
Bus stations don't have to be second-rate, as this one in Tilburg demonstrates

Cepezed Architects design a shelter that is elegant and self-sufficient.


Why can't we have woonerven in North America?

Streetfilms shows how a road can in fact be many things, not just a place for cars.


Dousing flames with sound waves, new fire extinguisher makes no mess

Like a gadget from a superhero's gizmo-kit, two engineering students have invented a device to battle blazes with noise – water and toxic chemicals not required.


Want to save money? Borrow a wedding dress.

Doing this was one of the best decisions I made when getting married. (So was marrying a great guy!)


The office of the future may have no seats or desks at all.

Just throw yourself wherever you want to work; your office is where you are.


A new study says standing desks don't have any benefits. Or does it?

It actually seems to say that you can give someone an adjustable desk but you can't make them stand. That's a very different thing.


Should green homes have gas stoves and wood fireplaces?

One Passive House architect gives his clients what they want.


Park Avenue Green is the largest Passive House building in North America

But Passive House is so expensive! How can you build housing for the homeless and low income families this way?


EU, Brazil and China have banned way more harmful pesticides than the USA

For example, 72 pesticides approved for use in the United States are banned or in the process of being phased out in the EU.


How Composting Toilets Help Save Hippos

Composting toilets have a lot of benefits. But can they really help save hippos?


Hawaii wants to ban chemical sunscreens to save its coral reefs

When sunscreen chemicals wash off beach-goers, they bleach coral, stunt its growth, and sometimes kill it outright.


Hawaii approves sunscreen ban in an effort to save coral reefs

Many sunscreens contain chemicals that are devastating to sensitive coral and other marine life.


Over 1,000 mutilated dolphins have washed up on French coast

The gruesome deaths raise serious questions about the practices of fishing trawlers.


"Why Not Have Another Go at Exxon Instead?" Bibi van der Zee Takes on Monbiot

The Guardian columnist and environmental thinker George Monbiot usually manages to provoke a strong debate in our comments sections. Some time ago, our post on his new book Heat raised a fierce exchange of views about the impacts of flying, meanwhile his


Monbiot: We have to phase cars out within ten years

"Let’s abandon this disastrous experiment."


This simple trick has saved 1000s of rare seabirds from death

Between 2002 and 2015, these 'streamer lines' helped reduce seabird by-catch in Alaskan fisheries by 78%.


Norway wants tourists to slow down and travel more sustainably

Cruise ships and Disney's 'Frozen' have led to crowds of unprecedented size, about which Norwegians are not entirely happy.


Scotland is subsidizing electric bikes to encourage sustainable and active travel

This is something North American governments should copy.


France plants first solar eTree in midst of heat wave

With temperatures soaring even before the calendar turns to June, the shade of the solar tree will be as welcome as its many functions


Create a cozy escape (and save on heating) with a grown-up blanket fort

Everything you need to know about building a proper blanket fort.


Clever concave roof design harvests rainwater in hot climates

This bowl-like, double-roof design helps to collect rainwater before it evaporates, and also provides more shade for buildings in arid regions.


Rich people in San Francisco mad that they have to look at people living on boats

The Wall Street Journal calls them "homeless" but they look "landless" to me.


Airport security trays have more germs than toilets

Scientists are concerned about how airports are conducive to the spread of disease.


Paper wasps recognize each other, have long memories, & display logical reasoning

Why do we always think other animals are so simple?


Four-Piece, No Screw No Glue Modular Shelving System By Disenaveral In Buenos Aires

Another interesting find from Buenos Aires design fair, Feria Puro Diseno (FPD), this is a modular system designed by local studio Disenaveral to build different kinds of shelving spaces that adapt to changing situations.


Have you changed all of your light bulbs to LEDs? (Survey)

They are cheaper and better than ever, and doing it can cut energy consumption for lighting by up to 90 percent.


Simple cooking trick could save you 100 gallons of water, makes dinner better

If all Americans adopted this (almost) waterless method of cooking pasta, we'd save billions of gallons of water.


