
Air and Liquid Systems Corp. v. DeVries

(United States Supreme Court) - Revived a maritime tort lawsuit against manufacturers of turbines and other equipment for three Navy ships. Family members of two deceased Navy veterans claimed that the manufacturer violated a duty to warn sailors of the health risks faced from asbestos fibers released into the air. The U.S. Supreme Court found merit in the plaintiffs' contentions. Justice Kavanaugh delivered the opinion for a 6-3 majority, clarifying the circumstances in which a duty to warn exists in the maritime context.


VRCompliance LLC v. Homeaway, Inc.

(United States Fourth Circuit) - The district court did not abuse its discretion in staying plaintiffs' action seeking declaratory relief that it was not committing violations asserted by defendants in an earlier filed state law action, pending the resolution of the earlier parallel state lawsuit filed by defendants, where plaintiffs had every opportunity to procure a federal forum by removing defendants' first filed state suit rather than by bringing a separate federal action in an entirely separate federal district.



(NY Supreme Court) - 2019–09206 Index No. 604223/16


Mavrix Photographs, LLC. v LiveJournal, Inc.

(United States Ninth Circuit) - In a copyright dispute arising out of photographs posted online on defendant's social media website, the district court's summary judgment that defendant was entitled protected by the safe harbor of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is reversed where: 1) the safe harbor set forth in 17 U.S.C. section 512(c) would apply if the photographs were posted at the direction of users; 2) defendant posted the photographs after a team of volunteer moderators, led by an employee of the defendant, reviewed and approved them; 3) the common law of agency applied to the defendant's safe harbor defense; and 4) there were genuine factual disputes regarding whether the moderators were the defendant's agents.


VRG Linhas Aereas S.A. v. MatlinPatterson Global Opportunities Partners II

(United States Second Circuit) - The district court's judgment denying the petition to confirm a Brazilian arbitral award is vacated and remanded, where the district court decided that the parties' dispute was beyond the scope of their arbitration agreement, without first determining whether the parties had agreed to an arbitration clause that clearly and unmistakably assigned to an arbitral panel, rather than to the court, any questions about the scope of their arbitration agreement.


Mavrix Photographs, LLC. v LiveJournal, Inc.

(United States Ninth Circuit) - In a copyright dispute arising out of photographs posted online on defendant's social media website, the district court's summary judgment that defendant was entitled protected by the safe harbor of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is reversed where: 1) the safe harbor set forth in 17 U.S.C. section 512(c) would apply if the photographs were posted at the direction of users; 2) defendant posted the photographs after a team of volunteer moderators, led by an employee of the defendant, reviewed and approved them; 3) the common law of agency applied to the defendant's safe harbor defense; and 4) there were genuine factual disputes regarding whether the moderators were the defendant's agents.


At The Opera, Cilea's Adriana Lecouvreur, March 14, 2020

Tune in at 8pm to hear Francesco Cilea's Adriana Lecouvreur staring Renata Tebaldi and Mario del Monaco recorded in 1962.


Horne v. WTVR LLC

(United States Fourth Circuit) - Affirmed. In this defamation action, plaintiff appealed from a judgment against her. Defendant, a television news agency, ran a news story about a county in Virginia hiring a plaintiff, a convicted felon and implying that she lied on her job application. Although plaintiff had a prior conviction she disclosed that on her application and was hired anyway. Plaintiff sued the news organization. The trial court ruled that plaintiff was a public figure and as such she would need to prove actual malice. The trial court granted defendants motion for directed verdict, concluding that plaintiff had failed to show actual malice. The appellate court agreed and affirmed the judgment.


Music Industry Betting On VR & AR For New Revenue

The Music Industry Is Making An Early Bet On VR & AR To Create New Revenue Streams Across All Their Lines Of Business


Cesta z krize pro evropské metropole? Vilnius nabídne podnikatelům veřejné plochy zdarma

Množství politiků po celém světě v posledních dnech trápí zásadní otázka. Jak zabránit druhé vlně koronaviru bez škrcení ekonomiky? Možnou cestu ukázalo hlavní město Litvy. Majitelé menších podniků zde museli stejně jako na jiných místech v Evropě dočasně pozastavit svou živnost. Vedení Vilniusu ve snaze zabránit jejich krachu v rámci uvolňovaní restriktivních opatření rozhodlo o umožnění bezplatného využití veřejných prostor.


