
Root Cause Analysis of Microsoft Azure Service Interruption

Microsoft recently experienced a significant interruption of their Azure cloud service. Since a decent amount of data was available for this incident, I decided to do a partial root cause analysis. All of my source data came from Microsoft's official Azure blog post on 2014-Nov-24. I did this primarily to create a sample analysis that […]


IBM X-Force Red Launches New Services for Automotive Industry and IoT

IBM Security today announced the launch of two new security testing practice areas focused on automotive security and the Internet of Things (IoT). The new services will be delivered via an elite team of IBM X-Force Red researchers focused on testing backend processes, apps and physical hardware used to control access and management of smart systems.


Army Re-Ups with IBM for $135 Million in Cloud Services

IBM announced today that the U.S. Army’s Logistics Support Activity awarded IBM a contract to continue providing cloud services, software development and cognitive computing, constituting the technical infrastructure for one of the U.S. federal government’s biggest logistics systems.

  • IBM Watson Internet of Things (IoT)


Vissensa Selects IBM Enterprise Cloud System to Improve Performance and Deliver New Services for Customers

IBM today announced that Vissensa, a UK-based managed service provider (MSP), has taken delivery of the IBM Enterprise Cloud System, which will help the company offer new and improved cloud services to its customers.


Allianz Concludes IT Operations Service Agreement with IBM for Data Centers Operation Support

Today, Allianz and IBM concluded an agreement in Munich regarding support for the operation of Allianz's data centers. IBM will be acting as the global provider of IT operation services for Allianz in effect from April 1, 2014, supporting the transformation of the company's global IT infrastructure.


IBM Builds On Growing Social Business Momentum with New Clients and Services

IBM today announced continuing momentum for its social business offerings with clients around the world ushering in the next era of collaboration with IBM Verse and Connections. IBM also announced expanded capabilities in its collaboration portfolio with new innovations that make it easier for clients to gain and share business insights across teams.

  • IBM Social Business


IBM and Dream Payments Expand Payment Services on the Cloud to U.S. Financial Institutions

IBM today announced it is teaming up with Toronto-based FinTech company Dream Payments to bring new revenue generating mobile payment offerings to financial institutions and merchants in the United States via the IBM Cloud.

  • Banking and Financial Services


IBM Services and Retail Analytics to Support Walgreens Field Service Nationwide

IBM today announced a new agreement with Walgreens, one of the country’s largest drugstore chains, to deploy IBM retail analytics at more than 8,100 locations nationwide to help improve the efficiency of field service support for these locations.

  • Services and solutions


IBM Unveils Industry’s Most Advanced Server Designed for Artificial Intelligence

IBM today unveiled its next-generation Power Systems Servers incorporating its newly designed POWER9 processor. Built specifically for compute-intensive AI workloads, the new POWER9 systems are capable of improving the training times of deep learning frameworks by nearly 4x allowing enterprises to build more accurate AI applications, faster.


IBM to Collaborate with Leading Singapore Institutions Using Analytics to Improve the Quality of Water, Transportation and Energy Services in a City

IBM today announced a research collaboratory in Singapore, where researchers from IBM intend to collaborate with scientists and engineers from public agencies in Singapore to improve the quality of its urban services. The focus of this research effort will be to use sensor networks to more effectively model, predict and manage the use of natural and physical infrastructure resources – water, transport and energy.  


IBM lanza la primera plataforma cognitiva de servicios para transformar las operaciones de negocios

IBM anunció hoy la primera plataforma de servicios basada en IBM Watson y construida en IBM Cloud para aumentar la inteligencia humana y ayudar a mejorar las operaciones de los proveedores de servicios a través de tecnologías cognitivas.

  • Global Technology Services


IBM presenta nuevo servicio de nube que da a los negocios la flexibilidad que requiere su transformación

IBM anuncia el lanzamiento de IBM Cloud Private, una plataforma de software creada para los clientes que requieren la flexibilidad y capacidad de una nube pública en un ambiente privado. IBM Cloud Private transforma los sistemas de TI (Tecnologías de la Información) en un ambiente de nube flexible para crear un puente hasta las nubes públicas y acelerar el desarrollo de aplicativos.


IBM es designada en el reporte MarketScape de IDC como líder mundial en Servicios de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Móviles y de Consultoría de Pruebas

IBM anunció que fue designada como líder en el prestigiado modelo de evaluación de proveedores “IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Mobile Application Development and Testing Services 2014 Vendor Assessment”.