It's better to have a job than no job... but it's not that simple

Just because garment workers are desperate doesn't mean we should exploit them.


Why rapid decarbonization is the only choice we have

The longer we wait, the more expensive (and dangerous) it gets.


Best in Show: The Nexus eWater recycler saves water and energy

Waste water and waste heat recovery together at last, perhaps the most interesting new thing at Greenbuild.


Recycling is hard. That's why we have to eliminate single use packaging and not get distracted.

StackitNOW is a great idea but also demonstrates how intractable the problem is.


All about eaves, Quebec edition

A lovely cottage by Yiacouvakis Hamelin Architectes breaks all the rules about roofs.


All about eaves: Giant wood overhanging roof keeps glass wall from overheating

This is a beautiful house, but it raises a lot of questions about what "respect for the environment" means.


Surf eCo School Saves Rainforest

Torrey Trust, owner of Surf eCo, wanted to do more to protect the oceans and the environment so she opened up her own surf school that teaches kids young and old about the environment while helping them catch a few waves. Located in Encinitas, CA,


How vets used fish skin to help save sweet Stella after a fire

Fighting for her life after narrowly escaping a horrible house fire, doctors used sustainable fish skin grafts on the Rottweiler's burns to help save her life.


How to pack the best food for travel

Whether you're in a plane, train, or car, it's important always to have good snacks.


Save the Buffalo River! America's first national river threatened by Cargill factory hog farm

Forty years ago, activists blocked plans to dam the Buffalo River, eventually getting Congress and President Nixon to designate the river as America's first National River. Now, a factory hog farm is putting one of Arkansas' most beautiful spots at risk.


European cars may soon have "Intelligent Speed Assistance." Should every car have this? (Survey)

When you try and go too fast it says, "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."


Pedestrians will have to be "lawful and considerate" in a world of self-driving cars

It may be decades before AVs are good enough, so in the meantime everyone will have to keep out of their way.


Ditching Ethanol Subsidy Will Save US $6 Billion - Won't Hurt Domestic Production Either

Two new pieces in NRDC's Switchboard blog remind us that the debate over corn ethanol subsidies is alive and well; and illustrate, through two new reports, the benefits of ditching Federal support altogether. The first, from the


How Rob Hopkins Gave Up on Giving Up On Flying

When rob Hopkins watched "An Inconvenient Truth", he vowed never to fly again. When he watched "Chasing Ice", he decided to get back on a plane. Here's why.


Why the best smartphone is the one you already have

Douglas Rushkoff explains that the real costs of a new phone are not measured in just money.


Meet the one city in America where cars have been banned since 1898

When cars first began appearing in the late 19th century, some cities moved to ban them -- but there is still one place in the US that has yet to change its mind.


Travelling Art Has Seats for Insects

Pestival, is a weekend festival packed with art, music, talks and workshops, celebrating insects in art, and the art of being an insect. It starts from the fact that eighty percent of creatures on earth are insects, the 'pests' without whom humans


Urban Shepherds Help Save the Fields

When Brighton council advertised for volunteer shepherds they never imagined that they would get hundreds of applicants. It's not the greatest job description: no pay, lots of walking on quite steep, uneven slopes, duty


Where Have All the Flowers (Daffodils) Gone?

This is England, the parks and gardens and countryside are supposed to be filled with golden daffodils by now. This is why we live here. But where are they? With this year's never ending winter and the long cold spell just


Map Documents World's Sacred Forests & Help Save Them From Destruction

Globally, religious groups own 5-10% of the world's forests and influence much more.


Are Islam and Permaculture a Match Made in Heaven?

A Jordanian permaculture teacher is exploring the intersect between environmentalism and spirituality. Her work could take permaculture mainstream in the Middle East.


Why electric cars won't save us: There are not enough resources to build them

British scientists do the math and find that we come up short for cobalt, lithium and copper.


Kickstart Film 'Open Sesame-The Story of Seeds' and Save Heirlooms

The Open Sesame documentary examines the importance of open source seeds.