Zavřel obchody koronavirus, nebo vláda? Kdo nese odpovědnost a kdo zaplatí škody?

Zdá se, že pandemie COVID 19 ustupuje. Lidem otrnulo a už se objevují logické otázky, kdo zaplatí vzniklé škody nejen podnikatelům, ale i dalším subjektům. Paleta poškozených se stále rozšiřuje a není skoro hodiny, aby v mediích nevystoupil někdo z poškozených láteřící, že na něj vláda zapomněla anebo že pomoc přichází pomalu. Někdy oprávněně, někdy spíše vykutáleně.


Octo-Puce la pieuvre et Craby-la-Pince le crabe

Contes de fées aux enfants - Octo-Puce la pieuvre et Craby-la-Pince le crabe.


Affiche - Octo-Puce la pieuvre

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De très petit à 76 x 102 centimètres, c'est à 30 x 40 pouces.
Prix d'USS 1.95 vers les USA $79.95.


Lignes de Nazca et Intelligence Artificielle : IBM découvre des indices de taille pour résoudre un des plus anciens mystères archéologiques

Cette semaine, des chercheurs d’IBM Research et de l’Université de Yamagata au Japon ont annoncé leur collaboration pour utiliser l’IA d’IBM, couplée à des algorithmes de machine learning et des données géospatiales, afin d’en découvrir davantage à propos de ces mystérieux anciens géoglyphes. Grâce à IBM Power Systems, ce partenariat a déjà abouti à la découverte d’un nouveau géoglyphe à figure humaine avec trois éléments décoratifs sur la tête, le premier grâce à l’IA.


Vader Immortal Will Bring the Dark Side to PlayStation VR

The award-winning title from ILMxLAB heads to PlayStation VR this summer.


A co když začne pršet? Restaurace se připravují na otevření zahrádek

Méně stolů a větší rozestupy. Jihomoravské restaurace v pondělí otevřou své zahrádky. Musí dodržet přísná opatření proti šíření koronaviru, přesto nemají alternativu pro špatné počasí.

  • Brno - Brno - Zprávy


Bez práce je víc než čtvrt milionu lidí. Jejich počet vzroste

V dubnu bylo bez práce 254 tisíc lidí, nejvíce od března 2018. Nezaměstnanost vzrostla na 3,4 procenta, potvrdil ve čtvrtek Úřad práce. V evidenci přibývá lidí z oboru služeb. O dubnových číslech hovořila již v pondělí ministryně práce Jana Maláčová (ČSSD). Podle ní jsou data stále příznivá.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Albertu se daří, plánuje e-shop. Lidé víc dají na slevy, tvrdí jeho šéf

Maloobchodnímu řetězci Albert se v koronavirové krizi dařilo. Prodeje mu v některých dnech vzrostly až na trojnásobek a těžil hlavně z prvotních panických nákupů některých Čechů. Měl však i vysoké náklady. Firma teď navíc plánuje i spuštění e-shopu. Podle jejího šéfa však Češi v budoucnu budou více vyhledávat výhodné ceny.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Hranice směrem k Česku otevřeme. Takový je plán, zní z Chorvatska

Istrie patří k nejoblíbenějším částem Chorvatska. Jako skoro všude na světě se tam hoteliérský a restaurační byznys letos v březnu úplně zastavil, což si ještě nedávno nikdo nedokázal představit. Teď se ale blíží oživení. „Ani přinejmenším ale neočekáváme, že zopakujeme výsledky loňského roku,“ říká v rozhovoru šéf turistického sdružení celé oblasti Denis Ivošević.

  • Ekonomika - Zahraniční


Pandemie srazila hypoteční trh o čtvrtinu. Úrokové sazby stále rostou

Pandemie koronaviru dolehla v březnu i na hypoteční trh. Objemy poskytnutých hypoték se propadly o čtvrtinu. Průměrná úroková sazba hypoték však roste již třetí měsíc v řadě, v březnu vzrostla na 2,45 procenta.

