
Preparing a Body for Burial

Dn. Mark explains exactly what needs to be done when preparing a body for burial.


Myrrh-Bearing Women, Then and Now

Listen to excerpts from this past Sunday's bulletin at St. John the Compassionate Mission, serving the most vulnerable in Toronto. "What was it in their hearts that moved the Myrrh-bearing women to do something against common sense?"


Remembering Kevin

The staff of St. John the Compassionate Mission remember Kevin's life and his death. May his memory be eternal.


Volunteering to Rebuild

Listen to Fr. Nicolaie's reflections on Ezra that he shared at the recent Volunteers Appreciation Night Celebration at the Mission.


The Prayer of a Suffering Parent Touches the Mercy of God

Reflections written by Fr. Nicolaie about the gospel story of the father of the demon-possessed boy.


Theophany Brings New Life and Communion

The dynamis of Theophany is towards new life and communion. We see this in the community, as God is bringing healing to Jacob, while also opposing the flattening (or "alienation of the spirit") that so often happens in modern culture.


10.20.24 Seeing Humanity in the Suffering Ones

It is the cry of the poor who are in solidarity with those who suffer the most, today. The poor are not indifferent to the suffering, but lift it in prayer, with faith that God hears them.


Boing Boing launches ad-free paid version on Substack, shuttering discussion forums

the BBS goes read-only on Friday, replaced by Substack comments, and the community is not happy #


On Wearing Cassocks and Other Good Habits

So, what’s the deal with clerical dress and monastic habits? Do they really matter?


The Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women

Fr. Apostolos shares about myrrh in the Old Testament, New Testament, and today. "We must become emblems of hope as we bear that sacred myrrh, that oil of healing to a broken world."


The Cross and Suffering

Fr. Apostolos shares about suffering on the Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Holy Cross. He quotes an abbot, "The one who has suffered nothing in this life has been abandoned by God."


Suffering in This Life or the Next

Referencing the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, Fr. Apostolos shares about suffering. "Suffering can make no sense to us unless we view it from an eternal perspective. Our suffering is made worse because we have lost the vision of the goal of suffering."


Entering the Temple

Fr. Apostolos talks about the Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple, and the difference between being AT church, IN church, and THE church.


Divine Worship: the Gathering of the Faithful

Fr. Apostolos continues the series on Divine Worship, discussing the beginning of the Synaxis of the Faithful and of the prayers leading up to the Great Entrance.


Divine Worship: the Sacrament of Offering

Fr. Apostolos continues the homily series on Divine Worship, addressing the Sacrament of Offering and the potential that exists to redeem our work-a-day lives through the offering up to God of a portion of our labors, in this case the bread and wine of Holy Communion.


Embracing the Suffering of the Cross

Fr. Apostolos talks about the importance of embracing the Cross of Christ, despite the challenges that go along with it.


The Redemption of Suffering

"If you're suffering today, know this: you are on the right path. If you're not suffering, that's when you should be worried. If you are suffering in this life, God is with you. If you don't find life easy and comfortable, you're doing it right." On the Sunday of the Cross, Fr. Apostolos shares about the redemption of our own suffering through the suffering of Christ.


How Do We Deal With Thoughts (Logismoi) During Prayer?

What should we do when thoughts come? The Psalms will help wash your heart of the distractions and you will reach the point where you can pray better.


Empowering Our Faith

Sermon on the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost (Galatians 2:16-20; Luke 8:41-56)


Ordering our Life's Priorities

Sermon on the Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost (Ephesians 2:4-10; Luke 12:16-21)


The Healthy Ordering of the Church (Rom 12:6-14)

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost


Enduring Tests and Facing Temptations (Mt 14:22-34)

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost


Sharing the Gift of Forgiveness (Matthew 18:23-35)

Forgiveness is at the heart of the gospel message and Christian experience. As Christians living in the community of faith, we are called to share all things in common. Fr Tom explains that this includes sharing the mercy and compassion with one another that we first received from Christ. (Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost)


The Purpose of Suffering (2 Cor 11:31-12:9)

God did not create sickness and disease nor does He desire for us to suffer. However, Fr Tom teaches us that the sovereign God uses suffering to draw us closer to Him. (Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost)


Hungering for God (Luke 15:11-32) Prodigal Son

The parable of the Prodigal Son is a powerful image of our returning to God and the Father's rich mercy in restoring us. Fr Tom reminds us that we must be able both to admit that we have separated ourselves from God's life and have the deep desire to return to the riches of His Kingdom.


Preparing for Judgment, Preparing for Pascha (Mt 25:31-46)

On Meatfare Sunday we commemorate the Last Judgment, when Christ returns to His creation to judge the world and redeem His people. Fr Thomas reminds us that our fasting is related to the Judgment. As we fast to prepare for Pascha, the Lord's resurrection is the first sign of our resurrection and the coming Judgment.


