
Are you one of those people who can make their ears rumble?

A small number of people can contract an ear muscle called the tensor tympani to block out sound.

  • Research & Innovations


Humans built these mystery circles from mammoth bones 20,000 years ago

Ice Age humans likely lived in these strange circles made from mammoth bones.

  • Research & Innovations


How squid teeth will one day fix torn clothing

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University have developed a self-healing fabric derived from the amazing biological properties of squid ring teeth.

  • Research & Innovations


One of New Zealand's rarest parakeets is having a banner breeding season

Thanks to an abundance of beech seeds, so far this year 150 orange-fronted parakeet chicks have been born in the wild in New Zealand.


Researchers discover novel way to make one-time flu vaccine

The new process may provide a revolutionary, all-purpose flu vaccine.

  • Research & Innovations


Can honeysuckle extract beat the flu?

New study is first to show that a natural product can directly target a virus.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


How to get a doctor's appointment when everyone's sick

You know you're not the only one who has the flu, but here's how to get on the schedule when you really need to.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


What happens when you leave your pet home alone?

'The Secret Life of Pets' is a hilarious rendition of what happens when you leave your pet home alone.


Blizzard fun for everyone!

Snowed in? Try these activities to keep you and your kids busy on your next snow day.


One man's incredible search for the acoustic wonders of the world

Acoustic engineer Trevor Cox is on a mission to identify the most wondrous sounds on Earth.


Richard Proenneke: The man who showed us how to be alone in the wilderness

For decades, Proenneke lived in a handmade cabin at Alaska's Twin Lakes; his writings and films have left a legacy.


Saving the Indonesian peat forests, one basket at at time

The deforestation situation in Indonesia is not entirely bleak, thanks to the efforts of the Katingan Project.


Innovation center topples the traditional school model and hones teen creativity in the process

At NuVu, students solve complex problems by focusing on imagination and constructive feedback.


How one chemist is saving lives with house paint

Spanish visionary Pilar Mateo is snuffing out bug-borne diseases and the poverty behind them.


Walmart: Global Sustainability Milestone Meeting

Watch this replay webcast of Walmart's Global Sustainability Milestone Meeting.


10 female astronomers everyone should know

Research by these women has changed the way we think about space — from dark matter to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.


One company is on a mission to turn apartment complexes into communities

The firm OpenPath Investments believes that apartments aren't just walls or rooms; they're a chance to connect on a deeper level with your neighbors.


How one volunteer built one of Facebook's biggest environmental pages

A woman decided to volunteer at The Wildcat Sanctuary, a small animal refuge in rural Minnesota, and the results have been pretty amazing.


14 breathtaking photos of one of the most amazing migrations in the world

Hundreds of thousands of sandhill cranes gather every year at this one spot in central Nebraska.


How one nonprofit is silencing 'lunch shamers'

Many schools take hot lunches away from kids who have a negative balance in their lunch accounts.


Bone meal and blood meal enrich soil naturally in organic gardens

Organic gardening brings benefits to both you and the plant

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


One of Japan's most spectacular ancient sky mysteries has been solved

Researchers pored over historical accounts to crack the case of a 1,400-year-old light show.


11 ways to save money on medical expenses

Rising health insurance costs have many people worried about the financial impact on the family budget.


Nanette Stark is Helping the Homeless, One Meal at a Time

For this CSR Hero, helping those less fortunate is a family affair.


Drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is one step closer to reality

The plan to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is hotly contested between oil companies, Alaskans and conservation groups.

  • Wilderness & Resources


'Mechanical' invisibility cloak inspired by the honeycomb

Researchers have learned how to compensate for imperfections in a honeycomb lattice that could lead to new advances in architecture.

  • Research & Innovations


Drone flies after being installed with honeybee brain

Fleets of these 'artificial bees' could one day pollinate our crops just like real bees do.

  • Research & Innovations


The seven stones of simpler living

Here are a few ideas that can help you live a lighter, healthier, more sustainable life.


Will children really grow horns from too much phone use?

A study about phones giving kids horns stirs some good old-fashioned moral panic.


15 things Obama has done for the environment

As President Barack Obama nears the end of his second term, let's take a look at his final record on the environment, climate change and green policies.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Bridgestone is growing tires in the desert

The world's natural rubber comes from Southeast Asia, but the company is using an unassuming Texas bush to make its rubber all-American.


One man's street magic leaves passers-by in disbelief

Watch street magician Andrew Mayne knock people's socks off with these eight stunts.

  • Arts & Culture


'World's deadliest island' has one snake for every square meter

More than 4,000 deadly snakes call this tiny 110-acre island home, including one species with venom that can 'melt human flesh.'


Killer whales vs. shark: Drone footage shows rare attack

Video settles who is truly atop the ocean food chain.


Shark-spotting drone will give early warning to surfers

Helicopter-like aerial drones will patrol off the coast of popular Australian beaches.

  • Wilderness & Resources


28,000 strangers saved an abandoned French castle, and now you can see it

People donated about $50 each to help save and restore the historic La Mothe-Chandeniers castle in France.

  • Arts & Culture


Drought reveals 'Spanish Stonehenge'

The remains of a megalithic monument, the Dolmen of Guadalperal, have resurfaced in Spain.

  • Arts & Culture


A centuries-old riddle in stone has finally been solved

A contest to reveal the truth behind the mysterious inscription on a boulder in France produces two winners.

  • Arts & Culture


5 math holidays everyone should know

Mark your calendar for math holidays that celebrate moles, spirals and an endless string of numbers!

  • Arts & Culture


Capturing Florida's chameleons, one small invasive reptile at a time

Herpers are people who search for chameleons at night and remove the invasive species from the wild. What happens next, though, is controversial.


How one man's 40 years of weather records became a treasure trove of climate change data

billy barr spent the last 40 years living alone in a cabin in Gothic, Colorado, and collecting meticulous weather data about temperatures, snowfall and more.

  • Climate & Weather


How do you clean up the world's coasts? One volunteer at a time

Each year during the Ocean Conservancy's International Coastal Cleanup, thousands of people remove trash from local waterways.

  • Wilderness & Resources


6 of North America's loneliest roads

You may think you like spending time alone, but these deserted roads stretch for hundreds of miles through remote areas with nary another human around.


U.S. national park master plans envisioned today's gorgeous scenery

In the 1930s, the National Park Service created master plans for each U.S. national park that showed and explained the vision for development of each park.

  • Wilderness & Resources


She may sidestep the Einstein references, but this theoretical physicist is one to watch

Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski, who built and flew her own plane at 14, just earned a Ph.D. from Harvard and she's proof of the growing power of the STEM push.

  • Research & Innovations


Dogs join in singing 'Happy Birthday' for one lucky grandmother

A woman taught her dogs how to sing 'Happy Birthday' so they could help serenade her mother on her big day.


Pets are being abandoned in China because of the coronavirus lockdown

The coronavirus outbreak is affecting China's dogs and cats, which are increasingly being left to fend for themselves.


Sinking temperatures jumpstart winter transformation of Yellowstone waterfall

Osprey Falls at Yellowstone National Park is starting to freeze as this video shows.

  • Climate & Weather


Climate change may have been the one thing Vikings truly feared

Vikings endured a cold-weather catastrophe and may have left a warning on the Rök stone.

  • Climate & Weather


Half the world's beaches could be gone by the end of this century

Scientists call for quick action to save beaches from climate change. Beaches offer protection from extreme weather events.

  • Climate & Weather