eva Elevator Failures at Chicago High-Rise Rattle Passengers By www.facilitiesnet.com Published On :: Tue, 30 Jul 2019 00:00:00 CST Full Article
eva Security of the global supply chain in focus of OSCE and UNECE discussion in Geneva By feeds.osce.org Published On :: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 15:20:04 +0000 GENEVA, Switzerland, 17 June 2016 – Addressing the main security risks in the inland transport sector, such as terrorism, theft, illegal border crossings, the trafficking of dangerous substances and waste, was the focus of a joint OSCE-UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Inland Transport Security Discussion Forum on Securing the Global Supply Chain that ended in Geneva today. More than 40 security experts and officials from Ministries of Transport and the Interior, other relevant agencies as well as road, railway and inland waterway transport operators and private sector associations from across the entire OSCE region participated, also discussing cyber threats which pose a growing danger to increasingly digitalized transport systems. “Countries in our region need to collaborate more effectively in minimizing cyber security risks to ICT-enabled critical infrastructures including in the transport sector,” said Lorenzo Rilasciati, Senior Economic and Environmental Officer at the OSCE Secretariat. “Transport systems are often insufficiently protected against transnational cyber and other security threats, endanger people’s lives and jeopardises economic and social development. If unchecked, these can even create political tensions and worsen inter-state relations.” Experts emphasized the need to introduce a more effective and risk-based approach for all inland modes and identify a common denominator of security threats faced by road, rail and inland navigation. They called for a multi-stakeholder approach involving transport authorities, private sector operators and associations as well as customs and law enforcement agencies. Eva Molnar, Director at the UNECE Sustainable Transport Division said: “International terrorism and transnational organized crime, including cyber-attacks pose serious threats to the transport sector. While transport systems should be based on principles of accessibility, affordability, safety, environmental aspects, security considerations should also be taken very seriously.”Related StoriesWinners of OSCE design contest challenge violent extremism with creative cartoonsOSCE organizes field study in sustainable energy for the OSCE Mediterranean Partner Countries.Concluding Meeting of the 24th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum Full Article Secretariat Cyber security Economic activities Press release
eva Corruption issues in private sector discussed with support of the OSCE Office in Yerevan By feeds.osce.org Published On :: Tue, 31 May 2016 13:58:54 +0000 244216 Gohar Avagyan, OSCE Office in Yerevan Corruption risks, challenges in accountability and transparency as well as the legislative and regulatory frameworks in public procurement, customs and taxation, free competition and monopolies, were the focus of a workshop supported by the OSCE Office in Yerevan held on 28 and 29 May 2016 in Aghveran, in Armenia’s Kotayk region. The event was attended by more than 60 people including officials from the Government Anti-corruption Programmes Monitoring Unit, the Ministry of Justice, the State Revenue Committee, the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition, and the Internal Public Financial Oversight and Public Procurement Methodology at the Ministry of Finance. Representatives from business unions and associations, other non-governmental organizations, economists and journalists also participated. “The Government of Armenia has underlined the importance of addressing corruption risks,” said Suren Krmoyan, Armenian Deputy Minister of Justice. “The private sector can play a crucial role in that and we are eager to make changes and take the initiative to address concrete issues.” Naira Gyulnazaryan of the OSCE Office, said: “We hope that this event will promote close co-operation between the Government, business organizations and civil society towards fighting corruption in the business sector.” The event was organized in partnership with the Armenia's Ministry of Justice, the European Union, the Armenian Lawyers' Association, the Anti-Corruption Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Armenia and Freedom of Information Centre. It is part of the OSCE Office’s efforts to strengthen the engagement of civil society, business companies and associations in addressing corruption risks and to establish a solid platform among the government, civil society and private sector to contribute to state reform. Challenges in customs regulatory frameworks were discussed at an event on May 25 in Gyumri and another discussion on state revenue issues in the regions will be held in Vanadzor. Related StoriesOSCE enhances legal and human rights education in ArmeniaOSCE Office in Yerevan presents awards to best women entrepreneurs in ArmeniaAwards for promoting universal rights in Armenia presented by OSCE and international partners Full Article OSCE Office in Yerevan Good governance South Caucasus News
