
Meet Taurus, the VR Controlled Bomb Disposal Robot

This is Taurus, SRI’s tele-operated robot, which ventures where human beings dare not.


CES 2018: The Most Ridiculous VR and AR Headsets We Tried at CES

We tried on some of the best new AR and VR headsets at CES 2018 to find out if this technology is finally ready to go mainstream.


Digital Dignity: VR Pioneer Jaron Lanier at WIRED25

At WIRED25, Jaron Lanier, Microsoft's chief technology officer prime unifying scientist, musician, VR pioneer and author or "Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now" and "Dawn of the New Everything" talked to Editor in Chief Nicholas Thompson about 25 years of technology.


Numerical problems in physics / Devraj Singh, Shashi Kant Pandey

Singh, Devraj, author


Geological tour of Devonian and Ordovician magmatism of Kuznetsk Alatau and Minusinsk Basin: Altay-Sayan Region, Siberia / Richard Ernst, Vassily V. Vrublevskii, Platon Tishin, editors

Online Resource


Natural risk management and engineering: NatRisk Project / Milan Gocić, Giuseppe Tito Aronica, Georgios E. Stavroulakis, Slaviša Trajković, editors

Online Resource


Le grand temps: essai sur l'œuvre de Claude Simon / Mireille Calle-Gruber

Online Resource


Le drôle de roman: l'œuvre du rire chez Marcel Aymé, Albert Cohen et Raymond Queneau / Mathieu Bélisle

Online Resource


Vision/division: L'œuvre de Nancy Huston.

Online Resource


Vision/division: l'oeuvre de Nancy Huston / sous la direction de Marta Dvorák et Jane Koustas

Online Resource


Continuous and discontinuous piecewise-smooth one-dimensional maps: invariant sets and bifurcation structures / Viktor Avrutin (University of Stuttgart, Germany), Laura Gardini (University of Urbino, Italy), Irina Sushko (National Academy of Sciences of U

Dewey Library - QA614.8.A97 2019


'It's destiny that Yuvraj was supposed to become captain but Dhon...

'It's destiny that Yuvraj was supposed to become captain but Dhon...


Potpourri ou choix d'airs, romances et marches tirées des opéra Allemandes et Italiennes les plus applaudis arrangées pour la guitarre avec accompagnement d'une flûte ou violon ; oeuvre périodique

Autor: Call, Leonhard von, 1767-1815
Erschienen 1810
BSB-Signatur 4 Mus.pr. 2011.2792

URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb11142493-8
URL: http://reader.digitale-sammlungen.de/de/fs1/object/display/bsb11142493_00001.html/


Sigma proteins: evolution of the concept of sigma receptors / Felix J. Kim, Gavril W. Pasternak, editors

Online Resource


Polymeric nanoparticles and microspheres / editors, Pierre Guiot, Patrick Couvreur

Online Resource


GIS and environmental monitoring: applications in the marine, atmospheric and geomagnetic fields / Stavros Kolios, Andrei V. Vorobev, Gulnara R. Vorobeva, Chrysostomos Stylios

Online Resource


Restaurant Chains in China: The Dilemma of Standardisation versus Authenticity / by Guojun Zeng, Henk J. de Vries, Frank M. Go

Online Resource


Microchip AVR microcontroller primer: programming and interfacing / Steven F. Barrett, Daniel J. Pack

Online Resource


Sonates en Trio, oeuvre III, (1713).: Concerts de simphonies, III livre, (1723). / Louis-Antoine Dornel ; edizione a cura di Ugo Piovano

STACK SCORE Mu pts D735 chamu


Les chefs-d'oeuvre pour guitare: Guitar masterpieces / Fernando Sor ; révisés par = revised by Michel Beauchamp

STACK SCORE Mu pts So69 guimu c


Health ministry launches Aarogya Setu IVRS facility for those without smartphones

The health ministry has urged the citizens to download the mobile application, saying it will enable them to assess the risk of catching the novel coronavirus infection which has claimed 1,694 lives and infected 49,391 people across the country so far.


L'évolution graphique: du premier trait gribouillé à l'œuvre plus complexe / sous la direction de Bruno Joyal

Online Resource


What if this were enough?: essays / Heather Havrilesky

Hayden Library - BF575.H27 H388 2018


Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennostʹ [electronic journal] : ONS.

Moskva : "Nauka", 1991-


Nash sovremennik [electronic journal].

Moskva : Izd-vo "Literaturnai͡a gazeta"


Arkheologii͡a, ėtnografii͡a i antropologii͡a Evrazii [electronic journal] / [Sibirskoe otdelenie Rossiĭskoĭ akademii nauk, Institut arkheologii i ėtnografii].

Novosibirsk : Izd-vo In-ta arkheologii i ėtnografii SO RAN


2019 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR) [electronic journal].

IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated


2017 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV) [electronic journal].

IEEE Computer Society


2017 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV) [electronic journal].

IEEE Computer Society


2017 IEEE 3rd VR Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments (SIVE) [electronic journal].

IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated


These navratras, switch to healthier diet of pseudo grains


Safety features of operating light water reactors of western design / Mirela Gavrilas [and three others], Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Online Resource


Risk importance measures in the design and operation of nuclear power plants / Ivan Vrbanic, Pranab Samanta, Ivica Basic

Barker Library - TK9152.16.V73 2017


General type-2 fuzzy logic in dynamic parameter adaptation for the harmony search algorithm / Fevrier Valdez, Cinthia Peraza, Oscar Castillo

Online Resource


Minimal Theologies: Critiques of Secular Reason in Adorno and Levinas / Hent de Vries ; translated by Geoffrey Hale

Online Resource


The history of the brain and mind sciences: technique, technology, therapy / edited by Stephen T. Casper and Delia Gavrus

Hayden Library - QP360.H57 2017


Imaging, manipulation and optogenetics in zebrafish / Itia Amandine Favre-Bulle

Online Resource


Advances in computer graphics : 36th Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 2019, Calgary, AB, Canada, June 17-20, 2019 : proceedings / Marina Gavrilova, Jian Chang, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Eckhard Hitzer, Hiroshi Ishikawa (eds.)

Computer Graphics International (36th : 2019 : Calgary, Alta)


Decision-making for sustainable transport and mobility: multi actor multi criteria analysis / edited by Cathy Macharis (Professor, Vrije University Brussel-Research group MOBI (Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology), dep. BUTO, Belgium), Gino Baud

Rotch Library - HE305.D36 2018


Sefer Yosef Naṿeh / maʻarekhet: Yosef Aviram ; Shemuʼel Aḥiṭuv ; Yiśraʼel Efʻal ; ʻAdah Yardeni ; ʻAnat Mendel-Gavrovits


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Why Yuvraj Singh is an ODI legend

Rajneesh Gupta brings all Yuvraj Singh's numbers from different formats of cricket.


Rahul Gandhi should apologise for his remarks on ordinance: Shivraj Singh Chouhan

"By making such a statement, Rahul has lowered the country's image"