
Führerscheintourismus einmal anders

Die Polizei in Irland ist einem geheimnisvollen polnischen Verkehrsrowdy auf die Spur gekommen, der landauf, landab die Straßen unsicher zu machen schien - denn gegen den seltsamen Herr Pravo Jazdy liefen Dutzende von Verfahren wegen Schnellfahrens und Parkverstößen. Und irgendwie schaffte es Pravo Jazdy immer, sich der Justiz zu entziehen, indem er eine falsche Adresse angab. Nun hat die Polizei dar Rätsel allerdings gelöst, wenn auch mit dem Ergebnis, dass sie die Bußgelder wohl in den Kamin schreiben kann. Zur Auflösung hier nur so viel: Es wäre nicht weiter verwunderlich, wenn auch ein französischer Adliger namens Permis de Conduire auf der Fahndungsliste stünde.


Please help with your critique

Stop what you are doing.

Click on this link to the Personal Bee home page:


Then email or comment on this message with your thoughts about what we are doing right and wrong. Tell me, from looking at the home page, what business you think we are in. Tell me how you would use this and how you would get others to use it...




Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In: The Complete Fourth Season

Rent It

Well, I guess I had to see it to believe it. After reviewing Time-Life's set of Laugh-In's third season, where all 26 episodes were affected by a serious mastering error, I didn't think the problem would have carried over to any of the other sets. In this set of the fourth season with 26 more episodes from the show's 1970-71 season, ONE episode (#22) seems to have come out right but the remaining 25 are still afflicted. I'll talk more about that in the quality section, but first a bit about the show itself:

Dan Rowan and Dick Martin still haven't let up by this point, continuing the show's mostly anarchic format that filled an hour-long slot each week when network TV...Read the entire review


Lynyrd Skynyrd - I'll Never Forget You: The Last 72 Hours Of Lynyrd Skynyrd

Rent It

The Movie:

I think both in fictional movies and documentaries, when airplane trouble happens when a musical act is one of the passengers on the plane, the comedy to diffuse the tension is palpable, whether it is a tribute to "The Night the Music Died" when the Big Bopper, Richie Valens and Buddy Holly passed, or when members of Lynyrd Skynrd died in a 1977 plane crash. Neverthless, I'll Never Forget You attempts to put some emotion into the tragic event.

The film is based on the novel by Gene Odom, friend of singer Ronnie Van Zandt and who wrote the book that serves as the foundation for the film. In it, he, along with others that survived the crash (backup singer Leslie Hawkins and guitar roadie Craig Reed) as they share their thoughts on the crash and offer some thoughts on the days and hours leading up to the tragic events.

So when it comes to the film itself, the sto...Read the entire review


Our eBay sales and support


Our new school room!

Rick has been suggesting for years that we move our school room downstairs and we finally did it over the Christmas break! I LOVE it. Previously, we had everything in our dining room and while it was perfectly fine, I was shuffling stuff all day long. We eat every meal at our dining room table so we would eat breakfast, clean up, get school stuff out, clean up, get lunch out, clean up, get school back out, clean up, eat dinner, and then clean up. Whew! I know it is a luxury to have a separate place to keep our school books and work on our formal lessons and I am very thankful for it. I don't have a picture but the other side of this room is our playroom so I can have everyone down here with me and occupied. :)


Alexa echoes through our home (Thanks Amazon)

When Amazon announced the Echo, I immediately requested access to purchase one. I read some skeptical blog posts about it, but had high hopes. We received ours back in December and since then it has become increasingly useful.

I will not list out everything we love about "Alexa", but I wanted to highlight one thing we do that has proven helpful. We have one iPad to share among the entire family and that can be problematic with 7 children. My wife came up with the idea of having the kids set a 20 minute timer on Alexa each time they begin using the ipad. It is simple and has changed our lives. The constant questions, "Mommy, can I have the ipad now," stopped immediately. And the amount of time on the iPad for each child was reduced without parental intervention.

Children are happier when they know their boundaries. This makes parents happier too. Alexa was just the tool we needed to reduce the amount of time kids were spending on the ipad and to ensure everyone has a turn.