Papel San Francisco garantiza la continuidad de operaciones aprovechando Servicios de IBM

Papel San Francisco garantiza la continuidad de operaciones aprovechando Servicios de IBM


BP lanza la primera App para facturar consumos en sus estaciones de servicio en México, desarrollada con tecnología de IBM

La compañía energética BP anunció el lanzamiento de su aplicación móvil BPme, desarrollada con capacidades de inteligencia artificial (IA) de IBM Watson, buscando mejorar constantemente la experiencia de los usuarios de las estaciones de servicio de BP en México.


IBM Donates More Than 2.5 Million Hours of Volunteer Service to Communities Worldwide as Part of Centennial Day of Service

IBM today announced that as part of its Celebration of Service, designed to allow employees, retirees, clients and business partners to donate their time and expertise during the company's Centennial year, 300,000 IBMers around the world -- close to three quarters of its global workforce -- are volunteering in more than 5,000 projects in 120 countries, meeting civic and societal challenges and serving millions in need.


University of Canterbury adopts IBM enterprise storage solution to enhance user experience

The University of Canterbury (UC) is upgrading its centralised IT storage system with the IBM XIV and SONAS network attached storage arrays, to protect valuable research data and better meet user long term needs, while reducing operational costs.


Auckland University of Technology Re-signs IBM for Five Year IT Network Services Contract

IBM has replaced Auckland University of Technology (AUT)’s core IT network as part of a new five year services contract. The new network, which went live in March, gives AUT great flexibility for deploying equipment to meet the changing needs of the university and enables it to capitalise on future enhancements in technology, such as video and data centres.


Concluyen Programa Corporate Service Corps de IBM

Después de un mes de haber iniciado la consultoría pro-bono de IBM, denominada Corporate Service Corps (CSC), el día de hoy se hizo entrega de los resúmenes ejecutivos a cada uno de los Directores de las organizaciones receptoras de este apoyo: DIF-Dirección de Innovación Guadalajara, Cuerpos de Paz-AIPROMADES, Asociación Nacional de Bancos de Alimentos (BAMX).


Crown apoyará su expansión en México con Servicios de TI y Nube híbrida de IBM

IBM y Crown Holdings, Inc., proveedor global líder en productos de empaques metálicos, anunciaron hoy la firma de un contrato de varios años que incluye servicios de TI y servicios administrados corriendo en la robusta plataforma de cómputo en la nube de clase empresarial de IBM.

  • Services and solutions


IBM invita al canal a hacer de las soluciones “as a service”

La progresiva digitalización de nuestra sociedad está provocando en las empresas la necesidad de transformarse para sacar el máximo partido de este fenómeno. Esta digitalización procede, principalmente, de la popularización de los dispositivos móviles inteligentes, las redes sociales y el Internet de las Cosas, que generan cada día 2,500 millones de gigabytes de datos. Dentro de toda esta información se esconde un inmenso valor para las organizaciones.

  • Services and solutions


Enfrenta IBM Desafíos de Big Data con Modelo Innovador de Servidor Abierto

Enfrenta IBM Desafíos de Big Data con Modelo Innovador de Servidor Abierto


Ecodex incrementa servicios de certificación tributaria para empresas con soluciones inteligentes de IBM

La empresa se afianza como líder de Proveedores Autorizados de Certificación (PAC) y logra procesar grandes volúmenes de transacciones de manera sencilla


Dona IBM servicios de consultoría a organizaciones mexicanas para proyectos de impacto social

Con la finalidad de apoyar el desarrollo de proyectos de alto impacto en la Ciudad de México, la Asociación Mexiana de Ayuda a Niños con Cáncer (AMANC), Fondo Unido México, Fundación Carlos Slim, el Patronato del Museo Nacional de Antropología e IBM, ponen en marcha el día de hoy el programa de consultoría Corporate Service Corps (CSC), en su edición Ciudad de México.


Organizaciones beneficiadas e IBM, comparten resultados de servicios de consultoría en proyectos de impacto social

Después de un mes de haber iniciado la consultoria pro-bono de IBM denominada Corporate Service Corps (CSC), el día de hoy se hizo la entrega del resumen ejecutivo de cada uno de los proyectos de las organizaciones receptoras de este apoyo: Asociación Mexiana de Ayuda a Niños con Cáncer (AMANC), Fondo Unido México, Fundación Carlos Slim, el Patronato del Museo Nacional de Antropología.