Preparing for Holy Week (John 12:1-18)

The celebration of Palm Sunday is juxtaposed against the dark events that we experience in the life of Christ during Holy Week. Fr Thomas reminds us that our Lord's triumphal entry into Jerusalem is an example of having the "peace from above" even if you're marching to the Cross.


The Purpose of Suffering

It is an inescapable fact that suffering is a part of the fallen human condition. In a powerful message, Fr Thomas describes three important principles to help us form our perspective on suffering.


Where is God in My Suffering?

The role of God in suffering has long been questioned: trials, tribulations, wars, sickness, death - Where is God? Why would He allow it? Fr Thomas reminds us that, though God is not the author of these things, He teaches us to endure them to draw us closer to Him. (Mt 14:22-34)


Nurturing the Word of God in Us (Luke 8:5-15)

The first parable that Jesus taught is the beloved Parable of the Sower. Fr Thomas explains its place in the scripture and its crucial importance in our lives.


Entering Into the Spirit of Lent

As we approach the Great Lenten period, Fr Thomas teaches us about the purpose of Lent and how to enter into it, restoring those things which have fallen away in our spiritual life.


Encountering Christ in the Scriptures and the Eucharist

On the Sunday of St Thomas, we hear of the encounter of the Apostle with the risen Christ. Fr Thomas teaches us that we too must make every effort to encounter the resurrected Christ both in the Holy Scriptures and in the Eucharist.


The Importance of Sharing Your Faith

in Romans 10, St Paul writes about the importance of his fellow Jews hearing about Christ and why it's important for their salvation. Fr Thomas reminds us that evangelism should not be a foreign concept to Orthodox Christians. We must get comfortable with sharing our faith in Christ and speaking about God's work in our life.


Don't Bring the World Into the Church

The societal and moral changes sweeping across the world pose profound challenges to Orthodox Christian believers. Fr Thomas reminds us that we must face these challenges squarely and never compromise what we believe by adopting worldly values.


Bringing the Kingdom Into Your Midst

Jesus told His disciples that they could not cast out the demon in the epileptic boy "except by prayer and fasting." Fr Thomas reminds us that if we want to live in the midst of the Kingdom of God, we also must strengthen our faith through these essential disciplines.


Encountering God's Faithfulness

Fr Thomas teaches us that God keeps his promises so that everyone can have an encounter with him—he is faithful.


Persevering in Orthodoxy

Fr Thomas teaches us that a Triumph of Orthodoxy is when we persevere in practicing the fullness of the Faith.


Hearing the Voice of God

During a Saturday Divine Liturgy, Fr Thomas teaches from John 10:27-38 on how we can hear the voice of God in the words of Jesus.


Growing in Faith (during the Pandemic)

How can we remain peaceful during the Pandemic? Fr Thomas presents the practical teachings of St Paul and the Lord Jesus Christ to give us perspective about how to actually grow in faithfulness during times of trouble.


Redemption Brings Perfection

As the celebration of Theophany continues, Fr. Tom shows us that all of Christ's redemptive work is set forth to build the Church and bring us to perfection.


Spring Cleaning

Listen as Fr. Tom encourages us to take full advantage of the call to forgiveness.


Caring, Questioning, and Calling

Fr Thomas shows us the amazing examples of caring in the Myrrhbearers, explains the purpose of questioning with trust in God, and challenges us to go out and call others to the Truth. (Mark 15:43-16:8) Myrrhbearers Sunday, April 30, 2023.


Preparing the Way (Sunday after Theophany)

We are to point to Christ and not ourselves as we prepare the way for others to receive Him; we decrease that Christ might be glorified in and through us.


Rediscovering Santa Claus and Much More!

Fr. Gregory Hallam talks about the real St. Nick!


Honouring the Image, Restoring the Likeness

Fr. Gregory gives extracts from St Gregory of Nyssa's orations on the feast of the Nativity of Christ. He intersperses these reflections from contemporary life as the context in which both the promises and the challenges of the gospel are to be worked out by each one of us.


The Transformation of Suffering

Fr. Gregory introduces a guest preacher today who talks about the pattern of redemption: the Lord heals the soul and then the body.


Suffering for Me

Fr. Gregory from Palm Sunday.


Encountering an Angel

Fr. Emmanuel Kahn gives the sermon on the Feast of the Annunciation


The Empowering Cross

Fr. Emmanuel Kahn is the preacher today. The Church Fathers taught clearly that to believe fully that Christ has been crucified is also to believe in the Incarnation, the life of Christ on earth, the Resurrection and the Ascension of Christ into heaven.


Cherishing the Body, Honouring the Soul

Fr. Gregory Hallam gives the sermon for Sunday, May 12, 2019.