The kids have also had their eyes opened to how easy it is to stay on the ipad for a really long time without noticing. It's a win all across the board. Thanks to Amazon and "Alexa". And thanks to my wife for the ingenious idea.


Expose Your Blog.

Many of my readers will have probably first found my blog through the old blog traffic exchanges like Blog Explosion and Blogazoo, they were a good source of traffic for bloggers and increased readership, sadly those sites have all gone now.

But don't despair there is another Blog Only traffic exchange I've found, Expose your blog has a long timer so visitors definitely read your blog. There is currently a weekly referral and surfing contest too (see the sites forum for more details) so sign up now and start recruiting your blog readers.

If you've never heard of a traffic exchange before let me explain, you add your blog and once it's approved you surf "other peoples blogs reading each one for 30 seconds (or more if it grabs your attention) you then click a button to move onto the next blog and earn credits as you surf. The ratio on expose your blog seems tight at first but there are bonus credits that appear as banners and about every 10 pages theres a verification page where you earn bonus credits. If your looking for traffic to your blog it's a good place to start. Also make sure you remember to surf at least 5 blogs to activate your blog when you sign up, I recommend surfing more in fact to gain as many credits as possible.

For more advice on increasing blog traffic see my other post on the subject:

My Tips On Increasing Blog Traffic

  • blog traffic exchange
  • improve blog traffic
  • increase blog traffic
  • more blog hits


Email Your local MP telling them to stop Cuts to support for disabled people.

38 Degrees appear to have finally started a campaign to put pressure on the government to stop cuts to support for disabled people. Click here to email Andrew Turner (or whoever your local MP is) it only takes a minute you just need to provide your postcode and fill in your address. MP's do respond to emails too I've had several letters from the house of commons in response to emails I've sent.


High Court rules Work Capability Assessment arguably unlawful

This is a press release from earlier this year about the judicial review that is due to be heard at the Royal Courts Of Justice on the 15th, 16th and 18th of January 2013. Lets pray it goes in our favour as it will open the floodgates for legal action over the WCA if it does. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The High Court has today granted permission to two disabled people to bring a claim for
judicial review against the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to challenge the
operation of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA).
WCAs are face to face interviews carried out by healthcare professionals (HCPs)
employed by Atos Healthcare (a private contractor), to assess disabled people’s
entitlement to Employment and Support Allowance (a sickness benefit that has replaced
the old Incapacity Benefit). Each existing recipient of Incapacity Benefit is now being
assessed for eligibility for ESA, at the rate of some 11,000 people per week. WCAs have
been the subject of serious criticism by all relevant stakeholders in civil society including
doctors and NGOs working on behalf of disabled people.
The present case concerns some of the problems with the system as experienced by
people with mental health problems. Although medically trained, Atos HCPs typically
have very limited knowledge of mental health. The interviews are often hurried, and rely
on applicants to explain the limitations on their ability to work.
This is a serious problem for people with mental health conditions who lack insight into
their conditions, whose conditions fluctuate in seriousness, or who cannot easily talk
about their disability. Such people are placed at a substantial disadvantage in navigating
the system. Even if they appreciate the need to get expert medical evidence for
themselves, they are often less able to navigate the system successfully and to obtain
the medical report that they need. The Equality Act 2010 requires the DWP to make
reasonable adjustments to avoid such disadvantage.
The reasonable adjustment to the process that the claimants seek is for medical
evidence to be sought by the Atos HCP and the DWP at the very outset of the claim.
This would ensure that very sick people for whom having to go through a WCA would be
extremely distressing are exempted from the process, and for those that do attend a
WCA, the assessment of fitness to work takes place in the correct medical context, so
that dangers associated with forcing people back to work are correctly identified.
At present, the DWP do not routinely ask for expert medical report from an applicant’s
community-based doctor. The judge has held that it is arguable that this failure is a
breach of the duty to make reasonable adjustments, and is therefore unlawful.
In granting permission to apply for judicial review, the judge stated:
“I consider that it is reasonably arguable that the reasonable adjustments
required by the [Equality Act 2010] include the early obtaining of independent
medical evidence where the documents submitted with the claim show that the
claimant suffers from mental health problems and that this has not been done, or
at least not done on a sufficiently widespread basis”.
The claimants, known as MM and DM, were granted anonymity by the court. Their
solicitor, Ravi Low-Beer of the Public Law Project said:
“The present system results in many thousands of unnecessary appeals at great
public expense, with a high success rate. What is not counted is the cost in
human misery for those people who should never have had to go through the
appeals process in the first place. This could be avoided if doctors were involved
in the assessments at the outset. The Government’s policy of by-passing doctors
is inefficient, unfair, and inhumane. We gain heart from the court’s finding that as
a matter of law, it is arguable that something has to change.”
For further information contact Ravi Low-Beer on
r.lowbeer@publiclawproject.org.uk/0845 543 5944
or Adrian Lukes on
a.lukes@publiclawproject.org.uk/0845 543 5946.
Public Law Project (PLP)
PLP is an independent, national legal charity which aims to improve access to justice for
those whose access is restricted by poverty, discrimination or other similar barriers. To
fulfil its objectives PLP undertakes research, policy initiatives, casework and training
across the range of public law remedies.
For more information on our work, events and publications: www.publiclawproject.org.uk