Dona IBM Servicios de Consultoría a Organizaciones Queretanas para Proyectos de Impacto Social

IBM, Peace Corps y cuatro instituciones locales dieron inicio el día de hoy al programa de consultoría Corporate Service Corps (CSC), en su edición Cd. de Querétaro; con la finalidad de apoyar el desarrollo de proyectos de alto impacto en esta localidad. IBM y Peace Corps (PC) trabajarán en conjunto con la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social del Estado de Querétaro, el Instituto Queretano de las Mujeres, el Municipio de Querétaro - Delegación Santa Rosa Jáuregui, y la Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui (UPSRJ).


Premian Banorte e IBM apps de estudiantes del Tec de Monterrey que transforman servicios bancarios dirigidos a los jóvenes

Tres proyectos que proponen mejorar la interacción y la experiencia de los jóvenes usuarios con servicios bancarios móviles, fueron reconocidos hoy por Banorte, IBM y el Tec de Monterrey como resultado del Reto Banorte en el marco de la Semana i, que la institución educativa llevó a cabo del 21 al 25 de septiembre en todo el país.


Servidores Linux de IBM, diseñados para acelerar inteligencia artificial, conocimiento profundo y analítica avanzada

IBM (NYSE: IBM) reveló hoy una serie de nuevos servidores diseñados para potenciar las cargas de trabajo cognitivas y elevar la eficiencia en el centro de cómputo. Con un nuevo chip, la línea basada en Linux incorpora innovaciones de la comunidad OpenPOWER que ofrecen mayores niveles de desempeño y mayor eficiencia de cómputo que los disponibles en cualquier servidor basado sobre x86.


IBM 2010 Global CEO Study: New Zealand CEOs Face Serious Challenges to Bridge ‘Complexity Gap’

Less than half of global CEOs believe their enterprises are adequately prepared to handle a highly volatile, increasingly complex business environment, according to a major new survey by IBM of more than 1,500 Chief Executive Officers from 60 countries and 33 industries worldwide, including 22 respondents from New Zealand – the largest number of respondents in eight years of research.

  • Energy & Utilities


IBM étend ses solutions de stockage Flash pour adresser de nouvelles applications pertinentes dans le cloud

IBM (NYSE: IBM) annonce aujourd'hui un élargissement de son portefeuille de stockage flash pour aider les clients à extraire beaucoup plus rapidement la valeur issues des données afin d’en tirer un avantage concurrentiel. IBM a lancé trois nouvelles baies « tout-flash » dotées d’une performance de pointe – une latence minimum de 250μs (microsecondes) - afin de résoudre le défi consistant à accéder rapidement à un grand volume de données pour les applications et les workloads cloud.


IBM propose le service de paiement Apple Pay à ses clients e-commerce

IBM (NYSE: IBM) annonce la disponibilité d’Apple Pay pour ses clients sur Internet afin de faciliter et de sécuriser leur paiement sur Safari depuis leur iPhone, iPad ou Mac et ce en un clic.


La Finlande collabore avec IBM pour développer des soins personnalisés et dynamiser sa croissance grâce à Watson

IBM prévoit plusieurs investissements stratégiques pour soutenir le programme finlandais de soins de santé


Euro-Information, groupe Crédit Mutuel, et IBM France s’associent dans l’univers des offres de services innovantes

Dans l’objectif d’une recherche permanente d’innovation et d’anticipation, cette alliance stratégique couvre le co-développement de nouvelles offres commerciales pour l’installation et la maintenance de systèmes informatiques, monétiques et d’objets connectés. Ce domaine représente un potentiel de marché dont la croissance est estimée à 12% par an.


Le Mayflower Autonomous Ship traversera l’Atlantique à l’aide des systèmes d’IA d’IBM

A l’occasion de l’anniversaire des 400 ans de la traversée du navire marchand Mayflower, le nouveau Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) partira le 16 septembre 2020 de Plymouth au Royaume-Uni, pour rejoindre Plymouth dans le Massachussetts aux Etats-Unis. Sans équipage à bord, il sera le premier navire autonome de grande taille à traverser l’Atlantique. Cette traversée unique entremêlant passé, présent et futur propulsera le monde dans l’ère du navire autonome.