eva Corruption issues in private sector discussed with support of the OSCE Office in Yerevan By feeds.osce.org Published On :: Tue, 31 May 2016 13:58:54 +0000 244216 Gohar Avagyan, OSCE Office in Yerevan Corruption risks, challenges in accountability and transparency as well as the legislative and regulatory frameworks in public procurement, customs and taxation, free competition and monopolies, were the focus of a workshop supported by the OSCE Office in Yerevan held on 28 and 29 May 2016 in Aghveran, in Armenia’s Kotayk region. The event was attended by more than 60 people including officials from the Government Anti-corruption Programmes Monitoring Unit, the Ministry of Justice, the State Revenue Committee, the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition, and the Internal Public Financial Oversight and Public Procurement Methodology at the Ministry of Finance. Representatives from business unions and associations, other non-governmental organizations, economists and journalists also participated. “The Government of Armenia has underlined the importance of addressing corruption risks,” said Suren Krmoyan, Armenian Deputy Minister of Justice. “The private sector can play a crucial role in that and we are eager to make changes and take the initiative to address concrete issues.” Naira Gyulnazaryan of the OSCE Office, said: “We hope that this event will promote close co-operation between the Government, business organizations and civil society towards fighting corruption in the business sector.” The event was organized in partnership with the Armenia's Ministry of Justice, the European Union, the Armenian Lawyers' Association, the Anti-Corruption Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Armenia and Freedom of Information Centre. It is part of the OSCE Office’s efforts to strengthen the engagement of civil society, business companies and associations in addressing corruption risks and to establish a solid platform among the government, civil society and private sector to contribute to state reform. Challenges in customs regulatory frameworks were discussed at an event on May 25 in Gyumri and another discussion on state revenue issues in the regions will be held in Vanadzor. Related StoriesOSCE enhances legal and human rights education in ArmeniaOSCE Office in Yerevan presents awards to best women entrepreneurs in ArmeniaAwards for promoting universal rights in Armenia presented by OSCE and international partners Full Article OSCE Office in Yerevan Good governance South Caucasus News
eva OSCE Office in Yerevan presents awards to best women entrepreneurs in Armenia By feeds.osce.org Published On :: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 11:59:03 +0000 249291 Gohar Avagyan, OSCE Office in Yerevan The annual Best Women Entrepreneur for 2016 Award ceremony was held in Yerevan on 29 June 2016 under the auspices of the Armenian Prime Minister. The award aims to inspire women entrepreneurs’ creativity in economic development and to highlight their achievements. The OSCE Office in Yerevan presented a prize to the Network of Women Resource Centres (WINNET Armenia) for their project to develop handicraft skills and enhancing women’s opportunities in Syunik region of Armenia. The Office also presented a prize to the Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment non-governmental organization (AWHHE) for their project to improve entrepreneurial skills and income generating capacities of female farmers through the use of solar fruit- and herb-drying equipment and technologies. Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan gave awards to twelve women entrepreneurs in the following categories: best employer, innovative entrepreneur, brand, young entrepreneur, start-up and exporter. Two winners were selected for each nomination: one from Yerevan and the other from Armenia’s region. The OSCE Office in Yerevan together with other international partners presented awards to local partners that have promoted good and innovative practices through project activities. The Armenian Ministry of Economy in close co-operation with the Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Development National Centre (SME DNC) has organized the awards ceremony, which attracted 140 nominations this year. The official awarding ceremony was followed by a short discussion on the problems of development of women entrepreneurship in Armenia. The event was co-organized with the financial support of the OSCE Office in Yerevan.Related StoriesOSCE organizes multi-agency training course on combating domestic violence in ArmeniaOSCE enhances legal and human rights education in ArmeniaAwards for promoting universal rights in Armenia presented by OSCE and international partners Full Article OSCE Office in Yerevan Gender equality South Caucasus News
eva Statement by the Head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan By feeds.osce.org Published On :: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 20:52:16 +0000 We are following developments with growing concern. We deplore the death of another police officer this afternoon and wish to express our condolences to his family. With a view to the growing risk of escalation, we call on all sides to show maximum restraint from violence and to refrain from provocations. The situation should be resolved and public order restored in compliance with the rule of law. Related StoriesOSCE enhances legal and human rights education in ArmeniaOSCE Office in Yerevan presents awards to best women entrepreneurs in ArmeniaAwards for promoting universal rights in Armenia presented by OSCE and international partners Full Article OSCE Office in Yerevan Conflict prevention and resolution South Caucasus Armenia Press statement
eva Unsafe eval() in TestRail CLI By seclists.org Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 03:17:47 GMT Posted by Devin Cook on Nov 06This is not a very exciting vulnerability, but I had already publicly disclosed it on GitHub at the request of the vendor. Since that report has disappeared, the link I had provided to MITRE was invalid, so here it is again. -Devin --- # Unsafe `eval()` in TestRail CLI FieldsParser Date Reported: 2024-10-03 CVSSv3.1 Score: 7.3 CVSSv3.1 Vector: AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H Severity: Medium Vulnerability Class: Eval Injection ## Summary... Full Article
eva Elevation By www.rogerebert.com Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 15:02:14 +0000 Simply executed at ninety minutes, it’s escapism of the highest order, offering perils at a screen’s distance of safety. Full Article Reviews