Paint Your Red Nose Black In Protest 2013

This year I and others are painting our red noses black and intend to boycott the television shows we'd like you to join us, and I'm sure you'd like to know why? We are not against Comic Relief or the good work it does and encourage you to buy a red nose if you can afford it. But this year Comic Relief saw fit to include clips of David Cameron in the music video to One directions charity song. We feel including the Prime minister in this video is a slap in the face to the millions of people he has plunged into poverty in this country with his misguided austerity measures.
There are currently 3.6 million children in the UK living in poverty according to barnardos 58% of them are in a family where someone works.
Yet the Coalition have pushed through measures to ensure benefits even those for disabled people and people in work, like tax credits only go up by 1%. Further punishing children who will be forced further into poverty as their parents incomes are reduced even more compared to inflation.
These cuts risk putting the UK in breach of the UN Economic and social rights convention we are signed up to. Food poverty has risen so sharply that there has been a massive rise in emergency food banks already.
The cuts to housing benefit for many people living in social housing deemed to be over occupying their properties dubbed “The Bedroom Tax” Will see people expected to move to a smaller property or pay a charge for their extra room, even though there is a huge shortage of suitable smaller properties for them to move to. This will further increase the poverty people are suffering in the UK as they are forced to make up shortfalls in their rent or face eviction and homelessness.
The coalition also rolled out across the country a new and untested Work Capability Assessment when they came into power in 2010. Between January and November 2011 10,600 disabled people who clearly wrongly had their benefits stopped died within 6 weeks of losing benefit. (a sharp rise in the statistics compared to the year before).
Yet despite all these alarming statistics David Cameron's ministers continue to claim these cuts are fair and needed. Though they have made no cuts to their own wages, continue to claim massive expenses, and have not sufficiently cracked down on tax evasion by large multinational companies. But apparently we are “all in this together”.
We presented all this information to comic relief and they have ignored our requests to remove David Cameron from the video, and have even promoted pictures of David Cameron's wife Samantha baking in her tax payer funded kitchen at Number 10 with her children. Making cakes she will apparently sell to downing street staff to raise money for the event. Well it's alright for some isn't it?
Join us by liking the facebook page where there is a list of actions you can take and by tweeting your disgust at this flawed decision by comic relief using the hashtag #blacknoseday.


Crédit d'impôt Borloo : Assistance et cours informatique à domicile

Le gouvernement vient d'annoncer un crédit d'impôts sur les services à la personne . Celui ci est ouvert aux ménages non imposable. Il permettra à ceux ci de faire intervenir un prestataire d'aide à domicile comme par exemple, et c'est encore peu connu,...


La Chine accueille les entreprises � capitaux �trangers pour approfondir la coop�ration mutuellement b�n�fique

La Chine promeut une ouverture de haut niveau du secteur financier et accueille les entreprises � capitaux �trangers pour approfondir la coop�ration mutuellement b�n�fique, a annonc� mardi � Beijing le vice-Premier ministre chinois He Lifeng. M....