  • Finance - Hypotéky a půjčky


Kans op 2e golf, maar contactopsporing moet 2e lockdown vermijden: bekijk de beste fragmenten uit "Het coronadebat" - VRT NWS

  1. Kans op 2e golf, maar contactopsporing moet 2e lockdown vermijden: bekijk de beste fragmenten uit "Het coronadebat"  VRT NWS
  2. Het Corona Debat met Marc Van Ranst, Erika Vlieghe, Maggie De Block (Open Vld), Bart De Wever (N-VA) en anderen  De Morgen
  3. 'We moeten tijd winnen tot vaccin er is'  De Standaard
  4. Het grote coronadebat: “We moeten tijd winnen tot vaccin er is”  Het Belang van Limburg
  5. Hele verhaal bekijken via Google Nieuws


F&S zitten inde geheime wereldregering (NRC, vr, 17-04-20)


F&S kunnen niet anders (NRC, VR, 24-04-20)


F&S houden voldoende afstand tijdens het winkelen (NRC, vr, 01-05-20)


F&S letten goed op (NRC, vr, 07-05-20)


F&S zitten in het organiserend comité (NRC, vr, 08-05-20)


Mississippi Blew Money For The Poor On Brett Favre And Pro Wrestlers

By Isaac Cabe  Published: May 06th, 2020 


Ex-NFL star Brett Favre to repay $1.1 million for no-show speeches: auditor

Former NFL star Brett Favre said Wednesday he would repay the state of Mississippi $1.1 million after a state auditor discovered the Mississippi Department of Human Services paid the ex-quarterback for speaking engagements that never happened.


Feast your eyes on the first-ever photos of a silver-backed chevrotain in the wild

The images confirm the species, which has been “lost” to science for 29 years, is alive and well in its native Vietnam.


Ex-NFL star Brett Favre to repay $1.1 million for no-show speeches: auditor

Former NFL star Brett Favre said Wednesday he would repay the state of Mississippi $1.1 million after a state auditor discovered the Mississippi Department of Human Services paid the ex-quarterback for speaking engagements that never happened.


Why you're getting your money back from Airbnb and why you may not with Vrbo

Do you want your money back for the Airbnb or Vrbo you didn't to use? Of course you do. But in many cases, you may be disappointed.


Ex-NFL star Brett Favre to repay $1.1 million for no-show speeches: auditor

Former NFL star Brett Favre said Wednesday he would repay the state of Mississippi $1.1 million after a state auditor discovered the Mississippi Department of Human Services paid the ex-quarterback for speaking engagements that never happened.


Ex-NFL star Brett Favre to repay $1.1 million for no-show speeches: auditor

Former NFL star Brett Favre said Wednesday he would repay the state of Mississippi $1.1 million after a state auditor discovered the Mississippi Department of Human Services paid the ex-quarterback for speaking engagements that never happened.


Art Reality Studio arms artists with VR gear and asks: What if?

Artists are pushing VR boundaries beyond gaming. Enter Art Reality Studio, a virtual reality playground for artists, like a next-gen Gemini G.E.L.


Coronavírus: os pacientes de covid-19 que não conseguem se livrar da doença

A maioria dos pacientes se recupera rapidamente da covid-19 — os dados sugerem uma média de duas semanas; mas para alguns, os sintomas duram por muito mais tempo.


'Atina sığınmacılara çok kötü davranıyor'

Yunanistan güvenlik güçlerinin, gözaltına aldıkları sığınmacıları Türkiye sınırına doğru sürdükleri ve Meriç nehrinden Türkiye'ye geçmeye zorladıkları iddia edildi.


Backstreet Boys and Avril Lavigne at Klipsch Music Center



Chvrches singer Lauren Mayberry on lockdown life in LA

Lauren Mayberry talks to the BBC's Unlocked podcast about lockdown in LA, social media and abusive relationships.


The VR experience in ‘The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners’ prevents it from being just a zombie cliche

It's difficult to count the number of video games in which someone is standing around a corner clutching a weapon and waiting for their mortal enemy to pass. But until recently it wasn't possible to physically experience that scenario.


‘Half-Life: Alyx’: The most exhilarating VR adventure game to date

"Half Life: Alyx" will transport you to an incredibly vivid science fiction world.