IBM « Social Business » : nouveaux services de conseil et de formation pour saisir les opportunités associées aux réseaux sociaux

IBM (NYSE : IBM) lance de nouveaux programmes, services et partenariats afin d’aider les entreprises à renforcer leurs capacités à utiliser les réseaux sociaux pour se saisir de nouvelles opportunités affaires.

  • Global Business Solutions


Cloud : - IBM apporte de nouveaux services de divertissement à domicile avec la télévision intelligente de Philips - IBM et Vodafone lancent l’initiative Smarter Home

IBM annonce aujourd’hui que son nouveau cloud pour les fabricants d’appareils électroniques fournira à la TV connectée de Philips de nouveaux services internet, afin de proposer une gamme de services plus interactifs à des millions de téléspectateurs dans plus de 30 pays en Europe, mais aussi au Brésil et en Argentine.

  • Global Business Solutions


Etude IBM : les directions Marketing doivent adopter la « disruption créative » pour fidéliser leurs clients

Etude IBM : les directions Marketing doivent adopter la « disruption créative » pour fidéliser leurs clients La nouvelle étude IBM révèle les principaux axes de priorités des directions Marketing pour 2016

  • Global Business Solutions


Mac At Work : IBM dévoile de nouveaux services pour déployer à grande échelle des Macs dans les entreprises via le Cloud

IBM annonce de nouveaux services IT basés sur le Cloud pour aider ses clients à intégrer de façon rapide, facile et sécurisée les Macs au sein de leurs entreprises et dans leurs applications.


IBM Extends Infrastructure Services Relationship With Medicare of Australia for One Year

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced it has signed a one-year extension to its contract with Australian government agency, Medicare, for the provision of IT infrastructure services.

  • Healthcare and Life Sciences


Bendigo and Adelaide Bank adopts next-gen storage systems for customer service growth

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that Bendigo and Adelaide Bank has selected IBM XIV Storage System Gen3 as a key infrastructure component for its ongoing development and delivery of customer-focussed business applications.


IBM Extends Infrastructure Services Deal with Department of Health & Ageing for Four Years

IBM Australia (NYSE: IBM) today announced a four-year extension to its contract with Australian government agency, Department of Health & Ageing, for the provision of IT infrastructure services. The deal includes a variation to the final year of the existing agreement, and has a total value of $109m over five years.


IBM’s Corporate Services Corps Heading to Six Emerging Countries to Spark Socio-Economic Growth

One hundred IBM (NYSE: IBM) employees from 33 countries – including six from Australia and New Zealand – have been selected to participate in the company's new Corporate Service Corps program. The program is part of the Global Citizen's Portfolio initiative announced by CEO Sam Palmisano to develop leadership skills, while addressing socio-economic challenges in emerging markets.

  • Travel & Transportation


Tabcorp bets on IBM for shared services winner

Australia's best known diversified entertainment group, Tabcorp, has successfully completed its move to a shared services model for finance, human resources and procurement with the assistance of IBM Global Business Services.

  • Media & Entertainment


IBM serves real time interactive data to fans at the Australian Open

IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Tennis Australia today announced new and expanded data driven experiences that will enhance Australian Open 2015 for fans on site and around the world. IBM SlamTracker has been redesigned with new point-by-point data visualisations, commentary and statistics that include player and ball movement data for the first time ever at the Australian Open. IBM CrowdTracker, new for 2015, will provide fans with live match, venue and social information via and the official Australian Open apps.

  • Media & Entertainment


Westpac selects IBM as lead technology services provider under five-year contract

IBM today announced the signing of a new five-year infrastructure services agreement with The Westpac Group, which marks a key step in Westpac’s technology transformation program.

  • Banking and Financial Services


IBM delivers new IBM Cloud Container Service in Australia

IBM has announced the availability of its cloud container service in its Australian data centres, delivered out of Sydney and Melbourne, on IBM Cloud.

  • Banking and Financial Services


IBM injects analytics into data centre consolidation and relocation services

IBM today announced a new analytics-based tool for its data centre consolidation and relocation services which help clients gain up to 50% operational savings from the consolidation of IT assets and data centres.

  • Global Technology Services


IBM positioned as the Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services, Asia Pacific

IBM positioned as the Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services, Asia Pacific

  • Global Technology Services


Australian Customs and Border Protection Service Selects IBM to Secure Australia’s Borders

The Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) has implemented an advanced passenger analysis solution with IBM to improve border security.

  • Services and solutions