eva SHIBUMI, de Trevanian (Roca) By unaplagadeespias.blogspot.com Published On :: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 12:35:00 +0000 Título: ShibumiAutor: Trevanian (seud. de Rodney William Whitaker, 1925-2005)Título original: Shibumi (1979) Nº 2 en la serie “Nicholai Hel”Traducción: Montserrat Solanas de GuinartEditor: Roca Editorial de Libros Editores (Barcelona; Buenos Aires)Edición: 1ª ed. en ArgentinaFecha de edición: 2008-05Descripción física: 553, 2 p.; 12,5x19 cm.Serie: Rocabolsillo. FicciónISBN: 978-84-96940-12-3Depósito legal: B. 39.463-2007Estructura: 6 partes con varios capítulos sin numeración cada unaInformación sobre impresión:Primera edición: febrero de 2008Primera edición en la Argentina: mayo de 2008Esta edición de 4000 ejemplares se terminó de imprimir en Indugraf S.A., Sánchez de Loria 2251, Bs. As., en el mes de abril de 2008. Información de cubierta:La novela de espías de culto.TREVANIAN ha vendido más de 200.000 ejemplares. Información de contracubierta:Nicholai Hel es el hombre más buscado del mundo. Nacido en Shangai durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, es hijo de una aristócrata rusa y de un alemán misterioso, además de protegido de un maestro Go japonés. Hel, que sobrevivió a la destrucción de Hiroshima, se ha convertido en un artista del asesinato a sueldo. Es un genio, un iniciado, un auténtico sabio del lenguaje y la cultura cuyo secreto radica en la determinación por alcanzar un estado de perfección conocido como shibumi.Tras varios años escondido en su fortaleza para huir del pasado, se ve obligado a volver al terreno de juego cuando una joven acude a él y le pide protección. Pronto descubrirá que detrás del telón se encuentra su enemigo más siniestro: una red de espionaje conocida como Compañía madre. Las líneas del juego están trazadas: poder y corrupción en un lado, en el otro... shibumi. Información de página final:Trevanian, seudónimo literario de Rodney Whitaker (Granville, New York, 1931 – West Country of England, 2005), mantuvo durante muchos años su verdadera identidad oculta. Tras participar en la guerra de Corea, finalizó sus estudios de Comunicación. Fue profesor de cine en la Universidad de Texas, y vivió en el País Vasco Francés. Se especializó en el género de espionaje. Ha vendido millones de libros en todo el mundo y su obra ha sido traducida a catorce idiomas. MI COMENTARIO:Nicholai Alexandrovich Hel tiene todo para ser una rareza, una anomalía en el mundo. Nacido de una aristócrata rusa habitante de Shanghai, dedicada a la prostitución de alto nivel, y de un fugaz amante alemán, Hel se cría en ambiente que fomenta su aislamiento, sus arrebatos místicos y su odio a la vulgaridad del mundo, a la “mentalidad do comerciante”, como él dice. Tomada la ciudad por las tropas japonesas, el niño se amiga con el general Kishikawa Takashi, que se convierte en una figura central de su vida, al introducirlo al juego del Gõ y a la filosofía del shibumi. Como le explica el general en una de sus charlas:“Como sabes, shibumi tiene que ver con un gran refinamiento fundamental bajo una apariencia corriente. Es un concepto tan correcto que no tiene que ser audaz; tan sutil, que no tiene que ser bonito; tan verdadero, que no tiene que ser real. Shibumi es comprensión más que conocimiento. Silencio elocuente. En el comportamiento, es modestia sin recato. En el arte, en donde el espíritu de shibumi toma la forma de sabi, es elegante simplicidad, brevedad articulada. En la filosofía, en la que el shibumi emerge como wabi, es un sosiego espiritual que no es pasivo; es el ser sin la angustia de la conversión. Y hablando de la personalidad de un hombre es... ¿cómo podría explicarse? ¿Autoridad sin dominio? Algo parecido.” Al final de la guerra y tras la muerte de su madre, Hel se va a vivir a Japón, donde profundiza en sus dotes, y conoce el amor. Trabaja para las fuerzas norteamericanas de ocupación en la sección de encriptación. Logra ubicar a Kishikawa, quien se encuentra detenido por los rusos; en una entrevista en la prisión y a pedido del general, Hel lo mata para preservar su honor. Tras este incidente es detenido, cruelmente interrogado y encerrado durante tres años. Consigue salir gracias a que la CIA determina que es el hombre adecuado para encarar misiones secretas de alta peligrosidad en el Extremo Oriente. Es así que Hel termina trabajando para sus torturadores, sin dejar de desarrollar un profundo rechazo hacia la cultura de EE.UU.Encontramos entonces al protagonista, ya retirado, viviendo en un castillo que compró en el País Vasco francés. Vive aislado, sólo con la compañía de algunos amigos de la región, y de Hana, una atractiva consorte traída de Asia. Se dedica a la espeleología, disciplina que aprendió en su estadía en Japón. Su tranquilidad es interrumpida por la llegada de Hanna Stern, sobreviviente de una célula terrorista que se dedicaba a perseguir a los integrantes de Septiembre Negro, grupo que atentó contra la delegación israelí en los Juegos Olímpicos de Munich. Su vida corre peligro, los custodios de los grandes intereses mundiales ponen sus ojos en ella y en Hel para impedir que sus movimientos los perjudiquen.Trevanian cuenta su historia en dos niveles: la vida pasada y presente de Hel, y las actividades de la que él llama la “Organización Madre”, un ente clandestino y poderoso, que maneja los hilos de los gobiernos y los servicios secretos, velando por el bienestar y los dividendos de los verdaderos dueños del mundo: las empresas del sector energético. Hel es capaz de enfrentarse a sus sicarios porque es el mejor asesino profesional del mundo, porque tiene el mejor sentido de proximidad que existe y por la información que maneja gracias a sus contactos. Sin embargo, esta vez le será difícil, muy difícil sobrevivir.La novela tiene sus altas y bajas. La narración de los primeros años de Nicholai, su estadía en Japón, su vida en el castillo, la fallida protección que le da a Hanna Stern, son lo mejor de la historia. Sin