Un rapport d'un groupe de r�flexion chinois "Un nouveau mod�le pour le progr�s humain et son importance mondiale" d�voil� au Br�sil

Le Forum des m�dias et des groupes de r�flexion du Sud global s'est tenu lundi et mardi � Sao Paulo, et un rapport intitul� "Un nouveau mod�le pour le progr�s humain et son importance mondiale" a �t� diffus� � cette occasion. Il fournit une...


Le vice-Premier ministre chinois appelle au cours de la COP29 � renforcer les syst�mes d'alerte pr�coce pour tous

Le repr�sentant sp�cial du pr�sident chinois Xi Jinping, Ding Xuexiang, qui est �galement vice-Premier ministre de Chine, a appel� mardi � renforcer les syst�mes d'alerte pr�coce pour tous et � am�liorer les capacit�s d'adaptation au changement...


La Chine et les pays d'Am�rique latine et des Cara�bes b�n�ficieront de perspectives plus prometteuses au cours des dix prochaines ann�es

Guid�e par la diplomatie des chefs d'Etat, la communaut� d'avenir partag� Chine-pays d'Am�rique latine et des Cara�bes b�n�ficiera de perspectives plus prometteuses durant la d�cennie � venir, a d�clar� mardi un porte-parole du minist�re chinois des...


Airbus pr�voit une forte demande d'avions en Chine au cours des 20 prochaines ann�es

Airbus a pr�vu que la Chine aurait besoin de plus de 9.500 nouveaux avions de transport de passagers et d'avions cargos au cours des deux prochaines d�cennies, en raison de la forte croissance de la demande de transport a�rien et de fret. Selon...


Chine : la partie continentale encourage les �changes entre les jeunes et appelle � lever les restrictions sur les voyages entre les deux rives du d�troit de Taiwan

La partie continentale de la Chine a r�affirm� son engagement � promouvoir les �changes entre les jeunes � travers le d�troit de Taiwan et a demand� aux autorit�s du Parti d�mocrate progressiste (PDP) de lever les restrictions sur les voyages �...


Dix milliards de yuans de commande pour les moteurs a�ronautiques civils chinois

Aero Engine Corporation of China a annonc� mercredi qu'elle avait sign� des bons de commande et des contrats de coop�ration portant sur plus de 1.500 moteurs, pour une valeur totale de plus de 10 milliards de yuans (environ 1,39 milliard de...


Xi entame une tourn�e en Am�rique latine pour d�fendre la coop�ration et le multilat�ralisme

Le pr�sident chinois Xi Jinping entame mercredi une tourn�e en Am�rique latine, o� il assistera � la 31e r�union des dirigeants �conomiques de la Coop�ration �conomique pour l'Asie-Pacifique (APEC) � Lima, capitale du P�rou, et au 19e sommet du G20...


Chine : la puissance de l'aviation et de la d�fense de la partie continentale est une protection solide pour les compatriotes taiwanais

Une porte-parole de la partie continentale de la Chine a qualifi� les r�sultats et la puissance de la partie continentale dans les domaines de l'aviation, de l'a�rospatiale et de la d�fense nationale de protection "solide et immense" pour les...


Les �changes culturels entre les deux rives du d�troit se poursuivent malgr� les obstacles politiques

Une porte-parole de la partie continentale de la Chine a condamn� mercredi les politiciens du Parti d�mocrate progressiste (PDP) dans la r�gion de Taiwan, qui tentent de faire obstacle aux �changes normaux entre les deux rives du d�troit de Taiwan...


La Chine adopte des politiques fiscales pour soutenir le march� de l'immobilier

La Chine a promulgu� mercredi des politiques fiscales pour soutenir le d�veloppement stable et sain du march� de l'immobilier. Le minist�re des Finances a d�clar� que le pays augmenterait les incitations en termes de taxe sur les actes pour...


Chine : croissance vigoureuse du secteur de la livraison express en octobre

Le secteur chinois de la livraison express a enregistr� une expansion rapide en octobre, avec une acc�l�ration significative du taux de croissance des affaires, selon un indice de l'industrie publi� mercredi par le Bureau national des postes. ...


