half of the workers are competing for the limited communication resources at any given time. Moreover, each worker exchanges the locally trained model only with two neighboring workers, thereby training a global model with a lower amount of communication overhead in each exchange. We prove that GADMM converges to the optimal solution for convex loss functions, and numerically show that it converges faster and more communication-efficient than the state-of-the-art communication-efficient algorithms such as the Lazily Aggregated Gradient (LAG) and dual averaging, in linear and logistic regression tasks on synthetic and real datasets. Furthermore, we propose Dynamic GADMM (D-GADMM), a variant of GADMM, and prove its convergence under the time-varying network topology of the workers.


A Jackson network under general regime

Yair Y. Shaki.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 3, 532--548.

We consider a Jackson network in a general heavy traffic diffusion regime with the $alpha$-parametrization . We also assume that each customer may abandon the system while waiting. We show that in this regime the queue-length process converges to a multi-dimensional regulated Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process.


A review of dynamic network models with latent variables

Bomin Kim, Kevin H. Lee, Lingzhou Xue, Xiaoyue Niu.

Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 12, 105--135.

We present a selective review of statistical modeling of dynamic networks. We focus on models with latent variables, specifically, the latent space models and the latent class models (or stochastic blockmodels), which investigate both the observed features and the unobserved structure of networks. We begin with an overview of the static models, and then we introduce the dynamic extensions. For each dynamic model, we also discuss its applications that have been studied in the literature, with the data source listed in Appendix. Based on the review, we summarize a list of open problems and challenges in dynamic network modeling with latent variables.


Basic models and questions in statistical network analysis

Miklós Z. Rácz, Sébastien Bubeck.

Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 11, 1--47.

Extracting information from large graphs has become an important statistical problem since network data is now common in various fields. In this minicourse we will investigate the most natural statistical questions for three canonical probabilistic models of networks: (i) community detection in the stochastic block model, (ii) finding the embedding of a random geometric graph, and (iii) finding the original vertex in a preferential attachment tree. Along the way we will cover many interesting topics in probability theory such as Pólya urns, large deviation theory, concentration of measure in high dimension, entropic central limit theorems, and more.


Analyzing complex functional brain networks: Fusing statistics and network science to understand the brain

Sean L. Simpson, F. DuBois Bowman, Paul J. Laurienti

Source: Statist. Surv., Volume 7, 1--36.

Complex functional brain network analyses have exploded over the last decade, gaining traction due to their profound clinical implications. The application of network science (an interdisciplinary offshoot of graph theory) has facilitated these analyses and enabled examining the brain as an integrated system that produces complex behaviors. While the field of statistics has been integral in advancing activation analyses and some connectivity analyses in functional neuroimaging research, it has yet to play a commensurate role in complex network analyses. Fusing novel statistical methods with network-based functional neuroimage analysis will engender powerful analytical tools that will aid in our understanding of normal brain function as well as alterations due to various brain disorders. Here we survey widely used statistical and network science tools for analyzing fMRI network data and discuss the challenges faced in filling some of the remaining methodological gaps. When applied and interpreted correctly, the fusion of network scientific and statistical methods has a chance to revolutionize the understanding of brain function.


Can a powerful neural network be a teacher for a weaker neural network?. (arXiv:2005.00393v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

The transfer learning technique is widely used to learning in one context and applying it to another, i.e. the capacity to apply acquired knowledge and skills to new situations. But is it possible to transfer the learning from a deep neural network to a weaker neural network? Is it possible to improve the performance of a weak neural network using the knowledge acquired by a more powerful neural network? In this work, during the training process of a weak network, we add a loss function that minimizes the distance between the features previously learned from a strong neural network with the features that the weak network must try to learn. To demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our approach, we conducted a large number of experiments using three known datasets and demonstrated that a weak neural network can increase its performance if its learning process is driven by a more powerful neural network.


Capturing and Explaining Trajectory Singularities using Composite Signal Neural Networks. (arXiv:2003.10810v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Spatial trajectories are ubiquitous and complex signals. Their analysis is crucial in many research fields, from urban planning to neuroscience. Several approaches have been proposed to cluster trajectories. They rely on hand-crafted features, which struggle to capture the spatio-temporal complexity of the signal, or on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) which can be more efficient but less interpretable. In this paper we present a novel ANN architecture designed to capture the spatio-temporal patterns characteristic of a set of trajectories, while taking into account the demographics of the navigators. Hence, our model extracts markers linked to both behaviour and demographics. We propose a composite signal analyser (CompSNN) combining three simple ANN modules. Each of these modules uses different signal representations of the trajectory while remaining interpretable. Our CompSNN performs significantly better than its modules taken in isolation and allows to visualise which parts of the signal were most useful to discriminate the trajectories.