embargo, creo que la descripción de sus salidas espeleológicas está lejos de ser agradable para el lector, podría haberse elaborado mejor, teniendo en cuenta el desconocimiento de la mayoría de los lectores sobre esta ciencia-deporte. Los detalles de los encuentros sexuales de Hel aparecen como recatados, aunque se presume que es uno de los mejores amantes del mundo. En cambio, los amigos del protagonista son retratados de manera bizarra, como personajes singulares, excéntricos, con un carisma por momentos agobiante.Shibumi ha quedado en la historia del género del espionaje de ficción como una de las mejores novelas sobre la vida solitaria de los asesinos profesionales, agentes de la intriga internacional que combinan dotes de intuición, inteligencia y audacia con una vida solitaria, imprevisible, donde el final del juego inevitablemente es la prisión o la muerte violenta. El año pasado, el escritor Don Winslow ha escrito una precuela llamada Satori, donde relata la primera misión como asesino de Nicholai Hel, que en Shibumi simplemente es mencionada. Full Article AD MIS COMENTARIOS AU TREVANIAN ED ROCA GE NOVELA PE NICHOLAI HEL
eva Bahamas cruise capacity to swell with Nassau revamp, new Disney, Royal Caribbean and Carnival destinations By www.orlandosentinel.com Published On :: Sun, 09 Apr 2023 11:00:00 +0000 The Bahamas have lined up capacity to take in thousands more cruise passengers in the coming years with the planned development of private destinations for Disney, Carnival and Royal Caribbean as well as a soon-to-open overhaul of the port of Nassau. Full Article
eva Port Canaveral revamps budget projection with record passenger counts By www.orlandosentinel.com Published On :: Wed, 26 Apr 2023 14:43:59 +0000 The crowds have been coming to the cruise lines at a higher rate than planned at Port Canaveral, and officials have reprojected what was already set to be record numbers to a total that’s more than double what it saw before the COVID-19 pandemic. Full Article
eva Marni Jameson: Smile! Heirloom photographer elevates common keepsakes By www.orlandosentinel.com Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 10:00:21 +0000 The Home and Lifestyle author talks with keepsakes photographer Shana Novak about how she takes the poignant items in people's lives and elevates them. Full Article Entertainment Home and Garden Latest Headlines Things To Do
eva [ K.Sup20 (12/21) ] - ITU-T K.91 - Supplement on radiofrequency exposure evaluation around underground base stations By www.itu.int Published On :: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 16:39:00 GMT ITU-T K.91 - Supplement on radiofrequency exposure evaluation around underground base stations Full Article
eva [ K.91 (01/22) ] - Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields By www.itu.int Published On :: Mon, 02 May 2022 15:45:00 GMT Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields Full Article
eva [ K.91 (01/24) ] - Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields By www.itu.int Published On :: Mon, 05 Feb 2024 14:46:00 GMT Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields Full Article
eva Resolution 1 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Rules of procedure of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 17:31:33 GMT Resolution 1 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Rules of procedure of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector Full Article
eva Resolution 2 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector study group responsibility and mandates By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 17:42:16 GMT Resolution 2 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector study group responsibility and mandates Full Article
eva Resolution 7 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Collaboration with the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 17:48:12 GMT Resolution 7 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Collaboration with the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission Full Article
eva Resolution 18 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Principles and procedures for the allocation of work to, and strengthening coordination and cooperation among, the ITU Radiocommunication, ITU Telecommunication Standardization and ITU Telecommunication Development Se By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 17:55:11 GMT Resolution 18 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Principles and procedures for the allocation of work to, and strengthening coordination and cooperation among, the ITU Radiocommunication, ITU Telecommunication Standardization and ITU Telecommunication Development SectorsResolution 18 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Principles and procedures for the allocation of work to, and strengthening coordination and cooperation among, the ITU Radiocommunication, ITU Telecommunication Standardization and ITU Telecommunication Development Sectors Full Article
eva Resolution 20 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Procedures for allocation and management of international telecommunication numbering, naming, addressing and identification resources<br/> By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 18:00:51 GMT Resolution 20 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Procedures for allocation and management of international telecommunication numbering, naming, addressing and identification resources Full Article
eva Resolution 22 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Authorization for the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group to act between world telecommunication standardization assemblies By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 18:05:50 GMT Resolution 22 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Authorization for the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group to act between world telecommunication standardization assemblies Full Article