Une porte-parole de la partie continentale condamne les autorit�s du PDP pour avoir "ruin� Taiwan"

Une porte-parole de la partie continentale de la Chine a vivement critiqu� mercredi les autorit�s du Parti d�mocrate progressiste (PDP) de Taiwan pour avoir cherch� � obtenir le soutien des Etats-Unis, d�clarant que plus leur d�pendance � l'�gard...


Chine : les investissements ferroviaires en hausse de 10,9% au cours des dix premiers mois

La Chine a continu� � accro�tre ses investissements dans la construction ferroviaire depuis le d�but de cette ann�e, d'apr�s des donn�es publi�es mercredi par l'op�rateur ferroviaire du pays. Durant la p�riode janvier-octobre, les investissements...


La Chine est pr�te � cr�er davantage d'opportunit�s pour les partenaires de l'Asie-Pacifique gr�ce au d�veloppement et � l'ouverture

La Chine est pr�te � profiter de la 31e r�union des dirigeants �conomiques de l'APEC pour cr�er davantage d'opportunit�s pour les partenaires de l'Asie-Pacifique avec un d�veloppement de haute qualit� et une ouverture de haut niveau, a d�clar�...


Bitemojo self-guided foodtours: een review

BARCELONA – Het is goed uitkijken in het drukke Barcelona. Bitemojo heeft wielrennen.blog.nl een self-guided food tour aangeboden die wij ...... Lees verder: Bitemojo self-guided foodtours: een review


RFE - source code now available

On request, I've posted the source code to the RSS Feed Editor.


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The universe on your wrist…Jacob & Co.

Now if you ever wanted to be the centre of the universe this watch would definitely help. The huge Jacob & Co. Astronomia measuring in at 43.4mm is opulence at its best. Encased in a rose gold case and powered by the exclusive Jacob & Co. , the manually-wound JCAM19 calibre watch operates at 28,800...


Bank Overdraft Fees Policy: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Overdraft Fees

An overdraft can occur when you try to spend more money than you have available in your checking account. For example, let's assume you have $40 in your account. You ask the phone company to electronically deduct $35 from your checking account to pay the bill. You now have $5 available. Next, you use your debit card to make a $10 purchase. Bank Overdraft Fees Policy: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Overdraft Fees


IRS: Need Extra Time to Complete Your Tax Return? File for an Extension

Even though the tax filing deadline is later than usual this year – April 17 – many taxpayers may still need more time to file their tax return. If you need extra time, you can get an automatic six-month extension of time to file from the IRS...... IRS: Need Extra Time to Complete Your Tax Return? File for an Extension


Help finding proper name and source for part

My 1996 12 valve Cummins has developed a bad coolant leak due to a rust hole in what the one Cummins scamantic calls an "oil cooler" The part is looks like an 8 to 10 inch approx by 2 to3 in approx...


Transform Your GMC Canyon’s Rear End with Spyder Tail Lights

Image: Want to upgrade the look of your 2015-2022 GMC Canyon? We've got just the thing. The new Spyder Chrome/Smoke Euro Tail Lights offer a stylish and modern touch that sets your truck apart....

  • Diesel Truck Resource Sponsors


This Can Have You Scratching Your Head

It was a late night last night of updating and
improving and in the process of doing that it got me
thinking . . .

An online business, and even more so an internet
network marketing business, can really get you
scratching your head sometimes.

We're conditioned to think in a linear fashion. Do
this and get that result is really how we think.

Work 40 hours a week and get paid for 40 hours of
work. It's how we grew up and for most of us it's
how we were conditioned to think about our results in

When it comes to business this isn't always the case,
and really most of the time it's not the case.

Business is not a linear thing.

Just yesterday I was sitting at my computer
scratching my head.

4 people joined my business directly with me as their
sponsor in the last 2 days. Not something to
complain about, after all I am the king of never
calling a single lead and that's the way things work
most of the time in my business, but this time it was
a little different.

You see during that period I had absolutely no ads
running for my business and still 4 people joined
with me as their sponsor without me having to do a
thing, meanwhile my first year in the business all
I did was prospect and call leads and nothing happened.

Why is it so easy now?

Well, once you have passive traffic coming your way
good things happen and you don't have to do
anything additional actively for those good results.