‘Paper Beast’: A truly great PlayStation VR game

Don’t be surprised to see the visionary "Paper Beast" on the year’s best list.


strataconf: StrataWeek: Wireless body networks bring humans into Internet of Things http://t.co/vRgkRtTTKe Pills & tattoo authenticators & NSA leaks

strataconf: StrataWeek: Wireless body networks bring humans into Internet of Things http://t.co/vRgkRtTTKe Pills & tattoo authenticators & NSA leaks


strataconf: Humans as nodes, pills & electronic tattoo password authenticators & hiding data in temporal cloaks http://t.co/vRgkRtTTKe #strataconf

strataconf: Humans as nodes, pills & electronic tattoo password authenticators & hiding data in temporal cloaks http://t.co/vRgkRtTTKe #strataconf


Stavros Niarchos Foundation makes £3m grant for expansion at Chatham House

18 December 2015

The Royal Institute of International Affairs is pleased to announce a Cornerstone Contribution of £3m by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) towards the Chatham House Second Century Initiative to support the expansion and renovation of the institute’s ground floor.

Following the institute’s purchase of the ground floor of the adjoining building (Ames House) in 2013, this generous grant from SNF will enable Chatham House to occupy this space and undertake a significant renovation project to create the ‘Stavros Niarchos Foundation Floor’ at Chatham House.

This will help the institute meet the growing demand for its research and analysis and take full advantage of its location in central London, given the city’s exceptional international connectivity and status as a global hub.

The SNF Floor will contain state-of-the-art meeting facilities for the institute’s research staff and fellows of the Queen Elizabeth II Academy for Leadership in International Affairs, and will significantly enhance the institute’s convening and communication capacities. To this end, the renovated space will include a ‘simulation room’, the Asfari Centre and a media room, as well as new breakout and meeting areas. The SNF Floor will be directly accessible from the ground floor of 10 St James’s Square, the institute’s main building.

The SNF grant is an important step forward for the institute’s Second Century Initiative which aims to ensure the institute’s long-term financial independence. The initiative has three principal targets:

● to endow a number of Research Fellowships and interdisciplinary Research Centres;

● to secure endowments to support the Queen Elizabeth II Academy for Leadership in International Affairs in order to nurture independent thinking on international policy among a new generation from around the world; and

● to secure the necessary physical space and infrastructure here in London to meet the growing demand for and scope of the institute’s work.

Dr Robin Niblett, director of Chatham House said: ‘We are enormously grateful to the Stavros Niarchos Foundation for this transformational grant which will significantly enhance Chatham House’s capacity to serve as a trusted and creative space for addressing the most important challenges in international affairs.’

Andreas Dracopoulos, co-president of SNF’s board of directors, said: ‘We are delighted to support the growth of Chatham House, one of Europe’s leading independent, non partisan policy institutes, at a time when the risks to global prosperity and stability are expanding. Chatham House’s reputation for providing world-leading analysis needs to remain as strong as ever and I am confident that this grant will help the institute take its research and convening activities in new interactive and interdisciplinary directions.

Editor's notes

Chatham House launched its Second Century Initiative in November 2014 as part of its preparations for its centenary in 2020. The Initiative aims to help secure the institute’s financial base and independence by strengthening its capacity to innovate in an increasingly competitive field of thought leadership and policy ideas. Renovation work on the ground floor of Ames House is expected to begin in the spring of 2016.

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation is one of the world’s leading international philanthropic organizations, making grants in the areas of arts and culture, education, health, medicine and sports, and social welfare. The Foundation funds organizations and projects that exhibit strong leadership and sound management and are expected to achieve a broad, lasting and positive impact for society at large. The Foundation also seeks actively to support projects that facilitate the formation of public-private partnerships as an effective means for serving public welfare.


Prince Harry Opens the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Floor

16 June 2017

Prince Harry visited Chatham House on 15 June to open the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Floor.

His Royal Highness met with young fellows from the Queen Elizabeth II Academy for Leadership in International Affairs and discussed the important role that the next generation of leaders must play in bringing about positive change in their communities. 

The Academy was formally launched by Her Majesty The Queen at Chatham House in 2014.

Prince Harry also contributed to the first scenario exercise held in the institute’s new simulation centre, which explored how to respond to a humanitarian emergency that required landmine clearance, drawing on the prince’s work in the field of landmine eradication.

The opening of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Floor marks a significant moment in the modern history of the institute and is a core component of the Chatham House Second Century Initiative, which aims to strengthen the institute’s capacity to innovate and meet the growing demand for its research in the lead-up to its centenary in 2020.

The extension includes a series of new facilities, including the Asfari Centre for Academy Fellows, the simulation centre, new meeting spaces and a media studio, which will ensure that Chatham House can continue to contribute to building a sustainably secure, prosperous and just world over the coming decades.

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HM The Queen Launches Academy for Leadership