eva Resolution 29 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Alternative calling procedures on international telecommunication networks By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 18:09:38 GMT Resolution 29 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Alternative calling procedures on international telecommunication networks Full Article
eva Resolution 34 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Voluntary contributions By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:04:37 GMT Resolution 34 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Voluntary contributions Full Article
eva Resolution 40 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Regulatory and policy aspects of the work of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:09:21 GMT Resolution 40 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Regulatory and policy aspects of the work of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector Full Article
eva Resolution 43 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Regional preparations for world telecommunication standardization assemblies By www.itu.int Published On :: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 11:47:15 GMT Resolution 43 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Regional preparations for world telecommunication standardization assemblies Full Article
eva Resolution 44 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Bridging the standardization gap between developing and developed countries By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:14:58 GMT Resolution 44 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Bridging the standardization gap between developing and developed countries Full Article
eva Resolution 48 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Internationalized (multilingual) domain names By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:19:37 GMT Resolution 48 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Internationalized (multilingual) domain names Full Article
eva Resolution 50 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Cybersecurity By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:22:10 GMT Resolution 50 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Cybersecurity Full Article
eva Resolution 54 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Creation of, and assistance to, regional groups By www.itu.int Published On :: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 11:48:16 GMT Resolution 54 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Creation of, and assistance to, regional groups Full Article
eva Resolution 55 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Mainstreaming a gender perspective in ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector activities By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:30:25 GMT Resolution 55 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Mainstreaming a gender perspective in ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector activities Full Article
eva Resolution 58 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Encouraging the creation of national computer incident response teams, particularly for developing countries By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:37:39 GMT Resolution 58 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Encouraging the creation of national computer incident response teams, particularly for developing countries Full Article
eva Resolution 60 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Responding to the challenges of the evolution of the identification/numbering system and its convergence with IP-based systems/networks By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:38:28 GMT Resolution 60 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Responding to the challenges of the evolution of the identification/numbering system and its convergence with IP-based systems/networks Full Article
eva Resolution 61 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Countering and combating misappropriation and misuse of international telecommunication numbering resources By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:39:18 GMT Resolution 61 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Countering and combating misappropriation and misuse of international telecommunication numbering resources Full Article
eva Resolution 64 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - IP address allocation and facilitating the transition to and deployment of IPv6 By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:43:04 GMT Resolution 64 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - IP address allocation and facilitating the transition to and deployment of IPv6 Full Article
eva Resolution 65 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Calling party number delivery, calling line identification and origin identification By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:48:22 GMT Resolution 65 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Calling party number delivery, calling line identification and origin identification Full Article
eva Resolution 67 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Use in the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the languages of the Union on an equal footing and the Standardization Committee for Vocabulary By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:54:30 GMT Resolution 67 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Use in the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the languages of the Union on an equal footing and the Standardization Committee for Vocabulary Full Article
eva Resolution 70 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities By www.itu.int Published On :: Fri, 06 May 2022 16:06:46 GMT Resolution 70 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities Full Article