But this can get people confused. I know it did for
me for a long time. Some days would be great with
little effort and some days would be not so great
with a Herculean effort.

What the heck right?

That's business for you. It's not linear. You set it
up and once you get all the pieces in place
sometimes the results flow like the mighty Amazon and
others well just one lead would keep you going.

This shift stunts most. They still want to think that
their efforts should correlate directly to their
results and when it doesn't it frustrated the heck of
them. The best advice is settle down, know your
conversion figures, and just keep on pushing.

Let me tell you . . .

If you have a great marketing system, you're doing
the right things for generating interest in your
business via your marketing system you're on the
right track despite what the results show.

They will exceed your expectations in the long run.

Think about your business like this. It's more like
having a boat tethered to port by several ropes
than going to the J.O.B.

You may spend a huge effort getting one rope off and
you've made progress, but there is still 8 more
ropes to go and nothings moving.

You've made positive progress and you know it, just
don't let money be the only marker of your success
in the beginning.

That will come.

What if you could make a living online? How would
you're life change? What would you do? I took this
course and that dream has become a reality in my life
and because it I recommend it as a MUST have for
any truly interested. Go here now:
==> http://www.opportunity-waits.com


Buying a domain name for your affiliate link

If your planning to do any kind of article marketing then your going to need your own domain name. Article directories do not allow affiliate links to be placed directly into an article.

The simplest method is to go to Godaddy.com

  1. Pick a suitable snappy domain name ending in .com. Dont spend anymore than $9 here as any name will do the trick.

  2. Use these promo codes to save some money!

    OYH3 - $2 off / $6.95 any .COM (renewals too... just used it)

    OYH2 - $5 off a $30 purchase

    OYH1 - 10% off whatever

  3. Skip to the express checkout and pay

  4. Now log into your GoDaddy account

  5. Go to Domains/My Domains

  6. Click on your domain name and then select forward

  7. Click the enabled button and enter the affliate link you want to use

  8. Select 302 moved temporarily

  9. Then click the masking tag and tick the mask domain box

  10. Put the title here that you would like to appear on peoples browser tag. For Success University put Success University

  11. Click ok and wait about 30 minutes.

  12. Test your domain name and you should be good to go!

Go and get your free traffic!

  • Internet Marketing Training


J.J.'s Gourmet Burger Cafe

New article at This Land Press about it. I visited J.J. and his cafe on 6/16/2007. In 1973, it was the Rubicon head shop, also a J.J. enterprise. Details, links in GroupBlog 321.


Gary Chew reviews "Source Code"

Jake Gyllenhaal "Quantum Leaps" multiple times into an explosive trainwreck of the very recent past. Will he foil the mad bomber and find true love? The answer will become available to you on April Fool's Day.


Gary Chew reviews "What's Your Number?"

Pretty entertaining for a templated rom-com. The number in question is how many persons with whom one has shared intimate moments. Stars Anna Faris, Chris Evans, Ari Graynor and Blythe Danner. Opens today.


Weird Al "UHF" locations tour 10/19

At the RSUTV site, visit their Online Store to get on a tour hosted by Emily Elliott and the the TTM webmaster. There is a super-special surprise at the end of it. Friday is the last day to sign up.


Links for "UHF" locations tour

Useful pix and maps for the tour hosted by Emily Elliott and the the TTM webmaster.


Photos from the "UHF" locations tour

From the TTM Flickr page.


Video production of the "UHF" locations tour

From the TTM Channel on YouTube.


Weird Al 2018 calendar and Tulsa UHF tour YouTube

Emily Spivy pointed out that TTM is credited along with Dr. Demento on the 2018 Weird Al Yankovic calendar. Watch her movie of our 2013 bus tour of UHF locations in Tulsa.


British Maltese Biker Cross Journal

British Union Jack Flag Maltese Biker Cross Journal for those that are into British motorcycles and choppers like Triumph, Norton and BSA - British Union Jack Maltese Biker Maltese Iron Chopper Cross t-shirts, sweatshirts and other cool stuff for British bikers, chopper riders, motorcyclists and fans of British motorcycles and the freedom motorcycling brings. Excellent gift for fans or riders of Triumph, Norton and BSA or custom built choppers and motorcycles.