eva Resolution 72 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Measurement concerns related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:11:05 GMT Resolution 72 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Measurement concerns related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields Full Article
eva Resolution 73 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Information and communication technologies, environment, climate change and circular economy By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:15:24 GMT Resolution 73 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Information and communication technologies, environment, climate change and circular economy Full Article
eva Resolution 74 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Enhancing participation of Sector Members from developing countries in the work of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:19:15 GMT Resolution 74 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Enhancing participation of Sector Members from developing countries in the work of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector Full Article
eva Resolution 75 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector's contribution in implementing the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, taking into account the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:22:26 GMT Resolution 75 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector's contribution in implementing the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, taking into account the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Full Article
eva Resolution 76 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Studies related to conformance and interoperability testing, assistance to developing countries, and a possible future ITU Mark programme By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:26:25 GMT Resolution 76 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Studies related to conformance and interoperability testing, assistance to developing countries, and a possible future ITU Mark programme Full Article
eva Resolution 78 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Information and communication technology applications and standards for improved access to e-health services By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:28:41 GMT Resolution 78 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Information and communication technology applications and standards for improved access to e-health services Full Article
eva Resolution 79 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - The role of telecommunications/information and communication technologies in handling and controlling e-waste from telecommunication and information technology equipment and methods of treating it By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:31:41 GMT Resolution 79 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - The role of telecommunications/information and communication technologies in handling and controlling e-waste from telecommunication and information technology equipment and methods of treating it Full Article
eva Resolution 83 - (Hammamet, 2016) - Evaluation of the implementation of resolutions of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly By www.itu.int Published On :: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 12:02:19 GMT Resolution 83 - (Hammamet, 2016) - Evaluation of the implementation of resolutions of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly Full Article
eva Resolution 84 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Studies concerning the protection of users of telecommunication/information and communication technology services By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:36:15 GMT Resolution 84 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Studies concerning the protection of users of telecommunication/information and communication technology services Full Article
eva Resolution 89 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Promoting the use of information and communication technologies to bridge the financial inclusion gap By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:40:36 GMT Resolution 89 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Promoting the use of information and communication technologies to bridge the financial inclusion gap Full Article
eva Resolution 91 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Enhancing access to an electronic repository of information on numbering plans published by the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:43:19 GMT Resolution 91 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Enhancing access to an electronic repository of information on numbering plans published by the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector Full Article
eva Resolution 92 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Enhancing the standardization activities in the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector related to non-radio aspects of international mobile telecommunications By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:47:10 GMT Resolution 92 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Enhancing the standardization activities in the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector related to non-radio aspects of international mobile telecommunications Full Article
eva Resolution 95 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector initiatives to raise awareness on best practices and policies related to service quality By www.itu.int Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:54:41 GMT Resolution 95 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector initiatives to raise awareness on best practices and policies related to service quality Full Article